
Effective Treatment for Removing Kidney Cysts In PKD Patients

Effective Treatment for Removing Kidney Cysts In PKD Patients

What is the effective treatment for removing kidney cysts in PKD patients? PKD is an inherited disease but it does not mean there is no treatment for controlling it. In Kidney Therapy China,we provide an effective treatment for draining kidney cysts in PKD patients. That treatment is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Is surgery can cut down the cysts covering on the kidney?

This answer rely much on the specific conditions of the PKD patients. If there is only one or two cysts covering on the surface of the kidney, it is viable for the PKD patients to do a surgery. While if there are so many cysts covering on the kidney, the surgery is no used to the PKD patients. Because it is impossible to cut down all of the cysts. In addition, the cysts will recurrence after the surgery. From above, we can know clearly, thesurgery is not the suitable way to shrink the kidney cysts for the PKD patients.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to drain kidney cysts for PKD patients?

According to the feature of the kidney cysts, we created one effective Chinese medical treatments to drain the kidney cysts for PKD patients. It is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is mainly based on the traditional Chinese medical herbs. These herbs are made into micro powders by our doctors, the main purpose of that is sending them to the kidney cysts parts. When the kidney cysts meet the Chinese medicine, the toxic fluid in the kidney cysts will be absorbed, and the permeability of the kidney cells will be improved, so that the kidney cysts will become small and small. This therapy also has a strong effects in improving the kidney function for PKD patients.

If you have any question, you can consult me via chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com or consult our online doctor. We will reply you as soon as possible.

How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease

How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease

How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease?Urine is a kind of liquid which is produced by kidney, in fact it is a waste that the body don’t needed. One normal person can produce 1000—2000ml urine everyday. While it is so different for End Stage Renal Disease patients. Why? If you want to know the reason, you are supposed to contact our ONLINE DOCTOR, and I would like to share some information with you.

How important is urine volume to a kidney disease patient?

The amount of urine has a close relationship with the kidney function of end stage renal disease patients. Once the kidney was damaged, it will lose its kidney function, and the end stage renal disease is the most serious kidney disease, which means there only remain little kidney function. At which stage, the ability of kidney producing urine decline o lot. So as a result, more and more waste will keep in the body and cause other disaster. So it is necessary for end stage renal disease patients to improve the urine.

How to increase urine output in kidney disease patients?

In China, we use Chinese herbal to help may patients to relieve various symptoms successfully. Our experts combines various kinds of Chinese herbal according to inpidual illness situation. We call it “Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy” that the molecules of Chinese medicines can be decomposed into micro molecules which can be absorbed sufficiently and quickly. The advantage of our therapy is the medicine can be penetrated into cells of kidney by professional machine so as to treat the disease from root. Many foreign patients come to China to experience the specific therapy and they are satisfied with our treatments and services.
Besides treating kidney failure and the underlying causes, some natural herbs and foods are natural diuretics to help gradually increase urine output and recover normal urinary flow.

There are many foods in our daily life that can help increase urine flow-parsley, celery, melon, beets, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, onion, cranberry juice, lemon juice, etc.

Many Chinese medicine have natural diuretic properties such as dandelion, cornsilk, celery seed and uva ursi, ginger, juniper can help reduce water retention and increase urine output.

Of cause, the most simplest way is to drink more water if patients do not have serious swelling or high blood pressure.

Treatment For IgA Nephropathy with Periodic Edema in Legs and Weakness in Arms

Treatment For IgA Nephropathy with Periodic Edema in Legs and Weakness in Arms

A person is diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy and his urine collect showed total protein is 1388. He also suffers from periodic edema, weakness in arms, fatigue and flank pain. What is the treatment for his condition?

IgA Nephropathy is one kind of glomerulonephritis that occurs when IgA builds up in glomerular mesangial area and causes inflammatory reactions. When glomerular mechanical barrier and charge barrier are damaged, protein will leak from kidneys into urine. Therefore, you are found large protein leakage in urine.

When glomeruli can’t do their work normally, fluid and sodium retention occurs. Fluid retention along with protein leakage causes periodic edema easily. As for weakness in arms and fatigue, they may be due to build up of poisonous substances (toxins), anemia or side effects of some medications. After knowing the causes, the second step is to find out correct treatments.

In view of this, the permanent cure means the treatment can remove immune complexes directly rather than inhibit their activity. According to this requirement, patients are suggested to take some therapies to remove these immune complexes and improve patients’ overall health condition.

Since immune disorder is the root cause of IgA Nephropathy, patients can try Immunotherapy. This therapy consists of six steps. They are scientific diagnosis, immune tolerance, immune blockage, immune clearance, immune adjustment and immune protection. All of these steps have close internal relations. After getting a correct diagnosis, doctors will guide patients to accept right treatment plan.
According to the characteristics of IgA Nephropathy, Immunotherapy is done to remove immune complexes, rebuild kidney filtering structure, protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues and prevent the recurrence of this disease. Finally, patients don’t need to worry about the recurrence of this disease again and again. Of course, the whole treatment plan should depend on patients’ medical condition. If you are interested about this therapy, you are suggested to leave your symptoms, creatinine level, GFR level, and more illness description in the form below.

Besides medical therapy, eating correct foods and developing a healthy lifestyle are also necessary. To know more about Polluted Blood Therapy or IgA Nephropathy diet, you can fill in the below form. We are glad to give you some suggestions for free.


Dialysis Is Not Your Best Treatment For Kidney Failure Patients

Dialysis Is Not Your Best Treatment For Kidney Failure Patients
When chronic nephritis progresses into ESRD,dialysis and kidney transplant will be their treatment options.They can render the patients have a longer life expectancy,but they may still bring some side effects. Is dialysis or kidney transplant a good option for nephritis patient?

Of course not. Dialysis is not your best treatment option.

Kidney disease, in other word, is the blood toxin disease, for the kidney treatment, we should remove the toxin and to promote the blood circulation in body to improve the kidney function. You know the basic cause of the kidney disease is the lack of the blood and oxygen. So if he can get the proper treatment in time, he can get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

Is it really that some patients can avoid dialysis?

His both kidney size are normal, which means his kidney unites are not damaged seriously. There are more than 1 million glamorous in one kidney. The glamorous in his kidneys can be divided to 3 parts. One part of glamorous are healthy, they are maintaining the rest of his renal function. there is urine 750ml, as the kidney failure patient,urine output, which means the blood and oxygen still can through his kidney cells, which means the damaged kidney cells have the potential to improve.

Compared with maintenance dialysis,kidney transplant is a preferred option for nephritis patients with ESRD.It is a major surgery, in which the diseased kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a living donor or cadaver.If Kidney Transplantis performed successfully,the patients can return to normal life.However,the source of a compatible kidney is limited.It is pretty difficult to get a matched donor.Furthermore,the recurrence rate of nephritis is very high after kidney transplant.There are still a part of patients can enjoy a long life span.

Is there alternative treatment to dialysis and kidney transplant for nephritis with ESRD?In advanced stage of nephritis,a large part of kidney tissues are scarred and even necrotic.To help the patients avoid dialysis and kidney transplant,the ultimate goal of treatment is to restore the impaired kidney tissues and improve renal function.However,there is no such a solution in traditional western medicine.After years’ experiment,a new treatment is created based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine. This new treatment is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The effective medicine ingredients can activate the self-regeneration of impaired kidney tissues to bring an renal function improvement. If so, the patients will avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

Our Unique And Effective Chinese Medicine Treatment Control PKD Well

Our Unique And Effective Chinese Medicine Treatment Control PKD Well

Chinese herbal medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an alternative treatment to surgery and favored by more and more people with PKD. Why do these patients turn their attention to herbs? Are these medicines really effective?

There is a successful case that have proven the efficacy of our Chinese medicines
SAEED comes from Nigeria, 57 years old man. he was diagnosed as Polycystic Kidney Disease 13 years ago, and 5 months ago his serum creatinine went to high that bothers him a lot. So in order to seek further treatment, he came to our hospital on October 14, 2015.

our doctor done a series examinations for him, the test report shown that his serum creatinine was 416umol/l, BUN was 18.3mmol/l, hemoglobin is 10g/L.

After analyzed, our doctor made a treatment plan for him, which was composed by western medicine and Chinese Medicine(Four One Traditional Chinese Medicine). As the times going by, his disease goes well gradually. His face turns to red, and the blood pressure downs to 130-140/80mmHg, abdominal girth reduced to 111cm. The ultrasound shows that the size of biggest cyst on right kidney shrunk to 40x30mm, the size of biggest cyst on left kidney shrunk to 42x34mm. Meanwhile, his urine color goes to cloudy, and the urine smell back again.

Surgery, one method of western medicine, mainly focus on big fluid-filled cyst, but it can do nothing for the small cysts. When some of renal cysts grow too big and cause some severe complications, surgery indeed can help reduce the pressure on the kidney tissues and improve patients’ condition through removing the large cysts. However, after surgery, some other cysts will grow in other part of the kidney and then patients’ condition relapse spontaneously.

Compared with surgery, Chinese herbal medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease focus on all renal cysts. As we all know, Chinese herbal medicine is good at treating chronic disease, but the bitter of oral herbal medicines makes many patients refuse to take it. In view of this, kidney experts try to overcome this disadvantage. After many years’ research, they create an external herbal application and they call it Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy , which is filled with effective Chinese herbal medicines for Polycystic Kidney Disease and placed on patients’ lower back. During the whole treatment, the only thing patient needs to do is to lie on the bed comfortably. Here, we first introduce two herbs in the package, cortex moutan raiacis and plantago asiatica.

Which herbal medicine is prescribed for patients with PKD should depend on their condition. Therefore, if you are suffering from this disease, you are recommended to tell the doctor more about your condition, so he can help you make a correct treating plan.

How Does A PKD Patient With Creatinine 6.0 Avoid Dialysis

How Does A PKD Patient With Creatinine 6.0 Avoid Dialysis

With creatinine level 6, you may have been on dialysis. Dialysis is necessary because there are many toxins in your blood. Without dialysis, it will threaten your life. However, dialysis causes some side effects so you really want to avoid it. How do you avoid dialysis in PKD?

There are some reasons of PKD patients with Creatinine 6.0 are recommended to take dialysis.

In clinic, creatinine 6.0 means the disease now is in stage 4, without good control, this disease will progressed into Uremia rapidly. Then, the patients will suffer more symptoms. If they refuse to accept dialysis, creatinine will deposit in their body and make further damage to the kidneys, thus lead to more serious complications.

How to avoid dialysis in PKD?

Many patients many be told there is no way to improve his kidney function except for waiting dialysis when patient has severe condition. In fact, kidney failure cannot be cured, but kidney function can be improved, which can prolong patient’s lifetime greatly.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is good at this aspect, because a major theory of TCM is it aims at improving patient’s self-repairing ability to treat patient’s disease. Besides, Micro-chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a therapy that combines TCM and modern medical technology, which aims at treating kidney disease. It makes TCM work more effective and direct, and it is very helpful for improving patient’s kidney function. Thereby, choosing appropriate treatment is very important in improving kidney function, which can help avoid dialysis.
Hot Compress Therapy also known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay, it is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it can help PKD patient avoid dialysis by shrinking the cysts on kidneys.

Hot Compress Therapy is based on Chinese Medicines, it has advantages in the following perspective:

Shrinking kidney cysts: Cysts are full of fluid.The activated Chinese medicines enter into kidney thus changing the pressure between internal and external.The fluid in the cysts will be oppressed and flows into blood. Therefore kidney cysts will be shrinking day by day; Repairing renal damage and Recovering renal functions


Is Dialysis the Only Treatment Option to Diabetic Nephropathy

Is Dialysis the Only Treatment Option to Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is a serious complication of persistent high blood sugar. Without early and effective treatments, it will progress into Kidney Failure at last. Some patients are worried about dialysis is the only option for them. Well then, what on earth is the answer?

Why some diabetic nephropathy patients are suggested to do the dialysis?

When people are diagnosed with kidney disease, they may think of the dialysis first. Because the dialysis is a treatment, which has the function of removing toxins and extra fluid form the blood. As we all know, once the kidney was damaged, they will fail to discharge harmful waste and absorb useful substance. So they think the dialysis is so necessary. However, it cannot repair kidney damage at all. Therefore, the treatments also should focus on improving renal function from the root.

In order to achieve the goal, we suggest the following treatments which are widely used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

In our hospital, we mainly use the Chinese medical treatments to deal with diabetic nephropathy instead of the dialysis. One of excellent one is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which can treat the kidney disease form the root. The main composition of this therapy is various kinds of the Chinese medical powders, which are made into medical herbs. These herbs are grow in the nature for a long time, so they have a strong effects to deal with the diabetic nephropathy. With the help of advanced equipment, the micro Chinese medical powders can be sent to the damaged kidney part, so the injured kidney tissues will be controlled and the blocked kidney vessels will be expanded. At last, you can reach the goal of improving the kidney function.

Blood Pollution Therapy

This is a very different treatment method, because it treats kidney failure by firstly cleaning polluted blood and then rebuilding damaged kidney structure. This treatment contains three steps: combined therapy of blood purification, element supplementation and rebuilding of kidney function. This special therapy is especially effective for patients who have large amounts of toxins in blood.

How Dangerous Is High BUN Level to Diabetic Nephropathy

How Dangerous Is High BUN Level to Diabetic Nephropathy

Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN) and serum creatinine are two most important indicators of renal function. And the high BUN level means the low renal function. So that patients who are diagnosed with the Diabetic Nephropathy are pay more attention to the BUN level, because the high BUN level is so serious to the Diabetic Nephropathy patients.

The extra blood urea nitrogen is supposed to discharge out of the body by the kidney. While when the kidney was destroyed, it will fail to do its job. With time going on, the BUN will accelerate in the body. And when whose level reach to a certain degree, it will cause the heart failure, shock, dehydration and acidosis. No matter which one of them also is so serious to the diabetic nephropathy patients.

How to reduce the high BUN level for diabetic nephropathy patients?

The Medicated Bath which is based on the traditional Chinese medical herbs must is your best choice. Without to say, this medicated bath is boiled by our Chinese medical herbs, and you just need to soak into it. Then after a period of time, you will sweat a lot, and some of the blood urea nitrogen will flow with the sweat. And the hot medical bath also can promoted the whole blood circulation, which can accelerate the speed of the metabolism. Then the harmful waste will be discharged out of body gradually. Beside that, this therapy also can benefit the damaged kidneys. So you must be like it.

More detailed recommendations to lower high Blood Urea Nitrogen in diet are as follows:

1.Limit purine intake by eating less animal organs, seafoods and meats.
2.Control protein supply properly by eating food with high quality protein.
3.Eat less meat especially animal fat which can inhibit the discharge of uric acid.
4.Foods which are abundant in carbohydrate and vitamin are welcomed such as cereals, fruits and vegetables.
5.Pay attention to the limitation of tobacco and alcohol which may damage kidneys and blood vessels.

6.Avoid overstrain, tension and joint injury in order to reduce inducing factors.

How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

when the patients’ creatinine level rising to 9, they fell into panic, and they don’t know what to do.For Diabetic Nephropathy patients, persistent high creatinine level is an indicator of kidney damage. Well, what can be done to lower creatinine level? The following methods may be helpful:

What does creatinine 9 mean for diabetic nephropathy?

Creatinine 9 is a scared number to the diabetic nephropathy patients. In medical flied, kidney disease can be divided 5 stages by the creatinine level, and the creatinine 9 means the most serious kidney disease stage. In which stage, the patients have lose most of the kidney function, and at the same time, they will suffer from various painful symptoms. From above, we can know that it is so necessary for diabetic nephropathy patients to lower the high creatinine level.

How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

As a Diabetic Nephropathy patient with Creatinine 9, you can consider of the Chinese medical treatments which have a long history in china. There is Chinese medical soup, which is boiled by some Chinese medical herbs, it can be used to invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special one among our Chinese medical treatments, which can send some Chinese medicine into the damaged kidney parts. Then the kidney function for Diabetic Nephropathy patient can be improved a lot. At last, the Medicated Bath in our hospital has a strong effects in clearing and activating the channels and collaterals. So that, the whole blood circulation of patients will improve a lot.

Blood pollution therapy

This therapy, combining western medicine and Chinese medicine, has an effective effect on removing toxins and restoring the kidney lesion. Once the kidney lesion gets repaired, the kidney function will elevate and the creatinine level will decline.

Vegetarian diet

Creatine or creatinine is mainly found in animal products, so a vegetarian diet can reduce the dietary source of creatinine. And the protein requirement of the body can be met with egg whites, chicken and vegetables containing protein, such as lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and sprouts. However, some of these vegetables may high in potassium, so patients with high potassium level should more be cautious.

Best Treatment for Lupus Nephritis with High Creatinine

Best Treatment for Lupus Nephritis with High Creatinine

Lupus Nephritis is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s own cells and organs. Lupus nephritis is kidney inflammation caused by systemic lupus erythematosis(SLE) and one of the most serious complications that can result from SLE. High creatinine level is one of the obvious symptoms of lupus nephritis, if not diagnosed and treated early enough, kidney nephritis can lead kidney failure or other serious disease. Well then, what is the best treatment for lupus nephritis with high creatinine level?

The patients who have done the kidney must know the pains of dialysis. Although it can help kidney disease patients remove some harmful waste out of body and decline creatinine to some extent. It also can bring a lot of painful side effects to kidney disease patients, such as, swelling, anemia, low blood pressure, fever, fatigue and vomiting. As well as, the dialysis has no use in improving kidney function.

The best treatment that I have mentioned is some therapies which can deal with the lupus nephritis from root, as well as, have little side effects to the patients. These treatments almost are based on the traditional Chinese medical herbs. One of them is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is so famous in china. This therapy involves a lot of Chinese medical herbs which are supposed to made into micro powders. Why? The main purpose of that is improving the Chinese medical effects. The most important step in this therapy is sending some of micro powders into the lupus parts. So that the inflammation will be treated directly, they will turn to healthy gradually. Beside that, the blood vessels can be expanded, then some blood can flow to the weak kidney and strengthen the kidney. With the kidney function improving, the lupus nephritis will be reversed.

How Do Lupus Nephritis Patients Avoid Dialysis

How Do Lupus Nephritis Patients Avoid Dialysis

How do lupus Nephritis patients avoid dialysis? Dialysis may brings much pain to you and you want to avoid dialysis, right? How to eliminate dialysis?

“four one” Chinese traditional treatment to help Lupus Nephritis patients shift dialysis

A dose of micro Chinese medicine

This micro Chinese medicine is a new form of our Chinese medicine which are supposed to send to the damaged kidney parts. So that some inured kidney cells and tissues will be repaired directly. The kidney function will benefit a lot from this therapy.

A kettle of oral Chinese medicine

There are a lot of forms of our Chinese medicine and the oral Chinese medicine is the most common form. It mainly boiled by some Chinese medical herbs and some vegetables , and it is always used to invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis for Lupus Nephritis patients.

A bottle of Maikang composition

Maikang composition is creation of our hospital which can be used to improve the blood circulation and reduce the blood fat. And it also has the function of anti-thrombosis and anti-aging. This medicine should drink in the morning.

A basin of Chinese medical foot bath

This basin of Chinese medical foot bath is so comfortable to patients. They just need soak their foot in the hot medical bath. Then the whole blood circulation will be promoted.

4M Treatment is a systematic treatment to relieve patients’ renal burden and control their medical condition. Compared with western medicine, 4M treatment can cure the disease naturally and fundamentally.

If you still have any question, you can leave a message to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. Hope you get recover as soon as possible.


Can I Take Febuxostat 40mg, Lasix, Losartan 50mg with Creatinine 13.56

Can I Take Febuxostat 40mg, Lasix, Losartan 50mg with Creatinine 13.56

A person with Creatinine 13.56 distinctly has developed into ERSD (end stage renal disease) or Kidney Failure. In the condition, patients are usually gave many western medicines, so as to relieve symptoms and control complications. Well then, will Febuxostat 40mg, Lasix and Losartan 50mg help reduce creatinine 13.56?

Febusostat is mainly used to treat gout and reduce high uric acid level; lasix is a type of diuretic which can be used to relieving swelling and urethral stone through increasing urine output; the main function of losartan is to control high blood pressure which is one leading cause of renal disease.

According to the above, we can see that these western medicines can do nothing for lowering high creatinine level. What’s more, patients who have renal insufficiency are not suggested to take these medicine, because long-term intake of these medicines also can increase kidneys’ burden, worsening the whole progression of kidney condition.

The appearance of creatinine 13.56 is mainly due to severe decreased renal function. Therefore, to lower it thoroughly, it is important to take treatment that can impair and protect renal function.

Well then, what is the treatment to repair injured kidneys and improve kidney function?

Before increasing the level of kidney function, we should protect the remaining kidney cells and cleanse internal environment.

Immunotherapy is one therapy that uses various blood purification methods to clear waste products in the blood. It, compared with dialysis, can remove not only small molecular substances but also middle and large molecular substances. Besides, if the patient’s kidney disease is characterized by immune complexes. Immunotherapy is also a good therapy to remove these complexes. As long as internal environment is cleansed, a treatment to repair damaged nephrons is needed.

Stem cell therapy has been tested again and again in clinic to improve kidney function. Embryonic stem cells which have multipotential ability are injected into the body, and then these cells go to the damaged tissue area so as to differentiate corresponding cells. For people with 13% kidney function, stem cell therapy has two effects: fix impaired kidney cells and rebuild kidney normal structure. Finally, kidney function can be improved largely.

Is Squeeze Juice Good For Kidneys

Is Squeeze Juice Good For Kidneys

Recently, patients are often recommended to take juicing to improve their kidney function, then is juicing good for improving the kidney function?

The answer is certainly yes, as juicing is quick absorption of minerals and enzymes which can help kidney patients to supply their nutrition, so juicing will be helpful in improving the kidney function. The normal kidney function can filter the wastes and toxins in blood, which will help regulate the normal function of the whole body. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR. We will give professional guidance as soon as possible.

Fresh fruit juice should not be sweetened drink. Do not heat drinking fresh juice, otherwise it would run away fruit aroma, more importantly, some of the nutrients, especially vitamin will be destroyed. Medication should not be used for children and acidic drinks juice delivery service, to drink fruit juice, the medication must be in 15 hours later.

Juicing with apples, parsley and watermelon can help people to improve their digestive system, as kidney patients often have the symptoms of nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Juicing will be helpful to remit these symptoms. Besides, juicing can also flush the wastes and toxins in blood, which can help clear the blood.

· Buy fresh, organic ingredients for your juice. Shop consciously for things that will be consumed within the next three to five days. Do not make juice to store for days at a time. Wash each ingredient to ensure the fruit or vegetable has no pesticides or preservatives on its surface.

· Diabetics should consult a doctor before beginning juice therapy or fasts due to the high natural sugar level in most juices.

Creatinine 7.0 In Diabetic Nephropathy: What Is The Treatment

Creatinine 7.0 In Diabetic Nephropathy: What Is The Treatment

And creatinine 7.0 is so serious for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients. So you are supposed to contact our ONLINE DOCTOR to find effective treatments. Well then, what is the treatment for high creatinine level 7.0 in Diabetic Nephropathy?

As we all know, the creatinine is one of the waste which is produced by muscle and then can be removed out of body by the healthy kidney. While the ability of the damaged kidney will decline a lot, so more and more creatinine level will remain in the blood. High creatinine level will cause further blood vessel distorter and kidney damages, then impact the whole immune system. So it is necessary for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients to decline the high creatinine level.

What is the treatment for creatinine level 7.0 in Diabetic Nephropathy?

Dialysis for reducing High Creatinine Level

Indeed, dialysis is a good treatment for purifying polluted blood rapidly. And extra creatinine in blood also can be discharged. However, once dialysis stops, creatinine may build up again. That’s because the treatment fails to repair kidney damage and improve renal function. In addition, creatinine level is just small toxins, there are still as much as 90 kinds of toxins in your body when you enter into end stage renal disease. Simply depending on dialysis, some macromolecular toxins cannot be discharged. Therefore, dialysis is not an effective treatment for kidney failure patients.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The core technology of the therapy is the micronization of effective herbals in treating kidney disease with the effective ingredients. Then,with the action of effective penetrating agent and osmosis device, these active ingredients will be permeate into renal lesions by external application.

These medicines can play functions like expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading, thus promoting blood circulation. In the case, damaged kidneys will get enough blood and oxygen for recovering self-handling ability of the kidneys. In addition, the treatment also provides necessary nutrition to guarantee the body’s energy. Along with improvement of renal function, high creatinine level will be reduced from the root.

Medicated Bath

According to the unique feature of the Hypertensive Nephropathy, I want to recommend the traditional Medicated Bath to you, which is an excellent medical therapy in our hospital. The main composition of this therapy is various kinds of Chinese medical herbs. Only we boil these medical herbs for a long time, that can the medical effects released completely. We add a certain amount of hot water in the medical soup, then the medicated bath is done. The Hypertensive Nephropathy patients can soak into it and enjoy it. Through soaking, the whole blood circulation will be promoted, and the blood vessels will bb expanded, so that the blood can flow smoothly in the patients’ body. The high blood pressure will be remitted a lot. Then the damaged kidney will benefit a lot from the good blood circulation.


How To Treat Kidney Failure Caused By Long Time Of Diabetes

How To Treat Kidney Failure Caused By Long Time Of Diabetes

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Apart from dialysis and kidney transplant, is there any other therapy to treat kidney failure?

In fact, for the treatment of this disease controlling of the blood sugar level plays an important role. However, the key point should be repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect them from further damage. Only in this way, this disease can be controlled well.

What treatment is helpful for treating kidney failure caused by diabetes ?
You know, kidney failure is hard to be cured, however it can be controlled well with timely and properly treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective replacement therapies, it can help Diabetic Nephropathypatient live better without dialysis or taking the operation. It is a kind of external application therapies based on traditional Chinese herb medicine, which aims at solve the kidney problems without make further damage to the kidneys. So for Diabetic Nephropathy patient, as long as they can control blood sugar level well, they can have a chance live like a normal person with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

The four significant processes are outspreading blood vessel, antiinflammatory, anticoagulation and degradability, which can gradually well control blood pressure, improve microcirculation, increase blood and oxygen supply, reduce inflammatory response, dissolve thrombus, promote renal effective perfusion, thus providing a better platform for nephron renewal and function rebuilding so as to improve kidney function in Diabetic Nephropathy.

-Medicated Full Bath and Medicated Foot Bath. They can make you sweat. They can also stimulate you to urinate so as to reduce fluid retention in body.

-Enema Therapy. This therapy can improve the function of intestinal tract and lung. When your lung works normally, your kidneys will improve their function to discharge urine.

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Control High Blood Urea Level

 Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Control High Blood Urea Level

Urea is the terminal product of protein metabolism, and 1g of protein can produce about 0.3g of urea. Generally, kidney is the main organ to excrete urea. When urea is filtered out by glomeruli, it can be reabsorbed by every section of renal tubules. The quicker the rate of urine flow, the less urea reabsorbed by renal tubules.

What is the normal value of urea in the blood. From the above content, we know blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is used in clinic to reflect the amount of urea in blood. Normally, BUN ranges from 9-20mg/dl for healthy adults, and it usually won't be higher than this value until more than 50% of kidney function is lost. Besides, dehydration, diabetic acidosis, severe infections, etc, can also cause elevated BUN level.

Is possible to control blood urea naturally?

As blood urea has a close link with both protein metabolism and kidneys, the treatments should begin with these aspects.

First of all, correct the intake of protein: If kidneys can't do their work properly, extra protein will increase the workload on kidneys.

And then, supplement enough calories: This can reduce the consumption of protein in the body. Generally, it is suitable to take in 30Kca/Kg of calories every day.
In addition, increase kidney filtration rate: For different patients, detailed treatments should be different. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,
Immunotherapy, polluted blood therapy, etc, are chose according to patients’ condition.

High blood urea nitrogen level is the result of kidney damage. Therefore, to lower the high level, the key role should be restoring the impaired kidney structure and improving renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment for lowering high blood urea nitrogen.This therapy can dilate renal arteries and increase blood supply to kidneys.Additionally, it can activate the self-repairing system of the kidney to improve the filtering ability of the kidneys.

Top Seven TCM Therapies for Lowering High Creatinine Level 5.6

Top Seven TCM Therapies for Lowering High Creatinine Level 5.6

Dialysis is not the only choice for this part of patient, there are some other treatments based on traditional Chinese Herb Medicine can lower the high creatinine level in a more natural and effective way.

The most well-known alternative treatment is Top Seven TCM Treatments, it is not a single treatment, it is a series treatments consisted by seven different treatments, each of them has good effect in treating kidney failure, cooperated with each other they can treat improve the kidney function to some degree by protecting the kidney cells from further damage and repairing the damaged ones.

What are the Top Seven Treatments?

The seven treatments we mentioned above refers to Hot Compress Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy,Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy.

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient.

After 25 days treatment, his disease turned to good side and you can see that the swollen on his legs disappeared. The blood routine examination shown that his hemoglobin was 112g/L, red blood cells count was 3.60×1012/L. The renal function test shown that the serum creatinine level was 517umol/L, BUN 30.8mmol/L, UA 30.8mmol/L.

After he discharged out of our hospital, our doctor prescribed him some Chinese Medicines to consolidate the curative effect. One month later after he back home his serum creatinine level downs to 270umol/L,then he need to take dialysis once per week. Two months later after he back home his serum creatinine level downs to 160umol/L, then he decided to stop dialysis.

Seen from his story, we can know that with the help of Chinese Medicine, the kidney failure patient can get a chance to stop dialysis, at least they can reduce the times of dialysis.

If you are the kidney failure patient and want to get rid of dialysis or want to know more details about our Top Seven TCM Therapies you can send email to us or contact our doctor we will try our best to help you.


How To Help Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Avoid Dialysis and Kidney Transplant

How To Help Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Avoid Dialysis and Kidney Transplant

Is dialysis or kidney transplant the only way for nephrotic syndrome patients? Of course not. Then, how to help them avoid dialysis or kidney transplant?

In clinical, children Nephrotic Syndrome is usually given a course of steroid therapy. While it can take up to eight weeks for the steroids to work, many children respond within a month. If children Nephrotic Syndrome responds to the new medications, doctors suspect that patients have minimal change disease and they will use the medication to treat the Nephrotic Syndrome until it goes until remission.

Some baby patient may have responded to steroids at first, but then steroids don’t help when a relapse comes on. If the disease lost control, it will progresses into End Stage Renal Disease, your child may need dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Chinese Medicine may help your baby to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.
In our hospital, we mainly use the Chinese medical treatments to deal with kids with Nephrotic Syndrome. The main composition of our Chinese medical treatments is Chinese medical herbs which grow in nature for a long time, and they have any side effects to kids. There is oral Chinese median which can help kids clean and activate the channels and collaterals. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney cells and tissues. At last, theMedicated Bath can help children promote the whole blood circulation.

Through degradation, Chinese herbal medicines can help eliminate the immune complexes depositing on different parts of kidneys; through promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, the kidney damage can be repaired; through eliminating pathogenic factor and supporting genuine Qi, the immunity can be enhanced. In order to avoid the damage to gastrointestinal tract and improve the efficiency of medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been created.

Four One Traditional Chinese Medicine For Nephrotic Syndrome To Avoid Dialysis

Four One Traditional Chinese Medicine For Nephrotic Syndrome To Avoid Dialysis

Do you have heard of the “four one” Chinese medical treatments, which is a basic treatment to deal with kidney disease. There are four steps of this therapy. This therapy can help you avoid dialysis naturally.

One kettle of oral Chinese medicine

a kettle of oral Chinese medicine is boiled by some traditional Chinese medical herbs. The main function of this step is detoxification and it also can invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis.

A dose of micro-Chinese medicine

a dose of micro Chinese medicine is a special form of our Chinese medical herbs. In order to improve the medical effects, we make some Chinese herbs into micro powders, and sent them to the surface of the kidney. Then some impaired kidney cells and tissues will be repaired. At lat, the kidney function will be improved a lot.

A bottle of Maikang composition

A bottle of Maikang composition is the combination of Chinese medical herbs and some nutrient vegetables. It taste a little bit, but it has the function of anti-thrombosis and anti-aging.

a basin of Chinese medical foot bath

a basin of Chinese medical foot bath is so enjoyable to the Nephrotic syndrome patients. Through soaking feet in the hot medical foot bath, the whole blood circulation will be improved and the patients also can gain a good sleep at night.

The advantages of this four “one” is that the active ingredients in them can achieve the lesions directly, by discharging toxins from skin, they can help to cure Kidney Disease without make further damage to the kidneys. Compared with Western Medicine, they can cure the disease from the underlying reason and more natural.

Nephrotic Syndrome In Kids Can Be Treated Safely By TCM

Nephrotic Syndrome In Kids Can Be Treated Safely By TCM

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, to treat or prevent health problems. TCM can be used to deal with various kinds of difficult disease, including of nephrotic syndrome. Traditional Chinese medicine have little side effects to patients, so it is a better way for children who have nephrotic syndrome.

How TCM treat nephrotic syndrome in children?

If you search, you can find out there are various kinds of forms of TCM. The most common form is the oral Chinese medical soup, which is boiled by some Chinese medical herbs. This medical soup always be used to invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special form of TCM. In this therapy, some of the Chinese medical herbs are made into micro powders, so that they can be sent to the focus kidney parts easily. These micro Chinese medicine can rapier damaged kidney cells and tissues directly. It is a fundamental way to treat nephrotic syndrome for children. At last, the Medicated Bath can help children improve the whole blood circulation.

You may never heard of the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is an excellent Chinese medical treatments in our hospital. According to the symptoms of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, serious edema and hyperlipemia, we arrange suitable Chinese medical herbs for nephrotic syndrome patients. Then we make these medical herbs into micro powders which can be send to the surface of the kidney. When the damaged kidney meet the active Chinese medicine, blocked blood vessels will be expanded, impaired renal cells and tissues will be repaired, low immune system will be improved. At last, you will find that your renal function is improved a lot.

Remove Kidney Cyst In PKD Patients Naturally

Remove Kidney Cyst In PKD Patients Naturally

As we all know, the kidneys can remove waste from our blood. They do this by filtering the blood and making urine. While the kidney of PKD patients is so different form us, there are a lot of cysts covering on the surface of the kidney, which can enlarge gradually. With time going on, these cysts can destroy the kidney function and lead to Kidney Failure. So draining the kidney cysts is the fundamental way to deal with PKD

How to drain kidney cysts for PKD patients?

1. Is surgery can cut down the cysts covering on the kidney

This answer rely much on the specific conditions of the PKD patients. If there is only one or two cysts covering on the surface of the kidney, it is viable for the PKD patients to do a surgery. While if there are so many cysts covering on the kidney, the surgery is no used to the PKD patients. Because it is impossible to cut down all of the cysts. In addition, the cysts will recurrence after the surgery. From above, we can know clearly, thesurgery is not the suitable way to shrink the kidney cysts for the PKD patients.

2. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy drain Kidney cysts in PKD naturally

According to the feature of the kidney cysts, we created one effective Chinese medical treatments to drain the kidney cysts for PKD patients. It is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is mainly based on the traditional Chinese medical herbs. These herbs are made into micro powders by our doctors, the main purpose of that is sending them to the kidney cysts parts. When the kidney cysts meet the Chinese medicine, the toxic fluid in the kidney cysts will be absorbed, and the permeability of the kidney cells will be improved, so that the kidney cysts will become small and small. This therapy also has a strong effects in improving the kidney function for PKD patients.

How To Improve Urine Output in ESRD Patients

How To Improve Urine Output in ESRD Patients

Urine is a kind of liquid which is produced by kidney, in fact it is a waste that the body don’t needed. One normal person can produce 1000—2000ml urine everyday. While it is so different for End Stage Renal Disease patients.

How to improve urine for end stage renal disease?

In our hospital, we mainly use Chinese medical treatments to improve urine for end stage renal diseases. There are a series treatments the patients can apply. The first one is the oral Chinese medicine, which is a little bitter, but it can help end stage renal disease patients promote blood vessels and remove blood stasis. Next, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat the end stage renal disease from root, some damaged kidney cells and tissues will be repaired. At last, the Chinese medical foot bath can improve stimulate the acupoints then promote the whole blood circulation. As time goes on, the kidney function will be improved and the urine output also can be improved.

Why the end stage renal disease patients need to improve urine?

The amount of urine has a close relationship with the kidney function of end stage renal disease patients. Once the kidney was damaged, it will lose its kidney function, and the end stage renal disease is the most serious kidney disease, which means there only remain little kidney function. At which stage, the ability of kidney producing urine decline o lot. So as a result, more and more waste will keep in the body and cause other disaster. So it is necessary for end stage renal disease patients to improve the urine.

What To Do For GFR 44 And Creatinine Level 1.6

What To Do For GFR 44 And Creatinine Level 1.6

Both GFR and creatinine are two indicators of dividing Chronic Kidney Disease. Normally, patients can still live without obvious symptoms, when their glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is still about 50%. However, when GFR declines to below 50%, more and more waste products and toxins will build up in the blood that causes serum creatinine to increase. If left alone, GFR will reduce and creatinine level will increase quickly.

From the above analysis, we can know Stage 3 CKD is the best time to reverse kidney damage and improve kidney condition. Here, we have some methods that kidney patients can have a try.

- Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy: This is one innovation of TCM that can make prescribed Chinese medicines work more quickly. Of course, some auxiliary treatments are also added into this therapy, such as, acupuncture, medicated bath, massage, etc. You can a lot of benefits from these therapies.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine: As we know, Chinese medicines are good at treating chronic disease as well as kidney disease and regulating internal environment. Some Chinese medicines have the property of activating blood and nourishing damaged kidney cells, so they can help protect remaining kidney functioning cells and repairing damaged but not necrotic cells gradually.

The facts proves that our Chinese medical treatments can be use to avoid the kidney transplant for ESRD patients. Our Chinese medical treatments make full use of the roots, stems, leaves of natural plan, so they have a strong effects in dealing with the kidney disease. There are “four plus seven” treatment in our hospital, which is so effective in treating ESRD. This therapy include a series of unique Chinese therapies, they are a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application, a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine, Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. All of them have not any side effects to ESRD patients. they can be used to expend blood vessels, promote the blood circulation, and enhance the immune system, and improve kidney function.


Alternative Therapy of Dialysis for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

Alternative Therapy of Dialysis for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

Almost all the Diabete Nephropathy is caused by diabetes which is a urinary system disease. So compared other kidney disease, the Diabetes Nephropathy is more complex for doctor to deal with. When the Diabetes Nephropathy patients come to the hospital, the doctor always suggest them to do the dialysis. While due to the side effects, some of the Diabetes Nephropathy patients want to find other therapy to replace the dialysis. Our ONLINE DOCTOR can tell you some effective therapies.

If you want to replace the dialysis, you can come to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, which mainly use the Chinese medical treatments to deal with various kinds of kidney disease. One of them is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, whose main composition is some Chinese medical herbs. The feature of this therapy is making these medical herbs into micro powders, and the send them to the focus of the kidney parts. These micro powers can be used to enhance immune system, expand blood vessels, and improve kidney function. At last, you will find your kidney will become stronger and stronger, and you also can say goodbye to the dialysis. If you have done the dialysis, you must know the side effects of the dialysis. You will suffer from the vomiting, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, anemia, fatigue, cold and fever during or after the dialysis. As well as, it needs three or four hours to do the dialysis. And you can find that no matter how many times you do the dialysis, your kidney function will not be improved, even your condition may get worsening after the dialysis. That is why, so many Diabetes Nephropathy patients want to replacement therapy.

For about more information of alternative therapies of dialysis for diabetic nephropathy, you can send an email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com or consult our online doctor. We will reply you as soon as possible.

How To Treat Kidney Failure Without Dialysis

How To Treat Kidney Failure Without Dialysis

For a start, how to control kidney failure without dialysis? In general, doctor will recommend dialysis before the kidney failure take renal transplant to relive those symptoms of kidney disease. However, this kind of treatment will bring some side-effect and sometimes decrease the patient’s life quality, so people are wondering if there are some other ways can help them live better.

Is there any treatment for kidney failure without dialysis?

For this question the answer is positive, there is a series of treatments based on traditional Chinese Herb Medicine can help the kidney failure patient live better without dialysis. What’s more, for patient who can get those treatments in the early stage they may get a chance to reverse the progression of kidney disease.

How to treat kidney failure using Chinese Medicine Except dialysis?

The Top Seven TCM Therapies is a systematic treatments of kidney disease, it is composed by seven unique therapies of Chinese Medicine which are known as Cycle Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Enema Therapy, Foot bath therapy, Moxibustion Therapy and Hot Compress Therapy. All those therapies has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment doctors will arrange different treatments for the patient according to need.

With the help of those treatments, the kidney failure patients who are in the early stage of kidney disease can get a chance back to normal life; for patients who are in the advanced stage of kidney disease they also can live a better life without dialysis.

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient. If you want to know what kind of treatment is better for you, you can send your detailed information to us by email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com, after analyzed our doctor will reply you as soon as possible.

Natural Treatment For Inflamed and Enlarged Kidney

Natural Treatment For Inflamed and Enlarged Kidney

Some kidney disease patients were told they are suffering the inflamed and enlarged kidney, which is so serous to the patients. And if there is not effective control, the condition of the kidney will get worsening, and which even can lead to theKidney Failure or End Stage Renal Disease. So it is so necessary for kidney disease patients know clearly the reasons and treatments of inflamed and enlarged kidney. Contact ourONLINE DOCTOR who can give you some useful information.

Why kidney disease patients will suffer from inflamed and enlarged kidney?

Inflamed and enlarged kidney is an obvious symptom of the kidney disease. When the healthy kidney was destroyed, a lot of the kidney function will be lost and due to which, the kidney disease patients will gain a low immune system. So the damaged kidney will easily get inflamed and enlarged. Kidney cysts also is an main factor to cause the inflamed and enlarged kidney. There are full of a lot of toxic fluid in the kidney cysts, which can cause serious inflamed kidney.

Natural treatment for inflamed and enlarged kidney

Our Chinese medical treatments have strong effects to deal with the inflamed and enlarged kidney. Because the main composition of them are the natural Chinese medical herbs which grow in the natural. Making use of these Chinese medical herbs, we created the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which involves a lot of micro Chinese medical powders. With the help of certain equipments, these micro powders can be sent to the inflamed and enlarged kidney parts. Then the inflammation will be remitted, blood vessels will be expanded, immune system will be enhanced, thus kidney function of patients will be improved.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process, what patients need to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes.

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient. If you want to know what kind of treatment is better for you, you can send your detailed information to us by email, after analyzed our doctor will reply you as soon as possible.


Is A Must To Take Dialysis At Creatinine Level 5

Creatinine 5 can tell the condition is already in the late stage ofCKD stage 3. In some areas, doctors have already begun to recommended their patients dialysis treatment. But if you ask a Chinese expert on kidney disease about whether patients with creatinine 5 need dialysis, he or she will answer you like this:
There is no a direct relation between dialysis treatment and creatinine levels. If patients with creatinine 5 are in some certain conditions like the serum potassium level exceeds 7mmol/L; Blood Urea Nitrogen level is more than 54mmol/L; carbon dioxide combining powers is less than 15mmol/L; PH is below 7.25, etc, then the urgent dialysis should be started.

However, if patients with creatinine 5 still have some certain amount of urine output, and there are no any obvious complications, then the dialysis treatment can be postponed. So that whether dialysis is needed or not depends on patients’ specific conditions.

What treatment can lower the high creatinine level other than dialysis?

The most well-known alternative treatment is Top Seven Treatments, it is not a single treatment, it is a series treatments consisted by seven different treatments, each of them has good effect in treating kidney failure, cooperated with each other they can treat improve the kidney function to some degree by protecting the kidney cells from further damage and repairing the damaged ones.

What are the Top Seven Treatments?

The seven treatments we mentioned above refers to Hot Compress Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy.

What treatments should the patient apply?

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient. If you want to know what kind of treatment is better for you, you can send your detailed information to us by email, after analyzed our doctor will reply you as soon as possible.

Natural Remedies For High Creatinine Level

Natural Remedies For High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level is just one symptom of kidney disease, it is not our final purpose to relieve a certain symptom, but treat the disease from the root cause.”

“Some certain medicines and a low-protein diet can help fix high creatinine level to a certain degree. However it is not a long-tern method. Nowadays, the Chinese herbal medicines have been applied in clinic to help treat kidney disease. Though it is not used to fix high creatinine level directly, but repair kidney damage and recover kidney function, which can help kidney disease avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. Once kidney function can be recovered, various of symptoms including high creatinine level can be relieved safely and effectively.”

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is natural treatment option.

In addition to medicines and reasonable diet, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option for high creatinine levels and high BUN levels. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. It reduces high creatinine and high BUN levels by repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function, as the Chinese herbal medicines can play some functions the western medicines are unable to achieve like extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-coagulation, degradation and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys.

Can Multiple Simple Renal Cysts Affect Kidney Function

Can Multiple Simple Renal Cysts Affect Kidney Function

Simple renal cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form in the kidneys.They are different from the cysts that develop in polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Can multiple simple renal cysts affect kidney function?

if the multiple simple cysts keep enlarging persistently,they will oppress the adjacent kidney tissues, replace healthy kidney tissues, leading to progressive renal function decline.High blood pressure is often the first sign of kidney damage in multiple simple renal cysts. Afterwards, back pain, blood in urine, etc will happen.

If the cysts are large, surgery may be needed to remove the large ones by draining the cysts.However,after the large cysts are removed, the small ones will become large soon. The newly enlarged cysts will affect renal function once again.

Alternative treatment to surgery for multiple simple renal cysts
Chinese herbal medicine is an alternative treatment for multiple simple renal cysts.It is a natural therapy free of invasive effects on body completely.

In treating multiple simple renal cysts, Chinese herbal medicine mainly works in two ways:

The medicines can soften the cyst wall and improve the permeability of cyst wall. By this way, it can promote the excretion of cystic fluids, thus shrinking large cysts.

Additionally, Chinese herbal medicines can kill the epithelial cells and stop them from producing fluids. Thereby, the cysts will stop enlarging.


It is necessary for kidney disease patients with creatinine level 2.7 Take Treatment Now

I am a patient of kidney disease, the doctor said that my creatinine level increases to 2.7 and I recommend to take treatment now. But I have no noticeable symptoms, so I refused. I wonder Is it necessary for me to take treatment now?
To be frank, your doctor is right, you should take the treatment, although you do not have symptoms much.

Why kidney disease patients with creatinine level of 2.7 and no symptoms should therefore also take the treatment?

How To Stop Kidney Disease Stage 4
Is Ketosteril Really Helpful For Kidney Failure
What Is the Treatment for High Creatinine 9.9
Can ESRD Be Cured by Dialysis
Is There A Permanent Cure for CKD

At the clinic, the creatinine level 2.7 belongs to the stage 3 kidney disease, which is a vital stage renal disease. At this stage you may not have any symptoms of physical distress, while you may occasionally have pain, fatigue or weakness symptoms back. The progression of this disease is very slow in the initial stage, it will be meaningless, probably for a long time, but just likes a exsiting pump in your body that will explode at any time, because their kidneys have been damaged, once you get severe cold or infection, the disease will progress rapidly to renal failure (mean dialysis stage). You can take this case as a crack appeared in the wall, although it is still available, but if you do not repair the crunch, could collapse at any time. So better take timely treatment.

What treatment is best for the patient with kidney disease creatinine level 2.7?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a better option for patients with creatinine level of 2.7. This treatment as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese herb medicine, kidney disease can be treated safely and efficiently. With the help of this treatment, patients with creatinine level of 2.7 renal disease may have the opportunity to return to normal life, at least to live a quality life without dialysis or kidney transplantation.

What Does Creatinine Level Drop To 5.4 From 8.6 Mean

My creatinine level drops from 8.6 to 5.4 after dialysis, it means that my illness is going well? Dialysis as one of the common treatment of renal failure, can reduce high creatinine level by downloading additional blood toxins. But we can not say that the disease is going well or not only depending on the level of creatinine, because the level of creatinine may goes high again after stopping dialysis.

How can we know that the disease is going well or not?

As mentioned above, we can not say that the disease is going well or not only depend on the level of creatinine. Another important indicator is the GFR, which is more sensitive than creatinine.

How To Stop Kidney Disease Stage 4
Is Ketosteril Really Helpful For Kidney Failure
What Is the Treatment for High Creatinine 9.9
Can ESRD Be Cured by Dialysis
Is There A Permanent Cure for CKD

You know the level of creatinine can be affected by many factors, but the level of GFR may reflect renal function directly, because it is more accurate in measuring renal function. So if your level of GFR get improved which means your disease is going well.

As mentioned above, dialysis can not repair the damaged kidneys, because once patients stop taking it, symptoms like high creatinine level caused by kidney disorder will appear again. If you want to lower your level of creatinine permanently and reverse kidney disease, you have to take some alternative therapies.

If you need any help in reducing the high level of creatinine or want to get rid of dialysis, you can send an email to chinakidneytherapy@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Four Factors: You Should Pay Attention to In Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy refers to a common kidney disease, which is caused by the long history of diabetes. Once he was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, a fast and effective treatment is most important to prevent kidney failure. In the following article, we will introduce the 4 factors that should pay more attention for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

1. Diet

As we know, diet plays an important role in patients with kidney disease and kidney-friendly diet can reduce the burden on the kidneys and protect the residual renal function. The diet should rely on your own case, which may include low-protein, low salt, supply enough calories, reduce your intake of sugar, etc. Keeping a well planned diet can slow its progression to diabetic nephropathy.

2. Suitable Exercises

Research shows that proper exercise can help reduce the level of blood sugar to some extent. Therefore, he suggests to take some exercises such as walking, swimming, jogging, etc.

3. Taking medication to control symptoms

You have to follow the advice of their doctors to take medication to control their symptoms, such as blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, proteinuria, swelling, and so on. The well-controlled symptoms can prevent further damage to the kidneys and slow its progression.

4. Restore renal function

This is most important for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, once kidney function is improved with a treatment can stop the progression of the disease.
Here you will find the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital, which is an external treatment and herbal base, and there are many unique and special Chinese medicines that are used based on their own case. And this therapy are aimed at repairing the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. Through a systemic treatment, diabetic nephropathy can be well controlled, which may help slow its progression and make a good outcome for you.

If you want to learn more about the details of the diabetic nephropathy treatment, can leave a message below, or you can send an email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

What Does Creatinine Level Drop To 5.4 From 8.6 Mean

My creatinine level drops from 8.6 to 5.4 after dialysis, it means that my illness is going well? Dialysis as one of the common treatment of renal failure, can reduce high creatinine level by downloading additional blood toxins. But we can not say that the disease is going well or not only depending on the level of creatinine, because the level of creatinine may goes high again after stopping dialysis.

How can we know that the disease is going well or not?

As mentioned above, we can not say that the disease is going well or not only depend on the level of creatinine. Another important indicator is the GFR, which is more sensitive than creatinine.

You know the level of creatinine can be affected by many factors, but the level of GFR may reflect renal function directly, because it is more accurate in measuring renal function. So if your level of GFR get improved which means your disease is going well.

As mentioned above, dialysis can not repair the damaged kidneys, because once patients stop taking it, symptoms like high creatinine level caused by kidney disorder will appear again. If you want to lower your level of creatinine permanently and reverse kidney disease, you have to take some alternative therapies.

If you need any help in reducing the high level of creatinine or want to get rid of dialysis, you can send an email to chinakidneytherapy@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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