
To delicious, drink chicken soup; to nutrition, eat chicken

The traditional way of health, the soup should be a very important aspect. But the people have a saying: I eat meat soup, describe their miserable, that soup in the end there is no nutrition?

To figure this out, let's look at these two issues:

First, we want from chicken (chicken soup) to get what nutrition?

Second, the chicken stew in the process of what happened?

Chicken to provide us with the main nutrients are protein, the other major components are: fat (as if we are now shunned), vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Fat is not much, we do not want to eat; vitamins and other minerals although there, but the chicken is not their main source, so we can not focus on. People get from the chicken main nutrients, but protein.

In the process of stewing chicken, fat, vitamins and calcium in the bones are easier to dissolve into the soup. Fat-soluble scent material is dissolved in the fat, along with the fat into the soup. While the water-soluble scent material naturally easy to enter the soup. This is why the soup tastes good. However, a good soup does not mean that we care about the protein also entered the soup. Chicken in the more types of protein, in the process of stewing only a small part of the dissolved into the soup. I saw a piece of information that says that about 7% of the total is in the soup. In other words, only the soup does not eat meat, then the equivalent of throwing away more than ninety percent of the protein.

Stewed chicken soup in the process of salt is very important. Salt on the one hand will promote the dissolution of protein, that is added salt stew will increase the protein in the soup. Of course, some people say that salt will lead to protein denaturation in the meat coagulation, thus preventing protein dissolution. This argument seems to make sense, but I do not think so. Stewed chicken process without salt protein denaturation, and in the process of stewing temperature is high, the protein does not solidify. I have not done a comparative test, here is only theoretical analysis. If you are interested, you can do something. On the other hand, the addition of salt increases the osmotic pressure of the soup and can lead to chicken dehydration. In the usual sense, the chicken becomes "dry" and loses its "tender" texture. This is also the stewed chicken soup is difficult to eat the reason.

Chengdu white beheaded chicken, chicken in the salt water to cook quickly, in fact, as far as possible to avoid the protein and other ingredients into the soup, while maintaining the delicious chicken. The United States did not drink chicken soup habit, their chicken is trying to avoid the loss of ingredients in the chicken, so the use of baking, frying or steaming such means.

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