
Can Stage 4 Kidney Failure Be Turned Around

Stage 4 Kidney Failure does not happen overnight. In the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease, there are few, if any, symptoms. Symptoms usually appear late in the process. Well then, can stage 4 kidney failure be turned around?

Frankly speaking, there is no cure for kidney failure, but with proper and effective treatment it is possible to be improved so that you can live a long, fulfilling life. Please know that having kidney failure is not a death sentence. People with kidney failure live active lives and continue to do the things you love.

How to treat stage 4 kidney failure to improve?

Now that kidneys are damaged in kidney failure, the key point of treatments should repair the damaged tissues and cells of kidney and improve the renal function fundamentally.

In China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an effective therapy to improve renal function that has been used widely for lots of patients from more than 148 countries.

How does micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy improve kidney failure?

Micro-Chinese Medicine is to micronize Chinese medicines so that active ingredients in the medicines can be fully absorbed and the efficacy is greatly improved.

Osmotherapy means this is an osmosis treatment that is applied externally by putting 2 medicated bags in the patients’ renal areas. What the patients need to do during the treatment is to lay on their back. It is very comfortable and safe. It is also very simple and patients can do this in his home under the doctor’s guidance after a period of hospitalization which is necessary for a more accurate diagnosis and designing a more suitable and personalized treatment plan according to the patients’ specific illness and physical conditions.

Renal failure patients often have protein in urine, blood in urine which are not easy to be completely cured and they are easy to re-appear when treated with conventional hormones and immunosuppressant therapy, this is because the root problem is not solved. In the past, treatments for renal failure only aims at treating primary disease without repairing of damaged glomerular filtration membrane, that is why proteinuria and hematuria are easy to relapse and illness conditions will become even worse.

Stage 4 kidney failure can be improved with effective therapy. If you want to know more details on micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, please leave a message in the below form or email your test reports to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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