
High Blood Pressure and Kidney Dialysis

High blood pressure and renal failure are a pair of pathological phenomenon. They often co-exist and will interact and worsen each other. Elevated high blood pressure is one common symptom of renal failure and there are mainly two aspects of reasons why renal failure will cause blood pressure to increase.

Kidney Dialysis is an important replacement therapy that can be used to delay the renal disease. It is the representative of advanced western science and technology. Through replacing the part of kidney function,it can excrete too much water,toxin,waste and metabolite in blood,thus it can control and relieve their symptoms.

The ideal blood pressure for renal failure patients:

Before dialysis(GFR>10ml/min): blood pressure should be below 130/80mmHg
On dialysis: blood pressure should be lower than 140/90mmHg
Proteinuria>1g/24h: blood pressure should be below 125/75mmHg
Proteinuria<1g/24h: blood pressure should be below 130/80mmHg
ACEI and ARB drugs have good effects on lowering blood pressure. They can also help alleviate proteinuria high filtration state in the kidneys.

Besides,I believe that no one want to live their life relaying on the machine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better choice for patients with kidney damage. Using natural herbs,it is characterized by external Chinese medicine and has less side affects. Above all,it can improve the renal internal environment and offer a better space for renal recovery. Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your disease. Active ingredients in Micro-Chinese medicines can expand renal arteries, improve micro-circulation, promote blood flow so as to alleviate ischemia and hypoxia and promote metabolism in the kidneys. It can also promote secretion of erythropoietin so as to alleviate renal anemia and provide necessary nutritions for repairing renal parenchymal and vascular damages and prevent further deterioration of renal functions. After the application of Micro-Chinese medicines, certain renal functions can be recovered and it can enable kidneys to have the most basic physiological functions and improve their life quality and prolong life span.


How To Increase Urine Output In Kidney Failure

How to increase urine output for people with Renal Failure? Most often, people with Renal Failure have a little or completely no urine output. The reason is that urine output and renal failure have an intimate link with each other. Normally, our kidneys are responsible to filter wastes and excess water, and produce urine. Once the person’s condition deteriorates into Renal Failure, it indicates kidney nearly loses all of its ability to produce urine. Then, urine output decrease occurs as a consequence of a heavy loss of kidney function.

There are many foods in our daily life that can help increase urine flow-parsley, celery, melon, beets, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, onion, cranberry juice, lemon juice, etc. Having some proper supplement of these foods can help flush the kidneys and remove excessive water so as to increase urine volume.

Some herbs have natural diuretic properties such as dandelion, cornsilk, celery seed and uva ursi, ginger, juniper can help reduce water retention and increase urine output.

Of course, the most simplest way is to drink more water if patients do not have serious swelling or high blood pressure due to water and sodium retention. Besides, avoiding eating high-salt and high-sugar foods.

If patients can’t make enough urine, some severe complications such as swelling, a full stomach, nausea and vomiting, etc, will occur. In this situation, these patients have to rely on dialysis to live without kidney transplant. In most cases, dialysis, as an artificial kidney, indeed can remit patients’ symptoms except for urine output rapidly and markedly. However, they commonly find that the longer they do dialysis, the less their urine output. This drives most of patients to find how to increase urine output for people with Renal Failure.

Because urine output decrease is due to the heavy loss of kidney function, the most effective treatment is to repair part of kidney function. To people with Renal Failure, some kidney functioning cells are damaged while some others are necrotic. A natural treatment, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, focuses on the former ones, because they still have some activities. Through expanding renal artery to increase blood flow in the kidney and then nourish the damaged kidney cells, impaired kidney structures will be changed and part of kidney function including both filtration and producing urine will be improved. As a result, urine output will be increased.


Medication for Constipation in Kidney Disease

Constipation is a common complaint in kidney disease due to restricted diet.The patients may have less bowel movement and have dry stools. Some medications are usually recommended to control it.

As a matter of act, kidney failure does not cause constipation directly; however, because of special illness condition, kidney failure patients are more likely to suffer from constipation. Usually, the following several factors will cause the occurrence of constipation in kidney failure:

Common medications for constipation in Kidney Disease are as follows:

1.Peri-Colace 100mg BID.
2. Dulcolax 10-15mg per day
3. Senna up to 8 tabs per day
4. Fleets enema x 1.
5. Lactulose 15-30cc BID
6. Avoid laxatives containing magnesium, citrate, or phosphate in ESRD patients
As some medications may have side effects,the patients with kidney disease should never take OTC medicines without consulting a physician.

Apart from medications for constipation in kidney disease,the following tips also can help the patients control the condition.

High-fiber foods

Eating a high fiber diet is one of the best ways to prevent constipation in kidney disease.While high-fiber whole grains and dried beans are restricted in the diet for dialysis patients,many allowed fruits are significant sources of fiber.Strawberries,blueberries,apples,grapes, peaches, carrots and corns are recommended fruits and vegetables for people with kidney disease.

Though medication can help alleviate constipation, it can not solve the problem fundamentally. Because the root is kidney function problems, and recovery of kidney function can help treat constipation very well. Chinese medicines can achieve this goal by repairing kidney damage and preventing kidney inflammation.


Alternative Medicines for Lowering High Creatinine Level

To lower high creatinine level, dialysis, ketosteril, diuretic and some other medications are used commonly. However, not all people with high creatinine level respond to these methods, so they are eager to find out alternative treatments for high creatinine level.

1. Western medicines

Diuretics: These medicines work by increasing kidney output so as to remove more waste products and toxins from the body. However, regular use of diuretics in long time may in turn cause the increase of creatinine level, so correct dosage is very important.

Ketosteril: It can help not only lower high creatinine level but also slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease.

Calcium channel blocker: This is one common anti-hypertensive agent that can also help lower high creatinine level by expanding blood vessels and increasing the blood flow through kidneys.

There are many other types of western medications to deal with high creatinine level. As for which one is suitable for you, it should depend on your illness condition. Therefore, you can describe your illness condition to online doctor, so they can help you find a correct medication.

2. Chinese medicines

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment for high creatinine level in Chronic Kidney Failure as it has the ability to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, excess creatinine will be removed out of the body successfully, as a result of which, high creatinine level decreases.

Different from many other oral medicines which are always used to control Chronic Kidney Failure symptoms, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats kidney problem by repairing some kidney damages and improving kidney function. This treatment is based on Chinese herbs which contain lots of necessary nutritions for injured kidney tissues. Similar with cells in many our other body parts, kidney intrinsic cells also have a certain self-repairing ability. When kidney cells are injured mildly, they can recover by themselves if further kidney damages can be stopped. In an affected kidney, there are kidney cells that are damaged mildly, so through activating them and supplying them with nutritions, they can get recovery and kidney function can be improved greatly. A strong kidney function is the key point to maintain a normal serum creatinine level, so when kidney function gets improved, high creatinine level gets lowered down effectively.

With the help of two osmotic devices, shattered Chinese herbs can permeate into the body quickly and play their effects of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, expanding blood vessels and improving kidney function. (If you want to learn more about this treatment, you can leave a email to 1411835675@qq.com)


Foods To Improve Kidney Function Naturally

Diet is a necessity for us to maintain life. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), diet is also a treatment that can control your state of illness. How to improve kidney function through diet?

Low sodium foods

Patients with kidney disease usually have edema and high blood pressure. Sodium, or salt plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure and is related to edema. Too much sodium or slat intake will worsen edema and high blood pressure, which may make your kidney function reduce sharply. Therefore, removing high sodium or salt foods in your diet and replacing them with lower sodium/salt foods, and your kidney function can be greatly improved. Foods that are high in sodium include pickles, bacon, canned foods and processed foods, etc.

Fruits and vegetables

Patients with kidney disease often hear their doctors or nurses say they have high blood urea nitrogen. High blood urea nitrogen does have some relation with kidney function. Urea is a byproduct of protein metabolism. And if they intake high levels of protein, high levels of urea are relatively forced through their kidneys, making their kidneys failing to remove other toxins from their blood. Thus, in daily diet, they should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of consuming too much protein. Low protein intake can help control the amount of urea that kidneys have to filter.


These tasty little fruits help reduce redness and swelling and contain a healthy amount of vitamin C as well as vitamin K, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, and citrate. The more tart the cherry, the higher the level of citrate. Citrate reduces uric acid in the bloodstream which can lead to gout and arthritis.Those who eat cherries have been found to have lower uric acid levels and a lower risk of gout attacks.

Olive Oil

Like fish, olive oil provides a healthy serving of nutrient dense, unsaturated fats. Olive oil is also the basis for the ‘Mediterranean Diet.’ A recent study found individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease who adopted this diet experienced improvements in both symptoms and survival. The active components in olives improve the life of those suffering from chronic kidney disease and will certainly provide kidney support to those looking to maintain kidney health.


Good Vegetables for Patients with High Creatinine

Creatinine levels measure how well your kidneys are functioning.High creatinine levels occurs when your kidneys fail to work adequately.A balanced diet plays an important role in protecting renal function and improve your overall health.What fruits and vegetables are good to people with high creatinine levels?


Cucumbers are known as natural kidney-cleansers. Several studies have shown that eating cucumbers regularly helps to regulate uric acid and lower high creatinine levels in the body. Cucumbers are delicious, low-calorie and powerful antioxidants.

Garlic and onion

Some studies have shown that garlic can protect kidneys from free radical-mediated damage, onion contains PGA prostaglandin, a natural leptuntic which has an effect on lowering high blood pressure. In view of this, garlic and onion are good vegetables for patients with high creatinine levels.

-Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are a good source of vitamin C, A and B-6, folic acid, fiber and the antioxidant lycopene.These compounds can reduce the risk of anemia in Kidney Disease and can improve overall health.


Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and fiber and contains compounds that can help improve renal function.Thus,it can help lower high creatinine levels.

It is impossible for us to list all the good vegetables for patients with high creatinine levels. If you still have any follow-up questions about diet suggestions for high creatinine level, you can leave a message below or email to 1411835675@qq.com, our experts will surely reply you to help you manage the condition well.

Chinese Medicine Bring New Hope for Uremia Patient

On 3rd,Oct,2015, KABU ERNEST AKUAKU came to our hospital for further treatment, the following are some details about him and treatment he received here.

8 years ago, his blood pressure increased to 140/90mmHg, protein 2+, occult blood 1+.

2 years ago, he caught a cold and which induced headache and dizzy, then his blood pressure increased to 190/100mmHg, protein 2+, occult blood 2+, serum creatinine level increased to 1980umol/L(22.4mg/dl) in order to extend his life, he has to take dialysis.

3 months ago, his urine output down to 200ml/day.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can become another uremia treatment option. It is a new development of Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Patients with uremia just need to lie on the bed to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and many foreign patients describe it as Chinese massage, very comfortable. Chinese herbal medicines having the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys will be chosen, processed and then put into two bags which are put under the lower back of patients. Osmosis device helps the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines directly get to kidneys and then begin to come into play.

Disease condition after treatment:

After 35 days treatment, his overall condition turns to good. The swollen on lower limbs disappeared, the blood pressure downs to 160/100mmHg. The test shows the hemoglobin 112g/L,BUN 14.3mmol/L,Serum Creatinine 858umol/L, Potassium 5.19mmol/L, Total Carbon Dioxide 25.5mmol/L, Phosphorus 1.28mmol/L

Is Creatinine Levels Fluctuate in Chronic Kidney Disease

Is creatinine levels fluctuate in chronic kidney disease ? Actually, yes, even the healthy people will have different creatinine levels due to many reasons, because there are many factors may affect it.

we know that different gender, age and movement may affect the creatinine level. Except that the foods and the medicines the people take also will affect it. In addition, the disease such as cold, infection and kidney disease also will affect the creatinine level.

It is based on Chinese herbal medicines which have been used in China for thousands of years. Compared with oral Chinese herbal medicines, it is applied externally, which asks patients to lie on the bed to take this natural treatment. Chinese herbal medicines having functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys will be chosen, processed and then put into two bags which are put under the lower back of patients. The osmosis device helps the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines directly get to kidneys and then play those functions mentioned above to gradually repair kidney damage and recover renal function. So Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy achieves lowering high creatinine level by recovering renal function and making kidneys can work normally again, which also helps prevent kidney failure and dialysis. Foreign patients describe it as Chinese massage, very comfortable.

If you still have other questions or need any help in treating chronic kidney disease, do not hesitant to contact our online doctor directly, we are here waiting to help you.


Is Dialysis The Only Way for Kidney Failure Patients with 8% Renal Function

As we all know, dialysis is one of the most common treatments of kidney failure, but it is not the only way, there are some other treatments also can be used to treat kidney failure. Thus, is dialysis the only way for kidney failure patients with 8% kidney function?

8% renal function tells the condition is severe, and now it is in stage 5 chronic kidney disease also known as end-stage renal disease. It is true that most cases will be treated with dialysis or kidney transplant in many other hospitals, but we are here helping kidney failure patients save their own kidneys.

Many Chinese Medicines can replace dialysis, they are Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Hot Compress Therapy and Foot Bath Therapy. All of the can replace dialysis to discharge the toxins in blood and relieve those symptoms of kidney failure. Besides that, they also can treat kidney failure without making further damage to the kidneys.

8% renal function means there still has blood flows to kidneys. In that case, active materials of medicines can be taken to kidneys by blood flow and then play the corresponding functions. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to help kidney failure patients. It is based on Chinese herbal medicine, but used externally. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients. Osmosis device will be used to help active materials directly get into blood through permeating into skin.

The active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can play the functions including extending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis and immune complexes out of body, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation to gradually repair kidney damage and recover renal function.

If you are interested in those alternative therapies or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you

Is Watermelon Good For Kidney Patients

Is watermelon good for kidney disease patients? Watermelon is great fruit especially in hot season, so many people with kidney disease wants to know the answer. Today, you can get the answer from the following content.

According to the dietitian, a watermelon contains about 6% sugar, 2% phosphorus and potassium, and 92% water by weight. As with many other fruits, it is a source of vitamin C. To some extent, it is mildly diuretic. Its nutrition determines the following content.

Generally, watermelon also has a function of diuretic that can make people produce more urine so as to remove more wastes from the body. As a result, this fruit is able to ease patients’ swelling and kidney inflammation to some extent. From the above analysis, we can know kidney disease patients can consume some watermelon, if they don’t have severe healthy problems.

However, not all kidney disease patients can eat watermelon, because it also contains some substances that can ease their symptoms. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease and suffering from the following healthy problems, you had better avoid it.

·The abundant vitamin in it can prevent cold, improve immunity, furthermore, it also contain protein, glutamate, arginine and other nutrient substances. Because most patients with kidney failure may present weight losing, so watermelon can reduce the shortage of this nutrient matters.

What’s more, people with Chronic Kidney Disease are usually recommended for low-phosphorus and low-potassium diet. Our kidneys keep serum potassium level between 3.5 and 5.0mEq/L. This narrow range is essential, because potassium is used to conducting nerve impulses. If the level gets too high, nerves will be abnormal and cause many severe complications. To healthy people, the kidneys can make high potassium level drop, while the impaired kidney can’t adjust the potassium level successfully. In view of this, people with Chronic Kidney Disease had better control the intake of watermelon.

The effects of watermelon on kidney failure patients are limited, except for this, they also need to follow a low salt diet, low fat diet, high fiber diet, etc. For detailed information, please click here Dietary Management for People with Renal Failure.


Home Remedies for High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level usually mean there are extra creatinine building up in your blood, which may be a sign of kidney damage. Here is remedies for patients with elevated creatinine level.

Be a vegetarian

Creatinine is from the creatine which is only found within animal products. Therefore, to reduce the source of creatinine, you should reduce the intake of meat.Plant based diet have show to reduce all the major factors of kidney disease.However,if the kidney patients have malnutrition, you should increase the intake of meat properly.

Proper diets

Diets have certain impact on creatinine level because too much meat and protein intake can further increase high creatinine, therefore patients with high creatinine should avoid the intake of red meat, alcohol and limit high-salt, high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Drinking more water can help lower high creatinine. Besides, there are many foods that are very beneficial to the kidneys include unsweetened cranberry juice, radish, carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, etc.

On the other hand, proper diets can help ensure enough nutritions to the body but at the same time producing less metabolic wastes and toxins so as to much relieve burdens and strain to the kidneys.

Stop creatine supplement and avoid strenuous activities

Creatinine is the end product of creatine from muscle metabolism, therefore stop it if you are taking creatine. Avoid strenuous exercises can help reduce muscle metabolism and the production of creatinine.


If high creatinine level can not be reversed, you may need to take some medicines and drugs. There are many natural herbal medicines that are very effective at lowering creatinine. Here is a list of herbal medicines that can help lower high creatinine. You can buy and take these herbs under professional practitioners of herbal medicines.

Dandelion root, cinnamon, ginseng can reduce serum creatinine level.

Nettles can also help reduce high creatinine level. But those that are taking blood-thinning medicines should not have nettles with the medicines they are taking now.

The above are some home remedies for high creatinine level.As the illness condition varies from person to person, the remedies may not suit their condition. If you want to know which remedy is good to you, please consult us on line directly.


Can Kidney Failure Patients Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider vinegar has been consumed to deal with various kidney disease, since the ancient time. Because apple cider vinegar contains lots of nutrition, but is apple cider vinegar helpful for kidney failure patients.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and for these whose potassium level is higher than the normal range, they needs to stay away from it. Kidney failure can cause elevation of potassium level, so some kidney failure patients should avoid using apple cider vinegar. However, this does not mean all the kidney failure patients can not use cider vinegar. Kidney failure patients’ illness condition differs from case to case and some of them may suffer from severe low potassium level due to kidney problem. In that cases, apple cider vinegar will be a good choice in their daily life.

People with diabetes and stage 3 CKD can benefits from apple cider vinegar from these aspects as follows:

- Lower high blood sugar

For people with diabetes and stage 3 CKD, apple cider vinegar will be beneficial for them to lower their high blood sugar. They can take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can help reduce blood sugar level instantaneously and suppress the spike in blood sugar levels.

Kidney stones

Apple cider vinegar is great source of potassium, which is known it is essential for the growth of the body and the replacement of older tissues. Some kidney stones are caused by the deficiency of potassium, but, if your potassium is higher than normal, you are not allowed to consume it any more. What is more, apple cider vinegar can dissolve the kidney stones.

Regulate blood sugar on Diabetes

Apple cider vinegar is full of acetic acid which helps to slow down the digestion of simple carbohydrates, so as to regulate blood sugar level. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can greatly improve post-prandial insulin and sensitivity in insulin resistant.

Besides, apple cider vinegar is just one of the high potassium foods. For kidney failure patients, if their potassium level is elevated seriously, aside from apple cider vinegar, they also need to avoid foods like banana, spinach, white beans, dried apricots, baked potatoes, salmon, yogurt, avocados and mushrooms and so on.

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Failure without Dialysis

Although dialysis takes effects in helping patients eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body, it often makes patients suffer from many adverse effects, thereby, patients are wondering that can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure without dialysis ? Please send your present condition to WhatsApp/Wecat +008618330110929.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a perfect combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and high technology—osmoscope. It differs from the traditional treatments, which is an external application therapy without discomfort and pain.
Due to various factors such as longer term of high blood pressure, diabetes, genetic kidney disorder, kidney infections, the kidney is unable to work well. Normally, the kidney works to remove out wastes products and toxins out of body properly. When the kidney can not work well, more and more toxins will build up in your blood, leading to high creatinine level. Besides, patients with high creatinine level often displayed symptoms of headache, poor appetite, fatigue, muscle cramping and insomnia. To some extent, these symptoms and complications affect patients’ life seriously.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure?

According to the patient’s specific illness and the physical condition, doctors will choose some medicines as materials. They will be micronized into fine powder and then put into small bags. When the treatment starts, patients just need to lie on the bed comfortably. Two medicine bags will be put right on the kidney area. With the help of osmotic machine, the active materials of Chinese medicines can be permeated into kidney directly and effectively.

This therapy has been proven to be effective for CKD or other Kidney Disease. It can help repair damaged kidney so as to block the process of renal fibrosis and restore renal function from the root. Gradually the medicines can eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria and control complications, such as lowering the risk of heart problems. Thus kidney failure progression will be prevented naturally. In this way, the patient has chance of living higher quality life without Dialysis.

Are you suffering from kidney failure ? Do you want to know more details about how natural treatment treat kidney failure ? Please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you.


Natural Herbs for Reducing High Creatinine Level

Creatinine level helps to reflect the amount of waste products in the blood. For kidney failure patients, they can try some herbal medicines to lower their high creatinine level. Well then, what is the best herbal medicine for high creatinine level?

The following are some natural ways to control high creatinine and protect kidney functions.

Natural herbs

There are many natural Chinese herbs that can help lower creatinine such as nettle leaf tea, dandelion root, cinnamon, salvia, Siberian ginseng, etc. Along with low-sodium, low-potassium, low-phosphorus, low-protein diets, high creatinine can be controlled or at least its increase rate will be much slowed down.

1. Stinging nettle seed: Stinging nettle seed is reported to have function of lowering high creatinine level in a study published in the journal of The American Herbalist Guild which said kidney failure patients who were given this herb showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine.

2. Ginseng: Ginseng stimulates the circulation to the kidneys, which is very helpful in treating kidney failure. In clinic, it is often used with cinnamon to lower creatinine level.

3. Salvia: Salvia is always used to lower high creatinine level by kidney failure patients who are on dialysis.

4. Dandelion root: Herb of dandelion root can be used as a diuretic. Normally, creatinine is discharged out of the body with urine, so by increasing kidney failure patients’ urine output, much more creatinine can be excreted and high creatinine level can be lowered effectively.

Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy

Herbal medicines for high creatinine level work in different ways. For micro-Chinese medicine, it reduces creatinine level by improving kidney function. We know kidneys are the organ that are responsible for keeping serum creatinine in the normal range. When they are affected, kidney function decreases and creatinine level increases. Hence, only when kidney function is increased, can high creatinine level be lowered radically.

It is an external application of Chinese medicines without causing any injuries or pains to the patients. It is natural, safe and comfortable. It has the functions of vasodilation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix so as to alleviate renal damages.

Contact Me via 008618330110929 or kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Foods to Avoid with High Creatinine Level

A reasonable diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients to lower their high creatinine level, as some foods may accelerate their illness and further increase their serum creatinine. Well then, what are the foods to avoid with high creatinine level?

Creatinine is the creatine which is an important part in muscle.As it is normally filtered by kidneys,it can keep at constant levels.However,when the kidneys fail to work adequately to filter blood.Creatinine will build up in body,thus resulting in high creatinine levels.

High creatinine level implies kidneys have been damaged severely. In that cases, not only creatinine, but also many other toxic substances accumulate in blood. Therefore, when serum creatinine increases to a certain level, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed to purify blood. For kidney disease patients whose serum creatinine has become higher than the normal range, if they eat freely, much more wastes will be formed. Consequently, their creatinine level will be higher, which may ask them to do dialysis early.

Foods to avoid with high creatinine level

From the above information, we can learn that for kidney disease patients, creatinine level increases as kidneys fail to discharge excess creatinine in blood. Under such a condition, patients need to:

Avoid foods that can produce more creatinine. Creatinine is the waste produce of meat, so eating less meat is necessary for kidney disease patients.

High-salt foods should be avoided.Excess salt intake can cause retention of fluids and sodium to cause or worsen high blood pressure.High blood pressure is a major risk in worsening renal function.

Based on blood work,the amount of potassium and phosphorus in diet should also be restricted.

Avoid foods that can worsen kidney condition. With the decrease of kidney condition, creatinine level will become higher and higher. For this reason, any foods that may worse kidney condition should be avoided. To protect residual kidney function, kidney disease patients generally need to stay far away from high protein foods, high salt foods, high potassium foods and high potassium foods, as these foods can increase kidney burden and accelerate illness. (Send message to kidneycares@hotmail.com to get food lists that are high in potassium, phosphorus, salt and protein)


Natural Remedy for High Creatinine Level 5.6

High Creatinine level is commonly experienced in patients with kidney disease. Patients with creatinine 5.6, it means that they already at stage 4 kidney disease that is the second advanced stage of kidney disease. Due to various side effects caused by dialysis, more and more patients are seeking for a effective treatment to receive treatment. You can email kidneycares@hotmail.com or call 008618330110929 for detailed information.

Now, the renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will explain it in details.

Blood Purification is more advanced than dialysis treatment. This treatment mainly includes hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, immune adsorption, plasma exchange. Different from dialysis treatment, Blood Purification can eliminated all kinds of toxic substances and extra fluid out of body.

The applications of this treatments mainly based on patients’ illness condition. If you want to get personalized treatment, please contact our online doctor directly, the natural treatment will reply you as soon as possible. The renal doctor will reply you as soon as possible.

In China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a treatment named as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a therapy used externally, which makes it possible to take the best effects to repair diseased cells and tissues in the kidneys. And then, with the purpose of achieving better effects, the herbal medicines are needed to be refined into powder. Though a way of connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, the active substances in herbal medicines can come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. By extending blood vessels and promoting blood circulation, sufficient blood and oxygen can be delivered to the kidneys. With the improvement of kidney function, the elevated creatinine level will be reduced naturally and gradually.

Do you want to know more details about the natural treatments, please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you.

High Creatinine Level 6.4 of Kidney Failure Caused By IgA Nephropathy

Increasing people have Kidney Disease due to various factors. Well then, how to treat High Creatinine Level 6.4 of Kidney Failure caused by IgA Nephropathy?

It seems that every kidney disease patients are eager to keep away from dialysis. Why does this happen? It is because patients with dialysis often displayed symptoms of headache, anemia, muscle cramping and so on. What is worse, dialysis is not a fundamental way for helping patients reduce high creatinine level. After stopping dialysis, you still run high risk to develop high creatinine level. Even in some cases, it is higher than before. While, is there still having a chance for IgA Nephropathy patients with creatinine 6.4 avoid dialysis?

In China, Toxin-Removing Treatment is widely used to treat kidney failure with high creatinine for foreign patients.

The prescriptions of systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment are Chinese herbal medicines all from nature, so you do not worry about its side effects. It contains many Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Moxibustion, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.

Some of treatments can help cleanse blood to remove the toxins and wastes from the body, some can improve kidney functions with repaired kidney tissues and cells.

By the functions of expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degradation and providing nutrients, the impaired kidney tissues and cells will restore and at the same time renal function can enhance. In this way, high creatinine level 6.4 of kidney failure will be lowered naturally.


PKD Patient Shrunk Kidney Cysts Naturally with Chinese Treatments

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), is an inherited kidney disorder which contains many cysts in the kidneys. It can not be cured but you can shrink it taking effective therapy and live a better life.

Here is a patient with PKD for several years and shrunk these kidney cysts naturally with TCM treatments.

Recently his creatinine level was increased and in order to shrink kidney cysts and lower High Creatinine Level, he came to our hospital.
Before treatment, his right kidney was 225*120*89 mm, and left kidney was 237*125*91 mm, both were much larger than normal size.

In China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external effective therapy that made of TCM. It is recommended to meet your goals for PKD and elevated creatinine level.

It can help expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation on cystic walls and improve the permeability of the cysts. It also can restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cystic fluid will be inhibited well. With the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller and smaller. In this case, it is helpful to relieve the compression of the tissues around, improve microcirculation, block the progress of renal fibrosis, repair the injured kidney tissues and improve renal function finally.

Taking about 1 week’s treatment with Chinese medicines, he got great improvements, right kidney shrunk to 205*117*85mm, and left kidney shrunk to 205*117*85 mm.

With the continuous treatment, we believe his condition can be better and better.

Chinese medicine treatments can help shrink kidney cysts effectively. If you want to know more details about these treatments, please leave a message in the below form or send medical reports to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Creatinine 5.3 and Natural Treatment without Dialysis

How will reduce high creatinine level without dialysis? This should be one of most concerned questions for kidney failure patients, since high creatinine level is a severe sign for them. So many patients try to get effective treatment to lower high level. In this article, we will introduce herbal treatment to decrease creatinine in blood.

As we all know, creatinine is mainly produced by our muscle activity. As for healthy kidney, almost all of creatinine can be discharged from our body and maintain the normal level from 0.5mg/dl to 1.2mg/dl. However, kidney damaged, creatinine can not be filtered out of the body effectively and will accumulate in the kidney. Our kidneys strong compensatory ability, high creatinine level occur means at least half kidney functions are damaged.

In China, Chinese herbal medicines have long history in treating kidney diseases, and the featured treatment is called as Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is a systematic treatment including various Chinese therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, etc, these therapies are based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). And different therapies will be used depending on the own case of patients. The treatment is used to purify blood and remove toxins and wastes out from blood and inherent renal cells, which can make a good blood environment for further treatment. Then it can help expand blood vessels and increase blood volume into kidneys, thus can bring more nutrition and oxygen, which can repair damaged renal cells and improve renal function from root.

If you want to know more details about these natural treatments for kidney diseases, please leave message below or send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com with your phone number or WhatsApp, so that our renal expert can give you professional suggestion in time and conveniently.


Proper Diet for Kidney Disease Patients with High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

“ My creatinine level is 1.5 mg/dl and I also have high blood pressure and diabetes, I also have protein in urine, can you give me some proper diet suggestions for my illness condition?”

Good proteins

Under the premise of meeting patients’ need for proteins, limit daily protein intake to relieve burdens and strains to the kidneys especially if their blood urea nitrogen is still high. Animal protein is preferred than vegetable protein because they produce less nitrogen-related wastes and toxins after metabolism. Good proteins include lean meat, fish, chicken, shrimps, etc.

Low-salt diets

Renal failure patients often have high blood pressure which can be well controlled and prevented with low-salt diets. Limiting salt intake is especially important in case of swelling.


Renal failure often suffer from high blood potassium which can affect their heart function and in serious conditions can even cause sudden cardiac arrest. Therefore if patients already have hyperkalaemia, it is very important to limit high-potassium foods. Potassium content can be lowered after being frozen or boiled in water.

Limit the sugar intake

For this patient, because of his diabetes, he need to limit his daily sugar intake in order to control his high blood sugar. Because the high blood sugar will increase the progression of kidney failure.

Renal failure patients should try to avoid hot pepper, chili, curry, fennel, chocolate, melon seed and peanuts as well as sea products, alcohol and tobacco, etc.


Diet for High Creatinine And BUN

High creatinine and BUN can reflect how well your kidneys are functioning.A healthy diet can reduce wastes in blood and improve renal function,thus lowering high creatinine and BUN.

Causes of high levels of creatinine and BUN

Creatinine is the creatine which is an important part in muscle.As it is normally filtered by kidneys,it can keep at constant levels.However,when the kidneys fail to work adequately to filter blood.Creatinine will build up in body,thus resulting in high creatinine levels.

Proteins play an important role in body.They can protect the body against infection and also can provide nutrients for body.Diseased kidneys can fail to remove them adequately.If excess urea builds up in body,it can cause a condition called uremia featured with many symptoms such poor appetite,nausea,vomiting,anemia etc.

Low-protein diet

High protein consumption can increase the production of urea,thus raising BUN levels.Also,too much protein intake can contribute to high creatinine levels.Meanwhile,high-quality protein should covers 50% of the total protein intake.Beans,nuts and grains have moderate amounts of protein, and fruits generally have no proteins.

Vegetarian diet

Dietary sources of creatine and creatinine are only found within animal products.Therefore, the patients will be reducing the burden of extra creatine and creatinine circulating through the blood by eating a largely plant based diet.


When your kidneys are not working properly, they fail to remove excess fluid from your body.Limiting fluid intake can prevent high blood pressure,swelling and shortness of breath.How much fluid can you take each day? Please consult us for more information.

High-salt foods should be avoided.Excess salt intake can cause retention of fluids and sodium to cause or worsen high blood pressure.High blood pressure is a major risk in worsening renal function.

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