
Thanks Letter From Iraq Patients With PKD

FATIMA is 17 years old when feeling his waist ache soft, pain, to the hospital was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease(PKD). Because her mother is polycystic kidney, the doctor told her that it is genetic. However, FATIMA did not care.

Later went to the hospital to check, high blood pressure, creatinine 270μmol. Through the conversation with FATIMA, we learned that their country is not a good way to polycystic kidney disease, just let eat antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure, renal failure after dialysis. And her mother on the rule of this.

FATIMA did not want her mother to wait for dialysis, so on the Internet began to find a good treatment, and finally came to our hospital.

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FATIMA to the time, check her blood pressure, kidney function seven and color Doppler ultrasound, found that patients with left kidney and right kidney cysts are also accompanied by stones, creatinine 303μmol / L, and every day particularly tired belly is particularly large.

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Patients with high blood pressure is caused by polycystic kidney disease, mainly because of polycystic kidney kidney cysts to normal renal tissue, so that renal ischemia, hypoxia and low perfusion. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with high blood pressure.

If the symptoms of hypertension, not timely control, blood pressure continued to increase will increase kidney damage, severe renal fibrosis, increased serum creatinine. Deterioration of the disease will make blood pressure continues to rise, can cause heart enlargement, heart failure. Some patients progress rapidly, kidney tissue compression, renal damage is the emergence of renal failure, eventually leading to uremia.

This is why the patient to eat antihypertensive drugs blood pressure also can not go down the main reason.

For her this condition, I was on the one hand with antihypertensive drugs to control her blood pressure; the other is the use of our hospital characteristics of Chinese medicine treatment, foot bath, medicine bath, oral medicine and so on. Through these to improve the kidney environment, to the treatment of drugs to do a good bedding; there is to get through the body of the tendons, can make a lot of toxins from the body.

After a period of treatment, now FATIMA can eat their own food, but also feel tired, and you can sleep to dawn, in the sleep when there is no breathing difficulties. By review of patients with anemia symptoms disappeared, creatinine also decreased, blood pressure also returned to a smooth.

"I'm lucky I met Dr. Yang, and she told me that there was a good treatment in China that could make the cysts growing on my kidneys shrink and make my kidnaces strong," said FATIMA.

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