
See the urine color know all diseases

Normal urine is pale yellow, too light or almost colorless, in addition to drinking too much outside is seen in diabetes insipidus, diabetes; fever, drinking less or a lot of vomiting, diarrhea caused by the body dehydration is yellow urine. Yellow urine can also be due to serving riboflavin, A caused by equal drugs. And serving carrots, carrots and yellow dyes with the drinks, the food is yellow urine is not surprising. Urine was brown, yellow-green to brown-green in addition to the acid may be in the rhubarb, senna, the United States and the United States caused by Li Pi, the more liver cells, obstructive or hemolytic jaundice caused by urine Bilirubin, urinary bile caused by increased.

What Makes Muscle Twitch in Kidney Disease

Brown or brownish black

Brown or brown-black urine can be seen in acidic urinary tract bleeding, in addition, phenol poisoning and levodopa, nitric acid, to Su, formic acid, etc. can also make urine brown.


A reference to the red urine immediately thought of hematuria, in fact, can also be seen in myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria and hematoporphyrin disease and other secondary urinary porphyrin increased disease, in addition, catharsis diarrhea, Phenolphthalein, anti-tuberculosis rifampicin, antipyretic aminopyrine, deworming mountain years can also cause urine redness. It is more common for food beets and reddish pigments to become red.

Dark green or blue

Methylene blue, indigo card red, wood slip oil can make the urine was dark green or blue, and in some cases of the disease, due to urine blue mother, indigo generated too much, the urine also blue, Such as in the small intestine obstruction, enteroadenitis, peritonitis bowel movements, or chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, gastric acid sub-Qin reduced, intestinal protein decomposition increased decomposition. Occasionally also see congenital blue urine, such as: seen in congenital renal neutral amino acid urine, blue diaper syndrome.

How to Prevent Fractures in Chronic Kidney Disease


Milky white urine is most common in filariasis or other causes of milk erosion; if white urine and oil is fat, more common in nephrotic syndrome, fractures, diabetes, carbon monoxide poisoning. If the urine of phosphate, uric acid too much occurs a lot of salt. Urine color also showed milky white.

Can Proteinuria Be Cured Permanently

The ancients said, "the god of sight." Although you can not see urine all the disease know, but you can know one, two, you may wish to try.

Always yawn, that they are spring storm? Do not! This may be the warning of kidney Insufficiency!

Morning always sleep, do not want to move?
Yawn daytime, uninterrupted
Sleep at night early, or sleep?

Is not thought that they are spring sleep it? In fact, it may also be the body to warn you:

Kidney Insufficiency 

Kidney in daily life is very common, there are many people in their troubled.

So, what symptoms indicate their kidneys "virtual" it?

1, no sense of the total yawn is also a total

Yawn days show that their neurasthenia fatigue, generally kidney yang deficiency.

This type of people are often accompanied by dull, chills, cold, eat less abdominal distension, urine and other symptoms, but also accompanied by white tongue, lip and purple and other appearance form.

How To Make Your Kidneys Stronger

2, for no reason feel the mouth salty

Kidney Yin people easily mouthless hair salty.

In general, this group of people are often accompanied by pharyngeal dry mouth, night sweats, irritability and other symptoms. The tongue will be bright red, thin tongue coating.

What Are White Radish Health Benefits For Kidneys

3, too much fear of known things

Kidney deficiency will lead to blood instability, there is "fear" situation. The general performance of the known things for fear of no reason, such as fear of public speech, too worried about some bad consequences.

Good fear can cause forgetfulness, thoughts of confusion, mind blank and so on.
As the saying goes, "ten kidney nine virtual". Although the kidney is a very common phenomenon, but long-term letting the kidney to bring the adverse effects, will bring a lot of inconvenience to life, may also cause physical weakness, easy disease.

Top 4 Bad Habits Damage Your Kidneys

Reduce the impact of kidney, need to do the following four things:

Face up to their own, active nurturing

Kidney is a normal phenomenon, do not pay too much attention to it, to add their own psychological burden.

Face up to their own "shortcomings", active nurturing, is the nursed back to the kidney.

Diet is reasonable, with evidence

Kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang of the dietary adjustment is the difference.

Yin people should be more choice of cool food, such as most fruits and melon, radish and other vegetables to ease the body of dry fire; Yang is more suitable for warm food, such as beef, leeks, nuts and so on.

Get rid of abuse and improve life

Addicted to alcohol and alcohol, stay up all night, eating unhealthy, too tired, frequent rooms are important reasons to increase kidney deficiency.

To keep the kidneys, you need to slowly reduce to abstain from these bad habits, to develop good habits.

Regular nursed back to health

Bushen kidney is not mad to eat Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can be achieved, need through life, diet, medication, exercise and other common with.

Chinese medicine is also a good way to adjust, but in the regular hospital under the guidance of Chinese medicine experts, do not mix with Chinese herbal medicine, more avoid using raw herbs without processing.


How Does Toxin-Removing Therapy Control Pitting Edema Effectively

Frankly speaking, Edema is a common symptom of Kidney Disease. If you press the swollen area for a few seconds, a small pit appears, which is called pitting edema. But it can be controlled well with Toxin-Removing Therapy.

According to the above causes, patients should take the following methods to manage these symptoms.

The New Treatment for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

- Limit the sodium intake and get away from salty foods

- Pay attention to hidden liquid foods such as soup, ice and watermelon
- Make your blood sugar in good control, if your kidney disease is caused by diabetes, because elevated blood glucose can worsen patients’ thirst

Can Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 Patient Take Tumeric

- Take some medications such as diuretics and ACEi to treat pitting edema timely as doctors’ guidance

- Drink cold beverage or water

-Toxin-Removing Treatment

This therapy is to make full use of a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Enema Therapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc to improve your blood circulation. In this way, they can help you increase urine output and sweat a lot. Your body will discharge the extra fluids effectively. Swelling symptom can be relieved a little.

Can GFR 39 Stage of Kidney Disease Be Improved

Besides, this treatment can also discharge toxins and wastes to prevent the kidney from further damage and improve kidney function With the improved kidney function, extra fluid can be discharged from the body naturally and edema can be relieved well.

After about half a month of treatment, pitting edema can disappear naturally and the weight will also reduce. This is only the short-term therapeutic effects. With continuous treatment, your illness condition will have more improvement.

Maybe you must want to know is the Toxin-Removing Therapy same for all Kidney Disease patients? No, the personalized treatment plan will be made according to the specific illness condition.

If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment or treat pitting edema effectively, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free. We are always here to help you. Have a nice day!

Is Toxin-Removing Therapy Available in Malaysia

“How can I get Toxin-Removing Therapy in Malaysia? I am a Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease patient and want to treat it from the root. Please help…”

As a matter of fact, so far, there is no effective method to treat Kidney Disease with western medicines. They only can relieve some symptoms or complications in short time, which more and more kidney disease patients recognize and seek for alternative treatments.

Other Remedies To Cleanse The Kidney Aside from Dialysis

How to Treat Kidney Disease in Our Hospital?

The treatment of our hospital is called Toxins-Removing Treatment, also called Cleansing Toxin of Blood Treatment.

The biggest character of this therapy is that through the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine, removing the toxins and excess wastes out of the body effectively through excrement, urine and skin so as to provide good environment and favorable condition for kidney cells self-healing and the application of other medicine treatments.

Can GFR 39 Stage of Kidney Disease Be Improved

The reason we found out the toxin-removing therapy is that dozens of Chinese Medicine experts of our hospital take comprehensive research and testing based on years of clinical experience and theory and have repeated consideration to Traditional Chinese Medicine formula and medical practice. Through years of repeated improvement for many years by expert team, this therapy truly achieves a full maturity of technology by the end of 2014.

The New Treatment for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

The core of treatment is still based on the concept of dispersing blood stasis and combines the kidney to eliminate kidney inflammation effectively.

Toxin-Removing Therapy has specific effects for kidney disease treatment, especially for stubborn swelling and intractable proteinuria. This therapy can not only eliminate stubborn swelling but also make protein in urine become negative. The applications of Toxin-Removing Therapy let thousands of patients with kidney disease obtain rebirth and attract majority foreign patients come to China for treatment.

Is it wroth to come to China for Toxin-Removing Therapy?

Toxin-Removing Therapy aims at cleansing blood and dealing with the kidney problem from the root. Compared with western medicines, it is more safe and natural. Most importantly, it can help patients in early stage recover the condition to the normal. As for patients in End Stage Renal Disease, they still can have chance of living a better life without Kidney Dialysis. Therefore, I think it is worth for Kidney Disease patients to come to China for Chinese treatments.


How to Manage Proteinuria In Kidney Disease

After the summary found that different patients with chronic kidney disease, the outcome of a huge difference. The difference between the patients is regular.
Some patients diagnosed, until the end of life did not occur kidney failure; some confirmed, a few months time on the rapid progress of uremia.

Even uremic patients, the outcome of the disease is not the same, some uremic patients through transplantation or dialysis can live for decades, some did not die two years.

With a disease, why different ending? Because those longevity patients, tend to have these five common ground.

Then we come to see, the outcome of better patients, who are they?

Found early, attention to early patients

We divided the chronic kidney disease into 5:

Glomerular filtration rate in 90ml / min (below the omitted units) or more, called chronic kidney disease;

Two is the glomerular filtration rate in 89 ~ 60;

Three glomerular filtration rate is 59 ~ 30;

Four glomerular filtration rate is 29 to 15;

Glomerular filtration is less than 15 for chronic kidney disease.

The sooner the diagnosis, the more left to the doctor left, the relative prognosis of patients is better.

If found, renal function is still in the 1-2 period, is relatively early. 4 only to find, is relatively late, and many people have been found when 5, and 5 also known as end-stage renal failure (uremia).

Type is relatively better
In a variety of nephropathy, acute nephritis, amyloidosis nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, a large number of proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy, has increased creatinine polycystic kidney disease, continuous relief of focal segmental renal small Sclerosis, these types of disease, usually more difficult to stabilize renal function.
In the middle of IgA nephropathy, purpuric nephritis, lupus nephritis, individual differences are relatively large, not only with the discovery sooner or later, but also with the patient's proteinuria, blood pressure and other indicators of the degree of control, if the indicators continued poor control, persistent proteinuria greater than 1g, high blood pressure is more prone to disease progression.

And minor lesions, membranous nephropathy, long-term prognosis is relatively better.

Know how to maintain, know how to meet the doctor's patients
A discovery of the early, the type of disease is also good patients through the continuous "for", can "die" their own; a late discovery, the type of patients who have not so good can be through active treatment, with a good doctor, usually good maintenance, but laugh At last!

Chronic kidney disease is a long way to fight, starting line does not mean everything. We see too many patients clinically starting line, but because of all kinds of ignorance did not laugh at the end.

After the illness of the common sense, it is necessary to slowly learn. Know how to maintain, but also know how to cooperate with the doctor's patients, is the last patient to laugh!

State of mind optimistic, peaceful patients

Mentality of the adjustment throughout the chronic disease has always been. Good mood, is the cure of medicine, mentality optimistic, positive people, the prognosis is better. Although the process is hard, but the results are a lot of good.

Treat chronic diseases, not a good attitude, not a strong heart is not enough. The condition has not how their own, psychological fear and anxiety have been first down their own, and this also talk about what treatment? Holding a very fear of the psychological is very easy to illness to vote for medical treatment, to take medicine.

The most important point: regular follow-up of patients

Some patients always kidney disease such as chronic diseases, when the acute illness to see, a large number of edema when the protein, the requirements must immediately immediately eliminate; no hurry, the whole year is not to review, it is absolutely not work!

Some people are anxious to wait for the Rockets to see experts, but no matter how much to see the top experts, can not hold the "quick fix, the indicators will no longer control the" mentality. To cure kidney disease, it may take several months, it may be a few years time, which should be prepared in advance to prepare.

This treats a disease that requires long-term management. The condition is in an acute state, need 1 month or so time to follow once; stable condition to 3 months or so followed; very stable to 3 to 6 months follow-up once.

As a doctor, should be responsible for the patient's disease, but also according to the condition of regular or irregular follow-up. Through follow-up can understand the patient's condition changes or development, in order to timely targeted prevention and control guidance.


How Do Kidney Patients Drink Water Correctly

Recently, do you have this feeling ...

Drink plenty of water, but that is feeling thirsty?

In our minds are very simple: thirsty to drink water chant! But for patients with kidney disease can not think so

Nutritious Foods for Kidney Patients

How does drinking water become a problem?

Kidney is an important organ of our body detoxification metabolism, most of the water need to be discharged from the urine, once the metabolic function of the kidney problems, then "thirsty water" has become a problem.

Because patients with kidney disease to drink too much water can not be discharged in time, then it will form edema, and even increase the condition, so kidney patients are drinking water to be careful.

So which patients with kidney disease need to control water?

Are Instant Grits Ok for CKD Patients

In fact, not all patients with kidney disease need to control drinking water. For early kidney disease patients, more water is the right way, this can speed up metabolism, to help quickly detoxification of kidney disease.

In fact, for those patients with normal urine output (more than 1000ml urine output per day), the drainage capacity of the kidney is still very strong. To know that the kidneys every day to filter the blood to produce 180L of the original urine, by contrast, we drink that little water every day for the kidneys is simply drizzle

Which patients with kidney disease need to control drinking water?

Those patients with impaired renal drainage function.

Clinically, "oliguria" standard is less than 400ml per day, "anuria" standard is less than 100ml per day, these patients with kidney disease need to control drinking water.

How does kidney disease control water?

In the control of drinking water, there is a saying called "amount into the", add the amount of water, to see how much 24 hours urine output.

It should be noted that the added water here is not just refers to the water, but also fruits, vegetables, porridge and other food in the water. A friend said that when drinking Chinese medicine decoction, but also pay attention to the amount of water, which is right.

How Do Kidney Patients Supplement Protein

Generally speaking, the need to control the drinking water of patients with kidney disease are basically in the dialysis stage, so "the amount of into the", can not only see the discharge of urine, but also need to consider the situation of dialysis dehydration.

If you are still drunk for how much water every day, you can write in the article clearly your condition, our experts will answer for everyone!

Kidney disease is actually "infected"!

Not to say that kidney disease is not an infectious disease!

Why is the same area so much suffering from kidney disease?

Can I With Chronic Kidney Disease Smoke Less

In fact, causing kidney disease "infection" is not the disease, but with the same area of people with similar bad habits.
Top 10 Early Preventions For Kidney Disease

Such as bad eating habits, often eat a lot of meat, soup, fried spicy food, over time will hurt the kidney;

Or a certain area of sleep time generally late, long-term stay up late will cause damage to the kidneys;

There are patients like to smoke and drink, family long-term smoking second-hand smoke, friends often drunk at the wine table, will lead to kidney disease "get together."

So, for themselves and their families, friends, health, kidney disease patients must urge themselves and told their families to get rid of the bad habits of kidney injury.


Will Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Help Kidney Failure on Dialysis

Hi, I have Kidney Failure been on Kidney Dialysis for 3 years with less urine output for 3 years. Will Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help me? Thank you
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which is located in Hebei Province, China. It is the most professional kidney disease hospital in China, it owns many kinds of advanced equipment and experienced doctors. It is famous for Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese medicine has 5000 years history. In addition, Chinese medicine has the advantages of treating disease from the root. So it won’t repeat and recurrence.

To be frankly, when there is less or even no urine output, it means your kidney function has been lost to less than 15% or even 10%, and your kidney has been damaged seriously. In this case, the fundamental treatment should take effective treatment to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function to let you produce some urine.

After years of clinical studies, we found that the key to treat kidney disease is to clean the blood, because there are many toxins and wastes in the blood, its existence not only further damage kidney, but also counteract the effects of medicine. So based on this idea, we have researched many kinds of toxin-removing treatment, it includes foot bath, circle therapy, micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy and so on. All materials are from nature, so they are natural and safe. Especially for micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, it is the combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine. It is used externally, active materials with the function of osmos machine can reach at renal area directly and take effects of dilating the blood vessels, improving blood circulation, and finally cleaning the blood, creating a good internal enviroment for kidney recover. And then it can support more nutrition and oxygen to kidney. In addition, after treatment, most patients feel comfortable.

In this case, your kidney has been damaged severely, so we just can help you live a better life or reduce the dialysis frequency with Osmotherapy through dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, preventing the further inflammation and coagulation, and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidney.

How Can Stage 4 kidney Failure be Treated with Chinese Herbs

At present, a majority of patients may think that dialysis and kidney transplant are the two main treatments to deal with kidney disease problems. To some degree, they can benefit patients, but they also make patients suffer from a wide variety of adverse effects. Therefore, patients are wondering that how stage 4 kidney failure be treated with Chinese medicine.

Is Diarrhea Associated With Late Stage 4 Kidney Disease

Stage 4 kidney failure is a sever illness condition. Through not serious enough to require patients to start dialysis, it brings patients lots of gnawing symptoms.

In China, many renal doctors in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital are striving to develop a great deal of natural treatments to deal with kidney disease problems. The natural treatments include Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath. You may be interested in how these treatments deal with kidney disease problem, please contact Online Doctor to know more details.

What Is The Treatment for Nausea In Stage 4 Kidney Disease

First of all, a treatment is needed to excrete various toxins and wastes products out of body, because there would be a lot of wastes products and toxins depositing in blood. Besides, the deposition of toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affects the efficiency of other treatment options. Additionally, the reason why kidney disease continues to deteriorate may lie in the deposition of toxins and wastes products. Here, Toxins-Removing Treatment is used to excrete various toxins and wastes out of body completely.

In an affected kidney, there are healthy, injured and dead kidney intrinsic cells. For these dead, we can not revive them at all, but for these injured and still alive, they can be repaired with active ingredients in micro-Chinese medicine. Besides, to get successful recovery, a good living environment and nutrition are necessary. Blood flow into kidney and meanwhile bring nutrition to kidney tissues. Micro-Chinese medicine can extend blood vessels and increase blood flow in kidney. In this way, injured kidney tissues can get necessary nutrition and oxygen from blood.

Micro-Chinese medicine is not an independent herb, but a combination of several Chinese herbs. These herbs are selected carefully and used externally in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. While taking this treatment, what stage 4 kidney failure patients need to do is to lie on the bed for about 40 minutes. Compared with some western medicines, Chinese herbs work slowly, so being patient and insisting on this treatment is very necessary.

With these treatments, some obvious symptoms would be relived and then the diseased kidney also could be repaired and then their function is recovered naturally.


Diabetic nephropathy What are the main causes of treatment

Diabetic nephropathy more common in the course of more than 10 years of diabetes, proteinuria is the earliest manifestations of diabetic nephropathy, the pathogenesis is very complex, not yet fully elucidated. Research data show that the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is a multi-factor, mainly in the following areas:


And diabetic nephropathy is not directly related to the occurrence of the original high blood pressure or duration to microalbuminuria when the blood pressure can accelerate the progress of diabetic nephropathy and renal function deterioration, increased urinary albumin discharge.

Is There Any Different Treatment For Diabetic Nephropathy Other Than Pills

Renal hemodynamic abnormalities

In the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy, play a key role, and may even be the starting factor.

High Creatinine Level 582umol/L Is Reduced With Toxin-Removing Treatment

1, in the case of increased pressure, protein filtration increased, can also be deposited in the mesangial area and glomerular basement membrane, promote matrix proliferation, the formation of a vicious cycle, and can cause nodular and diffuse glomerular sclerosis.

No Dialysis for Diabetics With High Creatinine Level 5

2, high blood glucose, glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration state, increased pressure across the capillary wall, mesangial cell expansion, epithelial cell fossa fusion and produce dense droplets, glomerular epithelial cells from the basement membrane On the fall off.

3, glomerular basement membrane type Ⅳ collagen messenger sugar nucleic acid increased, so that the basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial, nodular lesions, the occurrence of glomerular sclerosis.
Diabetic nephropathy and hyperglycemia are closely related to poor blood glucose control can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, good blood glucose control can significantly delay its development. Hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products increased after mesangial cell proliferation, increased extracellular matrix, mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening and so on.

genetic factors

Most patients with diabetes will never develop kidney disease, and some patients with long-term glycemic control can also develop diabetic nephropathy. Glucose Transporter 1 (GLUT1) is the major glucose transporter on glomerular mesangial cells. Recent studies have found that diabetic patients with different interstitial cells GLUT1 menu and regulatory differences may be part of the patients susceptible to kidney damage one of the factors. And the incidence of diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation phenomenon, in some family history of diabetes with diabetes, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than those without family history of hypertension patients. In addition, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy among different races is also different. This shows that the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and genetic factors.

The pros and cons of dialysis

Dialysis can make renal failure patients in a short time, the body's creatinine and protein content down, you can extend the patient's life, dialysis can be accumulated in the blood of excessive toxins and excessive moisture out of the body, and added Alkali to correct acidosis, adjust the electrolyte disorder, replace the renal excretion function. At the same time, dialysis treatment of renal failure, quick, can the shortest possible time for patients from the scope of life risk. But there will be shortcomings of dialysis, the shortcomings of long-term dialysis will form a dialysis dependent, so that patients can not do without dialysis. And dialysis treatment of renal failure increased the difficulty of treatment and costs, post-dialysis complications will increase and serious. So dialysis is a course of treatment of renal failure in a short term to protect the lives of patients with treatment means.

Toxin-Removing Therapy Stops Cramping After Dialysis

Many Chinese Medicines can replace dialysis, they are Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Hot Compress Therapy and Foot Bath Therapy. All of the can replace dialysis to discharge the toxins in blood and relieve those symptoms of kidney failure. Besides that, they also can treat kidney failure without making further damage to the kidneys.

Is A Patient With High Creatinine Level 600 Candidate For Dialysis

Chinese Traditional Treatment now is loved by more and more people, due to its remarkable curative effect. But some people may doubt the effect of it. Because in the past time, the kidney disease can not be reversed. It was, but now this disease can be reversed by improving the kidney function. So for people who are in the early stage, they can get a chance back to normal life with the help of Chinese Treatment. For people who are in the advanced stage, they may can not reverse the disease totally, but they can enjoy a high quality life.

How To Come Out From Dialysis

If you are interested in those alternative therapies or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you


Symptoms of renal failure

Many people are aware of renal failure have anxious, chronic two, acute kidney failure of the rapid development of the body, mostly due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow (such as trauma or patients with burns), the kidneys due to a plateau due to congestion caused by functional damage Or by the poison of injury, resulting in the emergence of acute renal failure. And chronic renal failure is mainly due to prolonged kidney cancer, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney a little lower, resulting in renal failure. Today for patients with friends to explain the symptoms of renal failure three:

1, the beginning of this period of patients often suffer from some known ATN plateau, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins and so on. But has not yet produced significant renal damage. At this stage acute renal failure can be prevented. But with renal tubular epithelial significant damage, GFR suddenly decreased, the clinical manifestations of acute renal failure syndrome became significant, then enter the maintenance period.

Chinese Toxin-Removing Treatment Increases Urine Output In Kidney Patients

2, maintenance period, also known as oliguria. Typical for 7-14 days, but also as short as a few days, as long as 4-6 weeks. The glomerular rate remained low. Many patients can show oliguria (40Oml / d). But some patients can be no urine, urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, the body most of the light, the prognosis is better. However, regardless of whether the reduction of urine output, with the reduction of renal function, clinically can show a series of uremic creatinine high performance.

Which Tests Kidney Patients Need To Take

3, recovery of renal tubular regeneration, recovery, complete recovery of renal tubules. Glomerular filtration rate returned to normal or near normal range. Oliguria patients began to show diuretic, may have polyuria, daily urine output up to 3000-5000ml, or more. Daily life lasts for 1-3 weeks and then returns to normal. Compared with the glomerular filtration rate, the recovery of glomerular epithelial cell function (the recovery of solute and water) is relatively delayed, and it takes several months to recover. Some patients may eventually leave varying degrees of renal structure and functional defects.

Is Creatinine 3.8 So High That Need to Start Dialysis

Symptoms of renal failure for three patients to explain here for the patients here, suggesting that patients with kidney failure and family members, both to a high degree of kidney disease, active treatment, and can not be too impetuous, to be patient to adhere to cure until fully recovered.

Dietary Misconceptions in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

Human body metabolism of waste mainly by the renal oozing, due to chronic renal failure in patients with glomerular filtration rate decreased, will lead to the retention of metabolic waste, while retaining the waste and in turn the effect of the various organs of the body, each other cause and effect , The formation of a vicious cycle, plus room disease. "Export" obstacles, "import" must be subject to the corresponding restrictions. Chronic renal failure patients with a reasonable diet, beneficial to reduce the retention of metabolic wastes, delay the process of slow renal failure and malignant development. However, due to chronic renal failure patients and their families on the unilateral understanding of eating and drinking, they "eat" in the existence of a lot of errors.

Does Fish Oil Help Kidney Failure

1, do not eat salt less drinking water.

Edema is a common manifestation of nephropathy, but also the most susceptible to changes in patients. As the patient friends are aware of water, salt and edema directly related to, so many patients pay great attention to salt drinking water, resulting in "fear of salt", "fear of water," the psychological, and even do not eat salt, Online prompts the majority of patients friends and family, limit salt limited to high blood pressure, edema, oliguria, chronic renal failure patients is needed in order to avoid causing excessive sodium and sodium retention, increased edema and high blood pressure. But not all patients should limit water and salt. If there is no high blood pressure, edema and oliguria, should not limit the water, salt access. Do not eat salt can cause sodium deficiency, showing muscle spasms, hypotension, hypovolemia, orthostatic hypotension and renal function damage. Even if there is edema and oliguria and other performance, should also take a low-salt diet, appropriate to curb the water. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure whether to strictly curb the water, salt intake, depending on the physical condition by the physician. Excessive fear of salt, fear of water is no need.

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Hot-Pot

2, vegetarian diet can reduce the burden

Patients with chronic renal failure due to decreased glomerular filtration rate, the main toxins such as urea, creatinine (CRE) and so on in the body accumulation, resulting in physical harm. And these toxins are protein metabolites, so patients with chronic renal failure should be repeated emphasis on high-quality protein diet. Some patients so long vegetarian, afraid to eat animal protein, that vegetarian does not contain protein. In fact this is a misunderstanding of food protein. Food protein comes from both plant protein and animal protein. Although most of the semi-plant protein content than animal protein content is low, but the daily staple food such as rice, flour protein content of 8% -9%, beans and beans, the protein content of up to 20%, while plant protein Must be more than 50% amino acids, including the need for amino acids less, and potassium high, so not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure should be appropriate to eat with essential amino acids, animal protein, such as milk, eggs, fish, to properly contain the acquisition of plant protein, do not choose the vegetable protein such as soy milk and tofu and other beans and Bean finished products. However, the amount of protein should be contained, the daily access to protein should be contained, the amount of protein obtained every day according to their own degree of glomerular filtration rate to customize. All in all, patients with chronic renal failure must be aware that high-quality low-protein diet is not equal to vegetarian, vegetarian and no way to reduce kidney burden.

Is Guava Good For Kidney Failure Patients With High Creatinine 5.4

3, hunger treatment can protect renal function

Chronic renal failure patients repeatedly focus on high-quality low-protein diet at the same time, but also to ensure adequate supply of calories, that is, to ensure that the body has sufficient energy supply, reduce the differentiation of endogenous protein, thereby reducing azotemia. People usually use sugar as the focus of the source of heat supply, most of the semi-chronic renal failure patients should be curb each day in the 250-300 grams or less, try to use starch, depression, lotus root starch, sweet potatoes, honey, sugar, Rice, flour and so on. In clinical practice due to chronic renal failure in patients with too much emphasis on the diet, as well as the patient's animal protein misunderstanding, as well as some patients to take the so-called "hunger because of the staple food and animal protein due to excessive restrictions, the patient is often nutrient As a result of chronic kidney failure, the phenomenon of poor nutrition is extremely extensive, coupled with hunger treatment, doubly heavy nutrient is not good, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, and easy to merge infection, add room disease, resulting in kidney Therefore, there is no way to protect the renal function of hunger treatment, chronic renal failure patients must not be "body test method."

For patients with chronic renal failure, a reasonable diet on its physical rehabilitation is extremely important.

4, drink "bone soup" can calcium body

Chronic renal failure patients with calcium, phosphorus metabolism disorders, manifested as low calcium and hyperphosphatemia. Due to nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, eating less and so the cause of calcium is not enough, at the same time, due to the impact of gastrointestinal function and hyperparathyroidism, calcium in the intestine to receive reduction, the patient often showed low calcium, while , Due to renal injury, discharge of phosphorus can be reduced, and the seepage of confusion, so the patient there is high phosphorus situation. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink bone soup to obtain a lot of phosphorus, resulting in accumulation of phosphorus in the body, exacerbated hyperphosphatemia. Practice confirmed that drinking bone soup can not only improve the lack of calcium, and because of high blood phosphorus and accelerate renal injury. The low-phosphorus diet can delay renal dysfunction caused by secondary hyperthyroidism, renal pain, etc., so patients with chronic renal failure should be low-phosphorus diet.

Chronic renal failure patients with dietary method of great knowledge, focusing on the scope of the permit within the appropriate selection of food to reduce kidney burden, protect renal function, adhere to high quality low protein diet, low phosphorus, low salt, high calorie. To curb the "eat" knowledge, so that happiness from the new benefits you and your family!

The four dietary problems of patients with chronic nephritis

For patients with chronic nephritis, a scientific and reasonable diet on its physical rehabilitation has a significant role and impact. A reasonable diet is conducive to reducing the retention of metabolic wastes in its body, delaying the occurrence and progression of chronic renal insufficiency. However, due to chronic nephritis patients on the one-sided understanding of diet, making it in the diet there is a certain misunderstanding. Hospital nephropathy experts concluded that patients with chronic nephritis in the diet there are four major problems. For everyone's safety, I hope everyone in mind, do not make similar mistakes.

Is it a substitute for a salt?

As we all know that salt is directly related to edema, many patients with chronic nephritis pay special attention to eating salt, and even do not eat salt, resulting in hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, muscle spasms, hypotension, hypovolemia, low Blood pressure and so on.

Limit salt on high blood pressure, edema, oliguria, chronic nephritis, renal failure patients is necessary to avoid excessive sodium and sodium retention, increased edema and high blood pressure, but salt does not mean that do not eat salt, unless the high degree of edema to be strictly limited Salt and even limited water, the general should take a low-salt diet, but also appropriate control of less urine intake. Therefore, chronic kidney nephritis patients on the salt intake, depending on the specific circumstances by the doctor may be, excessive fear of salt is not necessary, and some patients with autumn stone instead of salt is not desirable. Autumn stone and autumn Qiushi stone, the main ingredient of pale autumn stone is white and salt, there are people in the white, autumn dew and gypsum and other processing made; salty stone main components such as salt, so with Qiushi There is no scientific reason to replace salt.

Question 2 Is the high quality protein a vegetable protein or an animal protein?

Chronic nephritis, renal failure patients due to decreased renal metabolic capacity, the main toxins such as urea nitrogen, creatinine accumulation in the body, resulting in damage to the body, and these toxins are protein metabolites, so patients with chronic renal failure should emphasize low Quality protein diet. Some patients think vegetarian does not contain protein, so long vegetarian. In fact this is a misunderstanding of food protein.

Food protein comes from both plant protein and animal protein, although most plant protein content is lower than animal protein content, but the daily staple food such as rice, flour protein content of 8% -9%, beans and soy protein content can be More than 20%, due to plant protein contains less amino acids, and high potassium, it is not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. The animal protein contains essential amino acids greater than 50%, so patients with chronic renal failure should be appropriate to eat with the necessary amino acid high animal protein. Such as milk, eggs, fish, meat and so on. The daily intake of protein should be based on the total amount of renal damage to a rough estimate, to control the intake of plant protein, should not use high vegetable protein beans and soy products.

Question 3 "hunger therapy" really useful?

Chronic nephritis patients emphasize high quality low protein at the same time, but also to ensure adequate supply of heat to reduce the decomposition of endogenous protein diet, thereby reducing azotemia. People generally use sugar as the main source of heat supply, the choice of wheat starch, lotus root starch, sweet potatoes, honey, sugar, vegetable oil instead of some staple food. In the clinical because of chronic kidney disease in patients with too much emphasis on diet, as well as the patient's misunderstanding of animal protein, so that some patients to take "hunger therapy." As the staple food and animal protein is too limited, the patient is often malnourished, coupled with "hunger therapy", more emphasis on malnutrition, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, anemia, and easy to merge infection, aggravate the condition, resulting in Renal Failure. Therefore, the "hunger therapy" can not protect the kidney function, chronic nephritis patients must not "try."

Question four drink "bone soup" really can calcium body?

Chronic nephritis patients with weak constitution, and patients with calcium and phosphorus metabolism abnormalities, the performance of low calcium hyperphosphatemia. As the patient's gastrointestinal function is affected and hyperparathyroidism, calcium absorption in the intestine decreased, nephritis patients often showed low calcium At the same time, due to reduced phosphorus, and endocrine disorders, so patients with high phosphorus state. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink a lot of bone soup intake of phosphorus, causing phosphorus accumulation in the body, increased the high phosphatidemia. Therefore, drink bone soup not only can not improve the lack of calcium, and because of elevated blood phosphorus will increase the damage of renal function.

Therefore, kidney disease experts advise: chronic nephritis patients need to adhere to the principles of scientific nephritis diet: high-quality low-protein, low salt, low phosphorus, high calorie diet, master "eat" knowledge, out of chronic kidney disease diet, is conducive to reducing the burden on the kidneys , Delay further decline in renal function. But in addition to diet, from the fundamental treatment of chronic nephritis is the most critical.


Diabetic nephropathy meals for three meals a day

Diabetic nephropathy meals for three meals a day. People's lives are getting better and better, but the frequency of the disease is constantly rising. Among them, the case of diabetic nephropathy is constantly increasing, in the face of such a disease, in addition to treatment, we should pay attention to the daily life. So, what kind of healthy diet will be away from the occurrence of such kidney disease?

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First, energy and carbohydrate intake

The face of the occurrence of such diseases, it is necessary to get rid of the root cause of kidney disease care, away from the bad diet. Diabetic nephropathy in patients with calorie intake should be controlled at 125.5-146.5 kJ per kilogram of body weight per day, for obese patients with type 2 diabetes caloric intake should be reduced to achieve the standard weight. Reasonable allocation of each amount of energy for food, the proportion of sugar for the proportion of total calories 60% -70%; fat accounted for 20% -25%; protein accounted for 15% -20%. While limiting the intake of honey, such as honey, sugar, rock sugar and other snacks, can increase the amount of coarse grains.

Toxin-Removing Treatment Helps Diabetic Nephropathy Patient Stand Up Again

Second, the protein intake

The general occurrence of kidney disease will lead to the loss of protein, therefore, in life for the balance of the body, we should pay attention to the intake of protein. For patients with early diabetic nephropathy, the protein intake is similar to normal, without special attention, but if there is renal damage, it should immediately limit the protein intake, while the protein species should be animal protein The main, reducing plant protein intake, protein intake control in the daily weight per kilogram of 0.8 grams.

Third, the intake of fat

After the disease, the patient's body will be gradually consumed, therefore, in life should pay attention to the intake of fat. Diabetic nephropathy patients should reduce the intake of fat, to avoid eating cholesterol and high levels of fatty acids, such as hard fruit, egg yolk, fish seeds, food cooking methods should be steamed, boiled, stewed to reduce fat intake , The daily intake of vegetable oil control in 50 grams or less.

Four, water, electrolyte intake

Patients also need to pay attention to maintaining the stability of water electrolytes should limit the intake of salt, the daily control in the 2 to 3 grams; for patients with reduced urine output (less than 1500ml daily) patients should also pay attention to monitoring potassium The level of the electrolyte is adjusted according to the results of the diet or make the drug.

Diabetic nephropathy meals for three meals a day. The emergence of nephropathy in life should pay attention to, do not blindly take treatment measures, the best is to understand their own disease under the premise of professional treatment. Hope that the above diet can help you to alleviate the disease in a timely manner.

What Food is good for uremia?

What is good for uremia? Healthy body is what we look forward to, but it is contrary to the fact that we always have some illness in our lives. Especially in the case of uremia nephropathy, it will threaten the health of patients. So, the professional treatment of life is critical, what kind of diet care will help patients to achieve rehabilitation?

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1, the face of the emergence of the disease, a lot of symptoms will occur, due to the occurrence of nephropathy, the patient will be the case of loss of appetite. Uremic patients often appear as anorexia, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding and so on symptoms. Uremic patients themselves prone to eating is not normal, therefore, uremic patients diet reasonable care is very important. In patients with azotemia and uremia, patients should be mainly low-protein diet, and the protein to contain essential amino acids in animal protein-based. Daily protein intake of 20 grams.

Nutritious Foods for Kidney Patients

2, the face of the occurrence of such diseases, you'd better choose to benefit the patient digested food, otherwise it will lead to bad things happen. Food is easy to digest and contain plenty of vitamins, especially vitamin B, C, D. Uremic patients to avoid rough food on the digestive tract of mechanical damage caused by gastrointestinal bleeding. Azotemia patients with good appetite, the heat should not be less than 35 grams per kilogram of body weight, but to uremic patients diet can only be seen as the appetite of patients. If the patient a lot of urine, edema is not obvious, generally do not limit the amount of drinking water.

How Do Kidney Patients Supplement Protein

3, the occurrence of kidney disease is not simple, therefore, timely control of the diet, will ease the disease, to their own body to add energy. People with uremia are prone to dehydration and hyponatremia, especially in patients with long-term loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. In the event of dehydration and hyponatremia, uremic patients diet should be added in time. But should pay attention to uremic patients with poor water tolerance, sodium tolerance can not be excessive, so as not to cause patients with hypernatremia or water poisoning.

4, uremic patients diet and treatment to match.

What is good for uremia? A healthy diet is not only what the patient needs, but also what is needed for healthy people. I hope you in your life can pay attention to their diet healthy, away from the pain of the disease. Finally, you can also be in the life of the prevention of kidney disease, good preventive measures will reduce the incidence of such diseases.

Early symptoms of Kidney Disease

Early symptoms of kidney disease in several cases, low back pain, hematuria, urine abnormalities and edema. In addition to edema, the other three manifestations are not particularly obvious, kidney disease is always from some obvious manifestations of symptoms, to the emergence of serious illness, to understand and master the early symptoms of kidney disease, daily life, pay more attention to some relevant information, Pay more attention to their own health, early detection of kidney disease, early to get rid of the disease to help very much.

Early symptoms of kidney disease performance: back pain

Low back pain is a manifestation of symptoms of kidney disease, but usually the case of kidney disease patients often no obvious low back pain performance, or found that after the nausea feel faint back pain, that is sick waist, will feel back pain. In fact, this low back pain is not as pyelonephritis and kidney stones back pain, kidney nephritis more than one side of the low back pain, and kidney stones, low back pain performance and more to the thigh medial radiation.

Early symptoms of nephropathy II: hematuria

Normal daily urination 1000-2000 ml, an average of 1500 ml, whether it is more or less urine output, may be the performance of kidney disease. Especially normal nocturia at night, if you find up to several times at night, and drink water before going to bed is not much, but also to guard against kidney disease. Some diseases, such as iga kidney disease, have hematuria in the early stages.
Hematuria is divided into two, that is, gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria, microscopic hematuria is not visible with the naked eye, only in the microscope only red blood cells. If there is naked eye hematuria that there are a lot of urine inside the red blood cells. Of course, hematuria is not necessarily nephritis, in addition, lesbian hematuria to pay more attention is not caused by menstrual period.

Early symptoms of nephropathy 3: urine abnormalities

Normal urine is transparent yellow light, if less water or early morning urination, the color is slightly deeper. If the urine redness, or urine foam, pay attention to the Department of renal medicine examination.

Early symptoms of kidney disease performance four: edema

Kidney is the body's body of water metabolism, kidney is not good, the water will accumulate. Some people in the morning to find eyelid edema, or feet, legs swollen, have to consider the kidney problem. Specific swelling of the performance of the eyelid, face, scrotum and other relatively loose central, the current lower limb edema, tension can also be systemic edema, a few people may have ascites. Little wrinkles on the face was gone, and the tiny wrinkles around the eye were gone because of edema. Calf bone department with your fingers to pressure, finger pressure depression, a long time will be restored; pre-fetal calf swelling, blood pressure rise, resulting in white urine and so on.

In addition to the above mentioned, some of the more serious nephrotic syndrome patients may appear loss of appetite, fatigue, anemia and other symptoms. In view of the fact that kidney disease can be cured early, so if you find the above situation, in view of the hospital immediately to do a related check, do not wait for the disease when it is too late.


Dialysis treatment is not good kidney failure

Is kidney disease an incurable disease?

Have kidney disease developed into kidney failure?

To kidney failure can only dialysis?

Can CKD Stage 4 Patients Eat Cashew Nuts

these questions,

Maybe it's kidney disease

The most eager to get the answer to the question!

Is kidney disease an incurable disease?

How Much Risk Pregnancy Of A IgA Nephropathy Patient

Treatment for Severe Twitch In Dialysis


From the clinical point of view, in addition to acute renal failure, acute interstitial nephritis and other acute kidney disease, other kidney damage to the kidneys, is basically irreversible. Simply by hormone therapy, can temporarily alleviate the progression of the disease, but a withdrawal, immediately increased. Therefore, the clinical cure for kidney disease is the real meaning, on the one hand to control the current condition, on the one hand but also to prevent the kidneys continue to damage.

Then the kidney disease will develop into renal failure?

Nor is it.

If again and again to ignore the signal sent by kidney disease, may be found that day, it is already kidney failure; but most patients, in the presence of anemia, high blood pressure, foam urine, fatigue, discomfort and other symptoms, will Timely to the hospital for examination, early detection of kidney disease, so that the disease has been effectively controlled.

Is not kidney failure, it can only dialysis?

The answer is still yes - no.

The typical feature of renal failure is the continuous increase in creatinine, representing the gradual destruction of renal function, the body of toxins in a large number of accumulation. So in order to remove the body of toxins, most Western medicine will recommend patients with hormone suppression or dialysis treatment.

But dialysis can control kidney failure?

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the key is due to the accumulation of a large number of toxins in the body can not afford to clear. Simply by dialysis treatment, can only remove the body of small molecules toxins, and macromolecules will remain in the body, the plot more and more. These macromolecular toxins in turn continue to erode the kidneys, the final destruction of all renal function, other organs are almost depleted, into the end of uremia, when the kidney may be irresistible.

So dialysis is only a temporary solution can not cure the way. Only to remove all the toxins in the blood, in order to inhibit the body's immune response, so that the kidneys stop the damage.

How can the kidney function all disappeared before the removal of blood endotoxin it?

Dialysis is physical therapy. To repair damaged kidney function, only in the treatment of Chinese medicine to find a professional and unique treatment of the hospital for treatment.

But only oral decoction effect of Chinese medicine is minimal, only with the external Chinese medicine fumigation, moxibustion, rub rub, kidney and other methods, in order to play the effect should be outside, from the lesion to solve the problem.

But not to say that end-stage renal failure, uremia, etc. can not dialysis, after all, dialysis is the most direct life-saving method, and traditional Chinese medicine detoxification therapy is a gradual repair process. The two closely with, in order to achieve the best results.

How Do Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Prevent Kidney Damage

In all patients with kidney disease, the proportion of patients with chronic kidney disease is only 9.4%, especially now that the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is increasing rapidly, but not many patients can be found in time. So how do diabetics protect their kidneys?

Long-term hyperglycemia can lead to systemic vascular damage, and kidney blood vessels are extremely rich, so that the kidneys become diabetes "damage" organs. Vascular damage caused by glomerular sclerosis, leading to proteinuria, edema, renal failure, and even the final development of uremia.

Coupled with early diabetic nephropathy without any symptoms, easy to be ignored, to be edema and other symptoms that the disease has been the best treatment period. So early detection, early treatment is the key to prevent diabetic kidney damage.

Every day bow to see the urine

Sugar and urine do not rush to urinate, pay attention to see the urine traits, if the urine appeared a lot of small bubbles, and a long time do not disperse, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to determine whether the kidney is damaged.

Such as the eye, legs and feet appear swelling, or there is no obvious cause of fatigue, it should go to the hospital to check urine.

3 standard to be done

Blood sugar, blood pressure, a lipid can not be less.

Every six months to do a urine microalbumin examination

Diabetic nephropathy early asymptomatic, urine can not be found in urine protein abnormalities, only through the urine microalbumin check can be found. Therefore, the sugar should pay attention to screening urine microalbumin, at least once a year; more than 5 years of history of diabetes, there is decreased vision, blood pressure and other sugar friends, at least every 3 months to check the urine microalbumin.

Seize the best treatment period

Diabetic nephropathy in 5, in the first 3 cases of diabetic nephropathy is reversible, early detection, early prevention and recovery of health opportunities, if your urine microalbumin abnormalities, we must seize the best treatment opportunity. The best timing of treatment refers to the presence of microalbumin in the urine, the timely lowering of blood pressure, blood lipids, stable blood sugar, if the urine to a large number of proteins, the treatment effect is much worse.

The milk, or yogurt? Nephrotic patients do not choose the wrong one

Products on the human body is quite good, especially for patients with kidney disease have two major benefits:

Calcium supplementation

This year regardless of the country or individuals are more and more affluent, even the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not calcium deficiency, and how patients with kidney disease is always calcium deficiency?

Originally, patients with kidney disease in the loss of a large number of protein at the same time, combined with albumin calcium, but also with proteinuria excreted. This is one of the reasons for calcium deficiency.

Second, the hormone against the human body wall to absorb the role of calcium, taking hormones will make the body calcium deficiency increased.

So kidney patients drink milk, calcium loss is good for the addition.

Calcium supplementation

This year regardless of the country or individuals are more and more affluent, even the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not calcium deficiency, and how patients with kidney disease is always calcium deficiency?

Originally, patients with kidney disease in the loss of a large number of protein at the same time, combined with albumin calcium, but also with proteinuria excreted. This is one of the reasons for calcium deficiency.

Second, the hormone against the human body wall to absorb the role of calcium, taking hormones will make the body calcium deficiency increased.

So kidney patients drink milk, calcium loss is good for the addition.

But for different situations, how much milk can drink? What is good to drink?

What is high uric acid?

Kidney disease with high uric acid patients, should choose to drink skim milk or low-fat milk

High blood lipids?

High blood lipids, or obesity, need to lose weight, drink skim milk or low-fat milk.

That high phosphorus?

All kinds of dairy products are high levels of phosphorus, if the problem of phosphorus, do not drink milk products.

Drink milk diarrhea?

This is lactose intolerance, you can choose yogurt or low lactose milk.

Or you do not want to change, another way is to drink milk when a small number of times; not fasting drink, fasting drink shorter and faster absorption, will increase the symptoms of uncomfortable, but with other staple food to eat together. For example, you eat 50ml of milk, and then with other stomach to eat together, this will greatly reduce the belching, diarrhea symptoms.

Different conditions, there are different dairy products, according to their own situation to the individual choice is the optimal solution.

Kidney Patients Should Avoid These Foods

Got kidney disease, inappropriate diet will cause serious harm to patients.

There are a lot of food, although common, but the patient suffering from kidney disease, it is likely to increase the condition. Therefore, we must pay attention to these foods.

How Much Risk Pregnancy Of A IgA Nephropathy Patient

Cattle, sheep, dog meat

Kidney disease is best not to eat cattle and sheep dog meat. They belong to the traditional sense of the "hair", warm, not suitable for patients with inflammatory kidney disease.

If it is mild kidney disease patients, you can eat a little bit of soft beef stew. But all the patients are not eating lamb and dog meat.

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Nephrotic patients need to add vitamin A, but it is best not to eat through the liver to achieve.

Pig liver contains a lot of cholesterol, purine and other substances, will give the kidney a great metabolic burden.


Spinach is the most common green leafy vegetables, vitamin content is also very rich, but contains a large number of oxalic acid and potassium on the treatment of kidney disease adverse.


Do not recommend kidney disease to eat bananas is not only because it is the highest in the common fruits of potassium, but also because it contains a lot of magnesium will inhibit the nerve and cardiovascular system.

In addition banana cold, kidney disease in patients with physical weakness, after eating may bloating, abdominal pain.
Nephrotic patients, regardless of what they eat, are best to know in advance can not eat, to avoid damage to the kidney due to improper diet.


Dialysis Can Not Treat Kidney Disease Radically

Is kidney disease an incurable disease?

Have kidney disease developed into kidney failure?

To kidney failure can only dialysis?

these questions,
Maybe it's kidney disease
The most eager to get the answer to the question!

Is kidney disease an incurable disease?


From the clinical point of view, in addition to acute renal failure, acute interstitial nephritis and other acute kidney disease, other kidney damage to the kidneys, is basically irreversible. Simply by hormone therapy, can temporarily alleviate the progression of the disease, but a withdrawal, immediately increased. Therefore, the clinical cure for kidney disease is the real meaning, on the one hand to control the current condition, on the one hand but also to prevent the kidneys continue to damage.

What Is The Best Remedy For Lowering High Creatinine 16

Then the kidney disease will develop into renal failure?

Nor is it.

If again and again to ignore the signal sent by kidney disease, may be found that day, it is already kidney failure; but most patients, in the presence of anemia, high blood pressure, foam urine, fatigue, discomfort and other symptoms, will Timely to the hospital for examination, early detection of kidney disease, so that the disease has been effectively controlled.

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Is not kidney failure, it can only dialysis?

The answer is still yes - no.

The typical feature of renal failure is the continuous increase in creatinine, representing the gradual destruction of renal function, the body of toxins in a large number of accumulation. So in order to remove the body of toxins, most Western medicine will recommend patients with hormone suppression or dialysis treatment.

But dialysis can control kidney failure?

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the key is due to the accumulation of a large number of toxins in the body can not afford to clear. Simply by dialysis treatment, can only remove the body of small molecules toxins, and macromolecules will remain in the body, the plot more and more. These macromolecular toxins in turn continue to erode the kidneys, the final destruction of all renal function, other organs are almost depleted, into the end of uremia, when the kidney may be irresistible.

So dialysis is only a temporary solution can not cure the way. Only to remove all the toxins in the blood, in order to inhibit the body's immune response, so that the kidneys stop the damage.

How can the kidney function all disappeared before the removal of blood endotoxin it?

Dialysis is physical therapy. To repair damaged kidney function, only in the treatment of Chinese medicine to find a professional and unique treatment of the hospital for treatment.

But only oral decoction effect of Chinese medicine is minimal, only with the external Chinese medicine fumigation, moxibustion, rub rub, kidney topical and other methods, in order to play the effect should be outside, from the lesion to solve the problem.
But not to say that end-stage renal failure, uremia, etc. can not dialysis, after all, dialysis is the most direct life-saving method, and traditional Chinese medicine detoxification therapy is a gradual repair process. The two closely with, in order to achieve the best results.


What is the biggest fatal factor in uremic patients?

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest cause of death in uremic patients. Why young patients with renal failure, there is such a high risk of cardiovascular disease? We found that this is the kidney disease patients with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, coagulation abnormalities caused by.

Kidney failure more serious, suffering from heart disease, the greater the risk of encephalopathy. 20-year-old uremic patients, with normal 80-year-old cardiovascular risk of death, the same!

1. control blood pressure

Control of blood pressure can reduce the patient's cardiovascular mortality by 30%. The study was published in The Lancet.

This is good news, because blood pressure control is what we can do, through the Puli and Shatan drugs, β-blockers antihypertensive drugs, good blood pressure reduction, can significantly reduce the risk of death in uremic patients The

2. Phosphorus treatment

It has been determined that high phosphorus can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The largest relevant statistical analysis shows that high phosphorus can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality, reduce the level of phosphorus can make patients benefit.

While other parathyroid hormone, and calcium, the impact on cardiovascular disease is not large.

3. Treatment of vascular recanalization

Coronary artery bypass surgery, than the stent surgery has obvious benefits, which is the field of kidney disease authoritative magazine JASN on a large-scale study, the study has more than 20,000 uremic patients involved.

Good Benefits of Dandelion To Kidney Patients

It has a very beautiful name called "Herbal Queen", it belongs to a herb, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins, nutritional value is very high, can be eaten, fried, soup, Is a food and medicine with the plant.

1. detoxification

Dandelion soaked in water can relieve the symptoms of dry mouth, for the treatment of heat poisoning, red eyes and throat, suppurative disease and liver heat have a good effect.

2. Diuretic

Dandelion is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, calcium, indigestion, constipation have improved the role of a very good diuretic effect Oh.

3, to improve immunity

Dandelion in the inulin, glucose ingredients can significantly enhance the body to enhance anti-drug function, pregnant women drink dandelion tea can improve the immunity of the disease.

4, liver and kidney

Dandelion through the liver, cured fire, anti-inflammatory.

It is said that Chinese medicine with dandelion treatment of diabetes, the effect is also very good, no side effects. In fact, all bitter, astringent, cold alkaline food, are the nemesis of diabetes. Moreover, from the energy point of view, Yanggan kidney method, the treatment of diabetes are a therapeutic effect.

5, antibacterial

Dandelion leaves contain certain substances for Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus have a certain inhibitory effect. So, when nothing to take some dandelion soaked in water, for the body is very good.

6, beauty

Dandelion in the spring is the most beautiful, here is not her pretty in the spring the most sultry, but her taste.

Only the most simple and most natural food law was the most able to retain the nutrition of dandelion, that is - wash rinse rinse, eat dipped directly to eat!

Spring breakfast or dinner, eating some Wenshen impotence, spleen and stomach, Qi and blood Yang porridge, such as chicken liver jelly rice, leek japonica rice porridge, which used dandelion, is a good therapeutic porridge. If you use dandelion fried pork, and then eat a bowl of incense rice, it is a great match!
Spring come, are you ready to eat it?

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