
Small orange peel great magic to see how much you waste a good thing?

Every time home from work can see a lot of people in the street to buy oranges, they occasionally buy 10 dollars. But I think most people may only eat oranges, but ignore the orange body of another treasure - orange peel!

1. Soaked in water

Take the appropriate amount of dried orange peel shredded, boiled water Beverage Service, Qi and spleen, heat phlegm. But orange peel Xin Wen, so Qi dry body, heat gastrointestinal discomfort, Yin physical constitution should not be taken.

2. Bath

Winter dry climate, the skin can easily loss of moisture, orange peel rich in vitamin C, organic acids and citrus essential oil soaked in hot water can be effectively dissolved. People in the hot bath when the pores open, these substances can penetrate into the skin, stimulate the skin capillaries, promote metabolism, but also to prevent water evaporation, so that dry skin smooth and delicate recovery. Easy to rough skin in winter, may wish to try orange peel bath, but the skin allergies were used with caution.

3. Foot bath

Day tired day, at night then a pot of hot water bubble feet really can cure a day of fatigue, if in the foot bath at the same time with a few orange peel on the better. Orange skin feet can get rid of the body of alpine, warm role, especially for cold body cold, insomnia and more people. But be sure to control the temperature, to prevent low-temperature burns.

Note: Some people in order to save trouble, will directly use fresh orange peel when the tangerine peel, which is very dangerous. Fresh orange peel surface may remain pesticides and preservatives and other pollutants, is not conducive to health. It is recommended that you wash the fresh orange peel, add water in the amount of alkali surface soak for more than 15 minutes, rinse in a cool well-ventilated place to dry a week to come back to use. Conditional, then left for the following year to use, the effect will be better.

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