
How to Eliminate Edema with Kidney Failure

ater retention is a common symptom among kidney failure patients and it is not hard to understand why this happens. Because kidneys are vital organs for regulating water and electrolyte balances, removing metabolic wastes and toxins from the blood.

To be frankly, Kidney Failure will damage kidney tissues causing kidney function decline. In this case, fluid can not be discharged from the body through urine effectively. Therefore, if you want to eliminate edema, the proper treatment method is to repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function for patients.

The first thing for alleviating water retention for the patients is to limit fluid intake. This can be on one hand reduce the buildup of fluid in the body, on the other hand it can help reduce burdens to the kidneys and reduce other complications.

The second thing is to have some diuretics or some foods that can help increase urine output so as to help remove excess fluid out of the body.

The most important and effective way to relieve water retention for kidney failure patients is to repair renal damages and recover the kidney’s filtration ability. When kidney functions are improved, water and sodium retention can be relieved and patients need not to limit water intake or take diuretics drugs any more.

Treat Proteinuria, High Urea and Creatinine Level In This Way
Is There Any Medication For Damaged Kidneys Without Dialysis

High Creatinine Level Becomes Normal and Spend A Happy New Year

Chinese Medicine Treatment is a better choice for edema with kidney failure, which can help improve kidney function. In this way, kidney can work more effectively, and discharge large amount of fluid from body via urine.

In China, shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, by the end of year in 2016, we have treated more than 5,000 foreign patients from more than 140 countries and has achieved great success. Chinese Medicine Treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Edema Therapy, etc. They are helpful for treating edema. In addition, proteinuria, fatigue and blood urine can be treated from the root with the improved kidney function.

Besides, these therapies also can prevent kidney failure aggravate to the End Stage Renal Disease, so as to help patients avoid Dialysis. Patients can live better life with kidney failure.

Chinese Medicine Treatments can help eliminate edema from the root. If you are interested in natural treatments or need any help, please consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free or leave message below.

Why Creatinine Still High Although I Take Dialysis Always

Dialysis is considered to be able to lower high creatinine level. But someone also suffer from high creatinine level after dialysis. Why does high creatinine reoccur after dialysis?

Why creatinine still high although you take dialysis?

Dialysis as the replacement of kidney can remove the toxins and excess wastes in blood, and it also can prolong your life expectancy. But due to the damaged kidney tissues and cells, kidney can not work effectively so that the wastes will accumulate in blood again. Therefore, once you stop dialysis, Creatinine level or BUN level will increase again. What we should do for reducing High Creatinine Level is to repair the damaged kidney tissues and intrinsic cells from the root. As long as we repair kidney damage and promote kidney function, these abnormal symptoms of Kidney Failure will be controlled or relieved naturally.

Then how to deal with high creatinine level? From the above we can see that the basic method is to improve kidney function. Obviously, dialysis can not achieve this goal. Is there any other solution? Of course there is. Chinese medicine is designed to improve kidney function, such as the Hot Compress Therapy, which is an external application of traditional Chinese medicine. Your kidney function will be enhanced gradually. Consequently, the extra creatinine will be discharged.

Is Rise In Creatinine Level Reversible

Treatment for High Creatinine Level 5 Without Dialysis

How To Do The Foot Bath To Lower Down Creatinine Level

Compared with western medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine is better to repair damaged kidney and improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, we formed a series of Chinese treatments that can remove toxins from blood and kidneys effectively. Besides, they can also dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and provide nutrients. All these help stimulate the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually. Once renal function is improved, high creatinine level will be reduced fundamentally and it is more likely for you to reduce the dialysis frequency or even get rid of dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Stem Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy are the characteristic treatments of our hospital. If you want to know more details about these treatments to reduce High Creatinine Level naturally, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free or send email to us, we are glad to help you.


What Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Regulate Creatinine

High Creatinine Level is a dangerous sign for Kidney Disease patients. Nowadays, increasing patients are interested in Chinese Herbal Medicine to treat Kidney Diseases. However, what Chinese Herbal Medicine can regulate Creatinine Level?

The following article will introduce some herbal medicines for high creatinine.

Chinese rhubarb

Chinese rhubarb is a traditional Chinese herb and has been used to treat a variety of conditions.This herb can help clear blood stasis, promote blood circulation and increase the excretion of toxins from body. By increasing blood flow to kidneys, it can help relieve renal ischemia and anoxia.

How to Treat Creatinine 7 with Diabetes
How to Lower Creatinine 9.8 Without Dialysis

Reducing High Creatinine Level Should Start From Improving Renal Function

Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis can regulate immune system and control inflammatory response in kidneys. So it can delay kidney disease progression, improve renal function and reduce the damage caused by toxins in body to kidneys. It is one of commonly used herbal medicines for high creatinine.


Salvia is one of common herbal medicines for high creatinine. Some researches show that it can increase the rate f which creatinine is filtered and evacuated from the body. It also can enhance the circulation to the kidneys as well.

Foot Bath Therapy

Foot Bath Therapy is just such a treatment that focuses on improving the blood circulation in feet, so as to spread to the whole body. It has a good auxiliary effect on treating a variety of diseases. Hot foot bath can help improve blood circulation, regulate blood pressure, relieve fatigue, and increase immune system.

Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy

It is based on Special Immune Examinations and our experts’ special Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM, choosing Chinese herbs which have functions of activating blood and dissolving stasis, then make them into capsule as oral taking medicine, so as to detoxify the toxic pathogens in Heart, lung, spleen, stomach, liver and twelve meridians of the body and improve patient’s immunity.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This therapy is an external application treatment based on TCM. With the rapid development, we create Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combine with advanced technology. Through several years of clinical application, it has been proven to be effective in treating kidney disease. It aims to repair damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve kidney functions through dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degradation and providing necessary nutrients to kidney.

Is It Possible For Kidney Failure Patients Live Without Dialysis

Dialysis can help Renal Failure patients with too much toxins live longer in some degree. But that not means it can treat kidney failure well and some people were die due to dialysis. So that they do not want to relay on it now. Well then, is that possible for renal failure patients to live without dialysis?
Generally, people won’t begin dialysis until their kidney function drops to 15% or less. Once the renal failure patients begin dialysis, they must know the importance of receiving their dialysis treatments as scheduled. The reason is that their kidney can’t purify their blood any more and they need dialysis to help remove waste productions from the body to maintain their life. After a period of time, most of them want to stop dialysis because they are suffering from a lot of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, short of breath and muscle cramps.

Of course, there also have some patients do not have so terrible condition and do not want to take dialysis or transplant. We have to say, Chinese medicine can help them a lot about this kind of question.

Treat Proteinuria, High Urea and Creatinine Level In This Way
Is There Any Medication For Damaged Kidneys Without Dialysis

High Creatinine Level Becomes Normal and Spend A Happy New Year

The biggest function of Chinese medicine is treat disease from root. As long as they have exist kidney function, with Chinese medicine help, they still have chance to get rid of dialysis or reduce times of dialysis. Of course kidney transplant will be prevented in some degree.

For people with severe illness condition, we will use the combination of Chinese medicine and Stem Cell Therapy. This set of treatment can help expel waste products out of renal cells and blood to set up a clean internal environment. It can also expand blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys. Besides, it can lower high blood pressure, adjust blood sugar level and reduce blood cholesterol level. In such a good blood environment, the stem cells can differentiate into various tissues to help you repair kidney damage and improve kidney function.

If you want to know more about Chinese medicine and Stem Cell Therapy, you can consult us with the following ways or leave us a message now. We will try our best to help you.

Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

Phone: 008618330110929

What Is the Reason and Treatment of High Potassium in Renal Failure

Excess potassium in the blood stream can result from diseases of the kidneys or adrenal glands as well as from certain medications. Hyperkalemia can also be the result of potassium moving out of its usual location within cells into the bloodstream. Well then, what is the reason and treatment for high potassium in renal failure?

High potassium and kidney disease

When you have kidney disease, the kidneys aren’t as effective at removing excess potassium from the blood. Also, some medications may result in excess potassium retention, rather than it being removed in the urine. High blood potassium is called hyperkalemia. A high potassium can cause the following:

Numbness or tingling
Slow pulse
Irregular heartbeat
Heart failure

Can Stage 3 Renal Failure Be Reversed
Can A Kidney Function Be Increased Without Transplant

The True Feeling Of A Foreign Patient To Kidney Failure

What is the treatment for high potassium in kidney failure?

- Follow low-potassium diet. Foods containing high potassium include banana, mango, orange, potato, kiwi, dried fruit, pumpkin, tomato and tomato juice, and so on.

- Diuretic can help remove excess potassium in blood through urinary tract. But you should take it under the guidance of doctor.

- The fundamental method is to repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. Once kidney function is improved, excess potassium can be removed effectively out of the body.

Chinese Medicine Treatments are recommended to you, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Edema Therapy, Acupuncture and Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy and so on, which are helpful for repairing damaged kidney tissues and cells and improving kidney function.
If you want to learn more details about these Chinese Medicine Treatments, you can consult ONLINE DOCTOR at any time or leave message below or send email to us. We will provide professional service for you in time.

Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

Phone: 008618330110929


Does Creatinine Level 7.1 in Kidney Failure Must Undergo Dialysis

Does High Creatinine Level 7.1 in Kidney Failure must undergo Kidney Dialysis? As
a matter of fact, if you have less or no severe symptoms, you had better do not take dialysis. Otherwise, it is suggested at once. Frankly speaking, it does not mean dialysis is the only choice.

When kidneys fail to discharge creatinine, they can not discharge other toxins as well. This is the reason why high creatinine level means there are lots of toxins in patient’s blood. Creatinine level helps to decide whether dialysis should be started by kidney failure patients, but not everyone with creatinine level higher than 5 needs to start dialysis immediately. Creatinine is just one of the toxins in the blood, and we can not make decision only according to creatinine level. In reality, for kidney failure patients, even though their creatinine level has increased to 5, as long as they have no serious complications like nausea, vomit, itching skin and hear failure, they can live without dialysis.

How to Treat Creatinine 7 with Diabetes
How to Lower Creatinine 9.8 Without Dialysis
Reducing High Creatinine Level Should Start From Improving Renal Function

In China, Chinese Medicine Treatments are widely used to treat various diseases, including Kidney Disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has more than 2,000 years of history. It is a perfect combination of advanced modern technology and TCM so that improve medication effects. This therapy can be an alternative of dialysis. With the help of osmotic device, active substances of medicine can be permeated into kidney through skin and blood. Gradually, kidney damage can be repaired and kidney function improved to some extent. Renal Failure patients with creatinine 7.1 have the chance of avoiding dialysis.

Different people have different opinions toward this topic and kidney failure patients have their own right to decide when they will start dialysis. If you have a very high creatinine and no serious complications, you can live without dialysis, but once your toxins in the blood brings you discomforts like itching skin, nausea and vomit and so on, please start dialysis as early as possible, because these symptoms indicate toxins in tour blood is affecting your other internal organs.

Creatinine this "kidney killer"

Creatinine levels higher than normal is called high creatinine, creatinine, including serum creatinine and urine creatinine, but serum creatinine to measure renal function is more meaningful. Therefore, high creatinine generally refers to high serum creatinine. In general, the normal value of serum creatinine: 44-133μmol / L, but in accordance with the new international standard is now 59-104μmol / L, when the serum creatinine exceeds 133μmol / L means that the kidney may be injured, renal insufficiency has occurred, Kidney failure. (133μmol / L or more for the inflammatory injury period, 186μmol / L for renal damage, 451μmol / L for renal failure period). Creatinine in the body is mainly produced by the muscles, excretion through the kidneys.

Under normal circumstances, creatinine production is constant, the level of serum creatinine depends mainly on the number of creatinine excretion of the kidneys. Renal compensatory function is very strong, if the two kidneys are normal, then as long as a kidney function, serum creatinine can be maintained at normal levels. In other words, renal function must be reduced to half the normal level, will cause elevated serum creatinine. Therefore, serum creatinine does not fully reflect the early, mild renal function decline. What are the hazards of high creatinine?

Creatinine high is how is it?

Serum creatinine levels are used as a measure of glomerular filtration rate, renal function, one of the important indicators, that is high in creatinine more common in kidney disease, such as chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, uremia, IgA nephropathy, polycystic Kidney, nephrotic syndrome and so on. As the creatinine, urea nitrogen is the body of the product of muscle metabolism, produced in the body every day, these toxins are excreted through the kidneys, when the normal renal units were destroyed, renal interstitial fibrosis, glomerular seizures after local hardening , Glomerular filtration function decline, toxins can not be discharged, leading to retention of the body, showing increased creatinine. With the renal fibrosis from time to time pause, glomerular filtration function from time to time, creatinine does not rise.

In general, the kidney compensatory ability in the kidney is not damaged to a certain extent, the patient is often no symptoms, when the glomerular filtration rate dropped to more than 50% of normal, serum creatinine began to rise rapidly, only serious Beyond the normal value of serum creatinine, (due to different methods of determination, the normal value of serum creatinine also vary, the normal range of 40 ~ 120umol / L) considered kidney damage.

Renal compensatory ability is very strong, as long as 25% of the nephron, kidney function cells work, can guarantee the body's detoxification needs, muscle liver level can also be maintained in the normal range. If the emergence of muscle liver high, it shows that more than 75% of the nephron, kidney function cells have been severely damaged, and can not complete the task of detoxification. Creatinine represents the occurrence of high glomerular filtration rate and decreased renal detoxification function, this time, kidney disease patients with renal dysfunction, renal insufficiency, and with the continuous increase in serum creatinine, the patient's degree of renal dysfunction Will become more and more serious, the disease will also be progressing from stage of renal failure to progress to end-stage renal failure, and ultimately enter the uremic stage.

Creatinine high common hazards

1, sodium metabolism disorders: high serum creatinine also appears hyponatremia or hypernatremia.

2, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium metabolism and so on.

3, metabolic acidosis: serum creatinine in patients with high breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, restlessness and even coma and other symptoms.

4, water metabolism disorders: there polyuria, increased nocturia, thirst, mucosal drying, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure and other symptoms.

5, potassium metabolism disorders: high serum creatinine is often accompanied by hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.


Kidney damage of the "distress signal"

Kidney disease known as silent killer, but it is not without performance, but if you have these atypical symptoms, it may be your kidney in for help:

There is a foam in the urine

Healthy people urinate 4 to 6 times a day, urine output of about 1000 ml to 2000 ml, if too much or too little urine output, or too many nights, the urine bubble, it should attract attention.

Body did not strength

Renal function is not good, a lot of waste is difficult to excrete from the urine out, there will be lack of energy, fatigue, fatigue and other feelings.


Patients with chronic kidney disease due to decreased renal excretion, renal hormone secretion and urinary protein loss, there Shuinazhuliu, causing eyelid and lower extremity edema.

Appetite is not good, nausea and vomiting

Chronic kidney disease patients will have a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, especially after gastrointestinal edema, often without eating, abdominal distension and other symptoms of digestive disorders. Renal failure, blood urea nitrogen increased in the intestine for the decomposition of ammonia, to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing nausea and vomiting.

Healthy people every six months to check the urine routine can be early detection of kidney disease. If there is early kidney disease, urine will be abnormal, then add a little more cost, check the renal function can be diagnosed.

Cold Develops To Uremia In One Week

Kidney disease is called "silent killer", even if it was injured, you may have no feeling. You often see in the news, a person due to loss of appetite, anemia, or fatigue, fatigue to seek medical treatment, but found to have uremia! Women's cold week is not good, actually found uremia.

The young girl got uremia

Uremia - sounds terrible and seems very far away from their own, but there is a young girl, because of a cold, a week later went to the hospital even check out uremia!

Xiaoqing did not seriously cold did not go to hospital for examination, can be a week after the cold not only did not have a good cold. Colleagues asked: Xiaoqing said these days feeling of systemic edema, decreased urine output, and even breathing are some difficulties. To the hospital, was diagnosed with uremia, and associated with heart failure, renal hypertension and other symptoms. The doctor immediately arranged for her hemodialysis treatment.

Unexpectedly, even a small cold can lead to such a serious complication. Xiaoqing and his family were shocked! In the end how is it? Uremia gradually younger age trend, and because of the occult kidney disease, many people have been to the hospital for treatment is renal insufficiency and even uremia.

Cold can cause uremia?

Colds, especially the common cold, in people's minds do not seriously. "Not that stuffy nose, flow of water, nose, dizziness, throat a little pain you," that eat a few quick capsules or colds to eat cold, not a few days just fine.

Indeed, the cold itself does not directly lead to nephritis, uremia, but the cold is very easy to induce immune dysfunction, if not long-term inhibition, "chaos" of the human immune system will be normal kidney tissue as a diseased tissue attack, Treatment is not timely development of chronic kidney disease, it is easy to eventually develop into uremia. There are "confusion" to eat cold medicine, can also cause acute renal failure.

If it is repeated cold, it will cause the body immune dysfunction, the body will produce a lot of toxins, which require the kidneys to clear, occasional clearance is not much impact, but if the cold is repeated, it will accumulate large amounts of toxins Kidney, kidney damage blood vessels, leading to inflammatory cell infiltration and promote the formation of a series of factors causing renal toxicity. Over time, there will be renal fibrosis, and then there will be development of nephritis.

Patients with kidney disease diet to remember the "three less one more" principle

Near the New Year, more and more people could not hold their own, and now the most asked on the platform is what I can eat? What should I eat? New Year I can eat?

A lot of kidney Friends of luck, feel eat nothing, but ignored the improper diet will increase the burden on the kidney problem. Some patients because of the cold winter, ignoring their own kidney problems began to eat and drink to resist the cold, so it is easy to lead to excessive intake of protein or fat, salt and other foods cause kidney disease increased.
Therefore, the winter diet in patients with kidney disease should be "less than three", eat high-salt, high protein, high-fat foods, and more intake of fresh seasonal vegetables.

Low-salt diet such as hypertension associated with salt intake should be more limited to control the normal intake of salt in one-half or one-third.

Low protein When the plasma albumin content decreased, more consumption of protamine, such as lean meat, fish, eggs and soy products. When the blood urea nitrogen content has been increased, there is uremia tendency, should eat low-protein diet, control of plant protein intake.

Low fat to prevent hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemia can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage, sclerosis and so on.

Fruits and vegetables because these foods in the body metabolism, produce water and carbon dioxide, will not increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time Yichi with vitamins, especially rich in vitamin C, carotene, riboflavin and the like of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Kidney disease patients should not eat preserved eggs and pepper and other irritating ingredients such as food and spices, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.


Can Creatinine 8.28 with Kidney Failure Be Recovered with Chinese Medicine

How does Chinese Medicine reduce high creatinine level 8.28? In a very general terms, high creatinine level is commonly seen in Kidney Failure patients. Additionally, patients with creatinine level are bound to experience various poisoning symptoms and complications. However, dialysis does not reduce high creatinine level effectively and they still have chances to suffer from it once they stop dialysis. Nowadays, more and more patients are wondering that can creatinine 8.28 with kidney failure be recovered with Chinese medicine ?

On one hand, some Chinese herbal medicines can be directly used to lower high creatinine levels by promoting intestinal detoxification, such as Chinese rhubarb, ligusticum wallichii, turnjujube, flower of kudzuvine, barbados and some Chinese patent drugs like Niao duqing, Shen shuaining, etc.

In China, lots of natural treatments have been developed based on Chinese medicine, including Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath and Foot Bath.

How To Do The Foot Bath To Lower Down Creatinine Level
Is Dialysis Required for High Creatinine Level 7.5

Remedy For Creatinine Level 5 Without Dialysis In Diabetic

In case of kidney failure, there are lots of toxins and wastes products building up in your blood, besides, the toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Thereby, before taking treatments to reduce high creatinine level, various toxins should be eliminated out of body completely, so that a health internal environment is provided to make the illness condition repaired. Toxins-Removing Treatment is often used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely. And then Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated Bath, Foot Bath are used to make the diseased kidney repaired and recover kidney function by dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, degrading extracellular matrix in blood. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is such a treatment which is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Two bags filled with Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients, with the help of osmosis device, after permeating into skin, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can directly act on damaged kidneys, which can not only improve the efficiency of Chinese herbal medicines, also avoid the damage to gastrointestinal tract. Foreign patients say it likes massage, very comfortable.

Which Treatment in China Can Increase my Kidney Function

Decreasing kidney function is commonly seen in kidney failure patients. Besides, you are bound to suffer from various symptoms and severe complications along with decreasing kidney function. Thereby, patients are eager to know which treatment can bring up kidney function.

In China, there are lots of treatments being developed based on Chinese medicine and they takes a great effect in helping patients repair the diseased kidney naturally. The treatments include Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath and Acupuncture Therapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment to bring kidneys back to normal function by restoring the impaired kidney structure.

Firstly, this therapy can dilate renal arteries and improve blood circulation in kidneys.Thereby, it can increase oxygen and nutrients supply to kidneys, thus slowing fibrosis and scarring of kidney tissues.

Secondly, this therapy develops from Chinese medicines. The ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are tonic for repairing kidney structure.

Thirdly, it can activate the self-repairing system of the body and promote the self-replication of DNA of the impaired renal cells. Thus, it can restore kidney structure and improve renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is only an alternative treatment to bring kidneys back to normal function. Based on the types of kidney diseases, other treatment should also be adopted such as Immunotherapy, Tangyikang etc.

Toxins-Removing Treatment

This treatment is used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely, because the deposition of toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also it affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Therefore, eliminating the toxins and wastes products out of body plays a important role in helping patients repair the diseased kidney.

Where Can I Get Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells

Chinese medicine osmotherapy is also called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Currently, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy are the best combination to treat kidney disease. Thereby, they are eager to know where it is? Now, this article is going to explain it in details.

Glad to hear from you. These two treatment methods are commonly used in kidney failure patients and they are applied in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China. It helps improve kidney functions for most kidney problems. Of course, it can help Americans. However, you are suggested to upload your medical report to our experts firstly to ensure whether this therapy works on your condition.
Kidney Disease is a very complex disease which may affect all organs and systems, such as heart, lung, liver, bone etc. If it develops into an advanced stage, eventual problems will exert and affect your normal life. Thereby, any patient with kidney disease is suggested to take measure as soon as possible.

In case of kidney failure, there are lots of toxins and wastes products building up in your blood, besides, the toxins deposited in blood not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Thereby, before taking these two treatments, various toxins should be eliminated out of body effectively. Eliminating various toxins and wastes products provides a health internal environment to make the diseased kidney repaired. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, a natural treatment called Toxins-Removing Treatment is provided to eliminate various toxins and wastes products.

And then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Therapy can take the best effects repair the diseased kidney. For kidney failure patients, there are several diseased kidney cells and tissues or even dead cells and tissues in your body, and then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to repair the diseased kidney and stem cell therapy is to regenerate new types of cells and tissues. In addition to, other natural treatments, such as Medicated Bath, Foot bath, Hot Compress Therapy and Acupuncture Therapy are also provided for patients.

If you are interested in our therapies, you can get more informations on our website, or you can leave messages below, we will reply you as soon as possible.


Natural Treatment for Kidney Cyst 7cm in PKD without Surgery

As we all know, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disorder which the biggest characteristic is too many cysts progression. Generally speaking, surgery is the most common treatment for PKD. However, apart from surgery, is there any other natural treatment to help control PKD and prevent its progression? You can also contact online doctor for free. Well then, what is the treatment for 7cm kidney cyst without surgery?

In the early stage of PKD, patients need limit the intake of salt, monitor blood pressure and do regular test when the cysts are small. However, as the time goes on, cysts grow, become bigger and bigger and prevent the health of kidney tissues and cells finally. At this time, doctor will suggest patients do surgery to remove big cysts, but it can not remove the small ones. Furthermore, as the big ones reduce, there will be large space for the small cysts to grow. Unluckily, small cysts fast develop into big ones again and damage kidney functions.Surgery just can remove the surface of renal cysts, but not enter into the deeper ones. Thus, kidney damage can not be prevented or stopped by surgery to treat renal cysts.

We have formed various natural treatments based on TCM to treat kinds of kidney disease for 30 years. We are a professional kidney disease hospital which has treated foreign patients from more than 70 countries.

The natural treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Stem Cell Therapy, Immunotherapy, Acupuncture, etc.

The active ingredients of medicine can increase the permeability of cystic wall as well as the absorption of around blood vessels. In this case, they can shrink cyst 7cm gradually. Besides, the medicines can inhibit the enlargement of cyst and the excretion of cystic fluid through inactivating the epithelial cells. What is more, it can repair damaged kidney and improve kidney function through extending blood vessels, increasing blood flow amount and providing nutrients and oxygen to stimulate the kidney intrinsic cells.

The above are the effects of Chinese Medicine Treatment for shrinking cyst 7cm in PKD. If you want to know more details about the treatments for PKD, please leave message below in details or consult us on WhatsApp or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free. We suggest you leave name, age, gender, country, disease description and phone number/WhatsApp here so that we can provide personalized service for you in time.

Do You Really Have Final Cure for Kidney Failure on Dialysis:

WKidney Failure, Dialysis also will appear with it, because dialysis is commonly used for Kidney Failure patients to save their life. For kidney failure patients on dialysis, is there any treatment to cure? This question is asked so many times, let’s discuss it together.
hen it comes to

Kidney Failure means kidney fails to work normally and effectively during discharging toxins and excess wastes from the body. If it can not be controlled well, patients need to start dialysis or kidney transplant in future. However, long-term dialysis will cause severe side effects, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, muscle cramp, etc. It will aggravate the kidney failure condition and continuously damage kidney tissues.

Thus, if you have done dialysis, during the dialysis treatment, you had better take some supplement treatments to help relieve the side effects and repair kidney damage from the root.

Natural medicines on the other had has literally dozens of remedies that can heal kidney damage. And they all have been tried and tested for the last two thousands years. Ancient medicines and wisdom from China has now begun to surface in the western culture, and patients all across the world have begun to reap the benefits of their simple, but amazing treatments.

Not only that, rogue scientists have joined the movement and are now proving what the ancients knew already. And also discovering new specialized nutrients, and foods, that once taken in a unique way can help reverse kidney disease and avoid dialysis.

Here is a just brief run-down of all the treatment possibilities natural medicines have to offer:

- Chinese herbal medicines
- Specific dietary plans
- Hydration techniques
- Specific exercise programs
- Vitamin and mineral supplementation
- Planned stress management strategies

To relieve the side effects of dialysis, we use Chinese Medicine to help repair kidney damage and save kidney functions. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem cell therapy are the main effective treatments for Kidney Failure patients on Dialysis. They can help repair kidney damage and rebuild kidney structure through dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and regenerating new cells responsibly. As a matter of fact, if patients on dialysis still have urine output, it has great chance to get rid of dialysis or reduce the frequency of dialysis.

Can Kidney Function 14% in Renal Failure Be Reversed

you should know that 14% kidney function tells that your condition is already in stage 5 chronic kidney disease, also we can call it end-stage renal disease. In many countries, kidney transplant will be regarded as the last choice.

Through years of clinical experience, now we have found an effective treatment to help repair kidney damage fundamentally. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a world-famous treatment for kidney diseases, especially in China. It can improve kidney function fundamentally.

Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) has been used by Chinese people to treat various diseases and strengthening physical health for thousands of years, however it has not be fully understood by westerners.

Micro-Chinese Medicines Osmotherapy is based on TCM and it has overcome the main disadvantage of TCM and it is more effective and efficient in treating kidney disease and kidney failure.

The mechanism of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment are to block the process of renal fibrosis, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and recovering renal structure and renal functions by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation of extracellular matrix.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is to micronize Chinese medicines so that active ingredients in the medicines can be fully absorbed and the efficacy is greatly improved.

Osmotherapy means this is an osmosis treatment that is applied externally by putting 2 medicated bags in the patients’ renal areas. What the patients need to do during the treatment is to lay on their back. It is very comfortable and safe. It is also very simple and patients can do this in his home under the doctor’s guidance after a period of hospitalization which is necessary for a more accurate diagnosis and designing a more suitable and personalized treatment plan according to the patients’ specific illness and physical conditions.

Renal failure patients often have protein in urine, blood in urine which are not easy to be completely cured and they are easy to re-appear when treated with conventional hormones and immunosuppressant therapy, this is because the root problem is not solved. In the past, treatments for renal failure only aims at treating primary disease without repairing of damaged glomerular filtration membrane, that is why proteinuria and hematuria are easy to relapse and illness conditions will become even worse.

This therapy is made according to the patients’ specific illness condition so as to achieve the best effects of the treatment. So if you want to have a try about it with personalized plan, you can leave the detailed information to us including name, age, gender, country, disease description and phone number/WhatsApp.

In conclusion, once you get diagnosed with certain Kidney Disease, you must take treatment timely. If you have any question about Kidney Failure, please leave message below or consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free. We are glad to help you.


Chinese Herbal Medicines Treat Multiple Cyst To Avoid Surgery

As we all know, surgery and puncture are the common option to remove Renal Cyst in PKD. However, they can only remove the large cysts. After a period of time, the small cysts will become large. You may take surgery again. I am glad to tell you good news that Chinese Herbal Medicines can treat PKD avoid surgery.

An efficient multiple kidney cysts treatment means the one which can help shrink cysts and recover renal function. If we take the safety and efficiency into account, we have to recommend you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Will Stem Cell Therapy Work For Stage 4 PKD
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Ways to Prevent Cysts from Growing for PKD Patients

Firstly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural multiple kidney cysts treatment. Why do we say like this? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. All the medicines used come from the nature, so patients do not need to worry about the side effects. Patients just need to lie on the bed to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients, blood circulation of body and osmosis device will help active materials of Chinese herbal medicines directly get to kidneys, which avoids the damages to gastrointestinal tract and the efficacy of medicines losing.
Through modern medical research, we found PKD is closely linked with the abnormal activity of cyst lining epithelial cells. Thus the activity of lining epithelial cells has been the key in PKD treatment. Mr. Cai trusted us after this explanation.

According to his condition, we not only take measures on Oral Chinese Medicine Treatment, but also use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Foot Bath Therapy. Through opening the blocked meridians and collaterals, promoting blood circulation and increasing blood flow, they can not only stabilize the survival environment of kidney, but also can inhibit the abnormal activity of cells.
After seven days of treatment, the right kidney shrunk to 166*86mm, and left kidney 163*90mm. The treatment effects were seen. While for Mr. Cai, the direct feeling is that his back pain was relieved and improved well.

The third checkup showed that his right kidney shrunk to 159*82mm, and left kidney 158*87mm.

Is There Alternative To Dialysis

Dialysis is often used to save the patient’s life when they are in advanced stage of kidney disease. But due to its side effects, increasing patients are looking for an alternative of Dialysis. Is there an alternative of dialysis?

To be frankly, as a kidney disease doctor i also don’t want the patient to take dialysis. You know, dialysis is also called artificial which means it is used to replace the real kidney in some fields. It helps to eliminate some toxins and waste out of human body to alleviate the symptoms because of kidney diseases. But it does not have the function of treat diabetic nephropathy from its root. If dialysis want to play the role of artificial kidney that means the real kidney can not work by itself at all. Then the good prat of the kidney will be damaged too. Thus there will have many side effects and complications.

Is Chinese Medicine Helpful for Kidney Failure Patients to Prolong Lifespan

Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Serum Creatinine Level 6.8

Toxin-Removing Treatment Treat Skin Itchy From IgA Nephropathy

Is there any alternative to dialysis?

Chinese Medicine Treatments can be as the alternative of dialysis.

First, provide a clean and favorable environment

Cleansing toxins is always suggested first. Toxin-Removing Therapy is a systemic treatment, which combines various Chinese Medicine Treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath, Edema Therapy and Circle Therapy and so on. They can discharge excess wastes our body do not need from blood and provide a clean internal environment.

Second, repair damaged kidney tissues, promote kidney function.

The active materials of Chinese Medicine can dilate the blood vessels, eliminate stasis, improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to damaged kidney so as to provide enough and necessary oxygen and nutrients to kidney. In this case, kidney can work again effectively and produce urine, which will discharge toxins from the body.

Third, relieve abnormal symptoms, such as High Creatinine Level, High BUN level and others.

As long as the kidney functions are improved, it can work effectively. High creatinine level can be reduced, proteinuria and Swelling can be controlled or disappear, etc. Thus you do not need take dialysis. That is to say, dialysis can be avoided successfully.

Is there an alternative of dialysis? Yes, Chinese Medicine Treatments can help achieve this goal. If you want to know more details about the therapy or avoid dialysis, please leave message below or send us email. We will reply you as soon as possible.

How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Lupus Nephritis

Hi, I got your e-mail address of the following article: lupus nephritis, GFR Improved And Creatinine Reduced, Chinese Medicine Can Do That. I have Lupus and CKD, my kidney function is 17. I am interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to help repair my kidneys. Please can you provide me with more information and if there are places in the UK that do it."

Lupus Nephritis is one of the most serious complications of SLE. It occurs when SLE causes the immune system to attack the kidneys-specially, the parts of the kidney that filter the blood for waste products. People with severely damaged kidneys might have to get regular dialysis, a procedure in which blood is cleaned by a filtration machine.

Lupus Nephritis: Chinese Drugs Can Cure Instead of Dialysis Or Kidney Transplant

How to Treat Lupus Nephritis with Traditional Chinese Medicine

How to Treat Lupus Nephritis Well for Patients

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Lupus Nephritis

This therapy has an outstanding effect on treating Lupus Nephritis, through extending blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrix. These four benefits can inhibit the activity of immune complexes so that keeping kidneys from worsening.

Aside from this, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can still regulate these patients’ immune system. Once the immune system is normalized, the proliferation of B cells is stopped and the formation of immune complexes is prevented. Without pathogenic factors, Lupus Nephritis can be controlled very well.

The last benefit of this osmosis therapy is to repair damaged but not necrotic kidney cells. If you still have certain kidney function, it means this part of kidney are still healthy, some are damaged but others are necrotic. At present, what we can do is to make the damaged kidney cells alive again. Once these cells recover to work. Patients’ overall health quality can be improved largely.

If you are suffering from Lupus Nephritis and worried about the decline of your kidney function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is worth a try. You are interested about this treatment? Welcome to leave a message to us or consult the online doctor directly.


Alternative of Dialysis for Diabetic Nephropathy with Creatinine 6.1

“My mother is 66 years old, a diabetic patient since 25 years. High Creatnine Level is 6.1 and urea level is 118. Doctors have recommended Dialysis. What can be done to avoid dialysis?”

To be exact, the index which shows the level of kidney function you have is Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). If you clear about this level, we can accurately get to know your remaining renal function.

Generally speaking, people with creatinine level of 6.1 in CKD is in Stage 4 CKD with more than 70% of kidney function having lost. Some patients in this stage may have started kidney Dialysis treatment.

Does Dialysis Decrease Ammonia Level In Kidney Failure
Kidney Failure: Is Dialysis The Only Treatment

Which Kidney Patients Are Not Allowed To Have Sex

Dialysis is just a replacement of kidney to help patient remove out various wastes products and toxic substances out of body, so dialysis can be considered as artificial kidney to help patients sustain their life. During the process dialysis, you still experience various adverse effects during the process of dialysis, anemia and muscle cramping are the most common ones. When patients are unwilling undergo dialysis anymore, kidney transplant would be recommended for patients. Kidney transplant is a procedure which places a health and functioning kidney into your body and replace the diseased one. With kidney transplant, your life quality would be highly improved. However, kidney transplant is not a cure for your disease, it is just a replacement of kidney. There is always a chance that transplanted kidney reject your body tissues. At that time, you may have no other treatment options, but back to dialysis or seeking for another kidney.
If you have do not want to undergo dialysis, there is alternative remedy to help you stop the disease's progression to Kidney Failure so as to avoid dialysis. The treatment is systematic Chinese Medicine Treatment.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese Medicine Treatments are widely used to treat Diabetic Nephropathy. The systemic treatment includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Maikang Mixture, and Oral Chinese Medicine Treatment and so on. They can be used together to play the biggest medication effects. These therapies aims to repair damaged kidney tissues from the root through dilating blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and blood glucose, increasing blood flow to kidney, discharging toxins and wastes from the body and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidney. Through systemic treatment, they can improve kidney function, control high blood glucose and finally effectively reduce High Creatinine Level 6.1.

Black beans, black rice - the legendary two kidney food, kidney patients how to choose?

Chinese medicine often say "black into the kidney", meaning that most of the black food is good for the kidneys. Some people can eat ordinary food to kidney, kidney disease patients eat kidney injury - such as black beans. This is why?

Black beans with a detoxification diuretic, in addition to the role of hot dehumidifier, ordinary people or kidney are appropriate to eat properly to kidney; but some businesses promote the effectiveness of black beans known as suitable for all people to eat, it is wrong to say. In fact, black beans contain a large number of non-digestible plant macromolecular protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys; Second, beans contain a high amount of purine, eating too much will hinder renal rehabilitation, aggravate gout symptoms. Therefore, patients with kidney disease should avoid eating black beans.

Black rice is a pleasant food, because not only ordinary people can eat kidney, kidney patients also have great benefits to the kidneys. In addition to black rice with Qi and blood circulation, the efficacy of Liver eyesight, the most significant benefit of patients with kidney disease is kidney diuretic, control of blood pressure, to prevent edema and other symptoms. In addition, black rice has a strong antioxidant, kidney patients often eat can improve disease resistance. Think of black rice under the hard shell so soft and heart of a good it!

Black rice and black beans are two representatives of the "black food family". So for patients with kidney disease, there are other black food to eat kidney or kidney injury can it? In fact, there are many. Such as Yang Shen food, vegetables can eat black fungus, black radish, fruit black grapes, black mulberry, black currant and so on. In addition, black buckwheat can also be ideal for patients with kidney disease staple food choice. The kidney injury food, black mushrooms, black sesame seeds, etc. is not recommended for patients with kidney disease.

Nephropathy in the diet to be very careful. There are many ordinary people can eat food to kidney, but it will cause harm to patients. Therefore, we do not blindly listen to rumors of food kidney, scientific diet is a healthy diet.

Kidney patients must eat this meal, it can be discharged from the body of toxins

Since ancient times, was pushed to respect the "Baiguo of the case." Sweet slightly acidic, cold, non-toxic.

After eating a pear or a cup of hot pear juice, the accumulation of toxins in the human body can be a lot of discharge. People are keen to eat grilled food, fast food category today, eat a meal after a pear may well be worthy of a recommended healthy lifestyle.

Because pears contain a certain amount of protein, fat, carotene, vitamin B1, B2 and malic acid. So to maintain the health of the body cells to help organ detoxification, purify the body, soften blood vessels, promote blood circulation, the calcium in the blood transported to the bones, and enhance bone calcium. But eating pears must be careful in order to better digestion and absorption by the digestive tract, and play the desired effect.

In addition, although the pear is sweet, but its calories and fat content is very low, the elderly eat more pears, can help the body purify the organs, soften blood vessels. Eat pears also anorexia, indigestion, enteritis, chronic pharyngitis and other diseases have a certain degree of secondary efficacy.

1. It also helps the kidneys excrete uric acid and prevents gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

2. Pear juice rich in dietary fiber, is the best gastrointestinal "cleaners." Most of the meals in the restaurant to "taste" to win, more greasy food or spicy, easy to induce constipation after eating. After a cup of pear juice, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that the accumulation of harmful substances in the body a large number of discharge, to avoid constipation.

3. Pears contain more sugar and vitamins, the liver has a protective effect, especially for drinking people.

4. Pears with lower blood pressure, Yin Qingre effect, suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the patients, often drink some pear juice great benefit.

5. Pear has the effect of moistening the wind, in the dry climate, people often feel itchy skin, dry nose and mouth, and sometimes dry cough sputum, drink a glass of pear juice a day can relieve dry.

6. Smoking pear juice drinkers can reduce the harmful substances in cigarettes on the throat, respiratory tract irritation.

7. Pear juice contains more than 80% of the water, often forget to drink the elderly, drink pear juice can achieve the purpose of adding water.


Urine was particularly high? You are this kidney disease

What kidney disease can cause polyuria?

Common, interstitial nephritis, low potassium and high calcium
In addition, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, diffuse cutaneous vascular horn tumors, acute renal failure, polyuria can cause increased urine output.
How to determine what kind of polyuria?

Chronic interstitial nephritis

Many of these patients with kidney disease have exposure to nephrotoxic drugs, urinary sediment will have a small amount of white blood cells. Proteinuria not much (protein qualitative 1+ the following quantitative 0.5g). And poor appetite, anemia, renal bone disease, no obvious edema and high blood pressure. Do B-will find two kidney shrink.

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is caused by the hantavirus, the daily urine output will be 3000ml

Diffuse cutaneous vascular

Diffuse skin vascular cutinoma is a genetic disease, the disease will have pain in the hands and feet.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure polyuria, urine output may reach 5000ml per day. This is like a judge, and creatinine will rise rapidly.


Blood potassium concentration of 2.5 ~ 3.0mmol / L, there will be increased urine output phenomenon.

How to do more urine?

Interstitial nephritis caused by polyuria, the first need to control and remove the cause, such as the lifting of urinary tract obstruction and reflux, disable some of the anti-inflammatory drugs, aristolochic acid drugs, control of infection and other diseases. In addition, to maintain electrolyte balance, prevent dehydration, hypotension, correct anemia.

Hypokalemia caused by polyuria, potassium chloride can be added or potassium citrate

Hypercalcemia caused by polyuria, fluid replacement should be timely and promote urinary calcium excretion, bone calcification.

Four Tips To Control Proteinuria In Kidney Patients

Into the cold winter, many patients in the review will find that they have double-Juan appeared proteinuria! Think of too much leakage may cause a variety of complications, my heart on the waves Jingjing. But do not be afraid to prevent leakage of protein in winter, we have "basic necessities" four magic!

Clothing - cold and warm is the key

Repeated proteinuria has a very critical reason is that a cold lead to kidney disease relapse. Patients can not blindly listen to similar winter, "Law of anti-clothing by freezing cold," such as rumors, but should choose warm good jacket, breathable underwear and so strong. Especially the navel, back, feet and other vulnerable to cold, over the parts of the meridian, cold easily penetrated the body from these places, resulting in cold sick, and therefore need to focus on protection.

Food - high and low orderly and reasonable

Dietary proteinuria to see their own stage of renal disease in which. Mild patients with high-quality protein diet can be a day quantitative 1.0g / kg body weight to prevent hypoalbuminemia; but patients with moderate to severe intake should be controlled in the range of 0.3g ~ 0.5g / kg body weight, To reduce the burden on the kidneys. But such a low quantitative can not last long, generally in the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine clearance rate tends to normal values ​​can gradually increase the protein intake, otherwise it may cause anemia. In addition, proteinuria will be the loss of calcium and other trace elements, patients should eat low potassium fruits and vegetables and other calcium-supplemented foods.

Live - comfortable and pleasant Yang Shen

Want to meditation nursed back to health, you need a clean and comfortable living environment. The room does not need to be large, but it must be bright and spacious. Appropriate to avoid the fog haze peak window ventilation, regular cleaning, room humidity, temperature should be adjusted to a reasonable extent. Living environment, well selected, not only happy mood, but also reduces the breeding of germs, can reduce the risk of infection and relapse of kidney disease.

Line - work and rest with the most scientific

Here the "line" we refer to the action. Patients with kidney disease should not rest, not boring at home can not afford to bed ah! Appropriate exercise to improve immunity, to avoid repeated illness. Winter haze-prone, in order to avoid respiratory infections, you can choose the afternoon at about 3 o'clock the lightest degree of time out of home exercise, walking, jogging, etc. is the best way. Of course, do not want to go out at home to do some kidney and kidney small tricks, but also active bones, stable blood.

Why not let kidney patients to eat tofu, the first you in the gun

Recently a lot of friends on the platform asked me, can not eat tofu? Many people do not understand, won the kidney disease even if the beans do not eat, why not let tofu?

Tofu is a plant protein, after it enters our body through metabolism, most will become nitrogenous waste, and then excreted by the kidneys. However, the elderly and kidney disease patients with decreased renal function, if they eat too much tofu, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, so that renal function decline, thus affecting their health.

In fact, in addition to tofu can lead to kidney failure, but also can cause the following diseases:


Tofu contains a very rich in protein, once consumed too much, it will make the protein accumulation in the human body, people with bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Iodine deficiency disorders

Tofu contains a substance called saponins, it can promote the body's excretion of iodine. Therefore, if long-term consumption of tofu, it is easy to cause a large number of body loss of iodine, so that people suffering from iodine deficiency disorders.

Cause gout

Tofu contains more purine substances. And purine metabolic disorders is the key cause of gout. Therefore, excessive consumption of tofu gout patients can easily lead to its gout attack.

Cause arteriosclerosis

Tofu contains a very rich methionine, methionine into the body after the enzyme will be converted to cysteine. And cysteine ​​can damage the human arterial wall of the endothelial cells, so that cholesterol and triglycerides deposited in the arterial wall, causing arteriosclerosis.

Of course, to tell you that these issues are not to stay away from tofu, but to the right amount, especially in patients with kidney disease and the elderly.


What Can Reduce Creatinine Other Than The Conventional Dialysis

Yes, in our hospital Blood Pollution Therapy can do that. If you want to know more, you can read about this or call for ONLINE DOCTOR directly.

Top 7 natural ways to lower high creatinine you must know.

1. Reduce consumption of meat

As creatine exists in muscle, it is mainly found in animal products. Therefore, you will be able to reduce the production of creatinine if you develop a vegetarian diet and keep a restrictive limitation of the consumption of meat.

2. Avoid strenuous physical activity

Strenuous physical activity can increase the metabolism of creatine in muscle, resulting in elevated production of creatinine in blood. Thus,it is a wise choice to avoid strenuous physical activity.

3. Low-protein diet

An effective natural way to reduce the creatinine level in your body is to create a diet low in proteins. You should limit foods rich in proteins, such as bean, bean-products, yolk, etc.

4. Avoid creatinine supplements

If you are a body builder, you may take creatinine supplement. However, if you are diagnosed with CKD, you should not use it any longer because creatine can be spontaneously converted to the by-product creatinine.

5. Avoid creatinine supplements

If you are a body builder, you may take creatinine supplement. However, if you are diagnosed with CKD, you should not use it any longer because creatine can be spontaneously converted to the by-product creatinine.

6. Nettle leaf tea

Drinking 1 to 2 cups of nettle leaf tea is a good choice to lower high creatinine level. It is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve renal function and reduce creatinine levels. However, nettle leaf tea is not suitable for all patients with CKD. You should consult your doctor before you start to drink this kind of tea.

7. Chinese medicine

We also have other effective treatment for patients to avoid dialysis. Such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Immunotherapy and so on. They can be used together for patients at the same time to achieve a much better curative effect. Of course, that should be according to the illness condition of patients.

Alternative of Dialysis for Lowering Creatinine Level 5.5 in Diabetic Nephropathy

I am a patient with Diabetic Nephropathy, and my Creatinine Level is 5.5 mg/dl. In addition, I have swelling in ankles. What does creatinine level 5.5 mean? Can you tell me how to lower it without Dialysis? I really do not want to take dialysis.

In clinic, the normal range of creatinine is 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dl. Meanwhile, creatinine is an important level for kidney health. When creatinine level is higher than the normal range, it means that kidney functions are damaged and less than 50%. It is because that our kidney has strong compensatory ability for metabolism, so increased creatinine level means kidney is damaged already. Creatinine level 5.5 means kidney functions are impaired seriously. You need to take timely and proper treatment to prevent the kidney from further damage.

Dangers and Treatment of Renal Anemia for Kidney Failure
Is Chinese Medicine Helpful for Kidney Failure Patients to Prolong Lifespan

Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Serum Creatinine Level 6.8

Herbal medicines for high creatinine level

Kidney failure patients experience high creatinine level as failed kidneys can not discharge excess creatinine level out of the blood timely. Under such a condition, the followings Chinese herbs can be used to reduce creatinine in blood:

1. Stinging nettle seed: Stinging nettle seed is reported to have function of lowering high creatinine level in a study published in the journal of The American Herbalist Guild which said kidney failure patients who were given this herb showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine.

2. Ginseng: Ginseng stimulates the circulation to the kidneys, which is very helpful in treating kidney failure. In clinic, it is often used with cinnamon to lower creatinine level.

3. Salvia: Salvia is always used to lower high creatinine level by kidney failure patients who are on dialysis.

4. Dandelion root: Herb of dandelion root can be used as a diuretic. Normally, creatinine is discharged out of the body with urine, so by increasing kidney failure patients’ urine output, much more creatinine can be excreted and high creatinine level can be lowered effectively.

Diabetic nephropathy is caused by years of uncontrolled diabetes and kidney damage, thus you should control your blood glucose first so as to prevent the progression of the condition from renal failure.

As for kidney damage, you should take timely and proper treatments to repair damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve kidney functions. Here we would like to recommend you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can help repair damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve kidney functions from the origin without side effects. For micro-Chinese medicine, it reduces creatinine level by improving kidney function. We know kidneys are the organ that are responsible for keeping serum creatinine in the normal range. When they are affected, kidney function decreases and creatinine level increases. Hence, only when kidney function is increased, can high creatinine level be lowered radically.

Any Treatment On Nausea In Kidney Failure

I am 60 years old. I suffered Kidney Damage in July this year induced by the use of cardiac medication, predominantly ACE inhibitors, which I had taken since suffering a heart attack in 2008. I continue to experience nausea most days. Is there any advice that you can offer regarding nausea in Chinese Medicine?
We need first know why renal failure cause nausea and vomiting so as to seek proper and effective treatments because nausea and vomiting in renal failure are not as simple as usual gastrointestinal discomforts. If the root problem can not be solved, nausea and vomiting can not be treated from the root or it can even become worse.

Generally speaking the causes of nausea and vomiting in renal failure include acidosis, electrolyte disorders, heart failure, gastrointestinal edema and uremia encephalopathy, etc.

Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level

Renal failure can cause accumulation of excessive urea nitrogen in the blood stream due to decreased renal filtration ability. Urea enzymes can decompose urea into ammonia which can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause nausea and vomiting.

Renal failure can cause declined renal concentrating ability. Many patients will have frequent night urination which can cause hemoconcentration and high BUN. That is why many patients will have obvious nausea and vomiting when they get up early in the morning.

What are the Chinese Medicine Treatments for kidney damage with nausea?

As for kidney damage, Toxin-Removing Treatment and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are suggested to you. There are too many toxins in kidney due to the abused medications. Thus the first thing is to remove the toxins out of the body so that providing a favorable inner environment for the further medications. Toxin-removing treatment simply aims to remove the toxins out of the body effectively.

In the clean kidney, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to repair damaged kidney tissues and cells and then improve renal functions. This therapy is on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) without any side effects. Meanwhile, it is external application so that you can not feel any pain and discomfort.
Thereby you do not need to worry about the adverse reactions. With the help of osmotic machine, the active materials of Chinese medicine can help you repair renal damage and improve renal functions effectively. As long as kidney damage is repaired, nauseas or other symptoms will disappear naturally.

Because you are diagnosed with kidney damage in early stage, so it is extremely necessary to take proper and curative treatments in time so that the condition becomes serious. In the case, it will be difficult to reverse the condition.


Dietary fiber, kidney disease patients how to eat

Dietary fiber is called the "seventh nutrients" essential to the human body, and protein, vitamins, minerals, like human health is essential. Dietary fiber with anti-diarrhea, laxative, lower blood cholesterol, lower triglycerides, weight control, regulation of blood sugar and so on. So what is suitable for patients with kidney disease, rich in dietary fiber foods?

Eggplant rich in vitamin E6 and E12, with detoxification, blood circulation, diuretic swelling, and promote the effectiveness of metabolism. Regular consumption is conducive to enhance physical fitness, improve disease resistance in patients with kidney disease.

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Mushrooms

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Watermelon

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Cantaloupe

Crisp and delicious bamboo shoots, nutrient-rich, high protein, low fat, low starch characteristics. Bamboo shoots with Diabetes, diuretic, phlegm and other effects, for those suffering from edema, ascites, acute nephritis and diabetes and other illnesses.

Corn is suitable for diabetics to eat one of the miscellaneous grains, with lower blood pressure, lowering blood sugar and lowering blood fat effect, which is rich in crude fiber can bring satiety. In addition, corn decoction can also play a role in antihypertensive.

Oats are rich in macromolecular carbohydrates and dietary fiber not only can continue to provide energy for the body, but also allow the kidneys to better work. Long-term consumption of oats, is conducive to the control of diabetes.

Buckwheat contains eight essential amino acids, dietary fiber, cadmium and other trace elements content is also quite rich, have increased insulin secretion function; buckwheat also contains more water-soluble fiber, these components to lower blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure, On the prevention of diabetes have a certain role.

Dietary fiber is good, but for diabetic patients it is a double-edged sword, not the more the better, which is why?

Because if a large number of additional fiber, will affect the absorption of calcium and iron, so that the gastrointestinal tract overwhelmed, reduce protein digestion and absorption, hypoglycemia occurred. Normal daily intake of dietary fiber about 30 grams, can effectively prevent diabetes. Diabetes daily intake of 40 grams or so, can effectively stabilize blood sugar.

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