
What Are The Side Effects Of Uremia

Uremia is severe stage of kidney disease. Once it occurs, many symptoms will occur. Well what symptoms of uremia will happen?
First, why kidneys are so important?
The kidneys are important because they keep the composition, or makeup, of the blood stable, which lets the body function. They have the following functions, including:
prevent the buildup of wastes and extra fluid in the body
keep levels of electrolytes stable, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphate
make hormones that help
regulate blood pressure
make red blood cells
bones stay strong
Second, what are the side effects of uremia?
1, digestive side effects: effects of uremia first is the digestive system, there is the end of uremia, high creatinine uremic stomatitis, gastritis, colitis, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and mouth Niaowei so on.
2, cardiovascular system side effects: exhibit high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac recession, pericarditis, some patient may exhibit pericardial effusion.
3, respiratory system side effects: breath ammonia odor, slightly faster and deep breathing, can exhibit severe uremia late, uremia high creatinine pneumonia.
4, hematopoietic system side effects: anemia and bleeding tendency is most prevalent.
5, nervous system side effects: easy fatigue, memory loss, irritability, insomnia; late may show lethargy, delirium, coma and mania, etc., convulsions coma patient if rescue is not seize the moment and will cause death of the patient.

6, skin system side effects: such as pigmentation, skin itching.

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