
Kidney disease patients often do the wrong five behavior

"How can chronic kidney disease be cured?"

Ordinary doctors will tell you is: actively with the treatment, to maintain an optimistic attitude, do a long fight with the kidney disease prepared!
And we have to tell you that kidney disease patients must go out of the five major errors ↓ stop the wrong understanding in order to play the role of scientific treatment.

Hormones and other drugs great harm, can not use ×

Hormones and immunosuppressive agents is a common drug of western medicine, with some side effects, long-term use does bring some bodily harm. But the damage caused by kidney disease is generally more serious, so the best choice before the application of drugs, disease damage and side effects of the pros and cons, and then choose whether the application of hormone drugs.

If you do not want long-term use of hormones, but also choose a professional combination of Chinese and Western medicine hospital, mainly Chinese medicine treatment. Although the effect is slower, but the effect is more stable.

Protein, occult blood negative description of the kidney all right ×

The recovery of these indicators can only explain the condition improved, not cured (clinical cure).

If there is renal insufficiency, even if the clinical cure, kidney damage caused by the damage can not be completely eliminated. So the kidney problem still exists, but not so intuitive, and still need long-term observation and care.

What Makes Muscle Twitch in Kidney Disease

The goal of treating nephropathy is to drop the index

Many patients will be too much emphasis on the single test of the indicators, protein, occult blood, creatinine, urea nitrogen and so on. But these are just indicators only, and can not really explain the good or bad kidney function.

How to Prevent Fractures in Chronic Kidney Disease

Glomerular filtration rate and endogenous creatinine clearance rate is really a sign of the progress of renal function. Whether it is medication, bit by bit or medicine bath, moxibustion and other treatment, the purpose is to delay the rate of decline in renal function.

Health products, supplements are conducive to rehabilitation ×

Most health care products and supplements, are not the role of nourishing, but will increase the burden of kidney metabolism. If the unknown health care products, chaotic ingredients are likely to stimulate the disease.

Can Proteinuria Be Cured Permanently

A therapy can make diagnoses of renal insufficiency

Complete recovery of renal function ×

This sentence is a downright lie, mostly in some pheasant hospital, three no hospital in the propaganda.

Remove the special disease, the renal function can not be completely recovered. Can only keep the remaining kidney function on the basis of, with the Chinese medicine to restore some of the basement membrane can be repaired.

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