
Some Illness Can Increase Your Risk for CKD

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a threat to the public health of the world one of the diseases, but many people are not very understanding it.

Some people only know that kidney failure, uremia these have been developed to the end of the disease, but for the early stages of development in the kidney disease - chronic nephritis little understanding. For chronic kidney disease, early detection and treatment is the key to treatment, until the emergence of renal dysfunction, the treatment effect is far less than the early control.

So, to do "early detection", we must first understand whether they are susceptible to the sick population. Today on the focus of screening:

First, high blood pressure

Affected by genetic factors and irrational diet structure, the number of people suffering from high blood pressure has increased, and more and more young. General our normal blood pressure below 130 / 80mmHg, 140 / 90mmHg for the cordon, more than the cordon on the diagnosis of high blood pressure.
Many people usually do not have blood pressure, so it is easy to ignore the impact of blood pressure on the kidneys. Long-term high blood pressure control, will gradually damage the kidney function. Especially in patients with a history of 5 to 10 years of hypertension, but also to pay attention to blood pressure monitoring, to avoid the occurrence of hypertensive nephropathy. It is advisable to carry out one or two times a year urine routine, renal function test.

Second, diabetes

Due to lifestyle and eating habits and other factors, the crowd of people with diabetes is growing. Diabetes mellitus caused by diabetes has become the second cause of end-stage renal disease. Most of the patients with kidney cancer will develop to kidney failure, uremic stage.
If you are suffering from diabetes, and the history of more than 5 years, should be every six months or a year to check a trace albumin in order to timely detection of signs of kidney disease.

Knowledge Supplement: Microalbumin is an important indicator of the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, persistent albuminuria> 200 micrograms / min or 300 mg / 24 hours, indicating that the kidneys have been compromised.

Three, high uric acid

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As the third after the high "fourth high" - high uric acid, has now been well known by many people. Its harm is not small, is a substance called purine caused by metabolic disorders caused. Serious will develop into hyperuricemia, the most people "frightened" is uric acid deposition in the joint parts caused by the gout, called a pain.

Our body uric acid two-thirds from the kidneys, if the body appears purine metabolic disorders, resulting in a large number of uric acid is difficult to discharge, crystallization deposited in the kidneys, will directly lead to glomerular small arterial microvascular lesions, leading to chronic kidney disease.

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To stay away from high uric acid, must be shut the mouth, take legs. The last year to conduct a routine physical examination to understand their body uric acid content.

Fourth, other circumstances

In addition to the above "two high one sugar," the predisposing factors, there are family history of kidney disease, the age of 60 years of age, often people with upper respiratory tract infection, are more susceptible to kidney disease than ordinary people.

If you exist above these high-risk situation, in particular, pay attention to their own physical health. Screening for kidney disease is not very complicated, a urine routine examination can find a lot of problems. The key is that we have to do in order to find the kidney disease killed in the cradle.

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