
How To Increase Urine Output In Kidney Failure

How to increase urine output for people with Renal Failure? Most often, people with Renal Failure have a little or completely no urine output. The reason is that urine output and renal failure have an intimate link with each other. Normally, our kidneys are responsible to filter wastes and excess water, and produce urine. Once the person’s condition deteriorates into Renal Failure, it indicates kidney nearly loses all of its ability to produce urine. Then, urine output decrease occurs as a consequence of a heavy loss of kidney function.

There are many foods in our daily life that can help increase urine flow-parsley, celery, melon, beets, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, onion, cranberry juice, lemon juice, etc. Having some proper supplement of these foods can help flush the kidneys and remove excessive water so as to increase urine volume.

Some herbs have natural diuretic properties such as dandelion, cornsilk, celery seed and uva ursi, ginger, juniper can help reduce water retention and increase urine output.

Of course, the most simplest way is to drink more water if patients do not have serious swelling or high blood pressure due to water and sodium retention. Besides, avoiding eating high-salt and high-sugar foods.

If patients can’t make enough urine, some severe complications such as swelling, a full stomach, nausea and vomiting, etc, will occur. In this situation, these patients have to rely on dialysis to live without kidney transplant. In most cases, dialysis, as an artificial kidney, indeed can remit patients’ symptoms except for urine output rapidly and markedly. However, they commonly find that the longer they do dialysis, the less their urine output. This drives most of patients to find how to increase urine output for people with Renal Failure.

Because urine output decrease is due to the heavy loss of kidney function, the most effective treatment is to repair part of kidney function. To people with Renal Failure, some kidney functioning cells are damaged while some others are necrotic. A natural treatment, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, focuses on the former ones, because they still have some activities. Through expanding renal artery to increase blood flow in the kidney and then nourish the damaged kidney cells, impaired kidney structures will be changed and part of kidney function including both filtration and producing urine will be improved. As a result, urine output will be increased.

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