
Medical Students From America Praise Our Chinese Medicine Treatments

Recently, in the Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, students from the American Health Science Western University conducted a short-term Chinese medicine and acupuncture and massage learning exchange. American students experience eight Chinese medicine therapy, when they learned that the human body is also related to the five elements, foreign students feel that Chinese medicine "amazing."


Cupping therapy is based on meridian syndrome, because of people, due to illness, due to three reasons for treatment. Nephrotic patients with the main selection of the kidney, the bladder and the back of the bladder through the organs of the acupoints cupping, which play a role in regulating kidney, poisoning stasis, restore the function of the kidney.

Acupuncture therapy

Through the election point group, and then in accordance with the prescription of the acupuncture points, impose a needle acupuncture, through the improvement of local blood running to achieve detoxification, swelling and pain, through the meridians, stasis and stagnation. In the treatment of nephropathy, dialectical selection points, on the card treatment.


Massage to push, take, press, friction, kneading, pinching, point, shoot and other forms of diverse ways, in order to achieve the dredge of the meridians, the implementation of blood, Quxie righting to reconcile the efficacy of yin and yang. A variety of kidney disease patients can be equipped with massage, in order to clear the meridians, regulating yin and yang, adjusting the righteousness, the role of recovery of renal function.

Ear needle

Also known as ear acupuncture therapy, with a needle or other means to stimulate the specific parts of the auricle (ear), play a role in regulating the function of the organs to improve the body's ability to remove blood toxins and virus evil. Treatment of kidney disease can be selected corresponding to the ear acupuncture or acupuncture points to achieve the role of treatment.


Moxibustion therapy using moxibustion heat directly moxibustion treatment of the body's sun vein of the sea - Du, regulating organ function, access context, with Yishen Tongdu, warm yang cold, Zhuanggu transdermal, broken stasis Sanjie , Tongbi analgesic effect, for a variety of kidney disease syndrome is particularly applicable to Deficiency Syndrome.

Foot bath

Foot bath is based on the patient's specific dialectical, will do a good job of Chinese medicine decoction into traditional Chinese medicine soup. Through the traditional Chinese medicine bath feet to the lower extremities Zusanli points, remove the presence of the meridians in the kidney by the toxic evil, so that the foot Shaoyin kidney by the original gas filled, popular unobstructed, a steady stream of kidney, restore kidney strength.

Fragrance moxibustion

Fragrance moxibustion is the drug research and sieving, take very fine powder, and then made of special leaves of moxibustion, combined with the treatment of moxibustion, moxibustion, hyperthermia and other treatment of a three-dimensional therapy. With warm through the network, blood stasis, Juanbi pain, cold and dampness, restore the body's ability to resist the treatment of disease. For a variety of kidneys, can play warm Tong kidney network, eliminate inflammation, restore the inherent function of the kidney, so that kidney disease tends to recover.

Medicated bath

Chinese medicine medicine bath is the medicine decoction into the traditional Chinese medicine soup, and then let the patient into the soup for sufficient time to fully bath, so that the active ingredients of drugs immersed in the human body management, in-depth meridian, direct organs, open pores, bladder, And urine to relieve the meridian and organs of the poisonous evil, to restore the body's ability to remove the body of evil.

In the future, we will continue to inherit and carry forward Chinese medicine, so that Chinese medicine into the United States, to the United States, to the United States, the United States and the United States Health Science Western University signed an international medical cooperation agreement; this year, the Western University organized the delegation once again came to our hospital; world.
Our contact information is kidneycares@hotmail.com and 008618330110929.

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