
8 causes of kidney disease

The kidney is one of the vital organs in our body. Detoxification, drainage, regulating electrolyte, regulating blood pressure, promoting erythropoiesis, activating vitamins, etc. are the function of the kidneys.

① often holding back urine. Urine in the bladder for a long time will breed bacteria, bacteria through the ureter retrograde to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis.

② long stay up all night, work pressure, love to drink tea and coffee, it is prone to renal function problems;

③ eating habits of salty, will lead to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, and thus induce kidney disease. If you do not drink water for a long time, urine output will be reduced, easily lead to kidney stones, hydronephrosis;

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④ eat a lot of high protein diet, such as big fish and other meat, will produce too much uric acid and urea nitrogen and other metabolic waste, increase the burden of renal excretion. And a large number of drinking easily lead to hyperuricemia, these habits can also cause high blood lipids and other metabolic diseases, causing kidney disease;


⑤ summer to a lot of people like to eat seafood while eating beer, this way was kidney doctor called "the most hurt kidney eat."

⑥ when the throat, tonsils and other infections, not promptly under the guidance of a doctor in the use of antibiotics thoroughly treated, streptococcus will be infected to induce kidney disease;

⑦ people who quit smoking and drinking without self-control, drug abuse and long-term large doses of analgesics and Chinese herbal medicine containing aristolochic acid;

⑧ long time do not do urine routine and renal function test.

The body is the revolutionary capital, we fight with the busy life, with the increasingly reduced life confrontation, like treatment, knowing that very painful, for health we have to endure.

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