
How To Increase Kidney Patients' Resistance To Disease

Nephrotic patients are frail, easy to cold is a common phenomenon, how can we enhance the body resistance to disease?

Today to tell you early, middle and late one thing, to help you adjust the immune system, no longer due to frail and drag the hind legs of cure.

In the morning

To strengthen nutrition in the morning.

Protein is a nutrient, but the protein in the body due to leakage of protein from the urine, resulting in inadequate protein in the body, so very easy to cold sick, so need to add protein. Especially breakfast as the most important meal of the day, the most need to pay attention.

"Doctors, get kidney disease do not need low protein diet?"

Yes, low-protein diet helps patients with disease control, can delay renal failure, many people have kidney disease, because the protein eat more.

However, we must according to their own condition: If you "plasma albumin" lower, or even low to the "hypoproteinemia" level, then the body can not carry disease, the condition will deteriorate. Then need to add protein, which is the basic protection of nutrition.

In addition to the protein, there is appropriate to add vitamins and trace elements, such as in accordance with the norms of the correct use of active vitamin D, appropriate intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.

In the afternoon

This is not just "noon", but also includes six hours before noon, there are 10 hours after noon

In fact, one day

One day need to pay attention to is to maintain peace of mind, do not be sad.

From the Chinese point of view, some patients suffering from kidney disease. Because because of the "seven emotions", emotions refers to "hi, anger, worry, thinking, sad, fear, scared", over anger injury liver, thinking over the injury spleen, sad lungs, fear of kidney injury.

Modern medicine also believes that: people's negative thoughts, can cause physiological changes in chemical substances, so that the body fluids produce toxins.

So often and family friends in good weather, to fresh air, the crowd is not much place and time to take a walk, chatting. Both exercise the body, but also enhance the emotional exchange.

In the evening

Must ensure the quality of sleep at night, every night between 9:00 to 11:00 must go to bed. Before going to bed can be a proper hot water feet, help to sleep as soon as possible to improve the quality of sleep to ensure that the body's resistance to disease.

I often wake up in the morning to find that some kidney friends message time is not right, all morning do not sleep still play mobile phone. You ah, the phone should be loaded "I want to sleep early".

Long-term gout can cause kidney disease

People suffering from gout are not uncommon in life, and mostly male. Because the female body of estrogen can promote uric acid excretion, and inhibit the role of arthritis, so women suffering from gout almost all menopause. Of course, suffering from gout is not just a physiological reason. Treat friends, drink beer to eat seafood can increase the risk of gout, these are male friends and ultimately to do.

In fact, men and women suffering from gout ratio of 20: 1, that is, male gout patients are women 20 times!

And my colleague, apparently a pure man. To say a doctor in a kidney medicine himself made a gout, but also very funny. He does not know what will cause gout? Of course it is impossible to say that he started the day since the beginning of the rabbit, the rabbit to eat what he eat. Although the gout has now passed, but when he was the cause of the rabbit seems to have been going to continue.
But it also gave me a wake up, I write more attention to the matter, certainly someone still do not care, have to be painful once to remember, so this time directly and everyone said really have a gout should do.

How to treat high uric acid

Can be used to inhibit uric acid production of drugs such as allopurinol;

Promote uric acid excretion of drugs such as probenecid, benzethonium bromide, losartan and so on;

In the onset of the disease, the first is to quickly resolve the pain caused by inflammation, the use of drugs, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine and glucocorticoids, but to be careful with uric acid excretion of drugs.

How to treat high uric acid

Usually on the treatment can be used eight Masanori and Shi Wei powder plus or minus the damp heat, with Jisheng Shenqi pills and Shen Ling Atractylodes powder plus heat to fill the spleen and kidney, the gas line of water;

Diet on the egg instead of meat, edible a variety of cereals and their products, especially the need for low-fat diet, restrictions on cheese, butter and other dairy products;

In the onset of the disease to stasis heat, Tongluo pain.


How To Eliminate Proteinuria Frmo Kidney Problem

Proteinuria, as one dominant symptom of various kidney diseases, can not only help indicate patients’ illness condition but also cause further kidney damage if uncontrolled well. From this point, making clear the causes and managements of proteinuria due to kidney disease is very essential.

When protein is ingested, protein waste products are created. Healthy kidneys have millions of nephrons that filter this waste. It’s then removed from the body in the urine.

Unhealthy kidneys lose the ability to remove protein waste and it starts to build up in the blood. Dietary protein intake for patients with CKD is based on the stage of kidney disease, nutrition status and body size. Counseling sessions with a registered dietitian are recommended for planning and monitoring a low- or high-protein diet.

Perhaps when you go to see a doctor, they will recommend you some medicines which can ease the proteinuria to a certain extent, but these medicines nearly can do nothing to the damaged kidneys.

Luckily, a kind of new treatment named TCM treatment is widely used in reducing proteinuria. TCM is short for traditional Chinese medicine, just as its name meaning, this treatment is based on traditional medicine. Cycle therapy, hot compress therapy, foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, oral Chinese Medicine therapy, moxibustion therapy are included. Each of seven therapies has its own advantages and forms the system by itself. Related and complemented to each other, they form an organic stereoscopic system of therapy. According to these treatments, we can repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. There is no doubt that the proteinuria will be naturally reduced after the kidneys can work normally again.

If you are also suffering from proteinuria and interested in eliminate it by these TCM treatments, you can connect the online doctor directly or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We experts will reply you within 24 hours.

Where Can I Get Medicated Foot Bath Therapy For CKD

I suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and hear Medicated Foot Bath is effective for kidney problem. So where can I get this therapy? Is it available in India?

To be honest, Foot Bath Therapy is one of our systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment, which contains lots of Chinese medicines materials in the hot water based on the specific illness condition of patients.

But it is only available in China up to now, because we have no branch in other countries. If you want to have a try, you need to come to China for treatment, more details want to get, welcome to leave detailed message in the below form.

This patient is from America and his creatinine level has increased to 576umol/L. His local doctor asked him to prepare dialysis. But this grandpa really does not want to take dialysis for his rest of life. He thinks he still has a long way to go and should not be locked by dialysis. Through Internet, he found our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China. He does believe that we can lower down his high creatinine level naturally without dialysis.

On February, 2016, he came to our hospital for treatment. We first give him a thorough check up to know his condition exactly. Then our expert made a systematic treatment plan for him. In our hospital, one of his treatments is Medicated Foot Bath which is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment. According to different illness condition, Chinese medicines are also different. Medicated Foot Bath can expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation and relieve renal ischemia and anoxia state so as to improve overall kidney condition. Wastes in your body can be discharged naturally.

After a period of treatment, his creatinine level was reduced to 320umol/L from 576umol/L. Of course, aside from Medicated Foot Bath, he also took Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. His condition would become better and better after continuing our treatments for some time.

What’s more, with the help of heating effects, Foot Bath Therapy can also draw out toxins to purify your blood so as to give you a clean blood environment for repairing injured kidney tissues and improving renal function.



What are the measures to treat iga nephritis?

Iga nephritis is the most serious of the kidney disease, when suffering from the disease, the patient's kidney will be affected by severe kidney, so a lot of friends for the disease is panic, they fear that the disease will appear In the side, then when iga nephritis this disease to find us on how to treat it later?
Iga nephritis treatment:
Simple Western medicine treatment, is often said that the application of hormones and immunosuppressive therapy, the treatment must have the effect of treatment, but the side effects of refractory IgA nephropathy is powerless. To take the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to the main treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Western medicine Western medicine to control the progress of the disease, after the use of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent renal fibrosis.
IgA nephropathy patients to actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, such as upper respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infection, root sore boils, fungal infections, repeated due to tonsillitis induced hematuria, feasible tonsillectomy, children foreskin Elderly should be timely cut. Once the inflammation occurs, active treatment.
IgA nephropathy is primary glomerular disease. In the iga kidney disease treatment process, Western medicine routine use of hormones, immunosuppressive agents and other treatment, IgA nephropathy can be the symptoms of urine protein removal, but this method can not improve the renal function of the injury. More and more treatment of IgA nephropathy tends to treat Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine treatment iga kidney disease has been recognized by most people, Chinese medicine has played a cure for kidney disease cure.
Iga kidney disease occurs in young people, men more common. Many times before the onset of infection, often for the upper respiratory tract infection sudden hematuria, the number of continuous preparation hours to days, nausea hematuria may have mild symptoms, such as fever, low back pain, general symptoms such as dysuria sometimes Very obvious. Another kind of very good patients with occult onset, the main discharge performance asymptomatic authority of urine abnormalities, often found in physical examination, was persistent or intermittent microscopic hematuria, with or without mild proteinuria; A small number of patients with a course of disease may have hairy hematuria, IgA nephropathy is primary glomerular disease showed simple hematuria in the most common pathological type of about 60% -70%.
Iga nephritis patient's diet:
1. pay attention to the amount of fluid: should be in accordance with the daily urine volume to control the amount of fluid. Iga kidney disease diet Note that the general method of supplement is to add the day before the discharge of urine, the intake of liquid 500 ml to 1000 ml.
2. iga kidney disease diet protein: acute glomerulonephritis onset 3 days to 6 days, glomerular filtration rate decreased, there will be a transient azotemia, and therefore should pay attention to protein diet, in the attention of the field should be Try to choose high quality protein foods such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and so on.
3. low salt and low sodium diet: accompanied by edema and high blood pressure in patients should use low salt, no salt or low sodium diet. Low salt diet ordinary daily use of less than 3 grams of salt or soy sauce 10 ml to 15 ml, iga kidney disease diet where the salt and more food should be to prevent consumption, such as pickles, pickles, salted eggs, pineapple, bacon, seafood, salty Looking, noodles, etc. should be prevented. Salt-free diet is cooking without salt and soy sauce.
4. pay attention to high potassium food: when showing oliguria, anuria or potassium decreased, should pay attention to potassium-rich vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, leeks, garlic, celery, cauliflower, toon, spinach, bamboo shoots, Lily, dried red dates, fresh mushrooms, seaweed, mustard, Sichuan green vegetables, magnolia tablets, mushrooms, apricot, lotus root, sorghum, corn, lentils, tomatoes, loofah, bitter gourd and so on.

What Are Symptoms Of High Uric Acid Level

Many patients with kidney disease to the hospital, you will find high uric acid, often lead to physical discomfort, if not early adjustment, may also lead to more serious complications, threatening the patient's health.

What are the main symptoms of uric acid? Experts introduced as follows;

1, uric acid is too high, under normal circumstances, if there is no obvious hyperglycemia is not required treatment. But it is not regardless of it, because hyperuricemia, after all, is not normal. Persistent high blood uric acid, may cause uric acid crystals and uric acid crystals in the renal pelvis, ureter or renal tubules and renal interstitial deposition, causing kidney damage, causing kidney stones, so should find high blood uric acid causes, such as diuretics, Antihypertensive drugs, chemotherapy drugs and other drug factors and kidney disease, blood disease, diabetes, etc., to find out the reasons, while avoiding obesity, high purine and high calorie diet, alcohol, fatigue, mental stress, trauma, wet and other predisposing factors. Lower blood uric acid, which is beneficial and harmless.

2, asymptomatic hyperuric acid is the most dangerous is the onset of gout, or eventually lead to kidney stones, hyperuricemia in patients with the possibility of gout, roughly and the level of serum uric acid increased proportion.

Uric acid is high what the main symptoms? Regardless of what effective treatment must be sustained, of course, for patients with kidney disease, diet can only play the role of adjuvant therapy, if the condition has increased the trend, or recommended to the kidney hospital, Treatment measures. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Hematuria can disappear naturally in Kidney Disease

Hematuria or blood urine is described as kidneys or other parts of urinary tract allow blood cells to leak into urine. It can be either gross or microscopic that may be a sign of kidney disease. A proper treatment can not only alleviate hematuria but also slow the progress of kidney disease.

Hematuria is the common symptoms of kidney diseases such as IgA Nephropathy, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Nephritis and so on. And this is usually because as the GFR of kidney patients is decreased, the glomerulus can not preserve the red blood cells as normal, finally, a number of them can flow into the urine.

If your hematuria is caused by an infection, like a urinary tract infection (UTI), hematuria may be treated with antibiotics. But the western medicine have the great side effects and cannot treat the disease from the root. You should choose the traditional Chinese medicine and a professional hospital so that the hematuria cannot came back again. These therapies will be choose according to your condition such as Circling Treatment of Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Oral Treatment of Chinese Medicine, Enema Treatment of Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath, Moxibustion Treatment and other chinese medicine.


Diet to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood

High creatinine levels may be a sign that your kidneys are not functioning properly. The diet for people with a high creatinine is geared toward preserving kidney function and is low in protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Consult your doctor about your diet if your creatinine levels are high.

First, keep a low salty diet and control the intake of salt. The daily intake of salt should not be more than 3 grams.

Second, If your creatinine levels are high, your doctor may suggest you limit the amount of protein in your diet. Eating more protein than your body needs increases the amount of waste your kidneys need to remove, making them work harder.

Be Careful With High-Potassium Foods You may also need to limit your intake of foods high in potassium when your creatinine levels are high. Your kidneys are responsible for balancing the amount of potassium in your body. High levels of potassium may lead to an irregular heartbeat or even a heart attack. Fruits and vegetables are the primary source of potassium in the diet. Oranges, bananas, potatoes and broccoli are considered high-potassium foods. Eating mostly low-potassium fruits and vegetables, such as apples, blueberries, corn and cucumbers, may help you keep blood potassium levels within a normal range.

Having high levels of phosphorus in your blood causes your body to pull calcium out of your bones, which may weaken them. Limiting your intake of foods high in phosphorus, such as chocolate, organ meats, beans and milk, may help improve blood phosphorus levels and keep your bones healthy and strong.

Finally, patients with high creatinine level in blood can't eat fatty foods. They can control the intake of fatty food through the following two kinds of measures: 1. They should put less oil when cooking. Meanwhile, they should keep away from the fried and greasy food. 2. They should choose little or no saturated fatty acid plant oil.

If you need the related information, welcomed to email us to kidneycares@hotmail.com; of course, if you still need diet suggestions, also let us know.



How To Reduce High Creatinine Level 570umol/L

Creatinine 570 is already a decompensation of renal failure, and this time do not consider completely cured, and should be considered to prevent the kidneys continue to necrosis, to maintain the existing renal function.

Suggestions: treatment should include four aspects: the first is to clean up the immune complex, the second is to prevent the kidneys continue to necrosis, the third is swelling and protein, occult blood suppression, the fourth is immune improve. Four aspects must all be involved. First clarify a misunderstanding, dialysis is not a treatment, but the first aspect of a way only. Hope that these can help you.

I know that you do not want to undergo the discomforts caused by dialysis. But you can not quit dialysis at your willing.

As a matter of fact, in China, kidney disease patients can take natural treat like Toxin-Removing Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Full Bath Therapy and Moxibustion to reduce the creatinine 570 safe and effective.

On some points, Toxin-Removing Therapy can replace the dialysis to carry out various toxins and wastes which will not only make the further damage of the kidney, but also affect the effects of other treatments. Compared with dialysis, Toxin-Removing Therapy can protect The kidney and have less respirable.

Sure, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can take a better impact in a clean and healthy environment invented by Toxin-Removing Therapy. It can also help the patients eject the harmful things in the blood from body. And the major function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to activate the inherent cells of the kidney, repair the diseased cells and tissues of the kidney and improve the renal function. What is more, the external application treatment has no obvious untoward effects. When the kidney is recovered, the creatinine will be Reduced, and the dialysis will be refused.

If you want to gain more information about dialysis or alternative treatment to dialysis, please leave a message below or send your illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.


How to effectively reduce the high creatinine

How to effectively reduce the high creatinine creatinine is the product of muscle metabolism in the body, mainly through the glomerular filtration through the body, if the creatinine is high, then the glomerular filtration system failure, that is, the kidney was damaged , Want to know how to reduce the creatinine, how to effectively reduce the high creatinine? Here we come to a brief look.

1. edema is a typical symptoms of creatinine, light eyelid and facial edema, severe systemic edema, as well as pleural effusion and ascites. This is to the main low-salt food, salt, the main component of sodium ions, if the sodium ion accumulation in the body for a long time will cause sodium retention, increased kidney burden. At this time can not be a lot of water, the appropriate drink can be, the body of water too much and can not be timely discharge, will increase the edema; eat less greasy food, these things will only increase the damage to the kidneys.

2.Hypertension is also high symptoms of creatinine, there have been such symptoms, you can eat some buck the food, but also reduce the creatinine, do both, such as celery, cabbage and so on.

3. hematuria, a lot of symptoms of the disease have hematuria, hematuria is a large number of urine red blood cells, which is a lot of drinking water, increase urine output, dilute the urine, and can be a good left in the urinary tract Of the waste out of the body, to avoid other infections. Eat some fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

4.proteinuria, refers to the urine contains a lot of protein, it is because the glomerular filtration function abnormalities, the body of the protein molecules to filter out, with the urine out, the formation of proteinuria, can Eat some high-quality low-protein foods, such as lean meat, milk, eggs and so on.

The above is about IgA nephropathy on how to treat some of the relevant details, hoping to give you some help. If you have a similar question, please feel free to contact our online experts. They will give you the most detailed and scientific answers to your questions.

What Is Diet For Kidney Failure In Children

A lot of people in the sick after the surgery is always like a drug or a way to treat, in fact, we can also diet in the diet to treat the disease, the scientific development of the diet plan, better help children to restore health.

Children with kidney failure 

First, children with renal failure diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food chronic renal failure, advanced renal failure, poisonous patients gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion state, such as eating hot pepper, liquor and other spicy food, often increased gastrointestinal mucosa Of the erosion, leading to endometrial vascular bleeding.

Second, kidney disease children eat dogs, sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious Chinese medicine that dog meat, lamb, beef and other hair, easy to cause repeated or aggravated, clinically do see systemic lupus erythematosus or nephritis Failure of the patient to eat cattle, mutton exacerbations and even the final death, whether the coincidence to be further observed, but patients with chronic renal failure or not to eat such meat products as well.

Third, children with renal failure should be soft food, avoid hard food and fried food chronic renal failure patients due to toxins retention in the body and blood microcirculation and other causes of gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion, such as eating hard food, fried Food such as sesame cake sugar, fried surface nest, etc., often lead to food in the stomach through the blood vessels and bleeding. Due to chronic renal failure, advanced renal failure, poisoning patients with coagulation dysfunction, bleeding is difficult, it will lead to death.

The above content is for children with kidney failure diet, hope to bring you some help. The cause of kidney failure is very complex, sick children will appear after a high degree of swelling. There is a lot of proteinuria, we pay attention to the treatment of children to add protein and vitamins, to help children enhance the body's resistance.

What are the complications of renal failure?

Now we need to bear a lot of pressure in life, physical and psychological fatigue can not get enough rest, over time will cause a certain threat to the body, need to attract our attention. There are many causes of kidney failure, fatigue leading to disease, viral infection and physical renal failure are very common, we need to actively treat. So, what are the complications of renal failure?

Renal failure is a malignant disease, if not timely treatment will be a lot of complications, increase the damage to the body. Renal failure patients in the latter part of the time there will be infection, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular will also be a certain disease, the need for targeted treatment.

What are the complications of renal failure?

1. Infection is one of the most common and most serious complications of acute renal failure, more common in severe trauma, burns and other caused by high-resolution acute renal failure.

2. Cardiovascular system complications, including arrhythmia, heart failure, pericarditis, hypertension, etc.

3. Nervous system complications are headache, drowsiness, muscle twitching, coma, epilepsy and so on. Neurological complications and toxins in the body retention and water poisoning, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance disorders.

4. Experts pointed out that the digestive system complications showed anorexia, nausea, rugged, bloating, hematemesis or blood in the stool, bleeding mostly due to gastrointestinal mucosal erosion or stress ulcers caused.

5. Blood system complications due to a sharp decline in renal function, can reduce erythropoietin, causing anemia, but most of the serious. A small number of cases due to reduced blood clotting factors, may have bleeding tendency.

6. electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis, there may be hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and severe acidosis, is one of the most dangerous acute renal failure complications. In the polyuria, renal disease patients daily urine output up to 3000-5000ml, due to a large number of water and electrolyte discharge, there may be dehydration, low potassium, hyponatremia, etc., if not promptly added, kidney disease patients can die Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.


Is Dialysis A Must for Uremia

Renal failure can not discharge wastes out of your body. Then your serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, urea will all increase, the phenomenon of systemic poisoning. Hemodialysis can temporarily discharge the body of the body without poisoning the various organs, the system. Acute renal failure, repeated dialysis, to be returned after the kidney to stop dialysis. Chronic uremia can cause uremia, hemodialysis can only solve the temporary problem but can not solve the radical problem.Is dialysis a must for uremia?

The answer is no. There was a patient, he know his illness condition just before two days of wedding.

One side is his serious kidney disease, another side is his beautiful bride. Then he was upset and negative. He went to many hospitals for his disease, but the curative effect is not ideal, the illness condition always repeat. He almost want to kill himself. Thanks to his wife, always give him courage and hope. In addition, his wife often consult others and looking for some new treatments without dialysis for uremia in the net. Everything comes to him who waits, finally, she find it. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease, there are many natural therapies that can help avoiding uremia. Through further investigation, she decided to come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital carrying with her husband.

when he just came here, his creatinine level is 1200, accompanying with much of blood urine. Through one month of our characteristic treatment, his creatinine level reduced to 400 and urination turn to normal. Seeing inspection result, he cried and said, he can recover all because of his wife’s persistence. He must give his wife a perfect wedding when he leave hospital.

Not a long time later, he fulfill his promise

All treatment options of our hospital are from Chinese medicine, which are nature and safe. After years of clinical studies, we find that the key to treat kidney disease is cleaning the blood firstly and then saving kidney. In this way, we can not only support a good condition for kidney recovering, but also good to save kidney. Based on this idea, we researched many kinds of therapies such as foot bath, full bath, circle therapy and so on. All these therapies have the function of dilating the blood vessel, improving the blood circulation,finally achieving the goal of removing the toxin and wastes.

Facing with the true love, illness also will retreat to avoid a conflict. So uremia is. Facing with traditional Chinese medicine, dialysis also should be alternated.


What is the main cause of polycystic kidney disease?

We have to pay attention to the emergence of more serious diseases, in fact, can affect the health of our kidney disease types are quite much, so when the polycystic kidney disease occurs when the first must actively find the disease The main cause, so the main cause of polycystic kidney disease is what?

Polycystic kidney recurrence of what causes:

1. the treatment should not be: a lot of polycystic kidney disease are just a simple choice of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine for treatment, not knowing that both simple Chinese medicine or Western medicine can not completely treat polycystic kidney disease, so often recurrence of the phenomenon.
What Should PKD Patients Pay Attention To

Toxin-Removing Treatment for PKD Patient From Iraq

2. the treatment is not complete: many patients in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, will tasted, and there is no complete treatment of polycystic kidney disease, that their effective treatment of kidney disease. It is not, no matter what the disease, the symptoms of the body after the disappearance of a period of time must be consolidated treatment. So many patients with polycystic kidney disease, although no symptoms, but it is easy to relapse.

3. misuse of toxic drugs: misuse of toxic drugs can also lead to polycystic kidney recurrent or even increased, the most common situation is the patient to listen to recipe and eating with toxic side effects of drugs and lead to deterioration of renal function, and cause uremia The What are the causes of polycystic kidney disease recurrence?

4. nursing work is not in place: diet and care is good or bad, are an important factor affecting the recurrence of polycystic kidney disease, many patients clearly in the clinical effect of rehabilitation, but still relapse? This is why? Because many patients with polycystic kidney disease and not pay attention to polycystic kidney disease and care, so that lead to polycystic kidney disease recurrence.

5. the psychological impact: polycystic kidney disease is also a physical and mental illness, health, so that patients themselves have a lot of mental stress. Psychological shadow does not overcome, polycystic kidney disease is difficult to cure, even if the clinical cure, once encountered mental stimulation, which led to the recurrence and increase of polycystic kidney disease.

6. the disease is anxious to seek medical advice: In our clinical treatment of polycystic kidney disease learned that there are many patients with polycystic kidney disease before they have received hormone therapy, which is leading to its polycystic kidney disease repeated one of the main reasons, Drug characteristics have a certain relationship. Effective, almost all of us choose hormone drugs. Reason, of course, do not rule out those who do not understand the role of hormone drugs or do not know the doctor is a hormone drug situation.

7. blindly believe that polycystic kidney remedies: in our country a kind of talk "remedial disease", but it is necessary to meet an important condition, is to symptomatic. And these polycystic kidney recipe is not specifically for a patient's condition and developed, so it is difficult to play an ideal therapeutic effect. Some remedies in the drug even the least security is not, and some drug name, usage, dosage, indications, contraindications and other aspects of the existence of errors. Radical cure polycystic kidney disease is out of the question.

What Is The Effective Treatment for Uremia

How to treat uremia? Uremia damages everyone's body, so that patients bear a huge burden and want to avoid the occurrence of disease hazards, we must find suitable treatment, the correct treatment to avoid the occurrence of disease hazards , So how to treat uremia?

How to treat uremia?

1. usually under the condition of uremic patients to carry out the disease to the uremic period, the doctor will recommend uremic patients to dialysis, dialysis on the temporary effect of creatinine is indeed good. However, this is only a temporary illusion, dialysis of this uremic treatment will have a dependency, once the suspension of dialysis, uremic patients in vivo toxins will rise rapidly, this anti-repeated dialysis to bring patients Big pain. At the same time, some of the complications presented during the dialysis process can not be prevented and the dialysis costs are expensive.

2. kidney transplantation is also one of the treatment of uremia, kidney transplant will show a variety of crowded response, the need to take early anti-squeeze drugs, and not every uremic patients are able to win kidney, if Kidney failure, will once again go back to the original dialysis. At the same time, the survival rate of renal transplantation is also very low, and the cost of kidney transplantation is the ordinary family can not afford, at least have to prepare a few hundred thousand to stop the treatment of late uremia.

3. diet treatment of low-protein diet to avoid nitrogen metabolism of waste and poison in the body accumulation of renal function to further deterioration of low-phosphorus diet can remain residual kidney deposition of calcium to reduce the supply of sufficient heat to reduce protein decomposition is conducive to reducing azotemia " General diet of carbohydrates should account for 40% of fat should account for 30% to 40%.

How to treat uremia? Choose their own treatment is the responsibility of patients reflected, of course, great harm to uremia, want to get rid of the occurrence of disease hazards, we grasp the treatment of uremia, it should also actively consult the relevant Expert advice, thereby reducing the incidence of disease hazards.


How to protect the kidneys in patients with chronic renal failure

Most patients with chronic renal failure also left some renal function, protect the residual renal function can reduce the patient's dialysis frequency, more conducive to maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance and reduce the occurrence of heart failure.

 (1) active treatment of primary disease

Different degrees of kidney disease, residual renal function decreased slightly different degrees. Diabetic nephropathy early to actively strengthen the insulin treatment, can slow down the residual renal function. Lupus nephritis, hormone therapy through the treatment of renal function may also have recovery, and even a long time out of dialysis reports. Purple Nephritis should be actively looking for allergens, to prevent re-sensitization increase kidney damage.

 (2) strict control of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a factor to promote the progress of kidney disease, especially dialysis patients, prone to water retention and lipid metabolism disorders, which is caused by increased blood pressure and renal arteriosclerosis risk factors, the blood pressure control in the normal to prevent Glomeruli cause further damage.

 (3) to prevent hemodialysis in low blood pressure

In the dialysis to remove water should not be too much, generally 5-7% of body weight is appropriate to prevent the emergence of hypotension. Because of insufficient blood volume, can make the kidney further ischemia, increase kidney damage. So the patient dialysis interval is required to control the drinking water.

 (4) removal of renal obstruction factors

Older men should pay attention to the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy, kidney and ureteral stones should be removed as soon as possible stones.

(5) to avoid injury kidney drugs and poison

Many drugs and poisons have kidney damage. Such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, rifampicin in anti-tuberculosis drugs, anti-tumor drugs doxorubicin, fluorouracil, high-dose antipyretic analgesics such as: cold pass, speed, contrast agent, mannitol, Chinese medicine Guanmutong and wide defense has been. Toxic fish in the fish, heavy metals such as mercury.

(6) to avoid high protein diet, high purine diet

High protein diet has the effect of increasing kidney burden. Renal failure non-dialysis should be low-protein diet is appropriate But the dialysis of patients due to small molecular nutrients will be filtered through the membrane loss, it is not recommended low-protein diet, should be under the guidance of a physician to give appropriate higher protein diet to prevent malnutrition.

The high purine diet can cause uric acid to increase, causing uric acid to block renal tubules. Such foods are: animal offal, seafood, eggs, fish skin, beer, soybeans, seaweed, mushrooms, spinach and so on.

Which One Is Good-Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis

Which one is good-Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis? There are only three types of treatment of kidney disease: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation, of course, kidney transplantation is the most thorough, but it is out of reach, to maintain life, kidney disease patients can only choose hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. That in the end is still good hemodialysis good?

Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis is the two methods of renal dialysis, the same effect is to clean the kidneys, the working principle is the same, but the hemodialysis is directly derived from the use of dialysis machine to replace the function of the kidney, In the abdominal wall and the dirty layer (including the liver, spleen, intestines or bone) on the thin film instead of kidney function. Hemodialysis is still good? Southern Medical University, Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Department of nephrology physician summarized a few points.

1. which one is convenient?

Hemodialysis need health care personnel monitoring, abdominal penetration only need the patient or their families can be carried out at home, uremia or renal failure patients if the peritoneal, can save the time to the hospital line and round trip fees. Hemodialysis on the site, equipment and manpower demand is great, but a limited number of patients on the machine, hemodialysis in some areas of China has reached a saturated state, and peritoneal dialysis treatment and hemodialysis is basically the same, peritoneum is more suitable for far away from the hospital Of patients with kidney disease, can save time and save a transportation fee.

2.Which one is safe?

May be a lot of uremia or renal failure patients feel that they operate dialysis, will have their own ability to doubt, but the patient or family members are to undergo a two-week training in the hospital, the hospital examination can allow self-examination, and health care workers Will follow up. As long as the patient through their own abdominal surgery to ensure that the dialysis environment and dialysis supplies clean and sterile, in accordance with the doctor's medication and referral, to avoid infection, it is the same with hemodialysis patients.

3. which one is expensive?

Rough estimates, hemodialysis cost of about nine to ten thousand yuan a year, while the peritoneal dialysis than hemodialysis 10% -15% or so. According to the national health insurance policy, as long as the purchase of medical insurance, uremic patients can enjoy dialysis reimbursement, peritoneal patients can enjoy the monthly limit of 7500 yuan protection, as long as their attention, to avoid infection or other complications, uremic patients enough to cope with peritoneum Dialysis costs, coupled with the need to save some of the costs and time to the hospital, peritoneal dialysis should be a very good choice.


How To Treat Uremia

In general, once your chronic kidney failure develops to end stage, it is called uremia is. Once the patient enters the period of uremia, if there is no further treatment, the patient will need to face death at any time. So how do you get uremia? How to treat uremia?

How to treat uremia?

Kidney transplant

There are many to the end of the uremic patients, must be long-term dialysis treatment, if the patient's own economic and physical conditions are better, you can choose to transplant the kidneys. Kidney transplantation is the use of surgery, the organ donor kidney transplanted to the patient's body inside. In general, the source of the kidney is the family and the spouse and the person who signed the consent to donate the organ. Through the kidney transplant can give patients a good life, but kidney is a big project, the success rate is not very high.


Dialysis is also known as dialysis, refers to the use of filtration methods, the blood inside some of the material some exclusion. In other words, the use of artificial methods of patients suffering from uremia after the accumulation of toxic waste in the human body, salt and water are excluded, so that the patient's physical condition can be restored to health. For the time being, dialysis methods have peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is the human body's peritoneum as a filter, the body of toxins excluded, and hemodialysis is the use of machines instead of kidney.

Chinese medicine treatments 

the other is our hospital’s unique Chinese medicine treatments. Our Chinese medicine treatments include many therapies like Medicated Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. According to specific illness condition, different therapy will be used. They first cleanse toxins out and set up a clean blood environment for recovering renal function. When blood is cleansed, Chinese medicine treatments can repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
After about 7 days of treatment, this patient was not afraid of cold and sweated a lot. There were lots of flocs in her urine, which indicated some immune complexes were removed.

Through the above reading, I believe we all know how you get uremia and how to do the treatment. Although uremia is indeed a difficult to be cured and the cost of the patient will be particularly large. However, patients must not give up while they must be actively for treatment, remember the doctor's orders, so as to be able to recover sooner.

What Fruits Are Good For Kidney Failure Patients

What fruits are good for kidney failure patients? As the saying goes: "One day an apple, the doctor keeps away from me." Common sense tells us that eat fruit beneficial to good health. However, patients with kidney failure is not the same as ordinary people, you can eat what fruit to eat what fruit?

1, grapes

From the nutritional point of view, grapes not only contain minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, but also contains a variety of essential amino acids. Chinese medicine also believes that the grape flavor of sweet acid, spleen, lung, kidney three, eat grapes can play qi and blood, Zishenyi liver role. A large number of medical studies have shown that grapes on the rehabilitation of nephritis patients have a certain degree of adjuvant effect.

It should be noted that the market is very large variety of grapes and colors, the most able to kidney is black grapes. But the grape cool, Wei cold people to be careful, do not eat too much.

2, mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, jujube, sweet and juicy, is one of the often eat fruit, known as the "folk holy fruit." What are the fruits of kidney failure? Chinese medicine that mulberry taste sweet, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, with blood Ziyin, Sheng Jin Runzao and Bugan Yishen role.

In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotene and other ingredients, the effect is particularly prominent for women, often taking beauty can be beauty, anti-aging.

3, black currant

Black currant is also called black currant, black bean fruit, purple plum, black currant high nutritional value. What are the fruits of kidney failure? According to scientists, every 100 grams of black currant which contains 181 mg of vitamin C, 322 mg of potassium and a variety of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron and other substances, with lower blood lipids, kidney, antioxidant and improve immunity Role, it is true for a young and old fruit of the holy goods.

In addition, black gallon also has a high medicinal value, contains biological flavonoids can improve vascular permeability, anti-aging and anti-cancer.

4, black dates

Speaking of dates, we may suddenly think of red dates, jujube sweet flat, there is the effect of qi and blood, is the qi and blood of the holy goods, especially for women.

5, citrus

Citrus not only juice and more delicious, as well as the function of protecting the kidneys. Recently, a new study in the UK found that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, oranges and lemons helped to block kidney cysts (a benign tumor that could lead to loss of renal function, high blood pressure, and general treatment of kidney dialysis) form.

6, pear

Pear taste crisp, sweet taste, pear sex flat sweet, slightly acidic, with Sheng Jin lungs, cough and phlegm, heat Xiehuo and other effects, can help the treatment of lungs caused by cough, bad breath, constipation embolism, Pediatric pertussis also have effect. What are the fruits of kidney failure? Pearls also contain asparagus, the human kidney health has a special effect, but diarrhea patients should be careful.


Benefits of Sports To Kidney Patients

Integrated treatment is the key

Of course, exercise is only auxiliary, Liang Jianbo said that chronic kidney disease has a high prevalence, with high cardiovascular disease and high mortality and high "three high" characteristics, and low awareness, low control rate and combined with cardiovascular disease awareness Low rate of "three low" features. At present, "integrated treatment" has gradually become the advanced concept of end-stage renal disease treatment, the so-called uremia "integrated treatment" refers to the different stages of uremic course, according to the characteristics of patients with reasonable arrangements for different renal replacement therapy Including peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation) to provide the best treatment for the patient, the best quality of life and the optimal survival.

Which advocates peritoneal dialysis has become the preferred treatment of integrated treatment, which is due to abdominal treatment with residual renal function and improve the quality of life of kidney friends, contribute to the important advantages of return to society.

Anemia Management Is Important for Kidney Treatment

About a quarter of the world's people, that is, about 1.7 billion people will have varying degrees of anemia, including iron deficiency anemia up to 1 billion people. In the treatment of kidney disease, anemia is also a doctor and patients are very troublesome thing, and even quite some experienced kidney disease experts often sigh: kidney disease is not difficult to rule, the premise is to control the anemia!

What is the risk of renal anemia? Shijiazhuang kidney hospital

Anemia after the oxygen can not be transported to the body around, will affect the body. Which is more important in the following three areas:

1. renal anemia will allow some of the body organs hypoxia, heart rate, heart work increased, left ventricular hypertrophy, increased heart failure and myocardial ischemia;

2. long-term anemia can lead to ovarian or testicular endocrine function weakened;

3. The most serious is the resulting immune function is low, so that the chance of infection increased, serious life-threatening.

Why is anemia in patients with kidney disease?

Although the overall cause of anemia is mainly iron deficiency, but in kidney disease, the main cause of anemia is not iron deficiency, but kidney damage caused by erythropoietin decline.

In addition, the kidney damage, the body of a large number of toxins to reduce erythrocyte life can lead to anemia; also because of inadequate protein intake, and excessive loss of urine protein, will lead to insufficient hemoglobin synthesis

So how to treat it?

1. oral. Can be as needed oral orrogen, cobalt chloride, iron. Anemia, often have stomach discomfort and feces black experience. Taking iron supplements can relieve stomach discomfort (while stomach discomfort will reduce the amount of iron absorption). Vitamin D helps the body absorb iron, so taking oral iron supplements and orange juice is beneficial.

2. injection. Sometimes oral iron effect is slow, because the body can only absorb up to 6 mg of iron from the gastrointestinal tract every day, then according to different circumstances, intramuscular injection of phenylpropionate Nandrolone, testosterone propionate. In many cases, the patient will lose more than 1000 milligrams of iron, which will take iron for several months, and then give erythropoietin, so that the erythropoiesis rate increases to ensure that enough iron.

3. Blood transfusion. It should be noted that, is not what time can lose, only anemia serious, cardiovascular instability in the case should be transfused to emergency. This is only a temporary solution, premature blood transfusion, then have to continue to anemia, will not improve the survival of the state.

What is the best treatment way for kidney failure

What is the best treatment way for kidney failure? Renal failure Most of these diseases that can not be cured, in fact, the best way to treat the disease is the most appropriate treatment of their own condition. And chronic renal failure treatment which is a lot of patients with chronic renal failure was raised the most, but also a very important issue, experts answer from the clinical point of view, then, the best way to treat chronic renal failure? Let's talk about it.

(1) general treatment of general treatment, including diet nursed back to health, nutrition therapy, the body of the environment to maintain stability and symptomatic treatment. In the early stages of renal failure, there is usually no symptoms to warn the patient that his/her kidney is not working properly. Which low-protein diet and diet nursed back to health, is the most basic and most effective measures should be adjusted according to the situation application. Renal failure is how the case, the cause of renal failure caused by treatment, such as insufficient blood supply or blood loss, renal failure is how the case, will give patients with kidney disease to add lost body fluids and water; if there is infection when infected For further treatment. Chinese medicine rhubarb and its preparation, with the improvement of healthy renal tissue high metabolic state, reduce residual kidney unit hypertrophy, inhibition of mesangial cell proliferation and other effects, it can delay the application of chronic renal failure process. Phase II, renal failure period.

(2) the best way to treat chronic renal failure? Kidney transplantation treatment of renal transplantation treatment, is the treatment of chronic renal failure end of the most effective way, according to the application of indications. However, to remind you that nephritis can occur at any age, and most patients onset age is very light, from onset to the development of advanced renal failure, poisoning, if not treated may take only a few years to a dozen year.

(3) alternative therapy alternative therapy, including gastrointestinal dialysis, straight colon dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, skin dialysis and so on. Is there a "open film" of the drug? Is it possible to treat chronic renal failure. According to the disease and adaptation indications. Does kidney failure delay dialysis? This year, there are advocates early began to prevent dialysis, and may be more favorable for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is based on the patient's physical characteristics and disease stage to plan treatment programs, the use of Chinese and Western drugs and methods coexist in the use of Western medicine treatment process, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine methods and the efficacy of drugs, so greatly reduce the side effects of Western medicine. So as to improve the clinical symptoms of kidney disease, reduce glomerular inflammatory response, relieve or clear urine abnormalities (proteinuria or hematuria), improve the residual glomerular function, delay the purpose of renal failure.

Treatment of chronic renal failure the best way? We know that chronic renal failure is a more difficult disease, with the progress of the disease, but also a lot of complications, seriously affecting the health of patients living, it is recommended that patients with early treatment, Scientific treatment, do not give up easily! Finally hope that we can recover soon!


Can Kidney Failure In Early Stage Be Cured

Early treatment of renal failure can cause the patient to feel a little discomfort. This is mainly due to toxins and waste in the body continue to accumulate, may feel whole body discomfort. So, early kidney failure can be cured? Then please Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital experts to make relevant introduction to everyone.

Can kidney failure be cured early?

1, in the treatment of chronic renal failure, if patients with hypertension these complications, should be low salt

2, in the course of treatment of chronic renal failure, patients usually have some complications, often high phosphorus, hypocalcemia, easily lead to renal bone disease, should be taken to limit the phosphorus diet, and the use of intestinal phosphorus binding agent The If you can not effectively control these, the adverse nutritional intake of the disease, it will affect the disease.

3, in the treatment of daily life, family members should pay attention to give patients low protein diet, to reduce the source of metabolites, reduce the burden on the kidneys, slow down the rate of deterioration of renal function. Protein intake, should be based on the degree of renal injury, reasonable adjustment. When the glomerular filtration rate, down to 50ml / min or less, it should be appropriate protein limit (0,6 g / kg), with how to add, according to the patient's condition to distinguish treatment.

Kidney failure for people is a very serious kidney disease, after the onset of the patient's body damage is also great, so we must early in the early onset to the regular hospital treatment, so as not to delay the best treatment time, so as not to To bring more harm to their own.

What is the effect of renal failure after dialysis?

Renal failure after dialysis how the effect? ​​Renal failure serious harm to the health of patients, and often that the patient's condition is extremely fear, the patient is often the body of the toxins are stacked a lot, and finally only through other means of treatment, which Kidney dialysis is a kind, then, renal failure after the effect of dialysis? Here Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Experts will tell you the details.

What is the effect of renal failure after dialysis?

Hemodialysis is one of the fastest and most direct therapies for removing toxins from humans. Once the accumulation of toxins in the human body will endanger life safety, uremic patients through dialysis can be ruled out by toxins, the physical environment to maintain a basic balance, so that the patient's life will be maintained. But long-term dependence on hemodialysis alone, kidney disease patients will appear obvious damage to the body organs, complications and increased quality of life, shorten the survival time, the original kidney function "do not have to waste" and depleted problems.

First, hemodialysis should be used anticoagulant heparin, bleeding tendency, or active bleeding (such as stomach bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage) should not be hemodialysis;

Second, if the patient has a serious heart disease or too weak (especially the elderly), do a certain risk of hemodialysis;

Third, do hemodialysis need vascular access (ie, arteriovenous fistula, used to lead and return blood), some patients with small blood vessels, or blood vessels are brittle, or inflammation, sclerosis (such as diabetes), it is difficult to find enough blood flow Of blood vessels, you can not do hemodialysis;

Fourth, some unpredictable complications or accidents can occur at any time in dialysis, such as cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, visceral bleeding, which can lead to rapid death of patients.

Dialysis can only play the role of artificial kidney, we can not rely solely on dialysis, should also be combined with other methods for the corresponding treatment, which can repair the damaged inherent cells, to save the remaining kidney function, to achieve benign uremic patients Survive. Not only that, with the increase in hemodialysis times, patients with hemodialysis will have a strong dependence, with further deterioration of renal function, hemodialysis frequency will be higher and higher, until the complete loss of renal function, the patient's life will Came to an end. Therefore, in the choice of treatment of nephropathy, patients should also take a cautious attitude!


Prevention of Renal Failure

Kidney failure is a common case of the human body, divided into acute and chronic, there is a saying saying that kidney disease does not matter, a pain to life, experts suggest that renal failure related to human life safety, if found timely medical treatment, the following is the prevention of renal failure , Please do preventive work:

Add water to prevent kidney failure

Growing in tropical and subtropical regions, less water, less urine excretion, often urinary tract inflammation, hyperuricemia, or some metabolic diseases (such as hypercalcemia, parathyroid hyperthyroidism, sarcoma, Syndrome, chronic small bowel disease) are prone to kidney stones, kidney stones may lead to obstructive renal edema, and then renal function decline.

Pay attention to changes in urine

The shape of the urine is one of the indicators of renal function, the majority of the body of the waste are filtered by the kidneys from the urine, should always observe the color of their own urine, you can early detection of early treatment, such as foam-like urine is the performance , White turbid urine is urethral inflammation and a large number of phosphate discharge performance, urinary burning, frequent urination can be identified as urinary tract infection, nocturia is the early symptoms of renal insufficiency. So and observe these symptoms, timely examination, renal damage can be an early intervention to prevent delay caused by renal failure.

Regular physical examination of hereditary nephropathy

Kidney tumors occur in the age of 40 to 70 years old men, polycystic kidney disease and hereditary kidney disease are family suffering from kidney disease history, high blood pressure, diabetes and young people who have had nephritis, are chronic kidney Failure of the underlying cause of potential danger group, so when they have such a disease, should be regularly detected renal function, have a understanding of their own kidney to early detection of early treatment.

Eating too much to avoid excessive use of supplements

With the vigorous development of the economy, people's quality of life has become increasingly improved, the supply of food is no longer scarce, people's pursuit of food is also increasingly rich. But also brought a series of "side effects", such as many people because of excessive nutrition or a high degree of fat food caused a series of "precious disease", such as: gout, the United States and the United States, Diabetes, high blood pressure, the three diseases are caused by varying degrees of damage to the kidneys. The cause of these three diseases is the relevant factors that is the form of diet, to protect the health of the kidney, it is recommended not excessive consumption of high protein food, a large number of protein intake after digestion and absorption of waste generated by ammonia, that is, renal function blood test In the BUN (blood urea ammonia), excessive intake of protein food to increase the burden on the kidneys, make the kidneys do more work, so in addition to the body needs, there is no need to intake more protein. Not as people understand it: the more the better. Do not superstitious shop for high protein food exaggerated advertising, too much protein will only increase the burden on the kidneys.

How to Properly Prevent Kidney Failure

Suffering from renal failure will seriously affect the personal health and daily life, so do a good job of prevention of renal failure is very important. Prevention of renal failure In addition to regular physical examination, timely medical treatment, people should be in daily life to do preventive measures, and should do the right preventive measures. So how to correctly prevent kidney failure? The following will be introduced:

1. early prevention

Early prevention of chronic renal failure more and more attention caused by kidney disease experts. Early prevention, also known as "primary prevention", refers to the prevention of chronic renal failure before the occurrence of prevention. Including early census of kidney disease, active control of kidney disease and possible diseases involving the kidneys to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.

2. to delay the development of chronic renal failure measures:

(1) control of blood pressure: the control of renal or essential hypertension, can prevent the progress of glomerular sclerosis. The former is mainly to control the glomerular high perfusion, which is mainly dependent on the application of antihypertensive drugs. Control of hypertension (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to a small dose of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (captopril), can reduce the glomerular pressure.

(2) to strengthen follow-up: regular follow-up to delay the progress of renal failure is very good, so that patients can be planned to receive treatment and guidance to help patients reduce or avoid some incentives to increase renal failure, such as drug damage, dehydration Lack of blood volume, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, urinary obstruction, infection, bleeding and so on.

(3) a reasonable diet: a large number of experimental studies and clinical observations show that low-protein and / or low-phosphorus diet can make the majority of patients with chronic renal failure slow down the process, or even temporarily stop the progress of renal failure.

Low-protein diet or the use of essential amino acids can reduce chronic renal failure high filtration state, help to prevent the progress of chronic renal failure. The main measure to control hyperphosphatemia is low-phosphorus diet, such as taking phosphorus binding agent.


What To Do For Edema In Pediatric Nephropathy

Pediatric nephropathy in two to seven years old children, and edema is one of the most obvious features, some children will appear eyelids, facial swelling and so on, and some will appear lower limbs and body edema, how to do?

For children with kidney disease, often before the upper respiratory tract infection, early prone to edema, less urine, and after the test will appear urinary protein, occult blood, and some children will appear fatigue, loss of appetite. Electrolyte disorders and other performance, how good treatment?

Treatment program: You can use traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and Western medicine, hormones, etc. is different, you can fundamentally repair the damaged kidney tissue, the complete elimination of protein occult blood, to avoid repeated, and long-term use of hormones easily dependent, and side effects.

For patients with edema should pay attention to what?

In addition to the norms of treatment, the patient should pay attention to diet, low-salt diet, not long-term avoid salt, according to their actual situation, under the guidance of a doctor to do regular treatment.

In the nursing process, not only to do a good job in children's diet, but also in daily life but also told children, not too tired, to prevent cold infection, adhere to treatment, so that children happy treatment, do not have bad mood.

What Are Symptoms Of Children With Nephrotic Syndrome

Children with nephrotic syndrome will appear a variety of symptoms, but also easy to confuse with other diseases, how to make an accurate diagnosis of pediatric nephrotic syndrome, the initial symptoms of detailed analysis as follows.

Can Intense Emotion Trigger Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome

First, the children with nephrotic syndrome, there will be a variety of symptoms, such as edema, proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure and other performance, the body was depression of edema, the general onset of slow, began to show the performance of children with nephrotic syndrome, For the eyelids, face, and later there will be systemic swelling and so on.

9 Years Old, Nephrotic Syndrome, Cellcept, Prednisone, Constipation

A large number of proteinuria is also the characteristics of the disease, urinary protein qualitative often more than 30, 24-hour urine protein> 0.1g / kg, generally no hematuria, a few can appear a small amount of red blood cells, mostly in children, there is significant hematuria, , Elevated blood pressure, serum complement decreased, azotemia and so on.

What are the advantages of Chinese medicine treatment?

Remind parents to always pay attention to the child's condition changes in order to timely medical treatment, Chinese medicine treatment of urinary protein, urinary occult blood or blood creatinine, urea nitrogen on the misunderstanding for kidney disease patients to remove pathological damage, improve renal function, relieve pain.

Low Protein Diet for Kidney Patients

Low-protein diet must go through the entire treatment of patients with kidney disease before dialysis, but kidney patients do not eat meat, do not eat egg yolk, do not drink milk, do not eat soy products, really okay?

Protein is one of the most important nutrients in the human body. Amino acids are the basic unit of protein. Many amino acids must be obtained from food. The amino acids in these foods are high quality protein.
Nephrotic patients in order to delay renal dysfunction, reduce the burden on the kidneys, usually low protein diet. In the premise that the total amount of protein must be controlled, "high quality" protein is particularly important.

01 Meat

In the kidney disease diet nutrition, we usually meat is divided into red meat and white meat, in the nutritional value of white meat is usually better than red meat.

A meat of four - legged animals, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, and donkeys.
White meat: two legs of poultry meat and fish, such as chickens, ducks, geese and so on.

Nephrotic patients in the meat consumption, 1-2 meat every day can be.

02 milk

Milk is one of the oldest natural beverages, known as "white blood". Dairy products are very good to improve nutrition helper, whether it is milk, goat milk or camel milk, kidney disease patients can drink.
Usually we mostly drink milk, kidney patients can drink about 250ml a day of milk.

03 eggs

Egg protein amino acid ratio is very suitable for our physiological needs, but also easier to demand, high nutritional value. Whether it is egg duck eggs goose eggs, kidney disease patients can eat, in the use of the way can also be free, such as scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs and so on.
The daily consumption of a can, protein yolk can be used, do not always give up egg yolk.

Note: Because of the need for salt, salted eggs, salted duck eggs do not eat.

04 beans

Soy protein is a vegetable protein and a high quality protein. But not all of the beans are soy protein, only soybeans, green beans, black beans, these three proteins are soy protein, and green beans, red beans and other beans are not part of soy protein.

Our common soy products, kidney disease patients can eat, such as tofu, soy milk, tofu silk, tofu brain and so on.

Nephrotic patients one day edible 2 two tofu, meat and tofu can be replaced.

Nutrition balance, know how to limit, but also adhere to the kidney disease patients are the most healthy eating habits.

What Should Kidney Patients Pay Attention To

With the death rate of patients with nephropathy in China increased year by year, resulting in people more afraid of all kinds of kidney disease, and even some patients had a relatively minor kidney disease, are holding the psychological can not be cured.

With the accelerated pace of life, people on the salt, carbohydrates, fat intake too much, too little physical activity (or too much and tired), resulting in people suffering from chronic kidney disease more and more.

Follow a strict diet 

Eat too salty, too sweet, too oil, eat too much protein can cause the body to produce peroxide products, leading to immune inflammatory response, causing kidney disease, and kidney disease recurrence.

Seemingly not serious cold, pharyngitis and other diseases can also lead to the progress of kidney disease, severe and even directly to the uremia. Many patients with kidney disease before the onset of a history of cold. At least three percent of nephropathy is caused by one or several colds.

In the cold after the emergence of nephritis, 2 performance is obvious:


That the urine is turbid reddish brown;


Appear in the face, eyelid and lower limbs, if not control, edema will be throughout the body, severe chest and abdominal effusion will appear, breathing difficulties.

In addition there may be nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, therefore, if the cold after the above symptoms, need medical treatment as soon as possible.

Three afraid of patients random medication

Some patients have kidney disease hope after the health care products. If it is rich, in fact, does not matter, eat health care products to eat kidney failure is a minority, generally spend some money wasted it. But the economic conditions are limited to patients to do so, often to the critical moment of treatment, because of lack of money and not effective treatment, Wang Yang sigh.

Drugs are similar.


How to Delay the Onset of Dialysis

Dialysis is one way for kidney disease but it can be delayed. Most patients want to delay or even avoid dialysis. Well then, how to delay the onset of dialysis?

Steps to prolong kidney function

Regardless of how a person develops CKD, there are actions an individual can take to prolong kidney function. Smoking causes faster progression of kidney disease, therefore, it’s recommended that those with kidney disease stop smoking. Naturally, eating a healthy diet and getting proper nutrition, losing excess weight and exercising are keys to better health that are completely in the patient's control. In fact, many type 2 diabetics can prevent diabetes by following those steps. People with high blood pressure are advised to limit sodium in their diet. Many doctors believe that avoiding too much protein and phosphorus in the diet may also slow the progression of kidney disease. Research continues on other foods and drugs to see their affect on delaying kidney failure, including: fish oil for IgA nephropathy; dietary intake of antioxidant or anti-inflammatory vitamins and foods; and prescribing the anti-fibrotic drug, pirfenidone, for the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).

For your kidney disease, if you want to delay the onset of dialysis, you need to take treatment that can repair your kidney damage and improve your kidney function. Once your kidney function can work well with more than 20% kidney function, you can avoid dialysis and live a normal life.

In our hospital, we use the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) combined with modern technology and western medicines to remedy the kidney disease. The expert team make a systemic Chinese treatment, including Blood Pollution Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

These therapies aim at purifying your blood and removing more toxins and wastes out, regulating your immune system and stopping the further immune reaction. This can stop the progression of your kidney disease, and it can also supply more essential nutrition to your body, which can stimulate your inherent renal cells and repair your kidney damage.

Through systemic treatment, your kidney function can be improved effectively, and your kidneys can work well, which can prevent dialysis for you. If you want to learn more details of the Chinese treatment to delay the onset of dialysis, you can leave a message below, or you can also send e-mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will give more help.

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