
What Treatment Can Prevent Stage 3 CKD from Worse

Hi, I just found out I am in stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, what should I do to prevent it from worse and regain my kidney function ? In fact, if you want to prevent further damage and regain kidney function, you need to do well in three aspects, that are diet, living habit and treatment.

What treatment can prevent stage 3 CKD from worse?

In treating kidney disease, compared with Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine is more natural and effective. Among them Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most famous one, which is an external application therapy. Cooperated with other therapies, it can cure kidney disease from its root.

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By enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulation and anti-thrombosis, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can prevent the kidney from further damage and improve kidney function. So for people who are in stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, they can have a chance to reverse the disease with the help of this therapy. If you are the people with stage 4 or 5 kidney disease, do not worry too much, it also can help you to delay the progression or prevent it from further damage, so you can have a long and quality life.

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Keep blood pressure and blood sugar into normal range.

Stage 3 kidney failure patients usually have a low immunity and under such a condition, preventing cold and infection actively is very imperative, as they can cause acute progression of illness condition.

Make a proper change about your diet, and this is strictly based on the specific illness condition.

Treat proteinuria, which can help to slow down illness progression.

The above are the several tips that can help to stop progression of stage 3 kidney disease. If there is anything unclear, please feel free to consult us.

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