
How Can Stage 5 Kidney Disease Patient Avoid Dialysis

How can you organize patient with kidney disease in May avoid dialysis? You know the main reason why people have to take dialysis due to lower renal function, so the only way that the stage of the disease Patient 5 to avoid kidney dialysis to improve his kidney function.

How to improve kidney function?

If you want to improve renal function must repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect them from further damage, the point to improve renal function is to find an effective treatment that can satisfy this basic demand.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of traditional Chinese herbal medicine and modern high technology is useful for improving kidney function.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and how it can improve kidney function?

It is a type of Chinese medicine only treatment external application, by applying bags of herbs with active material of Chinese medicine in the patient's back, in parallel with its kidney shen acupoint shu, molecule herbs by vibrating a processing machine, which penetrates through the human body from the skin, the cellular space and space sequentially rete tissue and eventually into the kidneys to improve micro-circulation kidneys and restore damaged kidney function effectively.

How can you organize patient with kidney disease in May avoid dialysis?

As mentioned if the patient wants to avoid dialysis, effective treatment is key. Moreover, they are also needed to protect the kidneys as diet and healthy living habits.

If you want to avoid dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com or just consult our online doctor then we will do everything possible to help.

Is It Possible For Renal patient To Get Rid Of Dialysis Complications

"I'm investigating a treatment for mother in law who have kidney failure and today is having complications to dialysis, I want to know what treatment is useful for alleviating these complications or, if possible, to help her get rid of dialysis?"

From the above it indicates that your mother can see not only suffer from kidney failure, but also suffers from dialysis is believed to relieve the pain brought by renal.Como failure nephrologist, I'm sorry to hear that. Here I will recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy-kind therapies to help patients who are in the same situation to live better.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine, and aims to repair damaged kidneys and recovery of different renal.Es role of traditional treatments and used externally. Through clinical applications, this therapy has been proven safe, comfortable and effective.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help patients with kidney failure?

You can eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria; control complications such as reducing the risk of problems cardíacos.Lo more importantly, can help repair kidney damage in order to block the renal fibrosis process and gradually restore kidney function.

In short, it can help patients with kidney failure who has not take dialysis to prevent and help dialysis patients who have taken to get rid of gradually by improving kidney function.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can leave the mensajea below or see our doctor online. We are here to help you.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Brings New Hope To Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Name: John Brennan
Country: United States
Age: 81
Diagnosis: CKD4, hypertensive renal failure

The reason for coming to China for treatment

"30 years ago, I met with my high blood pressure in a test report. In the beginning, I felt good, no dizziness, no dimming of vision and no headache. High blood pressure was 170/100 mmHg. The doctor gave me some hypotension, and my blood pressure was controlled steadily ".

"However, seven years ago, my kidney function was found anormal.En that time, the creatinine level was 1.7 mg / dl, which made me a little scared. I took an oral medication to control the disease, but the Things did not go as what I expect.Sólo time in a year, my creatinine level increased to 2.5 from 2.3, and recognized that it could not wait any longer, otherwise, the kidney transplant will be my last option. Thanks for God, I found-healthy kidney, led me to come to China for treatment. "

Treatment in China

"After being here, check all sides did it again. I could not believe there was much that deposit toxins in my blood, the doctor told me that most of my kidney function has been lost."

"First, the doctor prescribes a Chinese medicine to help me flush out toxins and relax intestinos.Luego came Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In terms of Chinese herbal medicine, I just heard it before, but not too much, now it seemed to me that really deserves the reputation that feeling goza.La receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy was so amazing, I could feel the blood flowing strongly in his cuerpo.Después several moments of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy My face was red and her whole body became creatinine poderoso.Nivel refused to 164umol / l 200, and BUN declined to 12.4 mmol / L 15.4. It was amazing that all miracles occurred just one month of time.We had a good appetite, I felt I went back to my adolescent stage. I would keep the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy after I returned home. "

Why PKD Patients Have Swollen Kidneys

Polycystic kidney disease causes a series of fluid-filled cysts develop in the kidneys.With the expansion of renal cysts, patients can find their kidneys become more and more large How to treat patients with PKD if both kidneys are swollen?

Why are swollen kidneys for people with polycystic kidney disease?

PKD is a type of chronic kidney disease. As time passes, kidney renal cysts grow gradualmente.Quistes lead to enlarged kidneys become inflamed. In addition, when the kidneys are damaged by dilated renal cysts are not able to remove excess fluid from cuerpo.Cuando excess fluid accumulates in the abdomen, kidney area swells.

How to manage inflamed kidneys for patients with PKD?

According to the above causes, some related methods are useful for administering inflamed kidneys of patients.

1.Control sodium intake and fluid: If this problem is due to fluid retention, limiting fluid intake and sodium may reduce the burden on the kidneys and prevent fluid retention in the abdomen.

2.Shrink kidney cysts: In PKD kidney patients, a large number of renal cysts oppress kidney tissues funcionando.Para cause kidney size back to normal and protect the kidneys, renal cysts must be reduced so natural.Dado surgery can not remove many renal cysts successfully, we would recommend conservative therapy called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmoterapia.A through reabsorption fluid from the sac and stop filling fluid from the sac, renal cysts can become more and gradually small.

3. Increased renal function: Some clinical and medicinal remedies bath, foot bath, hot compress therapy, and so on, can help strengthen the therapeutic effects of prior therapy.

The above treatments can help deal with inflamed kidneys effectively, but the detailed plan of treatment should depend on the illness condition of patients. As for more information about these therapies, you can consult a doctor online or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com .


How to treat disease after Kidney Transplant for my husband

"My husband has done kidney transplant for 10 years. Ellos creatinine have been doing blood tests and also had a biopsy, but nobody is getting back to us with any results! They have stated that it is a kind rejection happening. I have read many treatments to try to stop the rejection, right? His age is 39 years, the blood pressure under control with medication. He has diabetes ".

Please do not worry.We will give you some treatment for his disease?

If you have any questions please ask our online doctor. We will give professional guidance as soon as possible.

There are famous medical professionals to help in the treatment of diseases renales.Ellos will give a hand to that through medical records and reports as soon as possible.

Most importantly, we also use effective treatment for patients también.En the context of globalization, more and more patients using the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which relies on traditional medicine china.Utiliza different medicine to cure according to the condition of patients.

Is there any treatment for their disease?

With medical technology to develop increasingly interventional treatment in renal disease it is that the catheter is led in image documentation equipment, into the blood vessels of the kidney and then through micro catheter to inject the therapeutic approach for kidney or micro catheter implantation placement, repair of a congenital malformation, improving renal nerve disease.

If you have any questions please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message for us. We will give you professional guidance as soon as possible.

How To Cure Diabetes With Protein Loss

How To Cure Diabetes With Protein Loss ? In fact, for patients with diabetes if there is protein in the urine that may indicate that they have kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy.

How to cure diabetes with protein loss?

We mentioned at the beginning of diabetes with protein loss means diabetic nephropathy, so we should take some appropriate measures to cure this disease.
First, as a patient you should try your best to keep glucose levels in the blood under control.Tome hypoglycemic medications doctors prescribe for you or inject insulin on time, which are very useful to control the level of blood sugar.
So you should take some systematic treatments. You know, now induce diabetes has kidney disease, which means that your kidneys have been damaged to some extent, if you can not get timely systematic treatment, your disease will go from bad to worse.

What kind of therapy are useful for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy?

The Top Seven treatments are useful for the treatment of this disease, all these treatments work together can co-cure this disease causes subyacentes.Usted from Micro-Chinese Medicine known osmotherapy as one of the most popular has been widely used in the treatment of this disease.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

It is a type of Chinese medicine only treatment external application, by applying bags of herbs with active material of Chinese medicine in the patient's back, in parallel with its kidney shen acupoint shu, molecule herbs by vibrating a processing machine, which penetrates through the human body from the skin, the cellular space and space tissue and sequentially rete finally enter the kidneys to improve micro-circulation kidneys and restore kidney function corrupted with effectiveness.


The Causes And Treatment of anemia in Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific renal disorder characterized by a series of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. Anemia is also one of the severe symptoms caused by worsening renal function.

The cause is damage to the glomeruli, which may be the cause of the syndrome or caused by it, altering their ability to filter out substances carried in the sangre.La severity of damage to the kidneys may vary and can lead to complications in other organs and systems.

This article can help you learn more about your illness condition and other effective treatments, hoping this can help take better care of yourself and choose a more adecuada.Comúnmente therapy due to reduced renal function, the generation is carried out EPO (erythropoietin), causing anemia. Besides, hematuria also aggravate this condition. So it is necessary that the patient is taking appropriate and efficient to solve the kidney disease treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is most appropriate for your illness condition. Remaining can protect patient health and increase renal function more important as far as possible.The is providing an internal environment and promotes better renal renal recovery.

In addition, e-mail or leave a message for kidneycares@hotmail.com in below, we are happy to offer a more professional orientation quickly for free.

Can Constipation Germ Move into the peritoneal cavity

Can Constipation Germ Move into the peritoneal cavity? The answer is yes, germs can work your way from the gut into the peritoneum thus induce infection or peritonitis.Así that once you have constipation It must be treated promptly to avoid another disease.

What are the causes of constipation in the peritoneal dialysis?

For people who are on dialysis who may need to control fluid intake or fruits and vegetables can reduce the movement of stool, thus inducing constipation.Para some patients who are too weak to do some exercise to which it is also one of the reasons.

For people on dialysis can take medication at the same time, and these drugs can also cause constipation.

How to treat constipation in peritoneal dialysis?

Knowing the causes of this disease is of great help to resolve it, in order to take appropriate action to resolve it. But the best way is to contact your physician timely can help you suffer less from it.

There is another way to solve this problem is to find some alternative therapies for dialysis, then you need not worry about the problem by ella.Trasplante kidney and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy induced infection are two of the best cure to replace dialysis both can help people live better without dialysis.

From the above we know that constipation is one of the most common symptoms of renal failure can be caused by medication, diet restrictions and lack of exercise and so on, people really molesto.Así as a patient kidney disease that must work with your doctor to resolve this problem.

If you need any help in the treatment of constipation in kidney disease or have other questions about dialysis, you are welcome to contact our doctor directly. We are here waiting to help.


Which Chinese Herbal Medicines Are Useful for Improving kidney function?

Which Chinese Herbal Medicines Are Useful for Improving kidney function? The Chinese medicinal herbs are well known for their healing effect, is widely used in the treatment of kidney disease in our días.Pero few people know what herbs are good for kidney function Today I will share some information on this aspect.

Chinese medicinal herbs as Fourstamen Stephania Root, Astragalus mongholicus, Alismatis rhizome root medicinal Cyathula, rehmannia, bighead atractylodes rhizome play similar roles to Western medicines such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, flocculant antiplatelet and cytotoxic agent that can be used for treating proteinuria.

Chinese herbs as stiff silk worms, lumbricus, zaocys dhumnade can improve blood circulation of the kidneys and protect renal function in the treatment of kidney disease.

Chinese medicinal herbs such as honeysuckle, astragalus mongholicus, dandelion and Oldenlandia diffusa can suppress inflammation and relieve so proteinuria.De can improve kidney function and protect the kidney from further damage.

Chinese medicinal herbs such as Astragalus membranaceus, danshen, Poria cocos, earthworm, rehmannia, licorice, coupling with ACE inhibitors or ARBs can be used to reduce proteinuria and protect renal function.

In a word, Chinese herbal medicine can perform the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, the widening of blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and provide nutrition for damaged kidneys and these functions are what Western medicine are unable conseguir.Pero this does not mean that Chinese herbal medicines may work alone to treat kidney disease, have to cooperate with Western or advanced techniques of blood purification sometimes medicines.

If you still have other questions about Chinese or need any help in improving kidney function, which can leave message for us, medicinal herbs we will do everything possible to help.

Dialysis may Be Alleviated if the creatinine level below 5.5

"My creatinine level decreases 8.7 to 5.5 after taking dialysis, so I wondered if I could leave the dialysis?" This is one of the most common questions he was asked by dialysis patient, and the response may be yes, if you can find some other alternative therapies for dialysis.

Why kidney disease patients want to quit dialysis?

In fact, dialysis is the most common ways to reduce the high level of creatinine. After a period of treatment, even if only once, the high creatinine level may be reduced to some extent, so some people may want to leave ella.Otras common reasons that people wish to stop it is the highest cost, they can not pay for a long time. But the most important reason is that this type of treatment will bring some side effects while reducing the high level of creatinine.

Can people quit dialysis if creatinine level is low?

As mentioned above, as long as people can find alternative therapies for dialysis, can quit so gradual.Como all know, dialysis can help the kidneys additional and toxins out of the body fluid to be discharged, but not You can repair the damaged renal function or improve it, so even the high level of creatinine down now, back high again once people stop she made. So people need to seek the help of other therapies once they stop dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be one of the alternative therapies dialysis, can solve the problems of the kidneys causes subyacentes.Si want to know more details, please contact our online doctor directly, we will reply as soon possible.

If you have other questions about dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message below or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


How Osmotherapy Can Help Elderly patients with ESRD

Hello. I wonder what makes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy helps older people in stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) to get rid of dialysis.

Stage 5 CKD is often called ESRD (ESRD); and usually it means the patient requires renal replacement therapy, which may involve a form of dialysis, but the ideal is that it is a kidney transplant.

Free online doctor can help you learn more about your illness condition and only our treatments directly and quickly.

As CKD worsens, patients suffering from various symptoms and serious complications that require timely and effective treatments, especially for people mayores.En ESRD, hypertension, heart failure, anemia, renal bone disease, shortness of breath and so They are commonly successively, which increases the risk of death.

As a kind of natural therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cause less side affection and protect the remaining kidney function as far posible.Medicina micronized can infiltrate renal lesions, control high blood pressure, inflammation and block stop worsening Renal function of the root, so you can change the current of the disease and increase the extent possible kidney function.

The most important is that it offers a better kidney internal environment and promotes renal recovery. If you have any question, you can consult with online doctor or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

What are the chances to Reverse Renal Disease

What are the chances of reversing kidney disease? In fact, for different patients have different chances, all who depend on the treatment you choose, and your general condition enfermedad.En, for people with mild kidney damage may have up to 90 % chance to reverse the disease, for people with moderate kidney damage that may have 50% chance to reverse the disease, and people with severe kidney damage their chances of reversing the disease is less than 10%.

As mentioned earlier, the chances of the patient's kidney disease to reverse their disease depends on the treatment they choose and the status of enfermedad.En reality, the condition of the disease can be affected by treatment you choose, so the most important things for your forecast should be the treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective therapies in the treatment of kidney disease, cooperated with other therapies, you can solve the problem of their underlying causes kidney.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help patients with kidney disease live better and longer?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a relatively new treatment for chronic kidney disease that has been shown in clinical conveniente.Se to be effective and can eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria; control complications such as reducing the risk of problems cardíacos. More importantly, it can help repair kidney damage in order to block the renal fibrosis process and gradually restore kidney function. With the disease goes well, the patient's quality of life will improve day by day.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


How Can Patients Get rid of kidney cyst

How can patients get rid of your kidney cyst? It is known that renal cyst may flare after elimination. What’s worse, with these cysts grow larger and larger, it will push the kidneys and other organs and bring some serious symptoms and complications affecting the patient's life greatly.

Is it necessary to remove all kidney cysts?

Renal cysts are generally a type called renal cysts simples.Según research, up to 27% of individuals over 50 years old can live with simple renal cysts but síntomas.Además, the disease causes no signs or symptoms and requires no treatment.

However, kidney cysts result in symptoms as it grows up to 10 cm in diameter. Signs and symptoms include dull pain in the back or side, upper abdominal pain or fever, etc.

So from this we can know that not all kidney cysts should be removed, but also should pay close attention to the cysts.

How can patients get rid of your kidney cyst without further damage to the kidneys?

In general, drilling or surgery will be in demand to deal with cysts after grande.Sin grown enough yet these common forms can not remove cysts forever. Moreover, they can do more damage to the kidneys and other organs.

Compared with drilling or surgery, Micro-Chinese Medicine can cure osmotherapy kidney cyst natural.Se a way can reduce the size of cysts and inhibit regrowth. So with the help of this therapy, renal cyst patient can easily get rid of cysts.

If you still have other questions or need any help in the treatment of renal cyst, you can leave message to us or consult our doctor directly. we will do everything possible to help.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Reduce PKD cysts

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink the cysts in PKD? We all know that PKD is characterized by numerous cysts covering the kidneys and are difficult to remove, so the ways of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink cysts They are dealing with many people.

You know, like the cysts continue to increase in size over time, which will definitely cause pressure against nephrons, leading to a progressive deterioration of the function renal.Mientras Therefore, due to the pressure in the abdomen and the pressure on the organs adjacent, you suffer from severe back pain, ruptured cysts and blood in the urine, etc.

Why cysts are difficult to be removed?

In the traditional treatment method, we get large cysts with surgery. This action may alleviate discomfort temporarily. However, as there are numerous cysts in kidneys, surgery can not eliminate all of them. What’s worse, once the larger cysts are removed, small cysts will grow large soon.

The inner wall is filled cysts with numerous cells lining. Over time, these cells lining will secrete more and more fluid. As a result, they increase in size progressively cysts.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reduce cysts?

We use Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy for treating PKD can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation in the walls of cysts, and enhance the permeability of small blood vessels in the cyst wall thereby cysts They shrink and decrease.

Meanwhile, effective drugs will restrain the proliferation of cells lining, so the cyst fluid secretion internal pressure was reduced reducirá.Cuando cyst, the cyst size will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progression of fibrosis renal.Además, this therapy or medical ingredients circulate kidneys, so all cysts, regardless of large or small, would be treaties. Therefore, these cysts, after being shrunk and not regrow.

If you need any help in the treatment of PKD, just contact us by email kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Can A Stage 5 Kidney Disease Patient Avoid Dialysis

Can A patient with stage renal disease five get rid of dialysis? In fact, there is still hope for patients in stage 5 kidney disease to reduce the time of dialysis, even get rid of it by improving renal function, provided when alternative therapies are taken timely.

Why have such a patient should take timely alternative therapies?

1. For patients who are taking dialysis not too long, which means it does not depend on dialysis too, in relative terms, it is easy for her to get rid of dialysis compared with other people on dialysis for a long time.

2.Todavía have urine output and yellow which means your kidneys still have the function of removing the toxin, you know the basic cause of kidney disease is the lack of blood and oxygen, the amount of urine means a little Blood still flows inside kidney and still have the remaining kidney function and damaged kidney cells have the potential to work.

3.Bajo care and other support, have no serious complication and the level of blood pressure and sugar well controlled.

What kinds of therapies are useful to get rid of dialysis?

One important treatment is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which belongs to natural medicine, which has no side effect mucho.También have other natural treatments, such as therapy foot bath, medical bath therapy, acupuncture therapy and circle The therapy of Chinese medicine by Chinese oral etc.Tratamiento is different from western treatment, after seeing the patient in person, our teachers can adjust the only prescription for the patient and make treatment plan for them, then they can decide what therapies and herbs can help patients get rid of dialysis.

If you want to know more about Chinese medicine or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can consult our doctor or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

How to Treat Damaged kidneys by Chinese Medicine

How to Treat Damaged kidneys Chinese Medicine? With time going, more and more Chinese medicines used in the treatment of kidney disease compared with Western medicine is softer and seguro.Es well known that medicine China is different with western medicine, but you know what is the difference?

How to Treat Damaged Kidneys Chinese medicine?

It is known that Chinese medicine is very different with Western medicine in treating the disease renal.Se can solve the problem of kidney underlying causes rather than alleviate the symptoms or complications caused by it.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most popular therapies that can give you more information about how Chinese medicine to treat damaged kidneys.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese medicine, which has four main functions, which are anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombosis, anti-clotting and expand the vessels sanguíneos.Por these four functions, can promote circulation Blood and dispel toxins from the blood. What's more, you can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect those residual from further damage.

Nowadays, Chinese medicine is considered safe and effective in the treatment of kidney disease, but it may take more time largos.Si can work with western medicine, which will bring healing effect perfect. As a patient with kidney disease should take regular treatment instead of relying on one or two treatments.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating damaged kidneys, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Frequently Asked Questions About Hemodialysis

When patients with kidney failure begin to live with hemodialysis, they may be faced by a number of problemas. Therefore, you may have questions about hemodialysis. Thus, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions about hemodialysis.

1. Why anemia patients have to accept dialysis?

Various disorders such as chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, etc, can cause terminal stage renal disease, renal filtration function decreases, causing many clinical manifestations such as hypertension, edema, nausea and vomiting. Then, hemodialysis is needed to replace the kidneys to work.

2. How much time can patients live with hemodialysis?

This is a common question asked by patients on hemodialysis. Currently, there are patients who can live on dialysis for more than 30 años.En theory, hemodialysis is a good option to prolong the life expectancy for a long time, if patients complications patients are managed well. A doctor at the dialysis center never said, If God gives you 100 years of life, do not let it die at age 99.

3. How many times must dialysis patients obtain?

In general, regular and adequate dialysis should be at least 3 times for a week. If the urine is enough patients and their health is monitored very well, dialysis can be reduced to 2 to 5 times a week or two weeks.

4. Será urine of patients becoming less dialysis treatment?

Not always. If the condition is admitted, patients with enough urine no need for drying or dehydrating a little water for hemodialysis solamente.En this condition, the urine of patients will not be reduced. However, with the progression of the patient's medical condition, your urine output may decrease gradualmente.En this case, patients should consider to dehydrate the excess fluid from the body.

If you just start doing dialysis and have other questions, you can ask your doctor directly online.

Is Immunotherapy Useful For Stage 3 Kidney Disease with creatinine 3.4

Is Immunotherapy Useful For Stage 3 Kidney Disease with creatinine 3.4 ? Immunotherapy is a therapy that aims to repair the damaged kidneys and rebuild the innate immune system of the human body. So it is useful for the treatment of renal disease caused by immune disorder.

What does Creatinine 3.4 mean for kidney disease patients?

At the clinic, creaitnine 3.4 is in stage 3 kidney disease, which is a stage vital.En this scenario, some of the damaged kidney tissues and some can still work normally, there are also some tissue necrosis but only small partes.Así if we can find some therapies to repair damaged tissue and protecting waste from further damage, then we will have the opportunity to improve kidney function greatly.

Is Immunotherapy Useful For Stage 3 Kidney Disease with creatinine 3.4?

You know, after the innate immune system of the human body is damaged, the adaptive immune system is activated, causing an inflammatory reaction autoimmune exagerada.Por reacts therefore results in damage to all types of organs and tissues then appear more of the diseases. Kidney disease is the damage caused by ultra immune inflammatory reaction in tissues renales.Así while we can correct the immune disorder, can protect kidney tissue from further damage.

And immunotherapy is a therapy such that aims to repair and reconstruct the damaged kidneys the innate immune system humano.Así body with the help of this therapy, patients who are in stage 3 with kidney disease creatinine 3.4 You can have the opportunity to reverse its enfermedad.Así that with the help of this therapy, patients are in stage 3 kidney disease creatinine 3.4 can have the opportunity to reverse their disease

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send an email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly, we will do everything possible to help.


Can Stage 5 Kidney disease with High Creatinine level Get Rid Of Dialysis

Stage 5 renal disease with high creatinine level will not take dialysis what should the patient? In fact, dialysis and kidney replacement can help patients live better by working parties riñón.Pero long terms Dialysis can bring some complications and side effects, so some patients do not want to take.

Can you organize patient with kidney disease 5 live without dialysis?

In fact, there are some alternative therapies may help patients live without diálisis.El renal transplantation is one of the most common, but there are also many other therapies based on traditional Chinese medicines are also useful to improve the patient's quality of life.

What kind of therapy can help patients with kidney disease stage 5 live better without dialysis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of Chinese medicine, can help patients to live a quality life by improving the function renal.Con the help of this therapy, all these symptoms caused by kidney disease gradually disappeared, what's more, this type of therapy can repair damaged kidneys from the root, so to avoid symptoms of relapse.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

It is a type of Chinese medicine only treatment external application, by applying bags of herbs with active material of Chinese medicine in the patient's back, parallel to your kidney, acupoint shen shu, molecule herbs by vibrating a processing machine, which penetrates through the human body from the skin, the cellular space and space tissue and sequentially rete finally enter the kidneys to improve micro-circulation kidneys and restore kidney function corrupted with effectiveness.

If you want to know more about these alternative therapies for dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message for us, we will do everything possible to help.

How to Treat Patients with diabetic nephropathy Effectively

Diabetic nephropathy is a progressive kidney disease caused by angiopathy of capillaries in the glomerulus of riñón.Se classified as a small blood vessel complication of diabetes.Si you have any questions please ask our online doctor. We will give professional guidance as soon as possible.

Kidney failure caused by glomerulosclerosis leads to fluid filtration deficits and other disorders of function renal.Hay increased blood pressure (hypertension) and fluid retention in the body along with a reduced plasma oncotic pressure causing edema.Otras complications include renal artery atherosclerosis and protein in the urine.

Throughout its early course, diabetic nephropathy has no symptoms. They develop in later stages and may be the result of the excretion of large amounts of protein in the urine because of renal failure or:

Swelling, usually around the eyes in the mornings; Later, it may lead to general swelling of the body such as leg swelling, foamy appearance or excessive frothing of the urine, unintentional weight gain; lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Many patients visit a lot of doctors and experts, before coming to our hospital, confused by various problems due to take medicine alone oeste.Pero our hospital also uses Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat pacientes.Se based on traditional Chinese medicine dating back thousands of years. You can help your kidney kidney disease and clean up the garbage on your sangre.Cuenta with the function that dilates blood vessels, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix. email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave messages for us.

How to Treat Diabetes Kidney Disease with Chinese Medicine

There are many patients have severe loss of protein. Indicates that your kidney disease diabetes has at least progressed in step 3. As a result, a lot of protein will escape through the glomeruli, resulting in loss of proteínas.Aunque kidney damage can not be reversed by full, proper treatment can stop its progress at the next etapa.Si you have any questions please ask our online doctor directly for free.

Diabetes kidney disease is one of the serious complications of diabetes.En its initial phase, which does not cause any symptoms. Microalbumin is the first sign of kidney damage, but it is not easy to realize ello.Por Therefore, patients with a history of diabetes are advised to take test regularidad.Enfermedad renal microalbuminuria with diabetes is divided into five stages. In the first two stages, as the structure of the kidneys has not changed, however, kidney damage can be completely reversed.

As damage is done to the kidneys, the therapy you choose should be able to restore impaired renal structure and halting the loss of kidney function.

Immunotherapy is an alternative treatment for people with diabetes, renal disease, along with protein loss. This therapy may suppress the inflammatory response and fibrosis renal.Además stop, can improve insulin sensitivity and improve function pancreática.Un role of immunotherapy it is that it can stimulate the regeneration of impaired renal structure and enhancer renal function. Once renal structure is restored, the kidneys stop protein leakage.

How Does Kidney disease with Creatinine 5.3 Avoid Dialysis

How Does Kidney disease with Creatinine 5.3 Avoid Dialysis? You know, no matter how high creatinine levels or other symptoms occurred in this disease are all caused by the disease these symptoms renal.Con going from bad to worse, people have to take dialysis to obtain easily. So if you want to avoid dialysis, it is necessary to relieve symptoms.

How to alleviate all the symptoms of kidney disease without dialysis?

You know, the kidneys play an important role in maintaining the balance of our body, which once were damaged kidneys, your body will lose equilibrio.Y many symptoms appeared one by one, and can do more damage kidneys, thereby to form the circle vicioso.Por therefore only kidney disease is reversed, you can relieve all the symptoms caused by it.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine, and aims to repair damaged kidneys and recovery of different renal.Es role of traditional treatments and used externally. Through clinical applications, this therapy has been proven safe, comfortable and effective.

This type of therapy can be used at any time of year , so you need not take into account the factor ambiental. What’s more, it is easy to absorb. Research shows that 65% of ingredients in it can reach the kidney injury directamente.Por therefore can cure this disease quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it is a type of therapy external application, so you can cure this disease without further damage to the kidneys.

With the help of this therapy, the progression of the disease can be stopped, even reversed. So all those symptoms such as high creatinine level and anemia disappeared with the disease goes well.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can consult our doctor, we will do everything possible to help.


How to Treat Feet Tingling in the course of dialysis

First, we need to know about why the feet or hands picazón.Debido renal function in patients with CKD each vez.Su blood circulation deteriorated has become increasingly weak. Furthermore, the function of the deteriorated excretion of toxins and peripheral nerve injuries.

Chronic kidney disease brought many complications and pain for chronic kidney disease pacientes.Pacientes always stiff feet or hands, which disturbs people feel the pacífica.Si life you have any questions please ask our doctor online free.

CKD patients are told to take medication for pain relief. But they want to find a better treatment to alleviate their condition.

Dialysis is a clean as waste products and excess fluid by filtering the blood to regulate blood pressure and maintain the level of electrolyte balance, relieving symptoms envenenamiento.En general terms, dialysis is effective to remove toxic substances in the body, reaching a nivel.Pero certain patients will appear to anemia, fatigue, headache and muscle cramps after dialysis measure.

Please do not worry too much. We often use traditional Chinese herbal medicine to repair damaged kidney and therapies as we have many eficaces.Tales, medicated bath is just one of our many traditional Chinese medicine therapies eficaces.Te tell you more about our specialized treatment later when I met more about your current renal disease.

Email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. Our professional experts will provide guidance as soon as possible.

How Long Can They Live With Slow Progression FSGS

How Long Can They Live With Slow Progression FSGS ? In some cases, FSGS progresses slowly, and the level of kidney function in patients gradualmente.Luego decreases, patients must want to know how long they can live patients with FSGS kidney disease progressed slowly .

As a common glomerular disease, FSGS can cause kidneys fail to filter blood, regulate blood pressure, maintain electrolyte balance, and so sucesivamente.Conforme time passes, some of these complications can endanger the lives of patients.

As a condition of the patients disease changes from person to person, life expectancy is also diferente.Algunos patients may live as long as the general population, while some other patients with kidney failure within several años.En only view of this, some therapies should be taken to improve kidney condition and extend their life expectancy.

If you are suffering from FSGS, you can try the following methods with the guidance of the physician.

-Modify Your diet plan and lifestyle 

according to their disease status
A correct diet plan and healthy lifestyle can help control patient complications and slow the progression of FSGS.Por least, patients should follow a low-sodium diet plan low in protein and avoid habits unhealthy life.

Take medicines and the right medicines

With the progression of FSGS, patients will have a range of symptoms and complications, such as proteinuria, hypertension, hematuria, and so sucesivamente.De according to the problems of patients, doctors prescribe proper medications to manage their problems.

Active reverse kidney damage

Only if the damaged kidneys are back to normal, patients may live with their own kidneys segura.El key point is to protect the remaining kidney tissue and reverse the impaired functioning kidney damage.

If you need any help in the treatment of FSGS, you can leave message for us, we will do everything possible to help.


How To Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy From Getting Worse

How To Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy From Getting Worse ? You know this type of disease is a secondary disease of diabetes, which has become one of the leading causes of illness renal.Así that prevention of diabetic nephropathy level control blood sugar is very important.

However, only depend on controlling the level of blood sugar is not sufficient to prevent this disease is worse.

How To Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy From Getting Worse?

1.REGIONAL blood sugar control

As mentioned above, controlling the level of blood sugar is very important to treat this disease, as well as a diabetic should take timely insulin according to building your doctor.

2.Control high blood pressure

According to research, high blood pressure will cause the most complex renal disease and controlling it helps a lot in reducing leakage proteínas.Lo's more, it helps to relieve kidney damage.

3. The control of protein intake

Clinical studies have shown that protein may increase glomerular perfusion and add pressure to the kidneys, thus worsening the disease control renal.Así protein intake is helpful in slowing the progression of renal failure.

4. Keep away from nephrotoxic drugs

Such drugs will aggravate kidney disease and the speed of progression of diabetic nephropathy.

The above four tips are some basic tips to reduce diabetic nephropathy is worse, but if you want to stop the progression of this disease, even reverse it you should take timely systematic treatment.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

How To Treat High Blood Pressure After Dialysis

How To Treat High Blood Pressure After Dialysis ? It is known that dialysis is commonly applied in the treatment of kidney failure, but it will bring some complications, while alleviating the symptoms caused by renal disorder. You know, high blood pressure is one of the side effects of dialysis that may affect the effect curativo.Lo worse, the patient has to stop dialysis if the blood pressure goes to high.

Why the level of blood pressure is high after dialysis?

1.Fluid overload: Kidney makes urine discharging the excess fluid from the body. Failed kidneys can not take the liquid (water) outside, so that the blood pressure is high.

2.Desechos Excess blood: For patients with renal failure who are on dialysis, your kidneys fail to maintain electrolyte balance and eliminate waste in the blood. Thus, harmful substances can deposit in the vessel wall and do stiffer blood vessels, which can also cause high blood pressure.

3.EPO injection: Some dialysis patients receiving EPO shot that can stimulate the bone marrow to produce more cells helps to recall sanguíneas.Esto renal anemia, but in other respects, which contributes to high blood pressure.

How to lower high blood pressure level?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese medicine that serves to expand the blood vessels, which can help lower pressure arterial.Lo Moreover, the active ingredients of this therapy can activate the kidney cells intrinsic injured to help them recuperarse.Se shows the effect on repairing damaged renal intrinsic cells, so that kidney function can be improved with the help of this terapia.A As kidney function improved, dialysis patient has a certain possibility of reducing the frequency of dialysis and even lower dialysis

If you have other questions about dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message to us or consult our doctor. We will try our best to help.


How to reduce the loss of protein for Nephrotic Syndrome and FSGS

FSGS is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome, while the loss of protein or proteinuria is a typical sign of nefrótico.Si syndrome nephrotic syndrome due to FSGS patients should take steps to reduce protein loss actively. This can improve the prognosis of patients.

The underlying cause of protein loss for these patients

Normally, the kidneys are responsible for removing waste substances and maintain body.This useful nutrients in renal function is accomplished by glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption renal.Cuando glomerular filtration membrane is damaged, the excessive amount of protein will escape from the kidneys into the urine and kidney tubules to reabsorb leave this amount of protein efficiently.

How to reduce protein loss in patients with nephrotic syndrome and FSGS?

According to the above analysis, we'd recommend the following methods to reduce the loss of protein.

-Choose High quality protein: protein loss may induce low plasma protein colloid osmotic pressure, malnutrition, fatigue, and so sucesivamente.Desde this point, patients should choose high-quality protein to meet the body's needs.

-Take The right medicines: In the clinic, many medications and drugs have a quick and obvious effect in relieving the loss of key proteínas.La is to choose correct medication. ACE inhibitors and ARBs can not only high blood pressure, but also alleviate proteinuria, while steroids and immunosuppressants can manage protein loss through inhibition of inflammatory reactions within the doctor riñones.Consulte online determine which medication is right for you.

-Repair Glomerular filtration membrane: The main therapy is to address the loss of protein from the root of the problem, deteriorado.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy glomeruli is only a therapy that focuses on the protection of renal cell remaining and rescuing damaged. Therefore, it is a therapy for patients with nephrotic syndrome and FSGS.

More Information About osmotherapy and effectiveness in CKD

Patient: Hello, doctor. I am a patient CKD Stage 3 CKD, foamy urine, dry mouth, back pain and pain recently pierna.Te like to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Doctor: This article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more appropriate therapy.

Free online doctor can help you learn more about your illness condition and only our treatments directly and quickly.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an original creation in Shijiazhuang Riñón.Se Disease Hospital is a typical external application of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and specializes in the treatment of kidney disease.

Micronized medicine can infiltrate renal lesions, control high blood pressure, stop inflammation and block worsening renal function raíz.El the most important is that it offers a better internal environment and promotes renal renal recovery through accelerating the elimination of toxins, residues and metabolites in blood.

In addition, other adjuvant treatments will also be used to relieve symptoms and serious complications, such as foot bath, enema, and thus suitable sucesivamente.Medicamentos, specific treatments and unique recipe will be used in accordance with the condition of the patient's disease.

In addition, e-mail or leave a message for kidneycares@hotmail.com. we are happy to offer a more professional orientation quickly for free.


Which Treatment Is Necessary For Kidney disease with creatinine level 6.8

Which treatment is needed for Kidney disease creatinine 6.8? Kidney disease is a silent murderer, and dialysis treatment can not treat this disease at its root, but can relieve symptoms and eliminate toxins in a short time. so for patients with severe symptoms, which can take before reaching alternative treatments.

Why the creatinine level is high?

The basic cause of renal disease is the lack of blood and oxygen to cells riñón.El fact that some factors of damage endotheial cells of blood vessels, which block the blood and oxygen transport 'to kidneys, kidney disease daily form and blood pressure will be mayor.Debido function of kidney damage, creatinine, bun, ect urea accumulates in your body every day, so they'll levels high, then the damaged kidney function again, this is the general form of the forms of kidney disease.

How to treat kidney disease with high creatinine level?

For the treatment of kidney disease, we need to expand blood vessels to increase blood flow volume, meanwhile, we have to remove the toxin from your body and improve blood circulation to compensate for the deficiency of kidney cells, only this Thus, healthy cells can be protected and can repair damaged cells. The rate of recovery may be to the normal range.

You know dialysis as a replacement of the kidneys that can not repair or protect renal cells and a patient with kidney disease who must find some other alternative therapies.

To learn more about alternative therapies for dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can consult our doctor or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

What Does CKD Stage 4 Parenchymal Kidney Disease Mean

Patient: My mother has a fourth stage parenchymal kidney disease. What does this mean?

Doctor: Renal parenchymal disease is a condition that refers to slow the loss of renal function. In most cases, renal parenchymal disease belongs to chronic renal disease as it progresses lentamente.Etapa 4 indicates renal parenchymal disease kidneys are severely damaged. In this case, patients should take timely measures to manage your kidney problem. Since you tell us anything except stage 4 renal parenchymal disease is difficult to give any suggestion detallado.Las treatment following are some therapies commonly used to treat chronic kidney disease. For timely treatment plan, you can consult a doctor online or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy, Clear Blood Pollution Therapy and Immunotherapy three therapies are used to reconstruct the structure of filtering kidneys and improve the overall health of the pacientes. However, according to medical therapy patients, physicians choose appropriate treatment plan to manage patients kidney problem. In addition, it is also necessary to follow a proper diet plan and lifestyle. This can help control complications of kidney disease and slow the progression of renal parenchymal disease.


What Is The Life Expectancy Average Of End Stage Renal Failure in Elderly

Life expectancy refers to the average time people can expect to live. I think that all patients, especially the elderly, want to live as long as they possibly posible.Este article will tell you everything that is the average life expectancy for terminal kidney failure in older adults.

Different patients have different conditions, some patients have severe symptoms, while others have not. So the average life expectancy in the elderly depends mainly on condition paciente.Para disease patients with severe symptoms and poor prognosis, have a shorter life expectancy, whereas for patients without severe symptoms, which may have life expectancy more larga.Por Therefore, the average life expectancy depends primarily on the condition of the patients disease. You can send your test reports to kidneycares@hotmail.com know their average life expectancy.

What I mean is that the key point is not to know what exactly is life expectancy, patients should attack importance to prolong the hope vida.La extension of life expectancy should focus on improving renal function .

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients with a number of natural treatments to improve kidney function. As renal function improved, life expectancy can be extended enormemente.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best option for patients who want to improve the function renal.Este treatment can improve kidney function by promoting blood circulation, expansion of blood vessels, regulation of blood pressure, removing toxic substances and excess liquid.Antibiotics main materials in this therapy can penetrate renal lesions due directly to the main externos.Los effects materials are refined powder medicated and packaged into two bags, patients only need to lie on the two medicated bags, with the help of osmotic machine, toxic substances can be eliminated out of the body along eficacia.If you want to know more about this therapy, please leave a message below, we will reply as soon as possible.

Treatments that Can Help Prevent Kidney Failure Dialysis Patient

Is there any treatment that can help patients avoid dialysis kidney failure? In the past, there is no good treatment for patients in the early stage of kidney disease, all you can do is get delay times diálisis.Pero decision to go with the times, people have found some unique therapies that can help prevent kidney failure dialysis patient by improving gradually lowered renal function.

Do treatments that can help patients avoid dialysis kidney failure?

Top Seven TCM therapies are a number of unique treatments based on Chinese medicine, he cooperated with others make these therapies may help patients who are in the early stage of kidney disease avoid dialysis by improving its function renal.Esos Seven therapies are hot Compress Therapy, bathroom Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath Therapy, Therapy and Therapy Cycle enema Therapy.And each has its own characteristics so during medical treatment shall be responsible for the different treatments according to patient need.

How can Top Seven TCM therapies help patients avoid kidney failure dialysis?

You know, for patients who are in the early stage of kidney disease kidneys they are not damaged much, and most of the tissues of the kidney is damaged no necrosis so that they can be repaired with appropriate and timely treatment.
These active ingredients in therapies can become kidney injuries and increase the healing effect. By removing toxins and fluid out of the body, these therapies can protect the kidneys from further damage.

If you want more information on TCM treatments or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


High Blood Pressure and Creatinine 2.3 In FSGS Patients

FSGS is a glomerular disorder that can cause kidney filters that lose their function so gradual.Thus,the kidneys fail to remove waste products and toxins and regulate blood pressure, high blood pressure and high levels of creatinine as 2.3 mg / dl can easily occur.

After discovering the cause of high blood pressure and serum creatinine 2.3 for FSGS patients, the next thing to do is manage oportuna.Como introduced by nephrologists, the FSGS patients suggest taking the following methods to handle these problems.

-Eating Right foods

A kidney friendly diet plan may help high blood pressure, reduce high creatinine level and protect kidney tissues funcionando.Las basic dietary needs are low in sodium, low in protein, low in fat, less meat, etc.

-Choose Effective antihypertensive drugs

In the clinic, there are many types of antihypertensive drugs such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretic, CCB, and so sucesivamente.Todos these drugs can help reduce high blood pressure, but patients should correct the drugs according to their condition of enfermedad.En most cases, patients may need to take more than one type of these drugs to strengthen the therapeutic effects and reduce side effects.

-Take Ketosteril if necessary

If the patient GFR of less than 25 ml / min, can be suggested to take Ketosteril. This drug can help reduce the high level of creatinine effectively and protects the tissues of the remaining kidney function.

-Make Against kidney scars

With the progression of FSGS, more and more kidney tissues are marcados.En functional view of this, patients are suggested to take some therapy to rescue their kidneys and prevent further damage to the kidneys.Currently, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Clear Blood Therapy and pollution are two effective therapies for FSGS patients. Consult your doctor to determine which one is right for you.

How To Cure Chronic Kidney Disease With Creatinine level 8.0

How To Cure Chronic Kidney Disease With Creatinine level 8.0? At the clinic, exclude other factors 8.0 creatinine should be at stage 5 kidney disease, also known as uremia.Para the treatment of uremia, doctors may recommend dialysis or transplant patient. But in reality, there is a more natural for the treatment of this disease, which is known as Chinese medicine way.

Why we said Chinese medicine is more natural in the treatment of chronic kidney disease?

Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine is more natural.Esto to those medicines used in the same are of the nature should not nephrotoxicity, ie, medications can treat kidney disease in the premise not harm the kidneys.

What are the advantages of Chinese medicine in the treatment of stage 5 kidney disease?

One of the advantages of Chinese medicine is not the nephrotoxicity as previously mentioned, but not the key point. The key point is that it can help patients who are in the initial stage, leaving the renal disease or avoid dialysis by improving kidney function.

How can Chinese medicine improve kidney function?

Chinese medicine can improve kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protect the remaining damage a mayor.Pero you know, different patient has different symptoms that may require different treatment. So if you want to know what kind of Chinese medicine is best for you, you can send an email with your detailed illness condition for us, after analyzed will reply as soon as possible with the information you want. Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message for us, here we are waiting to help.


How to cure diabetes with renal function 60%

Diabetes with renal function 60% how to cure it? According to research, diabetes has become one of the leading causes of disease from diabetes renal.A chronic kidney disease, patients will progress for a long time, which also they mean if patients take some good measures to prevent development of the disease, which may be able to live a long and healthy life like ordinary people.

How to cure diabetes with renal function 60%?

Patients with diabetes can do something as down to prevent kidney damage
Low protein diet

Overall, patients with diabetes should always limit your intake of carbohydrates instead of both food intake however proteínas.Sin intake of foods rich in protein can worsen diabetic nephropathy as it can load castor metabolism kidney and accumulate pathological lesion.

Controlling blood sugar

The blood sugar is the main cause of many complications and injuries of blood vessels, so patients should pay more attention to control blood sugar.

Of cause, all this just a way to delay the development of the disease, and patients who want to keep away from diabetes need to have a científico.Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment as one of the innovations of Chinese medicine can do a great for the treatment of diabetes with 60% kidney function. If patients are lucky, they may have the opportunity to return to normal life.

You know, a good prevention is better for the late treatment. Patients with diabetes should do everything they can do to prevent kidney disease crónica.Pero if their disease has induced kidney damage must take positive action to cure it.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of diabetes with kidney disease, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

Is Renal Dialysis The Only Option For Serum Creatinine 10

Is Renal Dialysis The Only Option For Serum Creatinine 10? In the clinic, the serum creatinine level of 10 is in stage 5 kidney disease, the treatment of this disease is also known as uremia. Doctors recommend dialysis, which can relieve severe symptoms caused by kidney problems, so as to help them live a life better.But as we all know that the long terms of dialysis will bring some complications, so people are looking for some other treatments.

Is dialysis the only option?

In the past, in addition to dialysis, kidney transplantation is the only way to cure the disease renal.Y transplantation as one of the best methods of healing is loved by many people. But it cost a lot of money and time to expect more correctas.Es kidneys, some patients may not be taking it cause some serious symptoms or complications.

Nowadays, there are some other therapies based on traditional Chinese medicine can be good alternative therapies diálisis.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most famous.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy renal failure with creatinine support 10 to get rid of dialysis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help get rid of dialysis patients gradually improved by renal.Se function can be used in any season and any time, so you need not take into account the environmental factor. What's more, it is easy to absorb. Research shows that 65% of ingredients in it can reach the kidney injury directamente.Por therefore can cure this disease quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it is a type of therapy external application, so you can cure this disease without further damage to the kidneys.

If you need any help in the treatment of renal failure that you can leave message for us, we will try our best to help.

The Health Tips for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

Health tips for stage 3 chronic kidney disease may help slow the progression of disease renal.Una diet for CKD should support normal levels of blood pressure and sugar range sangre.In This article mainly introduced health tips for stage 3 chronic kidney disease.

A diet for CKD should support normal levels of blood pressure and sugar and salt sangre.Esta range typically involves limiting protein intake. For patients with impaired renal function, no specialized requirements consumption of foods that contain other minerals, such as potassium and phosphorus.

High blood pressure is both and complication of the disease high blood pressure renal.La decreased kidney function worsens, so maintaining a regular blood pressure should be a focus for patients with CKD.

People with stage 3 CKD should be kept away from excessive protein intake. Daily protein intake should not exceed 0.6 gram per pound of body weight.

Patients with stage 3 CKD have more changes in your diet, such as restricting foods containing potassium and phosphorus.

Patients are often prescribed certain drugs, ACE inhibitors and ARBs to slow the progression of kidney disease. Even if patients have normal blood pressure, patients need to take drugs.

Natural treatments Shijiazhuang Kidney Diseases Hospital have the effect of slowing the progression of kidney disease, primarily by improving renal function.
Natural herbs contained in this therapy are the main materials and can achieve the function of blood vessels expand, reliving inflammation and clotting, promoting blood circulation, regulating blood pressure, repair diseased cells and revere their gradualmente.Más important still normal function, kidney experts here a specific treatment plan for each of you is done.

Want to know more about natural treatments and the treatment plan, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave a message below. We will reply as soon as possible.

Herbs to help my kidneys to Restore

Kidneys are excretory organs that can help cleanse the blood, regulate blood pressure, maintain electrolyte balance, and so sucesivamente.Sin But if the kidneys are severely damaged, patients must want to restore your kidneys. In fact, some herbs can help achieve this goal.

What causes the kidneys to damage?

Many conditions can kidneys lose their ability to fulfill its function.For example, genetic disorders can cause PKD, and enlarged renal cysts oppress their surrounding tissues kidney and other organs, resulting in less blood flow to the riñones.Trastornos of immune system can cause immune complexes accumulate in the kidneys, which leads to renal ischemia and anoxia.Del state above analysis, we know kidney damage due to lack of blood to the kidneys.

Herbs to help repair kidneys

According to the causes of kidney damage, we know herbal medicine useful for kidney damage China should be able to nourish the blood and improve circulation sanguínea.De accordance with this requirement, herbs with the following properties can help restore filtering structure of the kidneys.

-Disolver Pathogenic factors: Some Chinese medicines have a strong immune competence, which can help the body eliminate pathogenic factors.

-adjust Blood circulation: It is reported that a normal blood circulation is closely linked with the health of riñón.A normal blood circulation can provide enough nutrients and oxygen to the inherent renal cells, and to request the recovery of blood circulation.

-Ask The capacity for self-healing of damaged kidney cells: While renal cell with disabilities can increase their capacity for self-healing, the kidneys can rebuild your kidney filtering structure gradually.

The detailed prescription should depend on your medical condition. If you want to take Chinese medicinal herbs, welcome to send your report kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are happy to help.


Is there another way of Stage 5 Kidney Failure Besides Dialysis

Patient: My mother, who is 72 has been on dialysis for about 10 months, she was diagnosed with kidney failure in stage 5 April last year and the doctor said he needs to know diálisis.Quiero there any other way to treat it.

Doctor: In fact, dialysis is helpful in relieving the symptoms of stage 5 renal failure and can help patients live better and longer in some grado.Sin but can not cure the disease at its root. Moreover, longer dialysis times induce other symptoms and complications that make more complex disease.

Are there other forms of dialysis in the treatment of stage 5 renal failure?

In the past, there is no alternative other than dialysis kidney transplantation. But to date, many types of treatments can help patients live better without dialysis.

The best known therapy is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help the patient avoid or get rid of dialysis by improving the function renal.Lo's more, you can cure kidney disease without further damage to the kidneys and other organs, so it is more suitable for the elderly. And in the case of his mother, I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

After 7-10 days, the application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients can have relief of their symptoms clínicos.Después month hospitalization, patients may bring some medicines at home to operate this therapy at home under the direction physician to further consolidate the curative effect and reduce recurrence rate.

To learn more about alternative forms of dialysis or need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can leave message or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help .

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