
What Harms Will Long-term Hypertension Do to the kidneys

As we all know, high blood pressure can cause heart, brain, kidney and other organ complications that can lead to high morbidity and mortality, 42% had renal complications, 10% of the hypertensive patients died of renal failure. In one group of patients followed up for 20 years, the fundus examination showed grade I hypertensive retinal changes, 12% proteinuria, grade by 22 percent have proteinuria, 19% of men decreased renal function, level by 57% proteinuria, 27% male renal function decline. Therefore, the more severe hypertensive disease, the longer the duration, hypertensive nephropathy and renal failure incidence is higher.

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On the one hand, high blood pressure cause kidney damage; prolonged hypertension renal arteriosclerosis and renal damage, renal dysfunction when there may be significantly increased frequency of nocturia embolism. Chronic renal failure hypertension on kidney damage is a serious complication of hypertension and renal failure which accounts for about 10%. Hypertension and kidney damage can affect each other, creating a vicious cycle.

On the other hand, will increase kidney damage hypertension. General to hypertension, post, renal artery hardening, decreased renal blood flow, renal urine concentrating ability is reduced, appears more urine and nocturia increased phenomenon. Abrupt development of hypertension can cause widespread chronic renal arteries Mi changed, resulting in malignant renal arteriosclerosis, which quickly developed into uremia.

Currently, hypertensive renal disease has attracted the attention of many patients, for the treatment of hypertensive patients with renal disease, there are many, hypertensive renal disease how to treat it?

Conventional therapy clinical buck and spend some of the simple elimination of proteinuria drugs, just to stay in the symptomatic treatment but did not go to therapy for kidney cause is impaired glomerular endothelial cells, so there is always the lesion progresses and this is your good times and bad condition and permanently root of the problem of chronic persistent. In the use of drugs, the scientific method should be used in combination or integrated use in Western medicine approach. Not simply the use of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine method. A method alone because the effect is always limited.

Therefore, Chinese medicine treatment recommendations for hypertensive nephropathy taking the medicine to help cure health. Scientific research shows that the pharmacological components of Ganoderma lucidum is very rich, in which the active ingredient can be divided into ten categories, including Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides, Ganoderma lucidum peptides, triterpenoids like. The human body has two-way adjustment, enhance immune function, improve the body's resistance significant role. It is different from generic drugs for the treatment of certain diseases into the sky, it is also different from the general lack of nutrition and health food is only one aspect of nutrient supplement and strengthen, but in the whole bidirectional regulate body functions balanced mobilize the body's internal energy, regulation of human metabolic function, improve their own immunity, prompting all the internal organs or organ function normalized.

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