
The best foods for people with nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome affects many people, especially health niños.Con to manage problems and complications of nephrotic syndrome effectively, doctors hope to give the best and appropriate food for their patients.

As a common glomerular disease, patients with nephrotic syndrome have heavy proteinuria and obvious swelling. From this point, the beneficial foods had better to have one of the following propiedades.Ellos are:

-reducing Protein loss
Facilitate retention
-protection Of the remaining kidney function
-The Increase in glomerular filtration rate

According to these requirements, various foods can help treat the syndrome nefrótico.Para a list of these foods in detail, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Cucumber can stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine, removing more fluido.En result, swelling or edema of patients aliviaron.Además, cucumber, orange, celery, and some other foods can also help control high blood pressure Patients, if blood pressure is higher than normal.

2. Eggs

When the filtering system of the kidney is damaged, incomplete foods rich in protein will increase the burden on the kidneys and cause more damage to the kidneys fácilmente.Clara egg is a great source of high quality protein that can not only provide protein, but also lessen the burden on the kidneys.


This food is rich in vitamin C, which is a common antioxidant. Antioxidants can eliminate free radicals from the body, as well as to protect the body and kidneys daños.Además, bilberry is also a great food for preventing and treating urinary tract infection, whereas patients with nephrotic syndrome may be at higher risk of various infections.

If you or your child is experiencing this condition, you can add the right amount of these foods in your, your diet plan. This is good for your health.

Diabetic nephropathy fruit Dar Patients with creatinine 3.5

Some people think that patients with diabetic nephropathy should avoid fruits, because the sugar in fruit can increase the level of glucose in the blood of these pacientes.Hecho, is wrong. For patients with diabetic kidney disease and creatinine 3.5, they can still consume some types of fruit.

As introduced by kidney doctors, fresh fruits are delicious and can provide rich vitamin C, minerals and fiber for cuerpo.Estos nutrients are beneficial for preventing arterial sclerosis, retinopathy and estreñimiento.En general, fruits also contain rich fructose and glucosa.A Indeed, in the metabolism of fructose does not need insulin, and the main composition in fruits that affects the blood sugar is glucose.

If the medical condition of the patient diabetic nephropathy is not well controlled or level of blood sugar remains high, had better avoid frutas.Sin But if your levels of sugar in blood and urine are managed But they can eat about 100 g of fruit every day and pick the fruits that are low in sugar.

Today, we are here to list various types of fruits that are appropriate for patients with diabetic nephropathy and high creatinine 3.5.Si want to get free online help directly, you can consult a doctor online or by email to kidneycares @ hotmail.com.

Grapefruit: fresh grapefruit juice is claimed to have ownership of insulin that can help reduce high blood sugar and protect cardiovascular health.

Cherry: The fruit is rich in antioxidants and low in potassium, which may help protect renal tissue containing pectin restantes.Cereza operation can increase insulin secretion, to lower the level of blood sugar .

Apple: Because sugar apple is slowly absorbed, can reduce blood sugar, to some extent, especially after comidas.Sin however, diabetics can not eat too many apples one day.


Renal Dialysis will cause lung congestion

Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary congestion also known, refers to blood stagnation in the local blood vessels of lung. Renal dialysis is used to replace the kidneys to filter the blood and may increase the risk of lung congestion.

How it works pulmonary congestion causes dialysis?

A lot of kidney dialysis patients are vulnerable to suffer from heart failure, which can cause excessive fluid retention in the lungs. Then, lung congestion occurs with shortness of breath, anoxia, cyanosis or hemoptysis. Very often, the left ventricular failure may hamper the pulmonary vein returned, resulting in pulmonary congestion in the lungs become enlarged kermesinus.

Pulmonary congestion identifying dialysis patients

As pulmonary congestion is commonly due to heart failure and cardiovascular disorder is a main reason of death in dialysis patients, it is important to early identification of pulmonary congestion. As introduced by nephrologists, timely identification of pulmonary congestion may help slow the progression of heart failure, cardiovascular problems and death for patients on dialysis.

How to manage pulmonary congestion in patients on kidney dialysis?

Reduce the load on the heart: Having more rest, controlling sodium intake, and use of diuretics or correct vasodilator substance. All this can help reduce the risk of heart failure and cardiac events.

Strengthen the force of myocardial contraction: In the clinic, several medications can help achieve this goal, such as sildenafil, digoxin and digital leaf.

-Give Oxygen to people who have difficulty breathing

-Complications Timely control of pulmonary congestion: Respiratory infections, electrolyte disorder and thrombus formation are common complications. If patients have these problems, steps should be taken to manage immediately.

-Improve Renal function: If patients still have the opportunity to improve renal function, it is better for them to do and avoid dialysis, if fortunately enough.

What herbs should be used in foot bath to reduce polycystic kidney cysts

Foot bath is a therapy of traditional Chinese medicine that is added by some herbs, as condition of pacientes.Para disease patients with polycystic kidney disease, some herbs can help reduce your kidney cysts. Well, what herbs can be used in foot bath to shrink the cysts of polycystic kidney?

In China, the foot is considered as our second heart. Although walking is the organ most out of mind, given the greater burden on the corazón.Además, there are many acupuncture points, reflecting area and palma.A channels through stimulation of these acupuncture points, patients can find your overall health is improved. From this point, we know how important foot bath is for patients with PKD.

After many years of research, a number of herbs have proven effective in increasing the permeability of the cyst walls, causing resorption of fluid from the sac, and the protection of the kidney tissues working residuales.Qué herbs have these effects?

Beeltle Ground, rhizome sparganii, Plantaginis sperm lalang rhizome grass, and so on, all of these medications can help improve blood circulation PKD patients and cause fluid reabsorption quístico.Mientras more and more fluid sac is discharged out of the body through kidneys, renal cysts can become smaller and smaller. Then, patients do not have to worry about their polycystic kidney cysts.

However, only a function of bath feet is far from sufficient to reduce cysts renales.Si happen to have polycystic kidney disease and want to accept the natural remedies to reduce renal cysts, you can consult a doctor online or leave then a message. Then doctors here can give personal suggestions in detail.

In addition to medical treatments, diet plan and scientific life style to support the option of combined treatment is also needed.


What Is The Alternative Treatment To Eliminate Toxins Instead Of Dialysis

"I'm online researching alternatives to renal dialysis. I have a friend aged 70 or over there who was convinced he had to do dialysis. In fact he never should have started. I should have made alternative treatments. Now it's skin and bones and is not healthy for a person mí.Puede dialysis out if alternative treatments began to eliminate toxins and build the immune system. "

This is a question asked on our website, this question is associated with many kidney disease patients who want to avoid or get rid of dialysis, here I will introduce China Micro-Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective alternative therapies for dialysis .

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

It is a type of Chinese medicine only treatment external application, by applying bags herbs with active material of Chinese medicine in the patient's back, parallel to your kidney, shen shu acupoint, molecule herbs by vibrating a processing machine, penetrating through the human body from skin, cell volume and the volume of tissue and sequentially rete finally entering the kidneys to improve micro-circulation kidneys and restore kidney function corrupted with efficacy.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy patient with renal dialysis help out?

From this we can know that this therapy can improve microcirculation kidneys and restore renal function effectively damaged, so you can eliminate toxins and build the immune system, thus helping dialysis patients avoid or leave it .

To exit dialysis or want to know more about alternative dialysis, you can leave message or contact our online doctor directly, we will try our best to help.

Renal cyst 4 cm How to avoid getting bigger

How to prevent kidney cysts grow bigger? In general renal cysts (benign) need not always be eliminated and when the patient has no symptoms, but once the cyst is larger than 4 cm will bring some of the symptoms and harm the kidneys and other organs and prevent kidney cysts getting bigger is a big problem for kidney cysts patients.

The normal ways to treat renal cyst

1. A doctor punctures the cyst with a long needle inserted through the skin using ultrasound guidance.

2.The doctor drains (aspirates) the cyst and then can fill the vacuum bag with a solution containing alcohol; this causes the tissue to harden and reduces the chance of recurrence. Scarring down the space inside the cyst is called sclerosis.

3. In some cases, a cyst again and refill with fluid. Your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the quiste.Trabajará for simple cysts, but not complex cysts.
The last treatment of renal cyst

Chinese Herb Medicine bring a new way to treat a kidney cyst, which can solve the problem of kidney without further damage to the kidneys and other órganos.Este type of therapy can work for both simple and complex cysts, and reduced inhibit the growth of renal cyst, which has a great effect in preventing cysts to grow bigger.

So once you've found the city, you should make further diagnosis to ensure that it is benign or not, and then take the correspondientesSi measures you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of renal cyst, do not dare to contact our doctor online or send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will respond within 24 hours.


Are There No any treatment for kidney operation without surgery

When the kidneys are not able to do their work normally, patients may be suggested to make transplant surgery riñón.Sin Not all kidney patients want to accept or have the opportunity to do this cirugía.Hay other treatment for the kidneys do not work?

Of course it is not. However, the personal treatment plan should depend on condition of patients disease. For alternative therapy directly, you can consult a doctor online or send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

If the kidneys of patients have failed completely, dialysis, Clear Blood Therapy contamination or stem cell therapy may be the only options.

Dialysis is a treatment that can replace damaged to remove waste products, toxins and excess fluid kidneys. Because it can keep patients 'vital core, dialysis can save renal failure patients' life effectively. However, longer dialysis patients, most patients have side effects.

Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is a treatment that can help cleanse the blood further than dialysis. Because not only can remove small molecular substances, but also moderate and large molecular substances, Clear Blood Therapy contamination can improve the quality of life of patients effectively.

Stem cell therapy using cells to differentiate into cells brand that can replace damaged kidney cells play their role normalmente.En recent years, this therapy is becoming more widely used to treat kidney disease and failure renal.

If patients still have some kidney function, some therapies are still available to save your kidneys and prevent kidney transplant surgery.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy two common therapies that can help kidney cells repair damage and protect the remaining kidney function. While the level of renal function of patients increased to 15% and stable, patients can live their own kidneys successfully.

How to reduce renal cysts in PKD Naturally

Polycystic kidney disease is characterized by numerous fluid-filled renal cysts cuerpo.Cómo decrease in renal cysts in PKD refers, of course, most patients and their familiares.Cualquier detail you want to know, please send e-mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

At the clinic, surgery is commonly used to remove kidney cysts outside the body. But dialysis simply remove the large size of renal cysts, can not eliminate the small size of cysts renales.No can remove large renal cysts. And the large size of renal cysts do more damage to the kidneys and other organs. Because of this, patients are wondering is there any treatment to reduce renal cysts naturally and effectively.

Fortunately, natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can not only reduce renal cysts naturally but can also improve the function renal.Los natural treatments are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicinal bath, "four" one "" Treatment

"" One "Four" Treatment

This is is a bottle of Composition Maikang, a dose of Chinese medicine oral dose of external application of Chinese medicine and foot bath basin with china.Se medicine is a therapy that oral medications and act external application together to strengthen the effects of making the active substances get into the renal lesions directly. Oral Chinese medicines are Maikang Composition and Chinese medicines orales.Las external applications are hot compress therapy and bath feet.During the process of treatment, patients have to apply Chinese medicine oral and external application day every day. Natural treatments are carried effects to repair damaged cells and improve renal function in addition to well control your symptoms and complications.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This is also a natural treatment, which aims to improve kidney function by anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, extending blood vessels, promoting circulation sanguínea.El natural treatment has effects to stop the growth of renal cysts prevent active in the tubular cells release substances. This natural treatment can also promote secretion of renal cysts naturally by increased blood flow surface of renal cysts.

Natural treatments here can shrink renal cysts naturally by improving renal function.


How to relieve side effects of steroids for nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a disease characterized by severe proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidemia and inflammation, and this disease often occurs in niños.En Today, its underlying cause is not yet clear, but many experts think it has a close link with the reaction alérgica.Por therefore especially prednisone steroids have been preferred for these drugs pacientes.Sin however, these drugs have many side effects, so that patients are eager to find ways to relieve side effects steroids.

Many clinical scopes have they shown that there are three aspects can help reduce side effects and complications of steroids in patients with syndrome nefrótico.Ellos are:

1.Prevent respiratory infections

Upper respiratory infection is a common disease that can encourage steroid therapy to stop and make relapse of kidney disease, so prevention of respiratory infections should be placed on the important state.

2.Prevent skin infections and mouth

Because steroid use can cause the body's immunity to decline, patients are at high risk of infection if your skin is damaged or mouth is not limpio.Por Therefore, patients should take a bath and wash hands and feet regularly.

3.Avoid overwork or fatigue

For patients with nephrotic syndrome disease whose condition is stable, you should do some activity física.Esto is beneficial to prevent blood clotting high side effect and complication of osteoporosis. However, patients should avoid strenuous exercise, in order to prevent the worsening of kidney disease.

Nephrotic syndrome is a chronic disease of the kidneys. Although therap medicine is an important method, nursing necesarioSi prevention is also done correctly, patients can relieve side effects and complications effectively. To learn more about these methods, you can contact us directly.


Malar rash on the face and lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is triggered by the SLE, lupus lupus.Cuando starts attacking the kidneys, many other organs can also be malar involucrados.Erupción face or butterfly-shaped rash on the face is one common complications of lupus, and many patients with lupus nephritis also have it.

A malar rash lupus nephritis patients

It is a skin disorder that causes the rash appears over the cheekbones and the bridge of the nariz.Una malar rash or butterfly-shaped are usually purple or red. Although the facial rash is not painful, patients still hoping to alleviate this problem and have a good look.

The incidence of lupus malar erythema

It is reported that about three-quarters of patients with lupus have skin lesions (rash, injured areas or ulcers), and about 50% of these skin lesions are photosensitive ultraviolet sunlight .

How to treat malar rash for lupus nephritis patients?

From the malar rash is photosensitive, the lupus nephritis patients should avoid sunlight, ultraviolet radiation and sensitive foods such as lemon, celery, orange, and so on.For stop the rash worse patient should be kept away from alcohol, fish, shrimp, spicy and fried foods, overwork and mental stress. They should also pay attention to your skin hygiene.

If patients want to get rid of his malar rash root, it should take some therapies for the treatment of lupus nephritis fundamentalmente.In recent years, immunotherapy has been widely used to treat kidney disease caused by autoimmune disease, including nephritis lúpica.Debido it can eliminate immune complexes, normalize the immune system and kidney cells repair damage, stem cells may help treat lupus nephritis effectiveness.

For the most effective remedies to manage lupus nephritis patients malar rash on the face, you can leave a message or email below kidneycares@hotmail.com. Then, kidney experts here will send them to you.


Make creatinine Come Down after transplantation for nephrotic syndrome

If nephrotic syndrome worsens in end stage renal failure, patients may be suggested to accept the transplant riñón.Sin But some patients find their creatinine level is still quite high after trasplante.Cómo make high creatinine level down after a kidney transplant for patients with nephrotic syndrome?

Creatinine level after kidney transplant

In general, patients are not recommended to do kidney transplant unless both kidneys have stopped funcionar.El kidney transplant is surgery to replace a diseased kidney with kidney sano.Es say, even if patients of nephrotic syndrome with renal insufficiency accept this surgery, which only have a good riñón.En this case, the level of serum creatinine is more likely to be slightly higher than normal people. Thus, the normal level of creatinine for kidney transplant patients is less than 1.8-1.9mg / dL.

For the general population, level of serum creatinine (Scr) usually varies from 0.5 to 1.3 mg /dl.Algunos patients after kidney transplantation still think that is higher than normal once your Scr is above 1.3 mg / dl.Hoy days, we know it is wrong.

If the patient Scr not increase abnormally, you should take some therapies to lower it.

Depending on the cause of the high concentration of creatinine, Blood Therapy course it is intentarlo.A worth pollution by cleaning the blood and again, Extra creatinine can be removed from cuerpo.Entonces, some essential nourishment are added into the bloodstream as well as to normalize circulation sangre.Por Finally, some herbal medicines that can nourish the kidneys and regulate the internal environment are used to protect the transplanted kidney and improve function.

So far, a number of kidney patients have lowered their serum creatinine and saved his transplanted kidney éxito.Con Luckily, more and more patients can regain a new life with this therapy.

How long can you live with IgA nephropathy Stage 5

IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease that can progress to end stage 5 or stage slowly, then patients should be confronted by various problems and síntomas.Por therefore have to wonder how long patients can live with stage May IgA nephropathy?

What is stage 5 IgA nephropathy (IgAN)?

According to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), chronic renal disease, including IgA nephropathy can be divided into five etapas.Etapa 5 is the final stage in which the kidneys are severely damaged and the level of kidney function has decreased to less than 15% .It say when the GFR of patients is less than 15 ml / min, indicating Stage 5 IgA nephropathy.

How about the prognosis for these patients?

According to clinical research, about 35% of patients IgA nephropathy, finally has the uremia, and the survival rate of kidneys for 10 years is about 80% ~ 90% .In addition level renal function, heavy proteinuria, high blood pressure, and the formation of diffuse half moon, etc, all can remember the bad pronóstico.Al like other types of chronic kidney disease, meal plan, lifestyle and medical treatment also affects the prognosis of stage 5 IgAN patients' and life expectancy.

Life expectancy for Stage 5 patients IgA nephropathy

Before knowing condition of patients disease in the details, it's hard to publicize the respuesta.Esto is because even though the level of the renal function of patients is similar, complications, lifestyle, plan treatment and diet change option persona.Si person you want to know how long you can live with this disease in detail, it is necessary to tell us more about your case médico.Por therefore, kidney expert online since Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can give you the answer.

If you pay attention to the development of modern medicine, you should know that there are some methods that can prolong the lifespan of the pacientes.Para learn more about these methods, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Low fever in PKD: Cause and Treatment

PKD refers to many small and large propagation cysts in the kidneys, with the growth of these cysts, patients suffer more and more, even more serious symptoms happen when kidney failure, complications can cause more symptoms and even threaten the vida.Entre these symptoms, persistent low-grade fever is común.Los severe pain patients suffer from fever urge to know the cause and treatment.

The cause of low grade fever in PKD:

With the growth of cysts and rupture, PKD is complicated by an infection of the urinary tract fácilmente.Acompañado urinary tract infection, patients suffer symptoms such as urgency, odynuria and pubic pain in the arch area and if the infection involves the upper urinary tract, patients suffering from persistent fever or low back pain.

The treatment for low-grade fever PKD:

Once PKD patients suffering from fever, they had better have a check to see what causes fiebre.Los simply febrifuge drugs and antibiotics fail to drive away fever root for PKD patients with urinary tract infection. PKD patients who want to get rid of fever actually need everything possible to reduce cysts and inhibit the growth of cysts, so that the rate of attack by infection can be lowered. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for patients with PKD.

The active compounds in medicine has the function of promoting blood circulation in cysts walls to increase the permeability of the walls cysts, so fluids can flow cysts and blood sanguínea.Además be metabolized with the movement, the active principles of drugs can also inactivate inhibiting epithelial fluid secretion cysts cells. With the help of medicine, cysts can be reduced and controlled.

No cysts and rupture growth, the rate of infection and fever can bajar.Si To learn more about low-grade fever in PKD, please contact with our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will reply within 24 hours.

Can people with diabetes and kidney disease Take pure cow milk

People with diabetes and kidney disease take pure cow milk? Milk contains many types of nourishment, so it is a nice addition. But sugar-rich protein and it may aggravate kidney disease and increase the level of blood sugar. Then, as a diabetic with kidney disease should drink it?

Milk has significant quantities of fat, protein, carbohydrates and in one package. Normal cow's milk contains 30-35 grams of protein per liter, mostly in the form of casein. Also contains dozens of other proteins in small quantities, various minerals and vitamins A, B complex, C, D, K etc.

Some nutritionist recommends two to three servings of low-fat milk (or other low-fat dairy foods such as cheese and yogurt) each day.The sources including dairy products in your diet is an easy way to get protein and calcium high quality.
But the fact is that after drinking some milk, their level of blood sugar may go insane. That is why? This is because our bodies treated differently in the food you eat, you are the person who does not fit to drink milk.

For different people have different physical conditions. Some people, even a normal person who is sensitive to milk every time after drinking milk may fell uncomfortable. As a diabetic with a kidney problem, take the decision according to their own condition. If you like milk that does not make your blood sugar go crazy then have some. But no matter what, you should not drink too much, otherwise, their level of blood sugar increase rapidly.

If you want to know more about the diet of diabetes and kidney disease, you are will welcome to contact our doctor online or leave messages to us, we will offer free advice for you.


Chinese herbs to improve 44% of the renal function of patients with PKD

In the clinic, the GFR or eGFR is often used to reflect the level of renal function function renal.La 44% means Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) has progressed in stage 3, in which renal cysts expand rapidly .Therefore, it is time to improve renal function of 44% for patients with PKD.Afortunadamente, Chinese medicinal herbs are useful.

Stage 3 PKD also called extension period that patients have generally been above 40 años.Con expansion of renal cysts, patients are more likely to present a series of clinical manifestations such as back pain, proteinuria , hematuria and blood pressure alta.Etapa 3 PKD is the critical step that Western medicine and Chinese medicine treats.

Western medicines are mainly taken to control symptoms of patients, such as high blood pressure and hematuria, while Chinese medicine can help protect the remaining functional kidney tissues and improve kidney function.

With 2500 years of history, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) shows a large and obvious superiority in regulating the internal environment and the treatment of disorders crónicos.Para treat PKD, some medications are prescribed to reduce all kidney cysts, the same time, by increasing the permeability of the cyst walls and improve blood circulation outside of cystic walls while other Chinese medicines are taken to increase the flow of blood to the kidneys and to increase the capacity of self-healing discapacidad.Como renal cell are repaired more and more damaged intrinsic renal cells, the level of renal function can be increased obviously.

Chinese medicines can actually do much to improve renal function in patients with PKD.Sin however, may need relatively long time to perform its function. From this point, kidney experts who are good in the treatment of kidney disease with TCM create an external application method called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmoterapia.Debido it has to overcome the disadvantages of traditional Chinese medicine, more and more PKD patients prefer to use this therapy for the treatment of kidney disease.

If you want to learn more about Chinese medicine and external application, you can leave your question to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Palm Rule "Teach diabetics develop a healthy diet plan

Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder in our daily lives. Along with medical treatment, food therapy plays an important role. "Rule of Palm" can lead diabetics to organize a proper diet plan to manage your diabetes and blood sugar.

- Carbohydrates and fruits

Choose two fists of starchy foods that can satisfy the need of patients hydrates carbono.En the same time, diabetics always suggest to control the quantity of fruits, most of which are generally rich in azúcar.De thus, the amount of fruit intake recommended for diabetics may be around a fist.


50 g of protein is about the size of the palm, and diabetics had better control their protein intake to 50 ~ 100 g. To reduce the production of metabolic waste, patients should also select some high quality protein.


Two hands can hold approximately 500 g of vegetables that usually can meet the needs of diabetics for verduras.Además, these patients can get more vitamins and minerals in their consumption of vegetables.


To reduce complications related to diabetes, people with diabetes should limit their intake of fat, and is sufficient for the taking in the size of the tip of the thumb.


Lean meat is a great source of high quality protein. It is reported that about 50 g of lean meat can meet the daily need of the patient. This is the amount of two fingers.


Diabetics had better stay away from alcohol. If they can not stop drinking, the alcohol is approximately thumb, the amount of red wine may be about the index finger, and the amount of beer may be about middle finger.

The above tips can guide patients with diabetes to organize a proper diet plan. To learn more about these tips, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Can You gum arabic Cause Leg Pain for kidney patients

Details: Many patients with renal disease in the Arab region try to use gum arabic to fight his kidney problem and save their damaged kidneys

Doctor: Gum arabic regularly take for my kidney disease, and my proteinuria is ++. Now, I have pain in pierna.Es a side effect of gum arabic?

Many patients with renal disease in the Arab region try to use gum arabic to fight his kidney problem and save their damaged kidneys. In fact, most of these patients exaggerate the effects of gum arabic.

Gum Arabic is a great source of dietary fiber which can make patients feel full, so it can help control weight patients, reduce your cholesterol and treat diabetes, cancer, indigestion, ulcers mouth, and so sucesivamente.Si used properly, can help complications of kidney disease and slow the progression of kidney disease effectively.

If used for a long time, gum arabic may induce some side effects such as gas, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, asthma, rhinitis, rash, etc. However, all these problems will not cause leg pain.

From your description, I guess your leg pain due to renal illness. With the worsening of kidney disease, the kidneys may be unable to maintain calcium-phosphorus balance correctamente.Luego, patients suffering from bone disorder including leg pain easily. If so, you are encouraged to take effective treatments to improve your kidney condition and overall health. Any problem about your treatment plan? We are happy to help.

The PKD cause constipation

Polycystic kidney disease is renal condition in which there are many cysts in the kidneys. Several patients with polycystic kidney disease suffer from constipation, while others do not have the symptom of estreñimiento.Qué can patients do to relieve constipation?

Polycystic kidney disease, a common hereditary renal disease is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts filled with fluid in the kidneys. Kidney cysts can reduce kidney function, leading to a failure renal.Para patients with renal failure, they suffer from symptoms such as constipation, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

There are several reasons why you may suffer from constipation with renal insufficiency.

A strict diet control

People with kidney failure suffer from the level of electrolyte disorder, such as a high concentration of phosphorus, low calcium, high potassium levels. To reduce the workload of the kidneys, which are suggested to limit the diet of low potassium, low in fósforo.Sin however, some fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium level fósforo.Y fruits and vegetables also are high in fiber, which is useful for movement of the stool.

Limit fluid intake

For patients with polycystic kidney disease, renal function decreases, the damaged kidneys can not eliminate excess water. In order to reduce the workload of the kidneys, patients are advised to limit the intake of water. Patients suffering from constipation with reduced water intake.

Is there any treatment to deal with constipation in the PKD?

Is renal cysts is leading to a decrease of renal function. The natural treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has the ability to reduce renal cysts naturally called MicroMedicina-China osmoterapia.Este natural treatment can improve renal function by stopping the growth of renal cysts through prevention of active in the tubular cells release substances. This natural treatment can also promote fluid cyst excretion by increasing blood circulation to the surface of renal cysts.

If you happen to be a person with constipation in PKD, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible to prevent damage adicional.Puede send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply as soon as possible.


The amount of potassium to consume with Stage 4 Kidney Disease

With the worsening of kidney disease, patients should pay attention to their consumption potasio.En Stage 4 renal failure, the kidneys are functioning at 15% ~ 29% .Cuánto potassium should patients with stage 4 kidney failure taking ?

The potassium in the blood

Potassium is an essential mineral in the body that helps regulate nerve and muscle function, and normal potassium level also maintains normal heartbeat and maintain fluid balance and electrolitos.Cuando patients consume enough potassium in their food and kidneys remove extra potassium from the body perfectly.
To ensure potassium playing these functions properly, the level of potassium in the blood must be maintained between 3.5 and 5.5 mEq / L

Potassium and renal failure stage 4

In step 4, the renal function has a severe decrease. If the level of potassium in the blood of patients remains below 5.5 mEq / L, which are suggested to eat at least 4700 mg of potassium each day.If your potassium level is higher than normal, should limit their intake to 1500-2700 mg of potassium each day.

According to the condition of illness of patients, doctors can determine the amount of potassium their patients can take.

How to lower high levels of potassium in patients with stage 4 kidney failure?

If the potassium level of patients is very high, limit first potassium intake and control the intake of foods that contain potassium such as bananas, oranges, watermelon, spinach, bitter gourd, etc. In second instead, patients should stop all medications that can induce high levels of potasio.Una time status of patient disease is severe enough, may also have to accept dialysis in advance. Dialysis is the most direct way to eliminate the extra potassium and blood purification method.

If you still have any questions about potassium and stage 4 renal failure, you can ask the doctor online.

How can TCM treat nephrotic syndrome in children

Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by a wide variety of disease glomerular.Las main characteristics are severe swelling nephrotic syndrome, hyperlipidemia, hipoproteinemia.Algunos steroids are used to treat kidney disease to suppress response to the certain effects inmune.Debido and natural, more and more people opt for traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This is a natural treatment that has effects to promote the circulation of the main sangre.Los materials in this therapy are collected from natural plants, which makes this therapy to be safe, natural and cómodo.Los materials are Chinese herbs are refined powder and the powder is combined with the fluid osmosis are packaged in two bags with medication, patients just lay in the two medicated bags, with the help of osmotic machine, the active substances penetrate the body and to achieve the function of removing toxic substances, promote blood circulation by dilating blood vessels, kidney damage repair, recovery of normal renal function.

"Four plus seven" Treatment

This is a natural treatment that also has effects to enhance therapy renal.Esta function includes four types of Chinese medicine are a bottle of Maikang composition, doses of oral Chinese medicine and a dose of external application and bath basin Chinese medicine feet with seven external applications Therapy, Cold Compress is steaming, medicated bath, foot bath, Acupuncture Therapy, Circle Therapy, Enema.Las Chinese medicines oral therapy and external applications work together to strengthen the effects of improve function renal.Cualquier detail you want to know, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor. kidney doctors will make a specific treatment plan based on the condition of patients.


How long to treat glomerulonephritis

Nephritis is also called glomerulonephritis, which is divided into acute nephritis and renal nephritis crónica.Como a common disease, glomerulonephritis is characterized by swelling, proteinuria, high blood pressure, anemia, etc.Entonces, how long to cure glomerulonephritis?

What affects the duration of treatment of patients?

The first factor is the cause of glomerulonefritis.En the clinic, many conditions can induce FSGS glomerulonephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic disorder, immune disorder to infecciones.La underlying cause only determines the prognosis and treatment Output patients.

The second factor is the medical condition of the plan pacientes.El of treatment depends on the severity and extent of kidney damage. Overall condition of the most serious disease patients, the long duration of treatment.

The third factor is the plan of diet and lifestyle of the plan pacientes.Un healthy diet and lifestyle can help keep the effect of medical treatment in order to shorten the treatment of patients. Conversely, eating and unhealthy lifestyle habits can worsen condition of patients with disease easily.

How long can glomerulonephritis cured?

If nephritis patients is caused by MCD, can obtain complete remission in 4 meses.Si is attributed to FSGS, the duration of treatment may be about 5-9 meses.A From this point, we know glomerulonephritis patients duration treatment changes from person to persona.En some cases, patients have clinical remission never completely, and glomerulonephritis progresses to renal failure gradually.
What can we do to improve the prognosis of these patients?

The key is to choose the treatment plan correcto.Si patients want to improve their health and treat your kidney disease from the root, should take some systemic treatments and follow a diet plan and lifestyle científica.Además steroids and immunosuppressants, there are still some alternative therapies that have obtained clinical effects evidentes.Para more information about these therapies or get individual treatment plan, welcome to consult the doctor online.

Natural Treatments for Kidney Failure in Elderly

Kidney failure is a serious disease that affects the health of many elderly avanzada.Cuando the end-stage renal disease worsens, may be suggested to do dialysis or transplantation riñón.Sin But older patients usually want find some natural treatments to replace these treatments.

Because kidney failure is the final stage of chronic kidney disease, patients should suffer from various symptoms and complicaciones.En this case, some therapies can still save some kidney patients, but not all patients can benefit from these therapies.

When they are useful for kidney failure in elderly natural treatments? The determining factor is leading patients renal function and urine output. The higher your kidney function and increased urine output, the biggest opportunity we have to rescue his kidneys.

If patients still have some kidney function and urine output, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Clear Blood Pollution Therapy worth intentarlo.Ambos worth of these two therapies can help remove waste chemicals from the body, expand blood vessels, increase blood flow to the kidneys and ask the system self-healing renal cell inherentes.Todos these therapeutic effects make damaged but not necrotic kidney cells insurance can achieve gradual recovery. Once these cells return to normal operation, the overall health of patients can be improved greatly.

However, if patients have no kidney function, the two above treatments do not help treat kidney disease patients so efectiva.En this case, if the elderly do not want to take dialysis or kidney transplantation, which may be suggested to make madre.Las cell therapy stem cells can differentiate into new renal cell and replace the necrotic renal cell to filter blood and regulate the internal environment.

Patient's disease status determines your plan treatment.Use get detailed treatment are recommended to tell us more about your condition online.


How to prevent dialysis in diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy occurs when patients suffer from diabetes more than 15 years, patients may not feel any symptoms in the early stage of nephropathy renal disease progresses diabética.La middle stage and stage of advancement, some annoying symptoms.

Current treatment of diabetic nephropathy is dialysis or a kidney transplant because of the painful process and low efficiency in the treatment of kidney disease, patients do not want to undergo diálisis.Hay two approaches can be taken into consideration, one is the kidney, the other is the improvement of renal function.

Kidney transplantation is a procedure in which the new kidney was placed in the kidneys to replace the sick. The new kidney can do what kidney health, so it also helps patients to stop dialysis, the key point is that the donor kidney has close correspondence with the tissues of the body, otherwise, to over a number of years, there is always a possibility that reject the new kidney tissues of the body, then, you have to return to dialysis again or look for another new kidney to keep part of life the kidney, you need to pay attention to your diet that should be in the diet, low in fat, low in protein.

The other treatment for diabetic nephropathy to avoid dialysis treatments are natural treatments naturales.Los in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can achieve the function to improve the function renal.Nefropatía diabetes is caused by high blood sugar, and because of this, some tissues of the body become frightening and thicken, resulting in decreased function here renal.Los natural treatments aim to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function. Natural treatments are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicinal bath, pies.Las therapies performed externally, the main material is refined powder, external effects, the active substances can penetrate directly renal lesions and for spend blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the kidneys, kidney damage repair and recover kidney cells work.

An overview of hemodialysis Contraindications

Hemodialysis is the most common type of kidney dialysis, and plays an important role in the treatment of impairment renal.Sin Not all patients with end-stage renal disease can accept hemodialysis due to contraindications.

Although hemodialysis may assist diseased kidneys to filter blood, not a body part and can not function as effectively as sanos.Luego kidneys, during or after this treatment, patients may suffer from some problems or avoid molestias.Para these problems, patients had to check if they have the following problems before starting dialysis treatment better.

-Choque Or very low blood pressure (systolic pressure <80 mmHg)

-The Pulmonary edema and heart failure due to myocardial injury serious
severe -Arritmia

Tendency to severe hemorrhage or cerebral hemorrhage

-End Malignant tumor stage

-Failure Extreme or patients dying

-The Patients have mental disease or reject hemodialysis

If patients have one of the above contraindications, had better choose some alternative therapies to diálisis.Hay such a therapy?

Fortunately, the answer is yes. If patients still have some renal function and diuresis, can adopt conservative therapies such as:

Sure pollution blood therapy: This therapy involves three steps: cleansing the blood, adding essential nourishment for the blood, and resulted in the recovery of renal cell discapacidad.Durante the treatment plan, the damaged kidney cells recover to work slowly, and patients can avoid dialysis successfully.

Immunotherapy: If renal failure patients is attributed to disorder and deposits of immune immune complexes, this therapy can help eliminate immune complexes, regulate the immune system and rebuild the structure of the kidneys filtering through six steps.

Compared with hemodialysis, these treatments can make patients live with their own kidneys, produce fewer side effects and less contraindicaciones.Cuéntanos more about your disease condition, so we can help you determine which treatment is best for you.


How I can have a healthy pregnancy with nephrotic syndrome

Details: I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome and have delivered prematurely last December

expert Answer

I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome and I delivered prematurely in December pasado.Yo even lost my bebé.Cómo I can have a healthy pregnancy next time? They can patients with nephrotic syndrome have a healthy baby? This question confuses many women with nephrotic syndrome who are age procrear.De fact, with the nephrologists orientation, pregnant success rate can reach 95% or more, while have normal blood pressure and function renal.Es say, some patients with nephrotic syndrome can still have a healthy baby. However, if patients have the following problems, they may fail to have a healthy pregnancy. -Low -Síndrome Nephrotic plasma albumin caused by IgA nephropathy moderate or severe renal -Insuficiencia -Hypertension heavy -Proteinuria To ensure patient health and baby, patients should not consider pregnancy before nephrotic syndrome refers completely .If you are preparing for pregnancy, it is best to take some medicines or drugs to make your very bien.Además controls kidney disease, a healthy diet and lifestyle is also a need for a healthy pregnancy. If you have not found effective in treating your nephrotic syndrome treatments, you can request assistance online or by email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Small kidneys with parenchymal disease secondary to hypertension

If patients have hypertension for 5 ~ 10 years, the kidneys are more likely to be affected by blood pressure alta.Cuando the filtering system of the kidney is damaged, patients will be diagnosed with renal parenchymal disease and kidneys become small.

How does hypertension affect kidneys?

Kidneys are excretory organs that can prevent proteins and red blood cells from leaking from the high pressure sanguíneos.La blood vessels can cause pressure within the blood vessels to increase, causing the protein to filtrarse.A turn loss protein can damage the kidney filtration system, resulting vicious circle.

Kidney filters found in the parenchyma renal.Como these filters are damaged, indicating the occurrence of renal.Al parenchymal disease while less blood flows into the kidneys, more and more inherent functioning kidney cells not and kidney function decline gradually.

What to do with small kidneys and renal parenchymal disease?

Since high blood pressure is the underlying cause, treatment should begin with the reduction of blood pressure alta.El conventional treatment to control high blood pressure is taking anti-hypertensive medications such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretics and CCB.Si these drugs are not able to control hypertension patients effectively, some therapies are needed auxiliares.Ellos are medicated bath, acupuncture, foot bath, etc. these therapies can help expand blood vessels and regulates blood circulation. As the blood vessels dilate high blood pressure naturally decreases.

To save shrunken kidneys and treat renal parenchymal disease, we'd recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, an innovation of China.The medicine effective ingredients of Chinese medicines can penetrate the renal lesions through the skin directly, with the osmóticos.Como devices help nurture these drugs damaged kidneys and stimulate healing system, patients can obtain the gradual recovery.

You did not find right medications or therapies to treat your kidney problem? Please do not worry. A lot of kidney experts are always here to help.


PKD with burning pain in the left kidney

Polycystic kidney disease is often accompanied by renal pain or back pain, and some PKD patients complain of pain in the left kidney in llamas.Luego, patients should want to take some remedies to manage your backache.

This hereditary kidney disease causes numerous cysts develop in both riñones.Conforme time passes, renal cysts become more and more grande.Si one kidney left kidney cyst grows too large, oppress its surrounding renal tissues and nerves pull these tejidos.Este large renal cyst can cause severe pain.

If patients have large renal cyst, any blow to the abdomen can cause renal cyst to rupture, resulting in cyst fluid output hemorrágicos.El these renal cysts will extend to your tissues and organs circundantes.Luego, the patients should suffer from infections or burning pain in the left kidney.

How to manage burning pain in the left kidney?

According to the causes of pain in the kidneys of patients with polycystic kidney disease, analgesics do little to control pain kidney of pacientes.En view of this, some home remedies are suggested to relieve the burning pain of patients in the left kidney.

-Rest Scientist:

To relieve back pain PKD patients should have more bed rest and avoid strenuous exercise, especially when they also have hematuria.

-Plan Diet:

Patients should follow a high quality protein, high vitamin and easy diet digestive plan. In addition, these patients suggest drinking more water and increase urine output.

-Take Shower and avoid a sitz bath:

 This can prevent bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the urinary tract.

-Acepte Therapies to decrease renal cysts: 

Only if all kidney cysts are reduced to their small size, patients can relieve your pain in the kidneys from the raíz.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is only a therapy that can help deal with PKD kidney cysts from the root. To learn more about this therapy, you can consult a doctor online.

It is bad that FSGS patients have a lot of bubbles in urine

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) causes scarring of kidney.Cuando affect the kidney filtration system is damaged, a lot of bubbles may appear in the wrong orina.Es?

Bubbles in the urine of FSGS patients

For patients with renal disease, bubbles in urine indicate protein in the urine because damaged kidneys can not keep the protein in the body and blood filtration normalmente.Si protein in the urine is more than 3.5 g / 24 h, presents nephrotic syndrome.

In some cases, FSGS can get spontaneous remission, but in most cases, in renal failure progress gradually end stage if not controlled with eficacia.FSGS forecast changes from person to person, while only one proteinuria factors affecting prognosis of patients and may worsen the disease condition and easily renal disease patients.

How to manage bubbles in the urine of FSGS patients?

From the above analysis, we know of bubbles in the urine is a bad sign of kidney disease FSGS.Para prevent further kidney damage and improve the prognosis of patients, these patients should monitor their timely proteinuria.

1. Take medications to reduce protein loss:

If proteinuria is associated with high blood pressure, can make converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers to prevent protein treating FSGS is escape.Para, patients may also use steroid that has an obvious effect on relaxation of proteinuria.

2.Use therapies to repair the kidney filtration system:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an effective therapy that can increase blood flow to the kidneys and provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherentes.Entonces renal cell renal scarring gradualmente.Cuando can relieve the kidneys can filter blood Normally, the protein can be maintained in the body.

3.proper diet: 

Diet also plays a role in the management of proteinuria in patients FSGS.Los these doctors ask patients to reduce the amount of salt and protein. As detailed diet plan, you can ask the help of doctors in China Kidney service.


Is foot edema associated with high blood pressure in renal failure

Some patients complain about suffering from edema of the foot, which simply do not know how this happens? Is there any treatment to relieve swelling in the foot? If you happen to someone with edema of the foot, you are welcomed to send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Hypertension is a common condition in which the force of blood against your artery is well enough high hat can eventually cause health problems such as edema in the legs, arms, feet, and blood diseases corazón.La the body fight the walls of the arteries around the kidneys, leading to body tissues begin to scarring and espesar.Esto carried kidney cells unable to function well, leaking of proteins, some materials can collect the water in the blood, water in orina.Y in the body begins to leak into the body tissues due to gravity, paw edema occurs.

And then, what can be done to relieve paw edema high blood pressure, to some extent, have a good control of blood pressure can help patients relieve edema pie.Los patients may be prescribed some medications to control blood pressure, blood pressure can be controlled quickly, however, relapse easily.

Dialysis, dialysis may also relieve some of the symptoms by filtering the blood, dialysis may rids waste products and extra fluid, maintain the level of electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure.

Apart from some medications and dialysis, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a number of natural treatments that can help patients relieve some symptoms fundamentalmente.Los natural treatments are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicinal bath, foot bath Therapy napkin caliente.Terapia Thesis used externally and core subjects in these therapies is refined powder, which are packed into two bags medicinal Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and produce in the medicated water foot bath and medicated Bath.En compared with Chinese medicine oral, external application has faster to achieve the function effects.

Herbal tea is useful for renal cortical cyst

Renal cortical cyst is a common type of simple kidney cyst. Although it may be asymptomatic, patients should also pay great attention to ella.Algunos types of herbal tea can help manage renal cortical cyst to some extent.

1.Cortical renal cyst

Renal cortical cyst grows in the renal cortex, which is part renal.Con functioning renal cyst growth, their kidney tissues circundantes.Entonces oppress any blow to the kidneys can cause renal cyst to ruptura.Luego, patients will plagued by back pain, urinary tract infections, hematuria, and so sucesivamente.Todos these problems remind patients to notice your problem carefully.

2.What can make herbal tea for renal cortical cyst?

Herbal tea comes from natural herbs, so I get different values médicos.Té correct herbs can bring the following benefits to help manage renal cortical cyst.

-Clean The bloodstream and internal environment

-Drenar The fluid from the sac and prevent renal cortical cyst growth

-To Prevent the secretion of fluid from the sac

-Manage Renal cortical cyst complications

3.What herbal tea is helpful?

According to the description of the above properties, various herbal teas are useful for patients with renal cortical cyst. For example:

Corn silk and dandelion root tea: 

These types of herbal tea can lead to resorption of fluid output and make discharged out of the body via the circulatory system and urine.

Lalang Grass Rhizome: 

This herb can be consumed to prevent recurrence of renal cyst and cyst cortical.Beba a cup of this herbal tea a day so you can find quite a difference.

Different patients need to drink different types of herbal tea. To determine what type of herbal tea is good for you, you can have a new doctor visit online.


FSGS kidney disease leads to death

FSGS kidney disease is common type of chronic kidney disease that can aggravate kidney failure in FSGS tiempo.Conduce death? Is it deadly?

First, no matter what type of chronic kidney disease you have, you will not experience any serious symptoms and complications in early stage or phase moderada.En this condition, despite their small kidney filters are not able to play its role perfectly, they can still live with their own kidneys.

However, if the FSGS patients do not respond to steroids or relapse of Kidney Disease and again, this disease can aggravate kidney failure gradualmente.A then some dangerous complications can be life threatening FSGS patients. Ie FSGS can terminally lead to death.

From this point, patients must find effective treatments to prevent kidney disease progresses to a failure renal.Mientras your kidneys can work by themselves, patients can prolong their life expectancy successfully.

To achieve this goal, patients should be taken from three aspects. The following is an overview of these efforts.

1.Food Terapy

A healthy diet plan can help control kidney-related complications such as high blood pressure, swelling, fatigue, and so on.For the FSGS patients, suggested to control your sodium intake, protein, fat or even potassium and phosphorus.

2.Control of symptoms and complications FSGS

To prevent aggravation FSGS, patients should control their problems tiempo.Por example, if patients have proteinuria and high blood pressure can take ACE inhibitors and ARBs to reduce pressure on blood vessels and reduce protein loss .No matter what symptoms you have, consult your doctor online to find the right medications.

3.Improve kidney condition 

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a therapy that can help nourish the kidneys, stimulate self-healing system of the kidneys, and reverse kidney damage.

The above methods can help control kidney disease FSGS, but the personal treatment plan must rely condition of getting a disease pacientes.Para individual management plan and successfully avoid death, you can leave a message or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com below.

Controlling blood sugar and elevated creatinine level on diabetic nephropathy

High blood sugar and high creatinine level are two common symptoms in people with diabética.Varios nephropathy patients may consider that having a good control of blood sugar and high creatinine can be beneficial in patients with diabetic nephropathy much .

High level of blood sugar in diabetic nephropathy

High blood sugar has been considered as the first sign of nephropathy diabética.Azúcar blood consuming food accumulates in the bloodstream instead of being absorbed into cells does damage to blood vessels throughout the body, eventually leading, such as the kidneys and hearts are infected organs, leading to decreased kidney function.

Elevated creatinine in diabetic nephropathy

Due to decreased renal function, the kidneys are not working well, creatinine, a waste product in the blood passing through the kidneys to filter out in the urine accumulates in the kidneys, leading to creatinine level elevada.Además creatinine levels, kidney function decreases also cause other symptoms such as fatigue, nausea and vomiting, itching.

Are There treatments to control high blood sugar level and elevated creatinine?

Shijiazhuang Kidney Expert Kidney Disease Hospital recommended natural treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine osmoterapia.

This is a therapy that is used externally, presented by many kidney experts who have abundant experiences conocimientos.Esta is a safe and comfortable therapy, because the main materials in this therapy are collected from natural plants. after many years of clinical practice, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has shown its effects in the treatment of renal disease. You can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation to regulate blood pressure in the blood vessels, revive hypoxia and ischemia, relieving some of the symptoms of poisoning. It also has effects on proteinuria and relieve hematuria.La key role of this therapy is to repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function.

Medicinal Bath. 

This is a therapy that is also used externally, but applied with a basin of medicinal water, patients must have a foot bath before going to dormir.Tiene the function of promoting the microcirculation of the whole body.

Here therapies can regulate blood pressure and reduce elevated creatinine level from repairing renal function. Only by this means, diabetic nephropathy can be treated fundamentally.

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