
What Are Complications of polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Polycystic kidney disease will bring a very big impact to patients, and we do need to actively correct treatment to avoid complications, but there are not many people with polycystic kidney disease too understand, do not actively sick after treatment, let's look at what are the complications of polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease complications:

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1, urinary abnormalities: mainly as proteinuria or hematuria, is one of the earlier symptoms appear. Appears most of proteinuria, and glomerular barrier function of a relationship, hematuria patients find themselves suffering from polycystic kidney disease polycystic main factors examined.

Hematuria is a major factor because the cyst cyst constantly increasing, mutual between the capsule and the capsule oppression, caused (cyst [translation]: It is a benign disease, it can grow in the body surface, it can grow in the gut ;. cyst is a long organ in the body, benign cystic mass, the nature of its contents is a liquid) or kidney rupture caused by bleeding. Generally intermittent painless gross hematuria, mostly mild, and was sustained appear. In the early days there will appear relatively light degree of urinary urgency, nocturia, polyuria phenomenon, under normal circumstances and diminished kidney concentration function of a relationship.

2, abdominal mass: When the kidneys increases to a certain extent, you can touch the different sizes of lumps in the abdomen with unilateral or bilateral, and will move with the breath, accompanied by tenderness infection. Polycystic kidney disease patients with bilateral palpable abdominal mass is about 50% -80%, about 15% -30% one-sided.

3, anemia: Most polycystic kidney disease patients will experience a heavy light switch by the anemic process, and will often accompanied by nocturnal. This symptom generally and kidneys secrete erythropoietin decreasing kidney function decline.

4. Hypertension: Hypertension is one of many symptoms of polycystic kidney disease frequency in approximately 50% -60%. Usually before renal dysfunction have occurred, and accompanied by headache, dizziness, hyperactivity closely related to the renin-angiotensin system.

5, waist, abdominal pain or discomfort localized: Under normal circumstances in polycystic kidney disease early when it will find such symptoms, mainly for low back pressure, sometimes severe pain. Can be expressed as the mechanism of intermittent or continuous seizures, sometimes manifested as abdominal pain, pain in the upper abdomen, groin, back, chest radiology, pain may be due to running, sedentary, activity intensified, patients are forced to stay in bed, pain can occur due to the increase and expansion of the kidney, the renal capsule capsular tension increases lead to compression of adjacent organs cited stretch tissue caused by the suspension.

6, urinary symptoms: If no urine, frequent urination, urgency, urinary pain, hematuria, nocturia, oliguria and so on.

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