
Diabetic Nephropathy Patient From Philippines Regain His Life In Our Hospital

VICTOR from the Philippines, is a history of up to 9 years of diabetic nephropathy patients. Filed his own illness, he was feeling endless.

As early as 2004, he was because of polydipsia, more food, polyuria symptoms, in the local hospital diagnosed as "type 2 diabetes", but refused to recommend the doctor's medication, relying on their own control diet.

In 2005, the urine protein 2 +, serum creatinine rose to 246.4μmo / L, and was diagnosed as "diabetic nephropathy, chronic renal failure (decompensated)", given "rimipril" treatment, But the effect is not good, on their own withdrawal.

Treatment for High Creatinine Level 400 In Diabetic Nephropathy

Until 2010, the review, found that serum creatinine has risen to 475μmo / L, and the kidneys began to shrink, but because of the kidney disease do not understand, plus the doctor did not explain in detail, so still did not take any treatment measures.

New Life Beginning Of A Diabetic Nephropathy Patient

In March 2014, due to the symptoms of dizziness, he went to the hospital for examination and found that blood pressure up to 180 / 100mmHg, serum creatinine has risen to 572μmo / L, the local hospital to take 2 times a week hemodialysis, and to "ammonia Tablet tablets "treatment. But after several months of treatment, VICTOR found that basically no change.

In order to get further treatment, he came to our hospital for treatment.

On the left is VICTOR's nephew of nursing care professional, Billy. This time accompanied by uncle to China treatment, one is to facilitate the care, and secondly because he is some understanding of the medical treatment in the treatment can provide more help.

Patients admitted to hospital, serum creatinine has risen to 859μmoI / L, into the uremic period. In charge of Dr. Lu told him that the reason for this situation, first, because the condition of the delay is too long, since 10 years ago to find the disease, especially the discovery of impaired renal function, almost did not get any formal treatment; Because although in recent months has been in the treatment, but only dialysis and medication to control blood pressure, renal function itself does not have any improvement, so lead to the condition deteriorated, and finally developed to uremic stage.

Diabetic nephropathy treatment, should start from its pathogenic roots. Because diabetic patients blood viscosity, often cause microvascular congestion, and the kidney is actually a capillary group, it is easy to cause blockage. Poor blood flow can lead to kidney ischemia, so that a large number of kidney cell necrosis, causing decreased renal function. And because of renal artery occlusion, but also cause high blood pressure. This series of pathological changes, in the final analysis is that the blood circulation of the smooth, that is, Chinese medicine called blood stasis.

VICTOR admission, uremia facade is very serious, not only face is poor, and the electrolyte serious disorder, so an emergency blood purification, but we are not using hemodialysis, but blood filtration, which is a more efficient, more Safe blood purification means.

To deal with emergency symptoms, it is necessary to start the conditioning and recovery of renal function. Our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the most important role is to promote blood circulation, Tongjin active. Not only can clear the silted renal microvascular, improve the state of renal ischemia; also through a variety of effective substances in the delivery, activation of those slightly damaged, in the suspended state of the kidney cells.

The recovery of renal function is the basis of the whole treatment. Before the treatment effect is not good, it is because the neglect of this foundation, only pay attention to blood pressure, blood sugar inhibition.

Treatment for ten days, VICTOR feel much better, not only improved with the face, and dizziness, nausea, the symptoms have improved significantly.

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