
Electrolyte Imbalance Management Stage 3 Renal Insufficiency

The kidneys are primarily responsible for excreting waste products, the water balance of the electrolyte and adjusting internal secretion. So with decreased renal function, patients may suffer more complications and síntomas.Hoy, we will have a discussion about the management of electrolyte imbalance in stage 3 renal failure.

Patients with renal failure in stage 3 are in the period of slight decline in renal function and electrolyte imbalance is usually level. Without timely and effective treatment, patients may experience symptoms such as:

Lack of appetite

Injured kidney fails to excrete additional phosphorus outside the body, and phosphorus in the blood can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, affecting appetite.

Itchy Skin 

Blood phosphorus combined with calcium, causing deposition skin systems. Patients with renal impairment So often suffer from itchy skin.

Muslce Cramps

Altas phosphorus cause low levels of calcium in the blood through influence calcium absorption from the intestinal tract and cause calcium deposition, which stimulate muscle nerves systems, leading to muscle cramps.

The ósea.Alta disease condition of low phosphorus and calcium increase PTH, at this time, the calcium in the bones are separated to support calcium in the blood, so bone disease occur.

Stage 3 kidney failure should pay more attention to their daily diet, which plays an important role in controlling the level of electrolito.Se recommend foods low in phosphorus. For specific information, patients can communicate with our online doctors for suggestions.

Except diet, timely and effective treatment is key for patients live a life of high quality. Patients in stage 3 renal failure are reversible period and our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice for spending pacientes.Tiene blood vessel function, anti-inflammation, anti-freeze and degradation of extracellular matrix. With the infusion of blood smoothly, kidney damage can be blocked and renal function may also be promoted.

Now, if you want to know more about the management of electrolyte imbalance in stage 3 kidney failure, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor, we will reply within 24 hours.

Is There a Method to Avoid Dialysis and Decreased Renal Function

There any method to avoid dialysis and renal function recovered? Dialysis may help patients with renal insufficiency live better being part of kidney dialysis but long terms effects secundarios.Así bring many people are looking for some alternative ways to treat renal disease.

Is there any method to avoid dialysis?

In the past, kidney transplantation is the only way to help patients get rid of kidney disease dialysis and remains one of the most effective ways to treat kidney disease in our días.Pero will cost lots of money, so not all patients can be submitted to this treatment.

Another effective way to treat kidney disease is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is a type of Chinese medicine based on traditional Chinese medicine herbs. Compared to kidney transplant, it is more natural. What's more, you can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the other a mayor.Así harm for people who are in the early stage of this disease, this therapy is the best option for them.

Is there any method to recover renal function?

As mentioned earlier, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the other from further damage, so can improve kidney function in some grado.Para people with mild renal impairment may have the opportunity to recovering the renal function with the help of this therapy and a diet adjustment.

Have the answers you want? If you still have other questions in the treatment of kidney disease, we invite you to contact our doctor directly online or you can leave message then we will do everything possible to help .


Can Pomegranate Juice Help Nephritis Patients

Chronic renal nephritis is a common disease that affects many people around the mundo.Crónica nephritis is a common kidney disease that affects many people around the mundo.Es Granada juice helps prevent kidney failure in patients nephritis?

The degree of renal damage are different for patients Nefritis.Con progression of chronic nephritis, patients may have eventual renal failure. Food and drinks may help correct stop this progression.

What can juice Granada for chronic nephritis patients?

Chronic nephritis is characterized by high blood pressure, low immune capacity, lack of appetite, and so on. Fortunately, Granada juice can bring the following benefits for you.

-Regular Blood pressure: This juice can help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels and prevent blood clot or clots sangre.Debido to fluid retention and sodium, blood pressure increases easily.

-Increase Immunity: Patients with kidney problems usually have low immune capacity, and are at a high risk of Granada infecciones.El juice contains rich vitamin C and other antioxidants, which have strong anti properties bacterial and immune stimulation.

-Improve The appetite of patients and digestive system: As waste products and toxins accumulate in the body, will stimulate the digestive system and appetite of patients with prontitud.Luego, patients may have desire to eat more food and build your body.

-Helps Regenerate kidney cells: chronic nephritis should induce renal damage. Fortunately, Granada juice can help promote regeneration of damaged renal cells.
Pay attention to the consumption of juice pomegranate.

This fruit is also rich in phosphorus, potassium and other minerales.Si patients have high levels of potassium or phosphorus level, you should consult with your doctor online to determine the amount of juice you can drink beneficially Granada without side effects. Any questions about chronic nephritis diet, can also be viewed online.

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Spoiled Kidneys

Kidney spoiled means the kidneys are unable to filter waste and maintain good blood nourishment correctamente.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine that can help effectively treat kidney spoiled.

What causes kidney spoiled?

Many conditions can cause kidney damage, and immune disorders, infections, hereditary kidney problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. When these factors attack the body, the body will produce antibodies to fight harmful substances, complex formation inmunes.Sin But if the circulatory system can not eliminate immune complexes body effectively, the blood will contaminado.Entonces, less blood can flow to the kidneys, and kidneys undergo renal anoxia and isquémica.Por latter condition, increasingly kidney cells are damaged or necrotic.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is a great innovation of Chinese medicine, and has overcome the major drawbacks of traditional Chinese medicine.

One is to avoid the bitter taste of Chinese medicine orally, as it is externa.Dos therapy effective implementation bags of drugs completely destroyed are placed in the lower back, where the kidneys are.

The other is to shorten the working time of these drugs, because these drugs act on the kidneys directly. Then, patients can find your kidney condition is improving quickly.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for patients with kidney spoiled

Hitherto, a large number of kidney patients have achieved a marked improvement with this condition terapia.Desde disease patient changes from person to person, doctors create hundreds of formulas to treat patients effectively and determine properly.For formula is right for you, you can tell us more about your disease condition or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. Then, kidney doctors here can give you the answer in 24 hours.


Tips to cure high protein loss from diabetic nephropathy

Albuminuria and proteinuria is an early sign of diabetic nephropathy, and may reflect the severity of damage renal.De Thus, proteinuria is a headache for these pacientes.Cómo cure high protein loss in diabetic nephropathy?

1. How nephropathy diabetic proteinuria cause?

Normally, protein loss in 24 hours is less than 150 mg.La kidney disease is a common complication of diabetes, because high blood sugar can damage blood vessels, while the kidney filters are small blood vessels just .

When diabetes causes abnormal glomerular changes, the permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane protein leakage aumenta.Más glomeruli that is above the renal tubular reabsorption, resulting proteinuria.Cuando protein loss is more than 3.5 g / 24 h, indicating heavy proteinuria. If left alone, proteinuria, in turn, can induce an increased renal damage.

2. Tips to cure protein loss

In the clinic, there are many medications that can help you cope with the loss of protein in patients with nephropathy diabética.Hoy, we are here to introduce these drugs from the perspective of Western medicine and Chinese medicine.

Western Medicine: Western medicine focuses on reducing the pressure in the kidney filters, at least every minute filtered blood and reduces proteinuria.For example, ACE inhibitors commonly used to treat their proteinuria, because the blood pressure can High also lower than is dangerous for diabetics factor. These Western medicines usually can cope with the loss of proteins quickly.

Chinese Herbal Medicine: Pseudostellariae Radix, radix glycyrrhizae, Leonuri herba, Imperatae rhizome, cinnamon, etc, all have the effect of reducing the loss of medicinal proteínas.Hierbas can help ease proteins Fix leaks through the repair of damaged kidney cells, but may need more time to play effect.

According to their disease condition, doctors can determine whether to use Western medicine and Chinese medicine. If you need, kidney experts here can give some free advice.

How to relieve anemia in polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Anemia is common and earliest symptom of polycystic kidney disease, anemia patients may experience symptoms such as weakness, fatigue and pale face etc.Si left untreated, progression to accelerated failure thus renal.Por It is necessary to treat anemia in advance. So what do PKD patients to relieve complications.

Possible causes of anemia in polycystic kidney disease:

1.loss of kidney function: In normal cases, healthy kidneys can help produce erythropoietin (EPO), which is a necessary component of red cells sangre.Sin however, for patients with PKD, cysts take space renal tissues, influencing the normal functions of the kidneys. Damaged kidneys do not support enough EPO, at this time, patients may suffer anemia.

2.Toxins retention in the blood: renal function to excrete low, many waste products remained in the blood, which is toxic to the human body. Life of red blood cells is shortened by these toxins.

Except for the two previous cases, long-term bleeding and malnutrition may also lead to renal anemia.

How to treat anemia in the PKD?

According to the causes, treatment of the root of PKD is reversing anemia in kidney function and the key is reducing cysts and inhibit the growth of cysts.
The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, technology focuses on all sizes of cysts, which works to promote blood circulation to increase the permeability of cyst walls and inactivate the cells of the lesion cysts walls to inhibit cyst fluid secretion, so that renal cysts can be controlled and cramped with important eficacia.Más Moreover, by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, providing active substances to the damaged kidneys can help restore kidney function.

With improved renal function, anemia will be largely eliminated and patients can feel much better than antes.Si like to meet our treatment of polycystic kidney disease, please email us: kidneycares@hotmail.com, let messages or communicate with our doctors online and we will reply as soon as possible.


High blood pressure for people with PKD: Cause and Treatment

Usually PKD often accompanied with high blood pressure. Because hypertension, patients with PKD suffer symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, etc., even more serious, high blood pressure can build process renal.Entonces fibrosis, how and why high blood pressure appear in people with PKD? What can patients do to refer PKD symptoms.

What is polycystic kidney disease?

PKD is short of polycystic kidney disease, which means that there are many small and large SAC cyst fluid spreading in riñones.Con enlargement of cysts, patients may experience symptoms such as high blood pressure, back pain, blood pressure and so on. More seriously, these cysts can grow large enough to cause chronic renal failure in the long run.

Why and how PKD cause high blood pressure?

High blood pressure caused by the ERP is because clusters of cysts that oppress the normal renal tissues, resulting in ischemia anoxia- renal.Y renal hypoperfusion would rise to increased renin-angiotensin, which represents the contraction of blood vessels, leading to hypertension.

How to treat PKD with high blood pressure?

In the opinion of treatments for polycystic kidney disease, many current treatments such as ACE inhibitors, blockers Angiotensin II, these drugs are still the most recommended for the treatment of hypertension in patients with kidney disease drug poliquística.Sin But these drugs may aggravate the disease condition and raise serum creatinine.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can do the job well. The active ingredients of drugs has functions of spending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood clots, so that high blood pressure can bajar.Además, permeability cyst walls can be increased by which cyst fluids can flow back into the blood and metabolized with blood circulation, reducing quistes.Además, the active drug can inactivate cysts epithelial cell walls inhibiting fluid secretion cysts, so that cysts can be controlled effectively.

With the cysts damage, high blood pressure can also be remitido.Ahora, if you want to know more information about our treatment for ERP, please contact with our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.

How to Improve IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy refers to an autoimmune disorder and is characterized mainly by immune complexes deposited in the area mesangial.For IgA nephropathy patients, the prognosis varies from case to cases.The development of IgA nephropathy is influenced by many factors. And before presenting methods to improve the prognosis of IgA nephropathy, we have a basic understanding of their risk factors.

1. Risk factors

Age: In most cases, the major general have a poor prognosis.

Unhealthy diet or bad habits of life: like drinking, smoking, unhealthy food and rest and work.

A number of symptoms such as hematuria, proteinuria, hypertension, etc.

Treatment: such as the condition of symptoms and complications control.

2. How to improve your prognosis?

Well control symptoms

From the hematuria, high blood pressure and other symptoms can lead to poor pronóstico.Por Therefore, to obtain a better prognosis, patients can take some medication to control these symptoms.

Healthy Lifestyle

A proper diet can help control your progression with eficacia.En most cases, low salt, low protein, low fat, low potassium, low phosphorus recommended, but patients can eat some vegetables and fruit correctamente.Sin But as the condition of the disease varies, the diet should be changed.

Timely and effective treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the traditional Chinese treatment in our hospital representative, medicine applied externally in the regions renales.Cuando the active ingredients of drugs are impregnated into the body, the medication can work on spending the blood vessels, anti- inflammation, anti-freeze and degrading extracellular matrix, so that renal damage may be blocked and also renal function may be promoted with the smooth flow of blood and pure.

If you happen to be a person with IgA nephropathy to find a good prognosis, please contact our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com learn more about managing IgA nephropathy, we will reply within 24 hours.


The fatigue and vomiting of IgA nephropathy patients

IgA nephropathy is not uncommon worldwide. Because renal function remains high in the early stages, patients often have no hassles and complications graves.Sin But with decreased renal function, many symptoms like tiredness and vomiting may occur one uno.Por what?

The kidneys are excretory organs. When the kidneys are damaged by the accumulation of IgA, they may lose their ability to filter the blood and maintain the internal environment estable.En currently listed next several conditions can induce fatigue and vomiting directly.

For IgA nephropathy, fatigue is often due to malnutrition, the accumulation of waste products and toxins, and lack of red blood cells.

With the decline in glomerular filtration rate, more chemicals and waste toxins accumulate in the body that can shorten the life of red blood cells. The lack of red blood cells transport oxygen and less blood cells functioning. Patients feel tired easily.

In order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, patients often have to follow a restricted diet plan. However, if you too, can suffer from malnutrition, resulting in tiredness and fatigue.

In addition, the damaged kidneys can not produce enough EPO, which stimulates the body to produce blood cells rojos.También is of fatigue for patients IgA nephropathy.

Regarding vomiting usually has a close relationship with some toxic substances accumulate in the renal excretory function cuerpo.Si greatly decreases, certain toxic substances such as guanidines, phenols, creatinine, indoles, uric acid, and so on accumulate in the blood, and can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract causing vomiting.

To increase the quality of life of patients, should take immediate steps to address these problems. For example, methods of purifying blood can help eliminate toxic substances, and therapy of EPO and iron-containing foods can help alleviate the fatigue of patients.

In fact, if patients want to overcome these symptoms root, you should take some therapies that can treat IgA nephropathy and improve renal function improved fundamentally.

Will Creatinine Level 5 Require Dialysis

Dialysis does not help reduce the high level of creatinine effectively and quickly, but patients do not need to start dialysis unless your creatinine level has increased to some punto.In severe cases, patients may be suggested to do dialysis when his creatinine rises to 5.Sin But this does not mean that all kidney patients whose creatinine level is 5 or even higher should do dialysis.

If patients have acute renal failure, high creatinine 5 must be accompanied by some other dangerous problems such as pulmonary edema, refractory hypertension, metabolic acidosis, severe inflammation, and so sucesivamente.Son these serious problems rather high level of creatinine requires patients with acute renal failure to start oportuna.A dialysis From this point, we know patients with creatinine 5 and acute renal failure may be necessary to make timely dialysis to prevent acute renal failure becomes the chronic renal failure.

If patients with chronic renal failure, creatinine 5 is not so high that patients should start doing dialysis at most cases.Es say, patients with chronic renal failure with creatinine May still have a chance to get rid of dialysis.

Blood Pollution Therapy: Not only can clean the blood and dialysis but asked no recovery of kidney cells with disabilities. The more kidney cells back to work, level of renal function of the highest in the pacientes.Mientras renal function of patients increases to 20%, do not have to worry about dialysis.

-Stem Cell Therapy: In recent years, stem cell therapy is beginning to be used in the treatment of different diseases. For patients with renal failure, this therapy focuses on the reconstruction of the structure of kidney filtration.

If you are diagnosed with creatinine 5 or higher, you should take treatment immediately. No matter where you are treated, you should choose a good hospital and accept the correct treatment.


What is a dangerously high level of BUN

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a blood test that is commonly used to reflect renal function and creatinine sérica.Si BUN level is too high, indicate some conditions peligrosas.So what a high level of BUN dangerous?

What is blood urea?

This test is used to indicate the content of urea in the blood, and urea is a terminal product of the metabolism of proteínas.Normalmente, kidneys are responsible for removing excess urea outside the body through the orina.Entonces, BUN normal level varies from 9 to 20 mg / dl.

When high BUN level is considered to be dangerous?

If urea production increases abnormally or quantity decreases the excretion of urea, BUN level according to the underlying cause elevará.De, hazardous BUN levels are different from one case to another.

When patients take too much meat or foods rich in protein, BUN of patients will increase rápidamente.Además, if patients suffering from severe dehydration to limited fluid intake or strenuous exercise, urine output is reduced obviously causing more urea to deposit on these problems can cause sangre.Todos BUN level to increase rapidly. In this condition, patients do not have to preocuparse.Esto due to rapid changes of diet plan and lifestyle can make BUN levels back to normal effectively.

However, if high BUN level is caused by a kidney problem, patients should pay highly attention to their status enfermedad.En China, doctors determine renal disease patients has worsened in uremic stage when BUN level rises to 60 mg / dl.Luego, patients should take some effective therapies such as dialysis, treatment of blood or blood Therapy Clear pollution to reduce its high level of BUN.

You still have nothing clear about the blood urea nitrogen? We are happy to help you to help timely response.

Why PKD patients have Back Pain

Lumbar pain means pain patients is in the lower back. For patients with polycystic kidney disease, is a symptom común.Por why patients with PKD have back pain? How to relieve?

The causes of back pain of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease causes numerous fluid-filled cysts to develop in both kidneys.In the early stage, all kidney cysts are enough to not cause any problem.However with its expansion, enlarged renal cysts replace functioning kidney tissues gradually .In this case, some complications PKD can cause back pain.

The first extending renal cyst. Kidneys are located on the bottom of abdomen.Cuando some are too large, nearby kidney and other tissues are compressed pulled órganos.Cuando nerves in these organs, patients will easily LBP.
The second is the infection of the cyst renal.Compresión enlarged kidney cyst can cause breakage fácilmente.Entonces where the differential fluid sac infections may occur.

Last on calculations renales.Cuando kidneys are damaged by enlarged renal cysts, which are unable to remove the body completo.La acid oxalate accumulation of acid oxalate cause kidney stones, and too large kidney stone can induce back pain.

How to relieve back pain PKD patients?

Since kidney stones, enlarged renal cysts and kidney stones are the underlying causes, treatment should be able to handle these problemas.Por course, effective treatment should depend on the underlying cause. To get an individual treatment plan, you can describe your illness condition for Doctor online. Then, you can overcome this problem successfully.

For example, if the back pain patients due to infections of kidney cysts, suggested that drinking more water and cranberry juice, once still have enough urine. In severe cases, must also take some antibióticos.Si have other questions, please send us an email: kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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