
Is Dialysis A Must for Uremia

Renal failure can not discharge wastes out of your body. Then your serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, urea will all increase, the phenomenon of systemic poisoning. Hemodialysis can temporarily discharge the body of the body without poisoning the various organs, the system. Acute renal failure, repeated dialysis, to be returned after the kidney to stop dialysis. Chronic uremia can cause uremia, hemodialysis can only solve the temporary problem but can not solve the radical problem.Is dialysis a must for uremia?

The answer is no. There was a patient, he know his illness condition just before two days of wedding.

One side is his serious kidney disease, another side is his beautiful bride. Then he was upset and negative. He went to many hospitals for his disease, but the curative effect is not ideal, the illness condition always repeat. He almost want to kill himself. Thanks to his wife, always give him courage and hope. In addition, his wife often consult others and looking for some new treatments without dialysis for uremia in the net. Everything comes to him who waits, finally, she find it. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease, there are many natural therapies that can help avoiding uremia. Through further investigation, she decided to come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital carrying with her husband.

when he just came here, his creatinine level is 1200, accompanying with much of blood urine. Through one month of our characteristic treatment, his creatinine level reduced to 400 and urination turn to normal. Seeing inspection result, he cried and said, he can recover all because of his wife’s persistence. He must give his wife a perfect wedding when he leave hospital.

Not a long time later, he fulfill his promise

All treatment options of our hospital are from Chinese medicine, which are nature and safe. After years of clinical studies, we find that the key to treat kidney disease is cleaning the blood firstly and then saving kidney. In this way, we can not only support a good condition for kidney recovering, but also good to save kidney. Based on this idea, we researched many kinds of therapies such as foot bath, full bath, circle therapy and so on. All these therapies have the function of dilating the blood vessel, improving the blood circulation,finally achieving the goal of removing the toxin and wastes.

Facing with the true love, illness also will retreat to avoid a conflict. So uremia is. Facing with traditional Chinese medicine, dialysis also should be alternated.

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