
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Help Kidney Failure Patients Reduce Creatinine 12.8 Fundamentally

Generally speaking, high creatinine level is commonly experienced in patients with kidney failure and the current treatment such as dialysis and ACE inhibitors can not reduce high creatinine level fundamentally, thereby, more and more patients are wondering that can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help patients reduce creatinine 12.8 fundamentally?

What is creatinine

Creatinine includes serum creatinine and urine creatinine. Usually it refers to serum creatinine when we mention it. It is a metabolic product of muscle and filtrated by glomerular. Every 20mg muscle metabolism can produce 1 mg creatinine. The normal creatinine level of is 0.5 -1.0 mg/dl (about 45-90u mol/l) for adult female and 0.7-1.2 mg/dl (60-110 u mol/l) for adult man.

High creatinine level and kidney function

The creatinine is filtrated by glomerular which is the main part of kidneys and discharged out of our body through urine. If you have a problem in your kidney function, the creatinine will build up in your body and can not be excreted, leading to high creatinine levels. The elevated creatinine in our body will undoubtedly increase the workload of kidneys in return. Only when glomerular filtration rate(GFR) is lower than 60ml/min, creatinine rises. So perhaps the GFR level has already been declined when your creatinine level is still normal.
In case of kidney failure, there are numerous wastes products building up in your blood when your kidney can not fulfill its function properly. And, the deposition of toxins and wastes products not only can make further damage, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Therefore, eliminating the wastes products plays a important role in helping patients reduce high creatinine level. Toxins-Removing Treatment is developed in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital where many patients get a good recovery. This treatment mainly works to remove out various toxins and wastes products out of body completely.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has also been working to kidney failure patients. This treatment is used to repair the diseased kidney. Various wastes products and toxins out of body, a health internal environment is provided to recover diseased kidney function. By dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, regulating blood pressure, and reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood, lots of active substances will penetrate inside kidney lesions directly in the meanwhile, sufficient blood and oxygen also can be delivered inside kidney.

Additionally, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Circle Therapy are also developed to help patients eliminate various toxins and wastes products.
With the combination of these treatments, the elevated creatinine level can be reduced naturally and fundamentally. Besides, various poisoning symptoms, such as fatigue, anemia, headache and muscle cramping are also alleviated fundamentally.

This personalized therapy can cure the underlying causes and gradually restore the impaired glomerular and thus lower high creatinine levels. Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy for high creatinine level is effective and convenient. If you are interested in it, you can consult an expert on line freely or leave a message below.

Is There Something I Can Take to Get Off Dialysis with Kidney Failure

Dialysis is commonly experienced in kidney failure patients to help patients remit some poisoning symptoms and avoid severe complications. However, dialysis often makes patients suffer from various adverse effects. Therefore, patients are wondering that is there something I can take to get off dialysis with kidney failure.

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs. Healthy kidneys are 10-12 cm long and 5-6 cm wide. Each kidney is composed of one million nephrons. When blood flows through nephrons, oxygen and nutrients will be supplied to them and also the wastes will be filtered out of body. However, there is a variety of conditions and disease which can cause inadequate blood supply to nephrons. The impaired nephrons will become scarred and necrotic progressively. When the number of healthy nephrons reduces, which will cause the condition of ischemia and anoxia in kidneys, kidney shrinkage will be the result. Meanwhile, the shrinked kidneys will fail to function adequately. High levels of waste products will flow into blood through blood circulation, thus giving rise to a lot of complications and discomforts.

How Can I Stop Dialysis
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Chronic Renal Failure: Chinese Treatment Give Me New Hope

For kidney failure patients, there are lots of wastes products and toxic substances building up in your blood and the wastes products can not be eliminated out of body by the diseased kidney. As a result, more and more wastes products are more likely to build up in your blood and higher and higher creatinine level as well as more and more complications occurs. With the proper of helping patients avoid some poisoning symptoms and complications, many renal experts worked together for many years and developed a series of natural treatments have been developed to help patients treat kidney disease. The natural treatments includes Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy.

Chinese Medicine can help patients get off dialysis by repairing those damaged renal tissues, but it need take some times. You know the kidney disease is long-time disease, so the restore progression should be longer enough. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of therapy to repair the diseased kidney. In this therapy, there are numerous herbs containing in this therapy and they are refined into powder that is collected into two medicated bags. By connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. At the same time, sufficient blood and oxygen also can be delivered inside kidney.


Can Chinese Medicine Correct PKD with Creatinine 7.5

PKD patients often run high risk to suffer from high creatinine level and they need to take effective measures to reduce high creatinine level as much as possible, otherwise, some poisoning symptoms occur. Patients with Creatinine 7.5 are at stage 4 kidney failure, so they need to take prompt measures, recently, patients are wondering that how can Chinese medicine correct PKD with creatinine 7.5?

First of all, you need to make it clear that why PKD patients suffer from creatinine 7.5?

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of genetic kidney disorder in which lots of cysts filled with develop and grow on the kidneys. Without effective controlling, more and more cysts will get bigger and bigger. As a result, the enlarged cysts will oppress normal cells and tissues, affecting kidney function progressively. With decreasing kidney function, lots of toxins and wastes products will build up in your blood, resulting in high creatinine level. Besides, patients with high creatinine level often displayed symptoms of fatigue, anemia, muscle cramping and poor appetite and skin itching. Furthermore, dialysis can not help patients reduce the elevated creatinine level and relive some poisoning symptoms effectively and they often suffer from many adverse effects.

Western Medicines For Polycystic Kidney Disease

Ways to Prevent Cysts from Growing for PKD Patients

How To Shrink Kidney Cysts In PKD

Thanks to the continual advancement of modern medical technology, alternative natural treatment has been invented to help manage Polycystic Kidneys and 7.5 creatinine well so that patients can avoid Kidney Failure and live a significantly extended life expectancy. The option is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Due to its surprising curative effects for PKD, Osmotherapy is now getting more and more popular among patients all over the world. Different from convention oral medication, it is an external application with no adverse effect to human body. (You can check Here to watch the video introduction about this therapy)
In case of treating creatinine level 7.5 with PKD, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can work to prevent continual enlargement of renal cysts, improve the blood circulation of the kidneys, shrink the cysts in size over time, repair the impaired kidney cells, and raise the overall renal function. With kidneys functioning better and better, high creatinine level can be lowered naturally and renal failure will be prevented.

If you still have anything unclear about managing your Polycystic Kidney Disease or would like to learn more, leave a message in the below. Glad to share helpful information!

How Can Dialysis Patients Deal with Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are the common complaints of Renal Failure patients, since they are tortured by these two symptoms for years or months. How to deal with these annoying signs is concerned by patients with kidney failure.

Nowadays, dialysis has been widely used to kidney failure patients, but patients often experience its adverse effects when they are doing dialysis. Vomiting is the most common one. Therefore, patients are wondering that how can dialysis patients deal with vomiting ?

Before finding treatments for nausea and vomiting, we’d better take a quick glance at why these symptoms appear.

Most of the patients with Renal Failure suffer from nausea and vomiting in the beginning but are regarded as some kind of gastrointestinal problems. This is because those symptoms are nonspecific and can be misdiagnosed by any other conditions.

Chinese Medicine Treatments Increase 9% Kidney Function

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Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Itchy Skin From Dialysis

The toxins and harmful substances accumulate inside the body when their kidneys fail. Not just harmful substances, disordered metabolism, acidosis and electrolyte imbalance etc. all seriously affect the organs and tissues. Gastrointestinal tract is the major organ getting involved. fibrinous inflammation, gastric ulcer or bleeding may develop due to the complicated effects.

Dialysis is a way in which lots of toxins and wastes products would be eliminated out of body with the help of dialysis machine. To some extent, small size of toxic substances would be eliminated out of body, such as creatinine, water and urea. And then big size of substances would build up in your blood, like PTH and they will makes further damage to kidney. And then, it will get into gastrointestinal track system and would be broken down into ammonia by urease, and then, the ammonia will stimulate intestinal track system, making patients suffer from vomiting and nausea. Besides, patients also run high risk to suffer from anemia. And anemia is a condition in which sufficient blood and oxygen can not be delivered inside kidney. When your body can not get sufficient oxygen and blood, patients often run high risk to suffer from nausea and vomiting. Besides, simply dealing with vomiting on dialysis can not solve the problem at all. You are always suffering from vomiting when you are dialysis. In addition to, dialysis is just a replacement of kidney to excrete various toxins and wastes products out of body. Since dialysis can not repair the diseased kidney, kidney function keeps decreasing as you are on dialysis.

In order to help patients reduce the frequency of dialysis or even stop dialysis, many renal experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital worked together for many years and then developed a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy. This treatment mainly works to improve kidney function by providing sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition to the diseased kidney. If the damage on your kidney function is less than 50%, illness condition can be reversed and if the damage on your kidney function is more than 50% or 75%, we can not help you reverse kidney failure, but we can make the illness condition stable and help you live as long as you can.

Can Patient with ESRD Survive without Dialysis

Kidney failure is divided into 5 stages and end stage is the 5th stage with most advanced renal damages. End stage renal failure means that more than 85%-90% kidney functions are lost and the severely damaged kidneys can not maintain normal daily life and renal placement therapy--dialysis or kidney transplant are necessary.

The reason that most of patients do not want to have dialysis is because that dialysis often makes patients experience many adverse effects and it makes your urine output becomes less and less. As a matter of fact, although dialysis can help patients relive some poisoning symptoms, it is not a treatment to repair the diseased kidney.

For those that are not taking dialysis, the following are several aspects that can help them greatly improve their life expectancy.

Is There Any Chance of Damaging Kidneys Being Reversed

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Well control of symptoms

End stage renal failure patients usually have extremely high creatinine level without dialysis and this indicates there are a lot of metabolic wastes and toxins accumulating in the patients’ body. These wasteful and toxic substances will cause a series of pains, sufferings for the patients like swelling, headache, sleeping difficulty, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, etc.
Once these symptoms appears, patients need to seek doctor’s advice and take proper medicines and drugs under doctor’s guidance and order after accurate and thorough tests. Though these drugs and medicines are only symptomatic, they are necessary.

Effective treatment without dialysis

In China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a natural treatment to deal with kidney disease problem. This treatment is called Toxins-Removing Treatment. This treatment takes highly effects to eliminate wastes products and toxins deposited in blood out of body completely. Various toxins and wastes products eliminated out of body, a health internal environment is provided to repair the diseased kidney. And then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to repair the diseased kidney by dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood, degrading extracellular matrix. In addition to, Mediated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Circle Therapy and Stem Cells therapy are also used to help patients repair the diseased kidney.

By taking these treatments, illness condition can be reversed if the damage on kidney function is less than 50% and your illness condition can be stabled and you can live a longer life with the natural treatments here if the illness condition is more than 50% or 75%.


Immunotherapy Is A Radical Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

Immunotherapy is the fundamental treatment for IgA Nephropathy at present. We should know what IgA Nephropathy is.Before knowing the function of this therapy, I would like to introduce something about IgA nephropathy. This disease can lead to kidney function decline. Once kidney function declines, many symptoms will occur, such as proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, swelling and so on. In many countries, doctors will prescribe some medications to eliminate symptoms. These medications do have a certain effect for the time being. However, once patients reduce the dosage or stop taking medications, the illness condition is easy to relapse. Fortunately, Immunotherapy is created by our our experts and it has an obvious effect on removing harmful and toxic substances and improving renal function.

Immunotherapy is one of the characteristic treatments of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which mainly has six steps, including immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. And immunotherapy is aiming to remove immune complexes, restore kidney function and adjust immune system. We generally combine western medicine and Chinese Medicine to treat IgA Nephropathy.

Common western medicines are applied to control symptoms such as high blood pressure, hematuria and proteinuria, etc. However, western medicines just treat the disease superficially. In this condition, Chinese Herbal Medicines play an important role in immunotherapy. With degradation and promoting blood circulation, immune complexes can be removed; with anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and removing blood stasis and providing nutrients for kidneys, kidney function can be improved gradually. Besides, some ingredients in the Chinese Herbal Medicine can adjust immune system. As long as your immune system is improved, the occurrence rate of IgA Nephropathy will be reduced.

If Immunotherapy is beneficial to you or you are interested in it, we are here to help you learn more about the treatment to fight against kidney disease.

All in all, Immunotherapy differs from conventional treatment because of its combination with Western medicine and Chinese medicine. This therapy can improve kidney function from the root which is vital for IgA nephropathy patients.


What are the five common treatments for kidney failure

Many people's daily living habits do not meet the normal human law, contrary to the normal law of the human body, then the long run, the body will certainly be a variety of problems, such as kidney disease, common disease is renal failure, this kidney disease is very serious , Presumably we have heard of. Here we look at the treatment of Chronic Kidney Failure.

Immunosuppressive agents: renal failure patients in the use of glucocorticoids too much or ineffective treatment, you can use immunosuppressive agents, the most commonly used drugs are cyclophosphamide, sulfur birds Piao Yin, ring mold A, vincristine, Tripterygium polyglycoside tablets and more glycosides.

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Good Therapeutic Effect Of Chinese Medicine Treatment for Kidney Failure In PKD

Second, drug treatment: This is one of the most common renal failure treatment. However, this method is generally only suitable for those patients with stones less than 0.3 cm in length and without chronic inflammation. However, once the number of patients with more stones, and accompanied by symptoms such as infection, then it is not appropriate to use drug therapy. Because the infection will lead to increased obstruction, usually drugs can only improve the symptoms but can not really play a role in healing.

Third, the diuretic: In general, after 7-10 days in the medication will be present at the urine that is not necessary to use diuretics. For patients with severe edema of renal failure can choose diuretics, commonly used diuretics furosemide, intravenous administration, it is best to first lose the low molecular weight of the oil dextran, often have a good diuretic effect.

Fourth, glucocorticoid therapy: renal failure patients commonly used drugs are prednisone, according to the type of disease, the reaction of children with prednisone, respectively, using a short course of two months, 4-6 months in the course of treatment And 9-2 months long course of treatment.

Fifth, surgical treatment: This is a very traditional treatment of renal failure, but patients in the selection of the method for treatment, can not avoid the possibility of trauma. Generally incision after surgery, but also large damage, high recurrence rate. The danger is also great. Therefore, multiple stones, patients with chronic inflammation are not appropriate.

The above is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital's experts for the treatment of renal failure in the introduction, through the above five aspects of treatment, patients with renal failure is often the condition can be controlled. In the treatment, we must pay attention to treatment according to treatment, or give up halfway, the kidneys will be more serious injury.

Strengthening the body is a preventive measure of renal failure

The human body has two kidneys, but is not toss, the kidney should be very care, not in the usual due to improper habits and damage it, otherwise it will bring a variety of serious diseases, such as renal failure. Therefore, experts advise everyone in peacetime must pay attention to the health of the body, good disease prevention. Here we all understand the prevention of renal failure with measures.
Prevention of infection - a large part of renal failure is due to infection induced, so to prevent kidney failure must pay attention to the prevention of infection, such as cold, rheumatism, wind-heat, heat, heat and so may cause renal failure, it should be avoided Sweat out when the wind, rainy days out, wearing wet clothes and so on.

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Enhance physical fitness - to avoid kidney failure to protect the health of the kidneys will often exercise to enhance physical fitness, exercise a variety of ways, are conducive to enhance physical fitness, improve body resistance to prevent bacterial infection after the occurrence of immune reactivity damage.

Renal use of drugs with caution - some drugs on the kidney damage is great, so we must be vigilant to avoid taking. The above is for us to tell the method of prevention of renal failure, according to the above method of prevention, we can protect everyone's kidney, to avoid kidney damage, thus effectively preventing the occurrence of renal failure.

The above is for the prevention of renal failure, experts believe that the above three measures (prevention of infection, enhance physical fitness, to avoid renal toxicity drugs), can help you away from kidney failure this serious disease, to protect everyone's kidney Avoid damage, but also away from other types of kidney disease.

Three aspects of kidney failure health care

Chronic Kidney Failure in life has be seen more common, kidney failure after the onset of the disease, will seriously threaten the health of patients, but also to the patients constitute a great harm. In real life, when the failure of renal failure, many people do not know how to take treatment, then, life, renal failure, health care methods is what »Here are related presentations.
(1) to establish confidence in the fight against the disease: a longer course of renal failure, easy to recurrent, patients should be encouraged to strengthen the fight against the disease with confidence, close cooperation with the treatment, to overcome the disease.

(2) diet: acute renal failure, edema or high blood pressure should limit the amount of salt intake, daily 2 ~ 4g is appropriate. A high degree of edema should be controlled in the daily 2g the following, salted fish, all kinds of pickles should be hanged, until the edema subsided sodium salt volume and then gradually increased. Drinking water should not be restricted except for significant edema. Low plasma protein without azotemia should be into the high-protein diet, the daily protein should be 60 ~ 80g or higher. The emergence of azotemia should limit the total protein intake, the daily 40g the following, the supply of essential amino acids rich in high quality protein, the total calories should be 0.146kJ / kg body weight, diet and nutritional supplements, vitamins, fruits and vegetables Not limited to.

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(3) rest and work: the patient once diagnosed with renal failure, in the initial stage, regardless of the severity of symptoms, should be based on active rest-based treatment, regular follow-up observation of changes in condition. Such as the condition improved, edema subsided, blood pressure returned to normal or near normal, urinary protein, red blood cells and a variety of tube-type trace, stable renal function, then 3 months after the start in light work, to avoid strong physical labor, prevention of respiratory and urinary Road infection occurs. Activity should be gradually increased gradually to promote physical recovery. Where there is hematuria, a large number of urine protein, edema or hypertension, or progressive renal dysfunction in patients, should be bed rest and active treatment.

The above is for the renal failure of health care methods introduced, these points for the rehabilitation of patients with renal failure help, in addition to the above description, we have to do the following points, first, patients with renal failure must establish a good Mentality, and do the daily diet, the only way to as soon as possible away from the hazards of renal failure.


Can We Find Some Solution For Kidney Pain From High Creatinine Level

Can we find some solutions for Kidney Pain due to High Creatinine? First, I have to say there do really have solutions for this kind of condition. Persistent high levels of creatinine in the blood can cause kidney pain. So how to deal with it now?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help lower high creatinine and ease kidney pains and other symptoms. What is more important, it can help gradually repair renal damages and improve renal functions so that further elevation of creatinine will be prevented. According to the exact cause of high creatinine and kidney pain, different medicines will be selected. It is different from dialysis, this kind of treatment do not have pain for patients and no side effects on them.

Is It Possible To Reduce High Creatinine Level 484 Without Dialysis
How Does Chinese Therapy Work For High Creatinine 10

Can Natural Therapy Help to Reduce High Serum Creatinine Level 7.3mg/dL

Protect residual kidney tissues

Kidney is responsible for excreting excessive creatinien in blood, so only when kidney tissues are protected effectively, can creatinine level be stopped from becoming much higher.

Repair injured kidney intrinsic cells

In a healthy kidney, there are tens and thousands of kidney intrinsic cells like glomerular epithelial cell and glomerular mesangial cell and so on. These kidney intrinsic cells play different role while kidneys function. When they are damaged and fail to function properly for some reasons, kidney function decreases. Therefore, repairing injured kidney intrinsic cells to strengthen kidney function is also an essential part. Generally speaking, when injured kidney intrinsic cells are repaired, kidney function increases. Under such a condition, excess creatinine in blood will be discharged successfully.

Healthy life style

Develop healthy living habits and avoid bad habits like drinking excess alcohol, smoking, staying up all the night and so on are also very important

The symptoms that accompany kidney pain such as back pain, abdominal pain, cloudy urine, bloody urine, frequent urination, urinary urgency, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weight loss can all be relieved after taking this kind of treatment.

What Is The Systematic Chinese Medicine Treatment for Stage 3 Diabetic Nephropathy

 How to find a Systemic Treatment for Stage 3 Diabetic Nephropathy patients? Both of us should know about that diabetic nephropathy is a kind of secondary kidney disease of diabetes. It is not hard to say that treat for diabetic nephropathy need to control diabetes and kidney damage at the same time.

Chinese medicine has the functions of promoting blood circulation and blood stasis and cleaning blood vessels without side effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective treatment for diabetic nephropathy, it can treat for diabetic nephropathy not only keep focus on kidney problems but also the blood vessels problems. Repairing kidney damage and promoting blood circulation and blood stasis will help the blood vessels healthy and have a good condition to supplement enough blood for kidneys to work.
with diabetic nephropathy may have swelling around the eyes in the mornings. With no effective management, swelling may spread to the whole body. With edema, patients need to limit salt intake and fluid intake; Foamy urine or bubbly urine: Diabetic Nephropathy patients may find there are lots of foams or bubbles in their urine which exist for a very long time. In Diabetic Nephropathy, foamy urine or bubbly urine occur due to severe loss of protein in urine. In such a condition, adjusting protein intake is necessary. How much protein is needed for a Diabetic Nephropathy depends on the specific illness condition; High blood pressure: Patients with diabetic nephropathy may also suffer from high blood pressure. Similar with high blood sugar, high blood pressure also increase kidney burden and worsen kidney condition. Therefore, a tight control of blood pressure is beneficial for Diabetic Nephropathy patients.

Apart from the above symptoms, there are some other discomforts such as poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, shortness of breath and so on. If you want to learn more about these symptoms, please contact us directly.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relieve patients’ pain effectively and help them recover gradually.

Will I Need Dialysis with Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is secondary to diabetes and it is the leading cause of renal failure in the United States. However, not all people with the condition will develop renal failure or need dialysis.

Diabetic Nephropathy and its complications made patients miserable and painful. How we alleviate their suffering. If you have any questions about yourself or our therapies, please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR directly for free.

Dialysis is a process in which wastes products are filtered out from the blood by machine. It is used to treat end stage renal failure, a serious condition in which 15% or less of normal function remains. That is to say, if the patients with diabetic nephropathy can keep their renal function remain above 15% of normal, dialysis will not be required at all.

10 Years of Diabetes Can Develop Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy Is Easy To Be Controlled By Chinese Medicines

Chinese Medicine Treatment Help Increase Urine Volume and Reduce High Creatinine Level

Apart from mentioned dialysis we hospital take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat patients. It has function of expending blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing and degrading extra cellular matrix, blocking the kidney damage ways and improving the GFR, which includes many steps such as foot bath, medical bath. It can alleviate the symptoms. It can dilate blood vessel, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and degrade extracellular matrix. It can improve the metabolic disorders and provide aerobic environment for repairing the impaired renal function cells. Of course, we also use the Immunotherapy and the four kinds of “one” therapy for treating patients.

Besides therapy patients also pay attention to keep healthy diet, such as low salt, proper fat, high quality protein. of course patients should have a positive mood. Do not be depressed.


Side Effects Of Kidney Transplant On Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end stage renal disease. Kidney transplant is a preferred treatment option for the patients with renal failure. However,compared with non-diabetes patients, kidney transplant can put more more risks on diabetics.

There are some risks after kidney transplant:

1. Every surgeon won’t suggest diabetes patients do any operation, because for diabetes patients, their wound is not easy yo recover and it can easily get infections. So patients should avoid any wounds in their daily life.

2. As for diabetic nephropathy patients, their clotting mechanism get abnormal, and it is easy to cause massive haemorrhage, which are very dangerous for patients.

3. There are also some risk factors that can caused during the kidney transplant, such as heart failure. This will be life-threatening for patients.

4. As you are in stage 4 kidney failure, there are also some chances to get improved without kidney transplant, so you can avoid kidney transplant.

However, if preventive measures can be adopted, the risks of kidney transplant will be reduced significantly. It can not be denied that kidney transplant has been of importance in improving the patients’ life quality and prolonging their life span.

In recent years, with medical development, the patients with diabetic nephropathy more treatment options. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and immunotherapy provide extraordinary promising for the patients with the disease.

These therapies aim at improving the function of pancreas in producing insulin so as to reduce blood sugar to targeted level. In this way, it can prevent high blood sugar from deteriorating your kidneys. What’s more, the therapies can stimulate the regeneration of impaired kidney tissues to improve renal function. Therefore, the patients with diabetic nephropathy will avoid developing renal failure and kidney transplant.

High Creatinine in Diabetes: A Sign of Diabetic Nephropathy

If you have diabetes and also high creatinine level, you should be careful with your kidney function. Your kidneys may have been damaged. High creatinine level in diabetes is a sign of Diabetic Nephropathy. Timely treatment is important.
Creatinine level is an important index in assessing renal function. If high creatinine level occurs, it may reveal that your kidneys can not work as normally as before. If you have lived with diabetes for many years and find high creatinine occasionally, you should find out if it is associated with diabetic nephropathy.
High creatinine level implies that diabetic nephropathy has occurred. Managing diabetes alone has not been enough for you. The following tips can help you manage your high creatinine level.

* Controlling blood sugar level is crucial to reduce damage to kidneys and slow diabetic nephropathy progression.

* High blood pressure is a risk factor in deteriorating renal function. Medications and changing your diet may be prescribed to help control your blood pressure.

* As creatinine is the products of muscle, you should limit the consumption of meat to reduce strain on your kidneys.

* As high creatinine level results from inadequate function of your kidneys, the key to lower creatinine is to restore your renal function. If their secretory function is improved, the creatinine level will decline completely.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely applied into Diabetic Nephropathy treatment. In TCM, there are various therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Enema Therapy, Circle Therapy, Steam Therapy, Medicated Full Bath, Moxibustion, etc. They do not only aim at lowering your creatinine level, but also repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function to stabilize your creatinine level. For example, some of them draw toxins and expel wastes out of the body to reduce their accumulation in body; some can extend blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation. With good blood blow, active ingredients of medicine can reach nidus to take effect; some can decompose the deposited immune complexes to reduce kidney inflammation and degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis; some can help reduce blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and regulate blood sugar level. After a period of treatment, your kidney function will gradually improve and your high creatinine level will go down. Besides, your blood sugar level can be controlled very well.

How to treat Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level? You can choose the suitable one for yourself. If you are interested in our treatment, please feel free to contact online doctor or leave a message below. Our nephrologist will email you later to give you a personalized guidance on treatment.

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotheraopy Help Lupus and CKD with 17% Kidney Function

How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat lupus and CKD with 17% kidney function? Lupus Nephritis is a kind of CKD in clinic, 17% Kidney Function means that the disease has damaged kidneys very severe now. So that for this kind of patients only alleviate symptoms is not enough, repair damage on kidney is the most necessary.

Lupus Nephritis is one of the most serious complications of SLE. It occurs when SLE causes the immune system to attack the kidneys-specially, the parts of the kidney that filter the blood for waste products. People with severely damaged kidneys might have to get regular dialysis, a procedure in which blood is cleaned by a filtration machine.

Therefore, in order to prevent renal failure or dialysis, patients are suggested to adopt systematic treatment to repair the impaired kidneys. In this way, the disease will not aggravate further or even can be reversed successfully.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy adopts Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease from root, it can not only repair damage on kidneys, but also supplement necessary nutrition for kidneys to restore kidney function. After that, medicine will also clean toxins in blood to prevent relapse of disease. As long as kidneys have chance to work again, that means you do not have to relay on dialysis for the treatment and kidney transplant can be avoided effectively.

As a kind of typical TCM therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is quite different from dialysis. Characterized by external application of Chinese medicine, it has less side affects to remedy patient’s renal damage fundamentally. Through improving renal function, the risk of death can be reduced well and patient’s remaining health can also be protected well.


Small orange peel great magic to see how much you waste a good thing?

Every time home from work can see a lot of people in the street to buy oranges, they occasionally buy 10 dollars. But I think most people may only eat oranges, but ignore the orange body of another treasure - orange peel!

1. Soaked in water

Take the appropriate amount of dried orange peel shredded, boiled water Beverage Service, Qi and spleen, heat phlegm. But orange peel Xin Wen, so Qi dry body, heat gastrointestinal discomfort, Yin physical constitution should not be taken.

2. Bath

Winter dry climate, the skin can easily loss of moisture, orange peel rich in vitamin C, organic acids and citrus essential oil soaked in hot water can be effectively dissolved. People in the hot bath when the pores open, these substances can penetrate into the skin, stimulate the skin capillaries, promote metabolism, but also to prevent water evaporation, so that dry skin smooth and delicate recovery. Easy to rough skin in winter, may wish to try orange peel bath, but the skin allergies were used with caution.

3. Foot bath

Day tired day, at night then a pot of hot water bubble feet really can cure a day of fatigue, if in the foot bath at the same time with a few orange peel on the better. Orange skin feet can get rid of the body of alpine, warm role, especially for cold body cold, insomnia and more people. But be sure to control the temperature, to prevent low-temperature burns.

Note: Some people in order to save trouble, will directly use fresh orange peel when the tangerine peel, which is very dangerous. Fresh orange peel surface may remain pesticides and preservatives and other pollutants, is not conducive to health. It is recommended that you wash the fresh orange peel, add water in the amount of alkali surface soak for more than 15 minutes, rinse in a cool well-ventilated place to dry a week to come back to use. Conditional, then left for the following year to use, the effect will be better.

To delicious, drink chicken soup; to nutrition, eat chicken

The traditional way of health, the soup should be a very important aspect. But the people have a saying: I eat meat soup, describe their miserable, that soup in the end there is no nutrition?

To figure this out, let's look at these two issues:

First, we want from chicken (chicken soup) to get what nutrition?

Second, the chicken stew in the process of what happened?

Chicken to provide us with the main nutrients are protein, the other major components are: fat (as if we are now shunned), vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Fat is not much, we do not want to eat; vitamins and other minerals although there, but the chicken is not their main source, so we can not focus on. People get from the chicken main nutrients, but protein.

In the process of stewing chicken, fat, vitamins and calcium in the bones are easier to dissolve into the soup. Fat-soluble scent material is dissolved in the fat, along with the fat into the soup. While the water-soluble scent material naturally easy to enter the soup. This is why the soup tastes good. However, a good soup does not mean that we care about the protein also entered the soup. Chicken in the more types of protein, in the process of stewing only a small part of the dissolved into the soup. I saw a piece of information that says that about 7% of the total is in the soup. In other words, only the soup does not eat meat, then the equivalent of throwing away more than ninety percent of the protein.

Stewed chicken soup in the process of salt is very important. Salt on the one hand will promote the dissolution of protein, that is added salt stew will increase the protein in the soup. Of course, some people say that salt will lead to protein denaturation in the meat coagulation, thus preventing protein dissolution. This argument seems to make sense, but I do not think so. Stewed chicken process without salt protein denaturation, and in the process of stewing temperature is high, the protein does not solidify. I have not done a comparative test, here is only theoretical analysis. If you are interested, you can do something. On the other hand, the addition of salt increases the osmotic pressure of the soup and can lead to chicken dehydration. In the usual sense, the chicken becomes "dry" and loses its "tender" texture. This is also the stewed chicken soup is difficult to eat the reason.

Chengdu white beheaded chicken, chicken in the salt water to cook quickly, in fact, as far as possible to avoid the protein and other ingredients into the soup, while maintaining the delicious chicken. The United States did not drink chicken soup habit, their chicken is trying to avoid the loss of ingredients in the chicken, so the use of baking, frying or steaming such means.

How To Prevent Kidney Injury By High Uric Acid

In fact, high uric acid nephropathy is not far away from us, we have a lot of people around the reserve of uric acid nephropathy. why? Because the cause of high uric acid causes in our lives too common. We look at these five groups:

1. often need to socialize people, these people tend to eat the sea to drink, Hu eat sea drink, intake of excess nutrients, very prone to hyperuricemia, causing kidney damage;

2. People living in coastal areas often eat seafood, because seafood contains a lot of purine, these people are also prone to hyperuricemia, leading to kidney damage;

3. Living in the inland, especially pastoral areas of the population, these people like to eat red meat and other red meat protein and animal offal, is also very prone to hyperuricemia;

4. obese people, due to overweight, especially the central obesity is abdominal obesity of the crowd, prone to hyperuricemia lead to kidney damage; gout in patients with an average weight of more than 18% of body weight, and the greater the body surface area , The higher the serum uric acid level. Obesity after weight loss, serum uric acid levels can be reduced.

5. Family gout patients, these people are also prone to hyperuricemia, leading to kidney damage.

If you belong to these five groups, suffering from gout, the risk of high uric acid will be great, in fact, many people around us have been shrouded in the risk of high uric acid nephropathy was.

What should pay attention to?

First drink plenty of water. Drink 8 to 10 cups of water a day, enough urine to help uric acid excretion, can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the urine to prevent urethral stones.

Second, the diet should eat less purine content of food, such as most of the fruits and vegetables, milk, chicken, eggs, freshwater fish. Eat less meat, tofu and so on. Do not eat animal offal, seafood.

Again, less alcohol, this is because alcohol will urinate with uric acid to be excreted in vitro. In addition to beer which has the above-mentioned role. But also because of high purine content, more easily lead to elevated serum uric acid.

Lastly, it is important to maintain proper weight, both to prevent obesity and to avoid a sharp drop in body weight, as this can disrupt muscle tissue and transiently increase uric acid levels.

Gout and obesity, high-purine diet and so on, the more favorable diet conditions, the more likely to suffer from gout.

In addition, some patients with hyperuricemia sudden intake of a large number of carbohydrates later, can cause elevated uric acid, and even induce gout, which is why? Because sugar and beet sugar can be converted into fructose half after decomposition, and fructose can increase uric acid production, resulting in elevated serum uric acid. There is also a high content of fructose in honey, hyperuricemia patients should not be more intake, so "sweet party" to pay attention to.


How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Edema In Diabetic Nephropathy

Edema is a common symptom in Diabetic Nephropathy. The effective treatment for edema is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Well then, how does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat edema in Diabetic Nephropathy?

Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the most common and serious complications of Diabetes and it is also the primary cause of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). Actually,diabetes is a common cause of edema owing to the high blood sugar. Long-standing high blood sugar may cause the lesions of capillaries all over the body,especially in kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

We usually advice patients receive the conservative treatment of traditional Chinese Medicine, the most obvious effect is control patients’ high blood pressure, and even could help patients do not rely on hypertension drugs any more.

Help patients repair the damaged kidney and improve kidney function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine could reach the renal lesion directly once the medicine enter patient’s body. Active substance of Chinese herbal medicine would repair the lesion tissue and clean the immune complex. We can consider that after the damaged tissue be repaired, the kidney function would be improved. So one advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is unable to relapse.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy could repair the damaged renal cells.
The routine treatments for hypertension nephropathy is anti-hypertension and add some medicine to relieve the symptoms. But these treatments cannot help patients repair their damaged glomerular endothelial cells.

Above all,it can control the inflammatory response and high blood pressure,preventing the disease from advancing. Thus it can improve the renal internal environment and offers a better space for renal repair.

Best Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy With ESRD

In general, for most of the diabetes patients who are in ESRD will undergo dialysis or kidney transplant. However, we think neither dialysis nor kidney transplant is the best choice for patients with ESRD. Well then, what is the best treatment for diabetic nephropathy with ESRD?

Diabetic Nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and a major cause of cardiovascular mortality. Features of this disorder include high filtration, high perfusion, and high pressure. It is due to an alteration of normal renal glomeruli and then affect the renal tubules. The glycosylated substance and lipid toxins will deposit in the kidneys, resulting in inflammation and short supply of blood and oxygen, which leads to renal fibrosis. The best treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy should be able to block further aggravation and, on that basis, maximally restore certain renal damage. Thus, dialysis or Kidney Transplant can be avoided.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy seems is one of the best treatment for diabetic patients with ESRD.

As to the ESRD caused by Diabetes, this treatment not only treat kidney disease also Diabetes, and those herbs in this treatment can achieve this purpose. That is because different kinds of Chinese herbal medicine have different functions. As long as the kidney function can be increased to about 15-20, they may get rid of dialysis. When it is increased to about 60, they can live a normal life as others do.

The best treatment for diabetic kidney disease should be able to repair injured kidneys and improve kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy should be this treatment. It is an unique treatment in our hospital. You just need to lie on two medicated bags to take this therapy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to infiltrate micronized medicines come to kidney lesion directly. The active medicines can dilate blood vessels, remove blood stasis and increase blood flow to the kidneys so as to alleviate renal ischemia and anoxia state. They can also prevent inflammation and coagulation to avoid further kidney damage. Besides, extracellular matrix can be degraded and self-healing ability of kidney can be revived. In this way, injured kidneys can be repaired to some extent and then renal function can be improved greatly. You can live a longer and happier life with diabetic kidney disease. If you have any question, you can leave a message below or send an email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

What Is The Treatment for 7.1cm Kidney Cyst

For people with 7.1 cm kidney cyst in kidney, they should take actions immediately, because it is big enough to make damage to the kidney. Well then, what is the treatment for 7.1cm kidney cyst?

A kidney cyst is a renal tubular proliferation. The causes of kidney cyst are still uncleared. By far, there is no treatment for kidney cyst in the world. Even surgery cannot treatment kidney cyst.

In addition, in most cases, a kidney cyst will be filled again after surgery in about 6 months to 2 years.

Operation is not the only way to treat kidney cyst.

For the treatment of kidney cyst, in recent years, there has been a change towards conservation in the management of the simple cyst. Chinese herbalists treat this disease by the method of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can quickly remove the toxins in the kidney, improve the environment in the kidney tissues, repair the damaged kidney tissues and revive the disordered cell membrane.

Besides, it can eliminate the accumulation of glomerular matrix, and recover glomerular filtration function and finally restrain the enlargement of the cyst.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is doing the treatment according to the Chinese Traditional Medicine theory of using the method of treating the internal disease externally. This means apply the traditional medicine powder at the local part of bilateral kidney regions, the medicine is osmosed into the human body through outside of the skin, by superficial venues and blood vessel to acupoint then play it function to the kidney lesions.

It is an external application used on bilateral Shenshu acupoints. With osmotic device, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. This therapy can increase blood circulation by expanding blood vessels, reducing inflammation and degrading extracellular matrixes. Then, kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to repair damaged renal tissues.


What Can I Do To Prevent Further Deterioration Of Kidney Shrink

My medical report says my right kidney measures 87mm and the left 92 mm it says that this is a little small , there is no hydronephrosis calculus or parenchyma like abnormality I'm 62, what can I do to prevent further deterioration?

If you want to prevent kidney shrunken, you should protect your kidneys from being damaged. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease, there are many therapies to help you remove stasis, regulate the qi flowing through the channels and cleanse waste. Now let’s have some of them.

-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to infiltrate the fully-shattered herbs into the damaged kidneys. The active ingredients can dilate blood vessels and block blood clotting to increase blood flow into the kidneys so as to improve ischemia and anoxia. It can also decompose immune complexes in the kidneys so as to prevent further damage. Moreover, it can degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis.

-Mai Kang Composition can reduce blood pressure, decrease blood cholesterol level, control blood sugar and improve blood circulation.

As a matter of fact, in most time kidney shrink have some kinds of relationship with kidney failure, it can be caused by kidney failure due to long time ischemia and hypoxia of kidney cells. So that if he want to prevent the deterioration of the kidney shrink, there is a necessary for him to improve ischemia and hypoxia from now on.

We have to say, it is really common to see that most of the patients have to choose dialysis and kidney transplant when they face with this kind of condition. But dialysis and kidney transplant not means curable for disease and will also have a lot of side effects and complications on them, which will increase the pain. While now I have to say, if you do not want to choose dialysis and kidney transplant, Chinese medicine will help you a lot.

What Treatment Can Help Diabetic Nephropathy Patients with Creatinine 6.85 Avoid Dialysis

What treatment can help Diabetic Nephropathy patients with Creatinine 6.85 Avoid Dialysis? Diabetic nephropathy is a kind of sever kidney damage which caused by years of uncontrolled diabetes. Generally speaking, this kind of disease will bring too much serious complications. So that control diabetes is the first way for patients avoid dialysis.

As we all known that diabetes is a kind of common disease which is really hard to have a treat by traditional treatments. This kind of disease will lead to a lot of complications which are very easily to threat human life. Further more once patients with this kind of disease, that means there are too much sugar and toxins in blood which can not be discharged out of body. Thus will make the creatinine more and more high.

Control the underlying conditions

There is a variety of conditions and diseases which can cause kidney problem.Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two most common causes.Control of blood sugar and blood pressure can slow the disease progression.

Treat complications

Complications of kidney disease are significant accelerators of renal function deterioration,such as proteinuria. Meanwhile,infections like colds, sore throat,urinary tract infection are also risk factors in worsening renal function.Treating and controlling these conditions can protect renal function better.

Enhance renal function

As we have mentioned in the above that control diabetes and reduce creatinine need to clean toxins in blood. Chinese medicine has this kind of function and can help them to repair kidney damage, restore kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective treatment for this kind of disease. By this way, there will be a great chance for kidneys to work again. Once kidneys can work again and diabetes controlled well that dialysis can be avoided effectively.

If you want to know about information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave us a message below or send us an email.

How To Decrease High Creatinine Level In Diabetic Nephropathy

It seems like that dialysis is the only choice for patients with high creatinine level which caused by diabetes. While in our country, we are not recommend patients only rely on dialysis for reducing high creatinine due to diabetes. Well then, is there any treatment to lower down high creatinine level for diabetic nephropathy?

Creatinine is the metabolite of muscles activity and the meat we eat in body, and creatinine is mainly excreted by kidneys. When the kidneys are slightly damaged, the creatinine can filter out normally. And the normal creatinine level is 0.7-1.3 mg/dl, when the creatinine level is higher than this level, which means the kidney function has been damaged severely, and the kidney function is less than 50%. So creatinine 5 means the kidney function is severely reduced, so patients need to have prompt and effective treatment to prevent the further damage of the kidneys.

If you don’t have some serious symptoms and you still have urination, you can delay your dialysis to have alternative treatments to delay or prevent dialysis.

- You should first control your high blood sugar. As we know, diabetes is a common leading cause of kidney disease, so you should control your high blood sugar which will prevent the further damage of your kidney failure.

- You should limit your meat intake and reduce strenuous exercises, which will reduce the produce of creatinine in body.

- You should also strict your daily diet to remit your symptoms of swelling, and a kidney-friendly diet will be helpful in reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.

- You should have treatments on your kidney damage. Here we recommend Chinese therapies, which can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function. Only the kidney function is improved, you will really get rid of dialysis. This therapy is to make use of Chinese medicine to draw toxins out of the renal cells and eliminate waste products from blood to help you lower creatinine level. All of us should know that increased creatinine level results from kidney damage. If you want to have a good control of creatinine level, you should recover your kidneys’ function to filter waste products from the blood. Toxin-Removing Treatment can not only help you have a cleanse of the blood, but also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. Then patients do not have to relay on dialysis to reduce high creatinine level. Of course diabetes can be controlled well at the same time with this kind of treatment.


Can Stage 3 CKD Patients Live A Normal Life

Is it possible for stage 3 CKD patients to live a normal life? Once people are diagnosed with kidney disease, they are eager to know their life span. Follow us to know the details.

Generally speaking, as for stage 3 CKD patients with 45% kidney functions, they still have possibility to come back normal life like the common people, only if they take proper and timely treatments. Stage 3 CKD is one important stage for patients, which majority kidney tissues and cells are damaged. Therefore, these damaged kidney tissues and cells can be repaired and kidney functions are restored gradually in timely treatment. After kidney functions improving, kidney can work normally again, thus patients can live the normal life like the common without rely on the other treatment methods.How can people know they are suffering from Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease? As kidney function declines, a lot of waste products will build up in our body and then some complications of kidney disease such as high blood pressure, anemia, proteinuria, fatigue, kidney pain and sleep problems will appear. These complications with an exact examination can help us find our kidney disease.

What is effective treatment for stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease? Only depending on a healthy habit and eating some prescribed medicines can’t slow the development of the patient’s condition when his disease has been stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease. At that time, the patient should visit their doctor every 4 months. Blood tests for creatinine, hemoglobin, calcium and proteinuria levels can be used to see how well the kidneys are functioning and he had better take some medicines which have less side effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy may be a good option. This treatment combining the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine has formed in China. Using the most effective but least side-effect medicine is the essence of this treatment and now it has helped many patients with stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease to have a more good life.

If a Person Has 6.4 Creatinine in IgA Nephropathy What Does This Mean

What does it mean when an IgA Nephropathy patient suffers from creatinine level 6.4? A patient consults our online doctor such a question. Now follow us to see the details.

If a person has creatinine 6.4 in IgA Nephropathy what does this mean ? That means the kidney is damaged serious and the function of it has been declined, without good control, the disease may fall into Uremia also known as End Stage Renal Disease, which is a life-threatening disease. Creatinine 6.4 is more higher than the normal level 1.3, it is in the stage 4 of Chronic Kidney disease. For patient who are in this situation, their kidney function may have less than 30%. In this case, if patient mistake some medicine or eat some foods that may damage the kidney or add load to their kidney.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which is a professional hospital in treating kidney disease have researched kidney disease had Chinese medicines for many years. According to our concept, we formed our characteristic therapies.Take some examples. Traditional Chinese Medicine Foot Bath. It’s one of supporting therapies in our hospital, we try our best to confect various of Chinese herbal medicines. It’s not only wash feet, it can help patients to improve blood pressure and sleeping quality. It improves viscera especially renal function by effective irritation to corresponding acupoint on the foot.The characteristic of acupuncture in our hospital is using acupuncture with Chinese medicine. There are some modes to do this therapy: doctors modulate Chinese medicine according to illness condition and put these Chinese medicines in needle, the medicine molecules can run into human body by acupuncture; when the needle prick into skin, the rest of needle which is exposed to air is heated by professional machine which contains Chinese medicines.Not only therapeutic effect but also our considerate service are praised by the foreign patients in our hospital. Our stuffs care about from their illness condition to their life. They think our stuffs are friendly and they regard our hospital as a big family.

One Herbal Remedy For PKD And Kidney Stone

In our hospital, we use the Chinese medicine treatment to remedy the PKD and kidney stones at the same time without surgery. If you want to know more about it now, please contact with ONLINE DOCTOR or continue your reading.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the mainky treatment in our hospital to remedy the PKD with kidney stones, it is an external and herbal based treatment. Through external application on kidneys, the effective substances in osmotherapy can work on your kidney lesions directly, which can remedy your PKD from root.

The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts. Therefore, the cyst liquid can be reabsorbed and discharged out with blood circulation thus making the cysts shrink and decease.

The active ingredients of the Chinese medicine can also restrain the proliferation of renal epithelial cells until it stops secreting. Then it can stop the further growth of the cysts in your kidneys. More important, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can also help repair your damaged kidney tissues and improve your kidney function from root. Besides, during the treatment, your kidney stones can also be dissolved and discharged into urine.

This kind of treament is a brand new invention for PKD and kidney stone which will help you avoid surgery directly.

PKD, polycystic kidney disease, is a genetic kidney disease, and there are numerous cysts formed on kidneys. The cysts can get enlarged over time, which can cause kidney damage. In addition, with the development of PKD, there can also be some severe complications, and kidney stone is a common one. Due to the kidney cysts, the urine flow is not smooth, so there will be deposits in the kidneys and cause stones. If the stones cant be removed effectively, it can also cause further kidney damage and worsen PKD.


How To Increase GFR 17 And Lower Creatinine 455

Kidney function is 17% and creatinine level is 455, which means part of glomerular is sclerotic. Since the kidney function is only 17%, the toxin created by body can't be expelled out of body completely, so there is much toxin in your kidneys, these toxin flows into blood and body through blood circulation, then your blood is polluted, that is also why your creatinine level is increased. What's more, unfavorable internal environment and the polluted blood would damage any organs when it flows there, also there will be 20%-25% blood flows to kidneys again and 90% of them flows into renal cortex, which is why the kidneys are easy to be damaged, this is a vicious circle.

Healthy diet.

Healthy diet can help reduce the burden of kidneys and prevent further damage to glomerulus. You are suggested to follow a low-protein diet and low-sodium diet. If you have high level of phosphorus and potassium, you are also suggested to follow a low-phosphorus and potassium diet. High-vitamin and calories diet is also suggested to prevent malnutrition. For detailed diet lists, you can ask the online doctor.

Healthy lifestyle.

Though healthy lifestyle cannot improve GFR level directly, it can help improve the immunity of your body and prevent further kidney damage. So you are suggested to do moderate exercise, like jogging, swimming and walking. You’d better limit smoking and drinking and keeping good mood.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

In our hospital we always use traditional Chinese medicine to expand blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation, decreasing inflammatory reaction and degrading extracellular matrixes.

For Chinese medicine, there are several kinds of therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Chinese herbal full bath, Chinese herbal foot bath, moxibustion, acupuncture, oral Chinese herbal medicine, Mai-Kang Composition, enema therapy, and some other Traditional Chinese medicines, etc. It is a natural treatment to improve GFR level. This therapy is externally used with an osmosis device. The Chinese herbs can be permeated into kidney lesions by the osmosis device. When the herbs reach the kidney, it will achieve such goals as dilating the blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular. The damaged glomerulus can be repaired through these functions. So the GFR level can be improved.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Blood In Urine In CKD

Blood urine may occur in different kidney diseases, so the treatments of blood urine for kidney disease patients are also different. If blood urine can not be treated timely, it will repeated and enable kidney impairment become more serious, and finally lead to uremia.

Due to blood urine will occur in different kidney disease, the specific treatment for renal hematuria need to make a different treatment plan by experts. So, if you have this kind of condition, you can leave us a message below, or send email to kidneytherapychina@gmail.com, we will give you more detailed information to help you.

One of characteristic traditional Chinese medicine therapies is Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy. This kind of therapy is focus on the fundamental resource of hematuria, therefore to repair damaged glomeruli and to solve the problem of glomerular permeability. At the meantime, Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy also helps to clean the toxin in the blood and kidney, therefore reduce the inflammation of glomerli, and repair the damaged kidney. So, after Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, as long as patients with blood urine following the instruction of medication, the recurrence rate of blood urine is greatly reduced.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Kidney disease patients need to lie on the bed to take it. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients. The osmosis device will help these active materials of Chinese herbal medicines directly get to kidneys by permeating into skin. Through extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidney, the kidney damage will be repaired and renal function will be recovered gradually. Once kidney function can be recovered, the leakage of red blood cells will be naturally stopped.

What Is The Treatment For Facial Swelling In Kidney Failure

Facial swelling or puffy face always appears as the consequence of large amounts of fluid build up in the body, it occurs easily in body parts with loose tissues like eyelid, face, ankle and limbs. Well then, what is the treatment for facial swelling in kidney failure?

Similar with other discomforts caused by kidney failure, facial swelling also needs to be brought under control effectively and its management should start from the following several aspects:

1. Diuretics can be used in some cases

If left alone, facial swelling will spread to the whole body. In that case, diuretics can be applied to help to remove excess fluid in the body. There are different kinds of diuretics in medicine. Generally speaking, for patients who have hyperkalemia, they need to take the general diuretics which can help to excrete excess potassium while excreting excess fluid in the body. However, if potassium level in blood is lower than the reference range 3.5-5.5mEq/L, potassium-sparing diuretics will be suggested.

2. Tight control of fluid intake

A tight control of fluid intake is necessary for kidney failure patients to receive good treatment effects in treating facial swelling.

3. Improvement of kidney function

Disturbance of potassium metabolism appears as kidney can not function well. Therefore, if we want to remit facial swelling, kidney failure patients must repair kidney damages to improve kidney function. Only in this way, can excess fluid in the body be removed and also can facial swelling be alleviated fundamentally. Chinese medicine is a systematic and herbal treatment, which consists of a series of therapies: Hot Compress Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Acupuncture Therapy, etc. it is the very special treatment in our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, and we have treated more than 600 foreign patients from many different countries in the world. Any help or question, leave a message or contact our online doctor anytime. Reply will be given very soon for you.

If you have other questions about kidney failure or want to treat kidney failure well, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

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