
8 Factors Can Induce Kidney Disease

With the development of society and the improvement of living conditions, people get better and better, the incidence of nephropathy is also increased. There are many patients will be doubts and desperate to ask why they will get kidney disease.

Well, the cause of kidney disease

What exactly is it?

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Many antibiotics have renal toxicity, usually if there is a cold inflammation, fever, what infection, and habits of several drugs mixed to eat, it is easy to lead to drug-induced kidney damage.

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Infection factor

Most patients with common nephritis have pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis or severe cold and other medical history. People in the inflammation, infection may lead to the immune system disorders, thereby damaging the kidneys, induced nephritis.

environmental factor

Poor living environment will lead to heavy metal ions into the human body, if the enrichment will hurt the kidney excess; In addition, cold, fatigue will reduce the body's immunity, harmful substances if the opportunity to invade, it will induce kidney disease.

Internal environmental factors

The balance of human environment determines the stability of the human body. When the internal environment disorder will damage the kidney cells and tissues, become one of the incentives for kidney disease.

Nutritional deficiency

If the human body lacks zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese and other trace elements, or anemia, malnutrition, etc., may also affect the renal metabolic function, so pay attention to a balanced diet.

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Immune system disorders

Outside the virus invades the human body, the immune system will produce antibodies against it, but in the process, there may be a large number of immune complex deposition in the glomerular basement membrane, causing kidney cell necrosis, causing kidney disease.

Blood problems

Human blood in the process of flow if encountered in the impurity or vascular disease, it will lead to microcirculation disorders, so that organ dysfunction. Hypertensive kidney damage is the truth.

Mental state

Long-term in the weight, anxiety, tension, fear and other negative emotions are also more than ordinary people more than twice the risk of kidney disease.

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