
Renal failure is most biased to these four patients

Kidney disease if not timely and effective control, it is easy to lead to kidney failure, which is what we call kidney failure.
Strictly speaking, renal failure is not a disease, but the development of chronic kidney disease to a certain extent after the period.

Drug abuse patients

Nephrotic patients prone to a variety of inflammation, infectious diseases, often random medication or do not follow the doctor prescribed a drug replacement. However, antibiotics, painkillers, as well as unknown ingredients health care products, have a strong renal toxicity, after the injury is likely to cause organ failure.

Therefore, patients should be careful medication, in a cold, inflammation, the first consultation with the doctor after the choice of treatment drugs. In addition, do not listen to the right side, casual Chinese medicine.

Patients who ignore symptoms

Renal hypertension, anemia, mild urinary protein, occult blood and other patients with kidney disease often appear symptoms, if the symptoms are lighter and without attention, then their adverse effects are likely to cause greater damage to the kidneys.
Hypertension, anemia, urinary protein, etc., can be a reasonable diet and moderate exercise to ease, the patient must pay attention to it.

Overeating patients

Kidney disease in patients with kidney metabolism is far less than the general strong, if the patient and then eat a lot of eutrophic substances such as protein, fat, sugar, potassium and phosphorus elements, will give the kidney a greater metabolic burden.

To prevent kidney failure, the patient should develop a reasonable diet habits, less dirty and more prime, eat staple food.

Not enough to adhere to the patient

Kidney disease treatment is a protracted war, kidney disease patients to find the right, the appropriate treatment, it must adhere to the treatment until the clinical cure.

Fear of patients is not enough to insist, interrupt the regular treatment, and ultimately the development of chronic kidney disease to renal failure period.

Did the patients see their shadow from the above four types of people? If not, of course, is the best situation; if any, it must be early to correct bad habits, to curb the process of renal failure.

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