
Is Pineapple Good for Kidney Patients

Pineapple juice is low in potassium, making it a good choice for peoplewith chronic kidney disease.

Most of fruits should be avoided for people with Kidney Disease due to high levels of potassium in them, such as banana and oranges.However,pineapple is a great fruit choice for the kidney diet.

Pineapple fits a low potassium diet plan with 125 mg potassium for 1/2 cup frozen or canned, 2 rings or 3/4 fresh.If the patients can keep moderate consumption of this fruit, they will avoid the bad outcomes, such as irregular heartbeat and even heart failure.

Pineapple is also low in phosphorus, but high in vitamin C and fiber. These compounds supplement is beneficial for people with kidney disease.

It is fat-free, less than 1 gram of protein and 13 to 26 grams of carbohydrate depending on presence of added juice or syrup.

However,eating more foods low in potassium can make it into a high potassium food.So the patients with Kidney Disease should keep a moderated consumption of pineapple.

Although pineapple has some many benefits, it does not mean that pineapple has no adverse effects to patients. Blood sugar contained in pineapple is bad for patients with diabetes. More consuming of pineapple will aggravate the kidney damage.

If you want to know more details about the health diets of kidney disease, please send email to 1411835675@qq.com or leave a message below, we will reply you as soon as possible.


Is Kiwi Fruit Good for High Creatinine Patients

Is kiwi good for Chronic Kidney Disease with high creatinine ? For this question, some patients may considered that they should eat it, because their doctor recommend them to eat more fresh fruits. But some patients said they should not to eat it, because it is rich in potassium. Which opinion are you agree with ?

Is Kiwi Good For Kidney Failure Patients

Kiwi berry: With a high reputation, kiwi berry is called “king of fruits”, because the content of vitamin C in kiwi berry is twice higher than the amount of vitamin C that people need one daily. What’s more, kiwi berry also has an effect of diuretic. When a lot of wastes discharge out of the kidney, high creatinine level will come down spontaneously.

Are Sambong Leaves Good for A Patient With CKD

But as a CKD patient with high creatinine you should not eat too much kiwi, because your kidney function has been damaged, if you eat too much that will add work load to your kidney. If you want to eat it, you’d better consult your doctor or our online experts. Because different patient has different disease condition, so they will provider suitable advices for you. In one word, do not eat any fruits before you know its pros and cons for you.

Kiwi is good and helpful for kidney disease patients, but it is in potassium. One of the major jobs of kidney is to maintain electrolyte balance, so when kidneys fail to work properly, electrolyte disturbance appears easily. High potassium level in blood is one of the most common electrolyte disturbances when kidneys fail to work well. Therefore, for kidney disease patients,whether they can eat kiwi to reduce creatinine level should depend on their specific illness condition. Here, we offer online service and you can consult our online doctor or leave message to 1411835675@qq.com to get list of good that are good for kidney.


What Is The Treatment for Lupus Nephritis in China

What is the treatment for Lupus Nephritis in China? Even with careful watching and treatment for lupus, the kidneys sometimes stop working well enough to do their job, and Kidney Failure may appear.

Lupus nephritis is a kind of autoimmune disorder in which lupus causes inflammation on the kidneys, making people are unable to eliminate various toxins and wastes out of body and keep body healthy. When lupus causes inflammation to kidneys, creatinine level is more likely higher than normal. In clinical, creatinine 300 refers to that patients’ illness condition is already progressed into stage 3 kidney disease in which patients need to take prompt measures to reverse kidney damage, otherwise, it develops into stage 4 or stage 5 kidney disease easily.

Recovery From Lupus Nephritis And Occult Blood 2+ Become -

Some people with Lupus Nephritis have pain in their side, weight gain, darker urine than usual, and swelling around the eyes, hands, or feet. Many people with lupus have mild kidney disease that needs ongoing care with lifestyle changes such as not eating salty foods. If the doctor suspects Lupus Nephritis, he or she may biopsy the kidney to find out the amount of inflammation and damage. Some medicines are the common treatment for Lupus Nephritis.

A Lupus Nephritis Patient Say Goodbye To Dialysis In Our Hospital

Medicines such as "diuretics" (water pills) can help remove fluid and increase comfort. For kidney disease that is more severe, other medicines may be prescribed, such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, and blood pressure medicines. If the kidneys no longer work, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed to treat Kidney Failure. While the purpose of treatment for Lupus Nephritis in China is to avoid Kidney Failure, dialysis and kidney transplant.

In China, Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides patients the most effective treatment as well as the most satisfying service. There are many treatments helping patients repair the diseased kidney and recover kidney function.

Lupus nephritis patients with creatinine 300 means the kidney is damaged, and the damaged kidney allows too many toxins and wastes build up into your blood. Besides, the deposition of toxins and wastes not only makes further damage, but also decreases the efficiency of other treatments. Additionally, the principle of our treatment is to eliminate various toxins before taking treatments to repair the diseased kidney. Given this, Toxins-Removing Treatment is developed to clear away various toxins and wastes products out of body completely.

In a health and clean internal environment, the natural treatments can take the best effects. For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment to rebuild kidney structure and enhance immunity through a way of extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, degrading extracellular matrix, regulating blood pressure. Immunotherapy includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection. Each steps has its own purpose to help patients regulate immune disorder as well as improve immunity.

By taking these treatments, overall illness condition could be improved remarkably and then the poisoning symptoms such as fatigue, skin rash, headache, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting would be relived greatly.


Why Does Low Blood Pressure Occur In Dialysis Patient

Dialysis especially hemodialysis is one of the important treatments for end stage renal failure patients. Adequate dialysis can not only prolong the patient’s life expectancy but also can improve the patient’s nutritional states and life quality.

Why dialysis cause low blood pressure?

There are several factors that can cause low blood pressure. Too much gain of body weight during two dialysis sessions can increase ultrafiltration and reduce blood volume and cause low blood pressure. Besides, hyponatremia (low blood sodium), heart insufficiency, vascular damages, fluctuating blood pressure, having foods or taking high blood pressure medicines during dialysis, elderly patients and diabetes patients are all susceptible factors of low blood pressure.
Dialysis is a medical procedure which can help to clear harmful substances away from blood. However, dialysis does not work as well as our kidney, as during this process, not only harmful substances, but also some nutrition are removed as well. Removing too much weight at one time can cause quick decrease of bloodstream in kidney, and thus lead to low blood pressure. To prevent this condition, having a proper control of the dry weight is very important. In addition, aside from quick removal of too much weight, taking antihypertensive pills before dialysis also should be blamed for low blood pressure. As we have mentioned above, to have a tight control of high blood pressure, medications like ACE inhibitors and ARBs are always applied. These medications are helpful; however, for kidney failure patients who are on dialysis, they need to regular the dose of medications before dialysis, otherwise, low blood pressure will be caused. How much antihypertensive are needed generally depends on the specific illness condition.

Why Blood Pressure Is So Low After Two Days of Dialysis

How to prevent low blood pressure during and after dialysis?

According to individual differences, personalized dialysis should be designed.
If patients have serious hypoproteinemia, albumin or plasma will be injected during dialysis to increase colloid osmotic pressure.

What Are All Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

If patients have serious anemia, blood substitute can be injected.

If patients have cardiovascular problems, some drugs that can help improve cardiovascular functions can be given under the doctor’s permission and guidance.


Nausea and Vomiting Come from Kidney Failure

For Renal Failure patients, they usually suffer from nausea, vomiting and poor appetite and so on. These symptoms make there is no quality of life for Renal Failure patients. The following content is about the reason causing vomiting and the treatment.

Here’s an example, Mr. Wang, a manager who lives with nausea and vomiting for a really long time, doctors he visited are like a bunch. In most cases, he would be given several medicines for his stomach, because these vomiting things are usually regarded as stomach problems. Finally, he was transferred to nephrology department this year, and was told he has serious kidney problem called ESRD (End-stage Renal Disease).

Why Do Patients Vomit Every Time After Dialysis

Due to the impaired kidneys, toxins, harmful substances and other metabolic products that should be removed out would linger inside the blood and affect stomach. Probably, the patients with kidney problems would have poor appetite and ammonia odor.

Conventional treatment for serious nausea and vomiting in people with ESRD or serious condition, hemodialysis is always the first option. For mild symptoms or diseases, diet control or lifestyle modification is what they should do.

Common Symptoms When A Person Has Kidney Failure

The root cause of nausea and vomiting in renal failure is damaged renal functions, therefore the key point is to repair renal damages and improve kidney functions so that high BUN, high creatinine as well as other metabolic disorders can be balanced naturally.

Micro-Chinese medicines is based on the theory of renal fibrosis which aim at blocking further renal scarring and reverse renal damages so as to slow down illness progression and recover reversible renal functional units. It mainly has the functions of vasodilation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation of extracellular matrix so as to provide adequate blood, oxygen and necessary nutritions to the kidneys and promote the repairing and recovering of kidney functions.


How to Reduce Diabetes Kidney Disease High Creatinine 6.3 without Dialysis

Dialysis is often recommended when you experience high creatinine level. However, dialysis often makes patients experience lots of adverse effects. What is more, dialysis is not the most fundamental way to help you live a better life. Patients with dialysis often displayed symptoms of headache, fatigue, anemia and muscle cramping. The reason that you experience high creatinine level is because that the diseased cells and tissues allow lots of wastes products and toxic substances build up in the body. Although dialysis can help patients clear away wastes products from blood, it reduces high creatinine level temporary. After dialysis, you still experience high creatinine level. Thereby, most of patients are asking that how do you reduce high creatinine level without dialysis.

Dialysis Is Possible To Be Eliminated In Kidney Failure

In Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we recommend Chinese medicine treatment. We all know that the kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood toxins and excess waste, providing clean and good internal environment. For patients with diabetic nephropathy, their damaged kidneys do not work properly, then creatinine will be higher. Therefore, in order to naturally reduce the high creatinine level, the correct treatment should be placed on the recovery of renal function.

How To Decrease High Creatinine Level 4.0 Without Dialysis

Chinese medicine can help patients with diabetes repair kidney damage, restore kidney function, fundamentally achieve reduction of creatinine 6.3. Of course, traditional Chinese medicine can also help control blood sugar and improve the immune system, so diabetic patients can get rid of infection.

Once the renal function is improved, the level of creatinine in diabetic patients will be reduced, and these will get rid of dialysis and kidney transplantation. If you want to know more about the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in Chinese medicine, please leave a message or send an email to

1411835675@qq.com and leave your phone number so that the experts can communicate with you in time.

Why Do Kidney Patients Suffer From Shortness of Breath

Kidney failure is a progressive kidney disease, which makes patients suffer from a series of symptoms and complications. Recently, more and more people complaint about shortness of breath and insomnia. This article will explain it in details.
Why kidney failure patients have the symptom of shortness of breath?

There are two common causes of shortness of breath for kidney failure patients, one is metabolic acidosis and the other is serious fluid retention.

Treatment for Shortness of Breath from Kidney Failure

Metabolic acidosis:

As we know, kidneys have the function of filtering wastes and toxins in blood, which will regulate the normal function of the whole body. And the normal kidney function can also keep the balance of acid-base. However, for kidney failure patients, their kidney function is damaged and they cant work well, so large amounts of acidic material will build up in blood, which will cause metabolic acidosis. Then patients can easily get shortness of breath, besides, patients may also have the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite with metabolic acidosis.

Can Renal Failure Cause You to Have Breathlessness

Serious fluid retention

Swelling is a common symptom for kidney failure patients, and the serious fluid retention can cause pulmonary edema and hydrothorax, which will cause kidney failure patients get the symptom of shortness of breath.

How to relive insomnia and shortness of breath in kidney failure?

The natural treatment not only can help patients relive some poisoning symptoms. Simply reliving insomnia and shortness can not solve the problem fundamentally, the most fundamental way to relive these symptoms is to repair the diseased cells and body tissues, so as to recover their normal kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is highly recommended for patients with kidney disease. This is a treatment aiming at repairing the diseased cells and body tissues. Through a way of promoting blood circulation and dilating blood vessels, the function of anti-inflammation and coagulation, regulating blood pressure, recovering kidney function comprehensively can be achieved.


Bloated Stomach and Kidney Disease

Kidney failure is a illness regarding kidney, so is it possible for patients to experience swollen belly?

To be honest, swollen belly is not as common as many other symptoms like high blood pressure, foamy urine and tiredness and so on. Most of the time, kidney failure patients experience fluid retention in their eyelid, face, hands and feet. With swelling, they need to limit fluid intake and salt intake, as both eating too much salt and drinking too much water can aggravate this symptom and worsen illness condition.

Will Kidney Failure Cause My Stomach to Swell

Dialysis is a common used treatment for Renal Failure patients to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body.

Diuretic also is a common used treatment to help discharge the extra fluid from the body through urine.

However, the above two treatments can only help alleviate swollen belly superficially. They can not repair the injured kidney tissues and kidney intrinsic cells and improve renal functions from the root. Once you stop the medicines or dialysis, fluid will build up in the body again, and swollen belly relapses.

Body Weight Down 10kg In Kidney Failure Patient

we can learn that kidney plays a crucial role in removing excessive fluid. Thereby, repairing injured kidney intrinsic cells to improving kidney function is essential. As for the treatment that can help to repair kidney damages and improve kidney function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is worth mentioning. It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines advanced medical device. In this herbal treatment, all the herbs are used externally and with the help of medical device, effective ingredients in herbs show obvious effects in improving kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, excessive fluid are removed and also swollen belly is remitted naturally.


Is Steroid Effective for Nephrotic Syndrome

Question: Actually I’m suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome since I was 14 now I’m 17 but steroid treatment is not much effective, though my growth, height is also stopped, I just want to get rid of Nephrotic Syndrome. Please help.

Steroid is a vital hormone in body and can play several important roles. In treating Nephrotic Syndrome,it can suppress the inflammation in kidneys to relieve the associated symptoms.It can lower the proteinuria and result in a remission of the condition.However,steroid can not treat nephrotic syndrome.Frequent relapse and huge side effects of steroid are big concerns for the patients.How to control the side effects of steroid? Chat with our online doctor for medical suggestions now!

Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria than Steroid

Because of poor kidney condition, there will be a lot of waste products building up in the blood. They can greatly counteract the effects of medications. That is also one of reasons that steroid treatment is not much effective as before. Those waste products can also go into kidneys to impair your kidneys, trigger renal inflammation and cause overactive immune reaction, etc.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment, which makes use of various Chinese medicine therapies such as Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath and so on to remove massive waste products from body via skin, urine and bowel movement. When those waste products are cleared, inflammation and overactive immune reaction will be stopped, providing a good condition for kidney self-healing and other medication application. Besides, it can provide the damaged kidneys with enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. Moreover, it can reduce the side effects of steroids and strengthen your immunity to reduce the relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome. With the gradual improvement of your condition, you can stop steroid intake.

In nephrotic syndrome,if immune system can be reversed and renal function can be enhanced, steroid will not be required at all.


How Much Water Should A CKD Patient Drink

Our kidneys are responsible to maintain the fluid balance in the body. To healthy people, they are recommended to drink 8 glasses of water, but to patients with renal failure, they should reduce the amount because their impaired kidney can’t remove the extra fluid. How much water should patients with CKD drink per day?
What amount of water intake won’t increase the workload on the kidney?

Can Kidney Patients Drink Carbonated Beverage

Your kidneys are tasked with maintaining fluid balance in the body. They signal the uptake of sodium for the body to retain water and the release of fluids when your body has too much water. If your kidneys do not function properly, they may not be able to release fluids. Your physician may recommend fluid restrictions, depending upon how impaired your kidney function is. Often individuals with CKD decide to maximize their recommended fluid allowances by splurging on coffee and milk, fruits.

Is Hummus OK To Eat With Chronic Kidney Disease

What Foods Are For Kidney Patients With Anemia

Since different patients have different illness condition, the problem that how much water should patients drink mainly depends on patients’ illness condition.
Your physician will measure your wight between dialysis treatments. You may expect to gain between 1 and 2 lbs of water weight between treatments. IF your weight is creasing, you need to restrict your fluid intake further. How much water should you drink also determined by urine output.

Patients with kidney disease usually die of many severe complications instead of the kidney disease. Correct amount of water is able to guarantee patients stay in a relatively stable condition. In their daily life, patients with Renal Failure had better eat more food or fruits which are able to help produce more urine.

How much water should patients with Kidney Disease drink? Measuring your urine output and controlling the water intake are the key to the answer.


is oat good for kidney patient

The person with Chronic Kidney Disease is always reminded that a healthy diet plays a great role in the whole treatment. CKD patient, who loves to eat oatmeal, may not control themselves to ask “is oatmeal good for people with Chronic Kidney Disease”. Today, we are here to give them a satisfying answer.

The person with Chronic Kidney Disease is always reminded that a healthy diet plays a great role in the whole treatment. CKD patient, who loves to eat oatmeal, may not control themselves to ask “is oatmeal good for people with Chronic Kidney Disease”. Today, we are here to give them a satisfying answer.

Made from oats, oatmeal contains high fibers, vitamin B1, B2 and E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese. These minerals mainly have several benefits as the following introduces.

◆ The high fiber is able to help lower blood fat and prevent Diabetes. High blood fat and Diabetes, common complications of Chronic Kidney Disease, easily cause further kidney damage. Thereby, preventing high blood pressure and Diabetes is very necessary for CKD patients.

◆ Anti-freezing: Researches reveal that eating 6g of oatmeal one daily has an obvious effect in lowering the blood viscosity to prevent thrombus.

◆ Control patients’ weight: With the lifestyle change, more and more patients are suffering from overweight that may cause some other healthy problems.
 Normalizing patients’ weight is good to help avoid some severe complications.

◆ Prevent cancer: According to traditional Chinese medicine and the international researches about tumor, oatmeal does have an effect in preventing the growth of tumor.

In fact, there don’t have a definite answer to the question is oat meal good for the kidneys, which need to depend on your own specific illness conditions. Of course, you can send us your medical history sheet as soon as possible, our kidney experts will work out the best diet plan just for you.


Is Yoga Helpful for Kidney Patients

Is yoga good for kidney disease patients? The answer is depending on patients illness condition. As we know, yoga is a common and popular activities, as it can help strong people's immunity and remedy some kinds of diseases naturally. So kidney disease patients often wander if yoga can help treat their kidney disease.

Patients suitable for yoga

1. High blood fat is common on kidney patients, yoga can stimulate fat embolism in patients’ bodies, so it can help patients lower this level in some degree.

2. Patients with low immunity can take yoga to boost their immunity.

3. Doing yoga can stimulate lymphatic system so as to excrete the toxins building in bodies.

4. Yoga can give patients a peaceful condition and adjust their nervous system so as to ease some symptoms, such as insomnia and anxiety.

However, although yoga is good for kidney disease patients, but it doesn’t mean all the kidney patients can do yoga activity. Because some yoga poses need people do twist, back bends or some other difficult postures, which will make people stress their kidneys. For PKD patients, because there are numerous cysts on kidneys which will make the kidneys enlargement. If they do some yoga poses to stress their kidney parts, it will cause the kidneys rupture. So they should avoid these poses.

Patients should avoid yoga

1. If patients’ condition is serious, they should take rest at bed rather than do this exercise.

2. Hemorrhagic disorders can be a complication of PKD, since polystic kidney disease can induce loss of some blood coagulation factor. If patients have this complication, they are not recommended to do yoga, since it may aggravate bleeding.

3. Patients are susceptible to osteoporosis, and if their conditions are serious, yoga is not a good choice for them. Patients with osteoporosis have high risk of fracture when they do yoga. Hardness of their bones decrease but fragility increase, so fracture will happen easily.

4. Patients with serious heart disease should avoid yoga, since it may increase the burden of heart and cause some serious conditions, like sudden death.

5. If patients’cysts grow large enough, they are not suitable for this exercise, because cysts may rupture during exercises.

If patients want to do yoga to remedy their kidney disease, or improve their immunity, they should first ask the advice of their doctors. They should do yoga depending on their illness condition.

what is the treatment for FSGS

As one of the largest hospital in China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital treated many patients from home and abroad. FSGS has been considered as the one of the most difficult diseased to be treated well. Because of this, more and more patients are wondering that what is the treatment for FSGS in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital?

Conventional treatment for FSGS

FSGS is the abbreviation of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis which can cause many problems like high blood pressure, proteinuria, swelling, low protein level in blood and high blood lipid. Conventional treatment for FSGS include:

-slat restriction and diuretics like furosemide. This is to deal with swelling.
-medicines for proteinuria like aldosterone antagonist.
-hypotensive drugs like ACE inhibitors are also needed and this is to control blood pressure in normal range.
-other steroids and corticosteroids may also be used based on patient’s specific illness condition.

All in all, conventional treatment for FSGS aims at its symptoms. These medicines are helpful, as they can bring illness under control quickly, but FSGS relapses easily if treated in this way. What is worse, illness progresses to kidney failure stage finally.
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, a series of natural treatments have been put forward to help patients fight against various kidney diseases. The treatments includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath and Stem Cells Therapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a therapy aiming at eliminating various wastes products and toxic substances. In this therapy, there are numerous herbal medicines containing in this therapy and they can achieve the greatness achievement to treat kidney disease accurately. Additionally, the herbal medicines are often refined into powder with special machine. Through a way of connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, the active substances will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. As a result, the diseased cells and tissues can be repaired by taking this treatment.

Additionally, Immunotherapy is also provided for patients to eliminate various wastes products. Therefore, most of patients are wondering that how long can I live with end stage renal disease.


Is Kiwi Fruit Good For Kidney Patients

Nowadays more and more people have interests in having fruit. Kiwi Fruit is one of the popular ones. Can renal failure patients eat kiwi fruit without any doubt ? Is it enough to control the progression of Chronic Kidney Failure ?

Nutritionist says kiwi is rich in many nutritions with multiple function and effects, it is known as the king of fruits. It contains variety nutritions and abundant mineral substances, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and multivitamin, all of them are important to keep human health. Often eat kiwi can prevent senile osteoporosis, inhibit cholesterol deposition, improvement cardiac muscle function, prevent heart disease and anticancer in some degree. If you eat it in winter that can help to adjust the function of human body, enhance resistance and supply nutritions to our body.

But as a CKD patient with creatinine 2.3 you should not eat too much kiwi, because your kidney function has been damaged, if you eat too much that will add work load to your kidney. If you want to eat it, you’d better consult your doctor or our online experts. Because different patient has different disease condition, so they will provider suitable advices for you. In one word, do not eat any fruits before you know its pros and cons for you.Is it enough to control the progression of Chronic Kidney Failure ?Kiwi fruit is not enough to control the progression of chronic kidney failure. Therapies play a key role in controlling the progression of Chronic Kidney Failure.
Hot Compress Therapy Cleansing toxin——cleansing toxic pathogenic factors in kidneycleansing toxin by hot compress Hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) is to micro-process medicinals that eliminate toxins and recover original qi, and apply them on Shenshu acupoints (BL23) externally. In such a way, the aim of cleansing toxin can be attained, with pathogenic toxin removed and original qi restored.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message below, we will try our best to help you.


Will Kidney Failure Cause bad taste in mouth

For kidney failure patients, they may often have bad tastes in their mouths, which will affect their daily life and cause them loss of appetite. Some patients may call this bad taste as metabolic taste or describe the taste like drinking iron.

The causes of bad taste in mouth with kidney disease.

Kidneys are in charge of the filtering work. They functions to filter the waste products and toxins in the blood. When the filtration mechanism has problem, especially the glomerulus, the waste products and toxins will accumulate in blood. When one gets kidney failure, there will be more toxins in blood. So some symptoms are more obvious in patients with kidney failure. Bad taste in mouth is a consequence of the increasingly elevated urea level in blood.

How to remit the bad tastes in mouth for kidney failure patients?

The bad taste in mouth will make people loss of appetite, and cause bad breath, and even cause nausea and vomiting. So kidney failure patients should have effective methods to relieve their bad tastes in mouths.

- Pay attention to their oral hygiene. Kidney failure patients can brush their teeth and scrap their tongue regularly.

- Limit the protein intake. As urea nitrogen is the end product of protein, so kidney failure patients should limit their protein intake, which will help them reduce the high BUN level. Besides, a low - protein diet can also help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.

- Reduce the high BUN from root. As the bad tastes in mouth is caused by high BUN, and the high BUN is mainly caused by the reduced kidney function. So kidney failure patients should have effective treatment to remedy their kidney damage and improve their kidney function.


Will Kidney Disease Cause Bone Pain

Joint pain is a common complaint for people with kidney failure. It is a very painful disease and even can affect the patients’ mobility. In serious conditions, the patients even can not walk. Why do patients with kidney failure get joint pain?
How does kidney failure cause joint pain?

In kidney failure, joint pain is the most common bone problem and it usually occurs as a result of electrolyte disturbance. Kidney is the organ that can help to maintain electrolyte balance. For kidney failure patients, when their kidneys fail to do this job, large amounts of phosphorus will build up in the blood and thus cause hyperphosphatemia. High level of phosphorus in blood will affect their body from getting enough calcium and thus cause hypocalcemia. Low level of calcium in blood is the major reason for renal failure patients to experience joint pain.

Another possible cause for joint pain among kidney failure patients is muscle cramp which occurs easily when potassium level in blood is lower than the normal value.
Also, in some cases, kidney failure patients have joint pain as their nerve system is affected. Kidney is responsible for purifying blood. When kidney function is impaired, wastes will build up in blood. They may damage any part of patients’ body while they circulating with blood. Leg pain can be caused when nerve system is affected.

How to treat joint pain in kidney failure?

If joint pain is associated with joint pain, the patients should reduce the intake of foods that contribute most to gout include: red meat, organ meat, seafood, beer, liquor, and sugar-sweetened items, especially with high fructose corn syrup. Effective control of the risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

In the cases of joint pain caused by bone disease, the patients should increase the vitamin D supplement and avoid foods high in phosphorus.

However, the underlying cause of joint pain in kidney failure is the reduced renal function.To control this condition completely and fundamentally,the treatment should focus on restoring the impaired kidney structure and improving the excretory ability of the kidneys. How to get this treatment goal? Chat with our online doctor directly now!


Can Dandelion Root Lower High Creatinine Level

It is said dandelion shows effects in treating kidney problem, well, can dandelion tea help lower creatinine level? As for this question, we’d like to give answer in the following text.

Dandelion root tea from dandelion stem or root is a common herbal tea in Chinese medicine shop. Dandelion root can be used as a natural diuretic. For people with kidney disease, part of kidney function has been damaged. If they can still make urine, diuretic is able to make them produce more urine so that more wastes, excessive water and toxins are discharged from the body. However, if the patients don’t have urine, they are not recommended to drink dandelion root tea.

Can high serum creatinine level be lowered to normal range with dandelion tea?

Serum creatinine is kept in the normal range as kidneys can help to discharge excess creatinine. For kidney failure patients, they suffer from elevation of creatinine level in blood as their kidneys are failed to perform function well. From this aspect, improving kidney function is the key point for kidney failure patients to normalize their creatinine level in blood.

Dandelion root is helpful for lowering creatinine level to some extent and it works by making patients urinate more, instead of improving kidney function. Therefore, it is hard to lower serum creatinine level into normal range simply with dandelion tea. To get elevated creatinine level lowered to normal range, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used to improve kidney function. As long as impaired kidney function gets restored, excess creatinine will be discharged successfully and serum creatinine gets lowered naturally.

Herbal tea can help treat patients’ disease, but it can’t replace the medical treatment and healthy diet. Therefore, the last thing needs to note is that patients with kidney disease should have an understanding of their condition and accept right treatment timely.


Best PKD Treatment in China: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

As we all know, there is no a cure for PKD in this world, but why do more and more foreign PKD patients come to China for treatment? And what is the best PKD treatment in China?

In many western countries, there is no method to control or prevent the progress of Polycystic Kidney Disease with the western medicines, even though they can relive the symptoms of PKD to some extent.

With the development of the Chinese medicines, they are used more effectively and profoundly in treating various diseases. And it has been a breakthrough in the field of treating PKD and other kidney diseases.

Nowadays, more and more patients come to try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. All of the Chinese herbal medicines come from the nature and then they will be matched and processed to guarantee the Chinese herbal medicines can play the maximum efficacy. Two bags filled with Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients, meanwhile, osmosis device will be used to help the active materials directly arrive at kidneys through permeating into skin.

At present, there is no other countries that have Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy yet except its original place, China. So if you are searching a natural, safe, and side-effects-free treatment, this natural treatment will be recommended. Generally speaking, after the condition becomes stable, PKD patients need to keep taking it for about another three months at your own home. Your any questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is welcomed.

This natural PKD treatment aims at shrinking cysts through increasing the permeability of cyst wall, speeding up the blood flow on cyst wall, decreasing lining cells’ ability to produce cyst fluid and changing inner and outer pressure difference of cyst wall; recovering renal function by the functions of improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis out of body, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells.

Treating PKD with Chinese therapy can be a new treatment method, and lots successful cases really brings patients new hopes. Any questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? Remember that we are here offering you more help.


How Does Medicated Bath Treat Kidney Disease

Medicated Bath is one natural remedies that can be done both in hospital and at home. Itcan help lower creatinine level and manage kidney disease symptoms.

The common methods to treat kidney disease are dialysis and kidney transplantation. But dialysis has huge side effects and kidney transplantation cost high. Therefore more and more patients tend to take traditional Chinese treatment, such as medicated bath. Traditional Chinese medicated bath has thousands of years’ history in china. From Qing dynasty, medicated bath as an effective therapy has been highly praised.

What is the cure mechanism of medicated bath?

Skin is the largest organ of human being and it has many functions including secretion, excretion, absorption, penetration, sensation, etc. Medicated bath therapy is to take advantage of these features. Its cure mechanism has local and overall aspects. On one hand, the medicines in the bath can directly act on the skin, muscles, joint so as to improve the metabolism of the skin, muscles and joint and recover their functions; on the other hand, these active ingredients in the medicines can be absorbed through skin, meridians and acupuncture points and enter into blood circulation and help regulate the disorders and imbalances in the internal body and improve the functions of internal organs and systems.

What is more, stimulation of hot water can expand the blood vessels and promote local and systemic blood and lymph circulations, thus promoting metabolism and increasing the supply of blood, oxygen and other necessary nutritions to damaged tissues and organs so that the disease will be recovered.

Medicated bath is an external application. The active ingredients will enter into the blood circulation through the skin and the efficacy will not be damaged by the stomach and intestine, therefore it has quicker effects compared with orally intaked medicines. And medicated baht will not increase additional burdens to the liver. What is more, this therapy is very comfortable and cause no side effects or injuries to the body. Therefore it is called a green therapy and is becoming more and more popular among patients.

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