
Reminder to parents, how to control blood pressure?

Parents age-over 40, high blood pressure is getting common. For hypertensive patients, except under a doctor's guidance adhere to medication, diet is also very important.

But most parents tend to catch the key diet control, blind obsession some useless small recipe, not only a waste of time and energy, but also delay the formal treatment. Today, we come to sum up the correct diet in patients with hypertension control techniques. Home to their parents more exchanges, let parents and then those useless little superstitious remedies the.

1, to reduce sodium intake

The main source of sodium is salt, pickles, salty sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken and so on. Including many processed foods, such as ham, shrimp, squid, instant noodles, also are high in sodium. Excessive sodium intake will not only stay directly liter soda water reservoir by hypertension, and even found to have a direct damage to the arteries, thereby increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.

In principle, the proposal should not exceed 5g salt per day in patients with hypertension, but taking into account the reality of the daily intake of nearly 15g of salt in terms of people, suddenly dropped to 6g 5g even difficult to adapt, but can be reduced step by step, slowly slow to adapt, at every step, the first third of the salt reduction, such as prior to 12g of salt a day, the first cut into everyday 8g. Blind pursuit of one step is often counterproductive, not easy to adhere to, as long as less than you eat more salt than before, it is good for blood pressure control, it is beneficial for the whole body health.

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Some tips that can help limit salt. For example, when cooking add some sour sauce (such as vinegar and lemon juice) can facilitate salt salty play, and will play a salty cover sugar, thereby increasing the salt intake. In addition, if there is no renal insufficiency, it is recommended to select low-sodium.

2, increasing potassium intake

Increased potassium intake, can promote sodium excretion, can help control blood pressure. Potassium-rich foods include vegetables (especially leafy greens), potato, mushroom seaweed, various fruits (especially citrus fruits), grains and beans, the daily diet should pay attention to increase the intake of these foods.
In other words, the staple food can not eat white rice noodles, rice flour do not just white bread, white rice called staple, whole grains (millet, corn, black rice, oats, whole wheat, brown rice, etc.), potato (sweet potato , purple sweet potato, potato, yam, taro, etc.), beans (red beans, mung beans, lentils, kidney beans, etc.) are considered staple food, the staple food should be diversified, to the thickness, do some grains bread, cereals porridge. Some more vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and phytochemicals, help control blood pressure and weight, common greens spinach, rape, lettuce, cabbage, celery, Chrysanthemum, bitter Daisy, kale and so on.

3, overweight, must lose weight

As long as the weight loss of 5% to 10%, will significantly help to control blood pressure. If you have already overweight or obese, it is recommended staple food reduced by 1/3, with thick, reduce cooking oil intake, more cooking stew salad, increase vegetable intake. At the same time to be soothing aerobic exercise, such as jogging, cycling and swimming, and the amount of strength training, do not be too strenuous exercise, in order to avoid a sudden increase in blood pressure, counterproductive.

4, reducing sugar intake

Sugar intake increases obesity, tooth decay and risk of many chronic diseases, including increased incidence of hypertension, or high blood pressure associated with it is often easy to overlook a lot of patients with hypertension. WHO noted that the latest proposal, adults and children should reduce the daily intake of free sugars to total energy intake below 10%. Further reduced to 5 percent (about 25g) or less will have more health benefits.

Free sugars in foods and beverages refers to monosaccharides (such as glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (including white sugar, brown sugar and sugar) and naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates in sugar. But does not include fresh fruit and milk in natural sugar.

Control very easily in less than 25g, a small can of 300ml carbonated beverages containing about 36g of sugar, a small can of herbal tea contains about 27g of sugar, sweet drinks to drink a can of such super. Consider great harm to health, and it is easy to overdose, even for delicious, as a seasoning, but also to recommend appropriate control, if it specifically for "health" to eat, to Taibuyinggai.

These low nutritional value, high caloric density of various sugars, before the hungry, clothed the time is a good thing, but the problem now is that most people faced with excess energy, is not recommended to drink all kinds of sugar, but to minimize refined sugar intake, especially for patients with hypertension, boasting exaggerated brown sugar, sugar and honey is really harmful health effects!

Simply put: three high-population, you can not keep sugar Guage it!

5, the wine, the better

Small amount of alcohol (including wine) protective effect on the cardiovascular system, the lack of evidence, but the harmful effects of excessive drinking is very clear, especially severe on the stomach and liver damage, and even increase the risk of many cancers. At the hospital, some doctors often met the love of the patient to say "smoke can not smoke, you can drink alcohol, moderate drinking can dilate blood vessels," the doctor of course good intentions, but it is easy for the patient to understand the wine without warning, as well as the benefits of a drink. Then there are two cases, the majority of patients it is difficult to control the amount of drink, often drunk, great harm; few patients can be controlled within one or two, the health benefits are almost negligible.

Chinese dietary guidelines recommend that adult male daily alcohol does not exceed 25g, about the equivalent of beer 750ml, wine 250ml, Liquor 50 ~ 75g; adult women drank alcohol does not exceed 15g, the equivalent of beer 450ml, wine 150ml, or low level Liquor 50g. This is recommended for the general adult,
Dietary Guidelines also noted that it is not recommended for anyone considering the prevention of heart disease or frequent start drinking alcohol, high cholesterol, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other patients should avoid alcohol. Therefore, patients with hypertension (in fact ordinary people as well) drinking advice is: do not drink wine can drink, to drink less drink!

Hypertensive patients have to drink, I suggest no more than a couple of liquor, wine does not exceed 2 two beers not exceeding 300ml; if you are accompanied by gout, fatty liver or gastrointestinal disorders, directly quit the bar.

Parents have hypertension, pay close attention to proper diet control method to tell their parents, and asked parents must listen to the doctor, take medication.
Do not focus on those useless little remedies, such as drinking bubble corn, jealous foam peanuts and so on. Nor again by those who claim that God can cure high blood pressure medicine or health products fooled. Some people say, try these "remedies" at least harmless, right? Ask yourself, Why waste time? Delay formal treatment of it (adhere to medication + healthy diet)? What a waste of money? These are the hazards it!

Please remember that for patients with hypertension, only to change bad eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles, and insist on taking antihypertensive drugs is the right way.

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