
How Much Protein Can A Kidney Patient Take

How much protein can you take as a kidney disease patient ? Diet has a huge influence on the kidneys’ function. The constituents of the food we eat; everything from sodium, to protein, to sugars, impact kidney function in health and disease.

Patients in the early stages of kidney disease often have high urine protein. While the kidneys of healthy people prevent proteins from spilling into the urine, scarred kidneys cannot effectively perform this function. The process of filtering proteins from the blood into the urine accelerates the progression of kidney disease. Doctors may advise such patients to limit their protein intake to 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight. This advice is not given to children, people on dialysis or those approaching transplant.

The 0.8 g protein per kilogram of body weight guideline means that a 120-lb. person should eat no more than 1.6 oz. protein. A 130-lb. person should eat no more than 1.7 oz. protein. A 150-lb. person should eat no more than 1.9 oz. protein.

Note that mentioned "high-quality" in the above paragraph. What does that exactly mean? Well, in nature, protein comes packaged with other ingredients, one of which is phosphorus. Excess phosphorus can become a problem in kidney disease and can be associated with bone disease . So you would want to eat protein from sources that have a high ratio of protein to the phosphorus content.if you have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to us, we will try our best to help you.

Why Creatinine Level Increases to 8.3 Even On Dialysis

Why Creatinine level still increase even on Kidney Dialysis? Why is there only a limited recovery for a short period of time? Most patients with High Creatinine Level ask us the similar question. Here we will explain in details for you.
If you have the similar problem, please go on reading. Or consult our ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

Why creatinine level is still high on dialysis?

* Dialysis is not sufficient.

* Diet. Doctors will give you Some Diet Suggestions for Dialysis Patients. The diet requirements for dialysis patients are different from those for patients who have not been on dialysis. Diet is a factor which can influence the creatinine levels. So dialysis patients should follow the advices from their doctors.

* Exercise. It is also a factor which can affect the creatinine levels. Ask your doctor about what kind of mild movements you can do.

* Protein binding ratio declines. It can cause more toxins to accumulate in the body.

* Dialysis is not able to eliminate middle molecular and macromolecular toxins from blood. These toxic materials can do further damage to kidneys and cause progressive kidney function decline.

Here we recommend Toxin-Removing Treatment that contains a variety of Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, to help you solve the problem.

This systematic therapy can excrete toxins and wastes out of your body effectively, which is helpful for kidney self-healing and the medication absorption. In a healthy and clean blood environment, the Chinese medicines can perform their best functions to repair injured kidney tissues and improve kidney function by the functions of dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation as well as supplying adequate nutrients and oxygen to kidney. Along with improved kidney function, the patient’s creatinine will stop increasing and reduce naturally and radically. What is more, you can reduce dialysis frequency or stop it finally.

Note: These natural treatments will be selected personally according to individual’s specific illness condition.


Is There Any Alternative Treatment to Dialysis

Dialysis may be recommended to patients whose kidneys cannot work well. When kidneys are damaged, the waste products and excessive water will build up in the blood, causing your body poison. Dialysis works as the renal replacement treatment, which help remove the toxins in your blood.

Kidney dialysis is a treatment that uses a special machine to filter harmful wastes, salt and excess from your blood.

Is There Alternative Treatment to Dialysis?

The answer is yes. The goal of alternative treatment to dialysis should reverse the kidney damage. As long as the kidneys can work to filter the waste products and excessive water from the blood again, dialysis will be not a must choice for kidney disease patients.

Based on more than 20 years' research, TCM practitioners established a new developed herbal remedy named "Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy". It was designed for kidney disease in particular.

It was developed based on Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. However, it uses a new form, that is, external application, which avoids the bitter taste of herbal decoction. Also, it uses osmosis devices, which can help the herbal ingredients permeate into the damaged kidneys through skin. Thereby, it takes effects to your damaged kidneys than TCM.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process, what patients need to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes.

In a word, we say the effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: repair the damaged kidneys and improve kidney functions naturally. In details, it shows the following effects:

anti-inflammation: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help deactivate inflammatory factors in the kidneys, that can help prevent the further development of kidney damage.

- anti-coagulation: this therapy can help prevent the formation of thrombus in kidney blood vessels, which can alleviate the scarring kidneys.

- degradation: this therapy can help dissolve the extracellular matrix in the vascular wall and expand the blood vessels. As a result, it can supply the damaged kidney tissues with more blood and oxygen. This can help improve the filtering ability of damaged kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a "one-to-all-size" treatment, which supplies more than 150 herbal formula plans. Is this therapy available for you? You can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com and we are glad to send you the estimation quiz of this therapy.

Diet Plan for Kidney Failure Patients

Not only do plant-based diets appear to prevent kidney function decline, they may also be used to treat kidney failure. Well then, what is a diet plan for kidney failure patients?

1. Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are low in potassium and high in flavor, but that’s not the only reason they’re perfect for the kidney diet. These tasty vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. Red bell peppers are good for you because they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain cancers.

2. Cabbage

High in vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. Low in potassium and low in cost, it’s an affordable addition to the kidney diet.

3. Cauliflower

Another cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber. It’s also packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates—compounds that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.

4. Apples

Apples have been known to reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and reduce the risk of cancer. High in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds, an apple a day may really keep the doctor away. Good news for people with kidney disease who already have their share of doctor visits.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are high in antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which give them their blue color, and they are bursting with natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C; manganese, a compound that keeps your bones healthy; and fiber.

Keep in mind that these foods are healthy for everyone—including family members and friends who do not have kidney disease or are not on dialysis.

What Drugs Do You Use in Osmotherapy for Patients Been on 10 Months Dialysis

What Drugs Do You Use in Osmotherapy for Patients Been on 10 Months Dialysis? This is a question from one of our online kidney patients. Different condition will be given different medicines. That is, the drugs are variable in Osmotherapy based on illness condition.

As Chinese Osmotherapy, also Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay, gains much popularity in the world, more and more patients are trying to use it to deal with kidney disease problems. Recently, a patient with dialysis for 10 months, he is eager to know which kind of drugs can be used according to his condition.

First of all, what I want to tell you is that Chinese Osmotherapy is used with tremendous herbal medicines and it is not used with any western medical drugs. Besides, the herbal medicines are selected for patients in a rigorous process so as to achieve a accurate effect.

What’s more, I want to tell you that our hospital does not just have Chinese Osmotherapy, we also have other natural treatments: Toxins-Removing Treatment, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy. They are combined to help patients get rid of various sufferings. The priorities of these treatments are safe, comfortable and have no adverse effects to patients. Besides, these treatment would be implemented over a month, within which your illness condition would be improved a lot. Some symptoms and discomforts such as fatigue, anemia, muscle cramping, poor appetite and skin itching disappear gradually. If the damage on your kidney function is less than 50%, we can help you reverse illness condition, if the damage on your kidney function is more than 50% or even beyond 75%, although we can not help you reverse illness condition, will will try our best to make it stable and help you live as long as possible.

Do you still have doubt about which drugs can be used in Osmotherapy for patients been on dialysis for 10 month? If so, please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you immediately.


Why Transplanted Kidney Failed Again for 5 Years, Creatinine 12

My Creatinine is 12 and hemoglobin is 9. My kidney got already transplanted 5 years ago but again failed. Can it be cured? Why transplanted kidney failed again?

Kidney Transplant is a perfect choice for patients in the final stage of CKD. However, is it really as simple as we think? If you have the similar problem about kidney transplant, please follow us to read this article or consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

A successful kidney transplant can really help some patients live a normal life and prolong their life time to a large extent. However, not every patient who receives kidney transplant is that lucky, some patients have to face the risk of recurrence, which is related to many factors like the types of primary diseases, whether the living habit and eating habit after kidney transplant are healthy, etc. For example, FSGS patients have to face with a high relapse rate, and it can even reach up to 50%; while PKD cases usually do not have such a high relapse rate. The increase of creatinine can be a sign of relapse of the condition, if the condition can not be controlled well, patients have to go back to dialysis treatment or receive another kidney transplant, which is something patients do not want to see.

What to do after transplanted kidney failed again?

If you do not want to take second kidney transplant, alternative of transplant should be taken. To some extent, Kidney Dialysis can cleanse blood for kidney environment, while it is unable to restore kidney lesion fundamentally.

TCM treatments are strongly recommended, which are collectively called Toxin-Removing Treatment. They can not only cleanse blood to create a good and healthy environment for kidney self-healing and further medication but also increase renal function. Along with your increased renal function, High Creatinine Level 12 will lower naturally and kidney ischemia and anoxia condition relieve well thus hemoglobin will increase also.

In order to avoid the second kidney transplant, we must focus on saving kidney. You can click here Do You Believe I Avoid the Second Kidney Transplant Successfully to learn about a successful case, and we hope it could give you hopes and confidence.

How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is a kind of primary glomerular diseases caused by the disease of immune system. It leads to some serious damage that will effect patients daily life and life safety badly. This article will introduce a kind of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) therapy that may can help you get rid of the Kidney Dialysis and live a happier life. Contact ONLINE DOCTOR to get more details quickly and directly for free.

If you also are interested in the similar problem, you can go on reading or consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

In the early stage, your kidney tissues and cells are damaged slightly. The Chinese medicines can help create healthy and clean intern environment for kidney self-healing and regulate immune system to fight against the disease. It is possible to reverse your illness condition.

While in the advanced stage, your kidney tissues have been damaged seriously, which can not be reversed well but we can help you protect the residual renal function and prevent further kidney damage. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the above functions.

The onset, development, progression and recovery of kidney disease have much to do with the patients’ immune system.

From the perspective of immunology, more than 95% kidney diseases is caused by immune disorder and immune dysfunction. Therefore we can see it is very important for kidney disease patients to regulate immune disorders and improve immunity.

As we mentioned above Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is helpful for promote the circulation of blood, and those active ingredients in it can decrease the deposit in the blood, thus to improve the immunity and reverse this disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help IgA Nephropathy. Once you are diagnosed it, you had better to seek timely treatment to reduce kidney damage. If you want to know more details, you can leave a message below or send test reports and problem to our mail box.


How to Stop Dialysis and Its Alternative Option

Like a devil, dialysis must be all kidney disease patients trouble. Its side effects such as vomiting, nausea, skin itching and so on make all patients want to die. In addition, its high cost also make most patients can’t afford. So, is there an alternative option for kidney disease patients?

If you have the similar problem, please follow us to read this article or consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

If you want to stop dialysis, the most proper and crucial method is doing your best to improve your renal function. Along with the improved renal function, you can get rid of dialysis possibly. This method is also suitable for people who do not start dialysis that they can live a higher life no dialysis.

Here we recommend a systematic TCM treatment—Toxin-Removing Treatment, which can repair the damaged kidney tissues and intrinsic cells and improve renal function from the root. It is a great innovation through years of clinical experience by the renal expert team.

First of all, Toxin-Removing Treatment will discharge the excess toxins and wastes from the body so as to create healthy and clean internal environment. And then the Chinese medicines can perform their functions effectively to help repair kidney lesion and improve renal function with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, medicated bath, moxibustion therapy, acupuncture therapy, etc.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and differs from traditional treatments that it is an external application therapy. Therefore, patients do not worry about its side effects and discomfort. The Chinese Medicines are made into powder put in two bags. Combined with advanced osmotic machine, the active ingredients come into kidney tissues directly. Through the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilating blood vessels, and degrading extracellular matrix, this therapy can provide favorable internal environment for repairing damaged kidney tissues and improving kidney function.

With the improved kidney function, it has great chance of reducing the dialysis frequency or even getting off dialysis.

Diabetic Nephropathy with Creatinine 4.8

My mother is in the hospital and her Creatinine level on 4.8 she is Diabetic. When she admitted the hospital that time was 3.1. How to treat Diabetic Nephropathy and reduce creatinine 4.8?

Diabetic nephropathy is caused by years of uncontrolled Diabetes, which quickly develops into Kidney Failure. Creatinine 4.8 is much higher than the normal range (0.5-1.3mg/dl) that requires you take timely and effective therapy to inhibit the further damage. Generally, kidney failure caused by diabetic nephropathy starts dialysis earlier than kidney failure caused by other diseases.

Do you want to take dialysis?

Maybe some people start dialysis already but do not give up there are better choices for you. The urgent thing you should do is to repair your damaged kidney tissues and control high blood glucose as soon as possible.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is widely used to help reduce creatinine fundamentally. This therapy is a collective term that contains a series of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, foot bath therapy, oral Chinese medicine therapy, etc.

How does Toxin-Removing Treatment treat diabetic nephropathy with creatinine 4.8?

For her, Toxin-Removing Therapy is the mainly treatment, this kind of treatment consists of so many kinds of Chinese medicine treatment, which have the function to help patients clean toxins in blood to reduce burden on kidneys and treat for disease from the root. That will help her to discharge over sugar in blood to control the diabetes. And then is can also matched with other medicine to help him have a better curative in the end.

About half a month of treatment, the patient’s creatinine level will be reduced at least 10%. After about a month of treatment, the illness condition will be stabilized relatively. Please pay attention that we will make treatment plan according to the specific illness condition.

If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message in the below form or email your test reports and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Advice to Reduce Creatinine Level 6.9 Without Dialysis

Q: I would like to get advice to reduce the High Creatinine Level for my father. We are from South Africa.

Kidney-Expert: Ok.

Q: He has both CKD and severe LV dysfunction

Kidney-Expert: What is the current kidney function or creatinine level?

Q: 30th of June it was 3.2, 20th of July it was 5.4, and 29th of July it was 6.9. Actually it is increasing now.

Kidney-Expert: That means your father’s renal function is decreasing always. Currently the key of treatment is to restore impaired renal tissues and improve renal function from further decrease.

Q: How to do that? Dialysis?

Kidney-Expert: Kidney Dialysis can not restore the impaired tissues but just remove the impurities in blood out. So we recommend natural and effective TCM therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Only improve renal function can you reduce high creatinine level from the root not increasing.

The first step of treatment is to purify blood because if there is no clean blood environment, no matter what kinds of medicines you take, you can not get good curative effects.

The biggest advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine is that it is an external application of herb medicine without side effects. During the treatment procedure, patients just need to lie on bed with two medicine packages attached to their kidney region. By using modern penetrant and osmosis device, effective medicine ingredients can arrive at renal lesion directly.

After reaching the kidney lesion, Chinese medicine will take effect to protect the residual renal function, remove the harmful substances out of the body, increase the blood and oxygen supply to the kidneys, thus greatly improve the renal function. In this way, the disease will not aggravate in the future and high creatinine level can be brought down naturally.

Alternative to Kidney Transplant for ESRD

Kidney Transplant is the most effective treatment method in the End Stage Renal Disease. However, is kidney transplant as simply as we think? Is everything good for ESRD patients after Kidney Transplant?

If you have the similar problem, please follow us to read this article or consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

1. Are all patients suitable for kidney transplant?

Some people think that if you have money and kidney resource, you can do transplant. Is this true? No.

Patients who have these symptoms that uncontrolled chronic infection disease, active tuberculosis, active hepatitis, unhealed upper gastrointestinal ulcer, malignant tumor, mental disease and uncorrected heart failure can not accept kidney transplant.

In these cases, even if you have donor and money, you can not take operation soon. You need to take Dialysis treatment and nurse yourself for a period of time.

Alternative to kidney transplant for ESRD

As long as you still have urine output, it implies your kidney has residual function to work. We can help you repair your kidney lesion and improve renal function try our best.

Toxin-Removing Treatment (based on TCM) is commonly used to help cleanse blood effectively to discharge toxins and wastes from the body via skin pore, urine and stool. This step can provide good condition for kidney self-healing. What is more, it also can stimulate damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve renal function by dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, increasing blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to kidney.

Through a period of treatment, some symptoms like High Creatinine Level, Swelling, Proteinuria, etc can be relieved well. After about one month of treatment, your renal function will be improved to some extent. Dialysis may be reduced and gradually you can avoid kidney transplant.

The survive rate and prognosis of kidney transplant is closely related with your daily life habits. Currently the successful rate of kidney transplant in China is 90%. But it does not represent the improvement of survival rate of transplant. One year of survival rate after transplant is 85% and 5 years of survival rate is 60%. It is only 1% for 10 years of survival rate.


Can Stage 4 Kidney Failure Be Turned Around

Stage 4 Kidney Failure does not happen overnight. In the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease, there are few, if any, symptoms. Symptoms usually appear late in the process. Well then, can stage 4 kidney failure be turned around?

Frankly speaking, there is no cure for kidney failure, but with proper and effective treatment it is possible to be improved so that you can live a long, fulfilling life. Please know that having kidney failure is not a death sentence. People with kidney failure live active lives and continue to do the things you love.

How to treat stage 4 kidney failure to improve?

Now that kidneys are damaged in kidney failure, the key point of treatments should repair the damaged tissues and cells of kidney and improve the renal function fundamentally.

In China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an effective therapy to improve renal function that has been used widely for lots of patients from more than 148 countries.

How does micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy improve kidney failure?

Micro-Chinese Medicine is to micronize Chinese medicines so that active ingredients in the medicines can be fully absorbed and the efficacy is greatly improved.

Osmotherapy means this is an osmosis treatment that is applied externally by putting 2 medicated bags in the patients’ renal areas. What the patients need to do during the treatment is to lay on their back. It is very comfortable and safe. It is also very simple and patients can do this in his home under the doctor’s guidance after a period of hospitalization which is necessary for a more accurate diagnosis and designing a more suitable and personalized treatment plan according to the patients’ specific illness and physical conditions.

Renal failure patients often have protein in urine, blood in urine which are not easy to be completely cured and they are easy to re-appear when treated with conventional hormones and immunosuppressant therapy, this is because the root problem is not solved. In the past, treatments for renal failure only aims at treating primary disease without repairing of damaged glomerular filtration membrane, that is why proteinuria and hematuria are easy to relapse and illness conditions will become even worse.

Stage 4 kidney failure can be improved with effective therapy. If you want to know more details on micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, please leave a message in the below form or email your test reports to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


How Can We Get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy To Stop Dialysis

Q: Good evening. How can we get in touch with your treatment- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Kidney-Professor: Are you the patient?

Q: No. My wife is. She is undergoing Dialysis twice a week and she’s only 32 years old.

Kidney-Professor: What do you want to us to do?

Q: We want to prolong the dialysis internal or get rid of dialysis. If it is successful, it is best. I heard your Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help.

Kidney-Professor: Yes, we apply Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for kidney disease because they can treat the disease from the underlying cause. In Kidney Failure, the tissues and intrinsic cells of kidney are impaired so that cause renal function decreases. Our natural therapies exactly can help repair them and improve renal function effectively by the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and supplementing nutrients.

In addition to, in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency and herbal medicines are selected for patients based on their current illness condition. Besides, herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency and the powder is collected into two medicated bags which are put on your low back area for about 40-50 minutes. By connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly, which helps adequate blood, oxygen and nutrition also deliver inside kidney directly.

Furthermore, other treatments involving Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Steaming Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, these treatments can achieve a remarkable function in helping patients slow down illness progression and help patients recover kidney function.

As kidney function improves, the frequency of doing dialysis in every week is reduced, dialysis could be stopped in some cases.


How Do IgA Nephropathy Patients Avoid Protein Leaking Again

IgA Nephropathy is one common primary glomerular disease, which is marked by repeated gross hematuria. However, due to glomerular inflammation, protein also will be leaked out. How do IgA Nephropathy patients avoid protein leaking again?
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Before knowing the methods to avoid protein leaking again, we should know about its causes in IgA Nephropathy.

Protein should be absorbed effectively in normal condition. However, when large amount of immune globulin deposits in glomeruli, these micro vessels will have anemia and anoxia state. As a result, when glomeruli are damaged, protein can not be absorbed effectively and will leak out via urine forming Proteinuria.

The proper treatment for avoiding protein leaking again should not focus on controlling it temparorily, but repairing the damaged kidney tissues from the root.

What treatment can help repair the damaged kidney tissues?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, as a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is strongly recommended. It is an external application therapy that two medicated bags are put on the bed and patients just need to lie on the bed. With the help of osmotic device, the active materials of Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, prevent inflammation and coagulation, and degradation. In this way, the glomeruli can get enough blood volume and oxygen to perform its function.

Besides this osmotherapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, enema therapy, etc, also can be used to help repair kidney damage and avoid protein leaking again effectively.

Though Chinese herbs can repair kidney damage, some Chinese herbs may be toxic to the kidneys or be harmful in chronic kidney disease, so before taking Chinese herbs, the experts will choose the safest way to use these herbs, which you don’t need to worry about. Without talking with your doctor, you should not take herbs supplements by yourself.

If you want to know more natural therapies for IgA Nephropathy with protein leaking, you can leave a message in the below form or email your test reports and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

High Creatinine Level 537 and Treatment Aside of Dialysis

Q: How can we get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Philippines? My mother has High Creatinine Level 537 and want use your therapy aside of Dialysis.

Are you also looking for the alternative treatments aside of Kidney Dialysis? If yes, you can follow us to find the answer or consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
First of all, this Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a great innovation of TCM, which is only available in China now. It can not be got in Philippines, or any other country. It is because that the specific prescriptions and treatment process must be taken under the guidance of the doctor according to the patient’s specific illness condition.

Secondly, if you want your mother take effective therapy to avoid Dialysis, the proper treatment must focus on repairing the injured tissues and cells of kidneys and improving her renal function from further lost.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new Chinese herbal medicine application which can repair injured renal inherent cells through the method of an external applied Chinese medicine. The core technology of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to make the effective herbs of kidney disease shattered, then with the help of effective penetrant and osmosis devices, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines are permeated into kidney lesions, thus achieving the goal of treating kidney disease. The treatment mechanism of this therapy is to block kidney fibrosis and rebuild the normal kidney structure. It can achieve the purposes like dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, preventing blood viscosity, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys. These stages are called block, repair and rebuild.

Thus if you are interested in this osmotherapy and want to have a try, you have to come to China for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Besides, we also will arrange other Chinese medicines like Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy combined with osmotherapy to lower high creatinine level 537 and help you avoid dialysis.
If you want to know more details about our hospital and the natural therapies, please email the test reports to our mail box or leave a message in the below form. We will do utmost to help you.

Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com


Is Immunotherapy Helpful for the Treatment of IgA Nephropathy

In clinical research, IgA nephropathy is caused by immune disorder. Thus the proper treatment for IgA nephropathy should put key on the regulation of immune system and immunity increase. Immunotherapy is made on the basis of this theory. Is it helpful for IgA nephropathy?

As we all know, there are no good therapies in curing kidney disease in traditional medicine. So in order to remove the immune complex in the kidneys, we use Chinese herbal medicine. Because the active material of the Chinese herbs can combine with the immune complex, split them and discharge them out of body. Besides, the Chinese medicine can dilate the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase the blood flow in the kidneys, so the immune complex and extra cellular matrix that caused renal fibrosis in the picture can be discharged out. Based on this theory, we invented Immunotherapy which is aims to cure disease induced by immune complex deposit. With the help of this cure method, the immune disorder can get improved and it can help people keep away from infection which may make the disease worse, by enhance the immunity. If you want to know more details about it, you can chat with our online doctor or leave messages to us, we will reply you as soon as possible with the informations you need for free.

What are the functions of Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy mainly has main six steps: accurate diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune clearance, immune regulation and immune protection. It can help patients clear immune complexes, regulate immune system, and protect the residual functions from the further damage. With the help of this treatment, patients can keep away from infection and avoid the deterioration of the condition through increasing immunity.From the above we can see that immunotherapy can help IgA nephropathy increase immunity and regulate immune disorder. Of course, we will combine other natural Chinese treatments to make better effects.If you want to know more details about this therapy or other treatments for IgA nephropathy, you can send us email to kidneycares@hotmail.com with your phone number or WhatsApp 008618330110929 so that we can provide you what you want in time or leave the patient’s condition information below directly, our expert will reply you as soon as possible.


Low Hemoglobin In Kidney Disease

What is hemoglobin?

It is a hemoprotein of the blood responsible for capturing oxygen and transporting it from the lungs to all the cells of our body, as well as transporting the carbon dioxide from our cells to the lungs that eliminate it. Another important function of hemoglobin is the regulation of blood Ph.

How is a hemoglobin molecule formed?

A hemoglobin molecule is made up of more than 10,000 atoms. Although it is one of the largest in the body, it can only carry a maximum of 8 oxygen atoms in pairs (O2). The hemoglobin molecule has four iron atoms themselves that act like magnets on oxygen, and its four protein chains wrap it tightly until they are claimed by our cells and forces them to release it. It is estimated that a red blood cell contains up to 300 million molecules of hemoglobin.

What can cause hemoglobin to be below normal levels?

A) Kidney diseases such as kidney failure
B) Bleeding
C) Eating disorders
D) Lymphomas
E) Cancer
F) Anemias
G) Pregnancy
H) Cancer

What are the possible symptoms in kidney patients of having low hemoglobin?

A) tiredness
B) pallor
C) Lack of energy for carrying out their daily activities
D) Dizziness or headaches
E) shortness of breath
F) Depression
G) Arrhythmia or accelerated heartbeat
H) Difficulty sleeping.

Are there treatment alternatives for patients with Renal Insufficiency who have low hemoglobin levels?

These types of patients require a comprehensive treatment in which supplements such as iron, vitamin B12, the hormone erythropoietin, and a diet specially designed for this type of patients are supplied.

Using regenerative cell therapy can help stabilize and strengthen the body as well as restore part of the patient's kidney function.


How Chinese medicine treats kidney failure

Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure - renal failure is a chronic kidney disease, the disease prolonged a long time, treatment is more difficult. There are many ways to treat kidney failure, and traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of various diseases have a key role, then how to treat kidney failure Chinese medicine? Kidney disease hospital experts tell you:
Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com  whatsapp:008618330110929

How to treat kidney failure in Chinese medicine - the best way to treat kidney failure is to "remove blood toxin therapy". Clear blood toxin therapy is based on the overall view of traditional Chinese medicine, balance and syndrome differentiation based on the idea, combined with modern immunology theory, dredge the meridians, adjust the blood, activate the organ function, through the classic series of traditional Chinese medicine symptoms, Balance therapy and external treatment of Chinese medicine treatment system to correct the body immune, body fluids, endocrine disorders imbalance. Three treatment systems are one of each other, complement each other, the disease outside the rule, both governance. Natural immune balance therapy is in the traditional theory of traditional Chinese medicine (to the overall view of medicine, balance and dialectical thinking) under the guidance of modern immunology combined with the latest theory, the use of the most advanced medical technology, through the overall coordination of human heart, Kidney five internal organs, to reconcile the yin and yang blood environment immune balance, dredge the meridian, adjust the air machine, activate the recovery of kidney function.


What Is The Treatment For High Blood Pressure In Kidney Failure

Your kidneys play a key role in keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range, and blood pressure, in turn, can affect the health of your kidneys. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can damage the kidneys.

How does high blood pressure hurt my kidneys?

High blood pressure makes your heart work harder and, over time, can damage blood vessels throughout your body. If the blood vessels in your kidneys are damaged, they may stop removing wastes and extra fluid from your body. The extra fluid in your blood vessels may then raise blood pressure even more. It's a dangerous cycle.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney failure, also commonly called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). People with kidney failure must either receive a kidney transplant or go on dialysis. Every year, high blood pressure causes more than 25,000 new cases of kidney failure in the United States.

How can I control my blood pressure?

NHLBI has found that five lifestyle changes can help control blood pressure:
Maintain your weight at a level close to normal. Choose fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.

Limit your daily sodium (salt) intake to 2,000 milligrams or lower if you already have high blood pressure. Read nutrition labels on packaged foods to learn how much sodium is in one serving. Keep a sodium diary.

Get plenty of exercise, which means at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week.

Avoid consuming too much alcohol. Men should limit consumption to two drinks (two 12-ounce servings of beer or two 5-ounce servings of wine or two 1.5-ounce servings of "hard" liquor) a day. Women should have no more than a single serving on a given day because metabolic differences make women more susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

Limit caffeine intake.

People who smoke should quit. Smoking can damage blood vessels, raise the chance of high blood pressure, and worsen health problems related to high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should talk with their health care provider about programs and products they can use to quit smoking.

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