
Is Celery Juice Helpful For IgA Nephropathy Patients

Celery juice reserves nearly all health benefits of celery, so it can help IgA Nephropathy patients improve their healthy condition if eaten correctly. What benefits can IgA Nephropathy patients get from celery juice?
There is no exact answer for which diet is suitable for every patient. It depends on the nutrients of celery and patients’ physical condition.
Lower high blood pressure: Celery juice contains acidic components of lowering high blood pressure. This can help slow the progression of IgA Nephropathy to some extent.
Increase the urine output: Celery has a diuretic property that can stimulate the kidney to produce more urine, so as to ease swelling and remove more wastes and toxins from the body.
Help ease anemia: The high content of iron in celery juice indicates this beverage can help ease renal anemia by supplementing enough irone.
Prevent and treat urinary tract infections: For people with IgA Nephropathy, they are more likely to suffer urinary tract infections. Drinking celery juice can help prevent this problem.
Improve digestive system: Just like other vegetables, celery is rich in fiber, which can help prompt our digestion, so as to improve appetite quality.
Although celery juice has so many health benefits, IgA Nephropathy patients can’t drink it without limitation. This is because it a underlying source of fluid. For kidney disease patients, drinking extra fluid can increase the workload on kidneys. Also, it may worsen patients’ swelling once the fluid can’t be discharged timely. For this reason, you need to determine the amount of celery juice to drink one daily before consuming it.

Proper amount of celery juice is very important. If you do not know how much you can drink, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you free advice.

Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Eat Garlic

Is it OK for IgA Nephropathy patients to eat garlic? IgA Nephropathy is one common kidney disease that has a close link with autoimmune disorder. Therefore, foods with the property of antioxidant may be good for these patients. Garlic is just one antioxidant food. Well then, can IgA Nephropathy patients eat garlic?
In most cases, IgA Nephropathy patients can eat moderate amount of garlic. However, if they have constipation, gastrointestinal disease or allergic reactions, they need to stay away from garlic.
1. Regulate blood circulation
In our body, clean and normal blood circulation is a guarantee for healthy kidneys and immune system. Once less blood flows into kidneys, kidney inherent cells will be damaged gradually. Garlic contains some substances which have the antioxidant property just like vitamin C. These nutritions can improve blood circulation and slow down the blood vascular aging.
2. Reduce high blood pressure
Garlic contains certain substance that has an effect of dilating blood vessels, so as to boost blood circulation and lower high blood pressure. For people with IgA Nephropathy, high blood pressure is one sign of bad IgA Nephropathy prognosis. For this reason, if you have hypertension, you can consume some garlic.
3. Have health benefits of sterilization and anti-inflammation
A lot of IgA Nephropathy patients suffer from at least one time upper respiratory infection. Garlic is one food that can help boost patients’ immune system and protect them from infections and inflammatory reaction.

Apart from the above health benefits of garlic on IgA Nephropathy, garlic has other health benefits. Due to limited space here, we cannot list all of them here. If you want to learn more its information, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


How Do IgA Nephropathy Patients Prevent The Flu

IgA Nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis throughout the world. It has a very variable course, ranging from a benign recurrent hematuria up to a rapid progression to chronic renal failure. In this case, flu is an important cause that may stimulate renal lesions and worsen patient’s disease condition. Therefore, preventing flu is very important. Here we will tell you how to prevent flu in IgA Nephropathy.
1. Take proper exercise to increase immunity and avoid infections.
2. Pay attention to the environment and personal hygiene, avoiding predisposing factors.
3. When climate changes, notice to increase or decrease in clothes at any moment, preventing patents to catch a cold.
4. In pandemic flu occurred, some medicine can be used to prevent the damage. Follow your doctor's advice to take some medicine to prevent flu.
5. In pandemic flu occurred, wearing the surgical masks,avoid going to public places can help more to prevent cross infections,reducing the risk of infections.
For IgA Nephritis patients, influenza virus may damage nephridial tissues or form antigen and cause immune compound Kidney Failure. Thus flu is dangerous for IgA Nephropathy patients and cause many serious problems,like anabatic proteinuria, renal insufficiency or even Heart Failure, and so on.

If you want to seek some other therapies for IgA Nephropathy, welcome to browse my page frequently.

What Are Health Benefits Of Mango

Mango is one of tropical fruit which is favored by many people. It is nutritious and has many medical properties. The following will introduce you the detailed information of mango’s health benefits on kidney disease people.
Health benefits on kidney disease
1. Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff).
2. Helps in Diabetes:
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.
3. Improves Digestion:
Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes for breaking down protein. There are several fruits, including mangoes, which have this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination.
4. Anti-inflammatory properties
One of the major mango health benefits is its anti-inflammatory properties. This can be a big help in diseases such as arthritis or gout. I am not saying mangoes can completely cure these problems, but if it only takes away a portion of the pain and discomfort, I am sure it would a very welcome relief for those suffering from these diseases.

There are many other medical uses for mangoes that I do not have the time to go into great detail on right now. However, some of them are known to be diarrhea, constipation, bacterial infections, fever, liver problems and respiratory problems.


What Can You Do For Creatinine 2.9 In Polycystic Kidney Disease

Creatinine 2.9 is higher than the normal range and it is usually an indicator of improper kidney function. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an inherited kidney disease and it will do some damages on kidneys. With PKD, creatinine level is usually elevated. What can you do for creatinine 2.9 in PKD?
Creatinine is the metabolic products of creatine phosphate in our muscles, and one part of creatinine comes from the meat products we eat. Usually, the healthy kidneys are in charge of discharging extra creatinine from the body, and kept its level within the normal range. The normal range of creatinine level is about 0.5-1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6-1.2mg/dl for male.
For creatinine level 2.9, it is much higher than the normal range. This high level can show that the kidneys have been damaged seriously, at least 70%. The effective treatment is to repair the damaged kidney and to improve the kidney function. This is the standard of whether a treatment can have good effect or not.
We are the kidney diseases specialized hospital and we have treated many kidney disease patients. For this case just like your father’s kidney problem, the effective treatment I remind is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Through the above analysis, we can see that the most important thing is to improve kidney function. The medicine is micronized into very small molecules and can arrive at the kidneys directly through skin and channels on the back. It can improve the microcirculation and permeability of the cysts walls, so the cyst liquid can be reabsorbed and discharged out with blood circulation. It acts on all the cysts at the same time. The smaller cysts will also be shrunk.
Besides, the active material of the Chinese herbal medicine can restrain the proliferation of cyst lining cells, so the cysts will not grow again. This is treating the disease from the root. With the improving of blood circulation, the blood and oxygen supply in the kidney tissues will be better, so the self renewal of the damaged cells will be reactivated, thus recovering the kidney function.
Apart from Micro-Chinese medicine, oral taking medicine like "Duo Nang Xiao" will also be used for PKD. It is special prescription of our professors here. These are the basic treatment.

We use natural and effective treatment for reducing creatinine level in PKD. If you are interested in our natural Chinese medicine treatment, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

How To Treat Diarrhea On Dialysis

Dialysis is a lifesaving treatment for those with end stage renal disease (ESRD). However, it will cause many side effects and diarrhea is one of them. How to treat diarrhea while on dialysis is concerned by many kidney disease patients.
What are factors of diarrhea in dialysis?
Kidney is one of important organs for our body and it plays significant role in guaranteeing our body health. And our kidney is not only responsible for removing the wastes and toxins out of the body, but also in charge of keeping electrolyte and acid-base balance. However, for dialysis patients, most of renal function are damaged and the injured kidney can not do the job mentioned above. What’s more, dialysis is usually the replacement method for patients with Kidney Failure. It helps kidney filtrate waste product and sustain the lifespan of patients. However, it can not help kidney with electrolyte balance. So the calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium disorder can cause gastrointestinal problems. As a consequence, diarrhea will occur.
Then, how to deal with diarrhea for dialysis patients?
Here we will recommend a unique therapy called Full Bath Therapy which has been widely used in clinic.
Full bath with Chinese medicine is to decoct medicines that can discharge and blend them into medicinal soup, then to let patients enter into the soup to bath fully in sufficient time, which can make ingredients in medicines immerse into body striae, enter into meridians and viscera, open pores and bladder, and discharge toxic pathogen in meridians and viscera through sweat and urine. After a period of treatment, patients’ illness condition can get well controlled and their renal function also can get a good recovery. Furthermore, if you take this treatment in the early time, you can avoid undergoing dialysis to large extent.

If you have any doubt about this topic, just feel free to ask me or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you reply as soon as possible.


Why Do Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Have Headache

Nowadays more and more people are affected by Nephrotic Syndrome (NS). It will cause many serious complications and headache is one of them. Well then, why do nephrotic syndrome patients have headache? Read through the article to find the answer.
Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterised by a number of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. The cause is damage to the glomeruli, which can be the cause of the syndrome or caused by it, that alters their capacity to filter the substances transported in the blood.
As it worsens,it will cause many serious problems,leading to many symptoms and complications. Headache is just of the symptoms during the renal lesions. As the disease worsens,patients’ multiple systems and complications will also be effected and damaged badly,including nervous system. The damage on patients’ nervous system,will leads to the pain in head. In fact,long-term accumulation of toxin in body will also aggravate this symptom. In this case,some medicine will also induce headache.
Besides,Kidney Dialysis will also cause disequilibrium syndrome,leading to headache. So choosing a timely and effective treatments is necessary for patients to delay the renal lesions and relieve their disease condition. If your are looking for some other treatments to rescue your impaired kidneys,we are glad to recommend you to try innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) to change your life and promote your renal repair. The most important is that it offer a change to improve patients renal function and promote the renal repair.

If you want to know more information about nephrotic syndrome, you can visit my page more or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to offer you some suggestion as soon as possible.

Edema And Hair Loss In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterised by a number of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. With this disease, patients’ health will be affected greatly. Most people have edema and hair loss in Nephrotic Syndrome.
For most of Nephrotic Syndrome patients,damaged glomerular filtration system can can not stop the leakage of protein in urine,leading to serious hypoproteinemia. Thus it will lead to the edema. Decreased GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) will lead to water-sodium retention,aggravating edema. Besides,unhealthy diet will also worsen this symptom. Edema is a relatively obvious symptom,reminding patients of their renal lesions.
In fact,with the aggravation of proteinuria,children will also suffer from severer malnutrition,leading to more serious problems. Thus parents may find that their child is dystrophic,pale,weak and prone to hair loss. Actually,this symptom will be worsened owing to some medicine or unsuitable treatments.
So in this case,we recommend to use some conservative natural treatments to control children’s disease and remedy their renal lesions. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy may be more suitable for their disease condition. As a kind of innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),it is characterized by external Chinese Medicine and offers better choice for patients to live a better life.

If you have any doubt or are suspicious that you may suffer from nephrotic syndrome, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. You will find what you want to know.


Major Treatment For Kidney Cyst

Small kidney cyst do not cause any symptoms and do not damage on kidney tissues and other surrounding kidney tissues. Regular check ups are necessary. However, if patients experience some symptoms and cysts are large, treatment is required.
1.Conventional treatment
Antibiotic therapy.
If infection occurs, doctor will use antibiotic treatments for the infected cysts. The doctor may order an antibiotic specific for the infection.
Needle puncture.
This is chosen to treat a large kidney cyst. In this treatment, a needle guided by ultrasound or x-rays will insert through the skin into the kidney cyst. Then the fluid outflow from the cyst, and the cyst will be filled with an alcohol solution to prevent it from reforming. But the kidney cyst may appear again after the treatment.
Laparoscopic cyst removal.
For the kidney cyst which is difficult to remove, a surgery may be needed. In the surgery, the doctor will insert the laparoscope into a small incision in the abdomen. Then the fluid will be drained from the cyst, and any excess tissue will be taken out. Patients only need to stay in hospital for two or three days.
If the kidney cyst develop into kidney failure, dialysis and a kidney transplant may be necessary.
In extreme cases, particularly if severe infection or cancer cause irreversible damage, patients may need to remove the whole kidney by an operation.
2.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is an effective treatment basing on the traditional Chinese medicine. The super-finely shattered Chinese herbs can give full play to regulate and feed the body. It is applied externally, and there is no side effects to patients’ body. Our experts often treat the kidney cyst from two aspects:
Control the growth of kidney cysts.
Treatment for the enlarged cysts.
On one hand, using Micro-Chinese Medicine Ospotherapy can treat the kidney cysts, and prevent the enlarge and recurrence of kidney cysts. On the other hand, during the treatment process, Chinese medicines provide nutrients like vitamins, organic acid,etc, which will repair the kidney damage and the damaged kidney intrinsic cells will be repaired overtime.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is much favored by most kidney cyst patients. It is not only safe but also effective.

Can Kidney Cyst Cause High Blood Pressure

Can high blood pressure be caused by kidney cyst? Kidney cyst will enlarge with time going. When it enlarges to a certain size, it may elevate blood pressure. Well, how does kidney cyst cause high blood pressure? And how to measure their blood pressure regularly?
How does kidney cyst cause high blood pressure?
Kidney is an important organ for people. It can filter the blood and discharge wastes in the blood. It also can regulate the blood pressure and reabsorb nutrition that leaked from glomeruli. Through affecting the kidney function, kidney cyst may cause high blood pressure. A small kidney cyst may be not dangerous enough to affect the kidney function, but if it enlarges and oppresses the kidney tissues, then it may damage the kidney function. If kidneys lose their function of regulating the blood pressure, then it may cause high blood pressure.
What is the treatment for high blood pressure?
For kidney cyst patients, high blood pressure often occurs when the kidney function is damaged. So it can be looked as a symptom for kidney cyst patients to remind their kidney damages. High blood pressure is harmful for people, bu it usually has no influence on our body within a short time, so it often be omitted easily by people. In cases of kidney cyst, high blood pressure is a symptom, it worsens kidney condition directly. If patients don’t control the high blood pressure, it will damage the kidney blood vessels and accelerate the progression of kidney problem. Therefore, if patients with kidney cyst don’t want to avoid further kidney damages, they should keep the blood pressure under control.

If kidney cysts are small and cause no symptoms, no treatment is required. You need to have regular examination. As for kidney cyst which is larger than 5cm, you should shrink kidney cyst and improve renal function. Only in this way relative symptoms can be alleviated effectively.


Kidney Transplant Or Kidney Dialysis: Which Is Good For Kidney Failure

Which one do you choose when you suffer from kidney failure-kidney transplant and kidney dialysis. More and more patients are in puzzle of their renal problems. This article helps solve this puzzle.
Kidneys dialysis,as advanced modern medical choice,can be used to replace the kidneys to maintain patients’ disease condition. It can clear away the excess water,toxin,waste and metabolite in human,accumulating in blood and causing many serious symptoms. By this ,it plays an important role in relieving patients’ disease condition and controlling the exacerbation of renal lesions. In the whole world,it is the most common measure to be used to control patients’ disease condition.
Kidney Transplant is another measure to solve patients’ renal problems relatively thoroughly. In theory,it can solve patients’ disease condition thoroughly and is more effective than dialysis. But the fact is not the case. Once you have received kidney Transplant,it is necessary for you to take immunosuppressant all your life. However,the prognosis of most of cases of kidney transplant is not ideal.
So it can't say for sure that Kidney Transplant is better than dialysis. In fact,maybe conservative therapy is more suitable for your disease condition.
As for kidney failure treatment, we mainly use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other Chinese Medicine treatment like Mai Kang Composition, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Acupuncture and Enema, etc. This can help repair damaged kidneys and improve renal function. Kidney failure can be reversed to some extent.

What Is A Systematic Therapy For Kidney Failure

What is a systematic therapy for kidney failure? Here we are offering a systematic therapy that can help more patients to treat their renal damage. Read through the article to find the detailed information.
This kind of systematic therapy is called Four ‘One’Chinese Traditional Treatment. It includes a bottle of Chinese patent medicine,a dose of decoction of medicinal ingredients,a dose of external application with Chinese medicine and a basin of foot bath medicine.
According our special diagnosis and treatments,it can mainly be divided into three processes to remove the toxin in blood: dislodge turbid toxin,remove stasis toxin and eliminate stagnant toxin.
First,a bottle of Chinese patent medicine.: Maikang heji. Three main functions of it : tonify qi,invigorate the circulation of blood and dredge collaterals. So Maikang heji is the first choice to eliminate stagnant toxin,and it is also the essential medicine through the kidney disease treatment.
Second,a dose of decoction of medicinal ingredients that is necessary for patients everyday. Based on different patents,disease condition and the stages of treatment,doctor will adjust the medicine at any time to realize the different effects of removing toxin. It is diverse for different patients,disease and time. Besides,it is necessary for patients to take everyday.
Third,a dose of external application with Chinese medicine. It can be used to clear and activate the channels and collaterals,promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis.
Four,a basin of foot bath medicine. It can also be used to promote the acceleration of systemic blood circulation.

This systematic therapy repairs injured kidneys and improves kidney function. We also have other herbal medicine treatment for kidney failure. Due to limited space here, we cannot list all of them here. For further information, welcome to visit my blog.


Can Kidney Transplant Avoid PKD Relapse

Will PKD relapse after kidney transplant? PKD, the abbreviation of Polycystic Kidney Disease, is an inherited kidney disease. With time going, the cyst will become larger and larger. In this case, the cyst will affect kidneys and other organs including liver, pancreas, brain and arterial blood vessels. Without timely treatment, PKD will lead to kidney failure and the most common treatment is kidney transplant. Is kidney transplant a radical therapy for PKD?
Organ Transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another or from a donor site to another location on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. Kidney Transplant is a widely used treatment to relive Kidney Failure patients’ disease condition. Compared with dialysis,it is used less but the effects of it is better than dialysis in theory.
When PKD worsens,patients’ kidneys will be effected and damaged badly. If possible or necessary,kidney Transplant will be used to maintain their disease condition and prolong their life. In this case,many patients are worried about their disease condition and don’t know if it will relapse.
Actually,if you have received Kidney Transplant,PKD will not relapse on your new kidneys. But there are also some serious problems that need your notice. Acute rejection reaction will effect the new kidneys even cause some life-threatening complications. So it is necessary for patients to take immunosuppressant to inhibit the transplant reaction and protect patients.
Besides,the life expectancy is not optimistic for kidney-transplant recipients. If permissible,conservative therapy may be more suitable to improve your disease condition and protect your remaining health.

Transplant cannot avoid PKD relapse. The best treatment for PKD is conservative therapies which can repair injured kidney cells and protect residual kidney function. If you take it earlier, you have a large chance to avoid transplant.

Headache And Vomiting In Dialysis Patients

Dialysis will cause some discomforts and headache and vomiting are just one of them. If left untreated, they can be very dangerous and may threaten patients’ life. Is there any treatment to alleviate these conditions?
Kidney Dialysis have become the most common therapy for most of Kidney Failure patients to maintain their disease and prolong their life. As a replacement therapy,it can replace the kidneys and clear away the excess water,toxin,waste and metabolite in blood,relieving their renal burden. Thus,it can control and ease patients’ disease condition and prolong their life as afar as possible.
But it is not a perfect treatment. Dialysis will cause many side affects,like dialysis disequilibrium syndrome,hypotension,pyrogen reaction,heart failure,arrhythmia,muscle cramp,and so on. In fact,it will also accelerate the renal failure and increase the risk of death.
Severe headaches and vomiting are common during dialysis. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome will also cause the headache. Besides,high blood pressure is one of the reasons. Low intake of blood sugar and blood pressure will also aggravate this symptom. In addition,psychological factors may also cause the headache and emesis.
In this case,maybe we can really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys. We use natural Chinese medicine therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, foot bath and enema, etc to discharge toxins and wastes through repairing injured kidneys and make kidneys regain its own ability as well as improve renal function. When kidney function is improved, dialysis frequency may be reduced or avoided. Thus, headache and vomiting will be alleviated effectively and radically.


Cure For Infection And Fever In PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease is short for PKD and it is an genetic kidney disease and will affect a whole family badly. With PKD, many complications may be suffered by patients. What is the treatment for infection and fever?
There will be various cysts appearing on both kidneys,becoming bigger and bigger. With the disease worsening,these cysts will rupture in human,leading to the damage on their kidneys. And then patients’ disease condition becomes worse and worse.
For PKD patients,increasing cysts will cause many problem for their disease condition. Cysts will oppress their kidneys,causing the pain on their back. Besides,excessive time sitting or walking will both aggravate this symptoms. Meanwhile,it will also cause the bleeding and lead to hematuria. At this time,once these cysts rupture,infection is very likely to happen. In addition,the decline of patinets’ decline will also exacerbate the infection and damage patients health.
When patients are infected,fever may be common during their illness. So for patients,controlling the inflammatory response and infections can relieve their serious symptoms to some extent. Bur there are no special treatments that can be taken to cure PKD. If your disease condition is not severe,conservative treatments may be more suitable for your disease condition. But in the whole world,Dialysis seems to be the best way to control and delay the deterioration of renal lesions. However,the fact is dialysis can not only treat your renal damage,but also it accelerates Kidney Failure.
If you wan to rescue your life and get rid of dialysis,we are responsible to recommend you to try TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). as a kind of innovative treatment,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy plays an important role in creating a better space for renal recovery.

Any problem please feel free to mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com. After knowing your medical condition, our expert will give you specific suggestion.

Healthy Living With Kidney Disease

When you have kidney disease, your life may be different, but you can still enjoy it. This document provides a source of information to help you live happily with kidney disease.
1. Learn it and live it.
Learn all you can about CKD then live the type of lifestyle that will promote optimum health and wellness.
2. Have faith in yourself.
Having CKD is a challenge, but believing in yourself can help you to prevail. You can do this!
3. Be your own best advocate.
Being well-informed will help you to lobby and fight for the treatments that are in your best interest.
4. Keep tabs on your tests.
Because CKD is a progressive illness, you must monitor your symptoms on an ongoing basis and be up-to-date on all test results. That way you can match treatment and lifestyle options with your symptoms and stages.
5. Be proactive, take control.
If you are considering a transplant, conduct research and contact a transplant center. In addition, follow your doctor’s recommendations along the way.
6. Develop strong relationships.
Take time to build a connection with all of the members of you health care team. This will help you to have in-depth conversations and to ask tough questions. Also be sure to nurture your personal relationships and create a solid support network of friends and family.
7. Exercise and eat right.
In addition to taking your medications or managing a treatment regiment, you must make daily exercise and healthy eating a top priority. Otherwise, you risk becoming sicker, faster.
8. Recognize that work is good for you.
If you have job, or if you spend your time volunteering, realize that having an outlet that enables you to feel competent and productive is positive for your total well-being. Of course, you may need to consider a reduced schedule or part-time work, but continuing your work schedule should help you stay connected and add to your quality of life.
9. Make a plan.
Since CKD is a chronic health issue, you need a plan that looks ahead, 3, 5, 7 years in the future. Know your treatment options and contemplate which ones will suit you best. Take time to consider what options you want to pursue if your condition worsens or your symptoms change.
10. Make it a priority to enjoy each day.
Taking control of your health will enable you to feel your best. Recognize that feeling strong and well is what will allow you to do the activities that you enjoy most. So each day, make sure you take time to do just that!

If you want to learn more information about kidney disease, welcome visit our website.


Can I Take Chinese Osmotherapy With 23% Kidney Function In FSGS

23% kidney function indicates that kidney function has been damaged badly in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Osmotherapy is considered as the effective treatment for kidney disease. The question is that whether Chinese osmotherapy help 23% renal function for people with FSGS.
Your current condition of FSGS with 23% kidney function has progressed to CKD Stage 4 with severe renal impairment. At this advanced stage, it is quite essential to adopt Chinese Osmotherapy as early as possible in order to prevent the disease’s further aggravation and restore the overall renal function. Then, you can avoid Kidney Failure successfully.
As a featured treatment of shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine has been clinically used in treating kidney diseases for nearly 30 years with surprising curative effects. Interested to learn more detailed introduction? Please click Here to watch the video introduction.
Kindly notice that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a personalized remedy. The best treatment plan should only be given on the basis of a comprehensive and precise diagnosis of each patient’s disease condition. So the most satisfying treatment effects can be guaranteed.

The early you take treatment, the better your therapeutic effects. If you have any question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are ready to help you.

Can Lupus Nephritis Be Cured By Chinese Herbal Medicine

Can Lupus Nephritis be cured by Chinese herbal medicine? Lupus Nephritis is an important and potentially serious symptom of lupus. It is estimated that about 1/3 of people with lupus will develop nephritis. If Lupus Nephritis can not be controlled well, the condition can develop into Renal Failurewithin several years. The following is the information of Chinese herbal medicine on lupus nephritis.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicines for lupus nephritis are mainly oral medicines.It takes a long time for the body to absorb the effective medicine ingredients.Meanwhile,oral medicine has many disadvantages such as bitter taste,irritation to gastrointestinal tract,etc.Also the medicine residual has to be eliminated by kidneys,which can put extra strain on kidneys.To get rid of those disadvantages of traditional Chinese herbal medicine,a new form is introduced to treat lupus nephritis known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine.Based on the disease condition in Lupus Nephritis,such as kidney damage degree,symptoms etc,different herbs are applied in this therapy.This is an external therapy in which herbs are superfinely shattered and then packed in bags.The medicine bags act on kidney area and the effective medicines can penetrate into kidney lesions with the help of penetrating fluid and osmosis equipment.As the effective medicine ingredients can get kidney lesions directly, the therapy can take effects more rapidly than traditional Chinese herbal medicine.
Chinese herbal medicine can balance the imbalance of Yin and Yang in body.It can help the body recover normal immune system, thus stopping the attack to healthy kidney tissues.Meanwhile,it can revive the self-healing system of the body to stimulate the self-regeneration of the impaired kidney structure.Therefore,it can bring an improvement of renal function.

Chinese herbal medicine have natural therapeutic effects on lupus nephritis. In addition, it can also stop further kidney damage.


Healthy Diet For Dialysis Patients At Christmas

Christmas is a big holiday. On that day, many people gather together and hold a party to celebrate this festival. At the party, these are various foods to enjoy yourself. However, if you happen to be a kidney failure patients on dialysis, can you eat food without precautions?
For people with Kidney Disease on dialysis, eating right at Christmas is possible. Listed below are some tips regarding healthy meal plan and hope it really helps.
Healthy eating tips for Kidney Disease on Dialysis at Christmas
a. It is recommended to avoid processed foods including ham, smoked turkey or chicken, canned meats or vegetables, ice cream, sausages, salted fish/mackerel/pig's tail/beef, soy sauce and ketchup.
b. Stay away from high potassium foods such as spinach, potatoes, pumpkin, mustard greens, mushroom, beetroot, canned mixed vegetables, etc. Avoid fruits that are high in potassium including papaya, pomegranate, dried fruits (prunes, cherries, raisins, currants, mixed peel, mixed fruits), ripe banana, guava, sweetsop, etc.
c. Limit or avoid foods that are high in phosphorus. These foods may include milk and some milk products, bran, whole grains, brown rice, wild rice, dried beans and peas, nuts and seeds, organ meats, sardines, beer, chocolate and corn tortillas.
d. Use natural seasonings like onion, garlic, pimento, pepper, lime/lemon, scallion, thyme and fresh vegetables.
e. Consume staple foods such as white rice, while flour and its products (bread, crackers), while sugar/honey, old fashioned/rolled oats, refined cornmeal, breadfruits, Irish potatoes and so on.
In fact, no matter whether you are on festival or not, following a healthy diet is always necessary for dialysis patients.

Is Kidney Transplant The Only Way For Chronic Kidney Failure Patients

It is difficult for chronic kidney failure patients to make a decision on whether kidney transplant is the only choice for them. Here we discuss the question “Is Kidney Transplant The Only Way For Chronic Kidney Failure Patients ”.
Chronic Renal Failure has a chronic development in general. That is to say,in its early stage,there are no obvious symptoms and complications that can remind patients of their renal damage. Once patients feel uncomfortable and go to see a doctor or do physical examination,the result is not optimistic.
If necessary,in order to control and relieve patients’ disease condition and prolong their life,Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplant seems to be essential. In fact,dialysis is more common to be used to limit and ease patients’ disease condition. In clinic,Kidney Transplant may be more effective for Kidney Failure to take to prolong their life and improve their living quality.
Kidney Transplant means that doctor will transplant one normal healthy kidney into Kidney Failure patients. At present,Kidney Transplant seems to be the best way to treat Kidney Failure. But actually,things go contrary to patients’ wishes.
Life expectancy of most of patients who have received Kidney Transplant is not optimistic. Long-term rejection reaction and the use of immunosuppressant will cause many serious problems. As time goes on,the function of their new kidney will also be reduced.

Kindly remember that a transplant is not a cure for Kidney Failure. In this condition, some conservative treatments may be more suitable for your chronic kidney failure. We have innovated an advanced Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment to remedy kidney failure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be the best treatment for renal failure since the effective ingredients can repair damaged kidney cells and improve renal function. As long as renal function is enhanced, relative symptoms will be alleviated effectively and you can live a relatively long life.


How To Control Massive Proteinuria In Hypertensive Nephropathy

Protein in urine is a common complication in Hypertensive Nephropathy? Here the article provide you natural remedies for controlling massive proteinuria.
First, you need to know how massive proteinuria occurs.
Bubbles in urine is usually because the increased surface tension of urine. For average person,it may appear occasionally. On the country,it may signifies that patients have some severe diseases. For patients with kidney disease,owing to the renal damage,massive protein may leak from their body,causing proteinuria.
Reduce the amount of protein you eat, remember that protein comes from many different foods, not just meat and fish; lower your salt intake, that is because salt exacerbates the swelling that often accompanies protein in urine; your doctor will also give you some dietary advice to lower your blood pressure and control your blood sugar, which is because high blood pressure weakens capillaries in the kidneys and there is a direct correlation high blood pressure and kidney disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
It is a kind of natural ways to remove protein in urine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims at repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function. Now that the appearance of protein in urine is caused by some changes in both the charge and size selectivity of the glomerular barrier, the fundamental method to remove protein in urine is to repair the damaged glomeruli and recover its normal function. Through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, the kidney damage can be repaired gradually. The protein in urine will disappear when kidneys can work normally again.
Why we say Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy a natural way to remove protein in urine? One is because this therapy is applied externally. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under patients’ lower back, with the help of osmosis device, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can directly get to kidney lesions through permeating into skin. So patients just need to lie on the bed to take this treatment.
We mainly provide natural ways to control massive proteinuria here. If you want to learn more information about natural remedies, feel free to leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will provide an individual treatment according to your own medical conditions.

Is Pineapple OK For Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Pineapple is not only a delicious, juicy fruit, but it also offers many health benefits. A lot of people like to eat pineapple. Well then, is pineapple good for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients? Read through the article to find the answer.
Generally speaking,Hypertensive Nephropathy can take some pineapple to improve their daily life. And proper intake of it is good for patients’ physical condition.
Here are some other health benefits of pineapples:
Strong bones
As an athlete, I know the importance of healthy bones, and pineapples are also popular for their ability to build and maintain strong bones. This is because this fruit contains manganese, a mineral necessary to build bones and connective tissues.
Balance electrolytes
The potassium in pineapple juice can help you maintain the proper electrolyte balance to prevent muscle cramps and soreness. This mineral also promotes proper kidney functioning and is important for digestion.
Immune system
Pineapple juice contains vitamin B6, which helps your body regulate blood sugar and helps to promote a healthy immune system.
Eliminate toxins
Pineapple juice is a natural diuretic. This means that it can help eliminate toxins and also help to lower blood pressure and prevent weight gain.
Healthy digestion
Pineapple juice also contains small bits of fiber important for healthy digestion. Bromelain has protein-digesting properties; it can keep the digestive track healthy and also help to neutralize fluids.
Both the root and fruit may be eaten or applied topically as an anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory properties can greatly alleviate the pain of arthritis.

But different patients have different disease condition. You should know how much you can eat pineapple according to your own medical conditions.


Best Therapies For Protecting Kidneys

In life, we not only need to develop good habits, but also focus on your body health.So, how do we live in to protect their kidneys.
1, do not drink well water and river water with unknown contents
So as not to lead, cadmium, chromium and other heavy metals is too high and damage the kidneys.
2, treatment of colds
If the cold to go again, or after a cold, hypertension, edema, urine has bubble solution, nephrology doctor to find the best screening.
3, recurrent tonsillitis be careful
Strep throat or tonsils were infected, be sure to cure, otherwise easily lead to kidney inflammation.
4, do not eat too much

Eating too much protein and salt, will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, sports drinks containing electrolytes and salt, have kidney disease who need to be careful of such beverages.

What Daily Habits Can Damage Men Kidneys

How do men damage their kidneys?
1. Painkiller abuse
Long-term use or high doses of some anti-inflammatory drugs, such as pain tablets, indomethacin, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc., easily lead to kidney damage.
2, certain herbs overdose
Clinical findings would "hurt kidney" herbs are: Hook, manshuriensis, Pharbitidis, fruit, poppy, sward, the gentleman, green wood, fangchi so on. Which leads to kidney damage tripterygium largest, followed manshuriensis.
3, excessive drink
Soft drinks and sports drinks excessive intake may indirectly damage the kidney. Body's pH to 7.2, these drinks generally highly acidic body pH change significantly after drinking.
4, soft bread eaten in
Bread and pastries in a food additive potassium bromate, eat soft texture, but excessive consumption can damage a person's central nervous system, blood and kidneys.
5, overeating
Increased opportunities for the modern dinner, often eating too much, "delicious", most of these wastes through the kidneys, excessive eating will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.
6, drink strong tea after alcohol
Some people think that drinking tea can sober up, in fact, this not only ineffective, but also hurt the kidneys. Experts said theophylline in tea can quickly affect the kidneys play a diuretic effect, at this time have not yet re-alcohol decomposition begins with the kidneys, the kidneys are stimulated a lot of alcohol, so damage to kidney function.
7, salty diet
Salty diet, leading to elevated blood pressure, the kidneys can not maintain normal blood flow, thereby induce nephropathy.
8, often holding back
Some people are busy with work and a long time to hold back. Experts advise holding back urine can cause urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once this type of recurrent infection, can cause chronic infection and difficult to cure.
9, drinking too little

If a long time without water, will reduce the amount of urine, waste and urine concentrations of toxins carried will increase. Common clinical kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so long without water are closely related.


Is Celery Good For Kidney Failure Patients

Celery is not only nutritious but also has medical properties, including lowering blood pressure, alleviating constipation, diuretic properties and improving renal function. From this aspect, celery is good for kidney failure patients. The detailed health benefits of celery are as below:
Health Benefits
Celery has always been associated with lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other juices, it provides different formula that help other conditions.
The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.
The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess fluid.
Kidney function
Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.
Lower blood pressure
Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.
Nervous system
The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.

Generally speaking, celery is good for kidney failure patients. However, for the sake of safety, you had better consult your doctor before eating any food.

Health Benefits Of Lemon On A Renal Diet

People with kidney problem should follow a kidney-friendly diet. Lemon are a favorite all over the world and an essential food. Well, what are the health benefits of lemon for a renal disease patient.
Health benefits of lemons
Rich vitamin C
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work against infections like the flu and colds. Besides, Vitamin C in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging and most types of disease.
Lower high blood pressure
Blood vessels are strengthened by the vitamin P (bioflavinoids) in lemon thus prevents internal hemorrhage. Also, making it useful in treating high blood pressure.
Reduce stress
Lemons are known to help reduce stress. People who are suffering stress will benefit from a larger intake of vitamin C.
Drinking a glass of lemon water daily when you get up in the morning should be an advantage. Drinking tea with lemon before you go sleep will also help to relax.
Kidney Stones
Drink a glass of water containing a teaspoon of lemon juice daily. This will help prevent kidney stones. Drinking lemon water will also assist the curing of the most common kidney stones.
Healthy skin
Lemons are also great for your skin. Drinking lemon water on a regular basis will make your skin glow and definitely look healthier.

Lemon has many other health benefits. Due to limited space, we cannot list all of them here. If you want to learn more information about lemon for renal patient, you can mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will provide useful information for you.


Causes And Treatments For Swelling In FSGS

Swelling is a symptom of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). And the swelling usually appears in legs, ankles, feet, face and eyelid. Well, what are the causes and treatments for swelling in FSGS.
First, causes of swelling in FSGS
FSGS is one condition where kidney scarrings develop in some glomeruli. Glomeruli, kidney filters, are responsible for filtering out extra fluid and waste products and keeping useful nutritions in the blood. With FSGS, a part of glomeruli can’t do their job properly, so fluid and sodium are more likely to retain in some loose regions including legs, ankles, feet, etc. What’s worse, a large amount of protein will leak from the blood into the body that can lead to low plasma osmotic pressure. This is another cause of swelling.
Second, treatments for swelling in FSGS
1. Diuretic: It can increase kidney output, so as to take away more fluid and sodium. Besides western medicines, some herbal teas such as nettle leaf tea and dandelion root tea also have the property of diuretics. Therefore, if you have swelling and FSGS, you can choose one herbal tea.
2. ACEi and ARBs: If patients’ swelling is involved in proteinuria and high blood pressure, these medications can help lower high blood pressure and reduce protein leakage, so as to alleviate swelling.
3. Steroids: Steroids have quick and obvious effect on controlling patients FSGS, especially when they have heavy proteinuria. However, it may cause a series of side effects.
Proper diet
- Restrict the intake of fluid and sodium
- Develop a low-protein diet but enough high-quality protein
- Take in enough omega-3 fatty acid that can help protect kidney function
- Eat some foods that have the effect of diuretics, including cranberries, onion, blueberries, etc.
Chinese herbs
Some therapies, such as Medicated Bath, acupuncture, Polluted Blood Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy, have an effect of repairing damaged kidney cells and improving kidney function. As long as kidneys can do their job relatively properly, swelling can be treated completely.

Causes and treatments of swelling in FSGS present here. If you have any doubt, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will provide you suggestion with regard to your question.

Why The Skin In FSGS Patients Is So Bruised

Why does my skin feel so bruised with FSGS? This question is proposed by one of our patients. If you suffer from skin bruise, you should figure out the causes and then take effective treatment. Here we will introduce you the causes and treatment of skin bruise.
Cause of skin bruise
Most of FSGS patients who are suffering from skin bruises take steroid therapy such as prednisone. Is this skin problem associated with the use of steroid? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
Long-term use of prednisone can cause the decline of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. In this case, when pathogenic bacteria invade the skin or mucous membrane, the immune system is unable to control these pathogenic bacteria effectively. Sometimes, with steroids, the infections that have been managed before are activated again. Finally, these factors can cause damage to skin easily, and then FSGS patients are more likely to have thinning and bruising of skin.
Treatment for skin bruise
1. Foot Bath: Taking one time of foot bath every week for 20-30 minutes, you can find an obvious improvement of your immunity. This is because foot bath can stimulate blood circulation all over the body and activate immune cells. With strong immunity, you can fight against skin infections powerfully.
2. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Just like prednisone, some Chinese medicines also have the property of inhibiting the kidney inflammation, but the difference is that Chinese medicines have fewer side effects.
3. Food therapy: To fight against skin infections and boost skin health, food therapy and clean personal hygiene are also necessary. Always make sure your diet and lifestyle changes along with your illness condition.

If you have any other question, just feel free to contact me or mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you the answer as soon as possible.


How To Treat Eye Disease In Diabetic Nephropathy

Eye disease is such a serious symptom caused by Diabetic Nephropathy. It seems to be certain that Diabetic Nephropathy patients will suffer from retinopathy. As the disease worsens,their eyes’ disease condition will also be worse. Well then, what is the treatment for eye disease in diabetic nephropathy (DN).
iabetic Nephropathy is more intractable than other kinds of kidney diseases for its complex metabolic disorders. Long-term hyperglycemia will effect and damage the patients’ capillaries all over the body. Once Diabetic Nephropathy develops ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease),it is necessary for patients to take effective treatments to delay the exacerbation of renal disease.
For most of patients with diabetes,they rarely notice their renal damage for its chronicity and complexity. They take hypolycemic agents every day to control and relieve their high blood sugar. But it has little impact for patients to delay the worsening of Kidney Failure or ease their disease condition.
So in this case,it is necessary for patients to take measures to delay the renal lesions and ease their eye disease. To control and relieve the kidney disease is the fundamental may to change and rescue patients’ disease condition. Innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) are recommended to be used to remedy their renal disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a chance for all of kidney disease patients to create a better internal environment and protect their remaining health.

Any other question, you can send a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to offer you more professional suggestion for you.

Can Kidney Failure Be Cured

Can kidney failure be cured? The symptoms and causes of renal failure are complex. It is very dangerous for patients and affects patients’ life greatly. According to the severity of renal damage, it can be divided into four stages. Therapeutic effect of each stage is different. Therefore, many kidney failure patients want to know whether the disease can be cured or not.
Kidney experts say: The main treatment for kidney failure and kidney transplantation have dialysis treatment, the specific treatment methods are as follows:
1. dialysis treatment: Currently rely on dialysis to prolong the lives of patients with renal failure, this treatment can quickly relieve symptoms of kidney failure, but dialysis is a form of alternative therapy, once stopping dialysis or long-term dialysis, his condition will rebound. And dialysis will bring a series of complications. Long-term dialysis patients do blood, kidneys will slowly shrink, after shrinking kidneys no blood, can not produce urine, the body can not produce urine, then drink the water can not be discharged, this time even more intractable of kidney failure.
2. kidney transplantation therapy: Although renal transplantation therapy can prolong the lives of patients, to get rid of kidney failure problems, but rejection after kidney transplantation is difficult to avoid, so patients should continue taking anti-rejection drugs, patients need to take anti-rejection drugs for life, rejection is the question renal transplant patients may face at any time. In addition, kidneys rare, and the cost of a kidney transplant is not an ordinary family which can afford.
Since these two common treatment methods are not effective in the treatment of kidney failure, then there is no better way to cure kidney failure can achieve the purpose of it?
Kidney experts pointed out: the possibility of a complete cure of kidney failure is very small, but as long as the patient to choose the right therapy, then there is great hope to achieve clinical cure effect, like a normal life.

We use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to Repair tissues and cells in patients with impaired kidney targeted repair, change a few packs and intrinsic renal ischemia and hypoxia vascular microcirculation, adjusting the body's immunity, promote kidney cells to restore health.

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