
Can Stage 5 PKD Patients Take Toxin-Removing Therapy as Mianly Treatment

Can stage 5 PKD patients take Toxin-Removing Therapy as mainly treatment? Toxin-Removing Therapy as the brand innovative treatment in the world, it is effective for treating for Kidney Disease, of course it can also treat for PKD. Call for ONLINE DOCTOR.

Stage 5 CKD: Say Goodbye to Dialysis

What is toxin-removing treatment?

Toxin-removing treatment is a treatment that can discharge toxins and wastes out of the blood with relevant Chinese medicine, which materials all from nature without chemical substance. It mainly including foot bath, full bath,circle therapy ,moxibustion therapy and so on.What is the function of toxin-removing treatment?Through these treatments, materials enter into the body by pore and achieve the goal of dilating the blood, improving the blood circulation and finally discharging the toxins and wastes out of the body. When the blood is clean, the medicine will take effect better.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy And Various Advanced Technics-That Is Why I Am Here

How does Toxin-Removing Therapy treat for PKD?

To repair injured kidney tissues, Toxin-Removing Therapy is applied. The application of this therapy is based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which have great self-healing function for kidney damage. This therapy aims to cleanse polluted blood and provide good condition for the further medication so as to absorb the medication effects completely. After a period of treatment, it can restore damaged cells, repair cell function and treat diseases from the root. It is different form dialysis and kidney transplant during treatment and have little damage on patients.

In our hospital, we prefer to matched with Chinese Medicine Treatments. Because there are lots of toxins in blood when kidneys are damaged. Toxin-Removing Therapy exactly has this kind of function to clean toxins. Because without a clean and nutritious internal environment, any medicine can not work well. Chinese medicine therapies are effective to expel toxins and wastes out. And then our chinese medicine therapies help repair kidney damage and improve renal function as well as shrink kidney cysts. PKD can be treated from the root. Patients can live a normal life with PKD.

If you want to know more about Toxin-Removing Therapy and Chinese medicine treatments for PKD, please leave us a message or send us an email. We are waiting for you.

How Does Toxin-Removing Therapy Lower Creatinine 4.0

It is known that High Creatinine Level means at least half of Kidney Function has been lost. Therefore, as Kidney Disease patients, you need take effective treatments for it. How does Toxin-Removing Therapy lower Creatinine 4.0?

As a patient who has no respond to dialysis you should not lose hope, because dialysis is not the only choice for kidney disease patient. There are some other alternative therapies like renal transplant and Chinese Medicine can help you guys live better without dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy And Various Advanced Technics-That Is Why I Am Here
The underlying cause of high creatinine level is there are too many toxins and waste materials in the blood. So if you want to lower high creatinine from the root, the proper treatment should focus on cleansing blood first and then repairing kidney damage.

Stage 5 CKD: Say Goodbye to Dialysis

Toxin-Removing Therapy can eliminate the wastes through repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function. Among this systemic therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the effective treatments, which can inhibit the development of kidney disease to lower creatinine 4.0 through preventing inflammation and coagulation, dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidney.

One Thank-You Note from A Foreign Diabetic in Chinese Hospital

Other Chinese treatments also will be used based on the specific illness condition. Gradually the impaired kidney can be repaired and kidney function improved to avoid Dialysis or Kidney Transplant living higher quality life.

If you are the patient who are searching for the alternative to dialysis or you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment, do not upset, you still have many other choices. If you need any help just contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

Kidney Patients Should Pay Attention To Complications

Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease, the course of a rapid and dangerous, and even life-threatening. But many patients with kidney disease may not know, in the course of the development of kidney disease, there will be this terrible complications.

This is due to a considerable part of the kidney disease patients will have different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, without control and treatment is very easy to sudden stroke.

How To Get Rid Of Metallic Taste In Stage 4 Kidney Disease

Renal hypertension will oppress the brain blood vessels, so that lesions. Cerebral blood vessels after the disease will cause stroke. To this end, please hypertensive nephropathy patients must be more investigation, record changes in blood pressure, on time to take antihypertensive drugs, less salt diet.
Blood pressure normal kidney disease patients can not be taken lightly, it is best to regularly measure blood pressure, and develop good habits.


Nephropathy patients with diabetes, the body of the disease, can not be timely to the blood of sugar and tissues and organs, making the brain can not get enough energy, over time is easy to stroke Suggested diabetes or high blood sugar in patients with improved kidney disease, low-sugar diet, ground exercise, to lower blood sugar levels.

In addition, the need to regularly check blood glucose, glucose tolerance and glycosylated hemoglobin and other indicators, to understand the disease.

What Is The Treatment for Nausea In Stage 4 Kidney Disease

High blood lipids

Dyslipidemia can lead to vascular disease, stroke is a key reason. Hyperlipidemia in patients with kidney disease to eat less high-fat meat, limiting oil, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, according to the doctor prescribed lipid-lowering drugs.

heart disease

Not only heart attack terrible, heart disease caused by complications are equally terrible. Stroke is one of them. 40 years of age or older patients with the best regular physical examination to prevent the emergence of heart disease. Patients with confirmed heart disease should actively cooperate with the doctor, the use of diet, exercise, drugs and other treatment methods to control heart disease.

In addition to kidney disease patients, other patients with these diseases are also the same vigilance, a high degree of concern about their own condition changes, timely response to timely control, to stop the process of acute stroke.


Can Toxin-Removing Treatment Treat Stage 5 Kidney Disease with Insomnia

Insomnia is often seen amongest people with kidney disease. It can affect more than 50% of patients with stages 3~5 CKD. This disorder can make the patients feel tired, anxious and stressed, which not only affect their life quality, but also can increase the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Well then, can Toxin-Removing Treatment help treat insomnia in stage 5 kidney disease?

Find The Root Cause of Hypertensive Nephropathy

Restless leg syndrome can make people with Kidney Disease weak up in the middle of the night because it can make them feel very uncomfortable in their legs and their legs may feel itchy or tingly, or may jerk or move on their own. Also, leg cramps can keep them awake at night.

Toxin-Removing Therapy Remove Protein 3+ From Hypertensive Nephropathy

In case of stage 5 kidney failure, the kidney is less able to excrete the wastes products out of body. Besides, the deposition of toxins and wastes products makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, as a result, vicious circle occurs. With deposition of toxins and wastes products in blood, electrolyte level can not kept into balance, and then, patients are more likely to experience low calcium level. Therefore, patients are more likely to experience muscle cramping at night. In addition to, patients may feel desperate since they are diagnosed with kidney failure. This also makes patients experience insomnia at night.

Can Toxin-Removing Treatment treat insomnia with stage 5 kidney failure ?

Various toxins and wastes products are eliminated out of body firstly, because they not only make further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Therefore, eliminating wastes products out of body plays a important role in helping patients live a high quality life. Toxins-Removing Treatment can be used to excrete wastes products and toxins out of body completely. As long as various toxins and wastes products are eliminated out of body, a health internal environment is provided for patients. And then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to repair the diseased cells and tissues and recover their function. By extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood, sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition also can be delivered inside kidney. The diseased cells and tissues can be repaired naturally and gradually.

With the recovery of kidney function, insomnia can be relived fundamentally. What is more, anemia, fatigue and muscle cramping also can be relived fundamentally.

How To Manage Swollen Ankle in Stage 5 CKD

Swelling often occurs in patients with kidney disease. Swelling becomes much more severe as kidney disease progresses. While, how can patients manage swollen ankles in stage 5 CKD?

Normally, our interstitial fluid exchanges and updates constantly, but the amount of interstitial fluid is relatively stable. This depends on the balance of liquid inside and outside both blood vessels and the body. When this balance is damaged, fluid retention occurs easily.

For people with Chronic Kidney Disease, the decline of plasma colloid osmotic pressure is the leading cause of fluid imbalance, while protein is the key to determine the level of plasma colloid osmotic pressure. Three factors can lead to the reduction of protein, resulting in swelling.

- Malnutrition: Poor appetite or restricted diet is more likely to make kidney disease patients can’t get enough nutritions, thus lacking of raw materials for protein formation.

- Heavy loss of protein: If the glomerular basement membrane is damaged, a lot of protein will leak from the kidney to urine.

- Fluid and sodium retention: When glomerular filtration rate (GFR) declines but renal tubules are still well, fluid and sodium build up in the tissue space easily along with the increase of blood capillary permeability.

Is there anything we can do to relieve ankle swollen with stage 5 CKD ?

Since swollen ankle is cased by diseased kidney, we need to make it every effort to make the diseased kidney repaired. The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can achieve a great effects in helping patients repair the diseased kidney. The natural treatments include Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot bath.

In case of kidney failure, there are numerous toxins and wastes products building up in patients’ body and they not only make further damage to kidney cells, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Toxin-Removing Treatment is used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely. And then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes highly effects to repair the diseased kidney by dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood. Besides, Immunotherapy takes effects to repair the diseased kidney by accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection.
By taking this treatment, swollen ankles can be relived fundamentally through a way of improving kidney function.

Are you still suffering from swollen ankles problem? Do you want to seek for a fundamental treatment to relieve it ? Please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave a message below. We will try our best to help you.


Is Toxin-Removing Treatment Helpful for Stage 3 Kidney Failure Patients

Stage 3 kidney failure has been considered as the key stage of renal disease and they need to receive effective measures as soon as possible to prevent further damage, otherwise, it deteriorates into end stage renal disease easily. Recently, patients are wondering that can Toxin-Removing Treatment be helpful for stage 3 kidney failure patients.

As a matter of fact, in case of chronic kidney disease, there are several diseased cells and tissues or even dead kidney cells and tissues in kidney. What we can do is to make the diseased cells and tissues repaired, but we can not make the dead cells and tissues survive again. Thereby, chronic kidney disease can not be cured completely, but, we will try our best to help you reverse kidney disease.
Remarkable Improvement in PKD
After years of clinical studies, we thought that the key to treat kidney disease is to clean the blood. We have found that the same person with different order of taking medicine and removing toxin has different curative effects. The latter’s is better. The reason is that lots of toxin and wastes will counteract the effects of medicine so that even you take the best medicine, it would be no use. For 3 stage of kidney failure patients, there must be many toxins and wastes deposited in the body. So we choose toxin-removing treatment to create a good internal environment first and then save the kidney.

In addition to, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to repair the diseased kidney. This treatment, a external application, has the best effects to recover its function. There are numerous herbs containing in this therapy and they are often refined into powder, so as to improve its efficiency. And two medicated bags are made with medicated powder are put on your low back area for about 30-40 minutes. By connecting osmotic machine and two mediated bags, active substances will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. At the same time, sufficient blood and oxygen also can be delivered inside kidney lesions directly. As a result, the diseased cells and tissues can be repaired by providing a health internal environment. Besides, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath also provided for patients.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Can Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease
If you want to know more details about the treatment, you can leave message below in details or consult us as the following ways you like. We will do utmost to help you.

How Does High Creatinine Reduce Using Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

How does Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reduce high creatinine level? In China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is a professional kidney disease hospital, which has treated thousands of patients from more than 70 countries. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the characteristic treatments of our hospital and is used for several years effectively.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Can Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a relatively new treatment for chronic kidney disease which has been proved in clinic to be effective and convenient. It can eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria; control complications such as lowering the risk of heart problems. What is more important, it can help repair renal damages so as to block the process of renal fibrosis and gradually restore kidney functions.

Remarkable Improvement in PKD

The medicines are all from nature, so that it is healthy and safe for patients who do not need to worry about the side effects for them. The medicines are made of powder so as to absorb the medicine effects fully. With the help of osmotic device, the active ingredients of medicine can be permeated into kidney area directly and fully, and help repair damaged kidney tissues and cells, and improve kidney functions naturally through the functions of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing enough nutrients and oxygen to damaged kidney.

As long as the kidney function improved, high creatinine level will be reduced, other harmful substances in blood will be discharged and abnormal symptoms will also disappear naturally.

In addition to Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Oral Chinese Medicine Treatment and Acupuncture and so on also can help reduce high creatinine level effectively.

If you want to know more details about the treatment or reduce High Creatinine naturally without dialysis, you can leave message below in details or consult us as the following ways you like. We will do utmost to help you.


How Does Toxin-Removing Therapy Reduce Proteinuria in Renal Failure

In general, Proteinuria occurrence often indicates kidney has been damaged severely. About its treatment, we recommend Toxin-Removing Therapy which is created by Chinese Medicine expert team through years of clinical experience and theory.

Jam is a Kidney Failure patient, who has High Creatinine Level and Proteinuria. When he first got our hospital, the creatinine level was 572, proteinuria 3.16g. At the beginning, he just wanted to have a try. But through the characteristic Chinese therapies in our hospital, creatinine reduced from 572 to 479, proteinuria reduced to 1.72g from 3.16g. Jam and his family are extremely satisfied. We are also sincerely glad for him.

Lupus Nephritis 8 Years, Get A Good Treatment In Our Hospital

The systemic Toxin-Removing Therapy includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Acupuncture and other Chinese herbal medicines. They have the functions of expanding blood vessels, improving blood circulation, opening the meridians and collaterals, by degree, repairing impaired kidneys and recovering kidney inherent cells function. There is no doubt that proteinuria will be reduced and creatinine decreased.

Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment for Protein 4+ and Creatinine Level 7.5mg/dL

Medicated bath. During this therapy, we will choose the herbs which can help to improve your blood circulation and remove the toxins. Your symptoms like high blood pressure, or weakness, or pain on the body will be well relieved after the therapy.

Toxin-Removing Treatment: Alternative Way To Prevent Dialysis

Enema therapy. This therapy is mainly aimed at the toxin accumulating in your intestinal track, and your appetite problem or the constipation problem will be relieved greatly.

Foot bath. There are lots of main acupoints on our feet, including the Yongquan acupoint, which is mainly relative to the kidney function. We can supply the element insufficient in your body and draw the toxins out through this acupoint.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. We choose the herbs according to your detailed body condition, and blend them together sufficiently. Then we compress the powder of the herbs on your kidney area, transmitting the element to your kidney by the electromagnetic wave. The active materials of Chinese herbal medicines are expected to play a series of functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis and immune complexes out of body, offering nutrient for kidneys and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells to gradually recover renal function.

Now you have understanding on Toxin-Removing Therapy for proteinuria and high creatinine level. If you are curious on our treatments or want to know more details about our hospital, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

Should I Start Dialysis with Creatinine 6.2 and GFR 10%

Both High Creatinine Level and GFR are the standards of Kidney Dialysis. In Kidney Failure, majority patients will be suggested take dialysis. For High Creatinine Level 6.2 and GFR 10%, should patients start dialysis?

However, many patients do not want to begin dialysis for fear of developing dependence on it or can not afford the cost of maintenance dialysis. If ESRD patients with GFR of 10 or less want to prolong life without dialysis, it is recommended that a dietitian should be consulted to design a proper diet plan according to the patients’ illness conditions. Ketosteril and proper diets can much slow down illness progression, protect kidney functions and reduce strain to the kidneys, liver and heart.

With Only Half A Month’s Treatment, Her PKD Got Great Improvements

Frankly speaking, when patients are in kidney failure or GFR less than 15% or creatinine level higher than 501mg/dl, they will be asked to take dialysis. However, not all patients can take dialysis or must take dialysis. The illness condition of patients is different from case to case. If you have no serious symptom or complication, such as hyperkalemia, you have no necessity to take dialysis despite you have creatinine 6.2 and GFR 10%. On the contrary, if you have some severe symptoms, you should take dialysis timely.

Do You Still Think That Only Steroid Can Treat Kidney Disease

Immunotherapy is a more natural and conservative treatment for renal failure. It is the combination of Chinese and Western therapies. It aims at repairing damaged renal tissues so as to restore lost kidney functions little by little.

Fighting With Diabetic Kidney Disease: How To Win This War

Besides renal failure, cardiovascular complications and other comorbid diseases should be prevented and treated timely and properly so as to greatly reduce the risk factors that can cause death for ESRD patients.

Patients with end stage renal disease need an all-sided medical treatments, home remedies, modification of diets, exercises and life style to help alleviate discomforts, improve life quality and prolong life expectancy.

If you want to learn more information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.


Can Toxin-Removing Therapy Help Avoid Dialysis in Renal Failure

It is known that dialysis is one of the most common treatment to kidney failure, but not all the patients are suitable for this treatment. Toxin-Removing Treatment as one of the latest treatment it can be a good alternative to dialysis.

In Renal Failure, kidneys have been damaged severely so that excess toxins and waste accumulate in blood.

- Too many toxins of blood will affect the medication effects you take. The common treatment is let patients take medicine directly without cleansing blood. In this way, the therapeutic effects are certainly not good.

CKD Patient Regain life Hope In Our Hospital

- Toxins affect kidney intrinsic cells and cause kidney disorder, which will also affect the medication effects.

- These medicines you take only control the symptoms but the damaged kidney tissues are not repaired. So the treatment effects are temporarily so that some symptoms, such as Edema and Proteinuria, relapse again and again.

Toxin-Removing Treatment Reduce Proteinuria In Membranous Nephropathy

Toxin-Removing Treatment for kidney failure

As a patient who has no respond to dialysis you should not lose hope, because dialysis is not the only choice for kidney disease patient. There are some other alternative therapies like renal transplant and Chinese Medicine can help you guys live better without dialysis.

For most of the patients are familiar with renal transplant, i will not go into it too much here. As for the Chinese Medicine, i would like to introduce Toxin-Removing Treatment to you, it is a perfect treatment for kidney failure. With the help of this treatment, people who are in early stage of kidney disease can have a chance to live like a normal person. For people who are in the advanced stage of kidney disease, they may lose the chance back to normal life, but they still can have a quality life without dialysis.

Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 Without Dialysis

If you are the patient who are searching for the alternative to dialysis or you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment, do not upset, you still have many other choices. If you need any help just contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

We believe that, as long as you have hope in heart, you will get a chance to live better!

Toxin-Removing Therapy Avoid Relapsed Nephrotic Syndrome with Protein 4+

Toxin-Removing Therapy can help avoid relapsed Nephrotic Syndrome with protein 4+. Here is a successful patient story in our hospital. Follow us to see the details.

When he came to our hospital, his weight was 72.8kg, protein in urine test was 4+, occult blood 1+ and 24UPr 9.51g. However, after about half of month of treatment, the 24UPr reduced to 0.42g. Amazing, right?

CKD Patient Regain life Hope In Our Hospital

Mr. Lin lives in a little countryside of Guangdong province, China. Six years ago, Edema appeared in his legs. 24UPr was 7.3g. Renal biopsy showed he got FSGS.

Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 Without Dialysis

Through the characteristic Toxin-Removing Therapy of our hospital, the accumulated toxins and waste products in blood will be discharged from the body by urine, excrement and skin. After about half of month of treatment, the weight of Mr. Lin declined 12.6kg, and 24UPr reduced to 0.42g. This time, protein became negative.

Toxin-Removing Treatment Reduce Proteinuria In Membranous Nephropathy

He was satisfied with the result of treatment and happily said that he would pay attention to the diet he ate, especially the fish and other sea foods. If there is too much protein in your body, they will increase the burden of kidney.

If you want to learn more information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.


How Does Toxin-Removing Therapy Improve Kidney Function 17%

Almost all of Kidney Disease patients are suffering from declined Kidney Function, which will affect their life quality and life span. Toxin-Removing Therapy as a natural treatment can help improve kidney function. How to improve kidney function 17%? Please read continuously.

As each patient's disease condition varies from case to case, the best treatment option to improve kidney function 17% should only be given after consulting the doctor.

Nowadays, available options to raise renal function and prevent dialysis have been developed by kidney experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital of China. The therapy is Toxin-Removing Treatment.

Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work For High Creatinine Level 3.9
Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 Without Dialysis

New Treatment for High Creatinine Level 17 Other Than Dialysis

Why we take Toxin-Removing Therapy?

It is because when kidney is damaged, kidney will fail to work normally or effectively, leading to too many toxins and waste products build up in blood. These harmful toxins will counteract the medication effects when you take medicine, and cause further kidney damage. So if you really want to improve kidney function 17%, what we should do is to cleanse the polluted blood environment timely to provide good internal environment and condition for the further medication and kidney cells self-curative ability.

This therapy is a systemic treatment including series of Chinese treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy, etc. Through removing blood stasis, dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation and providing necessary nutrients to damaged kidney, the treatment can help repair impaired kidney intrinsic cells and improve kidney function 17% gradually.

Among these, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most effective treatment to repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. After a period of treatment, the abnormal symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite, headache, Edema, Proteinuria, etc can be treated radically and naturally. In this case, you have great chance of improving kidney function 17% and avoiding Dialysis.

The most important thing is that cleansing blood first so that the medication can be absorbed fully. If you want to improve kidney function 17% or other levels or avoid Dialysis, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

How to Prevent Kidney from Further Damage with GFR 34

I am 69 years old & have Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 with GFR 34%. How to prevent my kidneys from further damage? I want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Therapy for Kidney Disease.

GFR, short for Glomerular Filtration Rate, is an important index in measuring how well your kidneys are functioning. In clinic, chronic kidney disease is divided into 5 stages and GFR 34 means stage 3. Actually, stage 3 kidney disease is further divided into two parts: Stage 3A CKD (GFR 45-59) and Stage 3B CKD (GFR 30-44). Hence, to be more accurate, GFR 34 indicates patients are in Stage 3B Kidney Disease.

With such low GFR, patients usually experience some symptoms like elevated blood pressure, foamy urine, frequent urination at night, back pain, edema or swelling, protein in urine, anemia, etc. In such a case, if patients take no treatments, GFR will keep decreasing. As a result, Kidney Failure occur.

Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work For High Creatinine Level 3.9
Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 Without Dialysis

New Treatment for High Creatinine Level 17 Other Than Dialysis

How to prevent kidney from further damage with GFR 34?

Now that toxins accumulate in the body, which affect the medication effect you take. The proper method should eliminate these harmful substances first. In this way, it can provide clean internal environment for kidney cells self healing and create good condition for the further medication.

Thus Toxin-Removing Therapy can help achieve the goal.

This therapy is a systemic treatment that is created on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, etc. Through these treatments, they can eliminate toxins from the body and can also repair damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. Through a period of time, damaged kidney can be repaired and kidney function improved. GFR 34 will be increased naturally.

In a word, the correct treatment should cleanse blood and repair damaged kidney tissues simultaneously. Toxin-Removing Therapy can achieve the two requirements. If you want to have a try and protect kidney function from decline, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free.


Can I Do Anything to Improve Kidney Function with Stage 3 CKD with GFR 42

Stage 3 CKD is the key stage of renal disease and they need to receive treatments as soon as possible to prevent further damage. While, patients are wondering that can they do anything to improve kidney function with stage 3 CKD with GFR 42?

Dialysis is a treatment to excrete wastes products and toxic substances out of body, thus reliving some poisoning symptoms and avoiding complications.

Kidney transplant is a procedure in which a new kidney was placed into body to replace the diseased one. And the new kidney can do what the health kidney do. Therefore, it is commonly believed that kidney transplant is a cure for kidney failure patients. However, kidney transplant is not a complete cure for kidney failure patients. There is always a chance that transplanted kidney reject your body tissues, by then, what kinds of choices would you make? Back to dialysis or kidney transplant ?

Since trends in the GFR provide us with an overview of how the kidneys are functioning, repairing damaged kidney function is the only effective way to improve GFR value. Thereby, the best method is to make the damaged kidney functioning cells alive again. Some herbal medicines just have a big benefit in increase self-curative ability and repairing damaged tissues.

After absorbing the essence of these herbal medicines, a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is able to expand blood vessels in the kidney, so enough blood and oxygen will be transported to these damaged but not necrotic kidney cells. After a period time, the GFR will be improved along with the recovery of kidney function.

Toxin-Removing Treatment: Alternative Way To Prevent Dialysis
How Can I Access Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis And Kidney Transplant

What Chinese Toxin Removing Medicine Can Treat ESRD

This is a external application and there are lots of herbs containing in this therapy, besides, herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency. The two medicated powder is collected into two medicated bags which are put on your low back area for about 40-50 minutes. Through a way of connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. Sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition also can be delivered inside kidney lesions along with lots of active substances. By extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood, the diseased kidney would be repaired gradually.

Are you suffer from stage 3 kidney failure with GFR 42? Please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com. The renal doctor will analyze your illness condition accurately and then reply you as soon as possible.

Toxin-Removing Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease in China

Do you know why Chronic Kidney Disease is difficult to cure? What is the underlying cause of kidney disease? It is because that there are many toxins and waste products in blood. Toxin-Removing Therapy for CKD in China is recommended to you.

According to the treatment for kidney disease, at first, we need to recover kidney inherent cells and prevent the progression of fibrosis.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Toxin-Removing Therapies just are designed for the problem of condition repeat and hard to heal which contains Chinese herbs. It is a great innovation in our hospital, and Chinese medicines are natural and healthy which have no side effects.

Toxin-Removing Treatment: Alternative Way To Prevent Dialysis
How Can I Access Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis And Kidney Transplant

What Chinese Toxin Removing Medicine Can Treat ESRD

The Biggest Feature of Toxin-Removing Therapy

The biggest character of this therapy is that remove the toxins and excess wastes out of the body effectively through excrement, urine and skin so as to provide good environment and favorable condition for kidney cells self-healing and the application of other medicine treatments.

The core of treatment is still based on the concept of dispersing blood stasis and combines the kidney to eliminate kidney inflammation effectively.

This therapy is a systemic treatment including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Full Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy and so on.

So what are the effects of Toxin-removing therapies?

It mainly includes several aspects:

First, the active substance in Chinese Medicine can activate the function of surviving inherent cells, reverse and recover normal cells’ metabolism.

Through the application of traditional Chinese medicines, active materials penetrate into patients’ kidney area directly, achieving the effects of discharging toxins and excess materials, and then make the further medications play the biggest effects. And then stabilize glomerular cells to prevent the process of glomerular sclerosis and renal interstitial fibrosis. Meanwhile, Chinese medicines can activate the self-healing capabilities of inherent cells to rebuild glomerular structure, so that recover the function of glomerular filtration.

Second, Chinese Medicines can improve microcirculation of damaged kidney, in order to speed up the recovery of inherent cells.

The therapy can expand blood vessels and keep blood flowing smoothly, creating a favorable repair environment for damaged kidneys.

Third, Chinese Medicines have the functions of immune adjustment and metabolism, which will control the progress of condition and purify the kidney environment.
When Chinese medicines substances enter into patients’ body, they will increase the immune for patients to protect patients from inflammation damage.

All in all, toxin-removing therapies are aim to expel the toxins and excessive water in blood, so as to provide a better environment for medication. It is an effective treatment for kidney disease.

Our hospital is a specialized kidney disease hospital in China. Effective and proper treatment can help you prevent kidney disorder from further damage. If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Therapy and want to have a try or have other question on kidney disease, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR freely to get timely information.

How to Alleviate Poor Appetite with Kidney Failure

For kidney failure patients, they usually have poor appetite. They may be ill with malnutrition, emaciation, weakness and so on. So, they want to live a better life without poor appetite. Here the article will help you know how to alleviate poor appetite with kidney failure.

Poor appetite describes the feeling of not being hungry, no desire to eat and/or no taste for any food. Also refereed to as “not hungry,” “loss of appetite” or anorexia.

Kidney failure refers to a condition in which the kidney could not work well to eliminate the redundant things, toxins and wastes from the body. So that, the harmful things will be gathered in the digestive system, which leads to the poor appetite. Therefore, in order to remit poor appetite, the undesired things must be cleaned up.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Advanced Technology To Treat Kidney Failure
Good News for Treatment of Kidney Failure

How Can I Access Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis And Kidney Transplant

Dialysis is a external technology to filter the blood by a medical machine. It can get rid of the unnecessary things to relax the symptom. Besides, it can cause itching skin, vomiting, nausea and other illnesses. The poor appetite may appear again in result of the toxins assemble in the body repeatedly.

How to cope with poor appetite for kidney disease patients?

-Water pills. Water pills, also known as diuretic, are prescript to alleviate the swellings in kidney disease patients. You are suggested to take water pills with the permission of your doctor. Also, some herbal tea works as natural diuretics. Poor appetite will be treated to a certain degree if swelling can be relieved effectively.

-Blood Pollution Therapy. It aims at eliminating various of toxins and harmful substances in the body by proper blood purification technique according to the types of harmful substances.

-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. This treatment aims at repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function through a series of functions. Most kidney disease patients feel hungry and want to eat food after the first time of taking Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Foreign patients describe it as Chinese massage, very comfortable.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relief poor appetite by recovering the renal function. In the treatment, the powder of the special herbs which are selected up based on the patients’ sick situations will be put into two medical bags. Later, the active material will permeate into the body and enter the kidney through the medical bags applied on the patients’ Shenshu area. Then it can enhance the kidney self-healing ability by enlarging the blood vessels, melting the blood stasis and promoting the blood circulation. When the kidney is restored, the disgusting things will be cleaned up. Hence, the poor appetite fades away.

How Does Toxin-Removing Therapy Improve Kidney Function 14%

"I hear Toxin-Removing Therapy recently through my friend. I want to know how Toxin-Removing Therapy improves my kidney function 14% in Kidney Failure."

If you want to get good effects and improve kidney function 14%, you should eliminate toxins and wastes out of the body first. Otherwise any other treatment can not work effectively. Only cleansing toxins and wastes of blood can the medicines play the effects fully for kidney cells self-healing.

This therapy is an advanced treatment of our hospital in China. When kidney is damaged, there will be a lot of toxins and waste substances build up in blood. If you do not remove them first, they will stay in blood to counteract the medicine effects. And these medicines build up in blood and become wastes to damage kidney continuously.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Advanced Technology To Treat Kidney Failure
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What are the curative effect of Toxin-Removing Treatment?

- Repair damaged kidney cells and regenerate new cells
- Remove toxins out of the blood and protect the kidneys from further damage
- Improve kidney function
- Alleviate complications such as high creatinine level and hypertension
- Prevent kidney failure goes to worse
- Delay or even avoid dialysis

How does Toxin-Removing Therapy improve kidney function 14%?

This therapy is a systemic treatment including series of Chinese treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy, etc. Through removing blood stasis, dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation and providing necessary nutrients to damaged kidney, the treatment can help repair impaired kidney intrinsic cells and improve kidney function 14% gradually.

Among these, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most effective treatment to repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. After a period of treatment, the abnormal symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite, headache, Edema, Proteinuria, etc can be treated radically and naturally. In this case, you have great chance of improving kidney function 14% and avoiding Dialysis.


Available Therapy for ESRD Patients with Dialysis

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is when the kidneys are no longer able to work properly and timely for day to day life. ESRD will cause many symptoms appear such as itchy and dry skin, loss of appetite, nausea, sleep problems and edema as well as other body’s symptoms. Urgent treatment is needed. Compared with conservative treatment like dialysis and kidney transplant and medications, is there advanced alternative treatment for ESRD patients?

When the condition develops ESRD, the last and the most severe stage of kidney diseases, most patients put their hopes on kidney transplant, they regard it as their last hope. However, it is not easy to receive a kidney transplant, during the long wait for a donor, some ESRD patients begin to look for other treatments, of course including natural treatment for ESRD. As a matter of fact, if ESRD patients are so lucky that can receive a successful kidney transplant, their lives can be prolonged and the quality of life can be improved to some extent. Do you know What Is The Life Expectancy after a Successful Kidney Transplant? While the natural treatment for ESRD in China says kidney transplant will not be the last choice for ESRD patients until the total kidney function is lost.

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The root cause of skin problem for patients with ESRD is mainly kidney function declining. Thereby, repairing the diseased cells and kidney and improving kidney function is the most fundamental way to solve the ESRD.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a treatment to deal with all of symptoms and complications, which is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The Chinese herbs contained in this therapy should be refined into powder and then collected into two medicated bags which is put on patients’ low back area. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances can promote blood circulation, promote the excretion of toxic substances and wastes products, repair the diseased cells and kidney tissues, improve their normal kidney function. The application of Chinese herbal medicines is regarded as the safe and efficient natural treatment for ESRD. This natural treatment for ESRD includes the application of western medicines such as steroid drugs or immunosuppressive agents, but compared with the common treatment for ESRD, the application of Chinese herbal medicines becomes the biggest difference. We also need to use the advanced blood purification techniques like plasma exchange, blood perfusion, immune adsorption, hemofiltration and etc to eliminate various of toxins in the body and create a clean inner environment, after that, the Chinese herbal medicines will be used. Through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, the kidney damage can be repaired and kidney function can be enhanced gradually, which is the final purpose of application of Chinese herbal medicines. Kidney transplant is likely to be avoided as long as the kidney function can be enhanced. Of course the treatment effect varies from case to case, it depends on the specific condition of ESRD patients. We will be here dealing with your any follow-up questions about this natural treatment for ESRD.

Toxin-Removing Therapy for High Creatinine Level 1109 without Dialysis

Toxin-removing therapy is one of therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been on take an important role during the treatment. Will tocin-removing therapy treat high creatinine level 1109 for renal failure without dialysis?

Frankly speaking, the underlying treatment should focus on cleansing the polluted blood, and then repairing kidney damage and protecting the residual kidney function.

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As we all know, creatinine is a waste product in the blood created by the normal metabolism of muscle cells. Healthy kidneys take creatinine out of the blood and remove it into the urine to leave the body. However, when the kidneys are not working well, creatinine builds up in the blood. In other words, if the kidney loses the ability to filter blood, more creatinine will accumulate and serum creatinine will rise. Therefore, once you are diagnosed with high creatinne, your kidney damage is relatively bad. If you want to lower elevated creatinine level from the root, the best method is to improve renal function.

High creatinine 1109 is much higher than normal level which means in the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). In this condition, there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood, which can cause blood pollution and lead to some severe symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, etc. Dialysis is the most suggested treatment for high creatinine level, because it is the quickest way to lower high creatinine. However, dialysis can not restore kidney function, and the long-term dialysis can cause some severe side effects.

How does Toxin-Removing Therapy reduce high creatinine 1109 without dialysis?

This is a systematic treatment, which make full use of series of Chinese treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, etc. The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can expel wastes from blood and kidney intrinsic cells through dilating your blood vessels and improving your blood circulation. After your blood is cleansed, it can set up a clean blood environment for recovering renal function.

The treatment plan differs from patient to patient. The therapy can repair kidney damage and improve renal function through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, providing nutrients to kidney, removing blood stasis and stimulating the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues. When renal function is improved, kidneys can discharge excess wastes from your body. Thus, high creatinine level 1109 can be reduced naturally.


Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 9.8: Is Dialysis the Only Choice

I have got kidney disease sevaral years ago and now my creatinine level is 9.8, the doctor recommend dialysis but i don’t want to take it. Please tell me is there any other choice for me?

In fact, for kidney failure patient who are in this condition they have some other options except dialysis. But they should take the alternative treatment timely, otherwise they will suffer more pains. You know after the creatinine level up to 9.8, many symptoms and complications will occur, without timely treatment the patients will experience more and more pains.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Advanced Technology To Treat Kidney Failure
Good News for Treatment of Kidney Failure
How Can I Access Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis And Kidney Transplant

What Chinese Toxin Removing Medicine Can Treat ESRD


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective for CKD, it is able to be the alternative the dialysis for patients also with high creatinine level.

What treatment can help kidney failure patient live a quality life without dialysis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help kidney failure patient live better without dialysis by improving the kidney function.

You know, this treatment is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it has generated all the advantages of the TCM, that is to say, it can treat kidney disease without making further damage to the kidneys.

In one word, for kidney failure patient with creatinine level 9.8 they can get a chance to live a quality life without taking dialysis if they can get this treatment timely.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

Phone: 008618330110929

Can I stop dialysis with kidney Failure

Can I stop dialysis with kidney Failure? This questions is commonly posted by kidney disease patients who are undergoing dialysis. Actually, whether a patient can stop dialysis or not depends on their illness condition.

Kidney is an important organ of our body, it is composed of different kinds of kidney intrinsic cells like glomerular mesangial cell, glomerular epithelial cell and so on. So for most the patient who just start dialysis, they still have healthy, injured and necrotic kidney intrinsic cells in the kidney. For these necrotic intrinsic cells, they can not be revived to work again, but for these which are injured mildly, they can be repaired effectively by activating and strengthening their self-curative ability. When much more kidney cells to perform function, kidney function is improved greatly and also the chance of stopping dialysis will increased greatly.

What happens if kidney failure patients stop dialysis?

Failed kidney fail to discharge toxins produced by our body, leading to the condition that toxins build up in the blood. Creatinine is one of the typical toxins in our body, so creatinine level reflects how much toxins there are in our blood. Dialysis helps to remove toxins out of patient’s body and when patients stop dialysis, toxins will pile up and circulate with blood. These toxins are harmful and if exists for a long time in the blood, patient’s internal organs like heart, digestive tract, and nerves will be damaged seriously. Therefore, if kidney failure patients stop dialysis without improving kidney condition, they will be at high risk to suffer from heart failure, digestive problems and nerve problems and so on.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Advanced Technology To Treat Kidney Failure
Good News for Treatment of Kidney Failure
How Can I Access Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis And Kidney Transplant

What Chinese Toxin Removing Medicine Can Treat ESRD

What treatment can help kidney failure patient stop dialysis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbs which are externally used together. These herbs have function of expanding blood vessels, blocking inflammation, preventing coagulation and degradating extracellular matrixes. With the help of this treatment, those injured kidney cells can be repaired gradually, so the kidney function can be improved.

So Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice for those patients who want to stop dialysis. If you are interested in this treatment or want to stop dialysis, you can send email to us or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

Does Toxin-Removing Treatment Work for Kidney Failure with 24%Kidney Function

So many Kidney Failure patients have heard of that the Toxin-Removing Treatmnent can deal with a lot of difficult diseases. And they are eager to know if the Chinese medical treatments can work for kidney failure with only 24% kidney function.

How 24% kidney function bad for kidney failure patients?

Without to say, the kidney is an important organ for us which can remove toxic waste out of body and remain the useful substance that we needed. However, when the kidney function only remain 24%, that means they can not do its work well. As a result, more and more waste will remain in the body and with time going on, there will appear a lot of painful symptoms. If the 24% kidney function get worsening gradually, the patients will reach to the end stage renal disease.

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Toxin-removing Treatment is effective for kidney failure with 24% renal function.

I guess you are so glade to heard this answer. Toxin-removing Treatment is on the basis of Chinese medicines. The Chinese medical treatments have a long history in china, and the fact proves that they can treat the kidney failure. There are various kinds of forms of our Chinese medical treatments, each of them has special function. The Chinese medical soup is the most common form, and it can invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the elite of our Chinese medical treatments, which can improve kidney function directly, because the Chinese medicine in this therapy can contact with the damaged kidney cells and tissues directly. At last, the Medicated Bath is so comfortable to the patients. Through soaking in it, the whole blood circulation of patients will be promoted a lot.

From above, you must believe our Chinese medical treatments work for kidney failure with 24% kidney function. If you want to try them for yourselves, you can send emails to kidneycares@hotmail.com and call 008618330110929.

Natural Remedy For Swelling In Kidney Failure

Most of the Renal Failure patients are found that they suffer from swollen feet which can effect the walk ability. If you do a research about swollen feet and the renal failure, you can find the close relationship between them. Read the following article and find the relationship between them. Or you also can contact our ONLINE DOCTOR.

What are the natural remedies for swelling from kidney failure? Read on and you will get the answer:

In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we mainly use the Chinese medical treatments to deal with various kinds of kidney diseases and symptoms. And it is easy for us to deal with the swollen feet for renal failure patients. There is the Steaming Therapy, which is based on the traditional Chinese medical herbs. The principle of steaming therapy is making use of steam which is send out by the boiling Chinese medicine. Then the patients are supposed to be naked and sitting in a closed room for about one or two hours. Then they will swear a lot, some of the exceed fluid will get out of the body. At the same times, the blood vessels will be expanded, the blood circulation will be accelerated. At last, the swollen feet will disappear for renal failure patients.

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Magic Chinese Medicine Treatments for Diabetic Nephropathy

Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for an examination, This treatment is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In this therapy, there are lots of herbal medicines containing in this therapy, so this is a comfortable and natural treatment. Besides, herbal medicines are often refined into powder to improve its efficiency. With the help of osmotic machine, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly, active substances will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. On one hand, it promotes the excretion of cysts fluid by stopping the growth of cysts, on the other hand, it promotes the excretion of cysts fluid by increasing blood circulation of cysts wall. As kidney cysts become smaller and smaller, diseased cells and tissues have a health internal environment to get self repaired and then we mainly use herbal medicines to repair the diseased cells and tissues and recover their function. Swelling would be relived fundamentally by improving kidney function.

From above, you must know the swollen feet associate with renal failure. If you want to deal it with out therapy, you can send emails to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Dialysis Started from One Month Ago, How to Stop It

Hi doctor. My wife was diagnosed as kidney failure a few months ago, but one month ago, she started to take dialysis. I do not want to see her so painful, can you help us to stop it?

Dialysis started from on month ago, there should be great chance for your wife to get rid of it. You know what, short time dialysis can not cause dependency of dialysis for patients. So that with effective treatment for your wife that dialysis can be stopped.

It is easy for chronic kidney failure patients to know that the best way to help stop dialysis is to make kidneys can work normally again, then dialysis treatment will become useless. But now the problem is how. It requires a therapy to have the ability to repair kidney damage and recover renal function. Well, take the safety and efficiency into account, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended here.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development of Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Firstly, chronic kidney failure patients do not need to worry about the side effects, that is because all the medicines used come from the nature. It asks chronic kidney failure patients to lie on the bed and two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients, osmosis device and blood circulation will help the active materials directly to get to kidneys and then come into play.

Through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, providing nutrition for damaged kidneys and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells, kidney damage is expected to be repaired and renal function will be gradually recovered.

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Stem Cell Therapy

Brand new treatment in the world, which is used for damaged tissues to rebuild. It can be matched with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to clean toxins in blood, rebuild kidney tissues and prevent relapse at the same time.

With them help, kidneys have great chance to work well again, and then your wife do not need to relay on dialysis as the only treatment. If you still have any question about these treatments or want to know more about your wife’ s solution, please contact with us through leaving message or other ways. We will try our best to help you.

Uremia Treatment in Our Hospital with Chinese Medicine

In this article, i will give you a patient story that an uremia patient takes Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital.

In 2010, Alfiya found that her legs have swelling and she also experiences headache, dizziness, chest distress and short of breath. The report in her local hospital shows blood pressure 200/120mmHg, urine protein 3+, urine occult blood 2+ and serum creatinine level 180umol/L. She was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). At this time, Alfiya’s disease just progresses to chronic renal failure in-compensation stage.

In 2012, her symptoms are worsened so she accepts treatment again. At this time, her blood pressure elevates to 220/120mmHg, hemoglobin reduces to 98g/L, protein in urine is 3+, serum creatinine level elevates to 400umol/L.

In 2014, her blood pressure is 230/110mmHg, serum creatinine is 800umol/L. Except for the above medications, She begins dialysis three times in a week. That is, her doctor begins to treat kidney failure. But at this time her disease has entered into uremia stage.

Toxin-Removing Treatment Reduce Proteinuria In Membranous Nephropathy
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In her local country, her doctor told her that there is no good treatment. Dialysis and Kidney transplant are only two options for her condition. In order to get good treatment, she begins to search internet and then finds our hospital.
Alfiya stays in our hospital for 21 days and we use Toxin-Removing Therapy to help her discharge toxins from her body. Dialysis is not the only way for reducing high serum creatinine level. Chinese medicines can also bring high creatinine level down.

During the treatment, she was recommended to adopt a series of Chinese medical treatment which are our special treatments and widely used in our clinic. According to his illness condition, we do use our characterized treatment named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to lower his creatinine level and high blood pressure, repair kidney damage as well as protect renal function. After a period of treatment, he begin to feel better and quality of life get improvement. To solidify the therapeutic effect, we also combines other support treatment like Mai-Kang Composition, Foot Bath, Circle Therapy and Hot Compress Therapy.


Does Ketosteril Work in Treating Renal Failure

If you are now having kidney failure and your serum creatinine is high but you have not begun dialysis or you do not want to begin dialysis, ketosteril is a good non-dialysis treatment option for you.

Amino acid is an important organic compound including essential amino acid and nonessential amino acid. The former one can be synthesized by body, but the later is mainly from our protein supplement. Ketosteril can use the nitrogen in nonessential amino acid to form amino acid. Meanwhile, it can reduce the formation of urea. Therefore, it can reduce the production of metabolic wastes in blood significantly. When the patients with renal failure are on ketosteril, a low-protein diet is needed. Recommended daily protein intake should be controlled in 40g for the adult.

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The main components of ketosteril are amino acids and calcium amino acid compounds. It can provide essential amino acids and reduce the intake of amino nitrogen. What is more, it can make use of the nitrogen in non-essential amino and turn them into amino acids so as to reduce the production of urea nitrogen and much relieve the building up of nitrogenous wastes and other toxic subtances in the body. As a result, the symptoms and discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, uremia, skin itching, etc caused by accumulation of uremic wastes will be much relieved. It can also rectify metabolic acidosis.

Ketosteril has the following curative effects in treating renal failure.

※ Relieve the symptoms of Kidney Failure by reducing metabolic wastes production
※ Protect residual renal function and delay the disease progression
※ Provide amino acid supplement and improve malnutrition state
※ Reduce protein in urine
※ Correct metabolic disorder, secondary hyperthyroidism and renal bone disease
※ Improve lipid metabolism disorder
※ Improve endocrine disorder

However, when people with renal failure are on ketosteril, they may develop hypercalcemia which may cause heart problem. If it happens, the patients are recommended to reduce the supplement of vitamin D. If the condition occurs persistently, the dose of ketosteril should be reduced. Also, the supplement of other calcium should also be limited.

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