
Can Uremic patients Have Sexual Life

According to the survey, uremia patient's sex life to be less than usual, satisfaction is low. Cause of sexual dysfunction in many patients, on the one hand is determined by the nature of the disease itself, such as malnutrition, urea poisoning, vascular disease, elevated serum prolactin, secondary hyperparathyroidism, zinc, and the application of some of the drugs, such as clonidine, methyldopa, propranolol, thiazide diuretics, diazepam, etc., can affect gonadal function.

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On the other hand is the human factor, patients or sex spouses worry a considerable part of the increased disease and give up sex. This is a big misunderstanding! Uremic patients usually should pay attention to rest, excessive sex life easy exhaustion, lower body resistance, worse, the patient should be put under control during sex, but definitely not for a total ban on sex life. Sex is a normal human physiological needs, normal sex life not only adequate coordination, enhance sexual feelings, but also on their own and spousal physical health and psychological adjustment is also beneficial. Satisfying sex life on the heart, immune system, have a positive impact on mental health.

So long as health permits, under the guidance of a doctor, in uremic patients can still have sex. Generally the next day the spirit of good, physical no fatigue, backache and other symptoms without degrees. Before and after the sex parties to the main cleaning the vulva, prevent urinary tract infections. In short, uremic patients for sex, do not have concerns, you should actively try, but do not over-control times, improve quality, while the spouse to give spiritual support for the patient and tolerant.

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