
How Do IgA Nephropathy Patients Avoid Protein Leaking Again

IgA Nephropathy is one common primary glomerular disease, which is marked by repeated gross hematuria. However, due to glomerular inflammation, protein also will be leaked out. How do IgA Nephropathy patients avoid protein leaking again?
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Before knowing the methods to avoid protein leaking again, we should know about its causes in IgA Nephropathy.

Protein should be absorbed effectively in normal condition. However, when large amount of immune globulin deposits in glomeruli, these micro vessels will have anemia and anoxia state. As a result, when glomeruli are damaged, protein can not be absorbed effectively and will leak out via urine forming Proteinuria.

The proper treatment for avoiding protein leaking again should not focus on controlling it temparorily, but repairing the damaged kidney tissues from the root.

What treatment can help repair the damaged kidney tissues?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, as a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is strongly recommended. It is an external application therapy that two medicated bags are put on the bed and patients just need to lie on the bed. With the help of osmotic device, the active materials of Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, prevent inflammation and coagulation, and degradation. In this way, the glomeruli can get enough blood volume and oxygen to perform its function.

Besides this osmotherapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, enema therapy, etc, also can be used to help repair kidney damage and avoid protein leaking again effectively.

Though Chinese herbs can repair kidney damage, some Chinese herbs may be toxic to the kidneys or be harmful in chronic kidney disease, so before taking Chinese herbs, the experts will choose the safest way to use these herbs, which you don’t need to worry about. Without talking with your doctor, you should not take herbs supplements by yourself.

If you want to know more natural therapies for IgA Nephropathy with protein leaking, you can leave a message in the below form or email your test reports and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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