
The time to live with FSGS and CKD stage 5

FSGS, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, worse in CKD stage 5, if not treated tiempo.Etapa 5 Kidney disease is more likely to cause serious health problems, some of which may even be life mortal.Cuánto time may FSGS patients live with CKD stage 5?

FSGS in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease

For the treatment of FSGS, patients often use glucocorticoides.Si patients can obtain long-term remission with this medicine, your prognosis is relatively bueno.Sin But if the FSGS relapses and presents nephrotic syndrome, the prognosis of patients can FSGS be bad and worse in chronic renal failure fácilmente.Cuando renal function decreases to 15% or less, we call stage 5 kidney disease.

How long to live with CKD stage 5 and FSGS?

When FSGS develops in the final stage, the kidneys lose most of their ability to filter blood and play your other funciones.Entonces, heart failure, pulmonary edema, high potassium, metabolic acidosis, heart failure, and some other dangerous complications are more likely to shorten the life of patients and life expectancy easily.

If patients have these problems and have no treatment options promptly, they can die quickly. Fortunately, some therapies are able to prolong the life expectancy of patients and improve their quality of life.

Dialysis and kidney transplantation are the most conventional therapies for the treatment of patients with renal failure, because dialysis can help replace the kidneys clean the blood and kidney transplant can give a new life for patients with CKD stage 5.

Now, if patients still have some kidney function, some alternative therapies can be used to sustain life for patients and improve their quality of vida.Luego, patients can live long without complications potentially mortales.Para determine which treatment is best for you, you are required to send your recent medical report or description enfermedad-renal@hotmail.com disease.

How I can restore renal function with lupus nephritis

Kidney is one of the most common organs affected by SLE, lupus nephritis and only refers to the kidneys damaged by lupus.Frente to decreased renal function, patients must want to restore their timely renal function.

First, patients make clear the onset of lupus nephritis.

As introduced by kidney experts, lupus patients often have immune capacity bajo.Como immune capacity declines, can induce inflammatory reactions fácilmente.Cuando inflammatory reactions occur in the kidneys, it will release a lot of factors inflamatorios.Para fight this disorder, the extracellular matrix anormalmente.Por proliferate Finally, lupus nephritis occurs.

Second, maintain renal disease worse.

The trigger for lupus nephritis is quite complicado.Para avoid aggravating the lupus nephritis patients should avoid cold, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, misuse of drugs, exhaustion, heat stroke, and so these factors sucesivamente.Todos can aggravate the health of lupus nephritis patients easily.

Finally, accept the right treatment plan to restore the kidneys of patients.

Steroids and immunosuppressive drugs are often used to treat lupus nephritis by inhibiting drugs can kill inmunológico.Estos system inflammatory factors in the kidneys and prevent further damage to the kidneys, and may relieve proteinuria and hematuria.Sin yet these effects are not stable. If patients get cold or tired, protein and hematuria can be easily repeated. In addition, these drugs are not able to restore the damaged kidneys.

To repair lupus nephritis kidney patients have better suggestion and therapy called inmunoterapia.Esta therapy can eliminate immune complexes regulate the immune system and rebuild the structure of filtering the riñones.Después to finish this therapy, patients can avoid recurrence of lupus nephritis effectiveness.

In order to enhance the therapeutic effect of combined treatment, patients had better add foot bath and hot compress therapy in its plan tratamiento.A can then find your kidney problem is solved faster.


Home remedies to treat cold feet and Kidney Disease

A number of patients with kidney disease are tormented by cold feet, even in climates cálidos.Algunos home remedies are helpful in relieving cold feet for patients with CKD.

Cold feet, hands or legs for kidney patients often attributed to poor circulation sangre.De according to this cause, the following remedies are helpful.

1. Foot bath

This is the direct remedy for kidney patients to make your feet warm, and these patients suggest taking foot bath every day before dormir.A then be found not only his feet, but his whole body hot .The effect will be greater if some herbs that have the property of expanding blood vessels and improving blood circulation are added water baño.Consulte with online doctor to determine which herbs are right for you.


As one of the traditional Chinese medicine therapies, massage not cause any side effect for regular massage can dredge pacientes.El blood vessels to increase blood flow in patients patients foot. Then, cold feet can be alleviated to some extent.

3.The stockings shelter and clothing

Use hot loose and socks, even when you are durmiendo.Esto can effectively help to ease patients cold feet.

4. Food therapy

Take enough nutrition from your diet, so that patients can have enough energy to its dieta.En the same time, patients should also ensure that your food does not load your kidneys or affect your dietary médica.Principios basic condition for patients kidney are low in sodium and low in proteínas.Para obtain an individual diet plan, you can send your description kidneycares@hotmail.com

The above home remedies can help relieve cold feet pacientes.Sin But if they want to overcome this symptom of the root should seek some therapies to repair their damaged kidneys and normalize your blood circulation.

Can Juice of bitter leaf reduce high level creatinine

A lot of people practicing bitter leaf juice to drink for their health and bienestar.Alto creatinine level is due to deposition of extra creatinine, a waste product in sangre.Puede bitter juice helps lower leaf high creatinine level?

Some people claim bitter leaf is good for riñones.Nuestros kidneys play an essential role in cleansing the body through the elimination of chemicals and toxins harmful substances desecho.Cuando attack the body, the kidneys may be dañados.Entonces are not able to remove creatinine and other substances bitter fondo.Hoja has proven effective in detoxifying the body, so it can help reduce the burden on the kidneys and protect the kidneys from further damage.

Bitter leaf is also known for its healing power, and the bitter juice fresh leaf can keep this healing power very bitter leaf bien.Hervir or cooking will reduce potencia.Si patients want to use bitter leaf, had better choose to drink juice fresh bitter leaf for its benefits as much as possible.

From these two aspects, bitter leaf juice can help reduce high creatinine level by increasing the amount of creatinine excretion and resulted in the recovery of renal cell discapacidad.Sin But the benefits of this drink are limited, so it is impossible for patients to decrease the level of creatinine obviously improved.

Also, if the high concentration of creatinine is related to kidney problems and patients also have swelling and high blood pressure should monitor their consumption amount of this jugo.Para know how bitter leaf juice can be drunk without effects side, you can leave the level of creatinine in the form below or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

To decrease the level of creatinine root, patients must also take some kidney repair therapies to improve glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the level of kidney function.


What body systems would be affected if the kidneys Fail

As kidneys close must begin to affect various body systems poco.Entonces little, patients experience a range of symptoms and complicaciones.Bueno, what body systems would be affected when the kidneys shut? Follow me to find the answer.

metabolic System

Metabolic acidosis, fluid and electrolyte imbalance disorder are the most common metabolic disorder, because the kidneys lose their ability to filter the blood and maintain electrolyte balance normalmente.Esto can induce fluid retention, nausea, vomiting, itching skin, fatigue, shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, and so on.

cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for patients with kidney disease crónica.Cuando kidney disease progresses to the final stage, the incidence of cardiovascular disease will increase greatly because of renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, renal anemia etc.

Breathing System 

Most patients whose kidneys shut complain of bad taste in the mouth due to the accumulation of urea in the body.Besides, excess fluid accumulates in the lungs that can cause difficulty breathing, deep breathing, difficult breathing, etc .

gastrointestinal Tract system

Lack of appetite and dyspepsia are the first symptoms of the apparatus digestivo.En severe cases, patients develop anorexia, nausea, vomiting or gastrointestinal bleeding diarrea.El is quite common.

A system blood

Patients with chronic renal failure renal anemia primarily trend sangrado.La present and most patients have mild or moderate anemia due to decreased production of red blood cells, along with iron deficiency, malnutrition and sangrado.Si platelet function becomes abnormal, patients may have gastrointestinal tract bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, bleeding from the nose, etc.

As kidneys shut down, these systems of the body are more likely to be afectados.Si you have kidney failure and suffers from the above problems, you can consult a doctor online to find effective treatments for managing them.

Upper abdominal pain in renal cysts

Enlarged renal cyst usually cause some symptoms and problems, especially when the expansion of renal cysts rompe.Con, patients may experience abdominal pain superior.Por why patients have this problem?

Our kidneys are located in the lower abdomen, and renal cyst can develop in both kidneys and the surface of the riñones.Si renal cyst grows in the upper pole of the kidney, cause upper abdominal pain once is enough large to oppress kidney tissues and other organs near adyacentes.Conforme time passes, the surrounding tissues can compress the renal cyst and cause ruptura.Luego, fluid sac spread to other organs, causing infection and abdominal pain .

Patient's abdominal pain may be dull or sharp, so they want to find effective treatments for pain relief abdominal.En this condition, some doctors may prescribe some pain medicine to relieve pain and renal cyst abdominal infections of patients.

To cope with renal cyst infection, it is suggested that drinking more water or cranberry juice, both of which are large body cleanser and can clear the tract urinario.En severe cases, they need to take antibiotics to fight infections.
As for the large renal cyst, some medications are needed to drain the fluid from the sac, prevent secretion of fluid from the sac, and protect the kidney tissues working inherentes.En this aspect, Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine. Although Chinese medicine usually works relatively slowly, can treat renal cyst and other chronic diseases successfully.

To use Chinese medicine to reduce its renal cyst, you should have enough paciencia.Mientras renal cyst becomes smaller and smaller, upper abdominal pain patients can be managed from the root.

Any unclear on the upper abdominal pain for patients with renal cyst thing, you can order online directly.


Is Gluten Free Food Good for FSGS Kidney Disease Patients

Some people say eating foods without gluten surely only cure kidney disease FSGS, while others think FSGS patients should stay away from foods without gluten.Qué idea is correct?

Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a protein achieved through the elimination of starch from wheat and other gluten free granos.Dieta refers to avoid foods that contain gluten, such as pasta, pizza, beer, oatmeal, cheese, sandwiches, and so on .At the same time, people who follow the gluten-free diet in turn to select potatoes, corn, vegetables, meat, beans, nuts, eggs, seafood, and some other foods.

Should FSGS patients are gluten-free diet?

From the content above, we achieved an overview of foods containing gluten and food without gluten.Para the FSGS patients, it is always recommended to develop a low-sodium and low diet plan proteínas.Si FSGS advances to final stage, must also control the intake of potassium and phosphorus.

In the early stages, it is not necessary for patients with kidney disease FSGS to avoid foods that contain gluten, because their kidneys can still work relatively perfectamente.Sin But when the kidneys are severely damaged and phosphorus level is more higher than normal, they had better stay away from most gluten.Aunque foods containing gluten free foods can reduce the burden on the kidneys, only according to these foods is not able to cure the root FSGS.

Pay attention to:

If you happen to have kidney disease FSGS, you have to consult your dietitian to determine which foods to eat and avoid based on your condition enfermedad.Además a healthy diet plan, you should also take some therapies or treatments that can both manage the complications and repair your kidney filtration system fundamentally.

For immediate help with your kidney problem, you can have a talk over with your doctor online or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

A cure for atrophic left kidney

Atrophic kidney means kidney size has been reduced to less than half the size normal.Si are patients with atrophic left kidney should want to find a cure to save his left kidney.

Conventional treatment for atrophic left kidney

Several conditions can cause atrophic left kidney, which conventional therapy is to prescribe medications to control symptoms of patients, such as swelling, high blood pressure, proteinuria, and so sucesivamente.Aunque these drugs can manage kidney problem of patients, to some extent, the therapeutic effect is not so obvious.

If the left and right of both patients kidneys are atrophic, they may need to start dialysis to cleanse their blood and keep your life básica.Sin But dialysis can not retrieve shrunken kidney.

An innovative therapy for atrophic left kidney

Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine is good for treating chronic diseases and the repair of damaged cells, including the cells of riñón.De according to the patients' renal size, level of kidney function, levels creatinine, the underlying cause of the contraction of the kidney, and some other test report, doctors prescribe the right medicine to rebuild patients kidney structure and repair damaged kidney cells and tissues.

Through CT, physicians can determine the location of renal injury and make effective ingredients of medicine scope of renal injury directamente.Tiene activation property of blood stasis removing, enhancing osmotic and renal anoxia condition, regulating the immune system and anti-inflammation.

Although Chinese herbal medicine can help effectively treat atrophic kidney, usually need much time to play its role and tastes very amargo.En view of this, experts believe kidney Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, an innovation traditional medicine china.Se can overcome the disadvantage of traditional Chinese medicine, as it is an external application of these drugs.

Of course, the detailed treatment plan should depend on condition of disease pacientes.Para determine the personal diet plan for you, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We are glad to help you.

Is Low Phosphoru Diet For Kidney Disease

Calcium and phosphorus, which are minerals, help build strong bones. Healthy kidneys help regulate the level of phosphorus in your blood by removing extra phosphorus. If your kidneys aren't working properly, eventually you'll probably have high phosphorus levels in your blood (hyperphosphatemia). Too much phosphorus decreases the level of calcium in your blood, which can lead to bone disease.

Nearly every food contains some phosphorus. As a general rule, foods high in protein are also high in phosphorus. If you have an earlier stage of kidney disease, you'll likely be advised to limit your intake of phosphorus and protein. A reduced-protein diet helps limit the amount of waste that builds up in your blood.

If you have late stage kidney disease and you're on dialysis, the picture changes a bit. Dialysis removes protein (in the form of waste) from your blood, so your protein needs increase — but you'll still need to choose lower phosphorus foods. A registered dietitian can help you choose protein-rich foods that are lower in phosphorus

Because it's difficult to lower phosphorus in your diet, your doctor may recommend a phosphate binder medication to help control the amount of phosphorus your body absorbs from foods. Your doctor may also recommend calcium and other supplements, depending on your nutritional needs. Ask your pharmacist to check your medications and supplements for phosphorus.


what Foods Are Good For Kidney Failure Patients

Inside people's minds, and perhaps also feel some kidney failure is a big talent disease, not knowing that the relevant data show that many children suffer from renal disease. The experts pointed out that the treatment of renal failure, treatment of children with kidney failure can not do without a good diet, then kidney failure in children ate?

Diet kidney failure in children

First, the child should eat soft food, avoid hard food and fried foods, this is because of toxins in the body retention and blood microcirculation and other reasons, caused by gastrointestinal mucosa often has congestion, erosion status, such as eating hard food, oil fried foods such as sugar, sesame cake, fried donuts, etc., will lead to food in the stomach pierced the blood vessels and cause bleeding.

Second, children's renal failure diet should be light, avoid spicy foods, chronic renal failure, gastrointestinal mucosa in patients with uremia often has congestion, erosion status, such as eating chili, white wine and other spicy foods will aggravate erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, cause bleeding stomach lining of blood vessels.

Third, children's renal eating dogs, sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious, Chinese medicine, dog meat, mutton, beef and other things for the hair, can lead to relapse or worsening really see systemic lupus erythematosus or chronic nephritis caused clinically renal failure patients to eat cow, lamb sicker and eventually after death, remains to be seen whether or not a coincidence, but the child or in patients with renal failure not eating such meat as well.

Treatment of chronic renal failure

Treatment of chronic renal failure: renal failure is a great harm to the human body kidney disease. Chronic renal failure which is improper treatment will develop a severe form of the disease uremia. Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital experts pointed out: Chronic renal failure is due to the long-term kidney disease, along with the time and the disease, leading to kidney failure in the form of a gradual decline in kidney function, the treatment is very complex, but it is not can not cure. Below is an expert on this issue in detail.

Chronic renal disease due to complex reasons, there are many methods for their treatment. Many patients will take a variety of treatments and are used to treat chronic renal failure, and get a certain effect.

First, drug treatment

The purpose of drug therapy is to relieve some of the symptoms of chronic renal failure in reaction appears to reduce or eliminate the suffering of patients, thereby improving the quality of life of patients and prevent further decline in renal function, and prevent other complications. However, although the drug treatment of renal failure have significant effects, but easily repeated, resulting in drug dependence. Disable or reduce the amount of drugs could easily lead to recurrent disease, long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs also cause secondary damage to the kidneys.

Second, control high blood pressure

Due to chronic renal failure patients with symptoms of high blood pressure at the same time, control of hypertension is not only to reduce the burden on the kidneys, but also to proactive to protect other organs of the body, resulting in the prevention of complications.

Third, the anti-infection

Because chronic renal failure patients with renal damage is too large relative will have an impact for the body's internal balance and stable environment. Patients usually need to pay attention to prevent colds, prevention of pathogens, and the choice of the least nephrotoxic drugs.

Fourth, the diet to restore

In addition to the need to actively accept regular hospital treatment, usually in the lifestyle diet also need to pay more attention. Easy too tired, dietary needs with high-quality, low-protein diet, control salt intake, adequate intake of calories. And always stick to their calcium concentration and physical reactions.

These treatments are in the early treatment of chronic renal failure usually taken, if chronic renal failure patients with no symptoms have been alleviated, if not treated, can lead to further development of disease, into uremia. The need for treatment is more complex, such as dialysis and renal transplantation.


Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Do Exercise

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Do Exercise? hypertensive nephropathy occurs in patients with symptoms of high edema, edema highly suitable for bed rest, to prevent the movement worse. But not very severe edema hypertensive nephropathy patients for exercise will help improve the body resistance to help the kidneys early recovery. So what hypertensive nephropathy patients are suitable for activities?

Many patients worry hypertensive nephropathy Games worse, so direct bedridden, it did not go that did not go, not daring to move, this idea is wrong. For the following reasons:

For hypertensive nephropathy patients, although they are in bed rest, but it does not mean that can not move. Only severely ill patients with hypertensive nephropathy for bed rest, bed rest can increase renal blood flow, is conducive to the discharge of urine, relieve symptoms of edema. And bed rest can reduce contact with the outside world and to prevent cross-infection. However, in patients with hypertensive nephropathy bed rest may be appropriate in bed and bed sleeping mat activities to prevent limb vascular thrombosis, to prevent the formation of acne.

For hypertensive kidney disease in patients who have remission, you can gradually increase activity can start walking, tai chi, with the improvement of the disease, can also be jogging. But during the time of exercise time to pay attention to the movement, in order to better the morning and evening. But the sport of swimming in summer often appear, but not suitable for hypertensive patients with kidney disease, the first is to spend a lot of strength to swim, the pool of health can not be guaranteed Moreover, the patient is likely to occur infection, leading to relapse.

These are patients with hypertensive nephropathy sports related presentations. Hypertensive nephropathy to your health has brought great harm, but as long as you choose the right therapy, actively cooperate with medical treatment, there is great hope to achieve clinical cure effect. Active treatment, are responsible for your life, is the fervent hope your family.

What Should Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat In Winter

What Should Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat In Winter : unusually cold winter, the temperature difference is large, kidney patients in the freezing cold should take good cold, frost measures to prevent cold at the same time pay attention to diet which is also very important. Good eating habits contribute to help patients recover as soon as possible, accelerate the efficacy and reduce the burden on the kidneys. So winter health for hypertensive patients with kidney disease is very important. First, we should start from our basic diet.

We all like to eat hot winter, tasty food, and will increase the amount of food in the season, in order to complement the rapid loss of body heat. However, the diet and the need to meet the nutritional requirements of patients with hypertensive nephropathy, reduce the burden on the kidneys.

1. the control of heat supply

the right amount of heat should be decided according to the disease, usually in order to maintain an ideal body weight as the standard. Because these patients often have lipid metabolism, so reducing fat intake not only helps to control the heat, but also to improve metabolism.

2. adequate intake of protein

Protein is an essential nutrient, but if protein intake is too high, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, increased kidney damage; if insufficient intake will affect the body's supply of nutrients. Therefore, patients should decide protein intake according to renal function status.

3. low-salt, high vitamin diet

salt intake should be controlled to avoid salted foods; plus food preservatives should eat. Adequate intake of vitamins, especially B vitamins, beneficial to regulate metabolism, it can take vitamin supplements if necessary.

The above is what to eat in winter hypertensive nephropathy related presentations. Life will be many unhappy things, we have to be strong to face, because the wind and rain to make the world full of moisture, so that this world is full of warm sunshine. Life, often encounter various difficulties, but not immediately beyond this time, an effective way is to bite the bullet and stick with it. Hypertensive nephropathy to your health has brought great harm, but as long as you maintain a good attitude, choosing the right therapy, actively cooperate with medical treatment, there is great hope to achieve clinical cure effect.


Joint pain in renal failure: causes and treatment

Some patients with renal failure suffer from joint pain affecting normal activities of patients lot, and severe penalties urges patients to determine the cause and treatment.

The cause of joint pain in kidney failure:

1.La gout can lead to kidney damage due to the level of high blood uric acid can also lead to arthritis, one symptom is joint pain.

2. With the decreased renal function, excess uric acid can not be excreted outside the body effectively. Excess accumulation of uric acid can lead to arthritis and joint pain.

The treatment for joint pain in kidney failure:

However, joint pain is mainly related to the level of high blood uric acid, so patients need to reverse your kidney function to metabolize the waste in sangre.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for patients with reverse kidney failure kidney function.

The active principles of the medicine can spend blood circulation, promoting blood circulation and removing blood clots, with increased blood perfusion and accelerated the speed of blood, metabolism will be promoted, so that the level of acid uric also be bajar.Además, the active ingredients of drugs can also absorb and crash debris, including uric acid in the blood and broken issues can also be metabolized circulation sangre.Los symptoms may be referred to the level lowering uric acid.

And with the soft and pure blood flows in the kidney, renal hypoxic-ischemic state and immune response in ultra kidneys may also be blocked, also nutrition in medicine can repair damaged kidney cells to restore kidney function so that with improved renal function, uric acid level can be lowered from the root.

Now, if you want more information about our treatment for kidney failure or request more causes matter of joint pain, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.

Life expectancy of patients with PKD

PKD is a type of kidney disease gene refers to the many fillers large and small pockets of fluid extending in riñones.Con cyst enlargement, normal tissue will be taken by the cysts and renal function may also be influenced, accompanied by symptoms such as insufficient high blood pressure, blood urine, back pain, kidney and so sucesivamente.Aunque growth of cysts not do anything with increasing age, elderly patients suffer kidney damage grave, then what is the life expectancy of patients with PKD.

Life expectancy is the question of all types of patients with renal disease curious acerca.Lo we mean patients can do something to prolong their life expectancy rather than waiting negativamente.la decreased renal function and symptoms are caused mainly by the growth of cysts, so that patients can try everything possible to reduce the size of the cysts can inhibit cyst enlargement.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for patients with active PKD.Los medicine can promote blood circulation in cyst walls to increase the permeability of cyst walls, promoting fluids flowing back and cysts metabolized circulation sangre.Además, the active drug may also inactivate the epithelial cells in cysts walls to inhibit cyst fluid secretion, blocking the way quistes.Con growth especially in the work of medicine the cysts can be reduced and controlled effectively.

Compared with treatment with surgery, regardless of the number of cysts in the kidneys, what sizes are and where they are, the medicine may take unlimited.
Save medicine treatment, patients with PKD also need to pay more attention to their lifestyle, especially diet diaria.Una light diet, patients suggested, stimulated by avoiding foods, spicy foods, barbecue, food pickles , leftovers and so on and do not drink and honeycomb.

In general, patients with PKD should maintain a positive attitude to fight their disease. Through treatment and effective prevention, patients with PKD can also lead a normal life as común.Ahora people, if you want more information about our treatment or ask for suggestions, you can contact our doctors online, we leave message or send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.


There is a medication that helps PKD patient to avoid dialysis

Polycystic kidney disease is characterized by a large number of cysts in the kidneys riñones.Cuando severely damaged, patients may be suggested to start diálisis.Sin But is there any medicine that can help avoid dialysis for patients with PKD?

The answer is complicated, since it must depend on the condition of disease patients.

If the kidneys of patients were completely damaged and no longer urinate for over half a year, dialysis and kidney transplantation are the only treatment options for patients with PKD.

From this point, we know kidney transplant is the only alternative to dialysis therapy for patients with ESRD poliquístico.Para get this surgery, patients need to find paired donor kidney and prepare enough money.For details on kidney transplants for patients with PKD, you can consult a doctor online or email directly email to: kidneycares@hotmail.com.

If these patients still have some renal function and diuresis, still have a chance to avoid dialysis and kidney transplantation successfully.

Since enlarged renal cyst is the leading cause of kidney damage in polycystic kidney patients, effective treatment must be able to reduce all renal cysts, preserve remaining kidney function and kidney cells repair daños.Mientras kidneys can make your work themselves, they can live with this disease safely and do not need to start dialysis.

In recent years, Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy shows great superiority drain fluid from the sac lining cystic inactivating epithelial cells secrete liquid outlet, and caused recovery of renal cell dañadas.Por Therefore, this is a good treatment option for patients with PKD.

The detailed treatment plan should depend on condition of patients disease. For tips on personal treatment, welcome to contact experts here from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Kidney.

Treating polycystic kidney disease with Chinese herbal medicine

Polycystic kidney disease is hereditary disease which means that there are many large fluid filled pockets and small spread in riñones.Con increasing age, the cysts become larger and more grandes.Hasta some extent, patients will suffer some symptoms such as high blood pressure, urine, blood, backaches, etc., and when taken seriously normal tissues of the kidney, renal insufficient patients suffer.

For patients polycystic kidney disease, controlling and reducing cysts cysts play an important role in the remission of their pain and prolong hope vida.Las Chinese herbs is the best choice for PKD.

Chinese herbs are known for their duties to promote blood circulation to remove blood clots and cleaning toxins in the cuerpo.Y the dose and type of herbs are given to patients in accordance with the conditions patient specific physical and adjusted at any time in accordance with changing your enfermedad.Para prevent losing effect medicine and pain patients suffer, we crashed medicine compound penetrating powers and then applied in the area of kidneys, so that the active drug can be permeated into the body, working in the cysts in the kidneys.

The active ingredients of drugs has functions of promoting blood circulation in cyst walls, so that the permeability of the walls of the cysts can be promoted cyst fluid flow to the blood and metabolized in the blood circulation. in addition, the drug may also inactivate the epithelial cells in cysts walls, so that fluids can be secreted más.Cuando cysts cysts shrugged and controlled, symptoms may be submitted and kidney functions can be reversed.

However, Chinese herbs are natural medicine that bring no side effect, moreover, therapies can cause no pain and hurt for pacientes.Con a comfortable feeling, the PKD patients can also get the effect of ideales.Creemos treatment that patients can lead a normal life with our ayuda.Y now if you are interested in our Chinese herbs for polycystic kidney disease, please contact with our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.


Headache in FSGS: Cause and Treatment

Headache is a common symptom of FSGS, suffer severe penalties symptom urge patients to determine the cause and treatment.

The cause of headaches in FSGS:

1.FSGS can lead to hypoxic-ischemic kidney that can stimulate renin secretion, constricting blood vessels and leads to high blood pressure which can cause disorder of blood circulation, at this time, patients experience headaches .

2. With the decline of renal function, metabolic waste can not be excreted out of the timely and effective body and remained in the blood, which leads to damage to the nervioso.Además system FSGS patients need to take some medicines to control their symptoms and complicaciones.Entre these medications, some may stimulate the nerve system. With nervous system disorders, patients suffer headaches.

Treatment for headaches in FSGS:

FSGS patients who want to get rid of headaches need to invest your kidney function, blood pressure adjustment and cleaning of toxins in sangre.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for patients with FSGS to stop kidney damage and improve kidney function.

The active principles of medicine has the function of spending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood clots, with increased blood perfusion, renal hypoxic-ischemic state can be forwarded, blood pressure can be GFR adjusted and can also be mejorado.Además, the active drug can also absorb toxins in the blood, and then crashing inactivate them and eventually inflated with phagocyte rotos.Cuando waste matters are cleaned, the load metabolism metabolism the kidneys can be relieved and ultra immune responses can also be bloqueada.Por Moreover, nutrition in medicine can also repair the damaged kidney cells, reversing their kidney functions.

When hypoxic-ischemic and ultra immune responses are resolved, kidney damage can be stopped and some symptoms may also be referred to the vez.Con renal function improved, the FSGS patients can cure your headache from the root. And now, if you are interested in our treatment or want to know more about the causes of renal symptoms, please contact our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.


Chinese medicine Massage for diabetes

Currently the most used medicine for lowering blood sugar is Western medicines including sulfonylureas, biguanides, α-glucosidase inhibitors, insulin-like categories. Western medicine treatment of diabetes, have a certain effect in the short term, but the need for life to take, but easy to rebound after taking medicine blood sugar fluctuations, side effects, and so on. Hypoglycemic taking medicine can only temporarily control, taking a large number of long-term damage to the liver and kidney function great. The Chinese medicine emphasizes continuous improvement, not only to improve the symptoms of an ideal, and almost no side effects, easy to rebound. Although aspects of Chinese medicine hypoglycemic are many ways, but in terms of safety and efficacy, the most respected method in addition to medicine medication, diet, massage, the other is not advocated.In this article, you will learn how massage helps lower glycouse.

Massage areas:

(1) Push Ren: Massage: close to the abdomen, from the bottom to the very point of the sternum (located below the navel at a Hengzhang) by pushing rub two minutes or so.

(2) rubbing air sea cave: Massage: with the thumb rubbing sea air hole (located two fingers below the navel point), about 1 minute.

(3) Push the abdomen: abdominal massage can promote blood circulation and abdominal peristalsis, accelerate the digestion and absorption, thus improving nutrition pancreas, pancreatic insufficient blood supply so be corrected, which will help restore insulin function. Hands flat on the abdomen, according to the circular massage clockwise, every 5 to 10 minutes, the frequency of 60 to 90 times per minute.

(4) Rubbing the inside of the ankle: Massage: Rubbing thumb conducted at the ankle and Achilles tendon, about 4 minutes per side.

(5) days of rubbing hub point: Massage: with the thumb rubbing bilateral Tianshu Point (located on both sides of two fingers at the navel), each about 1 minute.

(6) double tapping just the right thigh and buttocks. Fist with both hands, gently tap the buttocks, then sit back and just the right thigh muscle pairs, the first pinch thigh muscle, then the outside, and finally the inside. With soreness thermal appropriate, a total of four minutes.

Description: Massage hypoglycemic, in line with traditional Chinese medicine regimen, and no side effects. However, when used too long, operate more trouble, but also more difficult to master technique and intensity.

Four Wines Are Suitable For PKD Patients In Winter

Moderate drinking in winter is beneficial for health, so what to drink in winter? Here  we will recommend you four wines for you to drink in winter.

1. rice wine: warm beauty
Wine contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including eight kinds of body's own synthesis but is essential, such as dextrin, maltose, glucose, lipids, glycerol, higher alcohols, organic acids and vitamins, these nutrients easily digested. These ingredients through storage, and eventually become high nutritional value of low-alcohol drinks.

Winter warm drink wine, can be blood relieving, through the meridians, effective against cold stimulation, prevent colds, regular consumption of a variety helps blood circulation, promote metabolism, and blood and beauty. General temperature below 10 ℃, the temperature of the wine on the most appropriate to drink. The wine into the boiling water bath heated to 40-45 ℃, this time not only nourishes wine Nuanwei blood, faster dissemination of wine, people are very comfortable, add ginger or plum match all the way.

2. Beer: ease lit

Beer is not the exclusive summer alcoholic drinks, beer is rich in nutrients carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, inorganic salts and trace elements, etc., known as "liquid bread", moderate drinking, cooling and hot weather, increase appetite, promote digestion and elimination of fatigue have a certain effect. Moderate drinking beer will help prevent colds. The study found that drinking four glasses of wine a day less than those who do not drink cold. This is because alcohol can exert anti-inflammatory effects, curb virus propagation, thus inhibiting the nasal mucus production. People like to eat hot pot in winter, if the soup into the amount of beer, make the soup slightly mellow, more delicious. At the same time, due to a large amount of vitamin-rich beer, eat hot pot can alleviate lit caused.

3, low spirits: Shujinhuoxue

Quality liquor irritation, but not strong alcohol. Adequate drinking can Shujinhuoxue make the same play with the effect of physical activity. And can increase high density lipoprotein in the blood, reducing LDL. Bile, reducing castor sterol content, helps to prevent gallstones. But also to eliminate the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the arterial wall, play a protective cardiovascular effect. Liquor to be the most appropriate number of degrees the temperature to drink it? The answer is 30 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ is better, if the temperature is too high spirits, wine, aromatic esters will be exposed to heat in the volatile aroma fades, affect the taste. As warm wine the way, in fact, very simple, common with water hot - pour warm jug wine, then add hot water heating; roasted - Heat the wine into the containers, placed on the fire to heat up; the red hot - the hot beverage into wine or liquor injected into the hot beverage warming in several ways.

It is noteworthy that, in order to prevent poisoning, hot wine with Xihu not long, because the high temperatures encountered Xihu will break lead, serious harm to human health. Due to increased alcohol content, the body consumes enzymes and vitamins will increase, thereby adversely health. Therefore, in order to reduce or eliminate threats to men's health liquor, so to replenish fresh vegetables, fish, lean meat, beans, eggs and other nutrients inside drinking.

4. Wine: enhance immunity

Wine contains nutrients essential for the body of amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., it may not be pre-digested, absorbed by the body directly. Especially the infirm, often drinking the right amount of wine that can improve immunity. Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol. After resveratrol antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-apoptosis, angiogenesis and endothelial function adjustment and various signaling pathways, to diabetes, coronary heart disease and other related diseases have a significant protective effect. Thus, the appropriate amount of drinking red wine, the prevention of cardiovascular disease, longevity, etc., is good.

Experts suggest that the amount of drinking wine for: Men up to 300-400ml per person per day for women up to 200-300ml per person per day. The best time to drink is 19:00 to 9:30, this time in human liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity increased, alcohol is more likely to be metabolized. Before drinking, you can add vitamin c, vitamin b, eat sweets and milk protein food or drink, to protect the gastric mucosa, to ease the harm of alcohol on the human body.

But bloggers believe that no matter what wine to drink are not excessive, if out socializing, drinking too much, go out again by the cold, diarrhea, not only can not warm up, but Shang Wei, so winter drinking, remember small wine cheer.


How To Relieve Sleeplessness In Kidney Failure

People with kidney failure can experience sleeplessness. This will affect patients’ life quality and work. Well, how to relieve sleeplessness in kidney failure?

The impaired kidneys can not eliminate excess water, toxins, fat, metabolites and wastes in blood. Thus it will lead to many serious problems, like sleeplessness, headache, renal pain, edema, and so on. The accumulation of these will damage patient’s renal filtering system, causing many serious problems, including sleeplessness.

In most cases, sleeplessness is mostly caused by itching. So how to control or relieve itching is a key problem.Medicated Bath is a better choice for all of Kidney Failure patients. Proper Chinese Medicine and different doses will be used opportunely based on patient’s detailed disease condition. Medicated Bath can activate microcirculation and improve the secretory system of skin. So if you are facing this problem, a timely and effective treatment is necessary for every Kidney Failure patients.

Besides, based on the detailed disease condition, different treating measures, Chinese Medicines and doses will be applied to control and relieve the corresponding symptoms. we can really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys. Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please Email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message on below, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.

Is There Any Other Treatments to Replace Dialysis to Reverse Kidney Failure

We know dialysis is the most common treatment for kidney failure. It can alleviate symptoms quickly but it does not treat the disease from the root. Besides, dialysis will also produce many side effects. So many people want to find some other treatment to replace dialysis to reverse kidney failure. What is the treatment to replace dialysis?

Here the article will help analyze the function of dialysis and offer other feasible treatment options, hoping this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more suitable therapy. Free Online Doctor can help you know more about your disease condition or our treatments directly and quickly.

Commonly, Dialysis treatments replace some of these functions through diffusion (waste removal) and ultrafiltration (fluid removal). In medicine, it is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is used primarily as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure. In this way, dialysis can delay the worsening of renal function and prolong patient’s life. But, it doesn’t mean that dialysis can reserve Kidney Failure.

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Therapy is recommended to replace dialysis to rescue the impaired kidneys.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a unique treatment that is mainly used to remedy the renal damages. It is characterized by external application of Chinese medicine and has less side affects to solve the renal problems. Compared with dialysis, it aims at protecting the remaining health and improving the renal function as far as possible.

If you are tormented by kidney failure, you can describe your condition to our online doctor or leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.


Be an Intelligent Diabetic Nephropathy Patient and Protect Yourself

Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the most important complications of Diabetes. Besides, it is also the leading cause of uremia. In this case, Dialysis and Kidney Transplant are necessary for patients to delay the progression of renal lesions. However, these treatments cause a huge economic burden for the whole family and also lead to the serious pain for patients.

Actually, for Diabetic Nephropathy patients, to take timely and effective treatments is likely to avoid uremia. Here the article aims at offering several ideas, hoping can help you become an intelligent patient to avoid uremia.

1. Make a definite diagnosis.

Be calm to find a diabetes or Kidney disease experts to make a definite diagnosis about yout disease. This is mainly due to the complexity of diabetes that may cause other kinds of kidney diseases, which may lead to misdiagnose.

2. Take regular inspections of UAER (Urinary Albumin Excretion Rate) and GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)is necessary for definite Diabetic Nephropathy patient. Both of two inspections play the important role in making or adjusting the treating plan.

3. A reasonable life style.

Keeping a health diet plan, exercise, stopping drinking and smoking, as well as maintaining the ideal weight are beneficial to relieve the progression of Diabetic Nephropathy and protect the renal function. Detailed diet plan please contact ONLINE DOCTOR to useful information quickly and directly for free.
4. Make blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid in control.

5. Choose proper Chinese Medicines to remedy the renal damages follow the doctor's advice.

6. Stop using the medicine with renal damages. Please be positive to cooperate with your doctor and tell him about your Diabetic Nephropathy beforehand when you are infected other diseases.

7. Take more communication with your doctor to get more useful advices.

Please Email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message on below, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.

Can I Stay at Stage 3B Kidney Disease for A Long Time

Question: My kidney function is 35%, and my doctor tells me that my kidney disease has progressed from stage 3A to stage 3B. If aggravates continuously, my kidney disease will develop to end stage. Can I stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time?

Answer: According to GFR or kidney function level, chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages. Among them, stage 3 kidney disease is also divided into stage 3A and stage 3B. In stage 3A kidney disease, kidneys are functioning at 45%~59%, while kidneys in stage 3B are functioning at 30%~44%. From this point, stage 3B kidney disease is more serious than stage 3A.

If left alone, you may need to consider dialysis or kidney transplant in the near future. Of course, it doesn’t mean stage 3B kidney disease will progress to stage 4 or stage 5 immediately, and it is still possible for you to stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time. The key is to receive effective and correct medical treatment and develop a healthy diet plan and lifestyle.

To reverse stage 3B kidney disease,we would like to recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy. With osmotic devices, prescribed medicines are shattered fully, put into devices and placed in patients’ Shenshu acupoint. Then, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesion directly that can help repair damaged kidney cells and reverse kidney damage. With stable kidney function level, you can stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time.

If you still have some questions about the above content, you can leave us a message in the below form or contact us by kidneycares@hotmail.com.


PKD Causes Renal Pain and Ammonia Odor in Mouth

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) will cause various symptoms like hematuria, high blood pressure, infection and frequent urination at night, renal pain and ammonia odor in month. Well, how does PKD cause renal pain and ammonia odor in month?

PKD is a cystic genetic disorder of the kidneys. It is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts (hence, "polycystic") typically in both kidneys; however 17% of cases initially present with observable disease in one kidney, with most cases progressing to bilateral disease in adulthood. The cysts are numerous and are fluid-filled, resulting in massive enlargement of the kidneys.
Here the article can help you learn more about the unique treatments, hoping this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more suitable therapy.

Polycystic Kidney Disease is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases, affecting an estimated 12.5 million people worldwide. The cysts are numerous and are fluid-filled, resulting in massive enlargement of the kidneys. In this case, renal pain, fatigue and ammonia odor in mouth are common during PKD.

To prevent the renal lesions and prolong patient’s life, choosing a typical and innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Therapy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a treatment to rescue the renal damages and improve renal function. The key is that it can improve the renal function and promote the renal repair.

We can really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys. Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please Email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message on below, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.

Why Will Creatinine Increase Suddenly

ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) is the end stage of CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) in which many serious symptoms and complications will appear, effecting and damaging patient’s remaining health. For most of CKD patients, creatinine level is an important indicator that can check patient’s renal function. Well, why will creatinine increase suddenly?

It is commonly not an optimistic level when patients feel uncomfortable or are diagnosed with renal injury. Owing to the chronicity and complexity of CKD, there are no obvious symptoms and complications that can remind patients of their renal damage timely, which encourages the exacerbation of renal function.

Creatinine can really be used to check the renal function in clinic. However, it is not a sensitive indicator. It is closely related to patient’s GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate). When patient’s GFR drops into normal 1/3, patient’s disease condition is not optimistic. In its early stage, there are no obvious symptoms and complications that can remind patients of their renal damage. Once patients are diagnosed with high creatinine or feel uncomfortable or go to see a doctor, their disease condition is not well.

So many CKD patients are diagnosed with an acute high creatinine when they are not feeling well. It is necessary for them to take timely and effective treatments to prevent the renal injury and reduce creatinine level.

If you have any doubt or any question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Good Foods for Elevated Creatinine

Elevated creatinine level is one big concern for most kidney patients, if high creatinine level is due to kidney disease. To lower it, some medications or treatments are needed. Besides, some healthy and good foods are also helpful to reduce elevated creatinine levels.

What kinds of foods are helpful for elevated creatinine level?

Since creatinine has a close link with kidney function, the useful foods should be able to protect kidney functioning cells and increase urine output. Then, kidneys can eliminate more creatinine from the blood, thus lowering creatinine level. After knowing the theory, we will introduce several specific foods that can help reduce elevated creatinine level.

Good foods for elevated creatinine

According to the above requirements, the following foods are helpful. However, not all people can consume them without limitation. If you want to know whether you can reduce your creatinine level via the following foods, you had better tell us more about your illness condition. Leave a message in kidneycares@hotmail.com that is able to contact us directly.

1. Cucumber: It is one common vegetable in our daily life, and it has a diuretic property that can stimulate kidneys to produce more urine and take away more creatinine from the blood.

2. Lemon: Because it contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a potential effect of protecting kidneys.

3. Berry: Various berries such as blackberry and cranberry have the same effect of lemon, so it is good to reduce creatinine level.

Many other foods also have the above effects. Try to add them into your diet correctly.

Can PKD patients in 25% renal function Eat seafood

Seafood has a large of advantages that can improve our body condition.Various seafood has different effect to our health.But can the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) in 25 renal function eat it?
That the patients with PKD in 25 renal function means the patients condition is precessing into PKD stage 4,and the disease becomes worse and worse.Renal function has been damage seriously,and it can’t keep the balance of internal environment in body.

So when the lots of body protein is eliminated,can PKD patients eat more protein-rich seafood to supplement protein?

The answer is no.

Because of the PKD precess,the patients’renal function is damaged too severe to excrete the BUN as well as creatinine.But the protein in seafood is mainly collagen of which nutritional value is lower.In addition,utilization rate of the human body is low too,so it will produce more BUN,creatinine,which will add burden on kidneys.

According to above,low protein intake is necessary.However,high quality protein intake must be improved,such as the fish,lean meat,etc.

The patients with PKD should be attentive to their diet and do not add the nutrition blindly.The wrong diet will effect the treatment of PKD. Of course,a healthy diet can’t cure the disease,so the efficient and timely therapy is necessary.Like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) therapies are effective to remedy the PKD.


Can medicines cause nephritis

Kidney is the main organ to discharge metabolites of medicines, most medicines we take don’t accumulate in our body, they will be discharged through intestinal tract or kidney into urine, either metabolized or in its primary form. Kidney is the organ that has rich blood volume, the kidney tubules can make the concentration of medicines in urine several times higher than it in blood through its reabsorption function, the procedure can cause nephritisfrom the high concentration of medicines.

How medicines cause nephritis? First, high concentration of medicines can directly damage the kidney tubular epithelial cell, and the damage increase with the medicine concentration and lasting time. Second, medicines or its metabolites induce the body to cause immune reaction and produce complexes, which can deposit in kidney and cause damage to glomerulus, kidney tubules and interstitium, this kind of damage are usually not connected with the dosage. Third, obstructive kidney lesions, sulfonamides can produce sulfanilamide crystal and cause obstruction and damage to kidney tubules, pelvis, calyx, and ureter.

It is not to say that patients can’t take medicines that are toxic to the kidney, so long as the patients and their doctors pay enough attention, they can prevent the medicine from damaging the kidneys. And when we need to take medicines, neither it is proper to abuse it or put it away, it is the best advice to consult a pharmacist more and observe their instructions.

Could I get pregnant if I have IgA nephropathy

The most important thing in my life is being a mom but could these IgA Nephropathy patients get pregnant?

The experts suggest that the patients whose routine urine test results return to normal and about 1 year since they stop taking medicines are permitted to be pregnant. In other words, their protein in the urine or occult blood become negative as well as the number of the red cells is less than 10 under the microscope, in addition to their normal blood pressure and renal function. What’s more, they’d better suspend the use of medicines such as steroid, cyclophosphamide, and some immunosuppressant and so on for approximate one year.

If you happened to have the IgA nephropathy, you desire to have a baby as Catherine and other mother patients, and then you are suggested to make the decision after consult your doctors or our experts online. Without the permission of them, you’d better not conceive.

When you get pregnant, there are many things you should be alert with. In the period of pregnancy, you should take care of yourselves in case of catching a cold or other diseases, and regular tests for the mother and in hospital are also very necessary. As it steps into the 32 weeks of the pregnancy, the mother patients should do urinary routine tests, blood pressure tests at least once per week. If the mother patients’ condition gets worse, they are suggested to stop the pregnancy or get the baby through abdominal delivery.


Why Do Kidneys Leak Protein

Some people may ask why the kidneys leak protein in the urine. Actually, it is the signal for the renal disease. Let us know about what exactly cause the urine protein next and what it affects the health of the people.
The kidneys work as the filter to remove the extra toxins and other waste products out of the body through the glomerular filtration membrane. Under the normal circumstances, the small molecular proteins pass through the membrane, and 98 percent of which would be absorbed by the renal tubules into the body. The rest proteins together with other proteins secreted by renal tubules and urethra epithelial cells would expel out of body along with the urine. So, only micro proteins exist in the urine of the healthy people.
Under the normal circumstances, the 24-hour urine of the healthy adults includes approximately 40mg-80mg of the protein, no more than 150mg at most. As for the teenager, the 24-hour urine should be less than 300mg. Since the amount of the proteins in the urine is very small, in the clinical, the normal urine is usually defined as negative. If the amount of the protein in the urine exceeds 150mg within 24 hours, it indicates that the glomerular filtration system is destroyed.

Due to the loss of considerable protein, insufficient protein is supplied for liver compounding and degrading, which easily results in hyperlipemia that is the cause of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. Besides, as the leaking of the protein into the urine, the amount of the protein in the blood sharply drops, which could cause hypoproteinemia, also called protein malnutrition. In the early time, the patients with this symptom would have puffiness on their faces, and then spreading on the arms and legs. And the fluid may build up in the chest or the abdominal cavity.

What Supplements can you take with chronic kidney disease

A healthy diet and nutrition supplement play important role in treating chronic kidney diseases, it can effectively alleviate the symptoms and slow down the kidney damage. CKD patients need to pay attention to three major nutritions, which refer to protein, carbohydrate and vitamin.
Reducing protein amount in diet can improve the condition of azotemia and relieve the kidney damage from proteinuria, as well it can decrease the serum phosphate and alleviate acidosis. Generally speaking, 30 to 36 g protein supplement per day is ok for CKD patients, but for patients with early stage of CKD, if they have much proteins leakage in urine, they should increase the protein intake appropriately in case of hypoproteinemia. The source of proteins should be mainly fish, lean flesh, milk and chicken.

Sufficient carbohydrate intake can offer the body enough energy and reduce the protein catabolism, the source should be rice, wheat, corn, etc, which contain rich carbohydrate. Beside, potato, taro, lotus root and apple are also rich in carbohydrate, they can be taken beyond dinner. CKD patients are easily to be lack of vitamin because of metabolic disorder and dietary restriction, especially for vitamin C and folic acid, the vitamins are rich in vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, grapefruit, oilseed rape and apple, they should be involved in daily diet.


Can Kidney Disease Patients Drink Cola

1. Kidney Disease
Kidneys are important organs to remove the waste products from the body. Kidney disease includes conditions that damage and decrease the kidneys’ ability to remove toxins and maintain normal fluid balance. In severe kidney disease, wastes can build to dangerously high levels in the blood.
As the kidney disease develops, some symptoms and complications will appear in patients, such as high blood pressure, back pain, swellings, fatigue, anemia, weak bones, malnutrition, nerve damage, and cardiovascular disease.
If uncontrolled, kidney disease will develop into End Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD) finally.
2. Cola
Many studies have been done before connecting colas to diabetes and obesity (because of high sugars present in the drinks) and now the researchers claim that colas pose a high risk to the kidney’s health. Thereby, patients with kidney disease are not suggested to drink cola. Then what drinks are good to people with kidney disease? Talk with our medical professional to get the answer.
Coca-Cola got its name from two specific ingredients, the caffeine-containing cola nut and the coca leaf that it is enhanced with. And cola ingredients include: carbonated water, sugar, phosphoric acid, caramel color, natural flavors, caffeine.

Much intake of cola increased risk for experiencing kidney disease. While the exact mechanism by which cola affects kidney disease is unknown, the researchers supported the theory that phosphorus may pull calcium from your bones, which could contribute to the development of calcium kidney stones.

TCM Therapies Help Relieve Renal Pain in IgA Nephropathy

As a form of glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis throughout the world. There is a slow progression to chronic kidney failure in 25-30% of cases during a period of 20 years in IgA nephropathy. Renal pain is a common symptom in all kinds of kidney diseases, effecting and damaging patient’s normal life.
In most cases, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Treatments belong to conservative therapy, aiming at protect patient’s remaining health and cure the lesions. So it has zero side affects to remedy the renal damages and improve health and cure the disease. As a kind innovative TCM Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is mainly characterized by external application of Chinese Medicine with zero side affects to remedy the renal damages.

Compared with dialysis, it aims at protecting the remaining health and improving renal function as far as possible. Controlling and reducing the lesions and inflammatory response can relieve the pain on renal area. The most important is that it cleans the renal internal environment and offers a better chance to promote the renal repair.

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