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Patients often ask me such a question: doctor, my blood pressure is not too high, has been let me eat antihypertensive drugs, eating and eating I do not have low blood pressure it! There are those who eat antihypertensive drugs to control the blood pressure, and can not stop. Editor's note ah?

In fact, patients with such a suspicion is normal. Usually have a headache brain heat, eat the medicine soon enough, do not need to have been taking medicine; how can have to get high blood pressure medicine?

For example, the winter in the north, the room will be heating, the temperature rises very quickly; but if the temperature is warm, the house will be cold down. Only continuous heating to ensure that the house has been warm, frequent alternating warm and cold easy to make a cold.

The same reason, when the factors that cause high blood pressure still exists, only continuous, regular medication to stabilize blood pressure; and intermittent, repeated medication will only make blood pressure has been volatile.
More than 90% of the hypertension is primary, the cause of elevated blood pressure is unknown, can not be removed, and thus require long-term drug control.
Of course, secondary hypertension is different, causing the cause of hypertension was successfully removed, blood pressure will gradually return to normal, it is no longer necessary to take antihypertensive drugs.

But such as renal hypertension such as refractory hypertension, although secondary, but the cause of kidney disease to cure, more difficult, damaged kidney function can not be restored, kidney disease and hypertension affect each other The organ damage will always exist. Therefore, these high blood pressure also need long-term drug control, in order to avoid sustained damage.

In addition, some categories of antihypertensive drugs also have other effects, such as nephrology applied Puli / Shatan drugs also reduce the role of urinary protein, so widely used.

Therefore, antihypertensive drugs for patients with high blood pressure, the significance is very important, get a scientific knowledge of medication, the correct medication is the key to treatment.

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