
Can I Eat Honey if I Have Kidney Disease

It is widely recognized that honey has many health benefits. But for kidney patients with diet restrictions, are they allowed to eat honey?
Honey is an energy booster.
The natural sugars in honey provide a healthy source of calories and energy for the body. Kidney patients is easy fatigue. Proper intake of honey can improve this condition.
Honey can prevent cancer and heart disease.
Cancer and heart disease can aggravate kidney disease. Flavonoids and antioxidants in honey help reduce the risk of them.
Honey regulates blood sugar
Even though honey contains simple sugars, it is not the same as white sugar or artificial sweeteners. Its exact combination of fructose and glucose actually helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Some honeys have a low hypoglycemic index, so they do not joint your blood sugar. So it is a good choice for diabetic nephropathy.
Other benefits
Honey also increases calcium absorption, increase hemoglobin count and treat or prevent anemia caused by nutritional factors, help arthritic joints etc.

Since eating honey has so many benefits, it does not mean that all kidney patients can eat. It should be decided according to your physical condition. For your health, you had better consult your dietitian before consuming it.

Is Coconut oil Beneficial for Kidney Patients

Is coconut oil beneficial for kidney disease patients’ health. Is coconut oil beneficial for their health? In the following, let’s look into some information about it.
Lower blood sugar
For kidney patients with diabetes, coconut oil can help improve insulin use within the body, so it has the function of handling blood sugar.
Lower cholesterol
Though coconut oil contains high saturated fat, its main content is lauric acid which protects your heart by reducing total cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. It does not increase LDL and helps keep arteries flexible and prevent atherosclerosis.
Boost immune system
It contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it can boost the body’s immune system.
Prevent renal osteopathy
Renal osteopathy is also a symptom that many kidney patients suffer from. Coconut oil can increase bone strength by allowing better absorption of calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals.
Improve fatigue
Because kidney can not work properly, kidney patients often feel tired. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance.
What is more, coconut oil can also help you from heart disease, skin disease and control weight etc.

However, it does not mean that kidney patients can eat coconut oil. Whether they can eat or not and how much they can eat should depend on their state of illness.


Health Benefits of Exercise for Kidney Patients

Kidney patients are often recommended to do some exercises to improve their physical condition. But sometimes they are troubled by why they should do exercise. Here you can see its health benefits.
Doing exercise can boost your energy. Because it can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. As a result, you will not always feel too tired.
-Blood pressure
High blood pressure is a common symptom that troubles kidney patients. Doing exercise can lower blood pressure.Regular exercise reduces body fatness, which is associated with high blood pressure.
-Back pain
Back pain is also a symptom that kidney patients suffer from. Doing exercise can prevent back pain. Because it can improve flexibility and posture and increase muscle strength.
Doing exercise can help you sleep better.
-Heart disease
Heart disease is a risk which is greater for people with kidney disease than among the general population. Doing exercise can lower your risk of heart disease.

In addition, exercise can improve your mood and immune system.


Get Recovery from Kidney Disease

Sister Wang got recovered from 18 years of chronic nephritis. The disease has no relapse even with cold. How could she be not happy?

Top 6 Daily Nursing Care for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

For PKD patients, they need to have effective treatment, which can help prevent the progression of kidney failure. Besides, they also need to take care in their daily life. Here we introduce the top 6 daily nursing care for PKD patients, which will be helpful for their illness condition.
An optimistic heart is important for PKD patients to have a good condition to defeat their illness. If PKD patients keep an optimistic mood, it can help improve the immune system and overcome illness. On the other hand, patients also need to follow the advices of their doctors which can be helpful for their illness.
Patients need to have a scientific and medical treatment to remedy their PKD, which can help treat their disease fundamentally. Here we recommend Chinese therapy, which can help shrink the kidney cysts and improve the kidney function.
PKD patients also need to keep a kidney-friendly diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.
A good rest will be helpful for PKD patients, they should avoid strenuous exercise to prevent the big cysts enlarged.
Infections are also a big risk for PKD patients which can cause further damage to kidneys, so patients need to prevent urinary tract infections and kidney infections in their daily life.
Above are the top 6 daily nursing cares for PKD patients, and we hope this will be helpful for them.


Healthy Diet And Christmas Day

On Christmas day, eating is an important part at the party. Well, how can we speed that day happily? Here we will tell you how to eat healthily at Christmas party.
1.Eating something before a meal

If you are not so hungry, you won't eat too much. The food at Chritmas are high fat and high calory food. If you eat some vegetables and foods with healthy protein, you will not eat too many junk foods.
2.Do not skin your three meals

Some people may think that they do not gain weight if they skin the three meals before a party. Acutually,this will decrease your metabolism and fat cannot be consumed. Therefore, do not skin the meals while you should have many meals but little food at each.
3.Do not drink too much alcohol

Many researches have proven that too much alcohol will make you gain weight quickly, especially on holidays. A cup wine every day is beneficial for your health, but drinking too much is bad for your health.
4.Be careful with diet at parties

People are always stuffed at Christmas party and family gathering. However, do not forget your weight loss plan. You had better eat a share of food and dessert. Do not let someone give you some foods that you do not want to eat.
5.Eat more vegetables

Eat more vegetables at Christmas party, then you will be full quickly. You will not eat too many junk foods.http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NjY5MjY4NA==&mid=202250143&idx=1&sn=e17bcb16010fccc948f55b1ba0f8bb32#rd


How to treat enlarged kidney

How to treat enlarged kidney? Enlarged Kidney refers to a type of kidney kidney abnormality that is larger than the size enlarged normal.Riñón may involve serious kidney problem and progress to kidney failure if left directly solos.Por So get enlarged kidney effectively treated is very importante.Bueno, the problem is how to treat enlarged kidney?
For enlarged kidney treated successfully and avoid further health problems, we have discovered the root cause of kidney enlarged first and then take acciones.En clinic, many conditions can cause kidney enlargement and the most common cause for an enlarged kidney include polycystic kidney disease, hydronephrosis, and tumor Pyonephrosis renal.Aquí, present mainly how to treat enlarged kidney due to polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis.
How to treat enlarged kidneys due to polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease causes enlarged kidneys through increased kidney cysts that increase with kidney cysts tiempo.Estos put more pressure on surrounding renal tissue, leading to the inability of them in funcionamiento.Sin effective treatment, more and more kidney cysts are trained and can take up all riñóne even entire intraperitoneal finally.
For enlarged kidneys associated with polycystic kidney disease treated well, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is necesitada.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and treat polycystic kidney disease by reducing effective renales.Ingredientes cysts micro-Chinese Medicine make pressure difference between inside and outside the renal cyst renal cyst and therefore allow fluid filtrarse.Cuando cystic kidney cysts become smaller, renal size becomes smaller and enlarged kidneys treated.
How to treat enlarged kidneys due to hydronephrosis?
Hydronephrosis is another cause of enlarged kidneys and can be caused by an obstruction such as a structural abnormality or stones in place in the kidney is with hydronephrosis uréter.Para, surgery usually is necesaria.Y for kidney stones, surgery is an option treatment, but is not the only method tratamiento.Aparte surgery, some Chinese medicines can also be aplicadas.Estas drugs show different effects and treat kidney stones of different maneras.Además, people with kidney stones in different size and location need to receive method different treatment.
Renal enlargement is only one clinical manifestation and can be caused by many conditions, so for patients, is of great importance to establish the cause first and then take appropriate treatment methods.

Above on how to treat enlarged kidney, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatments, diets and gyms have all the información¡Si you have any problem, you can consult our experts online or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com

Can Alcohol Cause FSGS

Can alcohol cause FSGS? FSGS refers to focal segmental glomerular filtration gradualmente.Muchos can progress to kidney failure kidney disease disorders can induce the FSGS.Es alcohol drinking a reason for FSGS?
Normally, the consumption of a small amount of alcohol does not cause adverse effects in healthy people cuerpo.Para, you might get some health benefits of a small copa.Sin But if patients drink a lot of alcohol, or are addictive to drinking, alcohol easily cause some health problems.
On the one hand, long-term drinking can cause anemia, platelet function disorders, bleeding tendency, malabsorption, increased excretion of vitamin, hyperlipidemia, and so sucesivamente.Todos these problems are dangerous for the body .with disorders blood circulation, less blood flows into the kidneys, resulting in anoxia and renal status easily ischemia.
On the one hand, long-term drinking can cause anemia, platelet function disorders, bleeding tendency, malabsorption, increased excretion of vitamin, hyperlipidemia, and so sucesivamente.Todos these problems are dangerous for the body .with disorders blood circulation, less blood flows into the kidneys, resulting in anoxia and renal ischemic state and condition fácilmente.Anoxia ischemia is only one cause of FSGS.
On the other hand, consumption of alcohol can affect the body's nitrogen balance, increase protein breakdown, kidney filters taxes, and so on.The overwork long term can cause kidney filters called glomeruli can not work slowly, then a part of glomeruli get esclerosis.Por Finally, you can produce the FSGS kidney disease.
From the above analysis, we know drink more alcohol is indeed a dangerous factor for kidney disease, avoiding excess alcohol is useful in preventing the FSGS kidney disease or some other types of kidney disease method.

If your kidneys are affected by alcohol, you should stop drinking and accept some effective treatments to reverse kidney damage oportuna.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is only a useful treatment to achieve these goals, because not only can increase the blood flow to the kidneys, but also boost the capacity for self-healing renal cell discapacidad.Por Finally, the sclerotic renal cell can achieve gradual recovery. Hopefully more people can prevent or treat FSGS timely.


The Available Approach to Nausea in IgA nephropathy

Nausea is very common symptom in all kidney disease, IgA nephropathy is one of ellas.Náuseas and is seriously affecting the lives of patients and social.Qué relationship can patients do to get rid of nausea?
The causes of nausea in IgA nephropathy?
It IgA nephropathy is characterized by the deposition of IgA in patents riñones.Se occurs when cooled or infections. Antigen and antibody in the human body can produce antigen-anticuerpo.Conforme immune complex over time, immune complexes accumulate in the kidneys and harm inherent cells, if left untreated, cells do not function well, leading to many waste products and excess fluid accumulates in the kidneys, which the urea will get into the gastrointestinal tract with the flow of blood, and then the urea reach the intestinal tract, it decomposes into ammonia by ureasa.La stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucosal membrane, leading to nausea result.
Does the approach available for nausea of IgA nephropathy?
Dialysis is commonly used to remove waste products, extra fluid from cuerpo.Pero, can not cope with this fundamental problem, once patients stop having dialysis, waste products accumulate in the kidneys again .
Kidney transplantation has effects to end the symptoms, but you need to know that kidney transplantation is not a cure for kidney disease, ie IgA nephropathy is not a problem of kidney disease, but a problem inmunológico.Náuseas fall even if they have kidney transplant.

In fact, drug treatment can make a great favor to the pacientes.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is focused on promoting blood circulation, blood vessels spending, eliminating toxic substances completely, preventing kidney tissues run in fibrosis, as well as the renewal of the sick and nausea células.Las gene can be avoided with improved renal function.

Renal parenchymal disease and hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis is a condition in which the pielocalicial dilation accompanied by contraction of renal functional tissue is caused by obstruction urinaria.Cuando renal parenchyma is affected, indicating the coexistence of renal parenchymal disease and hydronephrosis.
What are the symptoms of hydronephrosis and renal parenchymal disease?
When functioning renal tissue damage and urinary tract is blocked, patients are more likely to suffer from the following signs and symptoms such as:
* The hematuria or blood in the urine
* Back pain on the side where hydronephrosis is
* Infections, fever, chills and pyuria
* Cystic mass on the side of the waist
Difficult or painful urination *
If both kidneys are damaged, patients also have foamy urine, renal anemia, skin problems, decreased urine output, and so on.In severe cases, patients may even suffer from these problems remembering failure renal.Todos patients to accept a timely efficient management.
How to treat those two kidney disorders?
To treat hydronephrosis, three methods are commonly used: local management conservative treatment, and cirugía.De according to the severity and location of hydronephrosis, doctors will determine which therapy utilizar.Si happen to have this problem, you can leave your description disease in the form below or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are happy to help.
As for renal parenchymal disease, if caused by hydronephrosis, its progression can be stopped when hydronephrosis is handled bien.Sin But if renal function declines, patients should also look for some therapies to protect the kidney tissues functioning waste and will seek the self-healing capacity of riñones.Generalmente, after about one or two months, patients can find your kidney problem handled well.

Please do not lose your confidence to get the recuperación.Recuerde that a number of experts in the Service kidney kidney China are always here to give a great help.


Is it safe for kidney disease patients use Pepto Bismol

Pepto-Bismol is a type of drug that is commonly used to treat stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, and some other disorders gastrointestinales.Con the decline of renal function, more and more waste products and toxins accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney patients suffer discomfort previous fácilmente.Es safe for patients with kidney disease using this medicine?
Before using Pepto Bismol, patients should check if they have the following problems or not.
-The Allergic reactions to any ingredients of this medication, aspirin or NSAIDs
Trouble, bleeding, black stools or blood, bleeding ulcer
-the Use of insulin, methotrexate, omeprazole, probenecid, glyburide, gliclazide, etc, which could interact with Pepto Bismol
-The Diabetes, gout, breastfeeding, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.
Side effects of Pepto Bismol
If taken incorrectly, Pepto Bismol can induce a series of health problems and disorders such as muscle cramps, muscle weakness, anxiety, dark tool, constipation, and so sucesivamente.A From this point, we know patients with kidney disease must weigh their effects against the side effects-oriented online doctor before using this medicine.
Can kidney disease patients taking this medicine safely?
As mentioned above, we know Pepto Bismol can easily cause some side effects for patients renales.Además medication may be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders for long time.For rid of these problems in detail, you can take some therapies to improve your kidney condition and overall salud.Para achieve these therapeutic effects, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy worth intentarlo.Se can do much to regulate the internal environment and repair the kidney cells discapacidad.Por Finally, the patients can effectively control their gastrointestinal tract disorders.

If you want to learn more about Pepto Bismol or this Osmotherapy, you can leave a message below or consult a doctor online directly.

Why a diabetic dialysis Lose Feelings on their feet

When diabetics are affected by renal failure, which can be suggested to accept diálisis.Sin But throughout treatment, patients may find they lose sensation in the feet, hands, arms and other regiones.Por why this problem occurs ?
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that can cause damage to any part of the body if left unchecked eficazmente.Entre these complications, diabetic kidney disease is común.Luego, once the level of Diabetic nephropathy patients renal function is less than 25%, patients may need to start diálisis.La why patients with diabetic nephropathy are recommended to start before other renal dialysis patients is because more severe complications.
Along with the decrease in renal function, patients may also suffer from a family of nerve disorders, neuropathies called diabéticas.Si fleet sugar level in the patient's blood, which can cause nerve damage throughout the body easily .In some cases, diabetic nerve damage have no symptoms, but in some other cases, patients may suffer from tingling, pain and numbness in parts of the body especially the feet, legs, hands and arms.
It is reported that about 60% ~ 70% of diabetics have some form of neuropathy, and the risk increases with time and the long history of diabetes.
How to handle this problem for patients with diabetic nephropathy?
Now, we know high blood glucose is the root cause of diabetic neuropathy, treatment should start from reducing blood glucose alta.Los conventional methods including the use of insulin, oral hypoglycemic taking, getting regular exercise , avoid foods that contain sugar, and so on.

To enhance the feeling in the feet, diabetics can also persist in accepting foot bath, which can improve blood circulation in the feet and protect the nerve of a mayor.Además damage, it is necessary for diabetics on dialysis find some therapies that can help repair damaged kidneys.


How Magnesium Interact with PKD

Magnesium is cationic main body, and the total amount of magnesium is about 25 g for adult polycystic kidney sano.Enfermedad is the fourth leading cause of kidney failure in many regions. With the progression of PKD, magnesium can cause some impact on this disease.
Magnesium plays an important role in over 300 reactions bioquímicas.Por example, this mineral may help control nerve and muscle function, make sure bone growth, adjust the production of energy, relieve nausea and constipation, high blood pressure , high cholesterol and high blood sugar, and so sucesivamente.Normalmente, the kidneys can determine the amount of magnesium in the body to retain.
When PKD kidney cysts are small and still not cause any adverse effects on the kidneys, plan a diet rich in fiber can provide enough magnesium to the body and kidneys can excrete the extra timely and effective magnesium.
However, as time passes, enlarged renal cysts cause renal function decline gradualmente.La magnesium excretion remains normal or even above normal unless the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is less than 30 ml / min.
Now, we know how important it is for patients with PKD to maintain the level of magnesium normal.A as normal magnesium levels mentioned above can help control blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, regulate the function of nerve, and so sucesivamente.Todos these benefits are good for PKD patients and interact symptoms and complications caused by enlarged renal cysts.

If you are suffering from low or high magnesium, please tell your doctor or doctor online in time, so they can help regulate appropriate.


Why patients with nephrotic syndrome Loose Movement

Loose motion is also known as diarrhea can happen with nephrotic syndrome in children and causes nephrotic syndrome adultos.Cómo loose motion?
Loose movement occurs when excess fluid passes through the large intestine that the body can absorber.De Thus, the condition can cause either excessive production of fluids or to keep the liquid absorbed, easily resulting in diarrhea.
For patients with nephrotic syndrome, which are usually in the risk of several other disorders, some of which can only cause loose motion.
The first reason is the infección.Por one hand, nephrotic syndrome may be due to an immune disorder that is a common cause of infección.Por Moreover, patients need to take a variety of medications, and some of them such as steroids and immunosuppressive may increase the risk of infection.
The second reason is the electrolítico.Como disorder kidneys are unable to function normally filtration and adjustment, the balance of many electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, liquid, phosphorus, calcium, etc. may be disturbed electrolyte can only fácilmente.Trastornos loose easily induce movement.
The final reason is the accumulation of products desecho.Si additional waste products can not be timely removed from the body, is deposited anywhere in the body, including the gastrointestinal tract fácilmente.Como these harmful substances stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, patients may suffer from diarrhea.
Now, we have found that the loose movement is not uncommon for patients with syndrome nefrótico.Si not controlled effectively, frequent diarrhea can cause patients to feel fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc., easily.

In order to prevent the above complications and cause nephrotic syndrome patients live easier, should take some medications and treatments to manage your problem in time and eficacia.Si did not find effective treatments to handle your problem, you can ask the online help.

Food does not eat with nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can cause the body to develop severe proteinuria, severe inflammation, hyperlipidemia and hipoproteinemia.Para handle these problems should find foods not to eat with nephrotic syndrome.
* Food too salty
Patients with nephrotic syndrome often have obvious swelling, so you should limit your sodium intake to 2000 ~ 3000 mg diaria.Luego, patients should avoid very salty foods including processed meat, savory seasonings, vegetables canned, and so on.
* Foods high in saturated fat
Saturated fat is often found in animal fat such as butter, cream and lard. Meat products usually contain fat and high, most of which is fat saturada.De Thus, nephrotic syndrome patients are often required to control the intake of foods of animal origin, saturated fat that can induce increased cholesterol levels and causes inflammation that are bad for patients with nephrotic syndrome.
* Foods contain incomplete protein
Incomplete protein provides essential amino acids and produces less metabolic more waste, so patients should limit their intake of incomplete protein especially vegetable protein, in order to reduce the burden of riñones.Para meet protein needs of the body and not tax the kidneys, patients had better eat more foods rich in complete protein such as egg white and fish.
* Spicy foods
Although spicy foods have shown no direct bad effect on the kidneys, these foods may induce or worsen some of the symptoms and complications of such nefrótico.Por syndrome, hot chili and mustard can cause some problems.
* Foods rich in potassium or phosphorus
In the early stage, patients with nephrotic syndrome do not need to control their levels of potassium and fósforo.Sin But if severely decreased kidney function, should pay attention to your intake of potassium and phosphorus.

The above is only an overview of foods not to eat with nefrótico.Si syndrome patients want to get a detailed list of foods to avoid, can be sent by email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor.


PKD with multiple cysts in both kidneys and liver

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder that occurs mainly in the kidneys, but some other organs such as the liver and pancreas may also be involved in this enfermedad.Si appear multiple cysts in both kidneys and liver, it seems condition of patients disease has developed greatly.
PKD cysts in the kidneys and liver
Output fluid in these renal cysts is similar to urine, ie not only contains a clear fluid, but also urea, uric acid, creatinine, phosphate, loss of epithelial cells and some other time passes sustancias.Conforme these renal cysts and hepatic cysts become larger and more grandes.Entonces, compression of surrounding tissues and organs can cause large cyst is broken fácilmente.En result, the fluid from the sac extends to other tissues and organs, leading infections or sepsis.
Do patients need to worry about multiple cysts in the kidneys and liver?
Of course Si.A Although patients still have any trouble with these problems today, must pay highly attention to ellos.Esto is due to the higher its renal cysts, the most difficult to treat.
Is there an effective treatment to address these cysts?
After many years of research, many kidney experts work together and create Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) .With the help of osmotic devices, effective ingredients of Chinese medicines that have the release effect exit fluid and preventing fluid secretion output can reach the kidneys and liver directamente.Por usually after about 6-8 weeks, multiple cysts in the kidneys and liver can be much smaller.
This therapy has hundreds of formulas that are suitable for the poliquística.Cuéntanos kidney disease patients on the size of the kidneys, liver and cysts, and its complications, so we can decide on an effective treatment plan for you.

Pain medications for patients with PKD

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disorder that may be related to pain in different regions such as the back, abdomen and cabeza.Si PKD patients suffering from these problems must want to find effective pain medication to relieve your pain back, backache, leg pain and so on.
Why PKD patients have pain?
PKD causes kidneys cluster to develop in the first stage riñones.En cysts, all kidney cysts are still small, so patients often have no molestia.Sin But as time passes, renal cysts become bigger and bigger, so will replace tissues kidney function inherent gradually.During this progression, many symptoms such as back pain, high blood pressure, cerebral aneurysm, gout, urinary tract infections, and so successively readily produced.
What pain medications can help relieve the pain of patients with PKD?
At the pharmacy, there are many types of painkillers, but some of them have adverse reactions in riñones.De Thus, polycystic kidney disease patients should choose pain medication to take with cuidado.Aquí list some pain medication and patients can clarify that are right for them.
-Over-The-counter pain relievers: Both acetaminophen and NSAIDs can relieve pain and fever handle.
-Recetados To relieve pain: This type of pain medication including steroids, antidepressants, opioids, and so on.
-A Lidocaine patch: This is a prescription medication and is another type of painkiller.
Pay attention to:

Although analgesics can help relieve the pain of patients, to some extent, are unable to overcome their pain raíz.Si patients want to completely manage their discomfort and improve your kidney condition may indeed seek medical advice in directly online or by email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. Here a lot of nephrologists in China Service kidney, which can greatly help to manage PKD and its complications.


Severe stomach pain comes in CKD patients

As kidneys fail to filter blood properly, patients may be plagued by severe stomach pain that comes and goes with frecuencia.Por why patients with chronic kidney disease have this symptom?
In general, several conditions can cause these problems, and the underlying cause varies from patient to paciente.Si stomach pain comes and goes in you and you also have kidney disease, you must first find what causes the problem and take appropriate managements.
There are three conditions can cause stomach pain or abdominal pain.
1.Proteína leakage: If glomeruli are damaged, a lot of protein escape the orina.Esto can take the osmotic pressure of the blood to decline tends to pull liquid into the glasses sanguíneos.Cuando excess fluid retained in the stomach, ascites and stomach pain is just one sign of this problem occurs.
2.Infecciones: When the kidneys can not excrete waste products and toxins from the body, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in different parts of cuerpo.Luego, patients with chronic kidney disease are at risk for stomach is infecciones.Si involved, stomach pain affect the lives of patients lot.
3.The renal cysts or kidney stones: In some special types of chronic kidney disease, kidney stone is a complication común.Una Once kidney stone becomes too large, can cause blockage fácilmente.Si renal disease patients is polycystic kidney disease, enlarged renal cysts can also lead to severe stomach pain.
in summary

Now, we have an overview of causes stomach pain for patients with kidney disease treatments crónica.Los must rely pacientes.Si condition of the disease have not found what makes your stomach or have effective treatment, you can ask online help. We are happy to give you some tips for free.

List of foods to avoid with Stage 5 CKD

Stage 5 CKD requires many different nutrients in the body of people with kidney sanos.Aunque a correct diet plan good for patients with end-stage renal disease, which can help improve overall health status of pacientes.Sabe you the list of foods to avoid with stage 5 chronic kidney disease?
Basic dietary needs
When kidneys do not work, some substances such as proteins, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and fluid taxed kidneys if taken in quantity excesiva.Con to preserve the remaining kidney tissue function and improve quality of healthy patients, suggested to avoid foods that a list of foods listed continuación.Para to avoid directly, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.
Food too salty
Salt is the most common form exists sodium, while sodium is a mineral that can trigger or worsen high blood pressure and swelling fácilmente.Por Therefore, patients should stay away from salty foods like bacon, seasonings salted, canned foods, processed foods, and so on.
Foods rich in vegetable protein
Compared with animal protein, vegetable protein can cause more waste chemicals such as urea when metabolized in the cuerpo.En view of this, patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease had better limit their intake of vegetable protein.
milk products
These foods such as milk and cheese contain generally rich fósforo.Severamente damaged kidneys can not remove extra phosphorus efficiently, so that patients had better control of their consumption of dairy products.
Grains and starches

They usually contain some minerals: sodium, potassium and fósforo.Todos these are minerals that Stage 5 CKD patients should limitar.Por Therefore, patients should select some grains and starches low in these minerales.Bagels, oats white or brown rice, Inglés muffins, etc. They can be eaten in moderate portions, but others must be limited to small portions.


Diet for people with lupus and kidney problem

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system protects the body from disease does not work correctamente.Como result, the immune system turns against the body, leading to damage to organs and tissues cuerpo.Riñón is a very vulnerable organ in lupus.¿Qué is a proper diet for people with lupus and kidney problems?

Lupus and kidney problem

As mentioned above, the immune system is a powerful system of protection body and can protect the body enfermedades.Sin however in autoimmune disease, malfunctioning kidneys and error attacks.

Kidney damage from lupus can be mild or severa.Puede cause damage to the filtering units of riñón.Dado these units filtration units waste clean your blood, which can cause damage to your kidneys are not working correctamente.Como result, a series of symptoms and discomfort ocurrirá.Si left untreated or treated ineffectively, renal failure will be the end result.

Diet for lupus and kidney problem

Diet plays a vital role in treating lupus renal.El problem with diet plan is as follows:

-The Patients should add more high quality protein and vitaminas.Mientras therefore high-fat and high-cholesterol foods should been reduced in the diet diaria.Las good sources of high quality protein are milk, eggs, lean meat, fish etc.Vitamina B and vitamin C are beneficial for people with lupus and theme.

Foods low in sugar
Patients with lupus and kidney problem taking steroids tiempo.Es likely to cause diabetes esteroides.Por Therefore, patients should control the intake of sugar and eat less foods high in sugar.

Foods that can enhance sensitivity to light

Patients with lupus and kidney problems are very sensitive to luz.Exposición birth can cause relapse lupus.Por Therefore, patients should avoid consumption of products that can enhance sensitivity to light.

This is the diet for people with lupus and renal.Para problem more detailed information about diet, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.  

Stage 4 renal failure with high creatinine level

Creatinine level test to measure how well your kidneys. In general, high creatinine level means that your kidneys are not working bien.Para cope with high creatinine stage 4 kidney failure, must be made clear that how this happens.
What causes elevated creatinine levels in Stage 4 kidney failure?
Creatinine is a metabolic product that is produced by muscle protein metabolism and you come.Como matter of fact, filter creatinine must be out of the body by glomerular filtration function in its function orina.cuando attacked glomerular filtration for various kidney diseases, many toxic substances, waste products and the amount of liquid deposited in the kidneys, causing high creatinine.
What are the common symptoms of high creatinine level in Stage 4 kidney failure?
Patients with stage 4 kidney failure in high creatinine level experience symptoms such as fatigue, headache, anemia, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, fever, confusion, swelling in hands and legs, and back pain come down.
The above are the common symptoms of stage 4 renal failure, which may indicate kidney problems subyacentes.Así you have to keep an eye on these symptoms. Any details you want to know, send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.
How to deal with a high level of creatinine in Stage 4 kidney failure?
The reduction of elevated creatinine is always the first choice for patients cope with their illness renales.Para reduce the high level of creatinine, dialysis is commonly used to reduce high creatinine level, but dialysis is not a cure for kidney and reduce the high level of creatinine illness is not the ultimate goal for people with kidney disease.

Therefore, patients must seek treatment that focus on the renewal of the filtering function glomerular.Sólo function glomerular filtration repaired, can creatinine, waste products and excess fluid is discharged outside the body .


What Is The Natural Remedy For Headache And Fatigue In Diabetic Nephropathy

Headache and fatigue are common symptoms of diabetic nephropathy. They bother many patients and patients are eager to know what is the remedy for headache and fatigue.
Diabetic Nephropathy is a progressive kidney disease caused by angiopathy of capillaries in the kidney glomeruli. It is due to longstanding diabetes mellitus, and is a prime indication for dialysis in many developed countries. For most of Diabetic Nephropathy patients, impaired kidneys can not work regularly and effectively as before, which leads to many serious symptoms and complications on patient’s systemic multiple systems and organs.
Besides, owing to the accumulation of toxins, metabolite, waster in blood, fatigue is a common symptom, let alone plus the serious nervous system damage. Meanwhile, headache is another common symptom in Diabetic Nephropathy.
In order to solve these problems, it is necessary for patients to take some treatments to protect their remaining renal health and solve the renal damage. Proper healthy Chinese medicines will be decocted and used to help control and relieve the serious symptoms and complications. These medicines will infiltrate the renal lesions through skin, controlling and relieving the inflammatory response, hypertension and so on. It offers all of CKD patients a chance to protect their remaining health and improve their renal function. Come to China please to receive the unique treatment.
If you have interest about our therapies, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult the online doctor.

Can Ketosteril Relieve Proteinuria In IgA Nephropathy

Is ketosteril decrease proteinuria for IgA Nephropathy? Cooperated with low-protein diet, ketosteril is commonly used to prevent and treat protein metabolism disorder due to chronic kidney insufficiency. This medication can provide essential amino acid for patients, so as to reduce the intake of amino acid and decrease the formation of urea.
Based on its action mechanism, ketosteril has several benefits:
● Protect the residual kidney function and slow the progress of IgA Nephropathy
● Reduce patients’ symptoms caused by the build up of protein metabolism products
● Prevent malnutrition and its complications
● Correct calcium and phosphorus disorders and treat renal osteodystrophy
● Decrease proteinuria
how does ketosteril decrease proteinuria?
The reasons determine this effect of ketosteril. One reason is that ketosteril can reduce the intake of amino acid and increase the formation of protein. The other reason is the low-protein diet that can decrease the excretion of proteinuria. Finally, IgA Nephropathy can get enough nutrition but not increase the burden on their kidneys. However, because ketosteril can’t deal with the damaged kidney filters, it is unable to treat proteinuria thoroughly.
how to manage proteinuria from the root?
Since proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy is due to the deposits of immune complexes in glomeruli and damaged glomerular filtration membrane. The treatment should be able to deal with these two problems. From this point, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one treatment worth a try. Through flushing out these complexes and prompt the restoration of damaged kidney cells, this therapy can help improve IgA Nephropathy patients’ kidney function as well as decrease proteinuria.

If you have any question, please consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


What Is The Diet For Kidney Disease

How to eat with kidney disease? Diet is important for the treatment of kidney disease because the food you eat can stop the progression of kidney disease and control relative symptoms.
A healthy kidney filters out waste products from the body. A diseased kidney does not adequately filter waste from the body. A person with kidney disease needs to follow a special diet to maintain health and prevent progression of the disease. Keep in mind that doctors perform blood tests on patients with kidney disease to assess dietary requirements. In the absence of blood tests, this article provides basic dietary suggestions for patients with kidney disease but can not be considered a replacement for medical advice.
1 Eat a low protein diet.
 The body converts excess protein into a waste product called urea. Meat and dairy products are high in protein and should be eaten in small amounts only. Whole grains and vegetables are good foods to eat because they are low in protein.
2 Eat minimal amounts of foods that contain high amount of phosphorous.
A diseased kidney does not adequately remove phosphorus. Too much phosphorus in the body blocks calcium absorption. Foods that contain high amounts of phosphorus are chocolate, Coca-Cola, nuts and beans.
3 Minimize sodium intake.
 Many people with kidney disease also have high blood pressure. High amounts of sodium can increase blood pressure. Processed foods, can foods, chips and cured foods have high amounts of sodium.
This is just a basic dietary guideline and is not intended as medical advice. It is imperative to get medical advice when treating kidney disease. You can consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Is High Potassium Level A Symptom Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Healthy kidneys maintain a proper level of potassium. Healthy potassium blood levels are between 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L. When you have kidney disease, the kidneys aren’t as effective at removing excess potassium from the blood. Also, some medications may result in excess potassium retention, rather than it being removed in the urine. High blood potassium is called hyperkalemia.
What will occur with high potassium level?
Potassium’s most important function is to keep your heart beating. Potassium helps trigger your heartbeat which circulates blood throughout your body. In addition, potassium maintains fluid, electrolyte and pH balance in your body, promotes muscle growth, and sustains a healthy nervous system and brain function.
It’s a crucial electrolyte that allows your muscles to move easily, lets your brain send nerve impulses throughout your body and helps your kidneys filter blood.
A high potassium can cause the following: Nausea, Weakness, Numbness or tingling, Slow pulse, Irregular heartbeat, Heart failure.
How to lower high potassium level?
Be aware of your potassium allowance when choosing your meals. Here are some potassium-rich foods to limit or avoid if your diet prescription includes low potassium:
Fruits: Avocado, bananas, cantaloupe, dried fruit, honeydew melon, kiwi, mango, oranges and orange juice, papaya, prune juice
Vegetables: Artichoke, dried beans and peas, pumpkin, potatoes and French fries, spinach (cooked), sweet potatoes, tomatoes and tomato juice, vegetable juices, winter squash
Dairy: Ice cream, milk, yogurt
Miscellaneous: Chocolate, molasses, salt substitute, seeds and nuts

Potassium is a crucial mineral for the body, but moderation is best when you have kidney disease. Find out your potassium level and make the necessary lifestyle changes, such as substituting lower potassium foods for ones high in if you require a low potassium diet.


What Are Symptoms Of Stage 3 Kidney Disease

There are a lot of people are aware of the acute renal failure, chronic two, acute renal failure, physical condition rapidly, mostly due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow (such as trauma or burn patients), kidney plateau due to congestion caused due to some damage function by poison or harm, resulting in the generation of acute renal failure. Chronic renal failure and kidney cancer is mainly due to prolonged, with the time and the disease, kidney function a little bit lower, resulting in the generation of renal failure. Today, a friend to explain to patients the symptoms of kidney failure three:
1. Beginning of this period patients often suffer from some of ATN plateau known cause, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins. But has not yet generated significant kidney damage nature. Acute renal failure at this stage is prevention. But with significant renal tubular epithelial damage, GFR suddenly reduced, the clinical manifestations of acute renal failure syndrome becomes significant, then enter the maintenance period.
2, also known as oliguria maintenance period. Model is 7-14 days, but can be as short as a few days to 4-6 weeks long. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients may exhibit oliguria (40Oml / d). However, some patients may be no oliguria, urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, its most mild physical condition, the prognosis is good. However, regardless of whether or not to cut the amount of urine, renal function and reduced the ham, the clinical manifestations can be a series of high-performance creatinine uremia.
3, recovery of renal tubular cell regeneration, restoration, tubular complete recovery. Glomerular filtration rate is a little bit back to normal or near-normal range. Oliguric patient began to exhibit diuretic, urine can show how daily urine output up 3000-5000ml, or more. Daily life continued 1-3 weeks, and then again back to normal. And glomerular filtration rate comparison, glomerular epithelial cell function (reabsorption of solute and water) recovery relative delay, often take several months after recovery. Some patients may ultimately left with varying degrees of renal structural and functional defects.

Symptoms related to kidney failure patients on three friends to explain here, in this prompt renal failure patients and patient families, as well as to kidney highly valued, active treatment, can not be too impulsive, be patient adhere to treatment, until fully recovered.

A Proper Diet For Kidney Cyst Patients

Since ancient times, good diet plays a good supplementary role in the treatment of disease. As for kidney cyst patients, it is more important to follow a proper diet. However, many patients neglect the diet management during the treatment. This affects the treatment and increases the difficult of treating kidney disease. Well, what is a proper diet for kidney cyst?
1, after suffering from a kidney cyst disease, be sure to limit the intake of high protein food. In order to reduce the damage to the kidneys of patients, in everyday life, the patient should eat high protein foods, such as: poultry meat, all kinds of soy products.
2, renal cysts ate? Life, patients should avoid spicy, cold and other stimuli like food. Life, the more common are: chili, alcohol, smoking, chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp and crabs.
3, we all know that there are some side effects of drugs, renal cysts in patients during treatment, be sure to minimize side effects. So as not to aggravate the patient's condition, increasing the damage to the kidneys.
4, renal cysts ate Clinically, patients should avoid foods high salt content, such as:? Pickled like salty foods. Of course, when you control the amount of salt, according to the degree of renal function in patients with the disease and make adjustments, not all patients have severely restricted salt.
5. In addition, the life, but also to avoid renal cysts contaminated food. For some sour, unsanitary, grilled food, patients must avoid contact, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

Described above is our nephrologist for renal cysts in patients with some relevant details ate the introduction, I hope we can bring some help. What if you do not understand, I welcome you to click on the online consulting experts.


Do Kidney Failure Patients Give Up Sexy Life

Do kidney failure patients give up sexy life? Many people are shy to ask this question. Our expert will introduce some knowledge about this question.
The answer for the above question is no. But kidney failure patients should have a limit of sexy life. Renal failure can affect the sexy life quality to some extent. Generally patients have a sign of declined sexy function. The reasons consist of:
physiological dysfunction: chronic renal failure patients often have anemia, hypertension, elevated creatinine and urea-induced nausea and vomiting, cardiac dysfunction, and these factors can cause sexual dysfunction.

hormone metabolism: Women serious. Renal insufficiency, often show symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as amenorrhea, after a few months, infertility, breast atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, vaginal lubrication decline; male patients significantly decreased serum androgen levels, equivalent to only being mortal 1/2. Some patients had thyroid dysfunction, low libido and impotence exhibit, etc.

neural factors: toxic substances due to the effect of uremia, causing nervous system degeneration and dysfunction, nerve conduction velocity, neural regulation dysfunction. Changes in the nervous system spread to the pelvic autonomic nerves, so there are sexual dysfunction.

concomitant disease and drug factors: the cause of chronic renal failure of certain diseases, its effects on sexual function has nothing to do with the degree of renal damage in itself, such as diabetes, high blood pressure?. But with the onset of the treatment, and some can affect sexual function, blood pressure medicine and sometimes three to four kinds of application, often inhibited sexual desire, causing impotence.

psychological factors: uremia is a serious life-threatening disease, the patient due to depression, depression, anxiety, fear, and a heavy economic burden, leading to loss of libido and sexual dysfunction;

traditional concept of influence: "Kidneys sex", "sex will affect kidney" in people's lives has become a concept, so some patients will self-ban sex life.

Renal failure must be an absence of life? Chronic renal failure patients, regardless of renal insufficiency, dialysis or after renal transplantation, the quality of their sex life is not satisfying. Compared with the illness before, 90% of male patients and 80% of female patients occurred libido; 80% of male patients penile erection or can not maintain an erection after erection. Male patients decreased ability to control ejaculation, early ejaculation, orgasm feel bad self. Approximately three-quarters of female patients is difficult to arouse sexual excitement, the vast majority of patients have secondary female orgasmic disorder, manifested as the frequency or intensity of orgasm decreased significantly, even relatively disappear.

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