
Diet Precautions For Kidney Transplant Patients

Diet is important for patients after kidney transplant. Proper diet can prolong the life expectancy of transplanted kidney. Well then, what are diet precautions for kidney transplant patients?

1. early after surgery and recovery period (within one month after surgery) diet: then need to consume enough protein and calories to maintain a positive nitrogen balance and promote wound healing and reduce the risk of infection. After recovery of bowel movement, into the liquid diet, such as: rice soup, lotus root starch, egg drop soup and so on. But not too early blues, to avoid bloating. Then it can be changed to semi-liquid diet, such as: soup noodles, eggs, soup, black soup, etc., and gradually transition to a normal diet.

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2. family rehabilitation diet: medical staff leaves the close monitoring, coupled with significantly increased appetite, weight gain faster, then we need to develop a long-term dietary management objectives.

1) Water: water intake per day should be more than 2000ml.

2) salt: salt diet after surgery early should generally salt intake of 3 to 4 grams per day. Less than six months after the 6 grams per day.

3) Carbohydrates: including rice and pasta. Daily intake of about 300 grams.

4) Protein: 60-kg adult daily intake of 100 to 150 grams, the main consumption of milk, eggs, lean meat, blackfish, carp, crucian carp.

5) Fat: do not eat fried foods, limit high-cholesterol foods, such as animal organs, egg yolk, crab, roe, pig's trotters, pork skin, chicken and other intake. Recommended edible vegetable oil, chicken, fish and so on.

6). calcium: can be intermittent eating calcium-rich milk, pork ribs. It may be appropriate to add a little vinegar to boil soup bones, so as to increase dissolved calcium absorption.

3. fasting food with improve immune function and health products: such as white fungus, black fungus, mushrooms, red dates, royal jelly, ginseng, astragalus, Codonopsis, heterophylla, bowling ginseng, American ginseng, PUPS, Ganoderma lucidum.

4. pay attention to food hygiene: the immune dysfunction, so choose the food must be fresh, good quality, avoid spoilage of food.

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