
How Can We Get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy To Stop Dialysis

Q: Good evening. How can we get in touch with your treatment- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Kidney-Professor: Are you the patient?

Q: No. My wife is. She is undergoing Dialysis twice a week and she’s only 32 years old.

Kidney-Professor: What do you want to us to do?

Q: We want to prolong the dialysis internal or get rid of dialysis. If it is successful, it is best. I heard your Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help.

Kidney-Professor: Yes, we apply Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for kidney disease because they can treat the disease from the underlying cause. In Kidney Failure, the tissues and intrinsic cells of kidney are impaired so that cause renal function decreases. Our natural therapies exactly can help repair them and improve renal function effectively by the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and supplementing nutrients.

In addition to, in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency and herbal medicines are selected for patients based on their current illness condition. Besides, herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency and the powder is collected into two medicated bags which are put on your low back area for about 40-50 minutes. By connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly, which helps adequate blood, oxygen and nutrition also deliver inside kidney directly.

Furthermore, other treatments involving Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Steaming Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, these treatments can achieve a remarkable function in helping patients slow down illness progression and help patients recover kidney function.

As kidney function improves, the frequency of doing dialysis in every week is reduced, dialysis could be stopped in some cases.

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