
How To Eliminate Proteinuria Frmo Kidney Problem

Proteinuria, as one dominant symptom of various kidney diseases, can not only help indicate patients’ illness condition but also cause further kidney damage if uncontrolled well. From this point, making clear the causes and managements of proteinuria due to kidney disease is very essential.

When protein is ingested, protein waste products are created. Healthy kidneys have millions of nephrons that filter this waste. It’s then removed from the body in the urine.

Unhealthy kidneys lose the ability to remove protein waste and it starts to build up in the blood. Dietary protein intake for patients with CKD is based on the stage of kidney disease, nutrition status and body size. Counseling sessions with a registered dietitian are recommended for planning and monitoring a low- or high-protein diet.

Perhaps when you go to see a doctor, they will recommend you some medicines which can ease the proteinuria to a certain extent, but these medicines nearly can do nothing to the damaged kidneys.

Luckily, a kind of new treatment named TCM treatment is widely used in reducing proteinuria. TCM is short for traditional Chinese medicine, just as its name meaning, this treatment is based on traditional medicine. Cycle therapy, hot compress therapy, foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, oral Chinese Medicine therapy, moxibustion therapy are included. Each of seven therapies has its own advantages and forms the system by itself. Related and complemented to each other, they form an organic stereoscopic system of therapy. According to these treatments, we can repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. There is no doubt that the proteinuria will be naturally reduced after the kidneys can work normally again.

If you are also suffering from proteinuria and interested in eliminate it by these TCM treatments, you can connect the online doctor directly or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We experts will reply you within 24 hours.

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