
High Blood Pressure and Kidney Dialysis

High blood pressure and renal failure are a pair of pathological phenomenon. They often co-exist and will interact and worsen each other. Elevated high blood pressure is one common symptom of renal failure and there are mainly two aspects of reasons why renal failure will cause blood pressure to increase.

Kidney Dialysis is an important replacement therapy that can be used to delay the renal disease. It is the representative of advanced western science and technology. Through replacing the part of kidney function,it can excrete too much water,toxin,waste and metabolite in blood,thus it can control and relieve their symptoms.

The ideal blood pressure for renal failure patients:

Before dialysis(GFR>10ml/min): blood pressure should be below 130/80mmHg
On dialysis: blood pressure should be lower than 140/90mmHg
Proteinuria>1g/24h: blood pressure should be below 125/75mmHg
Proteinuria<1g/24h: blood pressure should be below 130/80mmHg
ACEI and ARB drugs have good effects on lowering blood pressure. They can also help alleviate proteinuria high filtration state in the kidneys.

Besides,I believe that no one want to live their life relaying on the machine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better choice for patients with kidney damage. Using natural herbs,it is characterized by external Chinese medicine and has less side affects. Above all,it can improve the renal internal environment and offer a better space for renal recovery. Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your disease. Active ingredients in Micro-Chinese medicines can expand renal arteries, improve micro-circulation, promote blood flow so as to alleviate ischemia and hypoxia and promote metabolism in the kidneys. It can also promote secretion of erythropoietin so as to alleviate renal anemia and provide necessary nutritions for repairing renal parenchymal and vascular damages and prevent further deterioration of renal functions. After the application of Micro-Chinese medicines, certain renal functions can be recovered and it can enable kidneys to have the most basic physiological functions and improve their life quality and prolong life span.

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