
Uremic Patients Eat Fruit Tips

Many degree uremic patients during illness to prevent the deterioration of the condition do not dare eat fruit, Heng Hospital kidney network of experts pointed out that the fruit there will be worse, worse edema but also aggravate the disease, but patients with uremia may be appropriate to eat fruit, kidney specialists to patients summarizes several tips uremic patients to eat fruit.

Uremic patients taking fruit tips:

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1. Grapefruit:

Grapefruit because of cold, health than Deficiency, low blood pressure or stomach patients should not eat. Second, do not eat grapefruit medication, especially angina, blood pressure, blood fat, antihistamines and other drugs, because grapefruit juice contains flavonoids, can inhibit the metabolism of the liver drugs, resulting in enhanced efficacy and dangerous, so the An interval of two hours before and after medication to eat grapefruit, relatively safe. In addition, the grapefruit is high in potassium food, uremia or dialysis patients should not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

2, carambola:

Carambola with fluid to quench their thirst and reduce anger effect, widely loved by the people, but it actually contains a variety of nutrients, can supplement the body needs vitamins and antioxidants, edible carambola is beneficial and harmless, but uremia patient, it is one of the exceptions, mild symptoms occur more than a hiccup, it will cause severe seizures and died. In addition renal insufficiency, uremic patients should Eat nuts such as: walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, etc.

Kidney hospital

More information about "tips uremic patients eat fruit," the. For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrated in the treatment of kidney disease prior art, three-dimensional form of kidney disease treatment system features a set of kidney hospital, which includes micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine as the core of resistance off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal kidney function units. While there immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.

If "uremic patients eat fruit Tips" The problem is not clear, or for treatment in doubt, consult the online experts directly! There will be a special expert telephone respond to your questions.

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