
What are Treatments to Itching Skin with Hypertensive Nephropathy

Itching skin can effect one’s appearance, and it is easy for hypertensive nephropathy patients with itching skin to have ill with the skin infection. Here the article will help you know more about treatments to itching skin with hypertensive nephropathy.

-Avoid skin irritants, such as wool, pet hair, harsh soaps, and perfumed lotions.
-Use a humidifier in the patient’s room to prevent dry skin.

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-Apply a cool compress to itchy areas. A cool washcloth may be enough to relieve itching. If you use an ice pack, be sure to use a barrier of cloth between it and the patient, and apply it no more than 20 minutes every two hours.

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-Use mild lotions liberally, especially after a bath or shower.

-Avoid excessive heat, which can dry out the skin.

In order to treat itching skin, the undesired things must be eliminated, the best way is to make the kidney work well again.

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Foot Bath is a painless therapy to exclude the toxins from the body by the lotion which includes the essence of the Chinese medicine. The itching skin will be alleviate through bathing feet.

Hot Pressure Therapy is to hot pressure the patients’ Shenshu area with unique Chinese medicine to dissolve the blood stasis, stable the blood pressure and get rid of the unnecessary things. It can remit the itching skin and help the kidney get well.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a advantageous surrounding to assist patients in restoring the renal function. The special herbs which are selected up in term of the patients’ sick conditions are used to enlarge the blood vessels, promote the blood circulation and enhance the kidney self-healing ability. When the kidney is repaired, the itching skin will fade away.

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