
Top 5 Natural Treatments To Reduce High Creatinine Level In CKD

Natural treatments to lower high creatinine level in chronic kidney disease (CKD) are much preferred by patients. Here we list top 7 natural ways to reduce high creatinine level in CKD.

1. Reduce consumption of meat

As creatine exists in muscle, it is mainly found in animal products. Therefore, you will be able to reduce the production of creatinine if you develop a vegetarian diet and keep a restrictive limitation of the consumption of meat.

2. Avoid strenuous physical activity

Strenuous physical activity can increase the metabolism of creatine in muscle, resulting in elevated production of creatinine in blood. Thus,it is a wise choice to avoid strenuous physical activity.

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3.Drink more water

After the metabolic wastes are filtered out by kidneys, most of them will end in urine. Drinking more water can increase your urination and the excretion of wastes. It is an easy and natural way to lower high creatinine in CKD. However, if you have swelling, you should limit the water intake properly.

4. Low-protein diet

An effective natural way to reduce the creatinine level in your body is to create a diet low in proteins. You should limit foods rich in proteins, such as bean, bean-products, yolk, etc.

5. Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine is a complete medical system including Chinese herbal medicine, medicated bath, acupuncture, etc. It treats diseases mainly replying on herbal medicines and some instruments like needles, no chemical drugs at all. It can reduce high creatinine level in CKD by improving renal function and promoting the excretion of wastes from body.

Chinese herbal medicine is an easy way to lower creatinine level. However, some Chinese herbal medicine can be harmful to kidneys so you should never use any Chinese herbal medicine without consulting with a nephrologist. If you are interested in Chinese herbal medicine and want more information about it, you can email to xuelingren1991@sina.com to get more information about it.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the one of the treatments, which it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidneys and protecting the reamining kidney fauntions from further damage. Patients thought that it is good for improving kidney function of patients.

If you want to know more details about this therapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, please email to xuelingren1991@sina.com or consult our online doctor. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.


What is the Best Treatment for Renal Cysts

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, its genetic probability of about 50%. In recent years, the discovery of polycystic kidney disease and morbidity annually. That most doctors are currently on the treatment of polycystic kidney disease and not a particularly good way, when the cyst is small, it is often most doctors will recommend without treatment, the body will not be affected, not to be treated as Conventional Western medicine cyst surgery is only one way, if the cyst is small, less wear surgery. Wait until the cysts grow up, you can do the biopsy surgery. As everyone knows, the cyst itself is not terrible, but increases to a certain extent would be oppressive renal tissue, resulting in tissue ischemia and hypoxia, and even affect renal function.

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Most patients with renal cysts by surgery, after the cyst was punctured, cystic fluid smaller. However, due to the presence of certain traumatic surgery, and may also cause postoperative infection. More importantly, it does not control the continued growth of cysts and cyst growth factors are also constantly give birth to a new cyst. And other cysts grow again when they do puncture surgery routine treatment, and so forth, severe renal impairment, the disease progresses, the final outcome are often most patients with polycystic kidney uremia!

So, what is the best treatment for renal cysts are? The key is to treat cystic cystic fluid discharge, cyst softened so small, so as to mitigate damage to the kidneys and fundamentally oppressive. And also out of a judgment of the disease misunderstanding: the size of the cyst does not determine the condition of the standard, but the tension inside the cyst, which is the root cause of intracapsular pressure is caused by kidney failure. If there is a way to make the cyst fluid drain out, and then make the cysts shrink, in order to reduce cuff pressure fundamentally. At the same time and then continue with some measures to control the growth of cysts. This is the best treatment for renal cysts. It can be undone using this method of kidney hospital treatment of renal cysts.

High concentrations of traditional Chinese medicine in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital treatment of cystic kidney disease through high-tech iontophoresis device, not directly through the digestive tract and in the kidney area network penetrate through kidney meridians, thereby increasing wall permeability, accelerate blood circulation, promote cyst fluid discharge so intracapsular pressure decreased, thereby protecting renal function. While taking advantage of controlling the growth of cysts by the drug directly through drug treatment, no longer control the growth of cysts, but also dissolves stones, kidney stones, eliminate stagnant water, improved kidney function, renal hypertension better. Such has been the treatment of renal cysts fundamentally solve the problem of reaching effect.

To remind the majority of patients with polycystic kidney, kidney damage due pathology is irreversible, must be treated early, rather than by some doctors misleading, until the development of large cyst treatment again, this time had finished now!

Is Amla Good For Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Is alma ok for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients? Diet plays an important role in the kidney disease treatment. Then can CKD patients eat amla?

In fact, there are some benefits of eating amla for CKD patients.

1. Improve the immune system

Amla is high in vitamin C, so it can help improve the immune system and prevent infections and inflammations in kidneys. Then it can help protect the kidneys.

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2. Protect the cardiovascular system

With the development of CKD, patients can get the complications in cardiovascular system. Eating amla can help protect the cardiovascular system, so it will be good for CKD patients.

3. Antioxidant function

Amla also has the function of antioxidant, so it can help protect the cells in body and protect the kidneys as well.

Above are some of the benefits of eating amla for CKD patients. However, since CKD is a progressive kidney disease, so the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so CKD patients need to eat proper amount of amla depending on their own condition by following the advice of their doctors.

Although amla has so many benefits for kidney disease patients, it is not enough to treat kidney disease. To treat kidney disease, Chinese medicine treatments are recommended like Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated bath, foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture, etc. All these therapies are characteristic therapies in our hospital. If you want to learn more information about our therapies, you can leave us a message to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Why Blood Pressure Is Still High After Dialysis and How To Treat It

Most kidney failure patients suffer from high blood pressure after dialysis but few of them know the reason. Well, why blood pressure keeps high after dialysis and how to treat it?

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Reasons of high blood pressure after dialysis:

The reasons why high blood pressure keeps high can be various, such as:

1. Increased blood volume.

2. Increased secretion of renin and angiotensin.

3. Application of erythropoietin(EPO).

4. Generation of vasoactive substances.

So once you got high blood pressure after dialysis, you’d better tell your doctor immediately that is helpful for the treatment of your disease.

Treatment for high blood pressure after dialysis

The common way is to find out the underlying causes of it and do some corresponding measures with the help of your doctor, another one is to find some alternative therapies of dialysis, it can help you live better without dialysis. Here i recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you, which is a perfect combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. With the help of this therapy, the high blood pressure and other symptoms can be controlled well with the kidney function improved.

What Do You Know From High Creatinine Level

What do you know from high creatinine level? Creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney function. It can tell us some information about our kidneys.

What can the high creatinine level tells us ?

As we all know the creatinine is the waste of muscle metabolism and should be filtered through our kidneys' glomeruli and then discharged out by urine. If the glomeruli has been damaged and GFR(glomerular filtration rate) decreases, these wastes will not be let off, then these toxins will accumulate in the blood, that is why the serum creatinine shows high. Therefore, high creatinine means high toxins in body. Generally speaking once the creatinine level is higher, there is more than 50% renal function has been damaged.

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However, to be honest, the creatinine is just an index of the renal function. The lowering of the creatinine doesn't mean the renal function has been improved. Do not always focus on the creatinine, the key point for us is to clear up the excessive creatinine in the blood to create a relatively stable and pure internal internal environment for the next step. The next step is to have the damaged kidney restored, which is the basis of the cure of the kidney problems.

How to decrease the high creatinine level in kidney disease ?

In fact, medicines such as Ketosteril and some Diuretics are helpful for decreasing the high blood pressure, but just temporary. Compared with those medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can decrease the high creatinine level permanently by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and improving the kidney function.

If you want to learn more information about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you can leave us a message to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will try our best to help you.


What Is The Treatment For Infection In Dialysis

There is no doubt that dialysis will cause a series of side effects and infection is one of them. It seems that infection is not a big problem but it can induce more complications. Thus, the treatment for infection is important.

What is the reason of infection in dialysis ?

PD is a method of home treatment. All three types of peritoneal dialysis-Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), Continuous Cycler-assisted Peritoneal Dialysis (CCPD) and NIPD-need a small rubber tube called a catheter. The catheter, a soft, straw-like tube is positioned both inside and outside of the body to allow dialysis solution into and out of the abdominal cavity.
Exchanges (the process of filling, dwelling and draining dialysis solution) must be done carefully because there is a risk of infection from bacteria on the outside of the body

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How to deal with infection in dialysis ?

After the patient got seriously infection they need to stop dialysis, otherwise more parts will be infected. So the best way to control it is to choose antibiotic which are easy to combine with protein with little renal toxicity. After dialysis, you also should add certain does of antibiotic to your medicine, if it is necessary, reduce the times of dialysis.

Dialysis is a lifesaving treatment, however, with both peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis, there are occasions when a patient may have side effects from the treatment. So as a kidney disease patient you should pay high attention to dialysis, if possible you can take some alternative therapies which can help you live better without dialysis.

If you want to avoid dialysis or have any other question about kidney disease, you can leave us a message to xuelingren@sina.com or consult our online doctor directly.

How To Lower High Creatinine 4 In PKD

How to reduce creatinine level 4 in PKD? High creatinine level occurs until at least half of kidney function has been damaged due to powerful compensatory capacity of kidneys. Well, how to lower high creatinine level in PKD?

High creatinine 4 in PKD

In right condition,the normal creatinine is 0.6 to 1.2mg/dL and in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL in adult females.Creatinine 4 is far higher than the normal level.It means that your kidneys have been impaired significantly.In some hospitals,when creatinine increases to 5,Dialysis will be prescribed.

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For PKD,the main reason of kidney function decline is cyst enlargement. As the cysts become bigger and bigger,the stress to surrounding kidney tissues will also elevate,thus resulting in damage to kidney gradually.As the diseased kidneys fail to remove wastes from body, it will lead to high creatinine.Creatinine 4 is mostly in stage 4 and near to stage 5CKD. Stage 4 is the time for preparing for dialysis and stage 5 requires dialysis.

How to reduce creatinine 4 in PKD?

To lower creatinine 4 in PKD,the main treatment goal is to restore the impaired kidney structure and improve renal function.

Firstly,it is to shrink the large cysts and reduce strain on kidneys.Once the pressure on kidneys decreases,it will stop further damage to kidney tissues.
Secondly,to lower high creatinine, the patients should take treatment to restore the impaired kidney structure.If the kidneys can work better to remove wastes from body, high creatinine will become lower.

However,there is no such a solution in western medicine for PKD with reduced renal function.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment for PKD.It can help the body retrieve the self-healing ability to stimulate the self-regeneration, thus lowering high creatinine levels.


What Is The Life Expectancy with 15% Kidney Function Without Dialysis

What is the life span with 15 % kidney function without dialysis? This is a frequently asked question. Here we will talk about this question.

There is no an accurate estimation of the life span for a person with 15% renal function. This is because it is affected by a variety of factors. Some patients may live as long as the general population. However, some patients may experience acute kidney failure and sudden death if there is an accelerating factor.

What factors can shorten the life span of persons with 15% renal function?

Complications can affect the life span significantly. In advanced stage of kidney disease, multiple body organs and systems will be involved like heart, lung, brain, blood system and so forth. These conditions are significant death cause for the patients.

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Treatments play a decisive role in affecting the life span of persons with 15% renal function. Without dialysis, high levels of fluid and waste products will build up in body. If no other treatment intervention, some patients may die in several weeks and even days.

To prolong the life span of people with 15% renal function without dialysis, the patients should have a treatment to restore the impaired kidney structure and enhance renal function. If the native kidneys can function more efficiently, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.

The combination of Blood Purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to people with 15% renal function.

Blood purification can purify blood thoroughly by eliminating all kinds of waste products and toxins from blood.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate the self-regeneration and self-repairing of the impaired kidney tissues and cells. If the kidney structure can be reversed, the kidney function will be improved fundamentally. Thereby, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.

In addition to Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Blood Purification, there are also circle therapy, medicated bath, foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture and Medicinal Soup, etc in our hospital. These therapies are all effective for kidney disease.

How to Avoid FSGS Relapse

FSGS relapse is really annoying for the patients. It can speed up the progression of kidney disease and decline your kidney function. Then how to avoid FSGS relapse?

What are the causes of FSGS relapse?

FSGS is an immune-mediated disorder.It occurs as the immune system fails to work normally and causes deposits of immune complexes in filtering units in kidneys.The deposits can cause inflammation of kidneys,thus resulting in renal function deterioration.

The conventional treatments in western medicines mainly focus on controlling symptoms like proteinuria,high blood pressure and edema.Also,immunosuppressive agents are used to suppress the inflammatory response in kidneys.These treatments can slow the progression of the disease to some extent.

However,as the abnormal immune system is not corrected,any triggering factors can initiate inflammatory response in kidneys such as cold, urinary tract infection etc. Therefore, the patients are at high risk of FSGS relapse.

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How to prevent FSGS relapse?

Avoiding the triggering factors can reduce the FSGS relapse to some extent.
If the patients are on prednisone or steroids and other medicines,they should never reduce medicine dosage or stop using them without consulting with a nephrologist.

As abnormal immune system is underlying cause of FSGS cause, to prevent its relapse, the treatment should focus on correcting the immune dysfunction and rebuilding normal immune system. Additionally,treatment should be adopted to improve renal function and control the associated symptoms.

The combined therapy of immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the recommended treatment for FSGS.The treatments can help the patients attain the above treatment goals and prevent FSGS relapse completely.

However, the treatments are not appropriate to all FSGS patients. You can consult with our online doctor and get to know if it is recommended to you.

Creatinine 6.0 and Chronic Kidney Disease

People with creatinine 6.0 are eager to know the treatment. You know the high creatinine level is caused by kidney disorder, so if you want to lower it, you need to correct the kidney disorder, that is to improve the kidney function. Well then, what is the treatment for creatinine 6.0 in chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
What will happen if patient with creatinine 6.0 do not take treatment right now ?

If patient with creatinine 6.0 do not take treatment timely, the creatinine level will goes up and people will suffer more and more complications and symptoms. What’s worse, they will to face dialysis or renal transplant as soon as the disease falls into End Stage Renal Disease.

How to decease creatinine level of 6.0 ?

As we mentioned at the beginning, if you want to lower the high creatinine level you need to improve the kidney function.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtherapy as one of the innovation of Traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damage kidney tissues and protect the remaining ones from further damage, so it can be the good choice for people who want to lower the high creatinine level.

Interventional Therapy as the latest therapies of kidney disease, it also have significant effect in improving kidney function. It put a Micro-catheter into the vessels of kidney under the construction of image documentation equipment, after the catheter is settled in, doctors will inject some unique medicines or set some holders into the kidneys though it.

If you want to know more details about this therapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, please email to xuelingren10100054@sina.com.

What Is The Best Treatment For Creatinine 7.2 In Kidney Failure

What is the best treatment for creatinine 7.2 in kidney failure? Actually in our hospital the main treatment is Chinese medicine treatment. Which one is used depends on your illness condition. Here I introduce several therapy for high creatinine level.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, which is well-known for its little side-effect and remarkable curative effect. This therapy can improve the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidneys and protect the residual kidneys from further damage.

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Foot Bath Therapy: this kind of therapy has thousands years of history in China, it can be used as the assistant therapies. Cooperated with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it can discharge some of the toxins out of the body by skin. In addition, it is also helpful for promoting the circulation of blood.

Enema Therapy: It is also an essence part of traditional Chinese Medicine, by applying some herbs with purgative function to restore the function of spleen and stomach to elevate the lucid. The sort-terms function of this therapy are as follows: No ammonia tastes in the mouth, relieved and skin itch, improved appetite, relief of anemia, increased urine.

Except the above therapies, there are some other ones such as Circle Therapy and Full Bath Therapy also have good effect in treating kidney disease. Due to each of them has their own features, during the treatment doctor will arrange different of them for patient so as to achieve the best effect.


Is It Possible For Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy To Help PKD Patients To Avoid Dialysis

Is it possible for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to help polycystic kidney disease (PKD) patients to avoid dialysis? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation in our hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help patients with 15% kidney function get a chance to avoid dialysis.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ?

It is a kind of innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine and aims at improving the kidney function. It is different with Western Medicine and traditional Chinese Medicine, it can treat kidney disease effectively and safely, that is to say, it can treat kidney disease without making further damage to the kidneys.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help Polycystic Kidney Disease patient avoid dialysis ?

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You know, the active materials of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the circulation condition of blood vessels and cysts and soften the capsule wall, thus increasing the permeability of capsule walls and inhibiting the secretion of capsule wall cells.

In addition, this kind of therapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues caused by enlarged cysts and protect the residual ones from further damage by anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and enlarge blood vessels.
What’s more, it is helpful for decreasing the pains that PKD bring and avoid the complications that the cysts lead to.

In one word, with the help of this therapy, patient with advanced stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease can get a chance avoiding dialysis by improving the kidney function. So as a PKD patient, you should not give up. Just keep fighting, you know, in the near future, you can get a better life without dialysis or renal transplant.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease, you can leave message to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Is There Any Other Therapy For Stage 5 Kidney Disease Other Than Dialysis

Is there any other therapy for stage 5 kidney disease other than dialysis? Dialysis is the most common therapy for kidney failure and it can help alleviate some symptoms. However, dialysis also brings some side effects. And it cannot treat kidney problem radically. Thus, most kidney disease patients consult if there are other therapies for stage 5 kidney disease other than dialysis.

Is there any other way to treat stage 5 kidney disease besides dialysis ?

In the past, renal transplant is the only ways to help stage 5 kidney disease patient avoid dialysis, but now in our days, there are some other treatments, based on traditional Chinese Medicine, also can help patient live better without dialysis, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most well-known one.

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How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help kidney disease patient avoid dialysis ?

You know, this kind of treatment has four main functions, they are anti-thrombosis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and enlarge blood vessels. By these four functions, this treatment can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual ones from further damage, thus to improve the kidney function.

So with the help of this treatment, stage 5 kidney disease patient can get their kidney function improved gradually, and then they can get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to avoid dialysis, you can send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Dialysis Is Not The Most Effective Treatment For Kidney Failure

Although dialysis can make patients liver better through alleviating some symptoms, it is not the most effective treatment for kidney failure. Why?Here we will talk about this question.

Why dialysis is not the best treatment for kidney failure patient ?
There are three kinds of renal intrinsic cells in your body: necrotic cells, damaged cells and healthy cells. We have no idea to the necrotic cells, but we can repair the damaged cells and protect the healthy cells. So, for the treatment, you need to clear all of the toxins and repair the damaged kidney cells, promote the immune system, then can improve the kidney function, finally, you can extend the time of dialysis or get rid of the dialysis. While dialysis it as the replacement of kidneys, it can clear some micromolecular toxins(such as creatinine and urea etc.), but there are still have the middle and macromoleculer toxins(CycC, HYT,IL-6 etc), they still damage the kidney function. That is why patients will suffer a lot with long time of dialysis.Their kidney will be shrink day by day, even lost the whole kidney function, the urine will be less and less, even no urine

Is there any alternative treatments of dialysis ?

There is a series treatments based on traditional Chinese Medicine has good effect in treating kidney failure, which is known as Top Seven TCM Therapies. There are seven different treatment in it, they are Foot Bath Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Cycle Therapy and Enema Therapy.

Cooperated with each other those therapies can improve the kidney functions gradually, thus to help patient avoid or get rid of dialysis.

If you are interested in those treatments or need any help in treating kidney failure, you can send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

How To Live Longer With Stage 4 Kidney Failure

How to live longer with stage 4 kidney failure? This is a frequently asked question by kidney failure patients. In order to live longer, the treatment should take an efficient treatment instead of kidney transplant or dialysis.
Generally speaking, the possibility to reverse stage 4 Kidney Failure has already been discounted. Also it is a fact that kidney disease can not be cured completely, but patients still have the right to improve the stage 4 Kidney Failure prognosis. Because a series of complications may appear at this stage, some patients with stage 4 Kidney Failure begin to feel more and more worried. The following information is about a natural treatment which is commonly used to improve the stage 4 Kidney Failure prognosis.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapyis commonly used in clinic to help treat various of kidney diseases. And it begins to become more and more popular around the world because of its safety and efficiency. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Then how does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help improve the stage 4 Kidney Failure prognosis?

Well, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can play a series of functions and some of them are what the western medicines are unable to achieve, such as degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys. With the recovery of kidney function, patients can feel the obvious improvements by themselves, and the most important thing is that dialysis treatment can be avoided.

If the kidney function can be recovered to about 20, dialysis treatment is likely to be stopped, which has appeared in the clinic. However, less urine output is left, less obvious treatment effect will be. We will be here helping you improve the stage 4 Kidney Failure prognosis, as long as you still have the hopes.

If you have any other questions, you can consult our online doctor or send an email to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Is It OK For Chinese Medicine To Reverse Stage 3 CKD

Is it possible for Chinese Medicine to reverse stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD)? In our hospital, Chinese medicines are the main therapies for kidney disease and they can protect kidneys from further kidney damage and can repair kidney damage to some extent. Let’s see the detailed information.

Is it possible for Chinese Medicine to reverse stage 3 kidney disease ?

You know the key point to reverse the kidney disease is to repair the damaged kidneys and improve the kidney function, so once we can find some therapies which can help us to achieve those aims, we will have a chance to reverse this disease.

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It is known that the necrosis kidney tissues can not be repaired, so only the patient take the proper treatment before all the kidney cells necrosis, they can get this chance to reverse his disease.

What kind of Chinese Medicine is helpful for treating stage 3 kidney disease ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay as one of the most famous innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can be used in treating stage 3 kidney disease. With the help of this therapy, people who are in stage 3 can get a chance back to normal life.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cure stage 3 kidney disease ?

This kind of disease not only can relieve those symptoms caused by kidney disease but also can repair the damaged kidneys from its root.

By enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, it can promote the circulation of blood and dispel the blood stasis out, thus to repair the damaged kidneys and protect the residual ones from further damage.

If you want to know more information about Chinese Medicine or need any help in treating stage 3 kidney disease, you can leave message or send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com, we will try our best to help you.

Kidney Failure, Creatinine Level 960, Do not Want Dialysis

I have kidney failure and creatinine level is 960. My doctor recommends me to begin dialysis so I do not want dialysis. What should I do?

In fact, for kidney failure patient who are in his condition they have some other options except dialysis. But they should take the alternative treatment timely, otherwise they will suffer more pains. You know after the creatinine level up to 960, many symptoms and complications will occur, without timely treatment the patients will experience more and more pains.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For Proteinuria In Diabetic Nephropathy

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Is dialysis better for kidney failure patient ?

Dialysis as one of the common treatment of kidney failure it can help patient live better by relieving those symptoms of kidney failure, however, long-terms of dialysis also will bring many side-effect. So if the patient can get some other treatment, we don’t recommend them to take dialysis.

What treatment can help kidney failure patient live a quality life without dialysis ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help kidney failure patient live better without dialysis by improving the kidney function.

You know, this treatment is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it has generated all the advantages of the TCM, that is to say, it can treat kidney disease without making further damage to the kidneys.

In one word, for kidney failure patient with creatinine level 960 they can get a chance to live a quality life without taking dialysis if they can get this treatment timely.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.


Treatment Methods For Uremia

Formation of kidney failure, uremia is actually progressive renal fibrosis process. Also, kidney failure and uremia are functional performance up to 50% of renal fibrosis after only appeared.

You can select some energy righting, blood circulation, dispelling evil without injury righteousness of traditional Chinese medicine, there is innovation, improve renal blood flow, reducing blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, correction of acidosis and so on, can significantly improve the clinical symptoms, improve the body metabolism and immune function, accelerate the excretion of toxic substances, preventing further damage the glomeruli, inhibition of urea nitrogen, elevated creatinine, promote elevated hemoglobin.

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Medicated bath, some people choose this therapy. Usually more choice easily through the skin into the body to play a role of the drug. It medicated bath water by means of thermal effects of the drug ingredient acts directly on the surface, promote blood and lymph circulation, increase poison excreted with the sweat, it can damage the kidneys have been affected had the opportunity to self-healing.

About uremia treatment of disease prevention and to introduce here, to understand the content of these two areas can help people to a certain extent after the effective away from uremia such diseases, diseases may lead to life-threatening kidney failure, so After the sick must take active therapeutic measures.

Summer Dietary Tips For Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

Patients with diabetic nephropathy in summer should note many things, the most important is diet to maintain "balance." It should be noted that the daily diet. Patients with diabetic nephropathy itself more urine characteristics, coupled with high summer temperatures, the body of water is easy to lose, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, more water is necessary. Listed summer fruits and more patients have to have a choice to eat low-sugar content of fruit, such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., and high bananas, dates, watermelon sugar content of fruit is the patient can not eat. Fruits should be eaten between meals, fruit and calculate the total calorie intake of daily calories inside the patient, that is, you have to eat the fruit reduce the intake of staple foods. Patients with blood glucose above 10mmol / L, you should try not to eat the fruit.

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Diabetes 20 years, 67 Years Old, Creatinine 4.1

Kidney Cyst, Creatinine 3.01, 20% Kidney Function, What Is the Situation?

Usually no special restrictions, but gastrointestinal mucosal edema make digestion weakened, should pay attention to alleviate the burden on the digestive tract to digest food, such as high-quality protein (milk, eggs, fish, poultry, etc.), a small amount of fat, foot the amount of carbohydrates and high vitamin diet; salt intake is generally controlled daily 2g, severe edema can no-salt diet, but shall sodium levels continue to adjust, not long term salt; a lot of protein intake during a albuminuria amount should not be too much to control the daily 2g / kg of diabetic nephropathy is appropriate, because excessive intake of protein can cause glomerular filtration, increased proteinuria and promote renal disease progression, it is not high-protein diet; to alleviate hyperlipidemia Eat less animal fat disease should be to vegetable fat or fish oil is appropriate, while increasing diet rich in soluble fiber, such as oats, rice and beans; Because proteinuria and consequent loss of calcium binding protein while applying sugar corticosteroids can reduce the intestinal absorption of calcium, and increased parathyroid function and promote bone resorption increases, can cause the body's calcium deficiency and osteoporosis, should pay attention to intake of calcium and vitamin D-rich foods.

The daily diet is very important in patients with diabetic nephropathy, rehabilitation of the disease has a key role. If not able to give patients with diabetic nephropathy did not develop their own scientific and reasonable diet program. Once the occurrence of renal impairment, ranging from increased blood pressure, aches and fatigue; weight is renal dysfunction, edema. Of course, a simple Chinese or Western treatment obviously can not get effective and reasonable control of the disease, the proposed Integrative Medicine comprehensive treatment measures.

Can You Get Rid Of Dialysis Once You Start It

Western believes that if uremic patients starting hemodialysis, in order to get rid of is impossible, but the fact is not the case. Because the primary disease is not the same for each person, resulting in uremia and incentives are not exactly the same reason. If we can take effective measures to remove the incentive for the treatment of primary disease, it is possible to get rid of hemodialysis.

Many patients before dialysis, mostly long-term stable disease, serum creatinine, uremic nitrogen is relatively stable and does not to the extent that non-dialysis renal function part remaining still substantial, but often due to a cold, fever, lung infection , diarrhea, enteritis, urinary tract infection, poorly controlled hypertension, trauma or emotional disputes with others excited, or work fatigue did not pay attention to rest, etc., resulting in the deterioration of the disease occurrence dialysis. For such a case, if they can take "marine life and kidney meridian therapy" to solve the primary disease, lengthen the time a patient dialysis interval, and ultimately get rid of dialysis is entirely possible.

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If you do not seize the opportunity to quickly correct treatment, renal units massive necrosis, and ultimately can not be reversed, it is only dependent on dialysis. Dialysis enormous expense and discomfort became unbearable burden of kidney patients and families.

Can Chronic Nephritis Patients Get Pregnant

Women during pregnancy is a significant increase in renal blood flow and glomerular in high perfusion, high filtration state, with patients with sodium and water retention, there is a hypercoagulable state, so that the anatomy of the kidney volume increased renal pelvis inflammation light and ureter expansion, these changes may cause chronic nephritis or primary renal disease aggravation and deterioration, and even renal insufficiency. Just as patients with chronic nephritis urinary sediment abnormalities, pregnancy and more able to pass, but even if only proteinuria, complications during pregnancy and the occurrence incidence of stillbirth in pregnant women is higher than normal, slow nephritis patients should not be pregnant . To be pregnant, you must get a doctor's consent, which must meet the following conditions in order to allow:

Causes of High Creatinine in Diabetics

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What are the Causes of Uremia

Diet Plan for Hypertensive Nephropathy

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How to Prevent Kidney Cyst

(1) chronic nephritis stable in more than two years, two years, no hematuria, proteinuria less than 0.5 g per day.

(2) with normal renal function.

(3) No urinary tract infection, high blood pressure.

(4) less pathological types, such as small lesions, minor lesions, viscosity mesangial proliferative and early membranous nephropathy. After pregnancy, chronic nephritis patients should get more rest, regular checks of blood pressure and urine, kidney function, prevent and treat gestational hypertension status; should be hospitalized for observation and treatment in late pregnancy, close observation of renal function, if there is deterioration of renal function, should be immediately discontinued pregnancy.

How to reduce urinary protein from the diet

Proteinuria appears, it will result in the loss of protein. As we all know, protein is an important human organic polymer, we also rely on those proteins to survive, so if there is loss of protein, our health will be affected. Here Xiaobian, take a look at how proteinuria from the diet drop it!

1, Astragalus porridge

Choose the right amount of rice or rice with raw Astragalus, Chinese yam, lotus seeds and meat, wolfberry, Poria, walnut meat, lotus leaf porridge appropriate amount of clothing, daily or every other day 1 cup small bowl, course uncertain. Astragalus porridge observed through clinical practice to reduce urinary protein to a certain extent, but we must insist on taking, so as to help stabilize the disease.

Whether Salt Has to be Restricted in IgA Nephropathy

Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

PKD, Creatinine 4.8, urine output 2500, back pain and liver cyst

Stage 4 Kidney Failure, Creatinine 3.6, GFR 23, BUN 55, Diabetic Nephropathy

Just Diagnosed as PKD, GFR82, is Proteinuria a Symptom of Kidney Failure

The Tests for Diagnosing Hyperuricemia Nephropathy

Diet to Reduce Cyst Growth

2, mulberry

Mulberry either the food, but also can be used as medicine. Chinese medicine, the liver stores the blood, kidney marrow, is personal energy storage base. Mulberry and sweet cold, with liver and kidney effects. Mulberry addition to these benefits, there are a lot of effects. Sheng Jin Runchang, Liver eyesight, soothe the nerves beauty, blood UFA, are mulberry effect; modern medicine also found that mulberry regulate immunity, promote hematopoietic cell growth, anti-mutagenic, anti-aging, lowering blood sugar, blood fat, liver and other health effects.

3, chestnut

Folk with chestnut nourishing, healing many ways, but most people are eating cooked, everyone knows, raw chestnut kidney effects greatly exceeds the cooked food. Chestnut medical scientist Sun Simiao said was "the fruit also kidney, kidney Yi Shi." It is noteworthy that, he added the "Qian food governance" in said: "The raw food, Jinji waist and feet fail to materialize." Emphasis on the "raw" This usage.

For kidney disease patients require different conditions, dietary adjustments, the patient will lose proteinuria and protein binding of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals in many cases appear next. So not only eat high-protein, these elements need to be supplemented.


Kidney Failure Patients Should Supplement Vitamins and Minerals

Patients with renal failure who diet in their daily lives is a considerable number of precautions, in particular should pay attention to add vitamins and minerals. We all know the dangers of kidney failure and the severity of the harm to the body is quite large, then the patient during the treatment they need to pay great attention to add the necessary material. In particular, pay attention to add vitamins and minerals.

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1, vitamin supplements. Patients with renal failure can more vitamin, which is helpful for patients with diseases conditioning. Renal failure patients often have nausea, vomiting, anorexia, anorexia and other gastrointestinal symptoms and diet control, reduce food intake, inadequate intake coupled with increased catabolism, also lost part of the process of dialysis, the patient is clearly insufficient vitamin especially water-soluble vitamins B and vitamin C, folic acid and so on, need to be appropriate to add. Therefore, patients must eat more substances containing these rich fresh vegetables and fruits. Or give oral tablet.

2, supplement minerals. Minerals are also essential, especially in patients with renal failure and needs. Most chronic renal failure patients had more or less electrolyte imbalance, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other high in the eating process, the need to make appropriate adjustments based on the results of the blood test. Edema, hypertension, oliguric patients to take low-salt diet, the daily salt should not exceed 3g (including the sodium salt seasoning monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc.), other patients do not strictly limited.

Patients with kidney failure should be added vitamins and minerals! You read the above description, which also have a certain understanding. So renal failure patients must pay great attention to the above issues, good condition care.

What are the occult symptoms of kidney disease

Abrupt onset of acute pyelonephritis, clinical manifestations of the onset of chills, fever, back pain is usually accompanied by abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, dysuria, urinary frequency and nocturia increased, the disease can occur in all ages, but the most common women of childbearing age.

General symptoms

Fever, chills, body temperature more in the 38 ~ 39 ℃, can be as high as 40 ℃, heat type varies, generally was remittent type, can also be intermittent or missed type, with headache, body aches, may have a sweat when the heat back Wait.

What Is the Highest Creatinine Level Before Dialysis

What to Do With a Child Suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome

Immunotherapy in Treating PKD

15 Years Hypertension, Creatinine 5.6, Dialysis

Parapelvic Cyst of 1.1*0.8

Urinary symptoms

Patients with low back pain, mostly dull pain or soreness, to varying degrees, a small abdominal cramps, radiation in the direction of the ureter to the bladder; in the ureter point examination (outside the rectus abdominis and the umbilical level line intersection) or rib waist point (outer edge of the psoas muscle and rib twelve intersections) tenderness, kidney area percussion pain positive, patients often have urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms of bladder irritation, systemic infection symptoms.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

May have a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, individual patients may have pain in the upper abdomen or whole abdomen.

Pediatric patients

Urinary symptoms in pediatric patients often obvious, when the disease in addition to fever and other systemic symptoms, often convulsive, seizure.
Chronic pyelonephritis understand people should know, chronic pyelonephritis is caused by urinary tract infection, and in the care of chronic pyelonephritis, often need a lot of water, and why chronic pyelonephritis to drink more water has become Many people doubt that even some people after being asked the doctor, but also to drink plenty of water as the ear and listen to it, heard it and forget it for chronic pyelonephritis care are very unfavorable.

Because only patients with chronic pyelonephritis intake of water as much as possible, in order to have the effect of increasing the amount of urine, in order to achieve wash the bladder, urethra purposes, thereby reducing urinary tract irritation, due to chronic pyelonephritis is delayed healing due to acute pyelonephritis from , if it does not pay attention, then fear due to progression of the disease and lead to chronic renal failure, so one foot into the door of uremia, so care for chronic pyelonephritis, must pay attention to.

Generally, the care of chronic pyelonephritis, the daily water intake at least more than 2000 ml in order to achieve good results, otherwise, chronic pyelonephritis care may have little effect, or even no good.

Intense Exercise-induced Renal Injury

Often receive such clinical cases - after a busy high school students in academic physical education played a football, the next day they found themselves no urine, edema and legs; long white-collar workers do not exercise, to change own sub-health state, do gym two hours of continuous motion, but, hematuria; Ms. Amy to lose weight fast, then by skipping, aerobics, running, etc. continuous exercise every day, a few days later, the body has been feeling unwell, often appear backache, nausea and vomiting feeling ......

These acute kidney injury is a result of strenuous exercise
Daily stress larger youth, its body mostly in the sub-health state, sudden strenuous exercise is likely to cause muscle damage. Skeletal muscle due to the rapid movement unscientific damage, muscle damage caused by rhabdomyolysis, triggering myoglobin increased. Muscle injury or even because of these reasons after necrosis, protein muscle cells in the blood influx, blocking the tubules, so that kidney function is impaired. In addition, myosin itself can be broken down in the body into nephrotoxic ingredients, to produce further harm tubules, and thus lead to acute renal failure.

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Rhabdomyolysis precisely, not simply a disease, but a series of pathological changes of syndrome. Typical "triad" including myalgia, fatigue and dark urine. Less if long-term high-intensity exercise after exercise suddenly found himself malaise, muscle pain and weakness, fever, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, change, etc., we must vigilantly best to the hospital for medical examination, oliguria , no urine and other symptoms of kidney damage, and often do not appear in an early stage.

Timely treatment is important

Treatment of rhabdomyolysis is first treated accordingly for the cause of rhabdomyolysis, such as excessive exercise, they must immediately stop the movement of bed rest, squeeze squeeze caused by lifting, drug-induced deactivation immediately suspicious drugs. If you are a patient with acute renal failure, but also for hemodialysis treatment when necessary. Rhabdomyolysis though ferocious, but generally does not leave sequelae, most patients go through in time, after appropriate treatment can be back to normal in a relatively short period.

Expert advice

Long-term exercise, in a healthy condition of the people, we must do what at the beginning of the movement. Usually physical exercise should pay attention to the ways and means, should start small amount of exercise, according to their own physical condition gradually increased to the appropriate intensity and difficulty.

Kidney Disease Patients Need To Take Exercise Moderately

First, moderate exercise

The benefits of moderate exercise a law is not made with knowledge, but excessive exercise is harmful for patients with kidney disease. Excessive fatigue because the movement of people, reduce resistance, cold or nephritis induced exacerbations. Visible, how to master the movement of the "degree", for nephritis patients is very important. Especially in the acute phase, or severe kidney disease stage, but should be careful.

Polycystic Kidney Disease Cause Kidney Growth

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Can PKD Patients Be Pregnancy

5 Stages of Chronic Kidney Diseases

Low Glycemic Fruits for Diabetics

Introduction of Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA)

Diet for Lowering High Creatinine

Management of Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

How to determine whether a moderate amount of exercise it? Time for exercise does not appear to muscle weakness, difficulty breathing or fatigue prevail, and then to gradually extend the time of each exercise. As exercise intensity, advise patients never exercise, it is best to have a gradual increase in the intensity of the process, so as not to exceed their tolerance. At first, exercise heart rate reaches the maximum heart rate (calculated simple empirical formula: maximum heart rate = 220 - age) is 30% to 50% can be; later can be maintained at 50% to 60%. Frequency 2-3 times a week is better.

Second, persevere

Movement perseverance. Kidney disease taboo single exercise intensity is too large, moderate strength and insisted on more important. Everything is difficult to adhere to, here are a few tips:

Capabilities, without overdoing it; feel tired, must rest adjustment
According to their own circumstances (such as age, physique, occupation, hobbies, etc.) Choose

If a sports companion, usually encourage and urge each other, is more conducive to persist

The preferred aerobic exercise, it can improve heart and lung endurance. Including indoor sports, outdoor walking, walking, running, cycling, aerobics and various types of broadcast gymnastics, tai chi, Ba Duan Jin, Wu Qin Xi and dance.
Third, before and after exercise Notes

1. To select the favorable weather, to avoid the bad weather, the best in fresh air, and quiet places.

2. The winter season is not in the air and high-rise buildings on foot, so as not to feel the cold, upper respiratory tract infection, kidney disease worse.

3. Before the movement to do the warm-up and preparation exercise, such as stretching, hips, turned around, pulled up and so on, both active joint and muscle to prevent sprains, and allows the body to better prepare to enter the state of motion.

4. Movement appropriate massage more beneficial rehabilitation of the disease; exercise and physical therapy cooperates, can reduce fatigue, but also improve the outcome.

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