
Long-term gout can cause kidney disease

People suffering from gout are not uncommon in life, and mostly male. Because the female body of estrogen can promote uric acid excretion, and inhibit the role of arthritis, so women suffering from gout almost all menopause. Of course, suffering from gout is not just a physiological reason. Treat friends, drink beer to eat seafood can increase the risk of gout, these are male friends and ultimately to do.

In fact, men and women suffering from gout ratio of 20: 1, that is, male gout patients are women 20 times!

And my colleague, apparently a pure man. To say a doctor in a kidney medicine himself made a gout, but also very funny. He does not know what will cause gout? Of course it is impossible to say that he started the day since the beginning of the rabbit, the rabbit to eat what he eat. Although the gout has now passed, but when he was the cause of the rabbit seems to have been going to continue.
But it also gave me a wake up, I write more attention to the matter, certainly someone still do not care, have to be painful once to remember, so this time directly and everyone said really have a gout should do.

How to treat high uric acid

Can be used to inhibit uric acid production of drugs such as allopurinol;

Promote uric acid excretion of drugs such as probenecid, benzethonium bromide, losartan and so on;

In the onset of the disease, the first is to quickly resolve the pain caused by inflammation, the use of drugs, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine and glucocorticoids, but to be careful with uric acid excretion of drugs.

How to treat high uric acid

Usually on the treatment can be used eight Masanori and Shi Wei powder plus or minus the damp heat, with Jisheng Shenqi pills and Shen Ling Atractylodes powder plus heat to fill the spleen and kidney, the gas line of water;

Diet on the egg instead of meat, edible a variety of cereals and their products, especially the need for low-fat diet, restrictions on cheese, butter and other dairy products;

In the onset of the disease to stasis heat, Tongluo pain.

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