
Uremic patients 5 extravagant little things! Do not let the disease hinder life!

We will do a lot of small things every day, small to be negligible, small to us do not care.
For uremic patients, the following five things are not so easy.

Desire 1: drink water quickly

In the dialysis period of the patient due to water and electrolyte imbalance, uremic accumulation, low blood volume and psychological factors together, often have a thirsty feeling.

Can even thirsty, uremic patients daily intake of water must be strictly controlled, many times only with cot ton swab dipped in water wetted lips. Can quickly dripping to drink water, was actually the greatest desire for uremic patients!

Desire 2: hurriedly urinate

With the decline of renal function, the patient's urine output will be less and less, even to the degree of anuria. A lot of water retention in the body, can only rely on dialysis to remove.

A simple urinary behavior, but also become uremic patients heart pain.

Desire 3: big stuttering watermelon

Dialysis can remove potassium in the body, but a large number of short-term intake, is likely to cause acute complications.

And now at the beginning of the summer watermelon season, who do not want to hold a cold watermelon mad chew a pass? Watermelon can be high potassium content but the disease in the thousands of miles away.

Desire 4: go out more

Uremic dialysis patients at least one to three times a week, taking up a lot of time; and because of the condition of the shackles, the patients rarely go out to exercise, play. Day after day repeated dialysis room - home life, go out to play is also very limited.

Desire 5: eat normally

Uremic patients will be anorexia, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other issues, even a good meal, are not so easy things.

However, although these things do exist, but we do not have to worry too much:

First of all, most patients with kidney disease as long as the regular treatment is difficult to come to this step. In addition, even if the patient is really uremia, these conditions are also can be alleviated. And these more cases appear in some treatment, dialysis is not enough regular patients.

Patients with chronic kidney disease should pay more attention to regular treatment, delay the process of renal failure, do not let the disease continue to deteriorate.

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