
What is the main cause of polycystic kidney disease?

We have to pay attention to the emergence of more serious diseases, in fact, can affect the health of our kidney disease types are quite much, so when the polycystic kidney disease occurs when the first must actively find the disease The main cause, so the main cause of polycystic kidney disease is what?

Polycystic kidney recurrence of what causes:

1. the treatment should not be: a lot of polycystic kidney disease are just a simple choice of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine for treatment, not knowing that both simple Chinese medicine or Western medicine can not completely treat polycystic kidney disease, so often recurrence of the phenomenon.
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2. the treatment is not complete: many patients in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, will tasted, and there is no complete treatment of polycystic kidney disease, that their effective treatment of kidney disease. It is not, no matter what the disease, the symptoms of the body after the disappearance of a period of time must be consolidated treatment. So many patients with polycystic kidney disease, although no symptoms, but it is easy to relapse.

3. misuse of toxic drugs: misuse of toxic drugs can also lead to polycystic kidney recurrent or even increased, the most common situation is the patient to listen to recipe and eating with toxic side effects of drugs and lead to deterioration of renal function, and cause uremia The What are the causes of polycystic kidney disease recurrence?

4. nursing work is not in place: diet and care is good or bad, are an important factor affecting the recurrence of polycystic kidney disease, many patients clearly in the clinical effect of rehabilitation, but still relapse? This is why? Because many patients with polycystic kidney disease and not pay attention to polycystic kidney disease and care, so that lead to polycystic kidney disease recurrence.

5. the psychological impact: polycystic kidney disease is also a physical and mental illness, health, so that patients themselves have a lot of mental stress. Psychological shadow does not overcome, polycystic kidney disease is difficult to cure, even if the clinical cure, once encountered mental stimulation, which led to the recurrence and increase of polycystic kidney disease.

6. the disease is anxious to seek medical advice: In our clinical treatment of polycystic kidney disease learned that there are many patients with polycystic kidney disease before they have received hormone therapy, which is leading to its polycystic kidney disease repeated one of the main reasons, Drug characteristics have a certain relationship. Effective, almost all of us choose hormone drugs. Reason, of course, do not rule out those who do not understand the role of hormone drugs or do not know the doctor is a hormone drug situation.

7. blindly believe that polycystic kidney remedies: in our country a kind of talk "remedial disease", but it is necessary to meet an important condition, is to symptomatic. And these polycystic kidney recipe is not specifically for a patient's condition and developed, so it is difficult to play an ideal therapeutic effect. Some remedies in the drug even the least security is not, and some drug name, usage, dosage, indications, contraindications and other aspects of the existence of errors. Radical cure polycystic kidney disease is out of the question.

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