
How Do PKD Patients Have A Healthy Baby

Kidney disease will never be infected, can not be genetic too much. But if you really had some hereditary kidney disease, headache is often not a patient, but a family, the most prominent manifestation is in the "child" on.

Hereditary nephropathy in the case of the largest proportion of polycystic kidney disease, and today we talk about how patients with polycystic kidney health baby!

What Precautions to Be Taken with PKD

Besides before we have children, we must first understand this opponent.

Polycystic kidney is divided into two kinds, a dominant inheritance, a recessive inheritance. Most patients with polycystic kidney disease are dominant inheritance, although most people are found in the 20 to 50 years old between the symptoms, but the cyst is in the fetus period there. So you can predict whether the child is healthy before the child is born.

Why Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients Don't Smoking

Recessive genetic children generally in the infancy will die, both with hidden genes and men and women can come together can be considered a great fate, God will not be thin to be a lover, of course, they can have a Healthy baby. How to do? Look down.

Early polycystic kidney disease patients will not have too serious clinical manifestations, so the impact on fertility is not great, so do not repeat the pregnancy conditions, and then we only talk about how to give birth to a healthy baby.

First, gene screening

Since that polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, that if you can directly check the gene, you can certainly judge the child is not healthy, right?

The fact is true, usually in the 10 weeks to 23 weeks of pregnancy do amniotic fluid or villi cells of the "cyst gene" detection, molecular genetics can help polycystic kidney families choose a healthy child, and this child will no longer carry pathogenic genes Her (his) children do not have to worry about illness, of course, if he later the other half of the cystic kidney it is hard to say.

Should I Have a Baby if I Have Polycystic Kidney Disease

Second, four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound

We mentioned earlier, cysts are in the fetus period, so we can through the four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound directly "see" to the child is not a multi-capsule kidney, more than that, four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound can also see the child's other parts of the body development , To ensure that prospective parents get a healthy baby.

Finally, the four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound can be intrauterine four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound dynamic recording into dvd as the baby's 0-year-old portrait!

Some people say that ordinary B over the line, this is not enough.

There are many patients do not dare to children, there are many patients blind to the child, a healthy baby, for the real life of the prospective father, mothers, is a kind of life of happiness and security. I hope this article can be prepared to give birth to a friend of children a little help.

Today we know how to give birth to a healthy baby, but polycystic kidney disease, but genetic disease is a problem, how to treat, control polycystic kidney it? It is difficult to Guards change life

Above can be described as one of the words of the author, the world did not have any correct point of view. However, if from the reader's point of view, can be inspired from my article, it is enough. Is not it?

This article is the original kidney disease friends, please mark the source at the time of reprint.

Can Kidney Patients Have A Travel With Their Family Members

Life is the movement, kidney disease patients to carry out some activities, contribute to the stability and recovery of the disease.

And May a small holiday in the season, it is also suitable for the sick travel - the weather is generally clear, but the temperature will not be high, but not like the October one may appear autumn tiger.

Only, nephrotic pathology is complex, the situation is not the same. For May 1 whether travel, travel during the note, or to different situations different treatment.

Top 4 Bad Habits Damage Your Kidneys

In general, as long as the nephrotic patients in stable condition, good physical condition, you can do a good job in preparation for the situation to go out to play; but nephrotic disease if the acute stage of activity, failed to stabilize, or patients suffering from serious complications, then Need to rest at home, so as not to go out too tired to aggravate the condition.

What Can I Drink Or Take To Protect My Kidneys

Can travel to the patient, before and after the trip should pay attention to the following requirements:

Communicate fully with your doctor:

The patient should travel in advance before consulting the doctor, get sure, and then discuss the trip, medication and return, so that after the return to the hospital in time to review.

Will Often Turning To Tofu Make Your Kidneys Work Hard

Prepare related items:

The necessary warm clothing do not forget. The most important thing is in the service of drugs and portable blood pressure monitor, thermometer, etc., diabetes patients need to prepare blood glucose meter.

Reasonable arrangements for travel:

Nephrotic patients bogey tired, so travel before a reasonable planning trip, prior contact with good places and transport facilities, and to ensure that during the tour there are spare time to rest, so that work and rest.

Choose your location according to your situation:

Where the patient is suitable for play is also pay attention to.

Patients with renal hypertension and renal anemia is not suitable for high altitude, low temperature environment; allergic purpura nephritis patients as far as possible away from flowers and plants, so as to avoid pollen allergies; and lupus kidney patients is best not to go to the beach, grassland Such as open space, to avoid the sun to stimulate.

Diet to control:

Many of the attractions are bound to snacks are more, but some flavor snacks are not suitable for patients to eat, such as oil, too hot, salty, hemp food. Patients during the play to diet to be controlled, try to eat light.

Medication on time:

Even if you have fun, medicine can not forget to eat! Patients and their families should be thinking about taking things on time, do not play and break out.

Keep in touch with the doctor:

During the play, family members should pay attention to observe the patient's physical condition, record changes in blood pressure and body temperature. It is best to keep in touch with the doctor in order to timely feedback.

Dialysis patients need attention

If the patient needs regular dialysis, need to contact the hospital along the dialysis in advance, their own physical condition, dialysis time, dialysis methods, etc. to inform each other, so complete preparation to ensure continuity of dialysis.


Cold Prevention Reduce The Relapse Of Kidney Disease

Although a cold is a common minor illness, but for kidney disease patients, but it will bring great harm to the immune system, increase the risk of kidney disease recurrence.

Therefore, kidney disease patients need to take preventive measures to prevent colds. There are five couples to prevent the cold, the patient can personally try!

Appropriate exercise

The patient can according to their own circumstances to do some of the exercise, such as tai chi, walking, doing gymnastics, etc., to enhance physical fitness, activation of blood.

Reduce Proteinuria 2g In IgA Nephropathy

Increase clothing

Now it is the weather in the twilight of the late spring season, large temperature difference between day and night, the patient must go out with the temperature changes in the increase and decrease of clothing, so as to avoid alternating cold and cold.

Pay attention to health

Students should pay attention to environmental hygiene and personal hygiene, wash their hands for clothes, away from crowded places, encountered suitable for nourishing bacteria rainy weather, try not to go out.

Proteinuria Increases To 21g from 3g Due to Wrong Medicine

Cold water cleansing

Morning wash the face, the patient can Ju a small cold water rinse the face and nostrils, both refreshing, but also as soon as possible to adapt to the morning low temperature, from colds.

Hot feet

9 o'clock every night with 40 ℃ hot feet more than 15 minutes, both to disperse the body of cold evil, to prevent colds, but also Yishenlijing, improve sleep quality.

More than ten points are effective and simple way, kidney disease patients have to insist on doing in order to play a good effect!

8 Factors Can Induce Kidney Disease

With the development of society and the improvement of living conditions, people get better and better, the incidence of nephropathy is also increased. There are many patients will be doubts and desperate to ask why they will get kidney disease.

Well, the cause of kidney disease

What exactly is it?

Free medication

Many antibiotics have renal toxicity, usually if there is a cold inflammation, fever, what infection, and habits of several drugs mixed to eat, it is easy to lead to drug-induced kidney damage.

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Infection factor

Most patients with common nephritis have pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis or severe cold and other medical history. People in the inflammation, infection may lead to the immune system disorders, thereby damaging the kidneys, induced nephritis.

environmental factor

Poor living environment will lead to heavy metal ions into the human body, if the enrichment will hurt the kidney excess; In addition, cold, fatigue will reduce the body's immunity, harmful substances if the opportunity to invade, it will induce kidney disease.

Internal environmental factors

The balance of human environment determines the stability of the human body. When the internal environment disorder will damage the kidney cells and tissues, become one of the incentives for kidney disease.

Nutritional deficiency

If the human body lacks zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese and other trace elements, or anemia, malnutrition, etc., may also affect the renal metabolic function, so pay attention to a balanced diet.

Will Riding Bike Harm Polycystic Kidneys

Immune system disorders

Outside the virus invades the human body, the immune system will produce antibodies against it, but in the process, there may be a large number of immune complex deposition in the glomerular basement membrane, causing kidney cell necrosis, causing kidney disease.

Blood problems

Human blood in the process of flow if encountered in the impurity or vascular disease, it will lead to microcirculation disorders, so that organ dysfunction. Hypertensive kidney damage is the truth.

Mental state

Long-term in the weight, anxiety, tension, fear and other negative emotions are also more than ordinary people more than twice the risk of kidney disease.


Will Your Blood pressure will not get lower and lower

Patients often ask me such a question: doctor, my blood pressure is not too high, has been let me eat antihypertensive drugs, eating and eating I do not have low blood pressure it! There are those who eat antihypertensive drugs to control the blood pressure, and can not stop. Editor's note ah?

In fact, patients with such a suspicion is normal. Usually have a headache brain heat, eat the medicine soon enough, do not need to have been taking medicine; how can have to get high blood pressure medicine?

For example, the winter in the north, the room will be heating, the temperature rises very quickly; but if the temperature is warm, the house will be cold down. Only continuous heating to ensure that the house has been warm, frequent alternating warm and cold easy to make a cold.

The same reason, when the factors that cause high blood pressure still exists, only continuous, regular medication to stabilize blood pressure; and intermittent, repeated medication will only make blood pressure has been volatile.
More than 90% of the hypertension is primary, the cause of elevated blood pressure is unknown, can not be removed, and thus require long-term drug control.
Of course, secondary hypertension is different, causing the cause of hypertension was successfully removed, blood pressure will gradually return to normal, it is no longer necessary to take antihypertensive drugs.

But such as renal hypertension such as refractory hypertension, although secondary, but the cause of kidney disease to cure, more difficult, damaged kidney function can not be restored, kidney disease and hypertension affect each other The organ damage will always exist. Therefore, these high blood pressure also need long-term drug control, in order to avoid sustained damage.

In addition, some categories of antihypertensive drugs also have other effects, such as nephrology applied Puli / Shatan drugs also reduce the role of urinary protein, so widely used.

Therefore, antihypertensive drugs for patients with high blood pressure, the significance is very important, get a scientific knowledge of medication, the correct medication is the key to treatment.

Uremic diet is reasonable and proper arrangement

Uremia diet reasonable and proper arrangements! Uremic patients diet Note that the above mentioned these, can not be exhaustive, but also covers the main should pay attention to the place, hope that patients can attract attention, after all, want to get better treatment Is the desire of every uremic patient.

Uremia is to talk about the disease, the severity does not need to talk about what we all understand, but the uremic patients themselves should not be negative treatment, should be actively with the treatment, so as to reduce the harm caused by the disease , Not only with the treatment, in the daily diet should also be noted that the treatment of the disease is very helpful.

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Note the daily diet

1, eat more milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and other animal protein, eat less soy products and other plant protein, because the plant protein utilization is low, will increase the uremia. Elderly patients with protein deficiency are more common. Muscle atrophy, weight loss, the amount of protein required is relatively higher.

2, adequate heat to ensure that the human body protein storage. If the lack of supplement, can lead to malnutrition; add too much can cause hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis and other diseases. Intake of calories to cereal-based food, eat less sugar, fruit type of food. Try to eat less fat, especially animal fat.

What Uremia Patients Need To Pay Attention To After Dialysis

3, food fiber to prevent constipation, but also help to reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The daily requirements of the human body fiber fiber is about 20 grams. Foods are rich in potato (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), coarse grains (cornmeal, sorghum, buckwheat noodles, oatmeal, etc.), vegetables, fruits and hard fruit foods (peanuts, walnuts, etc.). Hemodialysis patients if you eat 270 grams of vegetables a day, you can provide 20 grams of dietary fiber.

4, less urine or dialysis less, high blood potassium patients, must strictly control the high potassium foods, such as pears, bananas and so on. With severe hypertension, edema or higher serum sodium, should control the intake of sodium, daily consumption of salt 4-5 grams or less. Oliguria, hypertension, edema of patients, should also be strictly limited to drinking water, the amount of water should not exceed the daily discharge of urine.


Nephrotic syndrome - Give This Girl A Healthy Stage

Everyone says that innocence is tomorrow's sun is the hope of the family, but when you hear a 12-year-old girl suffering from nephrotic synthesis and is to fight from the disease when you have any thoughts.

Li Xinmiao (a pseudonym) is a naive little girl, this year he was on the fourth grade, usually in addition to his homework is to practice dance, he believes that dance can make their own more beautiful and lovely, at first during the practice she found the body Swollen phenomenon, but because the dance will inevitably have bump things so there is no care, but in the next period of time, the new seedlings of the body more and more serious swelling, so the family took a new seedlings to do a check, that is, this Check that the young girl who was only twelve years old was covered with a darkness.

Your Hospital Gives Me Hope For Nephrotic Syndrome

Diagnostic book impressively written Li Xin Miao nephrotic syndrome, the results of the new seedlings is the palm of your hand at home, to hear the family members are extremely anxious, the new seedlings from the small beauty, see how she can bear this, in order to round the new Miao from the small station on the big stage of the dream, the family said what should be the new seedlings of the disease cured, April 12, 2014 morning, Miao Miao father inadvertently on the Internet to browse such a message: Chinese medicine treatment of pediatric kidney Cases, but also a child a healthy tomorrow, look at the bottom of the review there are many successful cases, my father excitedly ran to discuss with his family, said go away, a moment also delayed, contact a good doctor linked to the number, the family so set foot on the Seeking a business trip.

In the beginning of hospitalization for some time, Miao Miao all day depressed, do not want to cooperate with the doctor to see their swollen body how she can be happy up, in order to make Miao Miao happy, the hospital nurses sister all day to tell her Some small story, so, Miao Miao began to shift the attention, and slowly accepted some simple treatment, took the medicine she began to follow the doctor's orders, it lasted for nearly two months, Miao Miao body A marked improvement, the phenomenon of edema gradually slowed down, check the indicators have gradually returned to normal, the previous muffled little girl once again exposed the sweet smile, Miao Miao parents see Miao Miao situation gradually improved, is also very happy, they hold Attending physician's hand to thank Miao Miao again health, the little girl can board the stage to achieve their dreams.

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Children are not only the hope of the family is also the hope of the motherland, more care for them more than a care, then our motherland's flowers will be more brilliant.

Can Renal Failure from Diabetes Be Cured Or Not

I would like to ask if renal failure caused by diabetes can be cured, men, more than 50 years old,creatinine level 430, has been hospitalized for a month, a month ago, before no attention, no dialysis, a month ago whole body edema, , Today's test results is normal blood glucose blood pressure is to rise, that is tired, our hospital recommended transfer, almost no activity because of the femoral head necrosis, immunity is now no, often cold.

The number of patients, how much is now the creatinine value, the patient age is not large, find the disease for a long time? Dialysis, uh, explain the drug strength. What are the symptoms of the patient now? Are still in hospital treatment? Current condition to consider chronic renal failure acute progress, need to find acute progress factors thorough treatment. What is the number of your phone, I give you the past to recommend senior kidney hospital, including the degree of the disease at this time and the best perfect treatment program, the patient is usually the same? As well as the diet should pay attention to you one by one to talk about, you have a condition and treatment of the perfect understanding of reference

What Diet Should Kidney Failure Patients Follow

Renal failure in patients with dietary requirements are very strict. But often there are many patients do not pay attention to diet, not only for a long time and also increased the condition. So how to control the diet of patients with renal failure?

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Most patients with kidney disease blind limit salt, salt is not absolute, should refer to the actual condition of patients with renal failure to be determined. No matter what kind of kidney disease, as long as there is edema, it must limit salt intake. Edema is obvious, should be limited to 1 g per day, serious and even require a salt-free diet. The purpose of low-salt diet is to reduce the body of water, sodium retention, edema subsided and blood pressure decreased. Kidney failure diet, to strictly pay attention to salt intake, diet should be light-based.

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Fruits and vegetables should be careful, some fruits and vegetables potassium content is too high. Kidney patients, if the normal urine output is normal, no urine and renal failure, renal failure diet should eat vegetables, fruits, to provide adequate vitamins. Such as reduced urine output, especially less than 500 ml per day, will have to selectively eat vegetables and fruits. Because vegetables, fruits are generally rich in potassium, and nephrotic patients with oliguria, serum potassium levels were increased. Hyperkalemia, can lead to cardiac arrest, life-threatening.

Should Stage 5 Kidney Failure Patients Eat Seaweed

Through the above description, I believe that patients understand the diet of patients with renal failure on how to control it I hope that today's presentation will help the patients in their future diet.


How to monitor the development of nephropathy

Called kidney disease as "silent killer" is no exaggeration. Nephropathy is not only the incidence of occult, the course of a variety of situations are difficult to self-monitoring, patients with feeling "self-diagnosis", the results of delayed treatment occurred when the situation.

Therefore, patients with kidney disease how to monitor the development of kidney disease is extremely important.

How to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease?

Focus on screening high-risk groups

Complicated with high blood pressure and diabetes is the "high risk population" of kidney disease. The renal damage of these patients is usually worse and worse than that of patients with common kidney disease.

Which People Are Easy to Get Chronic Kidney Disease?

Hypertension and diabetes should focus on blood problems, as much as possible at home to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, and increase the number of renal function review.

The correct way to monitor the development of kidney disease

Kidney disease can cause a series of health damage, but also bring a variety of symptoms. What patients need to do is pay attention to these symptoms, do not miss the slight signal of the disease.

Does Tea Colored Urine Indicate Kidney Disease

Symptoms include:

Edema, foam
(Mainly caused by urinary protein);
Anemia, high blood pressure
(Caused by persistent kidney damage);
Low back pain
(May be the performance of renal failure).

Kidney disease is a sensitive disease, even in the hospital can be clinically cured, but also difficult to leave after discharge from outside.
Therefore, the patient's safety is to regularly review the renal function, monitoring the condition changes.

In recent years, the incidence of chronic kidney disease was increasing year by year trend, the main reason is the uneven eating habits and harsh environment.

Therefore, ordinary people should also be concerned about kidney health, do a good job of kidney disease prevention and examination.

Drug Use Errors For Kidney Patients

Hypertension and kidney disease is a process of mutual harm. Persistent kidney damage can cause renal hypertension, and high blood pressure will further damage the kidneys.

Can control the blood pressure,

Can greatly slow down the damage rate of the kidney.

Most patients with kidney disease still attach great importance to the problem of renal hypertension. Just medication misunderstanding is difficult to avoid, where we order for the nephrotic patients, I hope you detours, better control of the disease.

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Long-term use of short-acting antihypertensive drugs

Antihypertensive drugs are long-acting preparations and short-acting formulations of the points, short-acting antihypertensive drugs such as captopril, nifedipine, etc., have fast absorption, the obvious effect of the characteristics.

However, short-acting preparations to maintain a short time, will cause greater fluctuations in blood pressure; frequent medication, the patient prone to leakage of the situation. Therefore, in order to maintain the regularity of treatment and long-term, we recommend that you use long-acting antihypertensive drugs.


Puli / sartan extreme use

Ply and Shatan are widely used in nephrology and have the effect of reducing urinary protein. But patients face this group of drugs sometimes there are two extremes:

A fear of dependence, dare not eat; a heard of good, hard to eat, the higher the amount of potassium is still eating.

Patient in the application of antihypertensive drugs to consider their own situation. It is best to explain in advance to the doctor the current symptoms, or laboratory tests according to the actual situation to adjust the prescription.

Will Dialysis Cause Oliguria


Large application of diuretics

Renal hypertension is associated with edema, a certain dose of thiazide diuretics can reduce the symptoms. But a large number of long-term application will reduce the patient's blood volume, creatinine, elevated blood urea nitrogen.


Medication irregular

Antihypertensive drugs to eat the most stop eating. Irregular medication can easily lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, but also reduce the efficacy, can not control high blood pressure.

Renal hypertension is not just an indicator. Can control the kidney disease patients, in reducing renal damage can get infinite benefits.


How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live With Dialysis

Renal failure dialysis treatment can live long: renal failure dialysis will have a good remission of renal disease complications, if the complications of renal failure patients can be effectively controlled, then the treatment of kidney failure kidney disease will be great The help of the role.

How to Combat Fatigue due to Dialysis

However, when renal failure dialysis, there are many issues that require kidney failure patients attention. Then kidney failure dialysis can live long, renal failure patients need to pay attention to what dialysis? The following by the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for everyone in detail. Renal failure dialysis interval should be based on renal failure in patients with renal function and the amount of residue to develop, can not arbitrarily determine the number of dialysis and the interval time.

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Renal failure in severe cases, generally need to do 3 times a week dialysis, nephropathy slightly less dialysis interval time can be appropriate to extend. Successful dialysis can remove some of the drugs and toxic substances, reduce renal failure complications.Can Chinese Medicine Help to Avoid Dialysis for Life

Patients with renal failure to be dialysis to be rational, whether hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis are only effective to alleviate the clinical symptoms of renal failure, it does not fundamentally treat damaged kidneys, to prevent pathological damage continues to expand. For patients with renal failure, dialysis is a temporary remedy for the next step in the treatment of renal repair to provide a better environment within the body, but the treatment of renal failure but also from the recovery of kidney function, the protection of healthy kidney unit point of view The Patients with dialysis for renal failure require special diets and medications. Because of their poor appetite and loss of protein during dialysis, the diet of patients with renal failure often requires foods with very high protein levels, ie about 1 g of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight per day. For patients with hemodialysis, the intake of sodium and potassium should be limited to 2g per day. Also need to limit the intake of foods containing high phosphorus.

What Diet Should Patients With High Creatinine Level Follow

Increased creatinine indicates that the kidneys have a fibrosis, and those who have high levels of creatinine pay attention to it? Is the kidney impaired, the excretion capacity is reduced, causing the accumulation of metabolites, causing a series of poisoning symptoms, high creatinine diet What is the attention of the high creatinine diet should not increase the burden on the principle of the kidneys.

Can Patients High Creatinine 5.8 Eat Banana On Renal Diet

Creatinine high dietary attention points include the following aspects: First, the salt limit: In general, renal dysfunction symptoms of compensatory period, azotemia patients, although high serum creatinine, and began to appear a variety of minor Of the clinical symptoms, but due to moderate pathological damage, Is There Any Treatment for Creatinine 9.4 Without Dialysis
depending on whether the high blood pressure and swelling, control salt intake, were given low salt or salt-free diet. Second, the protein supply: because the patients appear azotemia, renal insufficiency, in order to control the renal function continues to deteriorate, should control the protein intake, selection of high quality high quality protein diet. Third, the intake of vitamins: renal failure patients with high creatinine should use rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C food. If the renal insufficiency only renal failure creatinine is high, but no urine, no edema patients can not help but salt and water, to maintain a low salt diet. If there is severe edema, as well as high blood pressure and even heart failure should strictly limit the ban on salt. High creatinine in addition to high dietary creatinine need to pay attention, the patient should also pay attention to the restrictions on tobacco, wine. Because the poison of tobacco and alcohol is mainly on the kidneys, blood vessels poisoning, smoking, drinking more blood vessels on the greater damage, an earlier increase the renal arteriosclerosis, but also promote the glomerular sclerosis, so whether normal renal function Or renal dysfunction, high creatinine patients should be strict quit smoking, to avoid causing greater damage to the kidneys.

Creatinine high dietary attention is important, but timely treatment is the key, how to treat creatinine high creatinine is due to the kidneys after a variety of causes of violations, first damaged kidney cells in the form of phenotypic transformation, the formation of Pathological changes, to stimulate the kidney fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, but also violations and stimulate the inherent normal renal tissue, the same lesions, resulting in the symptoms of kidney disease from point to surface, from the local to the overall expansion (Ie, renal injury), at this time due to kidney damage, the ability to excrete waste has declined, it is bound to cause creatinine and other toxins gathered in the body, resulting in the emergence of the body Blood creatinine phenomenon. High creatinine diet which attention? The above from three aspects of the note, namely, salt, protein and vitamin control. Patient friends read this article, I believe will give you some help. Hope that the majority of patients friends can control their own kidneys, so that creatinine down.


Itchy Skin, Poor Sleep and Muscle Cramps In Uremia

Uremia, especially dialysis patients, often have these symptoms in the title, not only the high prevalence, but also super annoying.

Comparison of the cup is, although these symptoms are very common, but rarely seriously diagnosed, the data or from the US imperialist to find, China rarely study this.

However, as long as these chop succulent symptoms let our patients live unhappy, we have to rule it a rule, right?

sleep disorder 

Can not sleep, the more common reason is the mood is not good, this this, heart disease also heart medicine ... ...

The other is the blood phosphorus, blood urea nitrogen caused by increased.
High blood phosphorus patients, if you do not have high calcium can be calcium carbonate and calcium acetate, if the high calcium is not used, it is recommended with stilam and lanthanum carbonate.

You can also use long-term hemodialysis at night to significantly improve patient sleep.

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs, is more common but not most people know the disease. It is characterized by the patient to sleep, often feel leg discomfort, or like ants climb the same pain and a sense of tightness, and thus have the urge to swing legs.

This can be improved by exercise, choose the appropriate aerobic exercise in dialysis (such as cycling kick-like movement).

If exercise does not work, you can use low-dose non-ergoline dopamine receptor agonists, or low doses of gabapentin. (After dialysis to give 100 mg, the maximum dose of 300 mg, three times a week)

Uremia itching

Itching may be more, including dialysis is not sufficient, the application of low-pass dialyzer, hepatitis C virus HCV positive, high calcium phosphorus, low serum albumin, high iron protein, current or recent smoking, age and so on.

Another reason there, men than women itch, bad mood more patients itchy.

If it is high phosphorus, dialysis is not sufficient, the first choice in front of the treatment of insomnia approach.

In addition, moisturizer, capsaicin cream, gabapentin, pregabalin are effective, acupuncture, medicine bath (point me) treatment of uremia itching is also effective.

Doctors need to pay attention to dialysis patients 5-year survival rate, 10-year survival rate and so on "hard indicators", but we believe that medical research, but also to the patient's comfort tilt some, after all, have sworn:
"No matter where you are, the only purpose, for the sick man seeking happiness."

Low salt diet tips

Do you know why doctors always let kidney patients eat less salt?

Because the salt contains something that can raise blood pressure -
The purpose of eating less salt is to eat less sodium. Salt, one-third of the ingredients are sodium, so salt blood pressure is obvious. Do you remember how much salt do you eat every day? Up to 6 grams, only less can not be more.

How much sodium is there? 6 of 1/3, that is, intake should be limited to:
 2 grams of sodium

This 2g sodium sodium is the body of the upper limit of sodium, that is, we can only discharge up to 2 grams of sodium a day, leaving beyond, do not go out of the sodium, stay in the body, it will increase blood pressure.

Some people say, do not worry, I taste light, eat salt no more than 6 grams a day, not on the line?

This is not only in the diet, it can be described as everywhere: bread, rice and other staple food, as well as vegetables, fruits, meat and other food, there are sodium everywhere. You do not eat a little salt, only the daily diet contains sodium, about a day there are:

 4 grams of sodium

What does it mean? That is, we do not eat a little salt, sodium intake has been exceeded, blood pressure will be difficult to drop.

So, we only do low salt diet is not enough, the daily diet also need to choose some low sodium food.

The sodium content of food is as follows:

Rich: Kun fish sauce, bacon, red sausage, bran cereal products, butter, margarine, Canadian bacon, corned beef, corn porridge, sour cucumber, smoked ham, cod fillet, squid dry, beef sausage, Lunch meat, oatmeal, sterile cheese, potato chips, pretzels, sausages, seaweed, shrimp, smoked herring, soda crackers, soy sauce, tomato sauce and cereal.

General: bread, cookies, canned vegetables, cheese, a variety of convenience food, salad dressing. Beef, sweets, candy, eggs, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, halophilic vegetables (spinach, beet, wakame, celery and carrots), yogurt.

Small: beans, most fresh fruits and vegetables, rye, soy flour, sugar, vegetable oil, wheat bran and wheat flour.

High blood pressure in patients, cooking as much as possible without salt and soy sauce, you can use sugar, white vinegar, spiced, star anise, onions, ginger, garlic and other condiments to increase the palatability of food, or stir-fried vegetables after the surface of a little salt to increase the taste. Avoid eating salted food, canned food and other processed foods, less use of MSG, chicken, bean paste, tomato sauce and other seasonings.

Low-salt diet has a process of adaptation, early may feel tasteless taste, loss of appetite, studies have shown that people will gradually adapt to the taste, so be sure to adhere to.

Many patients rely on the taste to judge the salty salty, in fact, many people get kidney disease, the taste sensitivity will be worse, sometimes in fact the dish has been very salty, but the patient can not eat. In response to this situation, it is recommended to the hospital to do a taste threshold detection, or to be a 24-hour urinary sodium test to see the real salt intake.

24-hour urinary sodium excretion monitoring is the best way to record sodium intake, refractory hypertensive patients should be monitored.

Symptoms Are Related To Uremia

Often referred to uremia, are labeled with kidney disease, kidney disease patients who do not think that the control of kidney disease will develop into uremia.

However, uremia is only associated with kidney disease?

In fact, although kidney disease is one of the biggest incentives for uremia, but to remove kidney damage caused by kidney disease, there are many other situations may cause kidney damage, and quickly deteriorated into uremic period.

What are these things?


Diabetic patients with inadequate insulin secretion, so the body fat metabolism disorders, in a high sugar state. In this case, damaged kidney cells can cause renal inflammatory response, and cause a series of kidney damage, so that the gradual loss of renal function, and ultimately cause uremia.

Diabetic patients failed to control the stability of the disease and blood sugar, and eventually the number of people going to uremia accounted for 30% of all patients.

Urinary tract obstruction

Long-term urinary tract obstruction will make the urine can not be properly discharged from the body, resulting in renal pelvis hydronephrosis, a direct impact on renal function, if not timely control is likely to develop to uremia.

Drug effects

Studies have shown that about 25% of renal failure to uremic patients, pathogenic causes and nephrotoxicity related to drugs. Especially the frequent use of painkillers in the crowd, more prone to renal function problems.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection and urinary tract obstruction is similar to the principle, are due to urinary system problems caused by impaired renal function.


Hypertension brings the body to the long term. High blood pressure damage is not just the cardiovascular system, as well as kidney function. About 15% of hypertensive patients will eventually suffer from uremia.


With age, the structure and function of the kidney will undergo a significant degenerative change. In the absence of additional burden, renal function can meet the needs of human life activities.

But in the event of accidental injury, especially the elderly, is likely to cause a sharp decline in renal function, and then developed into uremia.

It can be seen, the cause of uremia is not just only one of the kidney disease.
Whether it is kidney disease patients, or ordinary people, should be highly concerned about their own health, do not miss any signs of minor lesions.


What Is the Alternative of Dialysis for High Creatinine Level 469

High Creatinine Level is an indicator of kidneys damage in general. Once it is higher than 5, the doctor will suggest patients to take Dialysis. However, dialysis is no longer the only choice for patients. Well then, what is the alternative of dialysis for creatinine 469?

Serum creatinine level refers to creatinine level in blood. It is normally kept in 0.5-1.3mmol/dL through our kidneys, so impairment of kidney function has a direct relationship with the increase of serum creatinine. In Chronic Kidney Failure, since creatinine level becomes higher than the normal range, so improving kidney function to excrete excessive creatinine is essential.

How To Drop Creatinine Level 5.7 Without Kidney Transplant

Dialysis is a common treatment method in Kidney Failure to reduce high creatinine level or relieve the symptoms or complications patients have. It can make effects for patients to some extent. But long-term dialysis will cause a series of side effects, which may damage kidneys further and accelerate the illness condition.
For creatinine 469, it is a relative level that you have chance of avoiding dialysis if you could take proper and effective treatment.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment for high creatinine level in Chronic Kidney Failure as it has the ability to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, excess creatinine will be removed out of the body successfully, as a result of which, high creatinine level decreases.

Different from many other oral medicines which are always used to control Chronic Kidney Failure symptoms, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats kidney problem by repairing some kidney damages and improving kidney function. This treatment is based on Chinese herbs which contain lots of necessary nutritions for injured kidney tissues. Similar with cells in many our other body parts, kidney intrinsic cells also have a certain self-repairing ability. When kidney cells are injured mildly, they can recover by themselves if further kidney damages can be stopped. In an affected kidney, there are kidney cells that are damaged mildly, so through activating them and supplying them with nutritions, they can get recovery and kidney function can be improved greatly. A strong kidney function is the key point to maintain a normal serum creatinine level, so when kidney function gets improved, high creatinine level gets lowered down effectively.

Why Creatinine Level Is Still 9.2 Even After Dialysis

The functions of Chinese medicines are discharging the toxins and wastes from the body, dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, providing nutrients and oxygen to kidneys and then repairing the damaged kidney tissues and improving kidney function gradually. Through a period of treatment, kidney functions are improved well that can filter the extra toxins and wastes out of the body, like creatinine, thus high creatinine 469 can be reduced naturally without dialysis.

Is There Healthy Diet for Improving Kidney Function in Kidney Patients

Kidney disease is no joke in the United States with more 26 million adults suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidney disease is most commonly linked to people with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and those who are older than 60 years old. Renal diets focus on controlling protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and liquids. Following the following dietary tips will do a lot to your kidney function。

Is Kombucha Alright to Take with Kidney Disease

Low sodium foods

Patients with kidney disease usually have edema and high blood pressure. Sodium, or salt plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure and is related to edema. Too much sodium or slat intake will worsen edema and high blood pressure, which may make your kidney function reduce sharply. Therefore, removing high sodium or salt foods in your diet and replacing them with lower sodium/salt foods, and your kidney function can be greatly improved. Foods that are high in sodium include pickles, bacon, canned foods and processed foods, etc.

Can CKD Patients Eat Sweet Potato

do not intake too much protein.

Protein is a necessary substance for a healthy life, but due to kidney damage, people with high creatinine level need to reduce the amount of protein intake and also 60% protein that they intake should be high quality protein which can be found in egg white, milk and fish; and then, keep low potassium and low phosphorus diet

People with high creatinine level usually have higher potassium level and phosphorus level, so foods with high potassium or phosphorus level should be avoided or limited; finally, keep away from meat and at the same time avoid too much physical exercise.

What Herbs and Food Can Activate Your Kidneys

This is because creatinine is the end product of muscles, including meat taken by us. Thus, people with high level of creatinine should limit meat intake and do less physical exercise, which is beneficial to your kidney function and lower high creatinine level.


For people with kidney disease, their kidneys fail to filter excess potassium out of their body, which will make their kidneys overwhelmed. In this case, they can eat some rich moderately, and this is because rich is a carbohydrate that can provide their body with adequate amounts of energy with low potassium and meet their body needs.

The above are some foods which can help improve kidney function naturally. And patients with kidney disease should depend on their illness conditions to consume moderate amount of foods. Too much or too little both can not come to the efficacy of improving kidney function. If you do not know how much you should eat, you can give your illness conditions to our online doctors, and they will make a diet plan for you.

How to effectively treat polycystic kidney in life?

How to effectively treat polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease plagued many patients, we all very much hope to be able to cure the disease as soon as possible, so how treatment has become the focus of attention. But there are still some people for the polycystic kidney is not very understanding, so when the sick is very loss I do not know how to treat, leading to deterioration of the disease, to bring greater harm to everyone. So today on this issue for everyone to simply reduce the treatment of some polycystic kidney disease.

Kidney Cysts In PKD Become Smaller After Chinese Medicine Treatments

1. General treatment

How to effectively treat polycystic kidney disease? After suffering from polycystic kidney disease, first of all to calm their emotions do not panic, if not the normal life of the patient affected, usually need to pay attention not to eat less salty, spicy and other irritating Of the food, the time to regular law, the mood should be stable and optimistic; if the normal life of the patient affected, usually pay attention to the above a few, but also for treatment, and the sooner the better, or let the development of renal failure uremia ,It's too late.

Natural Treatment for Severe Headache In PKD

2. cyst to the top decompression surgery

Polycystic kidney can also be used to remove the cyst decompression, this surgery to reduce the cysts on the renal parenchymal oppression, to protect most of the remaining kidney units from compression and further damage, so that renal ischemia has improved, part Renal function units have been restored, delaying the development of the disease. The key to successful surgery is to perform as early as possible surgery, cyst decompression must be complete, do not give up small cysts and deep cyst decompression. Both sides should be surgery, the general interval of bilateral surgery for more than six months. Advanced cases such as renal dysfunction has been in azotemia, uremic period, whether or not combined with high blood pressure, decompression treatment has been meaningless, surgery can aggravate the disease.

3. Chinese medicine treatment

This method is more conservative treatment, the effect is still relatively good. Chinese medicine with the overall concept and syndrome differentiation, that polycystic kidney disease is the result of external and internal factors, through the cascade diversion, and gradually let the cysts liquid discharge, to achieve the purpose of cysts gradually narrowing. Although the current Chinese medicine can not overcome the genetic problems, but the effect of conservative treatment is Western medicine can not be compared, and the basic non-toxic side effects, not easy to relapse.

4. Dialysis and transplantation

Into the end of renal failure, should be immediately dialysis treatment, preferred hemodialysis. The survival rate of renal transplant recipients with polycystic kidney disease is similar to that of other patients. However, due to the simultaneous disease, the difficulty of postoperative treatment is increased and the effect of transplantation is affected.

5. Hematuria treatment

In the event of hematuria, in addition to clear the reasons for the treatment, should reduce the activities or bed rest. Has been dialysis or about to dialysis patients, such as repeated severe and uncontrollable hematuria, may consider the use of transcatheter renal artery embolization.

6. Infection treatment

Renal parenchymal infection and cyst infection is the main complications of this disease, generally combined with the principle of antibiotics.
Life in the effective treatment of polycystic kidney disease? Any disease in the early stages of illness are not difficult to cure, so patients know that they suffer from polycystic kidney disease when not panic, careful choice of treatment is the success of the protection of the cure , So understanding the treatment is critical to the patient.

What Are Chinese Medicine Treatments for Kidney Failure

What Are Chinese Medicine Treatments for Kidney Failure? Nephropathy is a lot of diseases, such as uremia, renal insufficiency, renal failure, etc., today we give attention to explain the renal failure. Renal failure will be serious damage to the body, if not timely treatment, until the serious development of patients with disease will have a certain life-threatening. At present, in the treatment of renal failure, Chinese medicine has a very comprehensive treatment measures, and less side effects, so we recommend Chinese medicine treatments for kidney failure?

Can You Post Medicines for My Kidney Problem

Renal failure is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state. Chronic renal failure often complicated by hypertension, anemia, heart failure, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, water and electricity disorders and acid-base imbalance, renal bone disease, fractures, infections and so on. In addition to the above system complications, chronic renal failure long-term dialysis can also be complicated by aluminum poisoning, conventional dialysis treatment of end-stage renal disease patients prone to aluminum poisoning.

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the disease and spleen and kidney deficiency caused by incentives are evils and overwork, first, evil invasion, because most patients developed from the feng shui, some patients without feng shui history, but repeated infection wind And the history of hot and humid; two for the viscera deficiency, due to other chronic diseases, congenital deficiency, acquired dystrophy, six prostitution, seven emotions hurt, overwork, drug damage, intercourse and kidney deficiency or kidney The impact of the reasons and weaken the body upright, so that resistance decreased, yin and yang balance disorders, combined with foreign wind-heat, hot and humid, such as by the internal organs caused by internal organs.

Proteinuria Management Can Stop Kidney Failure

Dialysis treatment effect is more significant, can quickly reduce creatinine, remove toxins in vivo to relieve symptoms of renal failure in patients with renal failure, but dialysis can not fundamentally cure renal failure, but from the role of mitigation. Chronic renal failure can be cured? And long-term dialysis will lead to kidney and other organs will gradually shrink, failure, causing irreparable damage to the kidneys.

Kidney failure of traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods are what? These are some of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease, we hope to help. Chinese medicine is my country will only inherit the millennium, when suffering from kidney failure when we may wish to try the way the Chinese medicine, I believe will be able to play a very good therapeutic effect.


Kidney disease patients often do the wrong five behavior

"How can chronic kidney disease be cured?"

Ordinary doctors will tell you is: actively with the treatment, to maintain an optimistic attitude, do a long fight with the kidney disease prepared!
And we have to tell you that kidney disease patients must go out of the five major errors ↓ stop the wrong understanding in order to play the role of scientific treatment.

Hormones and other drugs great harm, can not use ×

Hormones and immunosuppressive agents is a common drug of western medicine, with some side effects, long-term use does bring some bodily harm. But the damage caused by kidney disease is generally more serious, so the best choice before the application of drugs, disease damage and side effects of the pros and cons, and then choose whether the application of hormone drugs.

If you do not want long-term use of hormones, but also choose a professional combination of Chinese and Western medicine hospital, mainly Chinese medicine treatment. Although the effect is slower, but the effect is more stable.

Protein, occult blood negative description of the kidney all right ×

The recovery of these indicators can only explain the condition improved, not cured (clinical cure).

If there is renal insufficiency, even if the clinical cure, kidney damage caused by the damage can not be completely eliminated. So the kidney problem still exists, but not so intuitive, and still need long-term observation and care.

What Makes Muscle Twitch in Kidney Disease

The goal of treating nephropathy is to drop the index

Many patients will be too much emphasis on the single test of the indicators, protein, occult blood, creatinine, urea nitrogen and so on. But these are just indicators only, and can not really explain the good or bad kidney function.

How to Prevent Fractures in Chronic Kidney Disease

Glomerular filtration rate and endogenous creatinine clearance rate is really a sign of the progress of renal function. Whether it is medication, bit by bit or medicine bath, moxibustion and other treatment, the purpose is to delay the rate of decline in renal function.

Health products, supplements are conducive to rehabilitation ×

Most health care products and supplements, are not the role of nourishing, but will increase the burden of kidney metabolism. If the unknown health care products, chaotic ingredients are likely to stimulate the disease.

Can Proteinuria Be Cured Permanently

A therapy can make diagnoses of renal insufficiency

Complete recovery of renal function ×

This sentence is a downright lie, mostly in some pheasant hospital, three no hospital in the propaganda.

Remove the special disease, the renal function can not be completely recovered. Can only keep the remaining kidney function on the basis of, with the Chinese medicine to restore some of the basement membrane can be repaired.

Who says kidney disease can not eat meat

"Nephrotic patients do not eat meat, not healthy!"

Who can we eat kidney disease patients can not eat meat? We just did not find the right way! Today, we have for the majority of patients made a detailed guidance, so that we correctly "eat meat."

Nutritious Foods for Kidney Patients

Red Meat:

Description: a small amount of food

The most suitable for kidney disease patients eat red meat is pork, its main advantage is rich in high quality protein and iron, can effectively supplement the human body needs nutrients.

Good and Bad Foods For Kidney Patients

But the pig lean meat also has a significant drawback, is the high content of saturated fatty acids. Long-term intake of a large number of saturated fatty acids will have adverse effects on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, so we should eat less pork.

Edible method: kidney disease patients eat two or three pork a week, the rest of the time to other meat as a high quality protein source.

How Do Kidney Patients Supplement Protein

Note: Do not eat lamb, dog meat and other red meat.


Description: Suggested consumption

Chicken and other poultry meat compared with red meat, less fat, unsaturated fatty acids higher. Lack of trace elements is less content.

Edible method: Chicken high quality protein content than pork, so the chicken instead of pork should be reduced when the quantitative. At the same time supplemented by fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure the addition of trace elements.

Note: do not eat hot goats such as goat meat.

Freshwater fish:
Description: Occasionally eaten

Nephrotic patients can eat freshwater fish, the unsaturated fatty acid content is high, suitable for blood lipids, high blood pressure in patients.

Nephrotic patients most suitable for eating carp, occasionally edible to ease, stabilize the condition. But some fish have a stimulating effect on the disease, such as silver carp, so to avoid eating.

Edible method: try to steam or stew, and then abandon soup meat.

Animal offal: x

Description: Prohibited to eat

For ordinary people, animal offal rich in fat-soluble vitamins and iron, nutrient-rich; but for kidney disease patients, it is a lot of cholesterol, purine and heavy metal ions in the accumulation of land.

Ordinary people's kidneys can metabolize these harmful substances, kidney disease patients kidney is not enough capacity, causing metabolic burden.

After reading this guide, kidney friends should be how to eat meat is not clear in the heart of it? However, even if healthy food, do not eat too much, otherwise it may cause adverse effects.


Is There Any Natural Remedy for IgA Nephropathy To Improve Kidney Function

IgA Nephropathy is a kidney disorder that occurs when IgA (a protein) settles in the kidneys. If the condition can not be controlled well in IgA Nephropathy, it will develop Kidney Failure within several years. Is there any remedy to help improve kidney function?

Compared with steroids and immunosuppressants, Chinese treatments have the following advantages:

The Effective Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

1. IgA nephropathy is due to immune dysfunction, in which immune system attacks healthy kidney tissues mistakenly. Traditional Chinese medicine can correct the immune dysfunction and enhance immunity. Thus, it can prevent the relapse of the disease completely.

Immunotherapy for Foamy Urine In IgA Nephropathy

2. Protect the residual renal function. TCM treatments can protect the residual renal functions and kidney tissues to prevent them from further damage.

Five Tips Help You Live With IgA Nephropathy Healthily

3. Repair the impaired kidney tissues and cells. In IgA Nephropathy, the kidney intrinsic cells and tissues must be damaged thus the proper treatment should take measures to repair them. Chinese medicines can repair the kidney damage through dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, regulating immune system and providing nutrients to kidney.

If you want to know more details about the treatment for IgA Nephropathy, you can leave message in the below form or consult our ONLINE DOCTOR at any time or email us. Take care please!

Should I Take Dialysis with Creatinine 5.8

Should I take Kidney Dialysis with Creatinine level 5.8? Actually, Creatinine 5.8 is much higher than the normal range, thus it is crucial for patients to take prompt and efficient treatment. Patients must pay high attention to it.

How To Drop Creatinine Level 5.7 Without Kidney Transplant

Creatinine 5.8 is the sign of stage 4 CKD or Kidney Failure. In this stage, if left untreated, the kidney condition will progress into ESRD. In this case, you have no choice but to take dialysis or Kidney Transplant. Healthy kidneys are responsible for discharging the toxins and wastes from the body.However, when kidneys are damaged, they fail to remove these extra wastes, like creatinine. The more seriously kidney function decreases, the higher value creatinine is.
To be honest, apart from High Creatinine Level, there are other indicators to determine dialysis: The level of toxins and wastes; GFR; and how serious symptoms or complications are.

Natural and Effective Chinese Medicine Therapy for High Creatinine Level 1000

Thus, patients with creatinine 5.8 should depend on the specific condition of kidney function and symptoms to decide whether to do dialysis.

In clinic, for patients with creatinine level 5.8, if potassium level overtakes 7mmol/L, or BUN level is higher than 54mmol/L, dialysis should be required urgently. If patients with creatinine level 5.8 still have urine with other obvious symptoms, dialysis can be delayed.

Why Creatinine Level Is Still 9.2 Even After Dialysis

Restore of kidney function. For patients with kidney disease, creatinine level in blood increases as kidneys are injured and have difficulty in excreting excess creatinine. Seeing from this point of view, only when kidney function is restored, can creatinine level be lowered radically.

Patients with creatinine 6 must prevent kidney function from decreasing if they want to avoid dialysis. Toxin-Removing Therapy is recommended for you.

It is based on TCM which are from nature so that patients do not worry about its side effects. These Chinese medicines can repair kidney damage and recover kidney function.

All in all, prompt and efficient treatment should be taken to improve kidney function. Only in this way can patients avoid dialysis.

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