
What To Do For The relapse of nephrotic syndrome

What To Do For The relapse of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a high probability that the current release of kidney disease, in physical harm to people is great, at the time suffering from the disease, in order to avoid harm to the patient, it is sure to positive treatment of nephrotic syndrome relapsed how to do, is that many of the patients have to know, if there are good treatment options, it is possible to perfect the treatment, then, how do relapse of nephrotic syndrome, a kidney specialist kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang below do introduction;

For patients presented, nephrotic syndrome relapsed how to do, kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease experts pointed out that the condition must be selected according to their own treatment approaches, how do relapse nephrotic syndrome, integrative medicine is the best cure , it is able to quickly help patients safe treatment of the disease.

The main purpose of taking hormones to control proteinuria, if hormone levels are not well controlled protein, could be considered the amount. However, anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of hormones and immune suppression, on the surface, the children's urine protein, occult blood and other laboratory indicators improved quickly disappeared, but Fengdao colds, infections and seizures.

Integrative Medicine through gas, liquid, ion diffusion, and other advanced technology, so that drugs with high activity ions rapidly absorbed by the body at high frequency motion, and the precise role in the diseased tissue cells, rapid repair damaged kidney cells, activating the body's immune to reach equilibrium. Using superconducting light, intelligent creatures navigation and positioning technology to solve the permeability and the effective utilization of drugs, while adjusting the internal organs kidney gasification, water metabolism function, qi yang, eliminate liquid water stop together, the kidneys, the blood poisoning caused by evil excreted.

These are the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for nephrotic syndrome, a kidney specialist at how do relapse related presentations, I believe that many of the patients have a certain understanding, the illness is not terrible, as long as the patient can go to a regular and timely hospital for treatment, is no big deal, and is capable of very good treatment, if you have questions, you can consult our experts.

Why are more and more people suffering from uremia?

Why are more and more people suffering from uremia?

A lot of people are not very understanding of uremia, uremic special risk only know, in the face of this disease are very panic, therefore, we should properly face uremia uremia once to take positive and effective measures.

Cause of uremia are many reasons causing uremia many aspects, different patients, different conditions, different causes may have been, because the specific uremia are:

1, high blood pressure

High blood pressure have a certain influence on the uremia, the survey found that about 15% of hypertensive patients will translate directly into uremia, so we should pay attention to the prevention of hypertensive nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy know how to care, do not let the factors induced uremia to the detriment of our health.

2, the drug

Sometimes medications also lead to uremia incorrect incentives, in patients with renal failure may be due to the same drug-related kidney toxicity caused by the occurrence of uremia, generally about 25% of patients will lead to uremia.

3, urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are a major cause of uremia, urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection in patients with uremia easily, and women than men, so if you suffer from such infections, then to active treatment, so as not to lead to uremia, while suffering from chronic pyelonephritis may also lead to uremia.

4, stone

Uremia reason there is, if there is urinary tract stones cause obstruction or urethral stricture, urinary tract can cause the patient is not smooth, because of dysuria caused by renal insufficiency is caused by uremia, and this is the reason uremia.

5, diabetes

Finally, people with diabetes are also likely to occur uremia, occupies the ratio is about 30%, can be directly converted to uremia diabetes, so their daily lives to pay attention to reasonable arrangements for their diet, do not let diabetes find on own, patients with diabetes should be active treatment, must not be taken lightly.

Uremia occur for many reasons, different reasons for different treatment options, therefore, go to a regular hospital to check and develop a suitable treatment program.

Dialysis is an improvement Operation for kidney disease with creatinine level 4.5

Dialysis is an improvement Operation for kidney disease with creatinine level 4.5

Does the dialysis operation is an improvement of kidney disease creatinine level 4.5? I'm a patient of kidney disease, the test shows that the level of creatinine is 4.5¿Quiero know that dialysis is only useful for me?

At the clinic, the creatinine 4.5 is higher than the normal level, belongs to stage 3 kidney disease. For patients who are at this stage may suffer more symptoms than before because you start worrying about his illness. However, in fact, no need to worry too much. Because of their kidney function has not been damaged completely, so if they can protect the remaining time, they may have the opportunity to control their disease well.

Does the dialysis operation is an improvement for patients with kidney disease creatinine level 4.5?

As mentioned above, for patients with creatinine 4.5 still they have some kidney functions, because they have more options when it comes to treatment.

Dialysis as one of the common treatment of renal failure may relieve some symptoms in a short time, but can not repair the damaged kidneys or protect the remaining, as well as renal disease doctor did not recommend patients with creatinine 4.5 to take right now.

What treatment is better than dialysis for kidney disease patients with creatinine 4.5?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is also known as hot compress therapy can be a good choice for this part of the patient, can help patients improve kidney function and repair of the damaged kidneys and protect remaining from further damage. For patients with creaitnina 4.5, if they can get this treatment in time, they can reverse their disease to some extent, they may even have the chance to live like a normal person.

To learn more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney disease not on dialysis, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease: Should Take the Early Treatment

Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease: Should Take the Early Treatment

Kidney disease is a progressive disease. n function of GFR (glomerular filtration rate), CKD can be divided into five stages, and stage 3 CKD means your kidneys have been damaged moderately. CKD 3: you should take early treatment to get invested.

In stage 3 CKD, the kidneys are damaged moderately GFR 30-59 ml / min. At this stage, patients may not have obvious symptoms, because they can not pay attention to their problem. However, patients with CKD stage 3 have great chances of getting reversed their disease and prevent kidney failure. So fast and effective treatments are very important for CKD stage 3 patients.

What should be the treatment for stage 3 CKD to be invested?

1. Keep a well-planed diet

Kidney friendly diet can help reduce the burden on the kidneys and protect the kidneys from further damage. Stage 3 CKD patients have to make a well-planned diet according to their own case, which may include diet low in protein, low-salt diet, limit your intake of potassium and phosphorus, sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, and so on . All this can be beneficial for patients with stage 3 CKD and slow its progression.

2. Take medical treatment

For patients with stage 3 CKD, the kidneys are damaged moderately, so that the most important thing to take treatment to repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the level of GFR, then the kidneys may be reversed.

Here you will find the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital, it is a herbal treatment and external, which is natural and without side effects. Osmotherapy can help repair the damaged glomeruli and improve the level of GFR. Through a systemic treatment, CKD stage 3 can be stopped and even get reversed.

For more details on the treatment for CKD stage 3 to achieve invest, you can leave a message below or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.we will reply you as soon as possible.

How to Treat Kidney Cyst

How to Treat Kidney Cyst

Renal cyst refers to the small round package filled with fluid in the kidneys. It can occur at any age, especially in the 50s in most cases are benign and asymptomatic, but can grow in both size and number over time.

Without effective control, enlarged renal cysts adjacent structures are pressed. Gradually, there will be a number of symptoms. Such as abdominal pain, back pain, high blood pressure, proteinuria, high level of creatinine, hematuria and so on, which will affect the patient's life greatly. As the patient to take the proper treatment in time.

How to treat kidney cysts?

In Western countries, surgery is the most common way to treat this disease, you can get quick effects on the removal of large cysts, but also can cause trauma to the kidneys. What's more, you can do anything to kidney failure.

So I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you, it is a new effective in the treatment of renal cysts therapy. Compared to surgery, it can be reduced even inhibit cysts. In addition, as an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, you can cure the disease without further damage to the kidneys.

To learn more about this new treatment or need any help in the treatment of renal cysts, you can send email to us, we will reply with free advice. Our email kidneycares@hotmail.com.

How to deal with kidney disease?

How to deal with kidney disease?

Special treatment in our hospital of traditional Chinese medical treatment is characterized by many features.

What is the meaning of the many features? Traditional Chinese medical dialysis is single does not have all Almt_khash hospitals and all the comprehensive and large hospitals, whether in drugs or all methods or screening method. And how to cure the disease of our hospital? We have collected medicines and special methods of treatment and diagnostic techniques together, which is a unique method of treatment is different from the other hospitals in China.

What is our treatments?

Our methods for treatment

Our methods for treatment suffers use traditional Chinese medicine treatment of the private, when Anaaljk.

Achteraana not only treat the Chinese needles, but we came up lame evaporation and treatment of the department of traditional Chinese medicine and the treatment of the application on the acupuncture points and the bathroom and the treatment of foot bath etc.

You can go to the Department of kidney disease of any hospitals for kidney disease and ask doctors, do you hear that these methods?

Our own medicines

We use some special herbs, when tackle the disease.

You can go to the Department of kidney disease of any hospitals for kidney disease and ask doctors, you can hear the medicines and medicines that Astkhaddmo this?

We can use some Western medicine to help cure during treatment. But the use of Western medicine, at the same time use
You can ask doctors from some large hospitals, pharmaceutical cycle Do you know? Do you use my bed?

You can ask them and do you know how to use?

Our Special Examination

Style us your examination means we use the latest device in the world and the latest sign of the world, as well as the hospital does not use all of the third class in China.

Therefore, the hardware and the cursor is in the private screening at the hospital kidney disease. Like
Examination in protein in the urine. This special screening in our hospital, the latest examination in China.

From this examination, we can know the type of disease and cystic in any macro-cell and cystic in any place and cystic etc. diuretic.

To examine the epithelial cells in vitro. This special Fajs in total Disease Hospital in the city of Shijiazhuang. From this examination, we can diuretic in the patient's disease know, how to treat this disease and use any drugs test for index in the purification of the protein in Alkbeba. This special screening at the hospital we have also. We enter this examination of the hospital and the famous foreign directly. From this examination, we can know the status of the overall function of the patient. You can tell Dr. and patient, when the patient's type of disease and how to use Dr. medicines etc.

Each private screening in the overall Disease Hospital in the city of Shijiazhuang, you can not be looking at the other hospital. Why work this new stuff?

Anne wants total Disease Hospital in Shijiazhuang City, the largest hospital in kidney disease hospital.

In addition, here's the other test, you can read the article in your examination this page to your looking the other examination.


The IgA nephropathy patient find Correct Treatment

The IgA nephropathy patient find Correct Treatment

Mohammod Rabiei is a 38 year old patient with IgA nephropathy Iran. On June 6, 2015 came to our hospital for further treatment. After 45 days of treatment, overall it is doing well. The following are some details about it, let's take a look together.

Medical history:

2 years and 8 months, his blood pressure was 150 / 85mmHg, the routine urine test shows protein 1+, 2+ occult blood. Kidney function test shows serum creatinine 380umol / L.

After treatment in local hospital, your blood pressure drops to 130 / 80mmHg, but other symptoms did not get no relief.

On June 6, 2015 came to our hospital for further treatment. After admitted to our hospital, our doctor did a thorough examination for him. Routine blood test shows hemoglobin 125 g / L. The routine urine test shows protein +, occult blood 1+. Testing renal function shown BUN 14.3 mmol / L, serum creatinine 320umol / L

Diagnosed as:

Chronic glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, hypertensive renal failure, renal

Four One Medicine, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Conditions after treatment:

After 45 days of treatment, your appetite will the good, the decreases in blood pressure to 120 / 80mmHg. Routine urine sample blood counts 4.10 × 1012 / L, hemoglobin 123g / L. The routine urinalysis shows protein -, occult blood -. Renal function shows BUN 13.4 mmol / L, UA 502umol / L, serum creatinine 263umol / L

After treatment, he returned to work and find their way .If you want to live a quality life like it or want to control the disease well, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

How To Control High Urea and Creatinine In Nephrotic Syndrome

How To Control High Urea and Creatinine In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome refers to kidney disease with some serious symptoms, and patients have progressively reduced renal function. High levels of urea and creatinine in the blood are much more common when nephrotic syndrome have severe kidney damage. So how do you control the urea and creatinine in nephrotic syndrome?

In general, when nephrotic syndrome get high blood urea and creatinine, the Doctor will suggest patients to take some western medicines, and this can help to reduce the high urea and creatinine somewhat. However, once patients stop medications or reduce the dose, urea and creatinine can still get higher. So nephrotic syndrome patients need to take treatment that can control the urea and creatinine from the root.

Here, we suggest the traditional Chinese medicine to cure nephrotic syndrome from the root and basically control the symptoms. In our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese mediciens use combined with Western medicines to remedy the nephrotic syndrome. The essence of our therapies is the prohibition of fibrosis, recover the damaged cells and kidney function, restoring the structure of the kidney.

Take an example. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a herbal treatment and extenral, use two bags of drugs through external applications in the kidneys, patients only need to lie on beds. Then therapy can help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. In addition, there are also some other for nephrotic syndrome, such as Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, bathroom Therapy, Enema therapy and so on. Our doctor will systemic treatment plan based on the very condition of patients.

After patients return home, our doctors regularly to call his tract disease and give them some suggestions. For more information about our Chinese therapy for nephrotic syndrome to reduce high urea and creatinine, you can leave a message below, or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


The Best Time To Treat Kidney Cyst

The Best Time To Treat Kidney Cyst

What is the best time to treat kidney cyst? When his condition deteriorated to a certain extent, surgery is the best method of treatment, and the risk for surgery experts have many doctors can not ensure hundred percent success, therefore, important to the performance of the surgery When surgery is best.

For the treatment of renal cysts, primarily inhibit the body cyst increases, reducing the cysts on the kidneys oppression. If the patient does not attach importance to the early cyst will continue to increase, the condition synchronized deterioration. And polycystic kidney disease patients, the kidney with multiple cysts born to, but much was apparent in middle age, and polycystic kidney cyst patient number and size with age will gradually increase, increases, treatment many ways, if not actively targeted treatment of polycystic kidney disease will progress rapidly deteriorate, leading to renal atrophy, renal failure.

Stage renal cysts treatment:

If the cyst is small (diameter less than 5cm), no significant downward pressure on the renal parenchyma or renal pelvis, no infection, malignancy, hypertension who do not advocate surgery, do B regularly followed up.

If the cyst is large (diameter greater than 5cm) or obvious oppression above the kidneys, infection and other symptoms, should be treated surgically, surgery include: The B ultrasound or CT guided percutaneous injection sclerotherapy, renal cyst ablation, laparoscopic kidney now Preferred cyst removal surgery because of the small trauma, quicker recovery, has become the surgical renal cyst.

Whether for surgical treatment of renal cysts, good enough to get into specialized hospital diagnosis, specific and fixed, do not self-assertion, depending on the condition, so as not to bear false condition.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment can not eliminate the underlying cyst, only temporary relief persecution of kidney cysts, the need for repeated surgery a short time, and therefore the treatment of polycystic kidney disease fundamentally start, otherwise the process will not only Debu kidney disease to effectively control or reverse, it will accelerate the process of kidney disease. The fundamental way to reduce the cyst is dilation of blood vessels, strengthen cyst fluid reabsorption; inhibition activity wall, reduce the production of cyst fluid. It can also reduce the recurrence. With the decrease of cyst, cyst on glomerular oppression will have to ease, blood pressure will naturally be eased. Cyst will shrink ensure patient a normal life.

Looking for renal cyst surgery time! Only in the most appropriate time for surgery, you can achieve the most effective outcome.

What To Do For nephrotic syndrome Kidney Failure Relapse

What To Do For nephrotic syndrome Kidney Failure Relapse

Nephrotic syndrome is a high probability that the current release of kidney disease, in physical harm to people is great, at the time suffering from the disease, in order to avoid harm to the patient, it is sure to positive treatment of nephrotic syndrome relapsed how to do, is that many of the patients have to know, if there are good treatment options, it is possible to perfect the treatment, then, how do relapse of nephrotic syndrome, a kidney specialist kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang below do introduction;

For patients presented, nephrotic syndrome relapsed how to do, kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease experts pointed out that the condition must be selected according to their own treatment approaches, how do relapse nephrotic syndrome, integrative medicine is the best cure , it is able to quickly help patients safe treatment of the disease.

The main purpose of taking hormones to control proteinuria, if hormone levels are not well controlled protein, could be considered the amount. However, anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of hormones and immune suppression, on the surface, the children's urine protein, occult blood and other laboratory indicators improved quickly disappeared, but Fengdao colds, infections and seizures.

Integrative Medicine through gas, liquid, ion diffusion, and other advanced technology, so that drugs with high activity ions rapidly absorbed by the body at high frequency motion, and the precise role in the diseased tissue cells, rapid repair damaged kidney cells, activating the body's immune to reach equilibrium. Using superconducting light, intelligent creatures navigation and positioning technology to solve the permeability and the effective utilization of drugs, while adjusting the internal organs kidney gasification, water metabolism function, qi yang, eliminate liquid water stop together, the kidneys, the blood poisoning caused by evil excreted.

These are the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for nephrotic syndrome, a kidney specialist at how do relapse related presentations, I believe that many of the patients have a certain understanding, the illness is not terrible, as long as the patient can go to a regular and timely hospital for treatment, is no big deal, and is capable of very good treatment, if you have questions, you can consult our experts.

Should Kidney Failure Patient with creatinine 8.3 Take Dialysis Now

Should Kidney Failure Patient with creatinine 8.3 Take Dialysis Now

Should the patient with creatinine 8.3 take dialysis now? In general, the doctor recommends patients with creatinine 8.3 to take dialysis .However, as a doctor, I do not want the patient to take it, because it is only a method to reduce creatinine level, you can not treat kidney disease at its root.

For the treatment of kidney disease in the first place, we have to stop inflammation in riñónes.Eso is not easy .There are many Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can achieve this effect .However, not enough .The abolition of our immunity We will consegir easy to infection and disease is easy to relapse .Therefore, we need the second step, which is the matrix schedular elimincion complete and additional immune kidney.

To remove the immune complex in the kidney, we used traditional herb medicine .Because of the active material of Chinese herbs can be combined with the immune complex, divide and discharged out of the body. In addition, Chinese medicine can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to the kidneys, so that the complex and additional immune cell matrix that causes renal fibrosis in the image can be downloaded out.

The most important thing is to clean the blood and repair the injured kidney cells.Este third paso.Para cleanse the blood, Western medicine has .However hemodialysis, hemodialysis can only remove small molecule toxins such as creatinine, urea and uric acid .The great big molecules like toxins homocysteine and retinol binding protein are still in the blood and cause more serious damage. In Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can also achieve the effect of blood purification.

If you need any other help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.


What to Do After dialysis creatinine level remains high

What to Do After dialysis creatinine level remains high

My relative is a patient of kidney failure and creatinine to 779.Su doctor recommends taking dialysis three times a week, but his creatinine level still remains very high. Can you tell us what to do?

Why after dialysis, taodavia creatinine level is high?

While his family are on dialysis now, you can not improve kidney function and treat kidney failure .Primero, dialysis is performed only three times a week .Therefore, a lot of toxins persist in your blood . That's why your creatinine level is even higher, while he is on dialysis. Second, the dialysis machine is not as sophisticated as the kidneys. You can only remove toxins from your body micromolecular.

How to treat kidney failure without dialysis?

To treat kidney failure, the first step is to remove the toxins from your sangre.Cuando left the snagre in circulation is healthy, can not only provide more substances and oxygen utilies the kidneys, but can also reduce the damage to other organs and body systems as the blood flows throughout the body. After purification of blood, another important step is to restore these renal cell with disabilities. Once your kidney function got better, he will be able to avoid dialysis.

Kidney transplantation is a treatment option for him. However, have you found a kidney donor? Even if you can find a kidney donor, has to endure a lot of side effects as the transplant kidney rejection, immunosuppressive drugs for life, the complications of these drugs, etc. Meanwhile, the survival rate of the kidneys after ten years is very low.

Therefore, repairing their kidneys to make them work better is a better treatment option for him. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese medicine is useful for improving kidney function, because it should give it a try.

If you are interested in this treatment Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis or kidney transplant, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Maintain a proper diet for Kidney Failure patient at Christmas

Maintain a proper diet for Kidney Failure patient at Christmas

Christmas is on the way, I think every family will prepare a lot delicious food for family members to enjoy the nice day .However, for patients with renal failure, need to pay more attention to the food during the Christmas . Mentenga proper diet for the patient of kidney failure.

Here are suggestions recomandado diet by the doctor in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

1. Take the right amount of foods rich in high quality protein

Patients with renal impairment should limit protein intake according to their own condition, but may have the right amount of high quality protein, such as lean meat, chicken, egg whites, fish, and so on. The high quality protein will not produce any waste that can reduce the burden on the kidneys.

2. Limit sodium intake

The excess sodium intake blood pressure and inflammation in the body can worsen, and this may worsen your condition. Patients with kidney failure need to limit table salt, and they also have to avoid foods high in sodium, which can be beneficial for your condition.

3. Avoid foods high in potassium and phosphorus

Due to the low kidney function, high potassium, high phosphorus level may appear easy, both high levels can be harmful to patients with renal impairment. Thus, during the Christmas party, avoid foods high in potassium and phosphorus, such as nuts, bananas, etc.

4. Take some fresh fruits and vegetables

You can take some fresh fruits and vegetables with renal failure, and this can help supply sufficient nutrition and oxygen to you, which can be beneficial for you.

We hope these tips will be useful diet for kidney failure, and wish you a Merry Christmas. If you still have any questions about diet for kidney failure, you can consult online doctor directly, help is free, or you can contact our online doctor or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.


Treatment to Cure Stage 3 Kidney Disease with GFR 54

Treatment to Cure Stage 3 Kidney Disease with GFR 54

A person with stage 3 kidney disease has moderate kidney damage with GFR of 30-59ml / min. GFR 54 is in the advanced stage of step 3 disease.The following kidney content introduce treatment for stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54.

GFR measures how blood flows through the glomeruli much each minute.The normal range of GFR is between 90-125ml / min.GFR is very sensitive to measure how well the kidneys function. GFR 54 is much lower than the standard level of GFR. Therefore, it is associated with severe renal impairment.

In stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54, patients experience a lot of discomfort and symptoms such as high blood pressure, anemia, edema, early bone disease etc. Stage 3 kidney disease is a very critical period for seeking treatment. Otherwise, renal function will remain impaired and kidney damage becomes irreversible.

The goals of treatment of stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54 include control of the underlying causes of kidney damage, stopping decreased renal function more, and restore the formed kidney damage.

To achieve the objectives of previous treatment, more than one type of treatment method will involve the entire treatment process. The blood purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy drugs are recommended for people with stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54.

Blood purification can purify the blood by and elimination of waste products in different sizes, you can create a favorable domestic environment to reverse kidney damage.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate self-healing and self-regenerating kidney tissue with disabilities. When impaired renal structure can be repaired, kidney function will be enhanced. Therefore, step 3 of kidney disease with GFR 54 is reversed.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other alternative tratameitnos of dialysis and kidney transplantation, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are happy to help you.

Acupuncture: Treatment to Cure Kidney Failure

Acupuncture: Treatment to Cure Kidney Failure

Acupuncture is a therapy used to treat kidney failure, and belongs to the systematic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Patients with renal impairment should control the disease and prevent end-stage renal failure, you have to take dialysis or a kidney transplant to save his life. High creatinine level due to the decreased renal function. This time we present a treatment for kidney failure: Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine treatment, it has a very long history. This means that many fine and thin needles are inserted into the body to stimulate acupuncture points. Because our body has a lot of acupuncture points that are closely related to our internal tissues and organs. There are 361 acupuncture points on the body completely. For acupuncture treatment, kidney disease can be improved thereby stimulating these acupuncture points that are responsible for the kidneys. Furthermore, it can promote blood circulation, high blood pressure can be relieved effectively. Toxins and wastes in the body can be removed along with all the regulation of acupuncture points.

After learning acupuncture treatment, many people may think this is very sad and painful. However, experienced doctors put these needles in the body according to precise points of acupuncture without pain and damage. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about this problem.

Acupuncture can help patients are treated and improved mainly to renal condition improves. Thus, renal function can be stopped to fall and recovery will be under little by little. This is one of the seven therapies of Chinese medicine treatment for chronic kidney disease in our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

If you have any questions or need any help, leave a message or contact medical online at any time, you can also send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will do everything to help you.

Is Creatinine 171 so severe in Kidney Failure

Is Creatinine 171 so severe in Kidney Failure

The high level of creatinine means that the kidney is damaged to some degree, then creatinine 171 is so severe renal disease?

At the clinic, creatinine 171 means that the disease has now entered stage 2 kidney disease and close to the stage 3 kidney disease .A person with stage 2 chronic kidney disease have mild kidney damage disminuciónn whether glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 60-89 ml / min.Poe usually no symptoms that indicate that the kidneys are dañados.Debido symptoms are very strong compensatory function and they do a good work, even when they are not working fully .High creatinine, blood in the urine, proteinuera and other ways can cause patients to discover who it is Ne stage 2 CKD.

Although creatinine 171 said the condition recude slightly in renal function, as a patient with this disease, you should also pay more attention to the miasma .In Otherwise, your disease in May will be worse.

For this case, it is necessary to take immediate and appropriate binding of the key point is to stop the progesión of this disease, can reverse infused .then, what treatment can help improve kidney function? Chinese herbal medicines like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Steaming Therapy and Foot Bath, etc  can make it through repair damaged kidneys and provide nutrition for kidney damage.To do the process does not cause side effects CPMO all Chinese herbal medicines prevent the naturally. What is more, you can cure this disease at its root .So that for people who are in the early stages, you can have the opportunity to reverse it.

From the above, we know that the level of creatinine 171 is close to stage 3 chronic kidney disease, if left untreated, the will of the disease getting worse, but with the help of a series of appropriate and timely treatment can be reversed .If you need help treatments for kidney disease, can make contacts with us, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will do everything possible to help you.

Is Dialysis A Useful Treatment to Cure Kidney Failure

Is Dialysis A Useful Treatment to Cure Kidney Failure

Dialysis is useful to treat end-stage renal failure? It is very difficult to cure .The expert noted that currently the two most common treatments for uremia are dialysis and kidney transplantation, but because of the lack of kidneys, the dificultadedes of ataptacion, many patients can only take dialysis to discharge excess water and toxins.

Does the dialysis Be useful to cure uremia?

Uremia is known as end-stage renal disease. In common clinical syndrome of end-stage renal disease .When the gene suffers kidney failure, the kidneys can not maintain normal work and metabolic waste and excess water can not be expelled, leading to the accumulation of toxins, water retention, the anemia .There are three common fromas of dialysis, which are hemodialysis, dialysis and dialysis colon PD, which uses the machine to direct blood of patients outside the body and eliminate toxins and water and send the blood back to the body again.

Because of the economic problem, many patients stop dialysis when symptoms improve, then leads to deterioration of the disease. Experts believe that the irregular dialysis make extra toxin and water can not be sent on time, and renal function relict lose even more.

If keeping regular dialysis patient and proper lifestyle, the disease can be controlled by a time .The regular blood dialysis is that people should take the dialysis 2 or 3 times a week, 4-5 hours each time. Patients with uremia disease need to know so well take the alternative treatment positively adhere to regular dialysis and regain confidence in life.

In fact, except for dialysis and kidney transplantation, there are some other ways you can treat kidney failure and without any side effects is much Chinese medicine. If you want to learn more about Chinese medicine or want to treat their disease without dialysis, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor online directly and leave message.

Renal Transplantation is the Best Operation for Patients with Kidney Failure and High Creatinine 457umol/L

Renal Transplantation is the Best Operation for Patients with Kidney Failure and High Creatinine 457umol/L

My sister is a kidney failure patient recently suffering many symptoms like metabolic acidiosos, anemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, renal osteodystrophy, vitamin D deficiency, secondary hypertension, constipation, etc. The doctor advised her to take the kidney transplant, I want to know is that it is a smart choice for her?

Does kidney transplantation is the best option for patients with renal insufficiency creatinine 457?

To be frank, renal transplantation operation is not the best for her, because although there is a suitable donor, because of poor current total body condition is not suitable for transplantation. In addition, she still has over 10% of the left renal function, this is a great hope for saving your kidneys. In addition, the current level of serum creatinine 457, is not high Seriously, she still has the opportunity to live better without renal transplantation. Please do not worry.

However, only depend on some medications also can not deal well with their disease. Because of all medicines are leading to high blood pressure, electrolyte levels disturbance and supplements. They can relieve symptoms, but can not solve the problem at its root, it means they can not repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and can not improve their kidney function. This is the problem.

So when it comes to treatment, we will give a systematic treatment: first clean internal abnormal immune deposits and toxins, and then repair your tissues and damaged kidney nephrons, block progressive renal fibrosis, protect kidney function remaining from further damage, finally adjust its poor internal environment. Thus, we are confident to help her daughter to save their kidneys without dialysis or kidney transplantation.

To learn more about treatments or want to prevent kidney transplant, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor for help.


Creatinine Level from 300 raising to 500: What Does It Mean For Kidney Failure Patients

Creatinine Level from 300 raising to 500: What Does It Mean For Kidney Failure Patients

What does it mean for Kidney Failure patients, if their cretainine level from 300 raising to 500 quickly? OurONLINE DOCTOR can tell you the truth. And you also can benefit a lot from our following information.

According to the creatinine level, CKD can be divided into 5 stages.

Stage 1: Scr<133umol/l
Stage 2: 177umol/l> Scr>133umol/l
Stage 3: 442umol/l> Scr>186umol/l
Stage 4: 707umol/l> Scr>443umol/l
Stage 5: Scr>708umol/l

So if the creatinine level for CKD patients from 300 raising to 500, that means the condition of the CKD patients from stage 3 CKD worsen to stage 4 CKD which we also called as kidney failure stage.

What to do for CKD patients if their creatinine level from 300 raising to 500
The Chinese medical treatments in our hospital can help CKD patients solve this serious problem. The fundamental way to decline the creatinine level is improving the kidney function for CKD patients. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital is suitable therapy for CKD patients. This therapy involves so many kinds of micro Chinese medical powders which can reach to the focus kidney parts with the help of advanced equipments. Then, the tiny blood vessels will be got through, so that they can transplant more blood to the weak kidney. Some damaged kidney cells will be controlled effectively, and the ability of discharging harmful waste for CKD patients will improved. At last, we can reach the goal of improving kidney function. The high creatinine will be declined naturally.

Diet for high creatinine level

Diet is an important aspect of treatment because proper diet can help reduce the workload of kidneys. You can ask a dietitian for a detailed diet list. Here I will introduce in general. With kidney disease, you are suggested a low-protein diet. Protein can generate nitrogenous waste after broken down. Too much nitrogenous waste will increase the burden of kidneys. Besides, you’d better take in high-quality protein which will be well absorbed and produce less nitrogenous waste. High sodium food should be avoided to alleviate swelling and high blood pressure, such as canned food, processed food and dry food. Low phosphorous and low potassium food are recommended if your phosphorous and potassium level is high in your test report. You can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com for more specific diet list.


Dialysis can help you remove the waste product from your blood to reduce the burden of kidneys and thus lower high creatinine level. It is an artificial kidney. But long-term dialysis will generate many complications.

Kidney transplant

Kidney transplant often the last choice of patients with kidney disease in western countries. It enables the patients a new kidney.

How To Help A Patient With Diabetes and Stage 5 Kidney Failure

How To Help A Patient With Diabetes and Stage 5 Kidney Failure

How to help a patient with diabetes or stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD)? This question is frequently asked by kidney disease patients. I want to tell you, our hospital can help diabetes and stage 5 CKD patients live a normal life. About the detailed information, please see the following.

How to help Diabetic and stage 5 CKD patients?

The Chinese medical treatments in our hospital not only can treat the diabetes, but also can treat the stage 5 CKD. One of them is the “four plus seven” treatment, which is combined by eleven unique Chinese medical treatments. The “four” refers to a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application and a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine. “seven” is seven external applications, including Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. These treatments have a great function of expand blood vessels, remove blood stasis, enhance immune system, and reverse diabetes and CKD.

In addition, you should also pay more attention to the following things:

1. Eat a healthy diet
2. Keep their blood pressure at a healthy level.
3. Keep their blood sugar or diabetes under control.
4. Have regular checkups with their doctor and include a serum creatinine test to measure GFR.
5. Take medicines as prescribed by their doctor.
6. Exercise regularly.
7. Stopping smoking and alcohol.

Any question, you can leave a message below or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Kidney Failure patients have lower stomach pain and often go bathrooms

Kidney Failure patients have lower stomach pain and often go bathrooms

"I am a kidney disease patients. Recently, I have back pain and lower stomach pain and often lavadero.A Sometimes I also find blood in my orina.Por do I have these problems?" Yesterday, a kidney patients consulted this questions on our website web.La following is the response of our doctor.

Back pain, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and blood in the urine are all common symptoms of chronic kidney disease, and different conditions can cause these problemas.Si patients have these symptoms at the same time, it is more likely to indicate urinary tract infections, which often occur in severe cases.

The first calculation is kidney. If patients have kidney stones, their movement in the urinary tract can scarify the fácilmente.Entonces urothelium, urinary tract infections are easily produced.

The second is a renal cyst renal disease or renal cyst grows poliquística.Cuando each large, any blow to the kidney area or the pressure of the tissues surrounding the kidneys can cause renal cyst rupture the fluid from the sac fácilmente.Cuando it extends to other tissues and organs, stomach pain, back pain, frequent urination, blood and urine will appear.

The third is the ability immune lowest.For reduce the burden on the kidneys, patients often have to follow a restricted diet plan, but if patients can not get enough nutrition like protein from your diet, malnutrition can induce immunity baja.Además, heavy protein loss and the use of some medications can also cause low immune capacity immune bajo.Capacidad gives the opportunity for bacteria or viruses to attack the urinary tract. Finally, urinary tract infections occur.

According to the above causes, the key to control back pain patients, lower abdominal pain, often going to the bathroom and blood in the urine is managing urinario.Ha tract infections effective therapies to manage them? If you can not, consult our online doctor.

Treatment to Cure Stage 3 Kidney Failure with GFR 54

Treatment to Cure Stage 3 Kidney Failure with GFR 54

A person with stage 3 kidney disease has moderate kidney damage with GFR of 30-59ml / min. GFR 54 is in the advanced stage of step 3 disease.The following kidney content introduce treatment for stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54.

GFR measures how blood flows through the glomeruli much each minute.The normal range of GFR is between 90-125ml / min.GFR is very sensitive to measure how well the kidneys function. GFR 54 is much lower than the standard level of GFR. Therefore, it is associated with severe renal impairment.

In stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54, patients experience a lot of discomfort and symptoms such as high blood pressure, anemia, edema, early bone disease etc. Stage 3 kidney disease is a very critical period for seeking treatment. Otherwise, renal function will remain impaired and kidney damage becomes irreversible.

The goals of treatment of stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54 include control of the underlying causes of kidney damage, stopping decreased renal function more, and restore the formed kidney damage.

To achieve the objectives of previous treatment, more than one type of treatment method will involve the entire treatment process. The blood purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy drugs are recommended for people with stage 3 kidney disease with GFR 54.

Blood purification can purify the blood by and elimination of waste products in different sizes, you can create a favorable domestic environment to reverse kidney damage.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate self-healing and self-regenerating kidney tissue with disabilities. When impaired renal structure can be repaired, kidney function will be enhanced. Therefore, step 3 of kidney disease with GFR 54 is reversed.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other alternative tratameitnos of dialysis and kidney transplantation, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Should I take a kidney transplant If I have Kidney Failure

Should I take a kidney transplant If I have Kidney Failure

Should I take a kidney transplant if I have ESRD? This should be a common question that patients with kidney disease when grown in the final stage. As we all know, the doctor will often tell patients with ESRD who have only two options, dialysis and kidney transplantation. Is this true? In the following article, we will gain a greater understanding.

Should I take a kidney transplant if I have ESRD?

The answer should depend on the very condition of patients. If both kidneys have failed with lower kidney function at 10%, and the size of the kidneys are less than 6 cm without the production of urine, patients with end-stage need to prepare the kidney. However, it is much harder to get a suitable donor, and many patients with end stage still waiting for a kidney. In fact, patients with ESRD can take alternative treatments to help prevent dialysis and kidney transplantation.

What should be the alternative treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease?

In our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to remedy this condition, and our goal is to repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function, which can help prevent dialysis and kidney transplant for end-stage renal disease.

Our treatment is offered four of treatment, and includes four major therapies, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Maikang mix. Depending on the condition of own disease patients with end-stage renal disease, will different drugs in these therapies, and make a systemic treatment for them.

These therapies may help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins and waste out, increasing the volume of blood in the kidneys and bring more nutrients and oxygen to the kidneys, so they can help repair kidney cells with disabilities and improving kidney function.

Once your kidney function is improved, the kidneys may work well, and some of the symptoms can be controlled, because they can help prevent dialysis and kidney transplant for you. For more information on Chinese therapies for end-stage renal disease or are interested in traditional Chinese medicine, you can leave a message below or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Can Creatinine Level 3 with Hypertensive Kidney Failure Be Cured

Can Creatinine Level 3 with Hypertensive Kidney Failure Be Cured

The end-stage renal disease is the complete failure of the kidneys, fewer than 15% of kidney function left for his father. Since the kidneys are severely damaged, because their kidneys can not properly eliminate toxins and excess fluid, which can cause some serious damage to his symptoms.

He may be at high risk for the short life expectancy because some of its symptoms and serious complications, such as high blood pressure, swelling in the lungs, heart failure, etc. So he has to take medication to control these symptoms, which can reduce the kidney burden and make it much more comfortable.

Your doctor may suggest taking dialysis, which is the most common treatment, and can help relieve some of your symptoms, such as high blood pressure and swelling. But this can not solve your problem at the root, and the long-term dialysis may cause some side effects to it, such as heart failure, which can be fatal for him.
In order to promote their life expectancy and help you live a better life, we suggest taking Chinese medicine treatment because of Chinese drugs are less side effects compared with dialysis or Western medicines, and some of the Chinese medicines can help improve kidney function, then you can improve your condition from the root.

We recommend taking the Four-A treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, this treatment includes four treatments, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Maikang mix. These therapies aim to repair their disabled kidney cells and promote kidney function for him. Once your kidney function is improved, its symptoms can be controlled, mainly, which can prolong their lifespan.

You said you did not want to miss his father, to do everything possible to make life better to live. We hope you will have the opportunity to help his father to overcome his illness, we believe it can be better and better and avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. For more information about our hospital and treatment, you can consult a doctor online, or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

There are alternative treatment for Treating Kidney Failure

There are alternative treatment for Treating Kidney Failure

The end-stage renal disease is the complete failure of the kidneys, fewer than 15% of kidney function left for his father. Since the kidneys are severely damaged, because their kidneys can not properly eliminate toxins and excess fluid, which can cause some serious damage to his symptoms.

He may be at high risk for the short life expectancy because some of its symptoms and serious complications, such as high blood pressure, swelling in the lungs, heart failure, etc. So he has to take medication to control these symptoms, which can reduce the kidney burden and make it much more comfortable.

Your doctor may suggest taking dialysis, which is the most common treatment, and can help relieve some of your symptoms, such as high blood pressure and swelling. But this can not solve your problem at the root, and the long-term dialysis may cause some side effects to it, such as heart failure, which can be fatal for him.

In order to promote their life expectancy and help you live a better life, we suggest taking Chinese medicine treatment because of Chinese drugs are less side effects compared with dialysis or Western medicines, and some of the Chinese medicines can help improve kidney function, then you can improve your condition from the root.

We recommend taking the Four-A treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, this treatment includes four treatments, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Maikang mix. These therapies aim to repair their disabled kidney cells and promote kidney function for him. Once your kidney function is improved, its symptoms can be controlled, mainly, which can prolong their lifespan.

You said you did not want to miss his father, to do everything possible to make life better to live. We hope you will have the opportunity to help his father to overcome his illness, we believe it can be better and better and avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. For more information about our hospital and treatment, you can consult a doctor online, or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, you can also consult doctor online.

Patient of Uremia expectancy has got rid of dialysis

Patient of Uremia expectancy has got rid of dialysis

13 October 2015 ERNEST KABU AKUAKU came to our hospital for further treatment, the following are some details about him and his treatment here.

Age: 35
Gender: male
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Ghana
Medical history:
Eight years ago, her blood pressure rose to 140 / 90mmHg, 2+ protein, occult blood 1+.

2 years ago, he caught a headache induced by cold and dizzy and that then their blood pressure rose to 190/100 mm Hg, 2+ protein, occult blood 2+, serum creatinine increased to 1980umol / L (22.4mg / dl) in order to extend his life, he has to take dialysis.

3 months, your urine output up to 200 ml / day.

Disease condition before treatment:

There are fans in their lower limbs, blood pressure of 210/120 mmHg, hemoglobin 87 g / L, BUN25.2mmol / l, serum creatinine 1433umol / L, UA 359umol / L, 6.56 mmol potassium / l, 7, 9 Total carbon mmol / L dioxide Phosphorus 1.43 mmol / L

Diagnosed as:

Uremia, renal hypertension, renal anemia


One four traditional Chinese medicinal treatment and Bath Therapy

Disease condition after treatment:

After 35 days of treatment, overall it becomes good. Swollen lower limbs disappeared, they decrease in blood pressure of 160/100 mmHg. The test shows hemoglobin 112g / L, BUN 14.3 mmol / L, serum creatinine 858umol / l, potassium 5.19mmol / L, Total Carbon Dioxide 25.5mmol / L, Phosphorus 1.28 mmol / L
Although not get rid of dialysis, but he is very satisfied with the healing effect. And he knows that time who insist on taking the systematic treatment that will get rid of dialysis soon.

To learn more details about your treatment or want to live a quality life, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you.


How to Cure Kidney Failure Hypertensive and the creatinine 288

How to Cure Kidney Failure Hypertensive and the creatinine 288

Today we will introduce a case of kidney disease, a patient suffers hypertensive and renal failure with creatinine 288, has achieved the curative effects for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine .Follow read the following to learn more.

Name: Hanif
Gender: male
Age: 66
Country: Egypt
Diagnosis: hypertensive and kidney failure, hyperlipidemia.

The reason for coming to China:

Hanif was diagnosed with hypertension 3 level 15 years ago. The local doctor prescribed antihypertensive medications to relieve symptoms such as headache and blurred vision.

About 5 months ago, they have ailments such as headache and increased urine production at night. Testing at the local hospital, was diagnosed with hypertensive renal disease and renal failure with 2+ protein in urine and creatinine 3.3 mg / dL. The doctor prescribed some medication and suggested to wait for dialysis or transplantation.

Hanif rejected the suggestion of his doctor and arrived in China on 31 May 2013 for treatment of Chinese medicine in order to avoid dialysis or transplantation.
Treatment in China: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, foot bath, moxibustion, herbal medicine oral, etc.

Conditions before and after treatment:

With the help of comprehensive Chinese medicine, Hanif has great improvements in just one month. Symptoms include swelling of the legs disappear. Here is a comparison before and after treatment.

Comparison of before and after treatment:

Before 150 / 90mmHg 288umol / L to 16.7 mmol / L 376umol / L 108g / L
After 120 / 80mmHg 237umol / L 11.6 mmol / L 346umol / L 119g / L

If you are interested in our alternative treatment, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will do everything possible to help you.

You can reverse Kidney Failure with creatinine 3.6

You can reverse Kidney Failure with creatinine 3.6

Since creatinine level, we know that the disease has entered the stage 3 kidney disease, at this stage the patient will suffer many symptoms and complications such as protenía urine and urine of blood, because they are willing to go out of this disease.

Can kidney disease creatinine 3.6 reversed?

HECO, Stage 3 is the vital stage renal disease, the kidneys also have been damaged to some degree, but still remain some kidneys may work normally .so with timely treatment, it can reverse .However, if you would not be castrated to receive timely treatment, invested entoncess the rate will gradually decline.
High creatinine, which means high toxins in the body, also reflect many refranas have been dañados.Confrome time passes, if the patient can not control their disease effectively, it will gets worse, what is more, it will affect other tissues or organs via blood circulation.

What treatment can help patients with kidney disease to treat?

Traditional Chinese herb therapy and inmunotherapy are useful for extending the blood vessels and improve blood circulation and eliminate toxins deposited in the kidney area making and in order to treat kidney disease .In addition, medicine traditional Chinese herb can help the patient to avoid further damage ql renal function to effectively manage complications .While can avoid further sclerosis of vessels throughout the body, and prevent cardiac accident.

From the above, we know that if the patient of kidney disease with creatinine 3.6, you may receive the systematic and scientific treatment in time, you may have the opportunity to reverse their disease If you wish to learn more about treatment or want to control the disease kidney, so you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to help you.

Is It Reversible For Kidney Failure with Creatinine 13

Is It Reversible For Kidney Failure with Creatinine 13

Kidney Failure or End stage renal disease (ESRD) is a late stage of kidney disease. When you are told this, you may be scared. Creatinine level 13 is really high and dangerous. Can ESRD with creatinine 13 be reversed?

Can ESRD with creatinine 13 be reversed by dialysis?

The dialysis is regarded as a common treatment to deal with the end stage renal disease. But I am so sorry to tell you it can not reverse the end stage renal disease with high creatinine. The dialysis only can help kidney disease patients remove some harmful waste out of body, it has no use in improving the kidney function. In addition, it always can bring a lot of side effects to the patients which are so painful. So we can say the dialysis is not a suitable way to treat the end stage renal disease.

Chinese medical treatments to reverse end stage renal disease with high creatinine

There are some Chinese herbal medicines can help lower high creatinine levels to a certain degree, such as Chinese rhubarb, ligusticum wallichii, turnjujube, flower of kudzuvine, barbados and some Chinese patent drugs like Niao duqing, Shen shuaining, etc. These Chinese herbal medicines achieve lowering high creatinine level through promoting intestinal detoxification. Chinese experts will choose the corresponding medicines and match them according to patients’ specific condition to minimize the side effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to lower high creatinine levels indirectly. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but unlike oral Chinese herbal medicines, it is used externally. Kidney disease patients just need to lie on the bed to take it, which helps avoid damage to gastrointestinal tract and improve the efficiency of medicines. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under lower back of patients, with the help of osmosis device, the active materials can directly get to kidneys and begin to play a series of functions like anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, which gradually repairs kidney damage and recovers kidney function. With the recovery of kidney function, high creatinine level can be naturally lowered.

If you also want to reverse the end stage renal disease with creatinine 13, you can contact us by sending emails to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Medicated Bath Can Help Stage 3 Kidney Failure Patients Lower High Creatinine Level

Medicated Bath Can Help Stage 3 Kidney Failure Patients Lower High Creatinine Level

Medicated bath, generated from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), has a long history in china. The main composition is some traditional Chinese medical herbs, which grow in natural for a long time. So it always used to deal with various kinds of diseases. This therapy belong to an external application, which is easily for patients to apply. Compared with other western treatments, this therapy has little side effects to the kidney disease patients.

According to patients conditions, our experienced doctor arrange some suitable Chinese medical herbs. Then boil them into medial soup, after we mix a certain of hot water with the soup. It is time for stage 3 CKD patients to enjoy the hot medicated bath. Though about one hour soaking, the patients will sweat a lot, so as a result, some of the creatinine will be discharged out of the body. At the same time, the pores of the stage 3 CKD patients will open completely, a part of the Chinese medicine will penetrated into the damaged kidney parts. So the damaged kidney cells and tissues will benefited a lot from the Chinese medicine.

Of course, aside from medicated bath, there are also other Chinese medicine therapies in our hospital like Medicated foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. Please send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com for further information.

A Kidney Failure Patient From Saudi Arabia

A Kidney Failure Patient From Saudi Arabia

My name is ASIRI, a kidney failure patient, comes from Saudi Arabia. I am just 28 years old, but I have fought with the Kidney Failure for 8 years. At my age, I should go to the college, go to work, fall into love with the girl I like and make a warm family that belong to me. But due to the kidney failure, I can’t do that. Everyday, I only can heard of the high creatinine level, high uric acid, low GFR and I can’t eat the foot I like, even I can’t drink enough water. I fell so hopeless and I want to give up. But there is a voice in my deep heart “I can get better and enjoy my beautiful life.”

I hear Chinese medicine is effective in treating kidney disease so I decide to come to China for a treatment.

On November 2, 2015, I came to China and arrived at Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. In fact, this hospital is not big, but there is a difference—there is smile in everyone’s face which make me fell warm. They did the physical examination for me, the result is appalling. Both of my two kidneys begin to shrink, at the same time I am suffering from the gout, high blood pressure and metabolic. My creatinine level is 446umol/l, urea nitrogen level is 25.4mmol/l, uric acid level is 695umol/l. I am so worried bout my conditions.

Second day is an important date to me, at which I will get my special treatment plan. After two hours discussing, the experienced kidney disease doctors arranged the “four plus seven” treatment and Chinese Medicine Clyster Therapy for me. You may don’t understand what is the “four plus seven” treatment. The doctor told me this therapy includes a series of small Chinese medical therapies. The “four” refers to a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application and a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine. “seven” means seven external applications, including Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. These treatments can help expend blood vessels, promote the blood circulation, and enhance the immune system, thus improve the kidney function. The principle of Chinese Medicine Clyster Therapy is sending Chinese medicine to my intestines. This therapy can help me get through water channel and discharge some of waste out of body.

The therapeutic effects

My creatinine level is reduced to 300umol/L from 446umol/L. Blood pressure is managed to 110/80 from 150/100. Urea nitrogen is reduced to 25.4 to 13.4. And uric acid is reduced to 204 from 695. I am really shocked by this result. I hope more and more kidney disease can get recovery as soon as possible.

You can reverse the Kidney Failure with Creatinine 2.9

You can reverse the Kidney Failure with Creatinine 2.9

As we all know that kidney disease is difficult to reverse, but at this early stage disease can be reversed with timely and alternative treatment, although creatinine 2.9 is a bit higher than the normal level, but according to the steps of chronic kidney disease, which is in stage 3.

You know, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has its own advantages in the treatment of kidney disease .The western medicine can solve the local pain caused by cysts, bleeding and other symptoms quickly, and Chinese medicine works through the Near the area of the topical, oral, foot and so on drugs kidneys, can improve renal blood circulation, relieve oppression of cysts in the kidneys, preventing the growth of cysts, then further promote cyst fluid absorption, cyst reduction or complete disappearance, thus restoring renal function.

So if the patient can get the combination treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, the level of serum creatinine recude to normal, if you have the luck, you may get reversed renal function.

What treatment is useful to reverse kidney disease?

Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine .With the help of this treatment, kidney disease patients with mild renal impairment may have the opportunity to reverse their disease, for patients with serious harm You can also have the chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

If you are interested in this treatment or need help treatment of kidney disease, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


What Is The Natural Help to Control High BUN in Renal Failure Treatment

What Is The Natural Help to Control High BUN in Renal Failure Treatment

Higher BUN level means more serious kidney damages for CKD patients. Beside that, high BUN level also can cause heart failure, shock, dehydration, infection and other painful symptoms. And when the BUN level reach to 21.4mmol/l, that is to say you have reached to the uremia stage, which is the most serious stage of CKD. So it is so necessary for stage 3 CKD patients to control the high BUN level.

What is the natural remedy for high BUN for stage 3 CKD?

Compared with the kidney failure stage, the stage 3 CKD is less serious stage. And only the patients control the high BUN level, that can their condition be reversed. The Medicated Bath in our hospital is a natural remedy and it has a great effect to control the high BUN level for CKD patients. This therapy is composed by various kinds of Chinese medical herbs. Through boiling, the Chinese medical effects can be released completely, and the patients can soak into the hot medicated bath. After about one hour, the patients can sweat a lot, and some of the urea nitrogen can be discharged out of the body. At the same time, the active Chinese medicine can penetrated into the internal body and repair the damaged kidney.

Medicated Bath: Medicated bath is traditional treatment and has been used to treat a variety of conditions.The liquid with medicines can open the pores on skin to increase the elimination of wastes from body. In additionally, the medicines can enter body via pores and can improve blood circulation as well as provide nutrients to regenerate kidneys.

Herbal medicines: Herbal medicines are considered one of optimal natural remedies to lower BUN levels.The effective medicines not only can increase the excretion of waste products,but also are tonic to kidneys and can help the regeneration of the impaired kidney tissues to improve renal function. What herbal medicines can be used to lower BUN levels in your case? Chat with our medical professional now!

Diet: Diet is an important part in treating kidney disease. It can help prolong kidney health and reduce building up of waste products in body. As urea nitrogen is the metabolite of protein, a low-protein diet is recommended to people with high BUN levels.

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