
What Are Chinese Medicine Treatments for Kidney Failure

What Are Chinese Medicine Treatments for Kidney Failure? Nephropathy is a lot of diseases, such as uremia, renal insufficiency, renal failure, etc., today we give attention to explain the renal failure. Renal failure will be serious damage to the body, if not timely treatment, until the serious development of patients with disease will have a certain life-threatening. At present, in the treatment of renal failure, Chinese medicine has a very comprehensive treatment measures, and less side effects, so we recommend Chinese medicine treatments for kidney failure?

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Renal failure is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state. Chronic renal failure often complicated by hypertension, anemia, heart failure, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, water and electricity disorders and acid-base imbalance, renal bone disease, fractures, infections and so on. In addition to the above system complications, chronic renal failure long-term dialysis can also be complicated by aluminum poisoning, conventional dialysis treatment of end-stage renal disease patients prone to aluminum poisoning.

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the disease and spleen and kidney deficiency caused by incentives are evils and overwork, first, evil invasion, because most patients developed from the feng shui, some patients without feng shui history, but repeated infection wind And the history of hot and humid; two for the viscera deficiency, due to other chronic diseases, congenital deficiency, acquired dystrophy, six prostitution, seven emotions hurt, overwork, drug damage, intercourse and kidney deficiency or kidney The impact of the reasons and weaken the body upright, so that resistance decreased, yin and yang balance disorders, combined with foreign wind-heat, hot and humid, such as by the internal organs caused by internal organs.

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Dialysis treatment effect is more significant, can quickly reduce creatinine, remove toxins in vivo to relieve symptoms of renal failure in patients with renal failure, but dialysis can not fundamentally cure renal failure, but from the role of mitigation. Chronic renal failure can be cured? And long-term dialysis will lead to kidney and other organs will gradually shrink, failure, causing irreparable damage to the kidneys.

Kidney failure of traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods are what? These are some of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease, we hope to help. Chinese medicine is my country will only inherit the millennium, when suffering from kidney failure when we may wish to try the way the Chinese medicine, I believe will be able to play a very good therapeutic effect.

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