
Eat barbecue, which drink beverages is the best

Eat barbecue, people often want to drink something to drink, because barbecue greasy, representing the stomach, it is not recommended that you drink carbonated beverages, like beer, drinks, charcoal manufacturing as we list some of the more public and health drinks in happy to eat while drinking also happy ·


Barley after barley fried after boiling derived, smells thick barley flavor, it is not only an appetizer can help digestion, especially for the elderly and children to drink.

Orange juice, lemon juice

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Because it's time to eat barbecue would be more oily, drink some juice drinks and the like, can be ruled out greasy stomach burden

Yogurt lactic acid drinks

Yogurt contains lactic acid fermentation ingredients, drink some help before the barbecue appetizers, barbecue after drinking, help digestion


Eat barbecue, whether ordinary Chinese or Korean barbecue barbecue, Korean soju is definitely a good assistant, beverages, will not be worse than beer, because from the degree, entrance and many other terms, unlike beer that accounts for Han burn stomach volume

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